#think i'm gonna post the bit i have here in a sec
spacedace · 11 months
Sat down to write more Ghosts of Gotham adn Business of Family.
Have instead written an opening bit of an AU where Tim accidentally summoned a slightly eldritch Mirrorborn (clone) Queen/Ancient of the Ever Onward (Speedforce) Elle with his whole "try to clone my two dead best friends hundreds of times" thing.
...it's slowly morphing into Tim accidentally/on purpose becoming a warlock with Elle as his equal parts delighted and confused Patron to get his loved ones back. He might unintentionally start a cult (it might be intentional I don't know how unhinged this is gonna get)
Send help, I've started world building again 😭
(Also as always take this mess as a writing prompt if any of my nonsense sounds neat to you ❤️)
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kicksnscribs · 11 months
#so like#this has been bothering me for years now and i have to get it out now#but i don't want it to really be /out/ there so im just gonna ramble in the tags for a sec#but im so confused as to how ppl will look at my art style and ask me#hey can you do me a commission in [insert style that is a complete 180 from what i draw]?#and i just sit there thinking to myself#where did you get this connection from?#why do you think i'm capable of pulling off this style when i have posted nothing that would even remotely resemble the style that you want#are other artists just better than i am?#am i missing something? should i be able to draw like that despite my love for my current style?#i want to be angry but i know i cant be bc i don't have all of the info#well maybe angry is a bit much more like upset#bc it pulls my confidence down into the gutter#AND ITS ALWAYS LIKE THAT#everybody thats seen my art is always like hey can you draw something cuter/simpler/more like this style#and i just have to sit there and stew in my own depression bc no??? i literally cannot???? why would you ask me this????#idk im giving up on being a marketable artist#im just gonna sit here and draw my stuff#im not too pressed to publish anything anymore bc its just not what ppl like#and im starting to become ok with that#but man it sucks bc i like sharing ideas#but interaction is next to nothing so i feel like im just wasting time#this isn't directed at anyone specific just me pointing out the patterns of my life from grade school to adulthood#tag rambling#i had to get it out im sorry its just been getting too much lately and cant keep shit in anymore#so fuck it lol
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danrifics · 6 months
you all pestered me for it and here it is. the closeness analysis/ theory.
now if you didn't see I basically had this theory that the closer to BIG and COTY we get in the DAPG timeline the closer dan and phil sit to each other. Dan made a comment about how them playing Heartthrob being like a gay soft launch and that got me thinking of some other ways they could have done it and one of those being the idea that as time goes on you get less and less strict and worrisome about what others think of you and so they end up gravitating closer and closer.
This post will be under a see more cos its probably gonna be long af.
I will be splitting it into stages.
2014 -15
2016 - 17
sorry the screenshots arent clickable to make bigger tumblr only allows for 30 on a post so i had to group them together!
(i will not be covering horror games apart from in the revival stage and i will also not be talking much about gamingmas 2023)
2014 - 15
now when i initially went to collect my evidence, i was suddenly worried maybe i kinda had things wrong because i feel like in Donkey Kong Country (the first dapg video, see screenshot below) they're sat pretty close but honestly when we get to how they sit a lot later on you'll see that this is actually pretty far apart
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now here are some screenshots for the inital look at at the end of them we'll talk (this will be the layout for most of this post i think)
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now of course this is only a selection of those year's videos if i screenshotted them all i fear this post would never end. now these first 2 years are a good mix of at desk videos on sofa videos. i noticed from some other videos not show here that in sofa videos they rend to sit a lot closer to each other than they do at the desk, this is kinda funny to me cos really they definitely have room for a wider frame on the couch if they wanted to sit like normal people.
2016 - 17
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2016 and the start of 2017 feel like a mixed bag of how close together they are but i did notice that the more into 2017 we got the more they seemed to be shoulder to shoulder! these also started to wean out sofa sitting games (not 100% gone yet but almost). now if you're wondering why i've kept this screenshot apart its cos this is the last one in the first london apartment.
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and honestly from here on out is where i believe the "soft launching" begins!
so lets finish 2017 and see if im right!
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just had to single out this screenshot for a sec:
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in case anyone wondered that is the face dan made during dream daddy when phil reads "we were roommates for a while too"
anyway moving on
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watching these videos definitely feels like something changed btw, while they still arent as close as we'll start seeing them sit, i definitely noticed more often they were shoulder to shoulder. but like a new room has definitely changed the vibe a little bit between them, and now we can move on to the next and final year of pre hiatus dapg, where things as you will see immediately start to change.
like i said... immediately we are met with this, i would also like to let everyone know that 2018 is my favourite era of pre hiatus dapg
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lets see what the rest of this year will bring
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now i'm splitting 2018 up into parts because i need to do a whole talk about the tour situations so for now lets look at the above screenshots, now its very obvious that they are sitting so much closer to each other which i think is really funny considering how big that room is and often in this section of videos there is a lot of room either side of them so they literally do not need to be that close.
now lets talk about the tour bus. this is how close they're sitting
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thats for sure a 1 person seat yet they've both forced themselves on even tho the sofa literally behind them would have been perfectly fine to sit on, and they cant give me "this is the only place to set up the camera" babe its really not theres a whole surface behind you.
okay thank you for listening to this, moving on to the final part of 2018!
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(the last 2 screenshots are out of order oops)
idk about you but yeah i think they are definetly a lot closer than they were way back in 2014. i really dont have a lot to say other than that, and i have definetly proven my theory so now we've established that lets have a brief look at post hiatus dapg!
Now this is gonna be really brief its just a summary of where we are post BIG/COTY and post hiatus (things my brain still cant quite believe is real)
now here are the revival moments i wanna give a mention!
firstly sims season ep 3 when dan moves his chair away from phil and their wheels are literally locked together, pushing phil's chair too
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heres dan looking into the monitor and then moving closer to phil <3
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and finally
hand hold
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thanks for reading all this and sorry if it didnt live up to the hype lmao
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anxi-aashi · 3 months
ok i dont have the energy to put this into a fic rn but i CANT stop thinking about college au! childe almost walking in on you while you're getting yourself off.
like he'd still knock of course, but it would scare the absolute shit out of you. instead of hanging out with your roommates that he's friends with (who are most certainly NOT gathered in your room) he'd be all "hey pookie can i come bother you I'm bored," while you're fully sat on a dildo.
and bc you wouldnt want to seem suspicious, you'd say sure, just a sec! and immediately run to throw the sopping wet toy into your bathroom sink before letting him in.
and he's just too observant for his own good. "hey you ok? you seem out of breath" yeah because you were.... working out! "really? you're not sweating though?" CHILDE DROP IT OMFG but he wouldn't. he just asks so many goddamn questions and you honestly can't tell if he's just fuckign with you or if he's just genuinely concerned for you. what were you doing? pilates? so thats why you're walking a bit weird? how tf were you not sweating after pilates? oh you just started? well sorry to interrupt!
yeah.... you're sorry too -_-
but hes here now so you offer to watch a movie and hang out, nevermind the cum threatening to run down your leg. "sure! you pick smth out and ill go to the bathroom real quick!" he says and curse your post-orgasm clouded mind for not being quick enough to warn him bc now he's standing in front of you, dildo in his hand, looking at you knowingly.
youre mortified obviously. the two of you are cordial but not THAT close and god you can almost picture the slick and cum that's smearing all over his hand now. why is he holding it for fucks sake???
childe wouldnt be merciful either -- this is a fucking gold mine for him. "well, i guess this is a workout" and you would like the earth to swallow you up so that you don't have to look at him with that shit-eating grin that's creeping up his face.
hed switch the dildo to his other hand and start opening and closing his fingers together, making webs of cum string in between. "you said you just started?" no, you'd have to refute, that part was a lie.
