#they just have to trust the stranger who didn't kill them immediately won't be worse than the fucked up monsters around them
bigkickguy · 6 months
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daanmarcoh doodle - they're sleeping in shifts and keeping watch
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skywxlkcr · 2 months
angstpril day 7 bad dreams
just trust me you'll be fine
Tommy Turnbull was no stranger to nightmares; he had them from the beginning. Starting with dreaming about bugs, coming to school in his pajamas, being the class pushover, to being kidnapped, watching the world being destroyed, and even there have been deaths of loved ones.
But he would have preferred any other dream to the ones he had with Robotboy.
And no, it wasn't about the dreams where the robot tried to kill him, or was forced to do him harm or something else.
No, it was about dreams in which it was Robotboy, being harmed, destroyed, killed, reprogrammed, taken away from Tommy.
Yes, these were dreams he hated having. To a certain extent they were bearable because they didn't occur all that often, but all the recent situations in which they both barely escaped unscathed made his nightmares worse.
It was another night during which he woke up, with a scream and Robotboy in the back of his throat at the same time.
He sat up straight and forced himself to take a deep breath. After that, he searched around for his friend. Robotboy was half-sitting on the edge of his bed leaning against the closet, his eyes closed.
Just when he was about to speak up, Robotboy did it first.
"Are you okay?"
He jumped up slightly.
"Ro! I thought you were asleep."
"Not asleep, on standby," Robotboy replied, opening his eyes, "What happened? Did you have that nightmare again?" he asked. Tommy blinked.
"Wait, what do you mean 'again'? I never-"
Ro sent him that particular look that meant are you serious?
"Tommy, just because I don't always speak or actually move, doesn't mean I can't hear you when you wake up," he explained. The 12-year-old blushed, recalling what he did after those nightmares. However, he quickly understood another thing.
"Wait, so that's why when I woke up you had an empty battery? Ro…"
RB shook his head.
"It's not important. The important thing is that you have nightmares and don't want to tell anyone about them," he noted. Tommy looked away "what are they about? You can tell me. I know that they are about me because I hear you calling me in your sleep."
Tommy swallowed and put his arms around himself.
"I don't want to talk about it."
Ro sighed.
"Okay. We don't have to talk about it. "
Silence fell for a moment, then Robotboy on his knees walked to the side of Tommy's bed and sat down next to him, crossing his legs. He looked at his friend and patted his lap. Tommy raised one eyebrow.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Lie down."
He frowned.
"What? Why would I-"
The robot looked at him sharply.
"Tommy, lie down and don't ask questions," he growled lightly, but when the teenager jumped up slightly, he sighed and added more gently, "just trust me. "
The blonde looked at him skeptically, but laid his head on Robotboy’s lap. He immediately felt Ro tread his fingers into his hair and start playing with it.
"Tommy, what are you afraid of?" He asked after a while, and Tommy tensed up.
"I said I don't want to talk about it, Robotboy," he replied.
"And we're not talking about it," he noted, "I just asked what you're afraid of," RB explained, shrugging slightly. Tommy frowned again.
"I think I preferred you before all the teenager updates," he stated. Robotboy rolled his eyes.
"Come on. What's the matter? Are you afraid for me? Are you worried? I won't get reprogrammed by Kamikaze, I won't destroy the world."
Tommy sat up.
"That's not the point. "
"Then what is it?"
"I...what do you mean 'what'?" he looked at his robot with a slight hurt "Robotboy do you think that's all I'm worried about?" he paused and when Robotboy didn't answer, he continued "You have so many enemies who try every day to destroy you or kidnap you or use you for their own purposes and I...I know it's always been like this, it's been like this for two years, but lately we've had too many situations where we barely escaped with our lives and I'm just scared for you, okay?" he looked away and swallowed.
The teen shook his head, rubbing his eyes.
"I don't want to lose you, Ro."
"Tommy not worry," RB began after a moment, with a slightly raised voice which made him sound similar to himself from two years ago, "Robotboy will be all right," he assured, smiling.
The teenager sniffled, but smiled gently.
