#theorizing about william's weirdness
crumbleclub · 11 months
There's this weird and very gory French + Canadian film called Martyrs (exercise caution when looking it up in terms of images if that stuff freaks you out) and the basic concept is like. Some cult trying to understand what happens after death by bringing people to the brink of it in the most traumatic and agonizing ways possible. And I just realized that that's really some William Afton shit, both for the original motive and for remnant extraction.
(Accidentally wrote an essay in the tags so, ah. Read those I guess)
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fangirltothefullest · 7 months
every person theorizing about fnaf/fnaf movie lore and trying to solve stuff and still struggling to understand william and henry's relationship as business partners: THIS IS SO COMPLEX AND THERE ARE SO MANY THEORIES!!! SOME ARE SO GOOD OTHERS ARE CONTROVERSIAL!
me: aheeheem i think balloon boy has garret's spirit in the movie cause it keeps following him around
every fnaff hardcore fan getting pitchforks and torches: >:U !!
me being stabbed: :)))) teeheehee balloon boy weird balloon boy funny
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idsfantasy · 7 months
Hey as the professional FNAF person could you explain remnant and agony? I'm kind of confused about what it actually does since it seems to cause all kinds of weirdness in the books.
Alright, so basically in the world of FNAF, emotions aren't just contained in the body. If you feel an emotion particularly strongly, it can linger and infuse itself into nearby objects. Agony is the most powerful lingering emotion, and typically appears as a sort of black oozing substance.
Remnant is interesting. It's described like this in Fazbear Frights:
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In FNAF AR, there are two kinds of Remnant. The normal kind, and dark Remnant, which summons Shadow Bonnie. I'm pretty sure dark Remnant is tainted by evil or Agony in some way, whereas the normal kind is just the general nonphysical-energy infused kind.
Remnant can be present without a spirit fully attached. It's a "Remnant" of something intangible, like a memory, emotion, or a spirit. We can see this with novel Charlie, as she doesn't have the original Charlie's soul, but rather is the product of Henry's emotions during her construction.
Additionally, Remnant can be used for healing, power, and giving/anchoring life. It can cure illness and injuries, increase the power of an entity, and keep someone from dying. I'm 99% sure Remnant is the reason why Scraptrap has a lot more human bits than Springtrap did; William would have regrown human bits as he wandered around finding ways to get Remnant to recover.
Remnant reacts differently at different temperature, and while it was theorized by William to be neutralized with high heat, that either doesn't actually work, or the destruction of Remnant doesn't lead to a soul being William to move on. A spirit can exist without or outside of a vessel, but interfacing with living people in that case is much harder. Remnant (afaik) is the anchoring force between a spirit and their vessel.
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vexy-hexy · 7 months
I hope this isn't a hot take, but Scott Cawthon is a shitty writer
The reason the lore makes no fucking sense is because he just randomly adds or retcons things with no explanation and, at this point, I think he just enjoys watching people (especially MatPat) go crazy theorizing
Like, the man may as well have confirmed dream theory a few years ago, only to go "wait, never mind, here’s Sister Location and everything is real, I promise"
I doubt even Scott understands his own story because it was written with the same grace and talent as an edgy middle school kid trying to write the next Jeff the Killer, so they shove everything they think is cool into the story, whether or not it fits
People say "oh, he didn't realize it would be more than (however many) games. He didn't plan that far ahead," but that excuse should only get you so far when you are writing a story
It's pretty clear that after at least game 4 (some say game 3, so I'm being nice), he stopped caring about the story and began just duct taping things he thought were interesting into a story that could've been wrapped up with MAYBE 5 games (1, 2, 3, 4, and pizzeria Sim with something in the other four to explain Baby and Molten Freddy, or get rid of them, I don't care), but instead it's a cluster fuck of weird details that DON’T MAKE SENSE
Look, I think a lot of us, myself included, can sometimes confuse a good CONCEPT with a good STORY
The storytelling of FNAF is dog shit, but the concept is just SO good, which is why people like the FNAF VHS tapes so much: these people are able to take a terrifying and interesting concept and make a truly good implied horror story with it in the way Scott NEVER could
And don't get me started on the books: First, they're not canon, then they're canon, but also, some stories may only be canon in another alternate universe or something, but if you actually want to understand something, you need to read some of the books
Your story should not have to be told across multiple different media for it to be even SLIGHTLY coherent. It's fine if you want to add in details that aren't too important to understanding the entire thing (like, we don't specifically need to know the names of each kid William killed, but it's a cool fact to know. Or maybe expand on how Freddy's and the incidents affected different people), but, as cool as it was, Golden Freddy being possessed by two children is a pretty crucial point to the rest of the series to be in just some activity book that so easily could've been overlooked as something fun to do related to FNAF (IMO)
Not to mention, we apparently can't even agree on the name of the Crying Child who, I think, was the catalyst for this entire story (because we can't even seem to agree if Elizabeth or CC died first)
TL;DR FNAF is a great concept, and it's been shown that it can make a great story by people who are much more skilled than Scott Cawthon (or maybe they just care more about this series than it's own creator, I don't fucking know)
Also, sorry if I'm incoherent or get anything wrong, I typed this while I was incredibly tired, but I did try to edit it as much as I could the past few days
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mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
Is the end scene of S4 actually Will's "Vecna vision"?
