#theym are the love of my life
wyrmwright · 1 month
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a garthy o'brien before bed
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] NO BUT THATS GENUINELY EVEN MORE EMBARRASSING 2 MEEE im covering my face fr blush blush like gosh bc i never rlly thought of someone else liking and be influenced with my ideas till i realize. its cus i barely have ppl whom i express it for them to vibe LMAOOO u and other special moots (which is just. 1 other moot i kiss theym) i hold u so dear LIKE YKNOW everytime i have A Thought or i go to my lil private space where ive already word vomit my xiao and lumine bs im like uhehe augh wehehhrhg aur *unintelligible* should i pick this out wud aly like this thoght like i be sending 47827473 asks by then of rewording my jargon to at least be Comprehensible and then again i thought it might not. make as much Sense when in common consensus its not as romantic and too Slow for others but i did have hope youd get it (which u did!!!! and it still blows my mind everytime the joy never gets old to be understood of ur special silly thinkings in overwritten essays cus i cannot. articulate things properly HRHHRHEKDKFHDH)
like i genuinely get worried sumtimes bc with me rambling i mightve unintentionally forced u into my thoughts and agendas even when its just fun exchange and things!! and i really Really dont want mine to override the ideas u have like yknow bc u have god tier ideas too that i still think abt like the fUGK. like i spit Way too much abt zhongli xiao but i also dont see it like the former Pampers the latter too much like a baby than just wanting to ease the suffering like any other person. anyway bottom line i dont want to take away ur prev enjoyment before i came in too cus gosh i get carried away sumtimes but its the Only way to get the interpretation across UEUEUEUE ANYWAY (2) I JUST!!!! GRHGRHSHHH GRAAHHH BITES MY PILLOW U HAVE NO IDEA POPPING INTO THIS INBOX AFTER MY LIL COMMENT ON UR AO3 HAS MADE MY LIL. my little lonely life thinking xiaolumi is a Tad Different feel so Better 💕💗💕💖💞💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💖💞💞💗💞💖💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💕💕💗
ILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i absolutely pinkie prommie that you have NOT forced me into having any thoughts or being part of any agenda, in the past that would Definitely Be Possible i was like incapable of having opinions BUT i am a grown girlboy now and like. idk even when some of the besties share ideas its rly easy to pick apart "i am adding this to my own thoughts Immediately this is perfect" "oh i genuinely rly like that" "oh mad respect but not for me" "oh What The Fuck" (<- that ones for the dottore fuckers) and to keep my own thoughts intact and such,, none of what uve said has overridden any of my own ideas its more like. a) me soaking up ur thoughts like a sponge or b) ur thoughts Fanning The Flames for my own thoughts adding fuel to the fire etc etc like they consistently add and make things better than what i tend to think of on my own but they've never pushed my own thoughts aside in the process yknow ?? idk if that made sense i am Very Tired writing this sob emoji
i Also get carried away i think we both get mad carried away we are like two little silly guys floating in the wind flinging each other further and further out into the atmosphere with no sign of stopping and i love that for us <3
AND NO BC I KEEP THINKING ABOUT THAT like. literally it wouldve been so easy for you to Not Comment or to Not check my silly little blog or to Not send an ask but you DID and i am SO GRATEFUL FOR THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love love love talking to you i love discussing our silly little ideas i love losing our minds you are so. idk even if we WEREN'T so often on the same wavelength and weren't interested in the same things you are just so so so fun to talk to and to be around !!!!!! and youre so passionate and it makes hearing u talk abt the things u love That Much Better its so. 💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗💞💗💞💖💞💞💗💕💖💕💓💕💕💖💕💗💕💗💕💕💗💕💗 LIKE FR !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILYSM I HOPE UR DAYS BEEN GOING WELL AND I HOPE IT GETS EVEN BETTER !!!!!! and if any part of it Doesnt go well. well. i am sleepwalking my ass over there to beat up all the bad parts and then we will hold hands amen