"and you were getting off with this?" and now WHAT was that supposed to mean bc there was truly nothing wrong with the dildo size!!! it was perfectly fine, it did its job. sure it could be a tad bit longer, but you had bills to pay. he lets it go (with a judgemental eyebrow raise), but when he opens his mouth again to ask "what were you doing?" you almost wish he had kept making fun of your tiny ass toy. "were you using your hands or the suction cup?"
god he'd have a dangerous look on his face by now, lidded eyes looking at you like you were gonna be his next meal; pitching his voice just a tad bit lower just to see you squirm.
"you don't have to answer, but i would really, really like to know." aaaaaand there it goes. there's goes the last bit of your sanity bc huhh?? huuuuhh??? dear lord i would fully melt into a puddle we love a man that can make consent sexy.
fuck it, right? yeah, you were using the suction cup. "yeah? you like riding dick?" SHFBAN;DNSJF;F GODDDD
"you got any other toys?" yes sirrr yes I do, got a vibrator right over there in the nightstand. and duh now he's gotta follow up with "ever use both?"
which you have. who hasn't? but you usually only use it for quickies, you say. don't want it to be over too fast, ya know?
but then. thennnnnn he'd hit you with this: "you still horny?"
lorddddd you have NO idea, but you don't say that lest it get to his head (but lets be honest, he knows what he's doing; he knows how desperate he's making you). so he walks up to you, finally, and hands you your dildo, all sticky and starting to dry by now.
"well don't stop on my account."
and he plops down on your bed, manspreading just the tiiiiiniest bit to where you can see the tent in his pants.
which is how you find yourself back in your desk chair, thighs burning from fucking yourself on a dildo you now know is much smaller than whatever childe is packing while he just watches, palming his cock over his pants.
anyways gonna go work on my wips now lolololololololoolo
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ravioliet · 2 months
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ok so let me be cringe on main for a minute here (this is a joke btw i know cringe isn't real). odd squad mlp au for your consideration
please ask me questions about this by the way i have so much for this. i'll put some of the basic info (it's a lot more than that now but in my defense it started as a basic summary) and a few more drawings under the cut though please look at it with your eyes thank you
so for some basic explanations we have Olive who is a unicorn, Otto who is a pegasus, Olympia who is a part unicorn earth pony (which i'll explain in a sec), and Otis who is a full blooded pegasus (which i'll also explain the importance of in a moment). i haven't drawn Ms. O, Oscar or Oona yet but they are an alicorn (formerly an earth pony), a unicorn, and an earth pony respectively
Olive and Otto are the only two that i've come up with cutie mark designs for so far (they are so hard to design..) but Olympia and Otis have them too, they just get them mid-season. specifically after the talent show. i'm designing them side by side so that they kinda match because they get them at the same time and also they're besties your honor, but anyways theirs are a little fireworks design and some sort of a swan design because y'know. the ugly duckling story. and also i think part of his talent is dancing and like swan lake exists etc etc. and yes this does mean that he's a little bit scared of his own cutie mark at times but he just tries not to think about it and usually covers it with his wings anyway. all four of their cutie mark meanings are kinda abstract personality trait related things
Olive got hers after stopping the pienado because character development moments, which also kinda means that she's sorta tied to Todd because of this which she Does Not Like. i'll need to make a whole other post about Todd in this au because he's definitely a guy, but anyways while they were partners Olive was a blank flank and despite how good at his job he was Todd was one too and it was like one of the only things they really had in common, but it also ends up being one of the reasons he goes rogue because not only is Todd bored but he's also frustrated because he's tried everything he can think of and won every award he possibly can and he still doesn't have a cutie mark even though he feels like he definitely should by now because this has to be his talent. why would he be so good at it if it wasn't? he doesn't get his cutie mark until after he reforms btw, because before then he was either too certain about his talent being something else or too busy causing trouble to entertain himself that he never really took the time to stop and discover that his actual interest was gardening and that's when he finally gets his cutie mark. in my head i have this alternate version of Otis's tomato speech where when Todd is like "i'm Odd Todd it's who i am" Otis is just like "that's not what your cutie mark says" and it's very silly but anyways i'm gonna circle this back around to Olive real quick
so on top of Todd's cutie mark being in gardening he also has a sort of side meaning as well in the sense that he's a little bit like the CMC and has a sort of knack for encouraging character growth in others whether he realizes it or not because. encouraging plants to grow.. encouraging people to grow... the whole villain rehab thing...... you see what i'm getting at here. but the funny thing is the first pony he really did this to was Olive and it was completely unintentional. he didn't know that she would get her cutie mark by stopping him, at least not consciously, but she did. it probably takes him quite some time before he actually puts together the fact that he's had that talent the whole time.
Otto's cutie mark is a lot sillier. he actually doesn't know how he got it or what it means (as mentioned earlier it's symbolic but he doesn't know that. also shoutout to Shroom aka Evillandscaper for suggesting a paper crane because i did NOT know what i was gonna make it) he just kinda walked into work one day and Olive was like "oh cool you got your cutie mark?" and Otto was just like "WAIT I GOT MY CUTIE MARK?????" cue a whole silly filler episode involving the two of them trying to figure out what it means and also Olive having a crisis over the fact that Otto can do that pegasus thing where they use their wings like cartoon hands. both of these become running bits from then on. also i drew this comic about it and it might be one of my favorite things i've made for this au honestly
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and on the topic of cutie marks as i previously mentioned, Olympia and Otis both get theirs after the talent show and they're also matching a little bit. theirs are also personality things but in addition to that Otis's is also for dancing and Olympia's is for magic, and you may be wondering how an earth pony can be a magic talent and this is where that half unicorn thing comes in!
so Olympia is half unicorn half earth pony which i don't think is too uncommon on its own, but the thing that makes her weird is that she inherited traits from both sides instead of just one over the other, so she actually has unicorn magic but no horn to actually use it with so she's unable to cast actual spells or anything but her magic will kinda spill over at times, especially if she's emotional, and cause things to happen like that one time she exploded into glitter when interviewing Olive or of course the fireworks! she's kind of like the Pinkie Pie character who just does unexplained things sometimes she's just very silly. fun fact in her ref you can see that her mane and tail are sparkly and that's because they kinda just perpetually look like they have glitter in them, but the thing is it's not really glitter it's all just magic. i imagine her coat is like this as well but i just didn't draw it in
also as a side note it came to my attention that she bears an uncanny similarity to Sparkleworks from G3 and i have absolutely no idea how that happened At All. like they have the same cutie mark and everything it's so weird. i've never even watched G3 i'm a G4 kid i legitimately have no clue how the hell this happened. i did make this out of it though
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anyways for Otis, he's a pegasus of course but he's specifically a Cloudsdale weather pegasus, which yes i did make up but hear me out. so basically in my mind pegasi born in somewhere like Cloudsdale are more likely to have weather talents or like. stronger abilities in controlling the weather and such, which means stuff like larger wings and weatherproof wings and feathers to make it easier to deal with storms and stuff like that, so basically all this is just an excuse for me to give Otis waterproof feathers like a duck. but anyways since he was still raised by the ducks he doesn't actually know he's from Cloudsdale or anything so he just thinks he's weird for the feathers thing
okay i have. way more but i'm cutting myself off here so i don't overload everyone with information but anyways, please ask me about them, and also here's some extra drawings i've done of them :3
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kanmom51 · 11 months
JK's live 30 June 2023 12:38 am KST
30.6.2023 12:38 or 00:38 KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
Before I start talking about the live itself and Seven, of course, let's look for just a second, again, for the fun of it, at the numbers.