"Do you promise?"
"I promise. Hug?"
"Sure, Ro."
Tommy moved closer and both boys hugged.
It wasn't good because Tommy knew the nightmares wouldn't go away, but he could be sure that whenever they woke him up, Robotboy would be next to him.
i feel like ro isn’t ro enough lmao 😭😭 anyway still working on the next prompts so idk when the next day is gonna be posted oof but dw i'll prob ramble about RB anyway
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
what we all DESERVE is a canon divergent fic where Peter gets de-aged. whyyyy are there no de-aged!Peter fics?? it's a travesty.
so anyway, Peter gets de-aged to the age of the rest of the pack (17, if it's somewhere in the vicinity of post-season 4, which feels most likely). and now the pack is stuck with a Peter that is.........not Peter. at least, not the Peter they know and want to kill a significant portion of the time. this isn't the Peter whom all of them have been directly hurt by at one point or another. this isn't the Peter who's tried to kill them all, most of them more than once. this isn't even the Peter who killed Laura or got Paige killed or anything like this.
this is just a teenager, and he hasn't done anything. not yet. and what are they supposed to do with that?? cuz none of them can pretend those things didn't happen to them or that this person didn't do them, even if this person hasn't done them yet, and there's so many complicated feelings in there about how they're supposed to treat this guy. can they trust him? how far? is he inherently untrustworthy, as he is, because of what they know of his future? was it in his nature or the culmination of his experiences? is it safe to assume that he won't hurt anyone or take advantage of them now, as he is, or would it be stupid and reckless of them to not lock him up immediately or kill him while they can?
meanwhile, Peter is.............Peter is a lot of things. confused, for one. scared, not that he'd ever admit it. overwhelmed. at least a little bit offended by how these people are talking about him. and, underneath it all, a little....worried, maybe? by the things they're saying. by what he (apparently) has done. or did. or will do.
because even if he wasn't a shining paragon of virtue as a teenager, he can't imagine doing the kinds of things these strangers claim he will. it’s like that frog-in-boiling-water principle. every step Peter took toward the dark side seemed reasonable when he took it, not that much worse than anything he did before, and always justified. but when you compare step 1 with step 100, it becomes abruptly clear just how far gone he became. and step 0!Peter may not be a saint but he doesn’t want to become that. an unrepentant murderer, someone whose pack (the closest thing he’s got to a pack, at least) is openly debating killing him for the greater good and not even his own kin can bring themselves to defend him.
BASICALLY, i want a character study of Peter through confronting him with everything he’s done. it would probably be Steter 😂 cuz their banter is A+ no matter how old Peter is. and we know that Stiles would want to personally keep an eye on Peter, cuz he’s like that, so they’d be spending a lot of very reluctant time together. Stiles is suspicious af, and Peter is viciously defensive in an unknown environment surrounded by people who register strongly as threats, but the longer they go without figuring out how to turn Peter back, the more they very reluctantly warm up to each other.
at some point, after a lot of slowburn character growth, Peter would make the decision that he doesn’t want to be re-aged. he would be more powerful and knowledgeable and skilled, yes whatever okay, but it would also mean being that person again. regaining the memories of all the terrible things he did. and he doesn’t want to be that person. but somehow, through whatever plot machination, Peter would be faced with a crucial plot-driven ultimatum.
whatever danger there is, Peter has to be re-aged, for the sake of someone else. Derek or Malia or Stiles or his new pack as a whole. whatever the circumstance, Peter has to choose to sacrifice his chance at a new life, to accept his past mistakes and learn to live with himself (and also potentially sacrifice a life with Stiles), in order to save them. which ironically proves, once and for all, that he isn’t the man he’s turning back into. not anymore.
ask me about my unwritten fic daydreams
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Breakfast with the Moon - JJ Maybank
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Summary: Based on Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu
Word count: 3,736 (this has to be my favorite thing I've ever written!) 
Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, spiking a drink, stealing, his abusive father
She wants me, I know it, even tho' I'm broken. When she looks at me, I see that she's also hopeless.