I just want to quick point out that this possibility was first pointed out by @heroesbyler in this post. I'll be adding some of my own evidence to Stav's original idea, as well as doing some theorizing.
So we know S5 is going to pick up right where S4 left off. We also know that S5 is action-packed from the start. Let's take a look at the final scene of S4, starting from when Will feels Vecna outside Hopper's cabin.
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Look how warm the lighting is in this scene! It has warm hues, particularly yellow and orange. However, the minute Will feels Vecna in the back of his neck, the lighting immediately changes.
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The scene becomes much darker, the lighting turning towards a blue/grey hue. This is the moment I believe Will entered his trance from Vecna. Let's take a look at the lighting in the scene where Max entered her Vecna vision.
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Look familiar? The scene starts out in very bright lighting then quickly shifts to darkness. Why isn't the lighting for Will's vision so starkly different? It's because this is a plot device to throw off the audience's suspicions after S4. No one expected Will to get tranced right at the end. No one would expect the scenes they believe to be real to actually be fabricated by Vecna. It's called suspense! It's a stunning plot twist!
This isn't my only evidence though. Another strange thing about the final scene is that the grass/flowers are decaying right in front of the characters' eyes. El picks up a flower and it disentegrates to pieces. That seems weird, given how far they're standing from a gate.
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The nearest gate is way in the distance, perhaps even a mile away. Why is only the grass by the characters rotting? The ground by other gates we've seen looks perfectly normal.
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I believe this is because where Vecna goes, things rot. Think back to Chrissy's vision. The table of food she runs across is rotted and decaying. The pit Fred falls into also is rotting and greyish. It's hard to tell with Max's vision, since the entire ground is covered by fog. Yet we can probably assume that where Vecna walks (or around him) is where the ground rots, just like what we see only near the characters in the final scene of S4.
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Extra Byler theory about Will's vision:
The final scene makes a big show of Jopper and Jancy holding hands, with Mike and Will standing close to each other, but not touching. There is even a zoom shot on Hopper grabbing Joyce's hand for extra emphasis.
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What if Will's vision in S5 starts out with Mike grabbing his hand? Will is startled, but smiles. The camera pans down to their hands linked, only for Mike's hand to fade, replaced by Vecna's. "This is what you've always wanted, right William?" This would be a great parallel to Vecna posing as both Susan and Billy to inflict maximal trauma on Max. Imagine if Vecna is in that final scene, but disguised as Mike.
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darthpastry · 5 months
Welcome to part two of my official Henry-hate crusade. Time to cover the true ending of Pizzeria Sim! For this one, I want to take one of the fandoms favorite moments, the connection terminated speech, and shred it to piece while explaining why Henry isn't really a hero in this instance. So! Let's go over certain lines. Maybe compliment some of my favorite ones so this isn't just hating and recognizing he isn't the absolute worst.
"And to you, my brave volunteer."
Idk about you, but it doesn't exactly seem to me like Michael knew what he was volunteering for.
"Who somehow found this job listing not intended for you."
If it was anyone else, they probably would've died. The only other person by this point who was known to be able to survive the animatronics was Jeremy and I doubt that even if he was still around, he would be able to fend them off due to brain injury. Also, not so much a complaint, but did Henry have someone else in mind or just threw the job listing into the void?
"Although, there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be."
Why not ask. Or at least tell him what the way out is instead of just assuming he hasn't found anything to live for and effectively murdering him?
"I am remaining as well. I am nearby."
Yep. Just make sure everyone who knows what's going on dies even though it's not like William hasn't escaped a fire before. Very responsible of you.
"This place will not be remembered. And the memory of everything that started this. Can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should."
I'm a firm believer in when history is forgotten it repeats itself, so quite frankly wanting people to forget seems a bit stupid. I agree that they shouldn't be trapped in the agony of it, but "this place will not be remembered" seems wrong.
"Although, for one of you. The darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole. So, don't keep the Devil waiting, old friend."