12:38 or 00:38 is the time JK started the live.
Do you see what those 2 numbers give us? Side by side?
1 2 3 and 8 and then 3 and 8. Does that help?
Do I think he did this on purpose? The 123 yeah, I see that. But the other part, nah? Just a usual lovely stars aligning Jikook coincidence I guess, lol.
Oh, and we also have 12:38 that gives us a 2+8=10 and the 1 and 3 that give us the 13, so:
So, not too too much happened during the live. JK came, talked a little tiny bit about his upcoming single, working on an album and a little more too, worked out, was his own cute self and dipped.
That was that in a nutshell.
Now let's dive in a little deeper.
JK talked about Seven. Well, telling us it's coming out on the 14 July and that he's excited about it.
There is an album in the works, but not finalized just yet.
Oh, and the MV, it's a wrap, and was fun. Now I'm truly curious.
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I did talk about the song not being written by him in my previous post. He heard it with BPD and said he wants to do it a lot. His words.
He heard it, he liked it, he wanted to do it. Not personal, not a life story.
Doesn't mean the lyrics didn't 'speak' to him in a sense. Didn't mean something to him. You can feel connected to a song that isn't written by yourself. But it is something to keep in mind when we hear the song, watch the MV and see the lyrics, lol.
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Just side tracking here for a sec to this:
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CP says it's sooooo good. I'm gonna trust him on this.
Question I have right now is: Is JM becoming JK's spoiler king?
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JK misses Jin and Hobi.
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He got a new lip piercing.
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What I love about that man is that he's so aware. He knows there are those that do not approve (you know, those idiots that think they have ownership over him or a right to tell him what to do). And yet, he doesn't give a shit. He wanted it, he did it. If they want to accept it they will, if they don't sucks for them. And the thing is that when he says it, he does it so nicely and respectfully. I LOVE IT!!!
He told us he's taking English lessons.
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As a matter of fact, he had one just before starting the live.
Funny how both JK and JM seem to be studying English at night.
Remember this?
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You know, must be one of those Jikook coincidences.
Nah. Fuck that. They are studying English together. Period.
JK talks about doing intermittent dieting, so he bought snacks but can't eat them just yet.
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JK wanting to share but blanking out, lol.
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Well, he didn't give us a spoiler, but we did get the next best thing, lol.
We get full JK workout.
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Gotta love army edits (some at least, lol)
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Poor baby hurt himself.
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That was quite a workout.
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Well, working out can be alone or together. There are many forms of working out... Does he really want us to wonder all of that?
The duality of this man.
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And then.
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I absolutely adore that JK has no problem what so ever that we see him like this. No makeup, every hair possible out of place, tired, sleepy, drunk, sad, happy, just bare.
He trusts us to see him bare.
Writing those lines, that sentence, idk why, it brings tears to my eyes.
He's not afraid to be himself. Take it or leave it. Yes, he plays the part of the idol, but he isn't afraid to show us him, a real human being just like us (just way prettier and sexier and more talented and more intelligent and in better shape), as much as he can under the circumstances of being an idol and a celebrity.
How can we not LOVE this young man?
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JK ending the live.
So, not so much going on during this live.
I wrote this post based on the translations available. Of course I will watch the live translated and come back with corrections if be needed.
This to me felt more like a scheduled live for him, less one he just wanted to do, to keep connected with us or to convey a message that doesn't have to do with his own promotions (you get what I'm saying). And it makes sense it was pretty much scheduled, given the announcement of his single release. But who cares? We got us some cute ass JK. Just seeing him warms my heart. I assume it has the same effect on you.
I'll leave you with an amusing take on JK's live.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 27 days
Hi, me again! I was just wondering, following the ‘what if the wizards were actually surrendering’ ask, if the wizards really did give up fairy hunting, what do you think they’d do? (Sorry if I’m sending you too many asks, I just really like your takes.) Thank you!
Hiii sorry it took me a sec to get to this one!! I'll put a link to that ask right here for anyone who's wondering, since it's been a bit. Never worry about sending too many asks either, like I said a while back; I'll get to them eventually! If it takes some time before you hear back from me, sincerely <3 My bad <3 Was a little occupied with another fandom this time and actively participating in both got to me djsksdk
Moving on though!
In my mind they've really already been living normally, like between locking away the fairies and Roxy's magic making itself known I mean- Of course the logistics of it are a bit um. All over the place. Considering they're immortal, sort of. Do they have legal documents? Real or fake? Did they have any mortal friends and how would that work? And JOBS?? The way none of these are obstacles for Duman btw, that's why they killed him, they didn't want him to roam and do whatever anymore. Real and Canon.
Now in a post-alt ending-S4 timeline, the one where they did surrender, do we assume that they just can't use their magic, or that they don't have it anymore? Because that'd probably change the way they live afterwards pretty drastically. Aside from the fact some of them heavily depend on magic more than the others (Ogron and Duman get help smh), HORRENDOUS case scenario, they might all be mortal. For the sake of my own mental health though, I'm just gonna say they do still have magic and are in fact not mortal, just give them a fairy parole officer, some magic blocking thing, keep them around and use them for "good" stuff after a rehabilitation period or something. That's what I'd prefer anyway.
What would they be doing during said rehabilitation period? Started out as a bit of a shared joke, but tbh Anagan model career WHEN. He'd struggle with the lack of useable magic the least too, so he'd probably thrive during the whole thing more than the others, and as he should. Besides Anagan I don't have a whole lot ngl- I mean, I'd like to think Duman had lots of jobs back in the day, not sure if I mentioned that before, but I might make a separate post if I didn't, just because I have thoughts but other stuff to talk about rn sjsjksk
Ogron and Gantlos don't have a lot either MY BAD, but I do think Ogron might be more likely to have friends, maybe surprisingly. Meanwhile Gantlos has a bigger chance of being able to hold down a stable job. What job? Great question! I'm not sure yet. If that changes I'll be sharing with the class!
Moving on once again!! What could the "good" stuff I mentioned above be exactly? Education.
Correct me if I'm wrong. But are there no. Wizard or witch school on Earth?? I know they ended up opening a fairy school later on, but those aren't the only magic users suddenly learning of the dormant magic in their roots. Let's take the comic character Gregory for example. He learns he's a wizard, he tries to enroll into a wizard school(?) off planet. Nothing inherently wrong with going to a school off planet- The Winx did it too, lots of magic users do it, what is wrong though, is being turned down and having no alternatives. And even worse?? They tell him it's because. There's a darkness in him?? Or something?? I could excuse it slightly more if it was a case of "Oh your magic is dark aligned and this is a light magic school" because wizard canonically are known to be both, right? But aside from the fact that, again, there are no alternatives for him, as far as he knows, telling a newly awakened magic user that he's basically too evil to teach is CRAZY I'm sorry??