You cuddled into JJ's chest, your fingers lightly tracing cursive letters on his chest in hope's to calm him down. He showed up at your front door after he had a horrible fight with his father. You could immediately tell from his eyes that he felt broken, but you were right by his side to help him slowly pick himself up piece by piece.
"Y/N?" You looked up at JJ, his index finger tracing your jawline. Without comprehending it, you leaned into his touch. His eyes looked into yours, as if he were reading your thoughts. "You know how important you are to me, right?" You nodded your head, "yeah." Your voice just above a whisper.
I notice her emotion flowin' out, her heart is open because she trust me (I think she loves me)
JJ shifted in his spot, forcing you to look at him. "Don't lie to me y/n/n." You sighed, already feeling the tear sting your eyes. You were never one to openly talk about your struggles, only knowing people pitied you after you told them. But it was different with JJ, he understood what you were going through.
He wasn't the kind to apologize, or say how you didn't deserve to go through that you were going through. He was the kind to give you advice on how to overcome these feelings. The type of person who wouldn't judge you after admitting things you've done. You trusted him with everything in you. 
I hold her close with passion, imagining what could happen. She acting like a bandage, she healing all my damage.
You sat on the couch with Kie, talking about how your days went before JJ stormed through the front door. You furrowed your eyebrows at the boy who bantly ignored his friends, marching into his room and slamming the door shut. 
Without hesitating, you got up from your spot, excusing yourself before walking in front of his door. You softly knocked, calling his name. When you got no response, you opened the door a crack to see his body face down, shaking as he cried into the bed. You quickly entered and shut the door after you, sitting next to his body.
He scooted forward, resting his head in your lap, hands squeezing your thighs as he cried. Your fingers combed their way through his hair, quietly humming a soft tune to calm him down. "I hate him. I fucking hate him." He sobbed into your lap, tears dropping onto your skin. "Hey, hey look at me." You mumbled.
JJ lifted his head up slightly, your heart ached at his red eyes. "You're almost there sweetie. Once you turn 18 you can move out of there and never have to see him again If you don't want to. I'll even help pay for you to move out. It kills me to see the pain he puts you through everyday. You're almost free, baby. You just have to keep fighting, okay?" Your words eased the hurt in his chest. 
You scooted down to be face to face with him. He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him. "I'm right here. You're safe." You mumbled against his chest.
Yeah she's the one I've been waiting for to land on my planet. Unlike them other girls she got my back and she won't stab it.
JJ sat at a table at the wreck, checking the time on his phone every other minute. He had been waiting for his date to show up, only for her to never show. He waited there for 40 minutes before leaving the restaurant.
He showed up at your front door, his hands awkwardly in his pockets due to his embarrassment of being stood up. "Hey!" You welcomed him with a grin, inviting him inside the house. "How'd the date go?" You asked him as he sat himself down on your couch.
"It didn't." He pursued his lips together, your eyebrows furrowed together. "She never showed up." He bit his tongue, hating at the sound of him admitting it. Your mouth dropped open, immediately wanting to fight the girl who stood him up. 
You thought for a moment before grabbing your purse and car keys. You held your hand out for him to grab, earning a questioning look from him. "Come on," you nudge your head, "I'm taking you on a date." 
His heart skipped a beat at your words. He quickly held onto your hand as you led him to your car, making sure to open the passengers side door for him. It was times like this where JJ felt blessed to have you in his life. 
This is true love, no there's not a plot twist. Knowing what she's thinking, yes I'm friends with her conscience
You laid on your bed, curled up in a ball due to your cramps making your body ache with every move you made. Your bedroom door busted open, making you nearly fall off the bed. 
JJ marched to your bed with a McDonalds bag and soda in his hand. He sat himself down next to you, pulling a pill bottle from the bag. "I went to get you ibuprofen for your cramps but I figured you would want food as well. I got a 50 pack of mcnuggets with honey mustard sauce and a coke." You bite your bottom lip as you grinned carefully sitting up. "I love you JJ Maybank." You exhaled, grabbing everything out of his hands.
