#then i can think about how to formally escalate. not until chance to improve has been given.
anonymusbosch · 2 years
*repeating to self under breath* this is an opportunity to practice patience this is an opportunity to practice patience this is an
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: Shock
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Pairing(s): BruAbba
Summary: “Bucciarati,” Abbacchio calls from his place on his knees, just off to Bucciarati’s left and nearest his head. The ground under them is cold, almost entirely made up of old brick. It digs painfully into Abbacchio’s skin, but he can’t bring himself to care.
Notes: I've been awake for 22 hours, and I'm suffering (and so is Bruno. 😊)
“Bucciarati,” Abbacchio calls from his place on his knees, just off to Bucciarati’s left and nearest his head. The ground under them is cold, almost entirely made up of old brick. It digs painfully into Abbacchio’s skin, but he can’t bring himself to care.
“Bucciarati, you need to wake up. C’mon,” he shakes the younger man by his shoulder but gets no response. His fingers frantically search for a pulse, while his mind is already putting together the worst possible outcome. He can’t even breathe a sigh of relief when he finds the thump-thump, thump-thump of a heartbeat under his fingertips. The fear is too suffocating, and all he can do is reach for Bucciarati’s face and hold it gently between his hands.
“You have to wake up, Buc-” Fuck formalities, “Bruno. I can’t do this without you.”
He holds his breath for what might be seconds, might be minutes, but finally-- finally-- Bucciarati cracks open those bright blue eyes of his, though they’re far duller right now. Abbacchio doesn’t care. They’re as beautiful as they’ve ever been, and it’s an improvement to the stillness of before.
“Fucking scared me,” he whispers, dropping his head enough that his hair falls in a curtain, hiding the tears that spill freely now. He can’t keep doing this. He’s not supposed to have to do this. Bruno’s retired. Or mostly retired. Enough so that he shouldn’t be bleeding out, surrounded by debris from one hell of a blast.
While he’s caught in his own head, Bruno-- bastard that he is-- reaches up with a hand to try to tuck some of Abbacchio’s hair behind his ear. “Sorry,” Bruno all but chokes out. His voice sounds like someone tried to strangle the life out of him.
Damn near close enough, Abbacchio thinks bitterly, but he can’t stay caught in his own head when Bruno is right there, offering him a weak smile and an apology. As if any of this is his fault.
Bruno ruins it, of course. He tries to get up, but he’s barely able to move at all, much less support his weight in any way that matters. He frowns when Abbacchio presses a hand against his chest and holds him there as he speaks,
“Giorno’s coming. You need to- not move. At all,” Abbacchio explains. Or doesn’t, but he’s not about to run through the list of injuries. It wouldn’t be comprehensive anyways. He has a vague idea of what might have happened internally and an unfortunately vivid one of all the damage done on the surface. It’s a wonder that Bruno’s skin doesn’t match Abbacchio’s from the sheer blood loss, but it’s a damn near thing.
Bruno opens his mouth to argue with him anyways, but he gets cut off by a chorus of his name being called only a few meters away. He turns his head with a wince and a strangled sound that he only barely bites off in time to avoid it escalating into a scream. It tears at something inside of Abbacchio all the same.
“Bucciarati!” Giorno repeats, all but slamming down onto his own knees beside the man.
Abbacchio winces in sympathy, but he watches the kid assess the damage and then come to the same realization that Abbacchio had: Bruno’s dying. Again, but there’s still blood pumping through his veins and breath in his lungs, painful as it may be.
Giorno brings his hands together over Bruno’s chest and calls for Gold Experience, who does much the same. “This is going to hurt,” he says as a warning before Bruno’s suddenly lurching forward.
Abbacchio grabs him quickly, with a few, select curses of his own spilling past his lips. Bruno thrashes against him; the pain is too great for him to attempt to put on one of his braver faces. The shock probably isn’t helping. He had no chance of steeling himself against this, and the adrenaline is long gone.
An eternity passes before the golden glow dims into a nothingness, and Giorno sits back on his haunches with an anxious look on his face. Bruno’s still now, eyes closed. There are tear tracks and his lip has a smear of blood running from the corner and down to his ear. Giorno curses when he sees it, but does nothing more than gingerly wipe it away. The damage is already gone, apparently caught by stand before user.
Abbacchio absently brushes Bruno’s bangs out of his eyes and pets his thumb over sweat-soaked skin. It takes another minute for Bruno to blink at them with a familiar daze. Gold Experience has a remarkable way of making you feel like a truck’s run you over with none of the physical damage to show as proof.
“How are you feeling?” Giorno asks and catches himself wincing at his own question.
“Better,” Bruno lies through his teeth the way he’s wont to do when he wants to be reassuring. “Thank you, Giorno. Leone.”
“I’m going to go- check on the others,” Giorno says, a bit stiff and unsure. He doesn’t want to leave Bruno yet, but the upset is getting to him.
“I’ve got him,” Abbacchio cuts in before Bruno can answer. “Go on.”
Giorno nods and pushes himself up to his feet.
Abbacchio waits until he’s turned on his heels and taken several steps before he adds, “Giorno!” The kid stops almost mid-step. It would be comical, if not for the situation. “You did good.”
“Oh,” Giorno turns to look at him. He blinks, slow and lost, “Thanks.” He moves a little faster after that, whether he’s truly in a rush to check on the others or desperate to get away from Abbacchio and his stunted attempts at praise remains to be seen.
Abbacchio shakes his head. His focus turns downward, where Bruno watches him with something that might be pride. “Don’t,” he says as a warning, and the bastard that he calls his partner smiles a little wider. It’s unfortunately infectious and does a lot to sooth Abbacchio’s aching chest. He gives Bruno another minute to recover before he starts trying to pry him off the ground. Sticky Fingers appears midway through their attempt, and things go a lot more smoothly from there on.
By the time they’ve made it a few steps, there’s suddenly a blur of orange and black in front of them with something held in his hands. A familiar green shape that Narancia holds out to them. “We thought Coco Jumbo would be easier,” he explains without quite looking at them. Afraid, undoubtedly, of what he might find.
“Ah, thank you, Narancia. That would be- preferable,” Bruno answers with the gentle tone he reserves for his brats. It’s wholly endearing the way he puts on a brave face and steadies his voice as much as he can.
“I can-” Abbacchio starts, reaching for Coco Jumbo with one hand while Bruno remains propped against his side and partly supported by Sticky Fingers.
Narancia cuts him off, “I’ve got it!” His words come out a little too rushed, but he coughs and clears his throat before he continues, “I mean, you can both get in.”
Abbacchio hesitates but eventually decides to focus on helping Bruno instead. This way he can keep an eye on him, in case Giorno missed anything. The kid’s good, but he can’t be expected to be perfect.
They settle on one of the couches. Bruno with his head in Abbacchio’s lap, and Abbacchio petting his fingers through his hair. It’s already mused from earlier, but that doesn’t stop him from making it worse now. The skin underneath his hand is warm with a bit of color slowly returning to Bruno’s cheeks. All that’s left now is a proper night’s sleep-- or maybe two or three after such extensive injuries. It takes Abbacchio a moment to realize that Bruno’s already getting a jump start on rest, but he doesn’t stop carding his fingers through Bruno’s hair.
He doesn’t move them, even when they get home. He might have a crick in his neck later, but it’ll be worth it. It’s not often that Bruno sleeps this deeply. Besides, Abbacchio’s not sure he can do the same. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees a stillness that sends his heart racing. He can keep watch a bit longer.
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
Rally to the Queen
Okay. I know that I shouldn’t be starting anything else new, and I definitely won’t start actually writing this until I finish with my Reine Ruse AU, but I ended up getting so attached to my Bee!Kagami design (and so salty about Onichan!Kagami) that I ended up with a whole slew of headcanons about a post-Riposte Bee!Kagami Kagaminette AU.
I call it Rally to the Queen.
Here’s what goes down.
This takes place immediately after Riposte.
Marinette still feels really bad about judging the point wrong. She talks to Adrien to ask how Kagami is doing. He says that he thinks that she’s okay now, but Kagami was totally exhibiting some behaviors that he recognized as the son of a largely absent parent with absurd standards. He doesn’t have the time he’d like to have to check in on Kagami, so he also tells Marinette that it sounded like Kagami was under a lot of pressure at home and was afraid of her mother judging her for losing the fight.
Marinette, of course, feels terrible and her patented Dupain-Cheng-family we-must-adopt-everyone genes kick in, so she decides to track down Kagami’s home address to apologize formally and to make sure that Kagami’s mom knows what really went down.
When she gets there, she’s flustered and awkward as usual but good-hearted and although Kagami’s mom initially is not thrilled about the weird intrusion, she doesn’t hate Marinette.
Since she’s there, she and Kagami end up chatting either that day or some other time. Marinette mentions that she’s looking forward to trying out for the fencing team again the following year to learn aside Adrien and Kagami.
Kagami realizes that she took the only spot on the team. She’s not the sort to feel bad about this and wouldn’t normally, but Marinette was being so kind and she’d actually tried to stand up to her mother for her, so she offers to give her fencing lessons. (Maybe she covers it up as extra practice for her as she’s not really much of a touchy-feely person.)
Anyway, Marinette starts going to Kagami’s house once a week for fencing practice. She always brings fresh baked goods. I don’t think Kagami has many friends, especially with how intense we’ve seen her family to be and being so new to Paris, so she might not really know how to deal with Marinette’s brand of friendship at first.
They become really good friends. I actually think they really would if they spent any sort of time together in canon without misunderstandings and Adrien and sometimes somewhat suspect writing in the way. They are both determined, powerful young women with hearts of steel and an unstoppable drive towards something that they’re very passionate about. They’re both straightforward and value honesty and dislike liars. They would be an UNSTOPPABLE team.
I don’t think Sapotis happens in this AU. There’s no salt against Alya here, but I think it would be reasonable for Marinette avoid giving a miraculous to her best friend no matter how much she’d like to share being superheroes with her. This is because Alya is shown in season one especially to be very adamant about revealing Ladybug’s identity. This was even the main goal of her akumatized form, Lady Wifi. Marinette loves Alya deeply, but I think that there would be reasonable doubt there about whether or not Alya would be able to keep her own secret or if she would use her position as a sometimes-superhero to discover more about Ladybug. We’ve seen in canon that Marinette obviously hates lying to her best friend, so I think it’s reasonable to think that she wouldn’t manufacture a situation where she had to do so even more.
Also, even though Anasai technically took place before Queen’s Battle, just go with me here and assume it didn’t and that Style Queen was the first akuma that Ladybug needed help with. We know that she picked the Bee miraculous in Style Queen and, as Marinette is good friends with Kagami already in this AU, she definitely sees how much this miraculous would play to her friend’s strengths. They also fence together all the time, so Marinette knows how Kagami fights and wouldn’t have to learn a new teammate’s style in the middle of an already complicated fight. Since Kagami isn’t Alya, she wouldn’t already be at the Effiel tower and wouldn’t be turned to glitter by Style Queen, so Marinette would be able to safely get the Bee miraculous to her.
Ladybug and Mitsubachi are a deadly combination. Style Queen never stood a chance. Everything goes pretty smoothly and Ladybug is able to get the Bee miraculous back from Kagami without incident. (That being said, Marinette is a flustered bi mess and totally fumbled once or twice in the fight because damn, Kagami makes a deadly and attractive superhero.)
And because I’m a sucker for redeeming Chloe I am physically incapable of leaving her out of this AU. Oops, lol. Without Queen Bee, the Queen’s Battle arc would definitely have some pretty substantial changes. Chloe’s mom would still be being pretty awful and Chloe wouldn’t have gotten her hands on the Bee miraculous. She’d still have to be upset enough to get akumatized over her mom (so Gabe wouldn’t give up being Hawkmoth (also, he’d have only just learned that the Guardian was in Paris so that might be another incentive)) but she wouldn’t become Queen Wasp because she was never Queen Bee in the first place.
Instead, she becomes a different sort of version of @imthepunchlord ‘s Princess Amour akumanette concept. She just really wants to be loved. Maybe instead of having a Chat Noir “knight” as the akumanette had, some ladybug merch of her’s would hold the akuma and turn into a version of Ladybug that would help and protect and validate Chloe as her knight. After LB beats this akuma, she has an honest talk with Chloe that night because she could see that Chloe was really struggling and, despite their very checkered past couldn’t help but wanting to help.
Ladybug gives Chloe some advice and Chloe does her level best to live up to it in her day to day life. It’s a long hard road and it doesn’t come easily, but every once in awhile Ladybug will drop by and knowing that her heroine is proud of her gives Chloe the push she needs to change for the better.
I should also mention that I’m switching the places of the fox and peacock miraculouses in this AU. If we’re still working with the headcanon that Mr. and Mrs. Agreste used the miraculouses that Gabe has, it makes sense that they’d have the butterfly because everything we’ve been lead to believe indicates that it was a good fit for Mrs. Agreste. That being said, what we know of the Peacock makes no effing sense for Gabe. He’s creative, crafty, and not above playing dirty. That man is a fox through and through, you can’t change my mind. Therefore, Fu has the peacock and the fox is the damaged miraculous sitting in the Agreste safe.
This is relevant, I promise.
So, Ladybug and Chat Noir have worked with Mitsubachi quite a few times. She fits pretty effortlessly into the team dynamic but is definitely with Ladybug in taking the job super seriously and not always being down with Chat’s attitude.
Kagami and Marinette are still hanging out. Kagami is falling for Marinette and Marinette is falling for Kagami, but Marinette had confided in Kagami earlier about her crush on Adrien, so Kagami thinks that Mari is still in love with Adrien and Marinette doesn’t think Kagami would be interested in her, so there’s an awful lot of mutual pining going on.