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biboocat · 1 year
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I was really impressed by Gone to Earth by Mary Webb, copyright 1917. Hazel Woodus is vivacious, innocent, nearly feral teenage girl who lives with her uninterested father in a rustic hovel. In her near isolation, free from religious indoctrination, she has developed a free spirit and a passionate love of nature that is imbued with pagan overtones. Her love of nature compels her to rescue trapped, terrified animals. The descriptions of nature, presumably derived from the author’s rural Shropshire, are lovely. I wonder if the author’s paeans to nature might be a response to the horror of WWI that was raging at the time. Hazel is adoringly honest but uncouth, and lacking a social filter, she often gets into trouble; these scenes are often uncomfortable for those around her, but the reader will find them amusing. Her innocent and unsophisticated nature belie the profundity and beauty of her observations. Other memorable characters include: Abel Woodus, her father, Parson Edward Marston and his mother, Mrs. Marston, and Jack Reddin, the local squire. I won’t say anything specific about them, but a colossal struggle develops between good and evil, love and lust, civilized man and his primal nature. I don’t know Mary Webb’s views on religion, but Hazel frequently expresses her non-belief of the Christian God, and another character comes to his apostasy. Hazel’s greatest fear is the Black Huntsman and his deadly pack of hounds, a local legend that she believes is real. On the other hand, she is naively unaware of how men can endanger what she holds most dear - her freedom. I highly recommend this novel.
Memorable passages:
Oh! Only like in the Bible, said Hazel disappointedly. I thought you meant summat real. 😁
And so wailing she voiced the deep lament, old as the moan of forests and falling water, that goes up through the centuries to the aloof and silent sky, and remains, as ever, unassuaged.
Edward: Nothing bad can come to you when you are in God’s keeping.
Hazel: There canna be many folks in His keeping, then. 😂
Mrs. Marston: animals have no souls.
Hazel: Yes, they have, then! If they hanna, you hanna!
It is strange our generation after generation spend their fleeting years in this fetish worship, never daring to make life beautiful by the daily use of lovely things, but for ever being busy about them.
A grandmother has all the pleasures of a mother and none of the pains.
What is it my dear?
That there picture! Theym hurting Him so cruel. And him fast and all.
Oh! said Mrs. Marston wonderingly, that’s nothing to get vexed about. Why, don’t you know that’s Jesus Christ dying for us?
No. What for should he? There shall be none die along of me, much less be tormented.
Needs be that one Man die for the people, quoted Mrs. Marston easily. Only through blood can sin be washed white.
Blood makes things raddled, not white; and if so be any’s got to die, I’ll die for myself.Continues page 105.
Hazel’s not a Christian! She spoke in a sepulchral whisper, and looked at him afterwards as if to say, they are now, I have surprised you!
And how do you make that out, mother? Edward found in his heart this fact, that it made no difference to his love whether Hazel were Christian or not; this troubled him.
I should pray Hazel.
What good’d that do?
God answers prayers.
That he dunna!
And when I’ve heard things screaming and crying to be loosed, and them in traps, and never a one coming to’em but me, it’s come o’er to me to wo’ner who’d loose me out if I was in a trap.
God would.
I dunna think so. He ne’er lets the others out.
What for dunnot He, my soul? What for dun He give’em mouths so they’s can holla, and not listen at’em?
The higher the nature, the more its greatness is taken for granted.
Exchanged between Hazel and Edward:
I’m afraid you are too superstitious, Edward said, and returned to his remarks on ejaculatory prayer (preparing a sermon). Some people would have found it hard to decide which was the more superstitious, the more pathetic.
Life is a taciturn mother, and teaches not so much by instruction as by blows.
Death is a dark dream, but it is not a nightmare. It is mankind’s lack of pity, mankind’s fatal propensity for torture, that is the nightmare. When a man or woman, confronted by helpless terror, is without the impulse to save, the world becomes hell.