Here's where I cutely insert the Wizards of the Black Circle. Have them become the place to go when your magic energy alignment is dark (because it doesn't inherently have to mean evil and they're worthy of education in this essay I) on Earth, or even just. Any magic user who isn't a fairy. Just give them another Terrestrial option, options are always good. I think that'd be really neat.
You might sit here and go "The evil wizards are gonna teach the next generation of wizards? Could history not repeat itself??" Well. Yeah. But are the Terrestrial fairies not teaching their next generation now too? The same fairies who canonically turned on humanity at some point? These are all 'what if' scenarios, I'd just like to think that with proper communication this time around, things will be different and both fairy and wizard get to work towards that together. I'm normal and have slept a reasonable amount.
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nilolol30 · 9 months
Mei x reader
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"Finally! Todays date day is gonna be the best one yet!" Mei shouts as she parked her motorbike it took your soul to catch up with your body with how much she was speeding "If we don't get arrested..." Mei only giggled as she deactivated both of your helmets and you both hop off the bike.
"Wouldn't be the first time buut anyway let's commence our first arcade date!" Mei pulled you close to take multiple selfies then you both walk Infront of the arcade sign and take a picture Mei posting it on her socials then you both start to actually walk inside "So what games do you wanna play?" She asked shoving her phone back in her pocket.
"Eh why not walk around the place and stop by at whatever we feel like playing? Honestly you and Mk come here more than I have" Mei insisted on paying for both yours and hers passes since shes been a loyal member she gets pretty good discounts.
"True I was gonna bring you with me and him last time but I thought he'd feel bad for third wheeling but thank goodness I didn't since it was a clone and turned all party crazy" Mei shutters thinking back to 'Porty mk.'
You both started wondering the arcade ducking into some games that interested you both there was a motorcycle racing game that Mei immediately dragged you down begging you to race her unfortunately she is well versed in gaming and riding so of course she won but it was still fun then you both jumped into a photo booth taking two photo sessions so you both can keep the photo strips.
"Ooh! A claw machine! Did I tell you I am amazing at claw machines~" Mei strolled over to the machine giving a playful wink "Really? Thought you always tell everyone they're scam" laughing you lean over her shoulder to peak at what kind of prizes are inside it a green bunny caught your eye Mei noticing smirks pulling out some tokens.
"Well I'm infact a champ at scamming scams~ and I'm totally getting you a fluffy friend!" Mei immediately went into ultra claw machine focus mode trying her best to get the right angle obviously doing her best to get the green bunny.
"And just like that ah boom~" with her eyes closed she pushed the button smiling expecting to hear the automated congratulations but unfortunately the claw didn't hold onto the bunny and dropped it causing a game over Mei getting over her shock laughed a bit "Ha obviously just a fluke give me a sec-" and so the cycle of Mei shoving tokens into the machine and her slowly growing annoyance began "You know Mei you don't have to win we can just get a prize from the-" "Never! I'm totally getting you that damn rabbit if it's the last thing I do!" It's almost like you can see a green fire radiating from her.
Finally when it looks like the claw is holding onto the bunny you both watch as it slowly takes it to the flap "I swear if it doesn't get in I'll punch this thing" Mei mumbled her face pressed against the glass "Yeah let's not set off alarms" then the claw let go and the bunny fell through the slot Mei rushed to pull it out and yelled out in victory.
"Yes! I did it! I'm the best girlfriend everrr!!" She held out the stuffed toy to you smiling "Here you go~" it's almost like she didn't want to murder the creator of those machines second ago you take the bunny and kissed her on the cheek.
"Of course you're the best girlfriend the best girlfriend in the world" you can hear Mei let out a small internal squeal pulling you into a hug "okay let's continue this date let playy...Oh oh that game!" You two go off to play nearly all the games the arcade has to offer the both of you agreed to keep away from any more claw machines for a bit.
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felice-jaganshi · 3 months
Alastor X OC
His pet
Chapter 2/?
Charlie was in a panic after her meeting with the council of angels, so Alastor decided to keep their new guest a secret till he was done with his current plan. He informed Nifty and Husker to be gentle with the new guest if she woke up while he was gone, as he had plans for her.
He took Charlie to cannibal town and Vaggie went to see Carmilla.
Husker's curiosity got the better of him, and he went to knock on her door. She answered through the door, “who is it?”
He was surprised by how gentle her voice sounded, but he also knew not to make assumptions about a demon just because they sounded soft and weak. “Name's Husk, I'm the barkeep. Alastor told me to check on you.”
She called out from behind the door, “I'm fine! Um, if you have a shirt or sweater I could borrow though? My own got shredded recently. And I… I don't exactly have any possessions at the moment.” She sounded nervous.
“Uh, gimme a sec and I'll see what I can get ya.”
 Husk was a bit unnerved by this news. So he went down to bug the others while they were fortifying the place. “Hey, Angel Dust! You got any spare sweaters?”
He gave husk a weird look, “nothing in your style whiskers, why? You got a kink you're ready to share with the class?”
He groaned, “ugh, fuck no! Alastor brought some new sinner here last night while we were gone, and she said her shirt is too ripped up to come out of her room! I thought if anyone had something she could use it'd be you.” 
Angel frowned, “her shirts all ripped up? Alright, I'll be back, everyone.” He went upstairs and got a fluffy pink sweater from his closet, then looked at her door, right next to his. There was already a sign that said “Zariah”. Angel knocked on the door. “Hey, you the new girl?” He called. “I brought you a sweater.” She unlocked the door and peeked out at him, “ oh, hello, I'm Zariah. Oh, you're so pretty!” She opened the door more, covering her chest with her tail. He smiled and handed her the sweater. “Thanks doll, you're a cutie yourself. So, Al picked ya up off the streets? How did your shirt get torn?” He invited himself into her room.
She turned and frowned, “I was going to change… my shirt is all bloody. He found me in an alley and brought me here to heal.”
“Oh, don't be shy. I'm not into women, so don't worry about that! Hey, when Charlie gets back, we should work on customizing your room!” He laid down on her bed. She sighed and went to her bathroom and changed in there. When she came back out she smiled, hiding her old shirt in the bathtub for now. “I'd love that! So far everyone here has been so kind.” 
Angel smiled and sat up, “well I'm glad you think so. Hopefully you know how to fight? Because a war is coming our way, and I can't promise who will survive and who won't.” 
She looked shocked, “a war?! With who?! I'm not a fighter!”
He sighed, “then why the hell did Al drag you into this? Heaven is gonna try and fuck our shit up. We're gonna try to fight back. Apparently angel's can be killed.” 
She looked even more terrified, “th- the exorcists are coming?! Here?! I- I- oh fuck, oh shit! I'm gonna die!” She fell to her knees and began shaking. Angel came over and hugged her, “hey, hey, calm down. It's just another extermination. You'll survive. We'll find a place to hide you, okay?” She took a few deep breaths to calm down.
“O-okay… I… I know how to heal, like, healing powers. I can be a medic, maybe.” 
“Healing powers? No wonder Al picked you up!” He smiled, “Come on, let me introduce you to everyone.” he got up and took her hands, leading her to her feet and out to meet everyone else.
Eventually, Alastor, Charlie, and Vaggie returned with their reinforcements, and Charlie was excited to see everyone there, but…
“Oh! Who's this new friend?” She smiled and approached Zariah. She smiled, “hi! Alastor brought me here yesterday, I was really badly hurt and he said this was a safe place. I hope you don't mind. I'm not really a fighter, but I want to help protect everyone here from the exorcists!” 