You scooted over, patting the spot next to you. JJ sat down with his legs crossed, his hand taking a nugget from the box. You threw your head back, taking the pill to help ease the pain. Resting your head on his shoulder, you shoved a chicken nugget into your mouth. "You always know what I'm thinking, Maybank. You're the best."
Clearing out my toxins every time we talkin'. Kiss me in the dark, middle of our movie watching.
"I swear it's like every time I go home it's like he puts a 500 pound rock on my chest." JJ exhaled, rubbing his eyes with his fist. "But that's why you're always welcomed here. I hate seeing you this stressed J." You mumbled into his chest. 
You two were hanging out in your room, lights off with Finding Nemo playing in the background. "Everytime I come here it's like a weight is lifted off my chest. I love talking to you because you understand me. You like, I don't know, you detox my mind."
You looked up at him, his eyes trained on yours. As if JJ had the power to read minds, he read yours and began to lean in. Your heartbeat picked up speed as his hand cupped the side of your face. Holding onto his wrist, you guided him towards you, your grip loosening as he kissed you.
You the best thing and everything a friend could be. You got my heart locked up, I could never leave.
You danced in the moonlight with Kie, your body swaying to the music that played near you two. The group decided to throw a Kegger, just because they all wanted to have fun. Kie got pulled away by some touron as a hand tapped your shoulder.
Turning around, you saw there was no one there. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back around to see a brunette boy, eyeing your body down. "Y/N! Hey, I missed you!" JJ's familiar voice filled your ears. You turned around and got enveloped in a hug by the blonde. "The guy spiked your drink." He whispered in your ear. 
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You turned away from the stranger and walked hand in hand with JJ away from the party. You flung the liquid out of the cup, throwing the cup in the trash. He led you to an isolated, broken tree stump that you two sat on. 
"Thank you for warning me." You mumbled, looking at the moonlight that reflected off the waves. "Of course. You're my girl, I gotta protect you."
Staying up late at night when we textin'. My plate's full, but time with you I'll keep on spending.
Your eyes snapped open at the sound of your phone going off. Picking it up, your eyes squinted as you grinned to see JJ texted you a tweet he saw. 
Clicking the tweet, you nearly laughed as you read it in your mind. 'Craving a hug is worse than craving sex because you can masturbate but you can't hug yourself and that's some real shit lmao.'
'Is that your way of telling me you need a hug?' You texted him, checking to see the time was 4:31 a.m. He immediately read your message, three dots appearing on your screen. 'Maybe… I have ice cream for you if you do.' You threw your sheets off of your body, not caring you were wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts.
'On my way hoe.' You texted back before sliding on your flip flops and sneaking out your window to your car. Speeding off to JJ's house, you parked down the block before walking to his backyard.
You knocked on his window before pulling the screen up and crawling in. JJ stood in the center of his room with a wide grin on his face, a tub of ben and Jerry's in one hand and two spoons in the other.
He put both items down as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around. You wrapped your legs around his waist as his arms adjusted themselves. He walked over to his bed, sitting against the headboard. You remained in his lap, your legs on both sides of his lap. Your hands entangled themselves in his hair, his hand on the arch of your back. 
You were about to pull away before his grip tightened. "Not yet. I don't wanna let go just yet." He mumbled.
I hate it when you're not with me. 'Cause it feels like something's missing.
You had left the Outer Banks for a trip to visit a college out of state. You knew you weren't going to a college outside of your home, you just went to please your parents.
You were gone for a week. However to JJ that felt like a whole month and he was aching for you to come back. The entire week he has never felt more stressed. He felt like something big was missing out of his days. He wanted to call you, but he feared he would bother you. 
Without telling him you were home, you called his number. It rang 3 times before he picked up. "Y/N! You're alive!" His voices yelled from the other side of the line. "Yes I'm alive and on my way to your house."
"Oh-shit!" JJ yelled before you heard a loud thumping sound. "You fell off your bed didn't you?" You asked him, driving down the streets. His dad's car was thankfully gone, allowing you to pull in. Quickly exiting your car, you slammed your door shut.