That he had offended against the views of his Church did not worry him. For, like many Churchmen, he had the happy gift of keeping profession and practice, dogma and deeds, in airtight compartments.
I have become an unbeliever, Edward said, not because I am unworthy of your God, because He is unworthy of me.
A note on this edition: It is a re-issue by E.P. Dutton & Co. with an introduction by John Buchan in 1929 following the third printing in 1928 (copyright 1917). But interestingly it appears to have been privately re-bound in leather. In fact, the initials C V Y with a flower are embossed on the front cover. The book binder obviously took great care in creating this beautiful book, and the story must have been treasured for the owner to have gone to the trouble and expense in getting it re-bound.
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chefsargie-blog · 6 years
I missed my blog last week I just have so much going on in life at the moment and along with a period of no internet. But back on it!
I have done 64 events in 13 weeks to date so I was hoping to take a few days off but as always something comes up and if it is business this is great as it is a long hard winter so you need to make money while you can. 
I spent 10 days on and off with a lovely family again in Boobys bay Padstow (I am laughing while typing never grows old neither do I). I cooked various lunches and dinners for them and meeting different guests I had a great time doing what I love doing best.
 I have a lot of people over the years say to me that I am lucky to have a job that I love and I say to that balls I am not lucky I have worked really hard missing out on a lot (which does not matter). All I have ever wanted to do was cook food and have committed to doing that. Everyone could have a job that they love to do you just have to be whiling to choose something that you enjoy doing and work your socks off to make it into reality, it is not that difficult people just get scared and play safe, why play safe? Look what might happen if you don't. 
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View from the house in Padstow
I provided a buffet and then a few days later a 3 course meal for again a lovely family at Restormel Manor in Lostwithel. I will talk about the manor in a minute but the family I cooked for were a great group to serve like most of the people I cook for but they were laughing the whole time and it was great to see a family enjoying each others company. All families fall out and it is sad because most of the time it is over ridiculous things and people are to stubborn. Life is to short to be stressing so much.
Now this manor is a huge old manor that can be rented as a whole for large groups or can be split into smaller pieces for smaller groups. I was cooking in one of the kitchens and they had the run of the whole house. I needed some extra trays from one of the other kitchens now this particular kitchen is the oldest part of the house and has always felt weird when I have cooked in it in the past. So I walked in and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck now it wasn't that scary it just didn't feel right. My old man the legend that is Mike Sargent yes my dad is the Mike Sargent always said me “Boy if you feel theym there talk tun” (There is no spelling mistakes its how he talks) So I said “Alright alright I know you are there” and promptly left sharpish and didn't go back !
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Chocolate torte
Saturday just gone was spent just outside of Bude cooking for a stag group of 8. Now the stag dos I cooked for haven't been that raucous compared to the hen groups they are a lot more raucous! But that is for my book! It was good to drive to a local event rather than miles away!
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View from the site on Saturday.
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copycaat · 7 years
NAME:  hunter NICKNAME:   hater. uh. “The Gay Wizard” AGE:  freshly minted 21 thanks FACECLAIM:   on my old laptop it was a skeleton but i lost all my icons :( PRONOUNS:  theym HEIGHT:  5'8″ BIRTHDAY:  libra AESTHETIC:  i like... nature? and hands LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO: gold on the ceiling - the black keys
FAVOURITE  MUSE(S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN:  my stupid shitty ocs. kakashi. i also fuckin love writing sai and yamato rhghrhg. idk what to say i write because i enjoy it
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE  ( THAT  YOU  ARE  POSTING  THIS  ON ): i guess my severe depression and a life threatening injury lmfaoo
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE:   he just fucking sucks and like.... idk. i like the fact that he can swing from wildly depressed and despondent to trolling the shit out of someone in the blink of an eye. plus also like not to be #gay or anything but writing kakashi has really helped me cope with my bullshit mental illnesses like. i went from 'yeah he kills himself' to 'he's happily retired and married to gai and lives the rest of his days out on a farm someday in the nebulous future' so. good!