Charlie smiled back and hugged her tight, “that's great! Thank you so much, whatever way you can help will be appreciated!” 
Zariah hugged back and purred, happy to be accepted so easily. Alastor blinked in surprise, “my dear, is that purring?! How adorable!” As she let go of Charlie, Alastor reached over and pet Zariah's head. She purred even louder and her ears twitched a little as she leaned into the affection. “Thank you! I pride myself on being cute!”
After a moment, he pulled his hand away, “hm, enough of that silliness.” He then wandered off towards his radio tower. It took him a little bit to realize she was following him. He stopped in the middle of the hall, “did you need something from me, dear?” He looked over his shoulder with his constant smile.
“Oh, I was curious where you were going? Everyone else is working to learn to fight with the angelic weapons you all brought. But since I'm not a fighter, I don't know how to help or where I'll be safest to hide if Adam shows up…”
“Oh? A safe place for our little fox to hide? Follow me, my dear.” He led the way, and she followed close behind. 
“Okay, I like the way you call me ‘dear’ all the time. It feels nice.” She smiled brightly, feeling so safe here in the hotel. 
He brought her into his radio tower. “Most demons are too scared to approach my radio tower. Just know, if the On Air sign is on, do not enter or knock. Or else I will be very cross with you.” His eyes glowed just a little in warning.
She nodded, still smiling softly, “yes sir!” She looked around. “When I was alive, there was a podcast made to sound like an old fashioned radio broadcast. It was my favorite thing to fall asleep to. Cecil was an amazing radio host.” She reached out towards the radio panels, but didn't touch. 
Alastor raised an eyebrow, “I see. So you enjoy radio?”
“Oh yes! Mostly FM stations, music is in my blood. But I enjoy radio talk shows and stories as well. As long as the voice is soothing. Yours is really nice. When do you do your shows? And what kind of shows are they?” She was so chatty now that she felt comfortable with him.
“Why thank you for the compliment, my dear. My broadcasts vary depending on my moods. Sometimes I'll just report on the tea around the rings, and sometimes… I'll remind people why I'm not someone you cross.”
“Hm. Have you ever read stories? Like Listener submitted short stories?” She looked at him with a head tilt. He chuckled,
“My dear, you are the first to dare to suggest any adjustments to my radio show.” His smile had a dangerous quality to it, but she didn't budge other than turning her head the other way.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hm… no, I like how bold you are. It's refreshing. I'm used to fear from most who interact with me… how about we make a deal? Hm?”
“A deal? What kind of deal?”
“During the battle, you may hide in my radio tower if things get too intense. And in exchange, any time I need healing, you must provide it for me.” 
“Hm… any time you need to be healed, I will gladly give you healing. And how about, any time the on air sign is off, I can hide in here if needed?” She held out her hand.
He raised an eyebrow, surprised that she'd counter offer. “Hm, fair enough.” He took her hand and the whole room went green and wind swirled around them as the deal was sealed in magic. She looked around in shock, before fixing her hair from her face.
“Whoa, that was cool!” She laughed a little. “I didn't know you had windy powers too!”
“Actually, that's just the side effects of making a deal with a powerful demon.” He smiled, waiting to see if she'd show any signs of realizing what she'd done, only to realize she was rather innocent to how this whole thing worked.
“I think you and I will be very good friends…” He chuckled. 
He reached out to ruffle her hair again.
“Hey, I just fixed that!” She laughed again, and his smile softened. He had begun securing her as his new pet.
(If anyone knows how to link the other chapters the way others do, please message me or comment!)
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our-gentle-tide · 2 years
hi hi!! I hope you’re having a lovely day/evening 💖May I request the obey me characters ( you choose who/how many but please for sure do simeon & asmo ) with their bf who goes in to give them a kiss but instead does a fake out & *gently* bites either their cheek or nose instead? I stand by this being one of the funnier things I did as a kid lol ( feel free to ignore this btw c: )
Lucifer, Mammon, Asmo and Simeon when their bf gently bites their cheek
Warning: screeching like branches
A/n: heyy everyone :D hope all you lovelies are doing well, I have been laying around doing nothing but avoiding my responsibilities, yk, as any writer does, anywho! Idk when I'll post again but I'm kinda just writing down what comes to mind, hope you all enjoy :)
Reader: M!reader
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Honestly..be careful with this cuz you probably did it while keeping him company while he works
One hand be signing away (with extrem cramps, rip luci's hand) and the other wrapped around your waist, his thumb rubbing soothing circles
He felt you shift and was about to ask what's up but then felt ur lips on his cheek
My man here didn't get a chance to give that oh, so soft smile that only u see
Felt you bite his fucking cheek and he paused for a sec
Do all humans do this?
Nah cuz I'd book it out of his study the moment he makes eye contact
Gives u the smirk yk the one-
But, surprisingly just pecks ur forehead and goes back to work
Dw he gets his revenge later (you can think of what happened next)
Probably barged into ur room cuz he hasn't had his 10th kiss of the day
Practically threw himself on ur bed, also meaning on u it was ur day off yet u still can't sleep in
Wasn't paying attention to what you were doing as he was rambling about his future plans
Screamed like a little girl when you bit him part 1-
Sat up so fast with a hand cradling his cheek and a blush spreading across his face
Wide eyes, stuttering and all that
Starts complaining about how ur lucky the grate mammon is spearing you..
"Darling if you wanted a bite, you just had to ask" - asmo most likely
Nah but fr- he was just having a self care night with you in his room
You were about to put a face mask on his face but one look at his cheek and you were done
A smile spread on his face when he felt ur lips on his cheek
Was about to say how cute you are but stopped when he felt u bite his cheek next
Screamed like a little girl part 2
Full on pouts and all that
Dw love, you can make it to him ;)
It was one of those rear times when the brothers were all too busy to cling to you and Simeon was taking full advantage of that
Ya'll were chilling in his room, you were listening to him coming up with new ideas for TSL and he wasn't paying attention while he was rambling on and on
Honestly, you couldn't help yourself and no one blames you
He was so cute :( and that soft smile on his face was gonna give you a heart attack
You leaned a little closer and gave him a kiss on the forehead then his cheek and he was already a blushing mess
Then you bit him- he was stunned and rightfully so
Then he turned to you, blinked twice and then he kinda just
Bit you back, although he was much more gentle than you-
He was curious! Why are you laughing?
He gave a small pout then joined in and laughed with you
(You can just tell I have a favourite huh)
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messenger-of-stupidity · 11 months
However, Your Mother
Welcome back to another Shaw Mates Group Chat Post that totally hasn't been sitting completed in my drafts for over a month because I forgot to post it nope not at all that would be utterly ridiculous ahahaha
This is pretty short though because my brain has been filled with angst for the past several months and crack isn't really doing much for me atm.
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CW: Angel is back on their crack shit but keeps getting rejected, Baabe is living for the gossip, Sweetheart is a bit more active, Sam just wants some normality but he should know better by now fr fr
Actual CW: Crack, Cursing, Shenanigans, GN Listeners, Any gendered terms are purely for the memes and should not be taken seriously in any kind of way.
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Sweetheart: My supervisor is literally dog turds
Angel: i dont know whether to be happy i wasnt first or upset that u didnt say cat litterbox droppings
Baabe: what happened invisi?