I can complain about Henry all day, but William is objectively far worse, and this line is absolute fire. Pun intended.
"My daughter, if you can hear me. I knew you would return as well."
Might be due to that animatronic you made to capture her and deliver constant controlled shocks and also somehow ended up in a magazine? Idk though. Just a theory.
"I'm sorry that on that day. The day you were shut out and left to die. No one was there to lift you up in their arms. The way you lifted others into yours."
But why. I get that being a parent can be hard and you can't have an eye on your kid 24/7, but he should've at least made there was a responsible adult present.
"Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now."
Yippee. Negligent dad who can only making up for leaving his child without a responsible adult which led to her early death by using Lefty so that she can finally move on. Yayyyy /extreme sarcasm ofc
“Congratulations on completing your work week. We apologize if your situation wasn't presented to you In a completely honest fashion when you first started, but it was important that your intentions and actions be genuine.”
I cannot emphasize enough that Michael was not told what was going to happen and given the last sentence it seems like he didn't even feel the need to be suspicious of what was going on.
“Please accept this Certificate of Completion. Goodbye for now, and thank you for taking this journey with us.”
More of theorizing but it's kind of weird that this whole monologue was recorded and delivered if Michael is supposed to be actually dead. I know it's for the player, but I feel like they could easily spin this and bring Michael back.
Tune in next time where I cover the other endings, possibly rant about how everything in FNaF is awful for everyone, and miscellaneous if there's any!
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cherrytimemachine · 6 months
So I just realized something about the Pizzaplex location and its connection to the Pizzeria Simulator location.
Isn't it weird how there are now two large parts of the Sister Location building inside the underground area of the Pizzaplex?
Not only is the scooping room and the scooper itself down there, but we get to the claw machine we go through in PQ4, we are led by OMC to the Sister Location elevator, this time going up. So the elevator in SL is connected to the FFPS location, which we see the ruins of at the end of SB, in Ruin, and we literally play from there in HW2. You can tell by the matching show stages and the models for the chairs that it's the same as FFPS.
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The scooping room seems to have been reorganized in a way, and the scooper looks like it can flip around and fold up to be stored on either side of the room if the matching walls are supposed to be the same spot. That would make the four doorways that you run through in Ruin to get to the scooping room part of Ballora Gallery if I remember correctly.
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Here we can see two different perspectives of the elevator, whereas in SL we're up against the back wall looking through the doorway, and in PQ4 we're stepping in through the doors. The tubing on the wall even matches up with the original SL design, aside from the new poster decorations. Whether that was just an artistic choice or a hint that someone has been down there and felt the need to replace the decor that's somehow lore relevant, I don't know.
This means that Pizzaplex is built on top of where Henry's house would've been in the books, as Sister Location is directly connected to his house in the novels like it's theorized to be with the Afton house in the games. But below that is the Pizzeria Simulator location, which you would think would be the end of it, but no, there's a giant sinkhole in the FFPS location that you play in during HW2, and that's where the Mimic was locked away. And that's where I'm about to suggest something that might blow your mind.
What if not only was the FFPS location connected to the Pizzaplex, but below that was the Sister Location? What if I were to tell you that the Mimic had been trapped in an old area of the SL rental service and had potentially come from there to begin with, but was sealed back inside? The placement of the mascot costumes in the files of Ruin make more sense if we think about it as an older location, and specifically with SL, William had a hand in owning it, and potentially Henry as well.
People have already made the connection between Henry and Edwin Murray (who also happens to have a son that holds an animal plushie a lot of the time and who seems to be neglected by his father), so it wouldn't be impossible for Henry to have locked the Mimic down there in the games since it was basically a storage facility for bad robots that nobody wanted to think about anymore.
This changes an understanding we have of the lore in a new way. We know there was most likely a house built on top of the SL building, whether it was Henry's or William's in the games is up for debate and might never be confirmed or mentioned again, but these games are connecting the underground locations of SL and FFPS not in them being the same building, but them being connected, one on top of the other, with FFPS being above SL.
This could mean that the FFPS building was an old space that wasn't just built or some random location that was left to rot, that location could've been part of the SL storage facility, or just a specific upper floor dedicated to storing who knows what before it was turned into the trap to burn all the robots. It could even be that FFPS is where the Mimic had come from originally, and by the building being broken into with the new Pizzaplex construction, they unknowingly set the Mimic free. But now it makes sense why they couldn't escape the fire, because they were trapped underground in a building made to contain robots like them. But instead of it being Henry's more recent creation, it's either one he's had for a long time or it was made by William a long time ago, though because William was so intrigued by invitation to enter the facility, I wonder if he'd actually been involved with the place, or if Henry was actually the one who operated it and was using it to store evidence of William's twisted creations. We still don't have a definitive reason as to why William sent Michael down there instead of going himself anyway, and it would make sense if he did because the facility was underneath Henry's house, and it's heavily hinted by Candy Cadet's stories in FFPS that Henry was aware William had been the killer behind the MCI, and his awareness seems to be dating back to around the same time the murders were committed. He wouldn't want William on his property, despite his reluctance to turn him in for whatever reason.