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING: it depends on the character like,,,, for my naruto muses frankly it’s talking to sam and rob. and specifically when i’m writing yamato i like to listen to glass animals and uh ,,, marvel/dc muses are fickle but i can usually write them when i consume their media. my ocs are.... also situational i guess. 
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: tbfh i love... painfully emotional shit. i wouldn’t consider myself great at WRITING them but i love the despair and joy and like... the extremes of emotion. i think it’s really fun to describe the feelings and the physiological and the psychological and just. yah. i think those are great. i feel like maybe i undercut the #painful ones with humor but that has its own unique flavor so. idk. it’s fun. 
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE: outwardly a lot of the times kakashi’s reactions are really. fuckin. lackluster. and i realize that’s super hard to respond to in a thread, i 1000% get that, but i also struggle with editing in/out the underneath (of the underneath) because like.... i have trouble parsing what’s tmi and what’s enough information to keep y’all interested. 
also i struggle with some of his actions in canon. and also i struggle with discovering the motivations for his actions even when i write him so like. rifp.
TAGGED  BY: @seineijashu TAGGING: fuck dude u do u 
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thecousinswar · 7 years
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Today in history, August 24, 1507, the death of Cecily of York:
"Cecily of York, Viscountess Welles (20 March 1469 – 24 August 1507) was an English princess and the third, but eventual second surviving, daughter of Edward IV, King of England and his queen consort Elizabeth Woodville, daughter of Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers and Jacquetta of Luxembourg.
Cecily was born in Westminster Palace, Ossulstone Hundred, Middlesex. (For centuries Westminster and the City of London were geographically quite distinct.) She was a younger sister of Elizabeth of York and Mary of York, and an older sister of Edward V of England; Margaret of York; Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York; Anne of York; George Plantagenet, Duke of Bedford; Catherine of York; and Bridget of York. She was a niece of Richard III of England, senior sister-in-law of Henry VII of England, an aunt of Henry VIII of England, and a great-aunt of Edward VI of England, Mary I of England, and Elizabeth I of England.
Cecily was married to Ralph Scrope of Upsall, a younger brother of Thomas Scrope, 6th Baron Scrope of Masham, and a supporter of Richard III, but the marriage was annulled on the accession of her future brother-in-law, Henry Tudor, as King Henry VII of England. Many published works fail to note this earlier, nullified, marriage. Years later, Cecily's discarded first husband succeeded another elder brother to the family barony, becoming Ralph Scrope, 9th Baron Scrope of Masham. He died circa 1515.
The Lancastrian claimant, Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, had announced at Rennes, France that he intended to unite the rival royal houses of Lancaster and York, by marrying a daughter of Edward IV, and thus bring to an end the conflicts of generations of descendants of Edward III now known as the Wars of the Roses. His first choice was Elizabeth of York, the eldest of the late king's daughters, but had she died, Henry's marital intentions would have turned to Cecily herself, as he stated explicitly in his declaration.
In 1487, after the accession of Henry VII and his marriage to her older sister Elizabeth, Cecily was married to a staunch Lancastrian nobleman, John Welles, 1st Viscount Welles, the son of Lionel Welles, 6th Lord Welles and Margaret Beauchamp of Bletso. Her new husband was a maternal half-brother of Lady Margaret Beaufort, and thus an uncle of the half-blood of Henry VII, and a royal favourite by both politics and blood.
Cecily had two children: Elizabeth and Anne Welles, who both died young and unmarried. Upon the death of Viscount Welles on 9 February 1499, Cecily's grief is said to have been considerable. A portion of the Viscount's will shows the relationship between the two:
Also I geve and bequethe to my dere beloved lady and wife Cecille, for terme of her lif, all my castelles, manors, landes and tenements, aswell suche as I have purchased as all odre during only her life, whome I trust above all oder, that if my goodes and catallis wilnot suffice for the performance of this my laste will, that she will thenne of the revenues of the profittes of my inheritance perform this my laste will. Also I will that a preste be founde for ever after my said wifes decease to sey masse daily for my sowle and all Cristen sowles at the said aulter of the yerely revenues of my purchased landes, and oder which my saide lady hath promised me faithfully to purchase to the same entent if my saide purchased landes suffice not therto. And I will yt suche residue as shall fortune to be of my goodes that my saide dere beloved lady and wife have theym to her owne use. And I make executors the saide Cecill, my dere beloved wife, and Sr Raynold Bray, knyght. . . 
