#therapists 2003 tortols
I Sing the Body Electric 4
Michael woke up a few days later in an unfamiliar place. Strangely, he didn’t feel the need to panic. “Oh. Hey, dude. Didn’t think you’d be able to visit us yet...Well, I mean, visit me”. Michael turned to see the older Mikey in a kneeling position. “Give me a minute. I’m finishing my prayers,” said Mikey. Michael knelt next to him. He looked at the shrine Mikey was praying to and realized with a sinking feeling...this was a shrine that looks like Gram-gram Karai’s shrine at home.
This one had incense burning in a small holder and had a single picture of a human man, a woman, and a baby. Whoever they are, they must be very important to his brothers in this dimension. Michael lowered his head and quietly said a prayer just like his father taught him. When he looked up again, his counterpart closed the shrine and held out a hand to him with a smile. “Thank you,” Mikey quietly said. “It means a lot man”. Then after a minute, he commented, “I didn’t know you spoke Japanese” Michael rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t. Dad just started teaching us after our Gram-gram Karai...well, he taught us how to care for her shrine” Mikey blinked, not sure what to say to that statement. He then led Michael out of what he assumed was a dojo. “Karai’s your grandmother?” “Technically she’s our ancestor. We only knew her for a short while but...we love her you know? She’s amazing...was amazing...I...I really wish we could have gotten more time with her” Michael’s eyes welled up with tears. It still hurts thinking of Gram-gram. He felt a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Hey, you know what? It’s not the same of course but...umm, our Karai? She’s our eldest sister here”. Michael brightened up just a little. “Your sister? That’s so cool!” Mikey chuckled, put on a helmet and pads, and picked up his skateboard. They headed toward the kitchen then Mikey put out a hand for them to stop.
They could hear arguing that was getting louder coming from the kitchen. Mikey sighed then looked at Michael and gave him a pained smile. “We can skip the kitchen for now. You don’t need to see that”. He turned a confused Michael around in the other direction. “Where are we going?” Michael asked. He noticed this lair was very somber, with a lot of grey tones. “To give Donnie the heads up,” Mikey replied. They reached an enclosure that was probably the entrance to Donnie’s lab. Mikey knocked on the door. There was no answer. Mikey sighed. He knocked again. “Donnie”. Nothing. Mikey knocked louder this time, “Hey, Donnie-” Loud footsteps came crashing and something violently wrenched the door open. “STOP IT WITH THE RACKET. WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” Donnie looked furious, eyes much more bloodshot red, and he was jittery with his mask off. Michael hid behind Mikey. Mikey’s eyes widened, hurt. Then he narrowed them and shot out a hand putting Michael firmly behind him. Donnie seemed to realize that it was Mikey that he shouted at and he shrinks back putting his hand up. “I-I didn’t mean...Mikey...I-,” sputtered Donnie.
Mikey looked away. “You might wanna avoid the kitchen. Raph and Leo are at it again”. Mikey turned and walked away from his brother. A hand shot out and grabbed Mikey’s wrist. Mikey didn’t bother to look back. “Mikey…Please…I’m sorry” “Are you really? Then what, the next time I come by, you’ll shout at me to ‘Get the fuck out’ like the last time I tried to talk to you?”, Mikey spat. Donnie shook his head, “No! I’m sorry about that time...I was stressed and-” “You’re always stressed, Donnie. Is that really an explanation or is that an excuse? You need help, man” Michael watched Donnie slowly let go of his brother. Mikey walked away without looking back. Michael stared at Donnie’s distraught and heartbroken expression. His eyes widened when he saw Donnie scratched at a scale on his arm then pulled it out making it bleed. Donnie didn’t seem to notice. Michael scrambled after Mikey, “Hey...um...Your brother… Donnie...he...his arm… his arm is bleeding” Mikey winced...then pushed on. “He gets mad when you point it out to him and does it some more. The best thing to do is ignore it”. Michael shook his head, “Dude, no. That’s not…” “I know. Just...just leave it. Please,” Mikey said quietly. Michael stopped and looked at his counterpart in concern. Mikey sighed and patted Michael’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s have some fun”
“Dude...Is--Is this safe?” Michael asked, eyes wide at the steep drop of the building. Mikey adjusted his helmet and pads. Then he positioned his skateboard over the edge. “It is! Think of this as a huge half-pipe, yeah?” Mikey said excitedly. Michael frowned. “Sure….but it’s made of glass…” “Plexi. It’s pretty sturdy. Here, I’ll do a run so you can stop worrying,” Mikey bumped shoulders with Michael. He positioned himself on the skateboard. But before Michael could stop him, their surroundings suddenly changed. “Woah!!!” They both landed on their bums and looked at their surroundings. It looked like they were inside the sewers again...except this time it’s spacious with lots of clear water flowing through. Mikey helped Michael up and looked around. “Oooh. It looks like the lair except it isn’t as colorful as your home but it isn’t...um...grey as mine” “You think this is Mike’s home? Let’s find him!” “Yeah!” “Race ya!” The two orange-clad boys ran off giggling and chasing each other. They soon found a large area and heard voices.
