#then you just gotta pop an edible and contemplate the wings of dragonflies for a while as self care
the-amalgam-house · 7 months
I really wanna say something real quick. I didn't come here to disrupt the ongoing thing everyone has here, but I saw there's a lot of tension, and I feel like there's a need to be filled.
Maybe I won't always be needed, maybe I'll just sink back into the woods one day, but you know being here as a part of this sort of get together of distinct people with a similar goal just feels like the right place to be.
I didn't really think about what would happen, I just went with it. This mans had a hard time of it and all the mumble jumble that goes on with you know not wanting to be perceived or wanting so bad to fit in or for everything to go perfectly. Nothings ever perfect, you know? Nothings ever gonna be the exact right time or conditions, not everyone's gonna be on the same page all of the time, things get messy things get weird and all anyone can do is the best you can.
I saw this bunch of people stressed out and this man at the core facing the outside world while we're here in the inside world feeding off the stress anyway, so like someone needs to tell them it's gonna be okay. Roll with the punches don't fight the rapids. Like do you get what I'm saying? Find the feel good in it all instead of worrying about things that don't really matter in the end. We all die someday, try to feel good as much as possible.
If that resonates with you I want you to really hold onto that. Be like old Olly and just vibe.
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