#there are three total braincells in the entire show and they all belong to joshua gillespie from episode 2
mumblesplash · 2 years
actually while i’m here: jonathan “gotta compromise the structural integrity of my skeleton before i jump into the Crush You To Death Dimension” sims is fucking COASTING on the quality of his voice. this man impulse-murdered a coffee table with an axe because he was pissed at the eldritch being imprisoned within it and was SURPRISED when destroying the horror prison released the horrors. by season 2 he is accusing his coworkers of murder for being nice to him and is literally on a first name basis with the autonomous physical manifestation of losing your mind. he makes the most absurd possible choice at every turn and somehow STILL manages to come across as straitlaced and reasonable because he talks like if a bbc documentary voiceover was disappointed in you personally
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