#they Really Did come around! and that's all I could ask for yeyyyy ^w^
bibiana112 · 2 years
Guys you're not gonna believe this but I'm autistic :D
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jessefandomunited · 5 years
Christmas with the Horsemen
So finally i am here with the Atlas christmas one shot, I hope you guys enjoy it ^w^ tag: @fortheloveofbenyandtom
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It was a chilly December morning, I was beginning to wake up. I groaned and wished i could just return to the warmth and security of my nest of blankets. However, the light streamed in from the window i lazily closed the night before, after the new Horsemen show i really just wanted sleep more than thinking about future me’s comfort. I tried to cover my head in a vain attempt to keep the light out, but my brain was already beginning the day, making sleep impossible. With a huff, i sat up and padded over to my closet to fetch my fluffy robe. I stretched and turned on the coffee maker I kept in my room. I enjoyed the company of the other horsemen though i really liked having my first cup of coffee in the solitude of my room. As the sweet smell of the coffee wafted into the air i opened up the window next to my little nook. I wanted one of the rooms with a balcony, however, since i was the newest horseman, i had to get what i could. As i breathed in the crisp air i heard the gurgling of the coffee pot stop. I walked over and poured a cup and returned to my spot. I snatched up my phone and switched it on, hoping to see the headlines plastered with our faced. instead i mad a more shocking realization, one that made me accidentally knock my coffee cup out the window into the brush below. “ Crap,” i said still glued to the date showing on my phone, December 24th, “ IT’S CHRISTMAS EVE!” I stood up frazzled. THe whole show had thrown my time table off, i knew christmas was soon, but not tomorrow soon. I had bought the presents for everyone in advance, but i didn’t have them wrapped, we didn’t even have a tree or decorations, this was not right. I quickly walked over to my door doing a quick check in the mirror before racing down to the kitchen. My hair was a mess and i had massive bags under my eyes, perfect. I knew everyone aside from Atlas would be there, he often shared the same ritual as me, having some peace and quiet in the morning and a cup of coffee in his room. He had recently been in a weird mood as well making him even more of a recluse. A year ago when the team formed this wouldn’t come as a shock, however ever since new years of the second show, he had been more friendly. He still had this stickler look about him, and rolled his eyes any time we were doing anything remotely childish, but we’d always see him smile to himself when he thought we were all preoccupied. However, while we had been planning the show, me and him had paired up for the act, and ever since then he had been more introverted than normal I shook it off, no time for that it was Christmas eve. And as i pushed myself into the kitchen I yelled, “ IT’S FRIGGIN CHRISTMAS EVE GUYS!” They all jumped a bit, surprised that i was being so loud first thing in the morning. Lula was the first to pipe up, “ wait....no it’s not.” She fished her phone out of her pocket and looked, her eyes widened , “ WHAT THE F*CK! GUYS ITS F*CKING CHRISTMAS EVER.” “ Yippee,” Merritt mumbled sarcastically making Jack chuckled. “ Oh come on guys, lets have a party, come on Dylan this is a big place is there any decorations anywhere,” i asked. Dylan rubbed his head as if still recovering from my loud entrance, “ it’s possible, we have a big prop room down stair. “ WE HAVE WHAT??? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME,” I said shocked. “ Okay would we ever get you out of there,” He asked pointing at me accusingly. “ I don’t think i like your tone,” I said folding my arms. “ You didn’t answer the question pumpkin,” Merritt smirked. “ Whatever show me,” I urged. “ After breakfast ,” Dylan said. “ THERE IS NO TIME,” I said jumping up, “ Come on Lula you’re with me right??” “ ABSOLUTELY, COME ON DYLAN,” Lula said joining in my badgering. “ Dylan just think of this, if you show them or even just tell them, they’ll magically disappear for like two hours,” Merritt said. “ Its one floor down , end of the hall big double doors,” Dylan said instantly. Me and lula sped off as quickly as possible.
The prop room was all i imagined and more, i kept thinking of big fat lire when they were in the prop room in universal studios and had a big dance sequence. This was that on steroids, it had everything and it didn’t take long for us to find the holiday section, they had a full out fake Christmas tree, fireplace, garlands , lights. “ this is perfect, grab that dolly and we’ll bring as much stuff up as we can, then we’ll guilt the guys into carrying the heavy stuff,” i smirked. “ Agreed,” Lula chucked and grabbed a big box of decorations. 
As we were setting up we chatted about a whole plan for a christmas party, we could watch our favorite christmas movies, make cookies, even the guys were getting into in. Within second Merritt found a great alcoholic egg nog recipe as well as a Christmas vacation drinking game. As we all were buzzing with excitement Atlas walked in.  “ Where did all this come from,” He said simply looking around confused more than impressed that we transformed this place so quickly. “ Prop room,” I said simply. “ Ah,” He said simply ,” so what is going on.” “ Oh you missed the loud announcement at breakfast, ITS CHRISTMAS EVE,” Merritt yelled causing Atlas to flinch slightly, making us all chuckle. “ Lovely, great , i’ll  just go back to my room,” he said heading for the door. “ Wait Danny, come on he was only teasing, please join us, we need all the horsemen,” I said grabbing his hand lightly. He looked back at me and blushed slightly then looked away, “ i’ll....i’ll stay for an hour.” “ Yeyyyy,” I cheered returning to the box and producing a santa hat then placed it on his head. “Thanks,” he said dryly sitting down. “ Better make that eggnog quick Merritt,” I chuckled. “ Will do miss,” He smirked going over to the little kitchen area we had in our party room.
Soon enough we had the party in full swing, we had some good classic christmas movies lined up Merritt and Jack were playing pool while me, Lula , and Dylan were watching Christmas vacation and laughing hysterically. Atlas was just kind of sitting awkwardly on his chair. Finally I had enough. “ Ill be right back,” i said to lula , then as i walked out to the balcony i grabbed Atlas hand and pulled him out with me, “ come here.” He stumbled after me surprised at my sudden shift. “okay,” i sighed once we were outside, “ what has been going on lately, you’ve been much more distant than normal.” His eyes widened as if he though he had been trying to be super sneaky about the whole thing. “ Come on spill,” i urged. He rubbed his neck, “ nothing , nothings been wrong everything is fine.” “You’re a terrible liar,” i said, “ come on, i thought we were friends.” He looked down trying to keep his  “i’m a cool guy look” but it seemed to be faltering. “ Atlas please,” I begged. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, then grabbed my hand, shocking me. “ What,” I started to ask but he stopped me, “ just listen please.” I closed my mouth and he said,” listen, ever since the show, i’ve...been thinking about you a lot, i i may.....feel something for you okay.” My mouth hung open, i couldn’t believe what i was hearing,” you...really?” He nodded I smiled warmly and scooted closer to him, “ you like like me.” “ Don’t be stupid about it okay,” he said trying to sound irritated but smiling lightly. I bit my lip and said , “ you know i have a secret for you as well.” “ And what would that be,” he said rolling his eyes. I beckoned him to scoot closer as he did, i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then ran back into the house, leaving him stunned , and smiling.
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