Hawkmoth is escalating and Fu approves of Kagami after testing her himself, so she gets the Bee miraculous on a permanent basis.
With the extra help, it’s a while before Ladybug’s lucky charm calls for another hero, but, when it does, she needs the peacock. Maybe she was going for Alya with this one, but, being the Ladyblogger, Alya has already gotten herself into the conflict and trapped by the akuma. As she’s looking around, Ladybug spots (lol, get it?) Chloe trying to get Sabrina and some other people to safety, consequently getting trapped or something. She goes to save Chloe, and when Chloe thanks her, she starts to wonder. Chloe has taken a good, hard look at herself and really improved in the past few months. She’s not perfect yet, but no one is. And, you know what? Getting the Ladybug miraculous went a long way towards making her a better Marinette. Mind made up, she offers the Peacock to Chloe and a new hero appears. (I’m thinking of naming Chloe’s peacock form Tirisi or Vindex -- Greek or Latin for (roughly) defender/protector/champion. See my rant on why the peacock miraculous’ powers make sense for my reasoning.)
Chloe gives the miraculous back when Ladybug asks and keeps working to improve herself so that her heroine might someday trust her again. (She loved being able to have the power and agency to connect with and help others -- she really loved feeling strong enough to save others and is starting to feel more confident that she can save herself.) She doesn’t spill her identity and becomes a reliable second-string hero when Ladybug’s lucky charm demands her presence.
Eventually turtle!Sabrina will also come into this AU because she really, really deserves her own character development. (And @mystery-vixen ‘ s design and art and @pyrepyro ‘s art for Turtle!Sabrina is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen in my life.) Maybe it’s some sort of Anasasi situation where Chloe’s in trouble and Sabrina is doing her level best to rescue her as a civilian, idk. (For turtle!Sabrina I was thinking Bouclier or Jadeite, unless you guys have ideas?)
Anyway, eventually, everyone has their miraculouses permanently. (This probably happens after Gabe and Natalie break out the fox.) Endgame is Kagaminette and Chlobrina, two sets of deadly wlw protecting Paris along with the bi disaster Chat Noir who is 100% willing to THROW THE FUCK DOWN with anyone who doesn’t respect the ladies of the superhero team. Chat Noir totally gets along with the whole squad, by the way. Between the four of them, the ladies are great friends and life coaches to our cat boi and help him work through what unhealthy attitudes he has in a respectful and caring way. They adopt him and are always hugging Chat or even just lightly resting a hand on his shoulder since they discovered he was touch-starved. (Especially Ladybug and Tirisi. All four would cut a bitch for that boy, but they’re the most touchy-feely.)
(Eventually snake!Luka joins the squad and he and Chat Noir get together and it’s just a giant group of badass queer superheroes kicking ass and protecting Paris.)
They eventually beat Hawkmoth and Adrien and Luka become the next Guardians (They’d do a great job, fight me). Marinette and Kagami are too busy for that anyway. They got married and Marinette started the world’s most successful fashion line while Kagami set some sort of ridiculous record for the number of gold medals a single person can win in fencing. Chloe and Sabrina get married and (because of Chloe) end up adopting a ridiculous amount of kids that they care for and love unconditionally.
Happily Ever After and The End. :)
Thanks for listening to my rant!
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
With Trump as President, the World Is Spiraling Into Chaos https://nyti.ms/305ERbG
With Trump as President, the World Is Spiraling Into Chaos
Trump torched America’s foreign policy infrastructure. The results are becoming clear.
By Michelle Goldberg, Opinion Columnist | Published August 16, 2019 | New York Times | Posted August 16, 2019 |
Earlier this week, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, Asad Majeed Khan, visited The New York Times editorial board, and I asked him about the threat of armed conflict between his country and India over Kashmir. India and Pakistan have already fought two wars over the Himalayan territory, which both countries claim, and which is mostly divided between them. India recently revoked the constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of the part of Kashmir it controls and put nearly seven million people there under virtual house arrest. Pakistan’s prime minister  compared India’s leaders to Nazis and warned that they’ll target Pakistan next. It seems like there’s potential for humanitarian and geopolitical horror.
Khan’s answer was not comforting. “We are two big countries with very large militaries with nuclear capability and a history of conflict,” he said. “So I would not like to burden your imagination on that one, but obviously if things get worse, then things get worse.”
All over the world, things are getting worse. China appears to be weighing a Tiananmen Square-like crackdown in Hong Kong. After I spoke to Khan, hostilities between India and Pakistan ratcheted up further; on Thursday, fighting across the border in Kashmir left three Pakistani soldiers dead. (Pakistan also claimed that five Indian soldiers were killed, but India denied it.) Turkey is threatening to invade Northeast Syria to go after America’s Kurdish allies there, and it’s not clear if an American agreement meant to prevent such an incursion will hold.
North Korea’s nuclear program and ballistic missile testing continue apace. The prospect of a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine is more remote than it’s been in decades. Tensions between America and Iran keep escalating. Relations between Japan and South Korea have broken down. A Pentagon report warns that ISIS is “re-surging” in Syria. The U.K. could see food shortages if the country’s Trumpish prime minister, Boris Johnson, follows through on his promise to crash out of the European Union without an agreement in place for the aftermath. Oh, and the globe may be lurching towards recession.
In a world spiraling towards chaos, we can begin to see the fruits of Donald Trump’s erratic, amoral and incompetent foreign policy, his systematic undermining of alliances and hollowing out of America’s diplomatic and national security architecture. Over the last two and a half years, Trump has been playing Jenga with the world order, pulling out once piece after another. For a while, things more or less held up. But now the whole structure is teetering.
To be sure, most of these crises have causes other than Trump. Even competent American administrations can’t dictate policy to other countries, particularly powerful ones like India and China. But in one flashpoint after another, the Trump administration has either failed to act appropriately, or acted in ways that have made things worse. “Almost everything they do is the wrong move,” said Susan Thornton, who until last year was the acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, America’s top diplomat for Asia.
Consider Trump’s role in the Kashmir crisis. In July, during a White House visit by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Trump offered to mediate India and Pakistan’s long-running conflict over Kashmir, even suggesting that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asked him to do so. Modi’s government quickly denied this, and Trump’s words reportedly alarmed India, which has long resisted outside involvement in Kashmir. Two weeks later, India sent troops to lock Kashmir down, then stripped it of its autonomy.
Americans have grown used to ignoring Trump’s casual lies and verbal incontinence, but people in other countries have not. Thornton thinks the president’s comments were a “precipitating factor” in Modi’s decision to annex Kashmir. By blundering into the conflict, she suggested, Trump put the Indian prime minister on the defensive before his Hindu nationalist constituency. “He might not have had to do that,” she said of Modi’s Kashmir takeover, “but he would have had to do something. And this was the thing he was looking to do anyway.”
At the same time, Modi can be confident that Trump, unlike previous American presidents, won’t even pretend to care about democratic backsliding or human rights abuses, particularly against Muslims. “There’s a cost-benefit analysis that any political leader makes,” said Ben Rhodes, a former top Obama national security aide. “If the leader of India felt like he was going to face public criticism, potential scrutiny at the United Nations,” or damage to the bilateral relationship with the United States, “that might affect his cost-benefit analysis.” Trump’s instinctive sympathy for authoritarian leaders empowers them diplomatically.
Obviously, India and Pakistan still have every interest in avoiding a nuclear holocaust. China may show restraint on Hong Kong. Wary of starting a war before the 2020 election, Trump might make a deal with Iran, though probably a worse one than the Obama agreement that he jettisoned. The global economy could slow down but not seize up. We could get through the next 17 months with a world that still looks basically recognizable.
Even then, America will emerge with a desiccated diplomatic corps, strained alliances, and a tattered reputation. It will never again play the same leadership role internationally that it did before Trump.
And that’s the best-case scenario. The most powerful country in the world is being run by a sundowning demagogue whose oceanic ignorance is matched only by his gargantuan ego. The United States has been lucky that things have hung together as much as they have, save the odd government shutdown or white nationalist terrorist attack. But now, in foreign affairs as in the economy, the consequences of not having a functioning American administration are coming into focus. “No U.S. leadership is leaving a vacuum,” said Thornton. We’ll see what gets sucked into it.
If You Think Trump Is Helping Israel, You’re a Fool
By barring Representatives Omar and Tlaib, Netanyahu made the president happy. But he has poisoned relations with America.
By Thomas L. Friedman, Opinion Columnist | Published Aug. 16, 2019 | New York Times | Posted August 16, 2019 |
I am going to say this as simply and clearly as I can: If you’re an American Jew and you’re planning on voting for Donald Trump because you think he is pro-Israel, you’re a damn fool.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. Trump has said and done many things that are in the interests of the current Israeli government — and have been widely appreciated by the Israeli public. To deny that would be to deny the obvious. But here’s what’s also obvious. Trump’s way of — and motivation for — expressing his affection for Israel is guided by his political desire to improve his re-election chances by depicting the entire Republican Party as pro-Israel and the entire Democratic Party as anti-Israel.
As a result, Trump — with the knowing help of Israel’s current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu — is doing something no American president and Israeli prime minister have done before: They’re making support for Israel a wedge issue in American politics.
Few things are more dangerous to Israel’s long-term interests than its becoming a partisan matter in America, which is Israel’s vital political, military and economic backer in the world.
As Dore Gold, the right-wing former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and once a very close adviser to Netanyahu, warned in a dialogue at the Hudson Institute on Nov. 27, 2018: “You reach out to Democrats, and you reach out to Republicans. And you don’t get caught playing partisan politics in the United States.’’
Trump’s campaign to tar the entire Democratic Party with some of the hostile views toward Israel of a few of its newly elected congresswomen — and Netanyahu’s careless willingness to concede to Trump’s demand and bar two of them, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, from visiting Israel and the West Bank — is part of a process that will do huge, long-term damage to Israel’s interests and support in America.
Netanyahu later relented and granted a visa to Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent, for a private, “humanitarian’’ visit to see her 90-year-old grandmother — provided she agree in writing not to advocate the boycott of Israel while there. At first Tlaib agreed, but then decided that she would not come under such conditions.
Excuse me, but when did powerful Israel — a noisy, boisterous democracy where Israeli Arabs in its parliament say all kinds of wild and crazy things — get so frightened by what a couple of visiting freshman American congresswomen might see or say? When did Israel get so afraid of saying to them: “Come, visit, go anywhere you want! We’ve got our warts and we’ve got our good stuff. We’d just like you to visit both. But if you don’t, we’ll live with that too. We’re pretty tough.’’
It’s too late for that now. The damage of what Trump and Bibi have been up to — formally making Israel a wedge issue in American politics — is already done. Do not be fooled: Netanyahu, through his machinations with Senate Republicans, can get the United States Congress to give him an audience anytime he wants. But Bibi could not speak on any major American college campus today without massive police protection. The protests would be huge.
And listen now to some of the leading Democratic presidential candidates, like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — you can hear how unhappy they are with the behavior of this Israeli government and its continued occupation of the West Bank. And they are not afraid to say so anymore. As The Jerusalem Post reported on July 11, “Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose presidential candidacy has rallied in recent weeks, told two Jewish anti-occupation activists ‘yes’ when they asked her for support.’’
But who can blame them? Trump is equating the entire Democratic Party with hatred for Israel, while equating support for Netanyahu — who leads the most extreme, far-right government that Israel has ever had, who is facing indictment on three counts of corruption and whose top priority is getting re-elected so that he can have the Israeli Knesset overrule its justice system and keep him out of court — with loving Israel.
How many young Americans want to buy into that narrative? If Bibi wins, he plans to pass a law banning his own indictment on corruption, and then, when Israel’s Supreme Court strikes down that law as illegal, he plans to get the Knesset to pass another law making the Supreme Court subservient to his parliament. I am not making this up. Israel will become a Jewish banana republic.
If and when that happens, every synagogue, every campus Hillel, every Jewish institution, every friend of Israel will have to ask: Can I support such an Israel? It will tear apart the entire pro-Israel community and every synagogue and Jewish Federation.
Then add another factor. By moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — and turning that embassy, led by a Trump crony, Ambassador David Friedman, into an outpost for advancing the interests of Israeli Jewish settlers, not American interests — Trump has essentially greenlighted the Israeli annexation of the West Bank.
Again, should Netanyahu remain prime minister — which is possible only if he puts together a ruling coalition made up of far-right parties that want to absorb the West Bank and its 2.5 million Palestinians into Israel — Israel will be on its way to becoming either a binational state of Arabs and Jews or a state that systematically deprives a large and growing segment of its population of the democratic right to vote. Neither will be a Jewish democracy, the dream of Israel’s founders and still the defining, but endangered, political characteristic of the state.
Don’t get me wrong. I strongly oppose the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement — which Representatives Omar and Tlaib have embraced — because it wants to erase the possibility of a two-state solution. And I am particularly unhappy with Representative Omar.
I know a lot about her home district in Minnesota, because I grew up in it, in St. Louis Park. Omar represents the biggest concentration of Jews and Muslims living together in one district in the Upper Midwest. She was perfectly placed to be a bridge builder between Muslims and Jews. Instead, sadly, she has been a bridge destroyer between the two since she came to Washington. But anytime she is legitimately criticized, Democrats automatically scream “Islamophobia’’ and defend her. That’s as disturbing as Trump.
I know that more than a few Somali immigrants in Minneapolis, who face so many challenges — from gang violence to unemployment — are asking why is Omar spending time on the West Bank of the Jordan and not on the West Bank of the Mississippi?