Sweetheart: Were circling back to that nickname later. Whats wrong is that theyre making me stay late
Angel: but but 2nites mate nioght
Sweetheart: I know it is thats why Im upset
Baabe: theres only one thing left to do. we cause a error in the computer system and hold their information hostage so that way invisi can sneak out. get it? sneak? cause theyre a stealth? im so funny.
Sam: I knew it was too much to hope that for once this was a normal and legal conversation, and yet I did so regardless. Good lord.
Angel: vamp daddy
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Angel: welcome to another episode of davey is gonna kill me
Baabe: whatd you do?
Angel: hol up a sec i need to wait for invisi and vamp daddy to be here
Baabe: if this was discord we could @ them.
Angel: omg it would be so fun to have a mates disc call
Sam: This is the highest level of my tolerance. I don't think I could handle a group call with all of you. Especially without David to monitor.
Angel: davey do be a sexy supervisor vroom vroom
Sam: I'm never going to be able to look at David the same now. Thank you for that.
Angel: yw now where is my invisible hoe
Baabe: imma call them.
Angel: that just leaves vamp daddy and me (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Sam: Oh dear lord.
Angel: nope just me
Sweetheart: Whatd I miss
Baabe: angel fucked up again.
Sweetheart: Oh good
Angel: cool now that everyones here
Angel: how does one get dough off high ceilings and back into the kitchen
Sam: Do I even want to know how you managed that?
Baabe: by asking you have become complicit. congrats!
Sam: Shit.
Sweetheart: Before I tell you I wanna know how tf you managed to do that
Angel: so i was making pizza rite
Baabe: its gonna be a multi text situation. neat.
Angel: and the impulsive urge to yeet that motherfucker at the ceiling with the force of a thousands suns came upon this bitch
Sam: And that should be a lesson in control, kiddos.
Angel: but i couldnt do it in the kitchen because i wasnt in the kitchen
Sweetheart: Then where tf were you
Angel: in davey and me bedroom
Baabe: omg this keeps getting better. i cant wait to tell Ash.
Angel: we have hella high ceilings so i got on the bed and threw the dough at the ceiling
Angel: now its stuck and davey is gonna come home any minute
Sweetheart: I lied I have no idea how to get pizza dough off high ceilings I just wanted to hear the story hehehehe
Angel: ((유∀유|||))
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Baabe: all mates are wonderful. all werewolves are awesome (except chrissy all my homies hate chrissy) but Ash is by far the best. <3
Angel: omg i literally luv my house husband
Sweetheart: Disagree what evidence do you have
Baabe: three words invisi.
Angel: i love you
Baabe: no
Angel: rejected by my waifu im never gonna financially recover alexa play the wheels on the bus
Baabe: breakfast. in. bed.
Sweetheart: Three words for you
Angel: i love you
Sweetheart: No
Angel: rejected twice in one day by my waifus alexa play arabian nights
Sweetheart: Crumbs. In. Bed.
Sam: Why was this what I had to come in to?
Angel: sam wont reject me will u vamp daddy
Sam: Without hesitation I absolutely will.
Angel: im literally gonna kms ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
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pokemon-my-beloved · 6 months
so i played the dlc
and it was. alright? but while i was playing the teal mask, i was writing my thoughts down so i could make a little mini-review, and then i just. never posted it. so here i am now, with my thoughts from ALL of the dlc, but i have to separate it because i said. So Much. this post has teal mask stuff, i'll reblog with indigo disk thoughts
spoilers under the cut!
are my besties coming with me on this field trip. please please please
blueberry academy is in UNOVA????? holy shit i am IMMEDIATELY more interested and invested in the indigo disk
have my boy there. i am Manifesting him
listen briar i’m sure your intentions are pure and all probably but you can’t go into the great crater of paldea okay i say this as someone who has been there. leave my bestie alone
i don’t think my besties are coming with me :( one sec i gotta go say goodbye to them
okay nemona please try not to burn the academy to the ground, penny sunlight is necessary to your survival please leave your room at some point, mabosstiff please take care of arven while i’m gone
GOD i love these kids okay i’m going
i am. aware of the violet book. why
the paranormal???? oh so she’s a dork
and heath’s descendant alright that’s fine i’m no longer as concerned as I was before
i am…….. wary……. of terapagos, but continue
she wants to find it? bestie
okay so the other people on the trip are randos. three of them. this feels like salt in the wound, just a lil bit
this kid is NOT my “travel buddy” i have exactly ONE buddy and he is in paldea >:(
i’m not going to let that go i am NOT going to get over that
oh it’s my replacement besties or whatever. i’m not going to get as attached to them I’m saying this now because i know it to be true. unless these kids have daddy issues out the ass i will not get attached
okay so carmine is nemona 2 electric boogaloo except i like nemona more
sorry for continuing to play it up i just Love Them So Much
oh so we’re just going to. i was going to say block off the wholeass road but this is scarvi so. guess not
oh so this is just nemona if she was pacifica northwest huh
only one of them was giving me grief but i’m gonna hit yes anyways cause carmine is already getting on my nerves
man this is exactly what i said about arven huh. unless she pulls out a sick dog and daddy issues i’m not impressed and even then i'm not impressed cause like. quit copying homework from two characters who i already like more
mossui town is a very pokeani coded name i think
oh god which of these stupid fucking loser kids am i gonna be working with
nevermind it’s probably gonna be kieran
his hair is really fucking stupid I cannot see his nose at all it grates on me more the more I look at it. not what i would call good character design
hair’s not quite as egregious on carmine but still kind of a problem
this is literally jessie. like it’s just jessie i can’t fucking be convinced otherwise
i mean. define cool? but yeah sure this kid’s growing on me it’s cool
ohhhhh cool as in 3v1 cool. yeah alright that is cool
probably because they were already like level 58 or whatever
okay so we are GUARANTEED going to get trapped in here or whatever since ogerpon was outside but i’m sure i can bust us out so i’m not really worried tbh
“you’re a sweet kid kieran” vs “wHEN CAN I MOVE IN” GHALKSJGKLASJGLKAJSG
yeah okay i’ll go to the festival of masks sure seems fun
ugh YOU
fuckin. i don’t get a mask i guess. absolutely fantastic (sarcastic)
yeah sure i’ll battle whatever
“stop using supereffective moves” she says, like that will stop me
oh is poltchageist/sistcha a divergent evolution of the polteageist line? nice!