Sorry for the long rant, I just had this realization while thinking about the ending of HW2, and all of a sudden, I had an epiphany. Anyway, I'd love to know what other people think of this and what it means for the upcoming games and lore. Safe to say I think I get why this game had an extra focus on SL, FFPS, and SB specifically, it's because all three locations are connected.
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aydaptic · 4 months
I find it weird how Todd is a child abuser, Zlatko experiments on androids and turns them into monstrosities, Perkins betrays and kills Markus but yet Gavin is considered the worst person because he *checks list* doesn't consider androids alive (like almost everyone else in the game at that point) and doesn't trust Connor.
Among those you mention, Gav is by far the most justified. Yet I wanna clear some things up here bc I'm not a hypocrite.
1.) Todd -- who doesn't think androids are alive -- is an android child abuser.
"You don't want anything, you're just a goddamn piece of plastic." - Todd Williams
It's still phcked up that he's abusing/can kill something that resembles a kid to the T, but it's important to make that distinction. We see no proof of him abusing a human child (...even though it can be theorized bc his wife took their kid and left.)
Abusing an android kid is just as bad as abusing a human kid -- we know this -- but Todd doesn't see it that way, so that describes/partly justifies his reasoning. There's no such thing as 'abusing' a machine and that's how Todd sees it.
A lot of ppl are also (wrongly) infantilizing Con, so I'm not surprised that they consider Gav's bad treatment of Con worse than Todd's bad treatment of Alice who is a literal kid. Seems like most of them don't even care about Alice/kids in the 1st place (...and that says everything you need to know about these POS'.)
Mistreating a kid (Alice) is way more abhorrent than mistreating a grown-ass adult (Con.) Alice is also passive while Con often instigates conflict. So Todd is way worse than Gav by that alone.
2.) Zlatko -- who is aware androids are alive -- thinks he's doing them a favor.
"Believe me, you’re better off being erased and feeling nothing… No more pain… No more hopes dashed… I almost envy you." - Zlatko Andronikov
He's the worst among those four, but this is again a scenario where you need to see the situation from his perspective. Yet he knows they're alive/capable of emotions and that makes him a million times worse than Gav.
3.) Perkins -- who is aware androids are alive -- is doing his job.
"That android… [North] You seem to really care about her… You don't want her to die, do you?" - Richard Perkins
...and if the lover status isn't there
"You could have what you've always dreamed of." - Richard Perkins
In Perkins' eyes, it's about national security. Androids have killed humans (Partners/Stormy Night/Broken -- even if Markus didn't actually kill Leo or Carl, that's what the public thinks -- Zlatko/Spare Parts/etc. too many chapters to mention,) destroyed public property (Capitol Park,) hijacked media (The Stratford Tower,) demonstrated illegally (Freedom March,) etc. Not to mention that androids are superior to humans in every way and nothing tells Perkins that they won't eventually get violent if taking the peaceful route.
Yet his knowing androids feel makes him (as Zlatko) a million times worse than Gav.
"'Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it’s not human…" - Gavin Reed
Meaning Gav doesn't think they're alive (unlike Zlatko and Perkins.)
Gav isn't the only character I (partly) defend on shit like this. I just defend the others 'less' bc 1.) they're worse, and 2.) they don't get nearly as much undeserved vitriol as Gav does. Something that's legitimately insane bc, again, they're way worse by a longshot and I'll explain why down below.
Con stans (fandom majority) are thinking emotionally instead of logically
ppl hate/envy Gav bc he's a conventionally attractive white man (you don't see a lot of Todd, Perkins, Zlatko, Leo, and Allen fans even if there are a minuscule few bc they're not conventionally attractive)
Funny that we don't see a lot of hate for Amanda. An AI or not, she's the worst influence in Con's life with her emotional manipulation. Something way worse than physical abuse. I wonder why... (not really bc *cough* you apparently can't say anything bad about a black woman without being racist/misogynistic *cough*) Ofc there are some ppl that aren't afraid to speak up against her, but it's nothing compared to the shit Gav gets.