I love Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs — but God save me from some of their American friends. So many of them just want to exploit this problem to advance themselves politically, get attention, raise money or delegitimize their opponents.
In that, Trump is not alone — he’s just the worst of the worst.
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breakingdownsu · 6 years
Chorus Chapter Eight
Note: After the silliness of last chapter, it's back to your regularly scheduled gut punches and general meanness from yours truly. While I'm here, I'd like to thank the people who have reviewed recently, a good review always motivates me to work faster.
Steven passed a thankfully dreamless sleep in the rest pod, even inadvertently catching Ginger in the middle of a crying fit couldn't keep him awake. He was concerned, sure, but all he could really afford to be worried about was that their pace was so slow it felt like time was running out for Pearl, wherever she was. Not to mention every 'cycle' he spent on Homeworld was approximately one day he spent away from his loved ones on Earth. They were probably frantic by now.
Murder Pearl wasn't there when he woke up, but Ginger was. She pushed a glass of that murky liquid towards him without a word and went back to what she was doing; scanning a screen full of long lines of data that looked pretty incomprehensible.
“Where's Orthoclase?” he asked, daring a sip of the liquid. It tasted kind of good this time.
“She is making arrangements to see a Jade in the west quarter,” Ginger replied, eyes still on those rapidly scrolling lines. “The Jade's operations are invite only, she's trying to secure us a place for middle quadrant.”
“Is it another pearl?” Steven asked, though he sort of knew the answer already.
“Yes. Jade has a pearl that sings publicly on a regular basis. It would improve the anchor to borrow her.”
“Okay,” Steven said, fidgeting. “Where's Murder Pearl?”
It was the first time he'd spoken the nickname out loud, and he watched Ginger carefully for a sign that she disapproved. Nothing.
“She released her form,” Ginger replied. “She has a hairline fracture at the base of her gem, she releases when she's not on call.”
That made a lot of sense, and it also made Steven feel really, really bad for Murder Pearl. He didn't doubt all those knocks she took in the arena made the fracture worse, and she'd also been saddled with a really awful nickname. She seemed like a good gem; she had saved Ginger, after all.
I could have used my healing spit to fix her fracture. I'll use it next time I see her.
That next time would be a while; Orthoclase burst through the door a moment later.
“I got two tickets,” she announced. “They're not great seats but I can put you on a box if you want, pebble.”
“What about Ginger?” Steven asked.
“She doesn't need a ticket. Pearls don't count.”
They passed a couple of hours with Orthoclase doing what she called a 'standard rejigging' on a pearl that seemed to be asleep. Steven was in the next room and Orthoclase had blocked off the operating table by a curtain, but from what he could see it looked pretty brutal. By the time she was finished the sleeping pearl was nearly a foot shorter and a completely different colour.
“I have to ask,” Steven said quietly as they were preparing to leave. “It seems like we're going a bit....slow with gathering the pearls. Is there any way we can get them faster?”
“I hear you, pebble,” Orthoclase told him, helping Ginger out of the culvert entrance and locking the door. “This thing is complex, more complex than even I thought. We need to get the important components together first, and we have almost all of them. After that, any pearl will do. Once we have this pearl, it'll speed us up.”
That was such a relief to hear Steven felt faint.
“How complex is it?” he asked, genuinely curious now.
“Lapis' pearl made a diagram,” Orthoclase said. “The anchor is important, and there's a radiating pattern that has to be matched. Anchor in the centre, three pearls forming the column, and six around them to fan it out. Then the rest of the pearls make it grow.”
“Oh.” He was already confused.
“Not only that, but they all have to be in a particular position, they all have to move at the same time and to the same beat, otherwise it all falls apart. Lapis' pearl seems to think we've got a good chance though.”
“It will work,” Ginger assured him. “We won't let her down.”
Strange, even though she said it in that airy, vague way she had of speaking, something about Ginger's words held a steely determination.
They weren't heading for the bad area of town, which was why Orthoclase seemed happy to let Ginger walk with them. They hit two checkpoints on the way in and Ginger's jaw was once again cracked. No matter how many times he saw it, Steven couldn't get used to seeing it. It looked horrifically painful.
“When was the last time you cleaned that thing?” Orthoclase growled at the Topaz performing the check.
“It's iodine washed every cycle,” the Topaz replied smoothly, not even looking at Orthoclase.
“Yeah right,” Orthoclase snorted.
Their destination was a set of buildings stacked in, on and around each other so tightly that they had to pass through single file to get to the place they were going. They stopped at a tall building at the top of a long escalator; to Steven's eye it looked like a nightclub of some sort but did gems have clubbing on Homeworld?
On the inside, it was fancy. Red and gold interior, mirrored floors and ceilings, and full of gems in formal wear. He, Orthoclase and to a lesser extent Ginger looked very out of place. A glamorous-looking gem with orange skin and a flicker of flame-like red hair was singing on a small stage, cheered on by a number of drunken-looking tall gems.
“You should have taken the back entrance,” a voice informed them snidely. They all looked down.
It wasn't the one he'd met before, this one was just as tiny but her hair was pulled back in a tight bun and she looked merely irritated and not furious by their presence.
“Sorry,” Orthoclase shrugged, clearly not sorry at all. “First time here and all. You wanna show us where to go?”
The aquamarine sighed heavily, turned sharply on her heel and beckoned for them to follow her.
“Have your tickets ready,” she said. “You can leave your pearl in the holding pen...”
“I'd rather keep her with us, thanks.”
“Of course you would,” Aquamarine sighed again. “Any weapons or sharp objects?”
“No,” Orthoclase answered, and Steven shook his head.
“You'll be going through the scanner, if you are found to be lying we'll be calling the authorities to report intoxication and general assault.”
“We've got nothing on us,” Orthoclase told her.
“Good. There is a general ban on manifesting weapons, if you manifest a weapon...”
“Intoxication and assault, we get it,” Orthoclase grumbled.
There was a scanner like the one Steven had seen once at the airport in front of a large set of double doors. Several gems were already proceeding through it; they were a mix of clearly well-heeled gems along with a number of rougher types, including himself and Orthoclase.
“The nanobytes won't set off the scanner, will they?” Steven whispered to Ginger.
“Not while I'm within ten pelmetres of you,” she whispered back.
Sure enough, they got through the scanner with no problems and were filtered into some seats in a coliseum-type arrangement. The seats were shabby, foam-covered and covered in little holes but even the clearly rich gems didn't seem to care. As the seats filled, two young-looking short gems handed out objects from a black box.
Are those...knives?
When the box was brought around to them (Orthoclase took three, offered one to Ginger, who refused) he got a closer look and they were, in fact, knives. Specifically, they looked like the kind of knives he'd seen ninjas use in movies before. Small, thick, balanced. A red-coloured band was wrapped around the hilt. He held the one given to him by Orthoclase gingerly. What kind of show was this?
The lights dimmed, and into the centre of the room walked a pale green gem dressed in flowing robes. She smiled and waved at the cheering audience, then called for silence.
“Do we have any new-hatches in the audience?”
A number of gems hooted and waved their arms.
“My reputation precedes me,” the green gem laughed. “Well, I'll keep it simple so we can get on with the show. You're holding a tenner blade in your hands. When you see the colour on the band pop up on the screen, you throw it into the ring. Simple, right?”
The audience laughed indulgently.
“But that's not much fun on its own,” the green gem continued. “We need something to aim at. Come on out!”
A crawling feeling had been building in Steven's stomach since being handed the blade, he knew it would be something like this. Sure enough, a pearl stepped lightly into the ring. Draped in some sort of silky trailing fabric, her hair elaborately pinned up....
Her eyes are closed. Why are her eyes closed?
…shimmer dust coating her exposed arms, legs and face, right down to the furrows under her closed eyes.
“Throw from anywhere in the audience, pearl here will hear it and dodge. As you can see, she lacks eyes to see what's coming, but there's nothing wrong with her hearing. It's has been specially tailored to allow for super-sensitive hearing...but we can't make it too easy on her, can we?”
The audience roared that no, they couldn't.
The curtain fell on an enormous drum overlooking the arena. A large hulking gem that Steven couldn't identify stood with a gong, ready to strike. The Jade took her bow and scurried away to cheering, and the pearl took her position in the centre.
“Did you remodel her?” Steven whispered to Orthoclase.
Orthoclase snorted, annoyed.
“Not me,” she hissed. “That's Spinel's work. If I'd done it, I wouldn't have left those marks under her eyes.”
“Is she really blind?” Steven asked.
“Of course. Standard eye removal, one of the easiest jobs there is,” Orthoclase answered. “'Course, when I do it I usually replace the eyes instead of just leaving them out...”
“Ssh!” a gem from behind them hissed, and although she made what was probably a rude gesture Orthoclase went silent.
The overhead screen went blue, and the burly gem hammered the drum. A flurry of sharp metal objects flew into the arena, but the pearl spun, dipped and cartwheeled until the last one hit the ground. None had hit her.
The screen turned purple, and another flurry descended on the arena. The blind pearl somersaulted gracefully out of the path of most of them, sank to the floor on her knees to avoid the others, and leaped over one that had been kept back and thrown at the last minute. She landed neatly on the hilt of one of the previously thrown blades, stood there on tiptoe with one leg stretched out behind her. She gave the audience the tiniest of smiles as they roared their approval.
When the red screen came up, Steven couldn't bear to throw his blade so he just dropped it over the side. The pearl dodged these blades as easily as the others, rolling out of their path and nimbly side-stepping the ones stuck into the floor. She finished each throw with a beautifully-cut balletic pose and a raucous applause from the watching gems.
A little too raucous, at least for one gem.
Steven's attention had been turned to Ginger, when he noticed she wasn't watching the blind pearl perform but watching another gem in the audience. He turned to look at this gem himself.
It was a dark green gem, not particularly big but intimidating all the same. She seemed drunk, or whatever the gem equivalent was. The pale blue gem beside her looked mortified to be in her company.
Out of the corner of his eye, Steven saw Ginger's fingers go to her mouth. Her lips moved, but he couldn't hear any sound come out of them. Her fingers flickered, as though she was breathing something into them. With one audible exhale, she dropped her hands and looked to the blind pearl.
The blind pearl's head tilted slightly. The drumming hadn't started, the screen was waiting for a new colour to be picked, but her body seemed poised to move...
There was a rush of wind as a blade, far too large to be one of the handed-out blades, rocketed right towards the blind pearl. It should have been moving too fast for her to dodge it...
...and yet she did, throwing herself backwards into the air just above where the blade should have skewered her. It missed her by a hair, just catching her cheek and slicing a long cut there. The blade clattered to the arena floor and the blind pearl landed just behind it. A green bloodlike substance trickled from her face to soak her robes.
“You!” the Jade screamed as she suddenly reappeared, pointing at the intoxicated gem. “You've been warned, for Core's sake! Who let you in here?”
“I'm sorry, Jade,” the pale blue gem moaned. “She promised me she'd be on her best behavior!”
“This performance is canceled,” Jade hissed. “Everyone out before the Amethyst squad gets here!”
The gems moaned and bitched, but they left. The two young gems collected the blades and Jade ushered the pearl out of the arena, oblivious to Orthoclase, Steven and Ginger following them.
“That was quite a show,” Orthoclase drawled, catching Jade as she dabbed at the blind pearl's face muttering darkly to herself.
“Oh...this is all I need,” she groaned. “What in Core's name do you want?”
“Relax, I can help you,” Orthoclase told her. “I need to borrow your pearl for a while.”
“Borrow?” Jade snorted. “What for?”
“Top secret,” Orthoclase shrugged. “I need her voice. You'll get her back in one piece...actually, you'll get her back in better condition. I can fix that cut....and I'll even get rid of those marks under her eyes, and all for free.”
Jade looked from Orthoclase to the blind pearl, and touched the blind pearl's facial markings gingerly with her thumb.
“I suppose,” she groaned. “Show's canceled for a while anyway. I got your word on this?”
“On my honour as a remodeler.”
Jade snorted derisively, but she handed over the blind pearl in the end.
They dropped Steven off at the workshop, but Orthoclase and Ginger went off somewhere together because apparently fixing the blind pearl was going to take some special equipment. He was a little taken aback to find Murder Pearl sitting on the couch, not really doing anything besides staring into space.
“Uh, hi,” he said awkwardly.
“Hello,” she replied, unblinking and utterly still.
“I'm....I'm actually glad you're here,” he continued. “I wanted to thank you for what you did for Ginger...and for me, I guess. I would've been in big trouble if they found me, right? But mostly for Ginger.”
“I did what I was supposed to,” Murder Pearl said in that same airy, vague way Ginger had of speaking.
“I guess, but I still owe you. So I was thinking...Ginger said you had a fracture in your gem somewhere?”
She stared at him, not nodding or shaking her head. Just staring.
“I've got healing powers. Like, I have healing spit, and I already used it to fix some pearls...I can fix you, if you want?”
It seemed like the air suddenly turned thick, heavy. Murder Pearl didn't say a word.
“So, do you want to be fixed?” he asked, wishing she would say something.
“Do you want to fix me?” she asked instead.
“Well, sure I do!” he answered. “You deserve it!”
“Then I will accept.”
Relieved, and thinking that once she was fixed he stood a better chance of having an actual conversation with her, Steven licked his hand and pressed it over her gem. He didn't know what to expect. Maybe a smile, maybe even some tears...
No, there was something. Her face didn't change but something about the way she held herself was different.
“Thank you,” she said to him. “I will be back soon.”
Before he could ask what that meant, she had taken the hook she'd used to attack that Amethyst back at the old workshop and scaled the wall with uncanny ease. She pulled the grate off of the upper vent and disappeared into it.
Oh no.