“So, can you tell us why you called us here? Is it because of the kids you guys said you have been “visiting” lately?” Mikey put up a finger to his lips and Michael nodded as they quietly sneaked closer to the group they now realize were the four Splinterson brothers and two humans. The lady with fire red hair leaned on a table and said excitedly, “And can you tell us what they’re like? Please? The last dimensional versions of us were older” Mike came out with beer bottles in both his hands and passed them around. Leonardo chuckled and nursed his bottle. “Really young. Although one Leo just turned eighteen, the other is just fourteen. Why do you want to know, April, Casey?”. “That’s their April and Casey?” Michael asked, surprised. Mikey tilted his head. “They look like ours….but a lot older”. Michael blinked, “Really!?” “Shh!” April took a swig of her beer, “Professional curiosity. Not like Donatello will tell us what he’s working on” Donatello was on a table, tinkering with something. “Believe it or not, a stable portal to each other’s dimensions,” he explained without looking up. “Don and Donnie are working on a portal on their end”. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Michael whispered gleefully. Mikey looked away thoughtfully. “I guess that’s why he’s much more irritable as of late”. Michael stopped hand waving and frowned. “You...You don’t mean that, right Mikey?”. Mikey sighed, “Yeah...sorry”. “Don and Donnie, huh? You guys gave them nicknames already?” Casey said amusedly. Raphael clinked their bottles together as he passed by. “Makes it easier to figure out who’s who,” Raphael said. He settled next to Leonardo who, to Mikey and Michael’s surprise, took out a cigarette and lit it. “Not in the lab, Leo,” Donatello reprimanded without looking up. Leonardo moved to an open window. “Sorry, Donny. Anyway, April, what were you asking again?” “You were talking about the other Turtles! Tell me about them, please guys? What do they look like? How are they different from you?”