Walking into his house, he nearly tackled you to the floor in a hug. "Wow, hi!" You laughed as he hugged you, rocking your bodies side to side. "That felt like the longest week of my life."
I'ma show you everything and everything I hide behind. Tell you my whole story, I can take you back to '99.
JJ was currently asleep at your side, your legs intertwined. He asked if he could sleep over after his dad threw a fit after taking drugs. 
Your eyes never left his face as you remembered the first time JJ opened up to you about his abusive father. It was one night, 3 years ago. He showed up on your doorstep in the pouring rain, a fresh bruise on his face and a cut lip.
He tried to say he got caught up in a fight with a Kook, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that it wasn't the truth. You didn't beg him to tell you, you knew he had his own life and you didn't want to pry. He loved that about you and knew it was time to tell you everything.
From how his mom left when he was young, then how his father became a drug addict and alcoholic. He brought up the first time he had been beaten, he was only 11 which broke your heart. He told you that acting like he was fine and just got into it with a Kook was easier than explaining about his dad. 
Loving you's a sequence, keeps my heart beating. I'ma keep you warm even if it means I'm freezing.
You and JJ went to the movie theater, celebrating your birthday together. He had managed to sneak you two into the Kook cinema that had working air conditioning and reclining seats. 
He took you out to see a new movie, knowing that would make you happy. You told him you were gonna pay for food, but he stopped you before you could go up to the register. "I got it." Was all he said before taking your hand and leading you to the right room.
He took you to the back row knowing that was your favorite spot. He shifted in his seat, pulling bags of snacks out of the hem of his pants and anywhere else he could hide it. You giggled to yourself quietly, your mouth dropping as he pulled a hoagie out of his pant leg. 
"Shut the fuck up." You whispered, high fiving him as he set out the food. You pulled up the arm rest that sat between you two, scooting closer to him.
His arm immediately found its place around your shoulder, pulling you close as he ate half of the hoagie.
Your body shivered as you pulled JJ closer to you. He looked down at you, "are you cold?" "A little but it's-" before you could finish your sentence, he was already taking his sweatshirt off and handing it to you. "Aren't you gonna be cold?" He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care. That just means you'll have to be the one who gives the cuddles." You laughed quietly, slipping his sweatshirt on before opening your arms towards him.
He leaned down, resting his head on your chest as he laid down. His arms slid around your waist, his eyes fluttering shut as you kissed his forehead. 
Used to act reckless, then I met you. We both eatin' breakfast underneath the moon.
Kiara had told you this story countless times, she would tell you the story of how JJ used to steal from stores, used to sleep with girls all the time, used weed and alcohol as a coping mechanism, but everything stopped as soon as you stepped into the picture.
You didn't know he was doing those things until he admitted it to you the same night he opened up about his father. He wanted you to know how much of a positive impact you've made on him, and he appreciates you so much. 
It all changed one night after you and JJ had spent the night at John B's. JJ was in the kitchen making pancakes at 3 in the morning. You hadn't gotten any sleep, so you got out of bed and sat yourself down on the counter. "Morning sunshine." He grinned at you, flipping the pancake in the air to catch it in the pan again. "Morning handsome. What's with the breakfast foods?" You asked, eyeing the raw batter.
"I got hungry!" He said, pouring yet another spoonful of batter onto the pan. "I mean… are you gonna need help eating those?" You shyly pointed to the stack of pancakes. "I made them just for you." He winked. He gathered the whip cream from the fridge and the syrup from the cabinet as the final one was cooking. An idea popped into your head. "I'll be right back!" You called out to him.
You went into the closet and pulled out the old Christmas lights from a box. You grabbed two pillows and a large blanket as well. You walked outside and set up the lights along the trees, turning them on to see the beautiful colored bulbs light up. You put the pillows on one of the hammocks, laying the blanket to the side.
You dragged a wooden table put from one of the corners of the backyard to the front of the hammock where the food could go. You scattered back inside and stopped him before he could go into the backyard. "Stop! Give me the food and stay right here." He hesitated before passing you everything you needed to complete the surprise. 