Cecily played a role in various major royal ceremonies during the earlier years of Henry VII's reign, as befitted her position in the Royal Family, as sister of a queen consort and sister-in-law of a king regnant. She carried her nephew Arthur, Prince of Wales, at his christening; attended her sister Elizabeth of York at her coronation as queen consort; and bore the train of Catherine of Aragon at her wedding to Prince Arthur. There is also a record of her lending money to her sister, the queen, in 1502. Though the king banned Cecily from court after her third marriage to Thomas Kyne, a man of low degree, she found comfort in the assistance of Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond (Henry's mother).
Despite her apparent mourning, some three years into her first widowhood, and having lost two of the children by her late husband, she contracted a marriage which has been described as being "rather for comfort than credit" (see Fuller's Worthies, vol. 2, p. 165). Cecily's third and final marriage, to Thomas Kyme, Kymbe, or Keme, an obscure Lincolnshire squire, otherwise called Sir John Keme or Kene, of the Isle of Wight, took place sometime between May 1502 and January 1504. It is thought to have been a love match, entered into entirely from the princess' own liking.
Green states that she chose a partner to suit herself who was also someone so unthreatening as to be beneath the notice of the king or likely to arouse his jealousy. This wedding took place without the king's approval or permission. The princess appears to have miscalculated her brother-in-law's attitude. The king banished Cecily from court and all her estates were confiscated.
After the intervention of the king's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, who is known to have aided Cecily when she fell out of favour with the king, some of Cecily’s lands were restored. She was to enjoy only a lifetime interest in those remaining to her, and to have nothing to pass on to her husband, or to any children of their union.
Cecily lived out the balance of her life quietly, far from court. In the royal account books, there is a gap in the record of her final years. Existing details about her final years in this last marriage are scanty and conflicting. Two children, Richard and Margaret (or Margery) are mentioned in the enhanced copy, dated 1602, of the heraldic Visitation of Hampshire (1576) made by Smythe, Rouge Dragon pursuivant at the College of Arms, indicating that they lived, married, and had offspring. The children of the princess and her last husband were granted no royal titles or styles, nor did they enjoy any royal favours, lands, or positions at court, nor, indeed, any public recognition whatsoever. Over the centuries any memory of them has been obscured, and thus the veracity of their historical existence is now difficult to substantiate.
Princess Cecily died in 1507, at the age of 38, only a few years after contracting her last marriage. She lived at East Standen in the Isle of Wight, not in great wealth.
According to Edward Hall's Chronicle, she was buried in relative obscurity in Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight. Horrox disputes this pointing to evidence from the Beaufort account books that states she died at Hatfield, Hertfordshire, after a three-week sojourn there, and was buried at a place that must have been local, known as "the friars" (perhaps the friary at Kings Langley, associated with the House of York and where Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York was buried). The writ of diem clausit extremum, which supplies her death date, styles her as "late wife of John, late Viscount Wells", omitting any reference to her last husband or their children. If she was indeed buried in the precincts of Quarr Abbey, near her last home, then Cecily's tomb and any record of its precise location was lost when Quarr Abbey was destroyed during Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries. Quarr's building materials were reused.
A stained glass portrait of Cecily, originally from a larger "royal window" depicting Edward IV's family, is now in Glasgow's Burrell Collection. A modern copy has been placed in the much restored original group in the north transept of Canterbury Cathedral. These are, along with another window in the parish church of Little Malvern, Worcestershire, her only surviving memorials."
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