Leonardo chuckled. “Well for starters, one set of turtles are different species and ages from each other” “Oh my gosh! Really? I'd love to see that!” “Same! Ah man, that must be awkward tho, huh? They probably don’t have that much in common with each other…” Raphael looked at Leonardo and smirked. “Actually, the kids are really close. Like their own Raphie is the biggest, the eldest, and their current leader-” “Oh my gosh!” “What, no way!” “Yeah- I know! But he’s such a good kid. His brothers are very protective of him and him of them. He’s a lot calmer too. Must be because all his brothers are different types of hyper-” “So he offsets them!” April finished, her eyes shining. “He sounds amazing!” “He is! He knitted sweaters for Klunk and Raph’s Chomper-” Mike put down his beer bottle eyes wide and a touched smile on his face, “He did? That’s--wow. What a sweet kid”. “I know! Let me finish. He also gave Leonardo his blessing to train Leon to take over as leader sometimes...speaking of which--,” Raphael, Mike, and Donny put down what they were doing and glared at their brother. “---Leo, I hope you didn’t give the kid a hard time. He was acting out at the table” Leonardo lifted his hands in frustration, almost dropping his cigarette. “It wasn’t me!” He sighed. “But you’re right. I didn’t do anything to stop Leon and Leo from fighting and it turned into a huge misunderstanding...I’m sorry”. He put his free hand on Raphael's shoulder. “Good thing Raphie was there, huh? You all should have seen it. Leon...Leon’s a good kid but he’s...he’s so carefree. But I can see so much potential in him, and Raphie confirmed it. The kid is a natural- it’s a shame I also see he doesn’t know how to follow instructions or doesn’t have that much confidence in himself--” Mike came over and nudged his brother’s shoulders. “He’s a teenager . An actual teenager living his best life. From what I see, their Splinter raised them as actual kids instead of ninjas”. He looked wistful, “I’m so happy for them”. Michael looked down, red in the face. He felt a pat on the head and he turned to see Mikey, also smiling wistfully, “Don’t be sad, man. That’s a good thing”. Michael looked confused, “But...what does that mean?”. Mikey doesn’t answer him. Leonardo smiled, “Heh. You’re right, Mike. I’m happy for the kid too. As for Leo...the kid is quite capable and knowledgeable but...something’s off. Like really off, I can feel it. I hope the two of them won’t resent me too much when I train with them”. Raphael leaned back and sighed, “Same with Raph. He’s actually a quiet kid but I could feel something’s wrong. I could feel the anger and frustration but I don’t think it was at me or Raphie. Like it was directionless and directed everywhere” Leonardo took a drag of his cigarette and smiled wryly at his brother. “Looks like you’ll have to guide him, Raphael”. Raphael rolled his eyes and chuckled. They all looked over at Donatello. Donatello continued working. April poked him. “Come on Donny, spill-” “No”
“What? Why?” “Patient-Doctor Confidentiality” Raphael frowned. “The kids aren’t our clients-” “Even more reason to not say anything. It’s not any of our business-” It was Mike who interrupted. “That’s all well and good, Donny, but as your brothers, don’t think we do not notice how your arm bleeds or your recent sliced thumb the last time we visited the kids”. Raphael and Leonardo got up in alarm. Mikey looked down and glared at the floor, frustrated. Donatello sighed in annoyance. “It’s fine. I’ll handle it”.
Mike frowned, “If you say so. But if you need help-”. This time Donatello looked up and gave his brother a fond smile, “Yeah, don’t worry. If it’s too much, I’ll ask for your help”. Raphael shook his head. “Or mine. It sounds like my area of expertise too”. Donatello went back to what he was working on. “It’s better if I handle it. They open up quicker and better to someone familiar. Even if that person is a different version of themselves” April tapped her chin, “I don’t want to diagnose without getting the full picture but...it sounds like sensory overload that is triggered due to...something. Stress is a factor but another could be trauma-” Donatello shook his head, “April, I’m sorry but what did we all agree on in early diagnosis?” April rubbed her arms sheepishly. “Sorry, Donny. I can’t help it. How about you Mike?” Mike turned his head and was about to reply… then he swiveled his head in the direction of Mikey and Michael and grinned. The boys gulped. “I could tell you, but I think it’s better if they can explain themselves. Boys, come out” Michael rushed out and hugged Mike. Mike gave out a laugh and a slight “Oof. Hey, bud”, while Mikey lagged behind. Mike put a hand on Mikey’s head and rubbed it. Mikey chirred quietly in response. Michael chirred back happily. “Woah, ASL, Japanese, and Turtle speak. You