#they're japanese serows
lakesparkles · 2 months
Here's an idea, how about furry Movie!Gideon interacting with furry Movie!Twins? Or really anything with the 3 because people forget they're technically second in command to Gideon
I'm also one of the people that forget about it.... The twins deserved more screentime in the movie.
This one was great because I never finished my animal designs for them
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seeyouafter · 7 months
SYA Extended Notes Ch. 16
Notes for "See You After" Chapter 16: June 21: Katsuki - SGH Discharge Summary
This chapter was a late addition in the revision process for the "Hospital Letters" arc. It's a bit info-heavy but I felt like I needed an outside perspective of what's going on with Katsuki recovery-wise because it's not something that he would talk about in depth in the letters.
As I am not a medical professional, I spent quite a bit of time searching the internet for relevant information on conditions similar to what I imagine Katsuki would be dealing with. The discharge summary form is a compilation of several example templates I found online: [1] [2] [3]
I also spent an entirely unnecessary amount of time coming up with names for the various doctors even if they're only mentioned once. (I just really like name etymology, especially in Japanese, where the meaning can change depending on which kanji characters are used).
Below, I'm listing the literal translations of the doctors' names based on the kanji used. I've also listed the meanings of the acronyms for their titles (other than the standard MD) *In keeping with Japanese standard, the name that appears first is the family name, followed by the given name
Nakayasu Makoto, M.D., F.J.C.C. - cardiologist 中康 (Nakayasu): 中 = inside; 康 = ease, peace 心一朗 (Makoto): 心 = Heart; 一 = One; 朗 = Melodious, clear, bright FJCC = Fellow of the Japanese College of Cardiology
This one's pretty straightforward, I thought it was a pretty good name for a heart doctor/someone who deals with internal medicine.
Honetani Reika, M.D. - orthopedic surgeon 骨谷 (Honetani): 骨 = bone; 谷 = valley 羚力 (Reika): 羚 = antelope/wild goat; 力 = power
Her given name is a bit more abstract, but she's a bone doctor so her last name is pretty fitting. I basically wanted something that had the character for "power" and I liked the flow of these two names together. But also, 羚 appears in the word for kamoshika (羚羊), a type of serow or wild goat which is thought to be a symbol of luck in Japan, and are known for being agile and strong.
Iyama Shinsuke, DPT (M) - Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist 医山 (Iyama): 医 = doctor, medicine; 山 = mountain 心丞 (Shinsuke) 心 = heart; 丞 = help DPT = Doctor of Physical Therapy
Again, a straightforward name for someone who deals with heart health.
Tateishi Takeru, DPT - Quirk Rehabilitation Specialist 健石 (Tateishi): 健 = health, strength, persistence; 石 =stone 剛 (Takeru): 剛 = strong, hard, durable
Obviously, this is a made-up medical specialty for the purpose of this fic, but I figured DPT would work since I'd imagine the general process for quirk rehab would be similar to other types of physical therapy.
Fun fact: the kanji for Takeru can also be read as "gou", and it appears in the first section of Kirishima's hero name "剛健" (read as "gouken"). That wasn't intentional but it was an interesting coincidence that I realized afterward.
Also, I know Hound Dog is canonically listed as "guidance counselor" but I decided to give him a relevant degree for this fic so that Katsuki could have someone to talk to about the things he's been through.
LHMC = Licensed Mental Health Counselor
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
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Woo! New Hisuian designs! I love that they borrow from the inari fox aesthetic. It's not as clear in the actual old statues, but the color scheme is very distinctly white with red highlights. They are, like Komainu lion-dogs, the subject of statues positioned as shinto shrine guardians. They make for a great pair with Growlithe, although I'd have sooner expected Ninetales to fill that niche, than the Zorua line.
and so long as i've got new pokemon on the mind i might as well babble a little about some of the others...
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I assume this is meant to be, at least in part, a reference to the Japanese Serow, but also obvious reindeer references as well. The Japanese Serow is a kind of goat-antelope and has a breed native to Japan known for its distinct bushy beard, unlike other serow species. They're well adapted to colder climates, but they pretty distinctly only grow fairly short horns, unlike Stantler and Wyrdeer's more distinctive antlers.
Of some note is that Stantler is specifically based on the black nosed deer of Nara, famous for their role in the local tourist trade.
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Shachihoko[鯱鉾] is a staple of iconic Japanese architecture. Related to another trend in mainland China, the chiwen[螭吻], both traditions include roof ornaments modeled after mythical fish to evoke protection over the building. In Japan this is supposed to be a carp with a head like a lion.
It's a little weird that they picked Basculine for this of all things, and not one of the fish pokemon more closely related to either carp or the overall Japanese aesthetic... I'd have thought Seaking would've been a prime choice.
I'll be honest I'm not sure of any specifics in the eagle reference. Eagles are pretty common in Japanese art, but I don't know anything that particular coloration, plumage, or the association with eye pattern and psychic powers would point to...
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I thought maybe there'd be some similarity to traditional tools or even something as far back as Jomon era relics, here... but no, actually... It seems like they went with a pretty generic axe head shape with no particular cultural influence. The rocky face bits are clearly a grizzled bearded samurai look though, very Toshiro Mifune.
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fuwaprince · 5 years
Hey if you think goats are neat you should check out the Japanese Serow!
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They're protected by national conservation efforts that lead to a successful repopulation boom
Beautiful creatures!!!!!
So beautiful that they are considered national monuments
Serows around the world exist too!!! Like... 6 kinds! The Japanese Serows have less fortunate Sumatran cousins that are struggling to stay out of endangerment too in case you wanted to look up some more super cute goat deer lookin babies
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