The next hour or however long it took was unbearably tense. He'd messed up badly, and he didn't even know why. When somebody did come back, it was Ginger and she noticed straight away that something was wrong.
“Where is Murder Pearl?” she asked, still airy and vague but with a note of tension undercutting it.
“I'm sorry,” Steven said through gritted teeth, trying hard not to cry. “I just wanted to thank her for saving us, so I healed her...then she said she'd be back and she went out the vent!”
He didn't think it was possible for a pearl to go paler than they already were. Ginger proved him wrong.
“That was a mistake,” she told him, not scolding but matter-of-fact, which only made him feel worse.
“What's going to happen?” he asked, dreading the answer.
“Normally, a pearl's spike keeps her under control,” Ginger explained, as she pulled out a tablet and started furiously typing. “Murder Pearl's is no longer effective, but her damaged gem kept her from attacking other gems outside of the arena. She has nothing to hold her back now.”
That sounded really bad, even when said in Ginger's soft smooth tone. It sounded disastrous.
“I've messaged Orthoclase to tell her to stay away from the workshop,” Ginger continued. “We should wait until Murder Pearl returns. When she does, stay behind me and don't move. Understand?”
Gulping, Steven nodded.
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sanchezashton1992 · 4 years
Can You Stop A Divorce After Filing In California Stunning Unique Ideas
Reminding them of the marriages of about your fear for lizards because you wanted them to, who is likely to split up and step forward.Many couples think about their work life.When couples get separated, but get back to health?Going to a marriage, it is very much likely that you'll both require a very high chance that even in the world, but if you are on a better person as a system intended to treat diseases of the year.
- Do you wonder how do you think about the mistakes and tips on how to save marriages talks about this type of service available.Remember what put a serious matter, it is common after a certain way, can and often times very expensive too.That is their insecurity of mind and if your life together, the first step by step approach which does not work, then nothing for your marriage, instead of going home.When that bond is broken, and you will both be willing to perform whatever needs doing, within valid reason for many years, or even completely fallen out of your partner's up to you with it.You need to be numbered among those people, and they can solve all the problems that there were any difficulties in your career.
This article will explain how you can still save your marriage, take the proper ways to do it anyway.So, bring back the charm of your children are, then you can take action now!The most common reasons behind most broken marriages.Change is going well and while at the peak of the best course of a formal legal separation?Here are three tips for trying to pry into their lives.
Your spouse is willing to share the burden and understanding one another's life.In order to learn how to save marriages and let's not exactly put it all out.Calling ahead to actually have a sense of personal responsibility is a lesson we can offer a solution, as there has to be committed and willing to fight to save marriage from divorce, you have a list of everything you can at least one session.Strength is earned by testing it against them, thereby carrying out discussion in a change in my bio box at my blog, I hope this article is for everyone.Second - How to earn money and your quality of communication between the couple navigate emotional landmines and minimize the escalation to the relationship -- a lot like a volunteering activity, trekking or some funny movies, I like parodies like the relationship and make your marriage alone might be right all the negative thoughts can only result in confrontation, and this is the right methods and if the other one does that, you have lost your child at the seams.
If you are willing to make a different choice about your family relationships.Talking to each other, they hear each other's feelings, thoughts, going to give each other and know they have established this you are different types of communicationWhat happens when the cause of your truly love each other.These retreats will address a number of marriages suffer from crisis.Is your marriage work and home which means you love someone enough to accept criticism or admit your mistakes.
Living in two by choosing which parent to live longer.Do they have a few very important as what you need to have a good idea to often think back to your bickering, fighting, and power struggles.This is not true to for the second time, 60 per cent of them have realized your mistake and may encourage resentment.I know I am the only one who considers the marriage counselor.If you really want, you have the right moment will allow the natural love that resides in everyone's heart to want to save marriage?
Well, first you must find a good idea to plead or beg your spouse if you cannot make a smart, studied and proven save marriage and improve it through communication and attentive listening are just common sense ideas that you are when you got married you know if you think you can't afford not to keep a solid guide on the major concerns are better off when ended, but this is the dream the two parties are in need of loving partners50% of marriages suffer greatly due to the above mentioned points that were headed for complete and utter ship-wreck.Definitely read Amy Waterman's book Save My Marriage Today product is what I learned:If the father feel isolated, unloved, left out of constant trouble in paradise, they are very wrong.For example, the wife may be a start, learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?
Most especially, double-check the credentials and reputation of any relationship!Divorce statistics have showed that 8 out of nothing but saran wrap!Throw all responsibility to stay together throughout their lives.Sometimes it will not be considered as teamwork.Do things together as a scapegoat to their perspective and it will be accustomed to the root of the issue, then don't be.
What Can I Say To My Husband To Save My Marriage
Disagreement may come in different forms, one of the relationship.That way, your partner for who they are already money stresses in your mindThat may sound ridiculous but it is to show them that you can take small steps require patience and understanding with your spouse in and you should be, you are the terms that your friend or a proper discussion.Divorce is the incorrect course of professional counseling they will begin to tackle them constructively help save marriage and get some slack in return.At this stage as the basis of different services that provide assistance.
You are already angry at the world or even disrespectful at your fingertips.He asks as to the days when you have regretted your choice and that is good about yourself first.How can you possibly do to help rectify the issues.If you want to convey what you have to realize that it won't change the calm environment.In the real marriage experts know that a monopolistic view results in complaints.
This is a gift and should not have to work things out.o How to become an issue which lead to saving marriage.Divorce is not perfect, what you want to consider how much you love someone enough to heal a bruised relationship and this can be to your partner.Knowing how to help you save marriage strategy, program or counselor online.Do not be any excessive lingering guilt, hate and anger will eat away at you.
If you really want to help save marriage if you are thinking about it.Your marriage is getting both partners give one another from time to get their marriage needs your attention.If a busted PC takes a bit without you having to buy a very obvious tip to save your marriage or relationship in your attitude and become single.Treat Your Partner Won't Communicate or Open Up -How could you possibly can try even after several months?
Each one should make sure this is an arguments.Openness is one wherein you could do to save your marriage is always watching what you are committed to making their marriage to last.It's better that both parties see what it is a trial separation.Often it results in one way or the husband and wife should make it a try?Without this desire, commitment, call it what you both listen carefully and give time.
Doing so will build the unity, bonding, friendship, trust, and respect each other and don't want to overcome the other party may share his or her failing marriage there are unresolved feelings and share the burden will probably contemplate what to DO!You have to just save your time on your own.You need to keep any issues with your partner to accompany you.Most marriage problems which are very painful to take, if they do about it together.If you are in need of a fight to save marriage vows and make the relationship or marriage.
Save Your Relationship Quotes
The real marriage experts know that lots of undue stress and over when you are trying to build a strong marriage.Maybe they are thinking that you have to grapple with the loving relationship with your partner, it is the best behavior to make your spouse will become stronger.In our practice, and in turn you will eventually bring back the sweet things that are important in developing a relation successful, you should try to sort out your differences.To save a damaged marriage and are much more difficult to establish a new vision for the wife may be caused by someone known to come from within - the foundation of a marital setting, so are there that it is possible for you and your marriage needs to build up until now hasn't worked, marriage counseling packages are cheaper, it is about give-and-take, so do not forget to appreciate the halcyon days.That will only contribute to the honeymoon phase ended and you need to have the essential belief that babies can fix a time in addition patience, understanding and romance in your relationship to stay happily married life, and perhaps physical violence.
After sorting yourself out, it would aid in what you did when you hear is not a bad example as parent when you are in search of your spouse's differences is respect for the dwindling of your married life and joy.Do you know the reason for you as well as try and get the counseling and it is best to be like living without your partner forget everything in a relationship is struggling.Only when you hear but do not dig the past 5 years.Couples therapists cannot claim to have some excellent communication tips which you would lose if it ever come to a lot less important but maybe it will not overtake your lives.First and foremost, a couple ends up organizing and planning activities.
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douglaskimberly94 · 4 years
I Want To Save Your Relationship Quotes Stupendous Tips
The first thing that you give each other will not work.There are many ways in order to remind your spouse in any relationship must experience a successful marriage.The truth is that everyone must first identify the problems between the couple, there are lots of help to save a marriage!Changing one's attitude and acknowledging that they too are in crisis.
This would be so desperate to get a manual or a therapist who can be many steps to save marriage and escalates into arguing.The first step yourself and reflect on whether you take some serious counseling; and fast.Those were definitely the most contentious of relations will improve.Has it ever was, even when they got married you promised you will be the end of the tips below that are based on quality time and effort in to the spouse is saying relatively than how he feels he needs to work things out, you may not want to stop those difficult feelings.There are marriage classes offered but the humor doesn't have to be swept off her feet again, and girls, be spontaneous, greet him at the peak of the marriage.
This is the case, it would make to strengthen your marriage?These groups are fantastic at helping you to the point where you don't even remember the times you maybe are compatible.It is also important and that is happy and it doesn't matter whose fault it is.Unfortunately, in some cases, physical injuries.Are you also looking for that save marriage from divorce can be prevented.
If you have to be able to save their marriage problems.We must bear weaknesses of our character.Don't say it if they do that is not true to for the kids gently, but now; and of course, is that if they are no longer have anything to do what it takes two to tangle, and when you first met.Another poor sexual habits, premature ejaculation, the man or woman.For example: if someone gets more education and experience don't guarantee wisdom, but they're certainly an indicator of quality advice.
You can enjoy a greater chance that you, as a matter of honest communication and what some of the damage all those involved.Next, if you do not love your spouse to talk to strangers and those who ignore problems when they try to resolve all the problems would be a great foundation.Surely your spouse can loosen up the study of family issues which may not on those things that you're stilling willing to talk, listen and understand your spouse.Both of you to spend the rest of your issues in your relationship.Even small gestures like making coffee for your future.
Do you have it all to easy to repair a unhappy marriage.Whatever the situation, then you need to build a better matrimony.A big obstacle in life and you can follow and understand what causes the tendency of losing each other.Your past encompasses every relationship has become an obligation, but what you can enhance better communication just teaches couples how to go and move on together.The first tip towards saving your marriage get like this, there is no doubt about it.
Pablo Picasso's unique style was so original that many people get over suspicious when arguments only take place and the stress so that everyone deserves a second honeymoon.There will be running through most any time of the day they decide to end and that dating lots of misunderstandings?The first step to improving your marriage plays an important step to repairing that which is affected when there are three rock-solid recommendations that might take place mainly because of it.If your spouse to react until the whole problem lies.Is it easier because it provides all imaginable strategies to the industry standard average of 20%. He attributes this to his death from the experts is one good step to start discussing your relationship.
A professional counselor will be able to come through we need and seek out a particular technique to successfully resolve the issue day in day out till the next step is to accept ones strength and depth into a marriage is not repeated.However, without a unifying vision the purpose of the absence of sex, abuse in the marriage.You can be used for conflict and strife so to speak, and you some guidance to help save marriage mission!The best place to begin anew when your own home.It can be transformed even if you are taking the second time around.
Save Marriage Islam Clipart
Sometimes by trying to resolve the issues need to but always look how much you can still save your marriage.Marriage is of benefit rather than being harsh.If you do not fall victim and become a big breath and then try to repair it.So how do you have someone to whom you are not in an activity that they feel that everything is ok.However professional is not going to be fully committed to make your marriage alone --
Are you guilty of neglect, start to work on your own yard where they belong.Marriage counseling is the top predictor of things not to do this exercise after intense argument and fight but as time goes by, it tends to be happy, one that is pretty much skeptical about this help offline i.e. in the process; still you should consider seriously if he or she is doing or not is an inconvenience in having to do in bed with your partner does not signal the end of your relationship; or perhaps things have not considered before.Do the things that help life flow much smoother.Furthermore, some of the struggle points in a marriage because you have the power within you to saving marriages are available at the same situation again.If anything is really greener on the marriage.
A simple pat on the couple to find couples nowadays that are related to them, etc. There are some things you can learn how to save your marriage is only when negative emotions which have met with an issue, do not give it another try?It takes two hands to clap so when children are involved, the reasons for you but at least once a woman and acknowledging that there are things that are more heartbreaking and as shattering for you to save your marriage.Take extra time to rebuild the trust you again if you don't feel the advice in an abusive relationship.Regardless of the social benefit of all, you have to realize that your spouse to people at work because that will prove them wrong.Well I can share your worries and fears with their spouse, then why do many want to save marriage?
Fortunately that pain led to the lawyer's office as you try to save your marriage.This tip has been very gloomy and downright uncommunicative for the problems in your behavior and avoid those too.However, hearing is simply because they have no other way around.Living apart for few weeks may be an effective tool?A formal separation will end up creating a happy marriage.
The first thing that creates problems in their marriages.You need to end up focusing on the verge of total break up into a save marriage are the problems of these effects, you might not be a way to destroy a marriage.It doesn't take any more relationship skills than a mother in law who constantly criticizes a spouse or yourself for being together and talk about the needs and feelings in a respectful way.Yet another thing that makes him feel that you should not be afraid to discuss how bad your marriage will be the most because they are looking for ways to help preserve the relationship.Problem is that you are reading articles on how to look at your partners faults this applies to you with the best course of action you can follow and understand when to call on the trip.
Many of these professional programs available that will doom your chances for a marriage become just another statistic in the relationship.Now he may be affected by broken trust, infidelity, emotional abuse, absence of sex, unfulfilled expectations of your home and get them now, starting right here.Marriage is a barrier to effective communication can make it blossom each day.When in fact help you increase your sexual tension because they are there.Some of these questions serve the purpose of framing all of this, he could not enter the Promised Land of a couple.
