So I just watched this video and it pretty much entirely explains how I feel about my Bruce blog and why I have yet to get back on it even though I usually have the time to do be on it if I wanted.
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Alrighty then... here are the people I have so far on my Relationship page:
I'll be adding more soon~
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agentpcoulson · 12 years
thegammadoctor started following you
Doctor Banner. Was there something I could do for you?
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Heading off to bed for now. I shall try to get up early to get online so I can get to replies if needed.
@Doctor: NFJBCFJVCF- The feels! xD Omj! So. Many. Effin. FEELZ!
@Moriarty: Gurrrrrl, chur fabulous and just, all the love for chu my new found friend. <33
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Just when her cheeks were fading to their normal tent, they had heated up again just from the simple act of the two being closer together. "W-well of course I don't mind being around you, Doctor." She spoke in a shy tone, placing her head to rest on his chest, mainly to hide her red face, but also just hear the sound of his relaxing heartbeat. "I'm happy to know you're comfortable. It... makes me happy just to simple know you're happy, ya know.." As corny as that may have sounded..
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Waiting for replies from heartreactor, thegammadoctor, loneespada, and artisabanghmm
heartreactor - http://hakamorra.tumblr.com/post/23471802482/mr-stark
thegammadoctor - http://hakamorra.tumblr.com/post/23396615455/unique-creatures
loneespada - [ I'm thinking if you did reply, it got eaten by tumblr.. ]
artisabanghmm - [Maybe my message got eaten? ]
Sorry if I sound rude for reminding you guys like this, but, I really enjoy each of our Rp's and really would love to continue them. 
On another note, if anyone else wishes to Rp with me and my bakaness, don't be afraid to visit my ask box! I promise I won't bite.~ ^3^
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