#these started at silly little things but we might be uncovering a plot soon folks
eqt-95 · 7 months
a new kind of romance, pt 3
part 1 | s'mores s'mores part 2 | purple purple
👗 zippers
“Yep?” Kara called over her shoulder, one hand placing the kettle in its cradle and the other fiddling with the top button of her shirt. It was late. Far too late to still be dressed in formal wear but that didn’t stop Kara from accepting Lena’s post-gala offer of tea, blankets, and a documentary. 
Plus Lena promised snacks.
“Can you come here?”
And, really, Kara should have known.
Because Lena’s voice was coming from the bedroom.
Strike that. Because Lena’s voice was coming from the closet of the bedroom. 
So, really, she should have been prepared to turn the corner and come face-to-face with the exposed patch of alabaster skin where a plum evening gown had been sitting snugly over shoulders and back moments before.
And Kara had never before loved the spectrum of purples as much as she did seeing it hang off Lena in that moment (and that included the burgundy-clad legs she’d felt wrapped around her a few short days earlier). She loved it so much her mouth fell ajar, eyes expanded to the size of small planets, and heart jumped straight into her throat.
“I think it’s stuck. Would you-?”
And because Kara’s brain was having a brown out, it took Lena yanking at the half-drawn zipper for Kara to register the very simple request.
Because it was, fundamentally, a very - very - simple request.
Because of course Kara could unstick a tiny little zipper. She was Supergirl, after all. And Supergirl could definitely - definitely - handle this itty bitty tiny late-night conundrum. 
Except Kara’s nod came out strained and legs stumbled all leaden-like and when she tried to swallow it felt like a desert and then she wondered if maybe they should have a cup of tea first because if she was parched then Lena might definitely be thirsty but Lena was looking at her reflection in the mirror with an expression that might as well have been kryptonite because only that could explain the tremble of her own fingers trying desperately to maneuver their grip onto the world’s tiniest pull tab without intentionally - accidentally - brushing the porcelain skin that Kara so desperately - respectfully - wanted to touch and maybe that’s why the sharp whistle from the kettle made her jump and fingers pull, and the tear that followed sent Kara blushing and rambling apologies in broken english and kryptonese because wow now there was like, just so much skin.
“Well, that’s definitely one solution,” Lena laughed, her rosy cheeks a pale challenge to the flush red that engulfed Kara.
“Oh, oh zhao, uh, uhm, R-Rao I mean, oh I’m so sorry-” Kara rambled, stumbling backwards and running into a rack of Lena’s business suits which, timely as they were, all came tumbling down on top of Kara. “Oh golly-”
“It’s really no problem,” Lena laughed, taking the whole catastrophe in stride because of course she would and of course Kara would make it a mess and turn blubbering and foolish and-
“But it was so nice,” Kara continued from beneath an avalanche of clothes. “and you looked so nice and pretty and now-”
“Darling, watch out for the-
“-now it’s all, oh, oh shoot,” because another rod of clothes caved to Kara’s desperate floundering and efforts to avert her gaze from glimpsing - gawking - at the porcelain surface that surely - surely - belonged captured in marble and displayed for all galaxies to see.
And then there was Lena’s hand gripping Kara’s arm and guiding her out of the mountain of pretty clothes Lena wore while a mountain of apologies sat on Kara’s tongue. 
“And your dress,” Kara said again, face the shade of embarrassment and eyes staring firmly at the fixture hanging from Lena’s ceiling. Were those real crystals?
“What about my dress.” A statement, not a question. A challenge, not an accusation.
“It’s… it’s ruined,” Kara continued, hand gesturing blindly toward the tattered fabric she couldn’t see because boundaries. 
“Well, that’s the thing about dresses,” Lena continued, hands climbing to adjust Kara’s collar.
“The… the thing-?” Kara asked, eyes breaking from her safe spot to meet Lena’s gaze.
“They’re meant to be taken off,” Lena winked and smirked and said with a voice that was far too husky and far too effective at turning Kara’s brain to mush.
And, really, Kara should have known. 
Because whatever brown out occurred moments earlier had nothing on the full black out that followed.
- - - - - - part 4 | frosting
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