Placing everything in its spot, you ran back inside, "okay I need you to trust me." You said before covering his eyes with your hands. You led him out the backyard and right towards the hammock. "And here!" You smiled, uncovering his eyes. He stood there in awe as he looked up to the lights and the cute decorations. 
"How did you do this in the span of 3 minutes?" He asked, sitting down in the hammock, passing you a plate stacked with pancakes from the table. "I have my ways." You winked. JJ looked up from his spot, looking at the full moon that hovered above them. "Here's to eating breakfast underneath the moon." He raised his fork that had a chunk of pancake on it. You raised your, clinking the metal. "To eating breakfast underneath the moon."
People think we crazy from the stupid things we do. I love it when you're weird, 'cause I know I'm weird too. 
You leaned back in your chair at the Wreck, Kie and Pope sitting at your sides, JJ and John be in front of you. "Kie, your father is a blessing." You complimented her father after he gave the group free food. The restaurant was empty since it was 10 p.m. only leaving the group and Kie's father. You stood up from your seat, collecting the plates and any garbage from their seats, helping clean up.
JJ got up from his spot, lifting his shirt up past his abs. "I have approximately 5 food babies in my stomach." Your cheeks flushed pink as you quickly looked away. "Y/N! Come here." You walked over to him, he watched as you, waiting for you to mimic him. You jokingly rolled your eyes before lifting your shirt up past your stomach. He reached his stomach forward to touch yours. "Our food babies will now become one." You said, ignoring the weird looks from your friends.
"What?" JJ asked, rolling his shirt back down. "You guys are fucking weird." Pope laughed. "You're just jealous you're not having a food baby with us." You flipped your hair over your shoulder, placing your hands on JJ's stomach. "We should get maternity pictures like this." JJ stood behind you with his hands on your stomach, his fingers forming a heart. 
Yeah, that's just how we live, acting like some kids. Running with the bugs through the grass in the mist. 
"Y/N I know we told John B we would go help him with the boat but can we PLEASE stop at this playground. There are no kids and it's been like 20 years since I've been on a playground." You chuckled at him, "JJ, first off you're 16, and yeah yeah I'm going!"
You parked in the lot, JJ jumping out of the car before you even stopped. You easily hopped out of the car, JJ grabbing your hand as you ran through the grass. The night before it thunder stormed, and it was 90° that day, causing a light miss to fill the air. You laughed loudly with him, finding your ways to the swingset. You sat on the swing as JJ stood behind and pushed you to get started.
You two had a bet on who could jump farther once you both had reached a high enough swing. "Ready? One, two, three!" You two jumped off the swing at the same time JJ landed just a few inches farther than you. "Ughhhhhh." You groaned, immediately stopping.
"There's a ladybug on your chest." You laughed, pointing to the small red insect. JJ carefully placed his hand near it, watching the delicate bug crawl onto his finger tips. You two watched it crawl on his hand before another one landed on your arm. You held your arm up to JJ's hand, the lady bugs getting together before flying off his hand. "That was the cutest thing ever."
Girl I'll give you everything, that's my final offer. I can be your knight, protect you from the monsters.
Your eyes snapped open at the sound of a ding coming from your phone. You opened the message to see it was from JJ.
Hi Y/N!!!! I'm not gonna lie, I'm extremely high right now, but I just wanted to get this off my chest because I've been wanting to say it FOREVER! I really fucking like you. I've liked you since the day I first met you and God, everyday with you is adventure within itself. you are my rock and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You have been by my side through so much and given me memories I'll never forget. I want to call you my girlfriend. I want to be able to show you off and call you my girl. I wanna give you everything I can. I'll be like, like your knight in shining armor. I'll protect you from bad guys and I'll kiss you whenever you want attention. I just want to be with you because I hate it when you're not with me. it just feels like something's missing and I hate it. Let me call you mine and I'll never say goodbye. 
You beamed brightly as your eyes skimmed his text. Your thumb hovered over his contact before calling him. "JJ? Hey listen, I'm all yours." 
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