#they’ve also used images of gay ppl being hung in iran and gay ppl thrown off buildings by ISIS in iraq (one example above)
menalez · 7 months
a really racist and insidious thing zionists have been doing recently is making memes of gay people being thrown off buildings and saying that this is hamas in gaza. they've been using this as a means of pinkwashing: if you support palestinians in any way, then you MUST support these barbaric hamas members throwing gay people off buildings in gaza.... right?
the images they use, however, are years old images of ISIS in syria, an entirely different islamist group in an entirely different country. this reveals their racist biases immediately and their desire to use these racist biases to their advantage: to them, all of the middle east is one nation, every islamist group is the same (including enemies such as ISIS & hamas!), and every middle eastern life taken is a terrorist life taken. that's vile in itself, but what i find most revealing? they use images of presumed gay people being thrown off buildings by ISIS and practically memeify it. "pride month in gaza" they say, as they share images of people being killed by ISIS. some examples, im censoring the bodies as the images are graphic and i find it extremely disrespectful using the dead bodies of primarily gay syrians to further your movement:
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these people are not allies to gay people and especially not gay people in the middle east. they are using our oppression to push us into supporting other peoples' oppressions and laughing at the deaths of gay people while doing so. they stereotype palestinians as all homophobes who are also hamas members who are also ISIS members- therefore, if you do not support israel killing palestinian civilians, then you are supporting hamas killing gay people. they do this while ignoring that gay palestinians are going to be just as impacted by the killing of civilians as straight palestinians, and ignoring israel's history of blackmailing gay palestinians to achieve their goals, despite pretending to be the beacon of gay rights & humanity in the middle east.
as a middle eastern lesbian, i do not feel that my rights as a lesbian are being fought for when you share these images of (presumably) gay people being murdered by ISIS and then joking that it's "pride month in gaza" or "gay pilot training". instead, i feel like our oppression as gay people in the middle east is being laughed at, while simultaneously partaking in the racist dehumanisation of middle easterners by framing all of us as islamist ISIS or hamas members that throw gay people off buildings. to these people, gay people don't exist in palestine and when they do, their existence does not matter enough to call for israel not to kill innocent civilians in gaza. our deaths and oppression as gay people is only used as a propaganda piece to push for zionism, nothing more & nothing less.
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