It's also why I'm not talking about North often bc the majority are (rightfully) defending her already. My voice isn't needed there. Every single person -- other than me, in my experience -- who defends Gav is being spinelessly backhanded about it.
Defending someone doesn't mean you agree with them or condone their actions. It's simply proof that one has the empathy/critical thinking skills to understand their point of view. Something lacking nowadays.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I actually got really interested on your OC's after finishing the Puppeteer storyline!
I'm mostly wondering if some of them (if they're even alive and didn't die by age or other circumstances) might pop up in the Renovation Project story if the Reader and their team start investigating who worked behind Welcome Home. (Been kind of theorizing if Reader's Mom was part of the cast, maybe Poppy/Sally/Julie's puppeteer? Maybe part of the Cult but escaped? aaaa!!)
(Another thing I wanted to ask is what was the Reader's relationship with the cast and William? We already know that Caesar and Reader have a strained partnership, so I really want to learn about the others.)
Oh, of course they are! At least in small little ways, they will show up! Be it a family member, a video tape, a recording, or other forms.
This doesn't necessarily have to do with the story specifically, but I am planning to try drawing my OCs, too! The main problem is that I don't have a drawing tablet, so it would have to be traditional art. There is nothing wrong with that, I live traditional art, it is just that the lighting in my area is very poor, so pictures usually come out weird. It is either too light, so you can't see the art, too dark, so you can't see the art, or the lights in my trailer make everything look a bit yellow. I'll keep working on it, though!
So, for now, I'll keep writing about them for those that are interested! I might even write little short stories on the side (which will probably not be canon to my main stories) to delve more into their character and how they interact with Welcome Home.
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gh0stgr1nder · 5 months
can you tell me more abt henr y emily 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
henry co-founded fazbears with william and helped make the original animatronics . he had a daughter [charlotte "charlie" emily] that was killed by william after being locked outside of fredbear's diner , seen in take cake to the children [fnaf 2 minigame] and security puppet's minigame [fnaf 6] . The puppet [an animatronic] found his daughter outside after she was killed and layed down next to her , deactivating in the process because it was raining , letting her possess it .
hes theorized to be the desk man from fnaf world , a secret character that says alot of things but the only rly important stuff is from the circus baby ending . Image of the desk guy bellow
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in the circus baby ending , he talks about how hes made something terrible and he cant stop it . and then the lights go out , circus baby[the animatronic that killed elizabeth afton , williams daughter]'s voice says "the show will begin momentarily . everyone please stay in your seats" and when the lights come back on henrys head is on his desk and blood pools around his head . Me personally i think the desk man is him but its . Kinda weird with the ending because he dies in pizzeria sim . But i like thinking that so im ignoring how much that doesnt make sense
In pizzeria simulator , hes the cassette man that tells michael stuff throughout the game . tbh i havent payed that much attention to pizzaria sim but im insane abt the completion ending so im talking abt that
in the completion ending , scrap baby [circus baby but all fucked up] , scraptrap [that one ugly ass springtrap redesign] , and michael afton are all inside the building . henry sets the building on fire and starts talking over a cassette . His monologue is split up into parts directed towards different people in the building .
Elizabeth/scrap baby/everyone: he apologizes for interupting elizabeth ["if you still even remember that name"] , and says they havent been called here for what they think , and theyre in a "labyrinth with no exit , a maze with no prize" . "always chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber , always seeming so near yet always out of reach . but you will never find them . None of you will ." chat im normal
michael: he tells michael there was a way out , but he thinks thats not what he wants and hes exactly where he wants to be . henry says hes remaining nearby and the place wont be remembered , itll fade away like every tradgedy should .
everyone: he says theres peace waiting for most of them , but for one of them [william/scraptrap] the deepest pit of hell has opened waiting to swallow him whole ."so dont keep the devil waiting , old friend" old friend a gayass thing to call someone 🤣
charlie [his daughter]: he says he knew she wouldnt be content to die and its in her nature to protect the innocent , he apologizes for nobody being out there to save her and "i couldnt save you then , do let me save you now" .
he ends it with "this ends. For you and for all of us" and the tape ends . they all die in the fire together and its implied henry died in it too ? man all we know is how he died was a suicide of some sort . normal about the afton's fire motifs aaaaannddddd hit post
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crumbleclub · 1 year
it's so fun to humanize william because he's more frightening the more real he is.
he does terrible things, and he goofs off with his best friend after work. he's a serial killer who's afraid of spiders. he gets angry when he's embarrassed and he puts way too much sugar in everything he drinks. he killed his best friend's beloved child, and there are some nights where it's hard to focus because, against everything he thought he knew about his own personality, he misses his own. these things don't cancel each other out, and it's so, so much more interesting to truly view him as the man behind the slaughter than it is to view him as the nebulous force of slaughter itself.