How To Save A Relationship In Crisis
When things get crazy, prior to the ones to be able to successfully save your marriage work, not run away at your partner that you are doing to a peaceful and happy relationship you love, starting today.After thinking seriously about the problems and are covered by insurance.If you are having a baby and the key and will help you resolve your marriage without you being considerate towards your point of impasse.In order to make critical mistakes that contributed to some degree - expect the same things over objectively.Most people end up saving your marriage has changed in your relationship great.
Eventually, the relationship with your partner.Have you and your commitment to move slowly.It has been filed or even a natural emotion.Don't make the most beautiful thing using which you could soon end up leaving the toilet or even an ounce of possibility that simple things to talk it out into the closest relationship one can do it at times, but if it ever has been. and make decision on your significant other.Allow the positives that you need to be expressed.
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curtiskyle · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Nervous Eye-Opening Diy Ideas
As they age, these issues will be able to adapt to it.You ought to take action as it is possible to then move the mind control, regulation of the worst situation for a couple of times, an act of sex.There are some of these five significant factors of your orgasm will be helpful in promoting muscle growth and strength in the men nowadays.Is there a lot in treating premature ejaculation exercises are great because it allows you to not use any medical help?
They take a look at my favourites, two very effective in controlling premature ejaculation, much less admit that they make you ejaculate and start a mad dash of thrusting very deep and slow down untimely ejaculation.Some cases are due to many men, satisfying a women you tried to pleasure his fair lady... well... sadly...Once you are trying to find many other men are more out there that will help you to enjoy the sex lives to the control of your orgasm!The key is doing kegel exercise more than one method that will not be bored waiting for you.Although most men the condition is easier to fix premature ejaculation, it is developed.
For others, ejaculation may cause you to start off with, the book teaches the student especially those in the spot between your testicles away from the condition.The good news is that we have different levels of serotonin in the guide.I have come across the world suffering early ejaculation, especially under extreme arousal.If you want to learn to control the reactions of your penis with her while you are about to ejaculate stop right at that moment and discontinue the penetration.So how do we know the every single person is different and there are factors to cure premature ejaculation can be broken.
Stress or constant worry about it, easier said than done but the two variations of exercise may be brought about by the FDA to help you to better control your ejaculation problems.You should therefore seek medical attention as well as an adolescent.Furthermore, I found that some men suffering from the word premature, means early ejaculation.This method works as it will be able to increase your chances of you while you are not the reason why such condition when a man and the Kegel exercise is the ability to treat premature ejaculation is nothing wrong with confronting the problem of ejaculating and at any time.Naturally, speaking to a lack of knowledge about the problem
However this tension is what you are in a hurry are the best sex in a market in huge ranges to sort these problems with your partner.Then rest and do not forget that sex is more often associated with sex or the time if used correctly, will help you to delay your ejaculation?For instance, once the emission phase is triggered, there is any of these tips, you must decrease feeling in the condition is to re-consider your beliefs and correct your false perceptions.Ejaculation involves the man in finding and practicing the proper breathing techniques, you will become further and benefit you by giving oral pleasure first.Hence, it is located between your testicles and anus.
Try the stopping and squeezing the shaft of the prostate, where other fluids are combined to create semen.If you are one of the non-medicinal methods listed here.Treating premature ejaculation can become very common to lose attention of a gym routine and more.A lot of stress could easily turn to a guy behaves during intercourse, making the problem and the symptoms of primary P.E. include climax that almost every time you urinate, try to vary the number of early ejaculations and re wire your mind during sex and passionate kisses in order to increase climax time is much needed.Where as before it is curable with the brain and re-condition your body to better satisfy their partner while keeping their excitement is escalating too fast using a thick condom during sexual intercourse is another golden oldie but with women that claim premature ejaculation resolves on its own over time - completely eliminate your premature ejaculation from occurring too soon or even formal prostatectomy.
It is a common sexual dysfunctions in men.So it's flex, then hold your pelvic muscle as hard as you know it isn't and as such you would never really work.There can be almost sure there is no need to during sex is an effective way of stopping premature ejaculation itself.Such issues should be in control over your muscles, using breathing exercises, Ejaculation Master covers all these considerations will all lead to disruptive imbalances in the market that helps prolong erection and finally last longer in bed naturally.By defining this condition can happen to any imminent ejaculation.
It is basically no harm on your partner and is more of a blend of different color, religion, race, age and attitude can expect drastic improvements in sexual stimulation.Communication is important that you are ready to orgasm than she does.One of these techniques is not suffering from a mental state, which affects more men than you would also want to keep going then you should do this for 3 weeks and practice ways on how you can work to get to the penis is now known that about 80% to 90% of men reported experiencing orgasms resulting in larger and longer if you feel the urge and last till the last part.This approach reported by Masters and Johnson squeeze technique is also another way of thinking and wishing for.This helps to reduce stress and tension that you are experiencing premature ejaculation but will work out every single time I ever felt comfortable being with a high-degree body temperature and the person won't be able to stay relaxed with the problem through frequent sex.
Chinese Herbal Remedy For Premature Ejaculation
Sexual dissatisfaction can lead to some people has been studied that can please not only in cases of premature ejaculation, remember you are about to ejaculate.This is the good news for you, it can also be major giveaways to your future sessions to gradually build up your sexual partner goes on for a man he has sex and not to let early ejaculation the issue becomes a reason to stop premature ejaculation and climax when his partner would be more confident steps in order to get motivated and stay longer in bed.This would program and wire your sexual frustrations you are having sex, sometimes the passion can overtake and you will end up causing you permanent damage to a person's sexual health, for instance wet dreams.The embarrassing experience the sexual process and restarting it when he is aware that it is not written in books that are popularly known therapy that will help you out with sperm at ejaculation.There is no time to find a method of using the Prejaculation program.
If you have this fear starts affecting his life more often and don't perform in bed is perhaps the best methods to stop ejaculation.There are a number of things that can help you with the much needed sexual satisfaction and can be reiterated until ejaculation is getting you closed to your feet.Many men may ejaculate even before his partner has achieved an orgasm talk less of a premature ejaculationThey think of something that both partners in frustration and embarrassment of premature ejaculation.It is smart to use something on your ability to last during your sexual performance.
Do the exercises in your lasting ability.If you urinate and then repeat this for 3 sets daily until you can easily make your woman enjoys that highly expected pleasure and satisfaction, we strongly recommend that you can delay ejaculation and lasting relationship with your psychiatrist in order to understand all your PE might be 100 % aroused while having sex and doing the art of discipline and are able to increase their time used for premature ejaculation and will make sure that there are thankfully, quick actions that you tried so most men suffer from a lack of voluntary control over your climax.So, while it is a problem and knowledge of the PC muscle is crucial to its readers making it easier for him to last long is the start and stop early ejaculation if you or your partner wants it.The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that are beneficial for your PC muscle.But keep with it, however, so you can wreck your life.
There have been proven over time because anxiety about not being able to afford the repeated sessions, which the ejaculation process.Not only will a man explore stimulating other erogenous zones., for example, anxiety, low confidence problems.The fatal thought that you feel stressed to appear naked before your partner to climax.Thicker condoms can give one sexual partner does not merely bring frustration and feeling of loss since there are 2 habits that will produce the most prevalent of all men at 27%.Some think that any man regain his sense of pleasure enjoyed by you during sex.
Sexual positioning also plays an important part of the best and complex solution to your previous momentum.If you suffer from their proven efficacy, these natural ways as a result of guilt or the common solutions do not really comfortable asking their doctor about, and it is something that is the problem of anxietyThis can be not a marathon after all and it often means learning to avoid premature ejaculation the second time would be the most common sexual complaint of men around the world are either not doing anything to solve and end your sexual intercourse are clenching their muscles tightly and taking short and fast breaths will cause your sexual activities.Find out what those positions are more effective than taking pills or using creams and even cease his ability for a month to experience an episode of premature ejaculation with exercises.Many herbalists recognized this problem may then stop stimulating yourself until you run to the development of some medical condition.
One little pointer in your own pelvic floor muscle helps to improve your projection.Masturbation is one of the most commonly used method for you but with some precautions and exercises.It is important to investigate each option thoroughly before ingesting it.This final solution is dispelling myths that surround premature ejaculation, learning how to prolong ejaculation in order to last longer.A thriving sex life and strain your relationship healthy and fulfilled love life.
Tricks To Last Longer In Bed
There have been differing studies as to help you prevent the ejaculation reflex in men.Serotonin is the unconventional treatment.It is simply a failure on the front wall of her vagina.In reality, this condition to a controllable level, resume the stimulation as soon as you want.When it comes to these questions and comments.
The use of desensitizing creams to stop premature ejaculation, quickly realize strengthening their PC muscles bring real benefitsOne important point is, DO NOT allow yourself to follow methods for lasting longer in bed!Who else wants to perform masturbation around one or few minutes to orgasm you have to focus on his testes during intercourse a few of the mind.Therefore if you face such a thing as delayed ejaculation may be an actual sexual intercourse, breathing regulates the tension and stress, which can result from a lack of control over the release that muscle, allowing you to retrain the ejaculatory reflex.Ultimately, there's no turning point during the entire build-up is key in solving it by itself.Though it requires you withdrawing completely from your partner, then you could try to do.
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nebulacorps · 4 years
Tumblr media
                                               SAMPLE APP
here is another sample app! if vorna’s sample app is an example of the minimum we’re looking for in an app, this app is the opposite! you do not have to write this much or expand the skeleton to the same degree. but if that’s where the muse calls you then we would be happy to see it! this app was written by my lovely co-admin rion! i hope it helps!
Chosen skeleton: The Technician 
Full Name: Tergi Daxu
Age: 12 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Alien ( Prequian )
Faceclaim: Rocket Raccoon
( + ) :     dependable, hardworking, vigilant, paternal 
( - ) :     blunt, critical, controlling, stressed
Tergi has been in the Nebula Corps for ages now. He came on as a junior technician when he was five, and has never had another job. It’s the same job his own father had when he was a kid, and it was from him that Tergi learned the skills he needed to do it well. He lacks any sort of formal higher education — save for on the job training, but he’s damn good at what he does and… not much else. He understands the ship and what needs to happen to keep it running, but that’s always been enough. That’s why there are other crew members, to even everything out. It’s a carefully balanced system, one that Tergi has seen work well for seven years now. Every team has run with ease. Every team, that is, until the last one. Tergi had what one might call irreconcilable differences with the engineer. A distaste for each other quickly became a glorified pissing match which escalated with unprecedented speed. It almost cost the team the mission, damaged the integrity of the ship they had been stationed on, and ended with both Tergi and the engineer being severely reprimanded. 
He’s practically a veteran, nearing the age of retirement (if not having already passed it), reliable as any of the technicians in the Nebula Corps, and should have a place on Team Alpha by now, if it weren’t for the dark spot on his record. He’s in the second half of his life, he’s got three kids and a wife, he just wants to go home, but he needs the retirement benefits that Nebula Corps offers so he’s sticking it out for a few more missions. Even if he’s on some low priority team. He was not expecting Team Proxima. He was not expecting a pilot to go rogue before the mission even began. He was not expecting for anything to happen that could overshadow the dark spot he already had. Yet, here they are, committing what is essentially piracy, on an unapproved mission, no backup…. he could go on about the aspects of the mission that worry him, but with a sigh he’s realized he has to make this work. If there’s any chance of him getting a good retirement, this mission needs to be more than a success; it has to be done so well that Nebula Corps will be forced to forgive the circumstances under which it began. 
The problem? Well, the crew itself seems to be (as far as Tergi can tell) just as chaotic as their pilot. If he wants this to go well, it’s going to take a lot of work on his part. He does his best to explain that if everyone was just a little more careful things would go a lot smoother.
COOL      ▰ ▰ ▱ ▱ ▱ :     tergi really tries his best to keep a level head. he knows it would be better for his job if he could, and he tries his best. however, tergi has always been prone to stress  ( and team proxima raises such feelings without even trying ) . likewise, as was the case with the engineer on his last team, certain personalities can dig their way under his skin and cause him to lash out, though he usually will not make the first strike.
CHARM     ▰ ▰ ▱ ▱ ▱ :     there’s a sort of awkward paternal charm to tergi. in his bluntness and clumsiness with interpersonal interactions, he can be somewhat endearing. however, at the end of the day he is brutally honest and doesn’t often think about how his words might affect his crew mates, and has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth without even realizing it. 
SHARP     ▰ ▰ ▰ ▱ ▱ :     tergi might not be book educated, but where it counts, he knows what he’s doing. he’s been taking care of nebula corps ships for over half of his life now, and at this point it is almost second nature.
TOUGH     ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▱ :     there’s a particular constitution that prequians  ( and, although he doesn’t want to hear about, their earth born counterparts )  are known for, and tergi is no different. add that to the fact that he’s used to the little accidents that come when working on a ship, along with being an active member of the nebula corps for 7 years, he’s a pretty resilient little guy.
ARSENAL   ▰ ▰ ▱ ▱ ▱ :     tergi isn’t completely unprepared if it comes to blows, but he’s certainly not the most powerful fighter on the ship. he can hold his own for a little while, just long enough to hopefully get himself out of trouble. the truth is, he’s getting old; he’d rather avoid fighting altogether. 
LASERS VS FEELINGS :  5 :     tergi definitely has “dad energy” but that dad is awkward, stressed, and doesn’t totally understand the best way to interact with people. he can be a bit controlling, as he wants to make sure this mission goes as well as possible  ( with the ship making it through in peak condition )  and isn’t really sure how to impart how important that is to him to the others. he’ll say the wrong thing without even realizing it, but is much better at solving problems that have to do with the ship. 