“say chansey” is cute but i’m unsure why cheese wouldn’t work like cheese is very much in this game
oh, thank you for the candy apple kieran!
what the fuck does OUSTIN mean, game. that is NOT a word, what the fuck
wait. it is. fuck
what if i just. didn’t go after ogerpon AJKLGSJGLK
okay well i can’t leave the festival or do anything else IN the festival so
this bitch is GOING to punch me in the face i guarantee it jvaslkgjlags
apparently everyone just thinks its a kid. wild
oh that’s a cute cute CUTE face
ogerpon’s adorable. alright
kieran i would NEVER make fun of you what the fuck
carmine you are SO mean all the time i feel like jet at the end of the sonic riders dub
oh did the loyal three attack and ogerpon defended the village. makes sense for pokemon tbh
“passed down by word of mouth” just write it down, man
i’m sorry kieran i was specifically instructed to lie to you okay listen
i guess i’m not going to the festival of masks tonight? damn okay then
okay yeah this is pretty as fuck but i’ve been to area zero and i did expect it to look like this, carmine
oh! a mitotic! hi! what the fuck!
well that’s convenient huh. i’m not getting in the fucking pool, i guess
oh briar hi! are these terastal crystals? cause i’m pretty sure they are
water? eh close enough
oh he’s gonna summon the loyal three isn’t he. that’s probably not good
kieran in our defense we were specifically instructed to not tell you this like did you miss that part i know you were eavesdropping
if nothing else it seems like he’s gaining some self confidence from all this it seems like
oh they were stuck in the monument? that’s… a bit weird, but i’m sure it’s fine
sure wish someone who could understand pokemon was here (hint hint) THAT SURE WOULD BE HELPFUL HUH (HINT HINT)
sorry i just. i Miss him
guess i’ve gotta fight the loyal three now. bet
ooh triple battle?
nevermind. this blows
you’re trying to recreate the crater crew and it isn’t working i’m not as attached to these two
oh i just noticed that the flying taxi has noctowls instead of squakabilly in kitakami that’s cool!
ogerpon was running in lil circles around me while i wrote that this bitch cute as hell
sorry for having protagonist syndrome kieran
ogerpon cheering us on is adorable, oh my god
oh did kieran tell the village the truth i’m pretty sure he did
yup he did
i think this battle with kieran is the last of the story
oh damn he just COLLAPSED
okay do i battle ogerpon or does he just get in a ball
battle it is ig!
oh its poncho changes with its mask thats cool!
“memories of adventuring with you grant ogerpon strength” THAT’S CUTE AS HELL WHAT THE FUCK
“memories of a partner from long long ago grant ogerpon strength” HEY WHAT THE FUCK OW
her name WAS gonna be kieran but change of plans this is majora now
majora might be a guy actually i do not have a clue. i’m sure it’s fine
again. sorry for having protagonist syndrome kieran but i can’t do shit about it
carmine my home is in another country i understand what you’re going for but i live in paldea
kieran what the FUCK is happening bud
oh god he’s pulling a paulo from pokemas isn’t he goddammit
did terapagos get to him. is he gonna get professor turo’d
guess that’s it! i’ll be back for this shit when the indigo disk drops ig
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Sneak Peek 👀👀👀
It's been a while since I posted but I thought I'd share some of what I have in the works!
Unintentional - Chapter 15
(It's been a long time so I hope you guys haven't forgotten about this one!)
Liam snuggled as close as he could to Max, while his hands were still cuffed to the bedpost. Last night felt like an amazing dream. Everything had turned out perfectly. Dinner, the boat ride, the blue lights he attached to the boat, the proposal.. And especially the amazing, intimate night the two of them had shared together afterwards. Life was good, great even.
Liam’s cell phone buzzed insistently on the bedside table, but without Max uncuffing him, he obviously couldn’t get it. Eh, let it go to voicemail. Liam sighed and rested his head against Maxwell’s, but before he could go back to sleep, his phone buzzed again. Then Maxwell’s started ringing.
“Hey.. babe, your phone.” Liam whispered, causing Max to wake up and look around in confusion as both of their phones continued ringing.
Max fumbled with his cell phone, placing it to his ear as he lay back next to Liam. “Yello?” He mumbled and rubbed his tired eyes. “What?!” Max shot up, gripping the phone tighter, looking back at Liam.
“What? What is it? Who is it?” Liam searched Maxwell’s stricken face. Clearly something horrible had happened. “Max! Is everyone ok?”
Maxwell blinked back tears, “Hang on a sec, Ri.” 
It was Riley… That means something awful must have happened to Drake! “Oh god, is Drake ok?!”
Max dropped the phone and quickly unlocked Liam’s cuffs. “Yes. Everyone is ok, babe.”
He grabbed the phone off of the bed and put it on speaker. “Hey Ri, Liam’s here with me. Can you, uh.. Repeat what you told me?”
Riley sighed deeply. “God.. I’m so sorry about this, guys. It looks like the world found out about your engagement already. The media is going insane.”
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Mardi Gras Mayhem
(a collaborative fic I've been working on with a few other writers! I'm writing for Maxwell, Tariq, and Neville! Here's a bit of Max and Tariq's!)
“Tonight you are an honorary member of my bachelorette party and we are gonna make sure you have a good time.”
“Whoohoo!” Maxwell yelled as he jumped in the air with a huge grin. “I’m Max, by the way.”
The bride-to-be pointed to all the women in the group in turn. “Ginger, Allison, Mandy, and Hope. And I’m Jess.”
Max could barely contain his excitement. “How did Mandy get that adorable plushie!? I need one! Need!!!”
Mandy laughed, “Watch and learn! Ready ladies?”
Another float began making its way past and the ladies jumped up and down, screaming along with the crowd. Suddenly, the group raised their tight t-shirts again, exposing their breasts and shimming around. Maxwell watched in awe as the men on the float reached into their bag and threw cups, plushies, beads, and bejeweled flip flops right in their direction. Holy shit! The secret is.. titties!!
“Ladies! Get out here!” Coco called out and several half dressed women emerged into the room.
“Oh dear! I’m so sorry!” Tariq covered his eyes and spun around, mortified. He had witnessed more nudity on this trip than he had ever seen in his life!
“What do we have here?” A deep voice asked curiously and Tariq lowered his hands. When he looked at the person in front of him he saw a six foot tall woman with broad shoulders, makeup, a wig cap, and a gold dress. To the left of them, a man was changing out of a button up shirt and into a rainbow halter top.
For the first time since he arrived, Tariq noticed how tall the waitresses on either side of him were. The more he looked around, the more he realized how tall everyone in the dressing room was. 
“Oh dear,” Rosy chuckled. “I think he just now figured it out!”
Tariq looked around, feeling embarrassed by his naivety. “This is a.. a..”
“A drag show, honey!” Coco laughed.
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The Shower Slip Up
(I have been teasing this one for a while and I honestly have no idea why I haven't posted it yet! Gonna try to post this next week! This is a one shot from my fic Love Me The Way I Am with Maxwell x MC (Harley). I'm just gonna leave you with this one sentence 🤣🤣🤣)
If anyone had told Harley that stuffy, prudish Bertrand Beaumont would one day be laying next to her nude, she would have thought they were insane.
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I am also working on the final chapter of Maxwell's Jolly Holiday, but so far it's only in my head so I don't have anything to share! 😆 😅 don't worry I didn't forget about it!
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silkjade · 5 months
tagged by @lychniis to do this little wip game ! LOL i think this will help me organize my stuff cus they are all over the place here + in google docs rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
A LOVE LIKE WINTER ⤀ scaramouche x reader | the first time you meet each other again after the events of sumeru aq. this was actually meant to be a SHORT drabble but it kinda ended up getting a little long and perhaps even a bit philosophical oopsie !