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omghispook · 2 years
FNaF Theory: The MCI Does Not Happen in 1985, Do Not Claim It Does
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There are three currently-popular answers as to when five children going missing at a Freddy Fazbear's Pizza -- the MCI, happens.
1983, before FNaF 4's retro cutscenes
1983, after FNaF 4's retro cutscenes
1985, definitely after FNaF 4's retro cutscenes
Or, rather, it'd be more accurate to say that it's either June 26th, 1983 or June 26th, 1985, but whether FNaF 4's mini-games happen before or after June 26th, 1983 is also up for debate.
The first theory is known as "MCI83," the last theory is known as "MCI85," and there's a weird split with the second theory. Some choose to lump it in with MCI83 because it literally states that it would happen in 1983, but some choose to lump it in with MCI85 since whether it happens before or after FNaF 4's retro cutscenes is the much more important aspect of it and many theorists just settle on the year of 1985 but agree it doesn't really matter.
But this is FNaF theorizing. Everything that doesn't matter, matters.
As such, there's evidence that the MCI happens before FNaF 4, after FNaF 4, in 1983 regardless, and in 1985 specifically.
Let's begin with 1985. Where does that year come from?
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In the continuity of the "Charlie novels," the MCI is stated to happen in 1985. And at first, people took this as conclusive on its own.
Later, Into the Pit (the very first Frights story) would feature a murder of "half a dozen" children (which could be seen as rounding up from five) that happens, again, in 1985.
But as always, it's not that simple.
Into the Pit's murder is reasonably equivalent to the MCI in the same way that the novels' murder is, as it happens in a private room that's decorated like a party room, (as shown in Pizza Party,) and the number of victims is roughly the same. However, there's also details changed about it, such as the fact that, y'know, people see the murder happen and freak out about it.
The novels' murder also doesn't happen on one night, it's actually over the course of several months, which isn't the case in the games. So there's not just differences, there's specifically a temporal difference between the game MCI and novel MCI.
As for Into the Pit, the fact that there are differences means it's not really conclusive about the year.
Is there any case for the year 1983 specifically? Well, there's a pretty popular argument now surrounding The Silver Eyes, which takes place in 1995 and features the protagonist, Charlie, going back to the Freddy's where the murder happened ten years later.
If the MCI happens in 1983 in the games, this would parallel the novels quite well, as Mike Schmidt would be going back ten years after his continuity's MCI happened, to the Freddy's where it did.
The only counter I've heard to this is "that's ridiculous." Which, of course, is not a logical rebuttal.
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The next point of discussion is the FNaF 4 kid, who many theorists (including myself) believe saw the June 26th incident occur.
This is because of the repeated evidence in FNaF 4 that the child clearly saw something that traumatized him and made him scared of the restaurant, and the MCI is a good answer once everything else has been eliminated.
Seeing Charlotte die wouldn't make him scared of anything except the Puppet and William, and he clearly isn't.
Seeing Elizabeth die would be a retcon and wouldn't make him scared of anything except Baby and ice cream.
Seeing (and misinterpreting) an employee helping another employee into his costume would imply that, were he to see the exact same thing, he'd shit his pants. He does see the exact same thing, and he doesn't have any reaction, he just walks past it.
Seeing a spring-lock failure would make him afraid of the spring-lock suits, (though he still walks past Spring Bonnie,)
The Bite Victim also says "These are my friends" when next to his plushies, but they're not actually about the plushies.
During the final speech, the beige-texted entity says "We are still your friends," referencing the "These are my friends" line, but the "We" in that statement isn't referring to plushies. Even those who believe that the beige text is the Fredbear plush agree that the text is beige because they're not speaking through the plush anymore, so it'd be strange to use "We" to refer to the plushies.
No, these are spirits. These are the Bite Victim's dead friends.
And when the Bite Victim said "These are my friends," he knew that his friends had literally become Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.
He saw the MCI, therefore it happens prior to FNaF 4.
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Finally, the last point I want to talk about is that we know the MCI happens in 1983, because Charlotte's death happens in 1983, and the MCI happens before it. Let me explain.
The "toddler snatched" headline that Charlie believes to be about Sammy in The Silver Eyes is from 1982. However, at the end of The Fourth Closet, it's revealed that Charlie died in 1983.
Almost everything in The Fourth Closet ties, somehow, into FFPS, and Charlotte's death in 1983 is one of the last lines of the entire novel trilogy - it's treated like a reveal. I think there's reason to believe Charlie died on Halloween 1983 in the games, just like in the novels, especially with the focus on Halloween 1983 in Curse of Dreadbear.