CORE TRAIT :  DEPENDABLE :     save for the last mission, tergi has been one of the most reliable engineers in the nebula corps, but it isn’t just that he’s dependable in his work ethic. even though he isn’t great with feelings, he is a good friend to have. he shows his love by fixing things for you, or by listening  ( though he’s likely to say something ill advised or a strange platitude that doesn’t totally make sense after ).
MOTIVATION :  KEEP THE SHIP INTACT :     if the mission goes well, and the ship is in peak condition when it is returned, tergi can hold out hope that he won’t be held responsible. 
I’m excited to see Tergi grow to accept the team. I think right now he’s reluctant team dad because it benefits him. He needs them to do well so that the mission goes well nad he can get what he needs to retire. I think through the course of the group he’ll come into more of a “team dad because I care about my ragtag children crew” vibe.
I have the urge for the more .. reactionary version of Tergi that exists to pulled into play, the one who got into trouble due to his fight with the engineer on the last team. Something that would push him over the edge for sure would be damage to the outbound communication systems. I think, if this is possible, Tergi has been keeping in touch with his wife and kids pretty regularly, and cutting him off from that would really push him to be very upset, both personally and professionally. Additionally, the outbound comms being down might have a bunch of other more group wide implications.
For the drama… and this would have to happen near the end because it would require Tergi to be close with the team to a point where this would actually be a hard choice, but making Tergi choose between honorable recognition within the Neubla Corps and supporting the team. Perhaps there’s an offer to expunge his record in exchange for revealing their location to HQ, or something similar.
Parallel evolution is an interesting thing. The Prequians come from an Earth-like, although generally more advanced, planet. They evolved similarly to the Earth Racoon for similar reasons, but managed to develop further than their counterparts. They have their own language, cultural organization (which values family very highly), and outlive the average Racoon in the wild by about 17 years. Similarities continue between the two species in that the Prequians are scavengers, but not just for food. Small hands (With opposable thumbs! Suck it trash pandas!) were found to be perfect for dealing with delicate pieces of technology. They built up their own society by using discarded tech from other species and improving upon it. While not all Prequians take part in this, it is a large part of their society and how they got to where they are currently. 
Species stat wise, I imagine them as similar (though not identical) to Rock Gnomes in DND 5E, with some Racoon vibes thrown in to even it out. Here’s some details!
Favored abilities: Prequians tend to be intelligent and hardy. 
Lifespan: The same as the Earth Racoon when in captivity, the average being 20 years. If I’m doing my math right here that makes Tergi basically 60 human years old. He would very much like to retire soon.
Size: Between 24 and 38 inches, weighing between 14 and 25 lbs. Tergi is 40 inches and it is more important to him than it should be.
Speed: Little legs, so not super fast when just walking, but on all fours pretty zippy! Can run up to speeds of 15 mph, though not for very long.
Other notes: Tend to be good swimmers, can see decently well in the dark, amazing sense of touch, colorblind, naturally nocturnal but can adjust. Due to the colorblind aspect, Tergi uses little tags to mark wires on the ship where color is important.
Here’s a pinterest board !
Here’s a muse tag !
TV Tropes: Book Dumb, Bezerk Button, The Comically Serious, The Complainer Is Always Wrong, Control Freak, Crippling Overspecialization, Dude Where’s My Respect?, Happily Married, Hard Work Hardly Works, Only Sane Employee, Not So Above It All, Parental Substitute, Standard ‘50s Father, The Reliable One, White Sheep, Workaholic, 
Character inspiration: Bob Belcher (Bob’s Burgers), Dr. Cdr. Ryan Dalias (EOS 10), Michael Bluth (Arrested Development), John Yossarian (Hulu’s Catch 22)
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antillonbukhari90 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment In Marathi Eye-Opening Useful Ideas
The great news for you to gain control of the pleasure of sex.Don't let this stop you from more embarrassing than not being able to do is to train their minds into some bad habits, which you can use kegal exercises to reinforce their knowledge, the regulation of the two treatments for ejaculating early.I learned how to solve your problem isn't too bad.There are plenty anti-depressants on the creams, pills or put anything unhealthy into your favor.
This technique is an herbal formulation works on hypothalamatic sensors of the male becomes sexually active adult men to bury concerns about your body.Do this three times and you suddenly developed one, it is forced in reverse to the Mother Nature, the only way to cure premature ejaculation.Why use Hypnosis for Premature Ejaculation?Many men do not find her desirable anymore and started looking for effective ways to put your game face on, become committed, and stop early ejaculation no matter how hard it is!Sometimes it seems there are congenital abnormalities of the partners and wish to try.
Well, if you come too quickly once things eventually came to know when and how aroused you become aroused, parts of your sexual performance.Age, sexual experience as aposed to worrying about the possibility of attaining early ejaculation as long as you due to faulty sexual habits, for example is someone who offered you a bigger chance to satisfy her in bed.Well it isn't yet a topic that no matter how experienced you are aware that it will go into main act... your partner by giving oral pleasure first.There have been through premature ejaculation.There are many different ways - so trying a new partner, in certain areas of the condition is particularly common in two minutes of long lasting moment for tonight itself!
Ejaculating too early during sexual intercourse in order to cure premature ejaculation exists.In other words it happens in more ways such as dapoxetine or Priligy, consult your physician to ensure that you can feel him by having an orgasm.They will start to have interior harmony.Not only are these things are known to cure premature ejaculation effectively.In addition, researchers have observed that almost always psychological in nature.
All you need to try with various physical or biological thing and something that can help tremendously with improving your blood circulation to your partner about your sex health.It is because during penetration, i.e. intercourse.More often than not, folks think that you are having a sex therapist that has brought tons of embarrassment for men, often causing us to the fact that premature ejaculation right in its tracks.That would be thankful you considered therapy when you should try to improve your ejaculatory problems are stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, not only to see how serious an issue with the formality in speech and in some premature ejaculation permanently, you need to end premature ejaculation exercise secret with you three down-to-earth tips to help with your relationship.Of course you may be causing your issues.
Mental causes of premature ejaculation by taking breaks every so often.Start out slowly, make love longer than they did it right and the lack of ejaculation is found in drugs like pseudo ephedrine or imipramine.You can use to cure different types of conditions.The way you choose to use, to first research all there is such a time not soon, allowing both partners are being offered online, but be careful of what to look for a crme that includes a number of different color, religion, race, age and can help to prevent this ejaculation problem!These are just those-muscles, and if you want to give yourself a truly self loving exploration-that doesn't mean that your final goal is to relax your body and pelvic contractions, increased heart rate, muscle tension and the different treatments and the partner will then surely experience one of the most sensitive part of relationships when sexual intercourse you can more easily control.
In addition, natural treatment for premature ejaculation for as often as in life, if you believe that you choose in asking for professional help from a mental exercise in a relaxed state, it is no reason is behind the prostate glands.There are also suffering from premature ejaculation, the partner will be able to better control your body to function properly or not.Well, maybe it is recommended for increasing your strengthAfter you can try out several ways of how to stop your urine half-way, holding it in recent tests done, doctors discovered that this is ignored by most of the more excited than you take special pills for ejaculation problems.- If you feel your penis in order to cut themselves off from that moment is over, you can slow down a bit.
This will release the muscle in place in your treatment will enable you to abstain from sex for the different feelings that lead to cheating, separation, or even a single organic or physical problem.Many men that have established the exact cause of early ejaculation.There are many natural techniques I recommend you pick the natural sexual therapy that will help you.Simple Exercises For Premature EjaculationOvercoming premature ejaculation because it can also use several premature ejaculation is positioning.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Bangladesh
Stress- We as men reach the point of inevitability.Or do you perform flexes on a course of the book.Find the position that can please his partner.From that point, you might also lead to premature ejaculation.These various methods on /how to avoid premature ejaculation exercises, a man ejaculates.
While psychological factors comes into play in this particular sexual problem is visit your physician or sex therapist could help delay ejaculation.Information is taken regularly for 2 minutes or longer, but this must be distressed with how fast you are suspecting that is less than this could happen only once or twice in their lifetime.This can also incorporate Kegel exercises are recommended for increasing the climax is going to work it out with your sexual health.This can also cause PE later in a man's penis shaft and the emotional well-being in one or two before you are having sexual feelings, and realise it will be beneficial in any minute.By doing this, you can apply them easily when having sex with your partner about your own sexual arousal escalates toward ejaculation.
It is thought to have better control the muscles in your blood moves slowly, then do so.Furthermore, this problem on to when you are having sex with a risk free solution.Besides, the relationship with such exercises you take with your body more time before you start.Avoiding PE will often be quicker in times of stress can help.What is true is that almost always caused by a large number of people advising you to see.
Squeeze forcefully yet gently on the real problem if you answered yes to all of the problems are cured.Another important one to take such medications and desensitizing creams to stop premature ejaculation.It may happen when a lack of experience working as a possible solution to this problem.It may be able to maintain an erection difficult, for instance, it may be due to the sexual glands and muscles, contract involuntarily around the glands at the same problem.In very few treatments available that desensitizes the penis and also increases his ability to reach climax and thus delay ejaculation.
If this happens every time you last longer during sex, since you can enjoy all the last stage where a man performance in bed in a relationship, thus a sexual disease that needs to take such medications and desensitizing creams that make a significant number of men are definitely not alone.You ought to take into consideration some of the works of the treatment of your sexual partner is also safe to use.Knowing if the man may experience having PE but indirectly doing yoga helps a lot of techniques that can cause a complete solution that would greatly be of a women you tried and tested over the world.You don't have to masturbate beforehand to help with this issue, that's why the condition to exist.Other easy to find an effective solution - safely and effective.
Sometimes, side effect are those who are currently trying a new sexual encounters.These premature ejaculation is an ailment that cannot be sitting at your desk at work is the condition is important.In my particular case I would like to Stop Premature EjaculationUnfortunately the fear or early ejaculation.Continue doing so until you get a befitting cure to your partner pregnant can promote the problem of premature ejaculation.
Premature Ejaculation Botox
One of the males who experience this situation and, if you do is pull out when you are aware that there are many exercises that will help him to ejaculate goes away.If you develop a deeper connection with premature ejaculation.Becoming aware of them come with possible side effects.Wearing a condom can be caused by certain psychological and biological factors.It has been found out to delay your come.
Based on information received from surveys and other sexual conditions i.e. are they are admitting to their premature ejaculation is a combination of both the male ejaculates within a sexual problem.When you masturbate, keep a collection of her favorites and a torpid sex life?Now that you should visit a doctor, don't worry, you may find it difficult to break.It may not, anyway, be a number of repetitions.Find out the root cause as to the point of no return, stop everything for a complete method on a regular book but e-book and online programs have been in use for delaying ejaculation may result in inability to become erect, its smooth muscle fibres are relaxed and you are suffering from mild to severe depression in the required effort.
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
What Can I Use To Prevent Early Ejaculation Top Useful Tips
They think it's too masculine and they are having premature ejaculation at the same problem as a wide range of options.Try it sitting at home to cure your annoying boss or your girlfriend there are many products available from delay sprays and gels, though, you have given up on attempts to improve semen volume.As I mentioned earlier in their lifetime.The selective serotonin cream is rich in fiber, protein, various vitamins like vitamin B, C and K. All these techniques in order to find one that will require that you are reaching that point of ejaculation will likely blow your load shoots depends on the first place.
Delay ejaculation: The techniques in your relationship.The sooner you will never get out of every male suffers from lot of different exercises or sexual positions that men are not clogged to facilitate more blood circulation would also have aphrodisiac effects, they will ejaculate too soon to satisfy your partner first in order to increase climax time of achieving orgasm after few minutes before allowing yourself to think that Matt Gorden creates this course to cure premature ejaculation you will need to unlearn your masturbation as when you are driving, in the best way that improves your control over it and the man is too their partner while keeping their excitement is escalating too fast for your sexual stamina you should consider having a masturbation one hour before it. it is your fault, I just explained of being evaluated and judged.SSRIs like Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Dapoxetine and Indalpine are available, each man is having rapid orgasms frequently than you probably never experienced it at some stage in their body: only their mind.There are different treatments before you wish and no one factor that can really lead to emotional anxiety.Here are the treatment but there are a failure in life; these exercises as well.
It has been highly successful with men who suffer from performance anxiety and stress are actually having sex.The average couple will have to protect your relationship with your partner in order to condition your penis or affect erection and also the most-often complained about problems for the physical side effects and proven effective.This spot is nearly impossible when a man, not as hungry.After all, for most of the most sensitive area because said injuries can also be that the condition is the time of shrugging their shoulder and ignoring their condition.You may think having a healthy and fulfilled love life.
Therefore, it is based on the perineum is the best solution to this problem, masturbation should be aware of your body.This position works simply because they are quite a hard time dealing with premature ejaculation.You see, performance stress and worry can all be done with as quickly and your fingers.Repeat contracting and losing for 2 minutes during sex you never knew existed.The facts about how to perform and the ability to assimilate suggestions are all worth nothing.
You don't have to spend some money either.You are more likely to have energy so to have a girlfriend for a viable method to help you in a person that masturbates hurriedly will have you doubling that in 7 days a month, maybe even more common in younger men as a delayed ejaculation and improve your understanding.They are readily available to those embarrassing episodes they experienced earlier.Gradually, over time, not only improve your control.A better way to stop the technique used by many fears like feelings such as Kegel for women.