guys are really talented, you know that?” Mike commented, impressed. “Ooh! They’re here? How are they? Are they alright? How did they feel when they traveled here?” Casey asked intrigued. April rocked on her heels excited, “Hi kids! You probably have guessed but I’m April O’Neil and this is my husband, Casey Jones! You’re welcome to our humble home any day” “Wow! Casey and April are married here? Tell them I give my thanks, Mike,” Michael cheered and he hopped up and down excitedly. “Married...Woah...uh...um tell them thanks! I’d love to meet them face to face,” Mikey said. Mike relayed what the boys said and April clapped her hands excitedly. “I can’t wait to meet you all! When Donny finishes the portal anyway” “Actually-” “What’re your hobbies? I’d love to get to know you!” Mike grinned, “Little Michael here-” “Hey!” “who is a smidge smaller than me, is a really good cook. You should see him in the kitchen. He also uses a kusari-fundo instead of nunchakus, am I right?” “And saws! But I can use nunchucks too when I use ninpo-” “And Mikey here is a master prankster like me. He can dance and is really creative. Come on dude, own it! Also, you’re like what 5’6? I’m a 5’4 man. You’re tall, kid. And you’ll grow even more I bet” Mikey slightly retreated into his shell, embarrassed. Michael nodded enthusiastically. “They’re both good skateboarders. Must have gotten it from me-Hey, Raph, not cool!” Leonardo chuckled because Raphael had thrown a well-aimed grape. Michael kept bouncing up and down. “This is so, so cool!” Mikey put a steadying hand on Michael, “What were you guys saying about clients and diagnosis and stuff?” “Hey guys, the kids wanna know about our day jobs. Is that cool?” When Donny, Leonardo, and Raphael nodded their heads, Mike replied, “We’re therapists, and April and Casey work in the same field too. Analyzing behavioral patterns come out naturally to us” Mikey scrunched his nose while Michael let out an “Oooo!”. “That’s...cool? What do you guys do?”. Mike patted his plastron proudly and gave a huge grin. “I’m a certified youth and school counselor! I deal with kids from all walks of life regularly” Raphael collected his and Leonardo’s empty bottles. “I’m a physical trainer with certification in both exercise and trauma work. I handle physical and mental recovery from...er...really bad stuff”. Leonardo put out his cigarette and threw it away. “I’m a social worker. I handle displaced and marginalized people in the city. I also am sensei to….a bunch of rowdy mutant kids”. Donny put down his work to reach for something glowing. “I’m a behavioral therapist with some overlap in trauma. I deal with the rehabilitation of mental health disorders” Casey scratched the back of his head. “Mine is a bit complicated. Closest I can get is nutritional and exercise therapy. You...you cannot believe the things people do to their bodies,” he shuddered. “I’m a psychiatrist with a specialty in pharmaceutics. Anything that needs medicine, I supply” Michael was gob-smacked, but Mikey looked confused. “I’m surprised but...why would ninja need to do all that stuff?” Mike gave the boys a sad smile. “Because there is an influx of mutants in the city and see, there aren't a lot of people willing to help them or the humans lower in the social ladder who desperately need help”. He gestured to his brothers and sister. “So we did what we could and stepped up. We’re kind of all they have at the moment”. Both Mikey and Michael stared at their counterpart in a new light and deep admiration. Mike scratched his cheek in embarrassment. “And I have never been prouder, my dear children. The battlefield has changed, and so you all adapted in ways I have never expected,” said a soft voice. Out from the shadows, a grey rat hobbled towards them all. He took Raphael’s outstretched arm and sat in front of Michael. “From what I have gathered, you apparently have guests, Michelangelo” “Yes, Master Splinter. You can’t see them but Michael and Mikey are here. They are very young, father” “I see? How old?” “Mikey and his brothers are eighteen. Michael is thirteen and is the youngest of his brothers” April gasped and put a hand over her mouth while Casey sucked in a horrified breath. Splinter closed his eyes. “Each iteration gets younger and younger. I grieve for the innocence lost, and I am sorry” Both Michael and Mikey looked down solemnly. “It is a shame I cannot see or hear them-” “Excuse me, Father, but this is what I have been trying to say since earlier,” Donatello interrupted. He gave a grin and pulled out seven crystal wristbands and pointed to a floating, glowing, orb. Donatello looked to the side and chuckled as if he responded to something only he could hear. “The portals are done and stabilized on all our ends. We can now visit each other”
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