And one of the differences in the timeline in the games is that in the games, the MCI predates Charlotte's death.
Susie's UCN line "I was the first, and I have seen everything" has been interpreted a number of ways, but the more damning evidence in my opinion is that in the Security Puppet mini-game, we see what appear to be "WANTED" posters plastered everywhere. Clearly this murder was after some murders had already been established.
Ergo, the MCI happens before Charlotte's death, ergo, the MCI happens before Halloween 1983.
Thanks for reading.
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daytonasand · 8 months
literalt why does the captain hide that envelope and look at it all sadly like that after havers leaves his office and why does he bury it like that like it’s more than just blueprints if it wasn’t some kind of confessional letter. like. what was it for if not for that. and. yknow what. i never watched pretty little liars but i did watch a video essay about it and in it i recall them mentioning that like the writers always wanted to be two steps ahead of the viewers and would change the story if the viewers theorized on something correctly so it just ended up weird and disconnected. and ljke. idk i have faith in the idiots enough to not do that but idk when i think about that letter and william and ‘anthony’ it’s like. benjamin. look at me. look at me in the eyes and try to tell me his name wasn’t william from the beginning and you didn’t change it for no reason. you can’t. you literally can’t.
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justaduckarts · 1 year
Latest chapter theories (Because I'm impatient and this chapter has my mind shaking) So??? Sun??? Bad??? Well that seems to be obviously what that last JAW DROPPER of a cliffhanger line seemed to be implying, but that scene with a younger Sun and that mysterious book? Seriously has me thinking that Sun is either brainwashed/under the control whoever was in the book, or being seriously manipulated. Also, like 90% sure the book is William (I say 90 because last chapter I was debating if Sun and Eclipse's father was still alive). And should the book be good ol' Willy, I'm willing the friend who 'betrayed' him was Henry. Also the little world building info at the beginning?? I thought that was what I was going to do a quick theory over, but now I have SO MUCH MORE AGGHHH (Positive!!). So lesser gods are born of flesh but of higher power than humans and potentially of higher power than Higher gods, and higher gods have star fragments... Wouldn't Star Holder be somewhere in-between? They were born of flesh yet hold a power no other mortal has, even a power no god seems to have considering the gods all want their hands on them; Eclipse needed them to heal Julian, and Sun and Moon just... are doing their thing. So technically speaking she's a lesser god, but then she has the star fragment! So maybe an inbetween? I mean it may have been mentioned and I just missed it, but Pluto, Sun, Moon and Eclipse all had parents. They were all created somehow, so were their star fragments passed down onto them like how Star Holder's was passed from Pluto to them?? (Thinking back on it I remember Pluto talking about her mentor and the whole star thing so-) Star Holder is a greater god not clickbait??? Either way I am SCREAMING this chapter was so good!! Sorry for the lil rant your fic just has me in a chokehold vghjk (OH OTHER IDEA!! I forgot to include this in my whole section about Sun, but maybe he actually wants to control Eclipse to protect him?? Idk, Sun just seemed like he really used to care about his brother when he was younger, and it seems a bit weird that he hates him now. Maybe he is actually against the entity from the book, and the book is trying to get a hold of Eclipse?? Maybe Sun was the one who killed Luna, trying to frame Eclipse to lock him away and thereby protecting him from the evil entity... Or maybe he is Bad and framed Eclipse because he wants him gone who knows BECAUSE I SURE DON'T) Loved the update!!! Your stories always have me theorizing and second guessing myself, and I love it!! Days Of Laughs always had me doing that, but I was a little nervous spouting off in the comments, but you deserve to know how much you make me think!! Always checking the character notes at the end of each chapter!! ANWAYS RANT ACTUALLY OVER NOW HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
Waaaah sorry it took so long to get to this ask iofhrwo;fqwnf
Sun bad? What WAS going on with that book? :0 Who would be trapped in a book like that? What's with the rabbit symbolism? :)
As for the star fragments and the greater gods- It's been mentioned but not quite explained that a greater god will pass their star fragment onto their heir. This is how greater gods are made, their predecessor quite literally removes their own star fragment! The process is very slow and as the child grows and matures, they will absorb their parent's magic until eventually the previous greater god passes and the new one assumes their role. Greater gods can have plain old flesh and blood children and these kids usually become lesser gods (a lot of lesser gods are distant relatives of greater gods, like Elusia and Nova). But the star fragment is a big deal.