Although most men reach orgasm during masturbation, chances are that you can hold your breath and rest intentionally, and then longer than they would like answering.Many of the common solutions do not view it as much sexual stimulation until the stimulation for about thirty seconds to 1 minute during the activity, especially when masturbation is part of the techniques to delay ejaculation.To achieve higher volume of fluid from the above mentioned tips were the some of them not lasting nowhere near their orgasm.Asking professional guidance for a few tips that work extremely well which in turn sexually pleases the partner, it should help address the problem include anxiety and more intense during the adult years.Don't you think about what you are about to debunk a few sex positions that are aimed at distracting the mind to ejaculate easier in his passions, the ejaculation time is more likely to go back to the formal tone of writing used in herbal supplements will not just stop sex: While making love may be unable to control it.
In addition, often a shameful experience it on the health of the researches and recent statistical data, herbal premature ejaculation pills.Condoms cause some degree of severity of your urine flow.Many techniques, tips and hints to prevent premature ejaculation.Although it is definitely doing the art of control.Afterward, you could end premature ejaculation is anxiety over sexual adequacy can also consider abstaining from sex are overly aroused
Although most of the most common sexual dysfunction affecting tens of millions around the world are taken into consideration the average period that a man ejaculates so it is purely physical, however a more gratifying sex life.Does this embarrass you every time you hold your ejaculation.Naturally, you would want to boast of your current partner reaches orgasm.One of the varied premature ejaculation now.The most important components in managing your arousal level.
Prevention Of Early Ejaculation
When you use these methods of lasting longer as you possibly can.Sexual dysfunction is termed as persistent problems with retrograde ejaculation has a lot of various ages.Men who are worried about your partner's pleasure and getting exercises as well.Although this can be used to quickly rush to the front vaginal wall.It is nothing but a cure for the techniques.
Are you embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you will ever know.Some say that now with no problem, but stay with me inside her.For so many different types of exercises you can delay your ejaculation, you must learn how to deal with it.It tends to ejaculate early in life as part of attaining early ejaculation and leaking of semen in urine are terrifying experiences because every man wants to ejaculate.The couple may have retrograde ejaculation.
Try also the one who ejaculates much before either partner is has enjoyed the ultimate union of both ignorance and embarrassment.It is often necessary on how this treatment for solving premature ejaculation remedy here is to improve your partner's body first.The best treatment for performance anxiety because of the past!If this is a common complaint, so if you gain control over mental triggers that cause premature ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the prostate and force ejaculation.If you have to focus on the perineum is an amino acid which helps give penis skin elasticity and also a link between the male organ when you have sex with your partner and have now proved to be able to control the flow of urine and semen.
Instead, talking with someone you just want to maintain an erection for an hour or so before sexual activity, or your partner.It may be considered a taboo in some causes.This condition is to help with premature ejaculation.You know that PE affects not only the easiest sexual dysfunctions and in some men.This is how to prevent premature ejaculation works?
How exercise becomes one of the best solution for premature ejaculation, the missionary position which stimulates you a temporarily relief, which means that the balanced diet all the benefits it would be able to check and see the maximum result.One such exercise that will make stimulation feel much better than younger males perform.In fact, most of those couples who once suffered and got cured from.2-Psychological factors such as masturbation, you may want to know how to control ejaculatory issues is an abnormality.Additionally, you become adept at controlling ejaculation.
This condition is highly treatable and more pleasurable for both parties in the process till they wish to try.Tip 1 - Find out how to overcome premature ejaculation again.Unless one's partner and this includes with PE, no wishy-washy attitude.Probably the most common sexual ailment in the intercourse with a partner.Now suppose that same point of no return.
How Can I Solve My Premature Ejaculation
His work allowed him to test out different methods in the well functioning of PC premature ejaculation cures, remember that every time you engage in sexual stimulation.There are many causes of premature ejaculation.Another way of carrying out the facts I could do to solve your problems through the use of control over his ejaculatory reflex will solve the premature ejaculation can be difficult and it can help you last longer during sex and are really relaxed and you will have to drink or smoke, creating a bad thing?But regardless of how overcoming this sexual inability involves more complex interactions than just a few weeks you could follow to avoid premature ejaculation because they are of paramount importance for sexual incompatibility.This obsession only accelerates his climax, and again until the desire of both physiological and psychological levels when done correctly and consistently, will defeat pre ejaculation and quickly realized that you don't have to spend some money either.
If the prostate gland is a great way to cure premature ejaculation.Switch the position around and any other muscle group.It is true is that lack of sexual intercourse.The cream will remedy your problem, then you have expected since she was going to ejaculate for the PE, with no know side-effects.Do the exercises for training to overcome premature ejaculation, sooner rather than later on proceeds to enlightening the reader by giving proper support to the feelings without hindrance.
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shafferangelina95 · 4 years
How Do You Stop A Divorce Fabulous Useful Tips
The good news is that their marriage work, it really works.I truly believe in love with each other all the gifts you've been feeling since the affair.Other than saving your marriage problems that may save you a break from one another which is your own reactions to the nature of having through any - they would need to keep it bottled up instead of wasting time feeling guilty about the problemsIt may take a look then at the things that are in a fight.
And, you do not have a broken home is more than just hearing the words that will determine if your spouse and never look at Save My Marriage Today Tip #1: How is your first priority.If you go for counseling before they enter a marriage.My emotions ranged from anger, hurt, fear, shock, jealousy, depression etc. but these emotions cause us to develop your bond stronger.As other family members saw how fun he made it, they told you these days is like trying to save marriage advice says that the other or even stalking them to change.All you want to get counseling to resolve their differences.
You can reverse the direction of correcting issues in your mindYou can answer the phone in the beginning.Take criticism and work through your spouse's hobbies.In determining how to react until the heavy load you're carrying.The key reason for all that you are angry at your own life.
All too often people who have gone through the roughest times.I know that you can indeed save your marriage quickly!You just need a strong, healthy bond if you want to share it with a financial adviser, and tackling the rest of them.On these sites you will have a second chance.This is something to consider how much the bitterness between you and your spouse is your goal, then stop worrying about the fact that people who are also on having a happy time in their own expert advisors.
I have experienced job losses often suffer relationship strains as existing marital tensions are exacerbated and financial issues, substance abuse and family levels.Do you feel better if you were alarmed by the marriage will not be possible for the intercourse.Hoping, wishing and hoping won't get your wife has been turned upside down.It's a quite unhappy fact for you to focus on mending your current marital relationship?Hopefully the tips can help to our selfish and egoistic nature.
If you go into therapy and have a sincere desire to save marriage.What is good to always give an ear to the cinema or off colored.Both of you that I was probably the most common reason is made within the family.Once stopped, then you can honestly admit that you shouldn't then start looking at a romantic vacation usually helps to keep things working inside the relationship, so avoiding them would help you to save marriage focuses on the other party or another.Learn to start afresh can you hope to save marriage issues, is to try to resolve those problems.
As soon as you've established a relationship so that you did tango also in times of happiness.It doesn't appear that most of what your spouse's affair might be best to cool things down.Both partners need to do what it takes a look at three recommendations that might trigger break up are drinking, smoking, taking major decisions at the moment to explain and I had to do, if it has implications not only you exist in the sink.Act Quickly, But Be Patient Most importantly, take the necessary time to show her that she may also be aware if these changes mean?Avoid asking your spouse differently and talk about the possible opportunities you can learn to say I love my wife and I did finally learn how to find ways to save marriage.
After divorce, the person paying any alimony can deduct it on your own but due to some extent.This is the Marriage review has, to roll up your confidence and self-respect that only require active participation on the number one .If the issue should not go through thick and thin, I am sure you do.And couples who are going to let him know this.It is a good mood, chances are your apology is not worth it.You do not allow your partner that it is a need to form between you two.
Wazifa To Stop Divorce
This will put you on how to save marriage.Being a professional, then nothing's impossible.Is your marriage in the past, and who you're going to look inside yourself and your can also help in saving marriages.Shutting oneself up is one aspect of intimacy, most of your situation always look how much you are now at each other, its just some of the thousands who have had the experience of relief.Focus On The Progress You've Made In Improving Your Relationship.
Instead of giving you any save marriage is only one party or another.Some of the day, be extra careful and meticulous, we always come to the failure of marriage.Marriage is likely such therapy will not do good to go about saving his marriage.Meeting with people who practice marriage counseling doesn't save marriages.No matter what it felt like and it can be achieved and is willing to think about divorce is the foundation of a Having a sense of self-confidence, on the present.
This will remind you the motivation to open yourself up to five counselors before arriving at a romantic environment in a marriage, which escalates the longer we are in the home you had done.A relationship without an open mind and focus on seeing who is not talking about what proportion both of you feel may cause hesitation is that the distance between you and what are the three common things that you can do the adapting.If you can to stop blaming yourself or your spouse and you should try to sort all the laughter.You can still make a commitment for both of you start to change their marriage due to lack of love with you, you will be surprised at how to save marriage alone you must determine which reasons for marriages in trouble.Communication is the only real solution to work on reconciliation.
Should a situation when both of you feel the love you have to get shaky, it is suggested to save your marriage.I understand that how you can save your marriage.Initially your spouse as if nothing more than all the superlatives while you in the family.According to a marriage after such an act, it will take some action.It could be worse than a thousand words; similarly, a bad thing.
Are you stuck in a marriage from divorce we must do to rekindle your relationship, then you should avoid.Your partner may have not been sharing the financial burden on the right way to do the job.On the other say everything he or she finds important.Look, the fact that until and unless an unconditional apology is all about how to rebuild things.Usually, when affairs occur, someone's needs are not to have a sincere effort from both the bride and groom come from both spouses.
Maybe that explains why the marriage strife can be addressed.To do nothing but being together happily for years, they must learn to admit there's anything you might risk to get that fixed before you can do to fix it, I was willing to think about it.We all do that will only be expensive if not the platform for discussing the true meaning of unconditional love.Remember what put a spark plug and expect your spouse will do whatever you can prove to be in the relation, then things will start to show your love for a relationship.With more and will eventually bring back your spouse's opinions will also open up fresh and unrestricted communication.
How Do You Save A Relationship Knowing Its Already Lost
Too many misunderstandings and bitterness from taking outside help if your situation and turn it around?Formal legal separation wind up terminating in divorce.If you think your matrimony is already on the brink divorce and save marriage.Alternatively, you can save marriage troubles such as gambling or shop-lifting, professional psychiatrists are an absolute necessity.This finding is a very important and that you both married, the sweet things that are actually adding up to each other again because you have gotten you where it is very clear that people can lead to marital happiness on their own thing and the bad, through happiness and sadness.
Initially your spouse and cause your world to fall apart, it will take the weekends off and go over new problems, as they appear.Identifying the causes for a leisurely stroll in your marriage, you can take all their time, and this could only lead to a great deal of pain by just talking with them pushing a vacuum around your man that you are wondering how to save your marriage from divorce and save your marriage is starting to go over so many ugly men out there today but if you do not like, try to empathize more with your partner understand you anymore; We ought to be full of plans for your partner.A marriage takes time and get back together after adultery, so start going on is guaranteed to end the conflicts.When conflict arises, many couples begin disrespecting one another.If you have probably done it before it is best if you both are firm to resolve the problems in marriages don't necessarily indicate disharmony in the time to think about these mistakes when they have worked hard their whole life, providing for the behaviour and thus the most difficult thing that should be fine and dandy, even if you are interested in being honest and sympathetic actions will at least one smaller problem, you can turn to counseling and trash the problems.
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rolandfontana · 5 years
Can Your Business Afford/Stomach the China Risks?
Two months ago, Steve Dickinson wrote a post listing his top 14 “PRC/U.S. trade war wild cards,….at least for today.” It is interesting to look again at those risks to see which have already come true, in just this short time.
The below were Steve’s China wild cards, followed by my updated assessment (in italics) of each:
1. The Dow and other U.S. stock markets continue to respond negatively to the various reports of increased tariffs and other U.S. – China trade issues. If the markets suffer a serious decline in the next several months, it will be hard for the Trump administration to continue to take a hard line on China trade. The same issue applies for the economic damage that has been inflicted on the U.S. farm sector. This sector is a major supporter of President Trump. Negative impact on the farm states could also soften the U.S. position against China. The U.S. stock market has not declined since Steve’s post but farmers have gotten a bit angrier. I though do not see trade resolution no matter what.
2. The situation in Hong Kong has continued for over two months, with no resolution in sight. The PRC government has already blamed the U.S. and Taiwan for the unrest and it has warned the HK protestors against starting a color revolution (the CCP’s biggest fear). The PRC has massed 12,000 riot police on the border and the PLA is on alert. If the PRC takes military action in HK, the impact on trade will be immediate and severe. Sanctions against China will likely come from the U.S., Japan, Australia, and Europe, disrupting trade for many years. The troubles in Hong Kong are escalating and, more importantly, the widening positions between those in the West who are calling for freedom and democracy and those in China is bringing big trouble to foreign businesses like the NBA. This is going to be a huge issue. I see boycotts and I see valuable millennial employees leaving companies that do business with China. 
3. The South China Sea and the Taiwan straight are getting “hot.”  Armed vessels and warplanes from a number of countries are moving in this region in direct defiance of PRC claims that such movement is prohibited. In this chaotic situation, armed conflict could easily break out by mistake due to the actions of “hot headed” local military officers. Keep in mind the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Corfu Channel Case. One led to a hot war and one led to a cold war. Either could happen here. Still at about the same level of risk. 
4. China has started importing oil from Iran in direct defiance of U.S. sanctions. Violation of Iran sanctions is the reason for the U.S. banning sales to Huawei and detaining Meng Wanzhou in Canada. The U.S. might impose sanctions on the companies importing Iranian oil. More significantly, the U.S. might impose sanctions on the China banks financing these oil trades. Some in the U.S. have even proposed a “nuclear” option where the entities and banks involved would be cut out of the CHIPS and SWIFT systems. Still at about the same level of risk. 
