#there is something very ethnic about the way ikepri as a whole treats food and mealtimes and the memories associated with them
bespectacledbun · 8 months
4 am and im thinking about this post and i. I keep coming back to the meals. the food. food being the biggest form of love in ikepri. queen michel inventing recipes in the kitchens with leticia. sariel calming down the crying princes with cookies. chevalier splitting a loaf of bread in the market with gilbert. keith having salons regularly with yves and licht. rio's favorite dish being the one emma would make while nursing him back to health. leon getting flavored candy from jin every christmas. the twins sneaking their carrots into sariel's meals (and vice versa). gilbert having a sweet tooth because albert used to make sweets for him. luke learning how to cook because of leyla. leon going to the tavern with jin and clavis for beer and meat. sariel and rio becoming drinking partners. jin abandoning his cutlery and table manners to make luke feel at home. clavis theming his culinary creations around rabbits. yves's hobby of baking for his brothers. silvio and nokto going out for drinks. a secret package of honey cookies. tea leaves in letters. rose-themed desserts. the food. the food. the food.
the domestic faction's meals together being so much more than just faction bonding. it's about leon and yves and jin recognizing licht needs help. it's about them noticing their baby brother is deeply depressed and has a low appetite and will likely go the whole day without food if left to his own devices. it's about leon gathering them for breakfast and lunch and dinner to make sure licht eats something or else he'll forget. it's about yves practicing baking and becoming good at it because licht loved sweets as a child. it's about yves wants to bring some of that joy back for him. it's about the four of them fighting over cake like little kids. mealtimes becoming an act of love and devotion.
and emma. emma being welcomed to the castle with a feast in the domestic faction's office. emma going on a food tour of the capital with yves. emma making time to have tea with rio. emma baking a cake for chevalier for his birthday every year. emma learning to cook hamburg steak to perfection for nokto. emma bringing sandwiches to the princes while they train. emma baking that pie that yves's mother loved, for him. emma making honey-sweetened desserts for luke. emma eating breakfast together with clavis. I just. there is so much love to be found in the food. my god. my god.
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