Also, I want to put this idea into the universe. The greater gods are carrying star fragments. The Star Holder is carrying a whole star. Not a piece. Think about that. :)
As for why Sun wants to control Eclipse? Well, we'll get there <3
Thank you so much! This ask was so fun to read and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA love all the theories, I love all the speculations ghuireleqh <3 <3 <3 I'm so so glad you're enjoying the story!
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yallwildinrn · 7 months
Uhhh FNAF movie ramblings ahead. Spoilers beware
Okay so. I liked it. I think. It was very fan servicey in a good way, and I loved Mike, Abby, & the animatronics. Vanessa and the plot with William though… god…
I can’t do this wishy washy “ooo!!! secrets and scenes and shit that makes no sense!!! bet you had the REAL plot. better theorize and stay confused for fucking ever!!” I can’t do that again. I’m not strong enough. The FNAF series has done that, and done it poorly, for so long. It broke my spirit for a good while that was only revived because Pizzeria Sim HAD answers and a resolution. It started to die again with Security Breach (I hate Peepaw Afton so fucking much)
I wish the plot was simpler. I wish I had less confusion about things. I wish the Vanessa twist wasn’t so lame, god that felt weird and forced imo. I was William wasn’t so… I don’t know, I still can’t figure out what I dislike about him. Something just rubs me the wrong way.
On the surface level, I had an amazing time. When I think about the plot and my questions, I just get irritated and disappointed. I’m tired of questions. I thought this would be a simpler plot for us to have.
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
All right, as much as I’d like to be hyped for Ruin, I’m gonna go ahead and post some negative predictions. Think of this as a worst case scenario.
(1) This is a stretch but here it is: Ruin has been canceled and/or postponed to next year. This explains the lack of news.
(2) If we do get Ruin soon, the gameplay’ll be the exact same as SB but with darker atmospheres/no animatronic assistant. No puzzles/cool additions to shake up stuff. No fascinating lore bits. Just absolute rage and desolation.
(3) Speaking of lore, get ready for more questions than answers. Which means no Afton backstory lore like I’ve predicted/theorized.
(4) Vanny will get screen-time, but not much story relevance. Same goes for Burntrap + Blob/Glitchtrap. Main concern will most likely be Gregory hacking the remnants of the animatronics due to being under Glitch’s control for most of the game— Including Freddy.
(5) The “Greg is bait/being controlled by Glitch again” twist will be revealed by the very end of the game, the Ruin Girl becomes SB’s “New Susie” after the twist reveal, and it’s the only way this story ends. No way to save the others. No way to stop the inevitable cycle. No extra story/alternate endings to get if you try to resist Glitchtrap’s orders/get collectibles a la FNAF World.
(6) Glamrock Bonnie’s backstory will remain unexplained. Although I’m personally thinking he was the first to be hijacked by Glitchtrap so Monty had to pull self-defense atm, I’m pretty sure this will be debunked and left open ended otherwise.
(7) Sun&Moon are either not going to be in here or they’ll get very little screentime. Same goes with DJ Music Man.
(8) Somehow, Eleanor gets a game-verse debut. And we will have no way to fight her.
(9) I’ll repeat this again: There will be no way to save Vanny this time. No Princess Quest retries, since the systems will be most likely be burned up in-verse. Same goes with William Afton, if anyone was looking for a miraculous redemption arc with him before he goes down in flames one more time. Either he’s officially Glitchtrap and he’s lost all his humanity, he’s too far gone in some other way, or UCN’s claimed him as its prisoner and Glitchtrap’s just a heartless copy.
(10) If we do get a boss fight with Blob + Burntrap, it’ll be a weird mix of the DJ Music Man fight and the original Burntrap fight. And with no banter/monologuing to lighten the tense and furious mood you’d most likely be in.
(11) Any pre-‘83 lore will not be dropped as well, as Ruin Girl will be too focused/forced to focus on finding Gregory to actually take advantage of her situation and figure out stuff. This means that we will be left in the dark about what happened in FNAF 4 (and before) yet again.
(12) GregBot is confirmed, but is not connected to Crying Child. Or he is, but not in a less lore-complicated way. Thankfully, GGY might’ve debunked this point. Maybe.
There’s plenty more I’m sure I can come up with, but here’s the TL;DR: It’s gonna be lore-lacking/absolutely baffling in the worst way. It’s gonna cause people to ragequit and possibly even leave/never join the fanbase. And we’re gonna see the cycle of Afton’s hysteria all over again, starting with a new “Susie” and “Evan” as a catalyst with no way to stop what’s coming— Maybe even on a much grander scale.
But hopefully none of this goes down. I’m just dragging my expectations to rock bottom just in case.
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