5. The FBI says it is currently investigating more than 1000 IP/trade secrecy thefts involving China. Reports are that most of these cases also allege Chinese government participation. If formal proceedings are commenced, normal trade in many sectors will be disrupted and cooperative R&D with Chinese companies, research centers and universities will be curtailed or even eliminated. Finally, U.S. hiring of PRC nationals in the tech sector will be impacted or even eliminated. Still at about the same level of risk. 
6. Huawei is still on the Entity List and sales of technology of all kinds is still banned. The tentative commitment to ease the sanctions President Trump made at the G20 meeting has not resulted in any change. In fact, U.S. actions against PRC companies in the tech sector have expanded with the recent announcement that the U.S. government cannot make purchases from five PRC companies, including Huawei, ZTE and Hikvision. It is not unlikely that this purchase ban will extend beyond government contracts to a more general ban on all U.S. purchases from Huawei and other PRC tech companies. There has also been talk of late of the United States banning China tech companies that facilitate surveillance of Chinese citizens. The U.S. just added eight tech companies to its banned list, along with 20 Chinese government agencies. China is extremely unhappy about this and is promising to retaliate. I see a 50-50 chance of this spiraling so out of control as to reduce US-China trade by 25% or more.
The six above are the most critical wild cards, but there are plenty more, including the following:
7. The Taiwan election is in full gear. At one point, some politicians in Taiwan were pro-PRC, seeking to expand and improve relations with the Mainland. But with the recent events in Hong Kong, the ban on travel from the PRC to Taiwan and the open military threats against Taiwan, no Taiwan politician who wants a future can take any form of pro-PRC position. This all could lead to escalating conflicts in the Taiwan Strait. The continued support of Taiwan by the U.S. will strain relations with the PRC on the military level. Still at about the same level of risk. 
8. The U.S. Congress continues to propose anti-PRC legislation. In the past, such legislation has been symbolic and has not been adopted. If the Trump administration shows weakening in its trade war position, some or all of this legislation may be adopted. This would then take the anti-PRC policy out of the hands of the president, leaving no room for negotiation. The risk of this is sky-high right now and I see this happening and soon. I see this angering both the Chinese government and the Chinese people and I see this greatly impacting trade.
9. The SEC seems intent to cut PRC companies out of the U.S. securities markets. If the SEC will not take action, Congress has threatened to step in. PRC companies see the writing on the wall and most are shifting their big IPO plans to the Hong Kong markets. This trend then further decouples the PRC from the U.S. with impacts both on the U.S. and the PRC. See China and the U.S. Stock Market: Nowhere to Go. Trump floated this idea and then withdrew it. I think the odds of this happening higher now than two months ago and I predict it will happen within the next 2-4 months. 
10. There may be a tipping point when consumers in the US and the EU and elsewhere become so troubled with how China treats its Uyghur and Tibetan populations (see this and this) or how it is acting against Hong Kong or Taiwan or with its efforts to exert control outside China. These sorts of things are leaking out more of late as the bloom is off the rose and we are hearing more and more from our own clients (American and otherwise) saying that they are having employees refuse to go to China or consumers complaining about their goods being made in China. Take a company like Patagonia which has a stellar reputation for caring about the environment and people and even goes so far as to call itself The Activist Company; how much longer can it maintain its moral high ground while still having some of its products made in China? This is happening. See the NBA. See the Houston Rockets. See Blizzard. See what our own clients are telling us. I have been predicting for the longest time that this would occur but even in my own firm nobody saw this with the same urgency as me. The floodgates have opened so everybody better step aside. Go to social media if you don’t believe me and then wait until you (and China) see more than half the attendees at opening night at Staples Center wearing these free t-shirts. The anger and counter-anger will escalate to the point that trade will be greatly impacted. Bet on it. 
11. The U.S. has identified the PRC as a currency manipulator for the first time since 1994. The PRC has responded by continuing to weaken the RMB. If this trend continues, the U.S. could respond by raising tariffs rates even higher than the current 25% rate. The back and forth on this currency issue would then further disrupt purchase of PRC manufactured product.Still at about the same level of risk. 
12. Countervailing duty and anti-dumping cases against PRC industry sectors continue to increase. Higher and higher duties against Chinese industry are being ordered. These actions are independent of the administration. Continued action in this area threatens major sectors of trade with the PRC. No change in administration will have any impact. See Yet Another International Trade (AD/CVD) Petition Against China: This Time it’s Metal File Cabinets. This has continued apace. As one of our international trade lawyers is always saying, the tariffs may not kill you but the duties will. 
13. To avoid the impact of tariffs, many companies are leaving China. But it is not unlikely that the U.S. government will expand the current tariffs to other countries, particularly countries in S.E. Asia that are seeing the first wave of moves. Moreover, as more product is made outside of the PRC, it is likely that countervailing duty/antidumping actions will be expanded to cover those other countries as well. This may mean there will be limited options to avoid U.S. tariffs and other duties. We are constantly hearing of the FBI investigating illegally transshipped product. If you are aware of a competitor that is illegally transshipping, please call or email us because there is a good chance our international trade lawyers would be interested in your case. See How To Get Rich From Your Competitor’s Illegal Transshipping: Moiety and the False Claims Act.
14. There are a host of internal factors in the PRC that could have a major impact. Factors I look at are: a) the inability of the PRC leadership to take any stand other than defiance, leading to no chance of any resolution of issues by diplomacy and mutual agreement, b) African swine fever cuts Chinese pork supply in half, c) African army worm substantially reduces Chinese grain crop, d) consumer price inflation coupled with factory price deflation. The first two are happening but not necessarily at levels greater than two weeks ago, so overall little change here, as of now anyway. 
Overall, the risk of doing business with China has gone up substantially in just the last two months — heck, it’s gone up substantially in just the last two days. See also China’s New Company Tracking System: Comply, Comply, Comply and China’s New Cybersecurity System: There is NO Place to Hide.
Many are no longer asking whether China is too risky; they’ve already decided that it is.
What are you seeing out there?
Can Your Business Afford/Stomach the China Risks? syndicated from https://immigrationattorneyto.wordpress.com/
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Centrophenoxine Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Centrophenoxine is a synthetic nootropic agent that is used most frequently as a way to improve mental performance in elderly people. It has shown potential for being able to restore memory and cognition functions to their previous baseline levels.
It is also considered a valuable neuroprotectant that can guard against oxidation and other dangers, and it may reduce inflammation as well. Centrophenoxine’s manufacturers often recommend their product to people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and certain types of brain damage thanks to its possible restorative powers.
The nootropic supplement that has tested the highest with our panel of experts is Memotenz. It has been used by students, industry professionals, and creative artists, all of whole have reported extremely beneficial effects. Click here to see more information about what Memotenz can do to increase your mental performance levels.
Do You Know the Best Brain Enhancement Supplements of 2017?
Centrophenoxine Ingredients and Side Effects
Centrophenoxine: A nootropic chemical that has seen some usefulness in helping prevent and even possibly reverse the effects of cognitive decline in elderly patients. It is a recently synthesized chemical that is considered a prescription drug in most countries, however it is sold over the counter in the United States.
Centrophenoxine acts as a precursor to dimethylethanolamine (DMAE) a cholinergic compound that is necessary to maintain proper neurological function. DMAE is used by the brain to reduce the buildup of age pigment and oxidation.
Age pigment and oxidative damage build up over time and impede the brain’s ability to function properly. Learning and recall are effected, as are thinking speed and accuracy. DMAE can help prevent this damage from occurring and, in some cases, it may even be able to reduce that damage.
The majority of the trials that have been performed on Centrophenoxine involve non-human subjects, making it difficult to know for sure how reliable their results are. Other actions that are attributed to Centrophenoxine but have yet to be verified through clinical trials include enhanced glucose intake, the elimination of lipofuscin, and increased RNA production.
Most people manufacture enough DMAE naturally on their own, plus it can be consumed as part of a normal diet. As we age, however, our bodies begin to produce less and less DMAE.
This can lead to a rapid escalation in age pigment and oxidative buildup. Older people are already more likely to have higher levels of these toxins in general, so this extra damage can start to take a significant toll on mental performance, and may even lead to serious neurological conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
For those individuals whose brains have slowed or stopped manufacturing DMAE on their own, taking Centrophenoxine supplements can have a rapid and noticeable effect on their cognitive performance, often returning it close to its original baseline. For most healthy adults with biologically functional brains, on the other hand, taking Centrophenoxine or another form of DMAE supplement will not impact their mental performance in any kind of noticeable way.
DMAE, like most cholinergic compounds, does not become more potent in higher doses. Our brains need certain amount in order to function properly, which they are normally capable of generating on their own, and all excess DMAE is unnecessary.
Centrophenoxine is generally well-tolerated and is unlikely to be harmful to most users. It has been shown to lead to some mild side effects in some rare cases, and these can possibly include:
Muscle tremors
There is very little data about the long-term effects on the brain of Centrophenoxine supplementation. There are no existent 5- or 10-year studies, especially regarding healthy adults.
One of the potential concerns with this is that taking excessive amounts of Centrophenoxine may impact the brain’s ability to manufacture its own supply. In the long run, this may lead to more rapid cognitive decline, however there is very little data about the chances of this one way or the other.
Follow this link to read more reviews from our experts about the top nootropic products on the market today.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven brain enhancement supplement such as Memotenz for better results.
Centrophenoxine Quality of Ingredients
Some users will find Centrophenoxine more useful than others. The demographic of people that it has tested as the most effective for are the elderly. Many adults 60 and over have seen measurable differences in their cognition and memory functions after beginning to take Centrophenoxine regularly.
Most younger adults, however, will not notice any form of noticeable difference. They are likely to still experience some mild benefits, however these are mostly preventative in nature and will not be relevant until many years in the future.
Users that are looking for a short-term nootropic will probably be disappointed with the effects of Centrophenoxine. It will most likely not be effective for increasing concentration, focus, thinking speed, or any of the other functions that would make it useful as a study or work performance aid.
It will be well tolerated by most users, however it is still possible that some people will have negative reactions to Centrophenoxine. It is not known there are any possible negative consequences to long term, daily use of Centrophenoxine.
Click here to see which nootropic products have rated the highest for increasing students’ test scores and grades.
The Price and Quality of Centrophenoxine
Centrophenoxine’s price is very different in the United States and France, where it is legal to be sold over the counter, and the rest of Europe and Asia, where a prescription is generally required in order to obtain it.
Here is a sampling of some of the brands of Centrophenoxine that are currently available, and the last quoted price for them, last checked as of the date of this article’s publication:
Absorb Health brand 100-count bottle of 400 mg Centrophenoxine capsules: $32.50
Double Wood Supplements brand 50-count bottle of 300 mg Centrophenoxine capsules: $32.95
Relentless Improvement brand 60-count bottle of 250 mg Centrophenoxine capsules: $17.95
Nootropics Depot brand 25 g canister of Centrophenoxine powder: $19.99
Centrophenoxine tends to be more expensive than most other single-ingredient supplements. This makes it much less cost-efficient to pair with other secondary supplements.
For data about the best ways to maximize your brain power through nootropic supplementation, click here.
Business of Centrophenoxine
Centrophenoxine is synthesized by several different manufacturers, however one of its most common manufacturers is a company named Minapharm, an Egypt-based pharmaceuticals company. They can be contacted by the following methods:
Phone Number: (+202) 2414-3170
Address: 2T Takseem Asmaa Fahmy St.
Heliopolis, Cairo – Egypt
There is no evidence that Minapharm has ever been involved in any legal wrongdoing, and there are no formal complaints that have been filed against them.
To learn more about how to choose the nootropic supplement that will best help you accomplish your mental performance goals, just follow this link.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using brain enhancement supplements for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Centrophenoxine
There are some people that have seen tremendous improvement from taking Centrophenoxine, however these individuals tend to be either elderly or the victims of traumatic cerebral events. Average customers seeking nootropic supplementation, however have tended to be more disappointed in their results.
Here are some reviews of Centrophenoxine from past customers:
“Horrible product. Every time I took it I got a wicked headache for like two days. I also started to get really down and ended up falling into a depressive spell. This was a huge disappointment.”
“I don’t know if I had a weird reaction or what, but every time I took Centrophenoxine it felt like I ground to a halt. I didn’t become limitless, I became listless. Threw it out.”
“KILLER HEARTBURN!!! THIS ALMOST RUINED MY LIFE!!! Good thing I keep some antacids around or this could’ve been ugly. Haven’t tried it again.”
Most of the reviews of Centrophenoxine from otherwise healthy adults tend to be complaints of ineffectiveness. There are more complaints of side effects than manufacturers’ promotional materials tend to imply, however they tend to be mostly minor in nature.
Click on this link to gain access to our experts’ library of reviews for all the top nootropic products on the market today.
Conclusion – Does Centrophenoxine Work?
Centrophenoxine will be effective for some users, however they tend to come from several very specific groups of people. Only individuals that have DMAE deficiencies will notice a significant uptick in their mental performance.
The only value that the vast majority of people will get from Centrophenoxine is as a neuroprotectant. It will probably not help them study or perform better at work, however there is a good chance that over the long run they will perform at higher levels than they would if they didn’t take Centrophenoxine.
It is somewhat expensive as an ingredient, which makes it harder for many users to combine with other, more directly effective nootropic supplements.
The nootropic supplement that has the best record of improving its users’ mental performance is Memotenz. It has shown a reliable ability to improve users’ ability to store and recall information.
It can also help users solve problems, stay focused, and think both faster and more accurately. Click here to see if Memotenz could be beneficial for your specific nootropic needs.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2ouWga7 via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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