#they all get a from the library of jurgen leitner stamp in the front cover
downloadablecreature · 2 months
Petition for Jonny Sims to write some of the Leitners that show up in TMA.
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behld · 4 years
miscellaneous jon facts, part three.      (   one,   two.   )
out of habit, flips to the front & back inside covers of every single book he picks up to check for a from the library of jurgen leitner stamp. immediately post a guest for mr spider incident he was much more thorough about this, checking each book (especially ones his grandmother brought back from charity shops on her weekly book-buying trips) at least a dozen times before daring to read a word, but by the time he’s an adult it’s an automatic reflex. he doesn’t notice he’s doing it at all.
i’ve said before that jon can’t cook but i think i’m reversing that statement. he can cook — he always felt (whether justified or not) that he had to earn his keep at his grandmother’s, so to speak, and overcompensated on any chores he was given, and eventually that included cooking meals when she was too tired to do so. he works best when going directly from a recipe and never really learned any family recipes or anything. his grandmother wasn’t the type to pass things down.
he doesn’t cook very much anymore. doesn’t make the time to make full meals & doesn’t see much point in cooking for himself if it’s something he could easily order instead. eats a lot of take-out when he actually remembers to eat in the first place.
which he’s. actually really bad about. jon gets extremely hyperfocused on work very frequently and doesn’t look up from what he’s doing for hours upon hours, and this, unsurprisingly, has some impacts on his eating habits!
#1 coping mechanism for anything is consistently denial. see someone get eaten by a giant spider from a book when you’re a kid? well, you always had an awful imagination anyways, but that memory should probably be repressed to all hell until you’re ready to deal with it, aka approximately never. best friend jumps off a cathedral and presumably dies while you’re in uni? have a week-long breakdown in which you obsessively search for any bit of information you can find and then force yourself to stop thinking about him entirely because hey, it’s finals week, you don’t have time to freak out. get a job dealing with the very supernatural entities that haunted your childhood? pshh, the supernatural isn’t real, there’s rational explanations for all of this. have a crush on your archival assistant? well clearly these complicated feelings are contempt because martin is so bad at his job, not the uncomfortable first stirrings of a crush.
i have a habit of like... i’ll write a muse a certain way. and then figure out something about myself. and realize i was projecting that thing onto my muse accidentally, without even realizing it applied to me as well. this happened w my anxiety and w my adhd and now it’s happened again with the newest addition to my trifecta of things that start with a. all this to say: jon autistic? jon autistic. i’ll expand on this at some point but i’m pretty sure i’ve been writing him that way already so
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