GENSHIN MEN AS WEDDING DATES (4) ⤀ ft. neuvillette, wriothesley, lyney, baizhu, gorou | i know gorou is random here but i forgot him in the other parts and am making it up now lolz tbh i haven't written hcs like this in a hot sec 'n it is a bit hard to come up with stuff now T^T
KISS OF LIFE / HYDRO DRAGON & THE 7 MELUSINES ⤀ neuvillette x reader | so these are two alternate titles. obv the second one is cuter but i m afraid there are not seven melusines + hydro dragon and the five melusines doesn't sound quite right ; \
TIE MY HEART STRINGS ⤀ alhaitham x reader | selfship jadetham lore series that would be written as x reader so everyone can enjoy ^^
MERMAID AU N’SFW MIRROR SEX ⤀ alhaitham x mermaid!reader | mermaid au ! self explanatory title that is definitely subject to change. this is planned for mermay tho lolz
UNTITLED N'SFW ⤀ dainsleif x reader | i'm gonna be so honest the wicked dragon neuvi smut was originally a dain smut but um... :'D i do have a different premise though and it is pre-cataclysm khaenri'ah royalcore leaning selfship coded ahhahahhah
UNTITLED VAMPIRE!READER ⤀ diluc x reader | help this was a request from over a year ago that i started but ran out of inspie for because nonnie requested a few characters & i didn't have enough ideas
BASOREXIA PT 2 ⤀ thoma x reader | honestly this was like 90% finished but then i decided that i hated it and forgot about it for like a year
UNTITLED ⤀ ayato x reader | this is a wip IN MY HEAD ! did not even write down yet but it’s like modern au (maybe) and is meant to be bittersweet but i do not know if i have the capacity to write this as a one shot cus i def don’t want to make it a series but the hypothetical elements make it lean that way >.<
open tags to whoever is wanting to talk abt their wips !
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Sakura, Sakura (Kohaku FS1) / Chapter 1
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HiMERU: .....
Kohaku: (HiMERU-han's scrolling through his phone and looks like he's in a pretty good mood. Is he looking at newbie job posts again? I think it was sometime in the summer when he said that seeing "earnesty" made him smile.)*
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Kohaku: (And like I said before, I just don't get it. I really don't understand that kind of hobby...oops. This isn't any time for me to be escaping reality and being on my computer. I've got a problem on my hands. But no other way to do this is coming to mind, so I'm just gonna...)
Kohaku: --Hey, HiMERU-han. I wanna ask you for a bit of advice, do you have a sec?
HiMERU: Yes, what is it?
Kohaku: Actually, I was finally called about my "personalized costume", and when I said that I no idea about idol costumes, Anzu said that we should think about it together. "Crazy:B" was pretty far off from all the other "units" Anzu-han compared us to, so I don't wanna rely too much on that. I told her that I would get back to her after I came up with a few ideas of my own, then we went off our own ways.
HiMERU: ...And? Have you come up with any ideas?
Kohaku: Nope. I thought I could try it and have it under control, but I'm not getting anywhere. I've never even thought of designing my own costumes before, so I haven't got a clue. And so, I need a bit of advice. HiMERU-han, if you were me then what kind of costume would I pick?
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HiMERU: That's a difficult question. HiMERU is HiMERU, and he isn't anyone else. So, the same would apply to you. Wouldn't it be best to try asking this question to yourself?
Kohaku: Duh. But, if I could do that then I wouldn't be having such a tough time...I think it'd be better if idols wore western clothing, but I've also always worn kimonos at home so I really don't know what's what. "Outerwear" and "innerwear" are all fancy words I didn't know until I moved here yknow? It's all so complicated.
HiMERU: No need to daunt yourself. If all the choices were truly infinite, then everyone would also be lost. You should take your time in thinking about it. You don't really need to decide today or tomorrow, since it's "Oukawa Kohaku's personalized outfit".
Kohaku: I get that, but if I can't come up with anything then what should I do? I don't want to be worrying about it all the time...
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Rinne: Yo, Kohaku-chan! Rinne-kun is here to give you a hand~
Kohaku: Ugh. The number one person I didn't want involved at all showed up. I hate it when you involve yourself in things, because everything just gets even more complicated.
Rinne: "Number one" you say, I'm so loved~ So, I hear you're having trouble crafting up a "personalized outfit", is that right? I'll come up with something unique. Here, hand over your sketchbook.
Kohaku: Rinne-han will? I dunno what I should expect.
Rinne: Gyahaha! Just leave it to me.
Kohaku: (It's hard to see anything from here. He's just humming and drawing smoothly. Fashion sense, I think is what it's called? Does he have a good sense in fashion?)
Rinne: ♪〜♪〜♪
Rinne: ....There, all done.
Kohaku: Where....
Kohaku: What's with that weird looking outfit? For some reason it looks a little like Rinne-han's "personalized outfit". I don't like it much. If I showed up to a "Crazy:B" live in this, people will just think we're wearing the same outfit.
Rinne: Heh, "Crazy:B"'s live huh...You even remember when I said "when everyone's personalized outfits are ready, we'll all wear them and put on a live"? Kohaku-chan you're so chipper~
Kohaku: Th-that's not it. We're part of the same "unit", so I just thought that the opportunity might come up for us to do that one day--
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Niki: Thank you for waiting. Here's hashbrowns for four~
HiMERU: Isn't this a bit much for four people?
Niki: Don't worry about that, because I'll eat half of it! Thank you for the meal~ Mogumogu...I overheard something about "personalized outfits", so I guess it's Kohaku-chan's turn next. What kind of outfit are you going to wear?
Kohaku: I'm still trying to figure out what I'm gonna do, but I really can't come up with anything...Niki-han, what do you think?
Niki: Uuuun. If I had to pick then definitely colorful clothes. If it was plain white then it'd just get dirty when I cook.
HiMERU: That would help you Shiina, but it wouldn't really apply to Oukawa's case, correct?
Niki: Yup, yup. That's why I can't really come up with ideas and help answer any questions~ Fashion isn't really my forte! Whenever I buy new clothes I just ask the shopkeeper to help out in finding me things that would look good on me...So, if you're really worried about it, Kohaku-chan, then why don't you just let professionals help? That would be your safest bet.
Kohaku: (In other words, I really should just leave it up to Anzu-han? That's no good. If I rely on her then I'd be back to where I started. Well, it's not like I'm getting anywhere here....)
Kohaku: I'll go think of "personalized outfit" ideas somewhere else. Niki-han, you can eat my share.
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Kohaku: .......
Kohaku: (I tried borrowing an idol magazine as a reference from the office...all the clothes in this magazine have already been worn by someone else, and I don't think any of them would fit me much. "I want you to design as freely as you want" is what Anzu-han told me, but I can't even put a single line down. Is this what it means to have freedom valued this much nowadays...isn't it just becoming an obstacle...?)
Ibara: Oukawa-shi, how is the design process coming along?
Kohaku: Vice Prez-han, Nagisa-han**...
Ibara: Fumu. It appears as though you've hit a deadlock***. Well then since I'm a member of the same agency, I'd like to offer you a it of advice from a "producer" standpoint. If the design is meant to be about the idol themself, then why not try putting "amber"**** into the design?
Kohaku: Amber...? Isn't that just sap with dead insects in it?
Nagisa: ....That may be true, but that's not all there is to it...This piece of amber is for you.
Kohaku: Nn? Thanks...Oh, that's not a bug, but a flower right?
Nagisa: Yes. It's speculated to have bloomed around ten million years ago. To begin with, the flower was wiped off the earth a long time ago, but since it was protected by the sap it can be held after such a long amount of time has passed.
Nagisa: .....Amber is a stone of miracles.
(*): This thought line here is referencing chapter 1 of the story "Honeybee"! HiMERU was looking at newbie jobs and talked about how seeing unexperienced idols quickly try to take every job they see was charming!
(**): Could've sworn Kohaku referred to Nagisa as "Ran-han" but okay sure enstars have it your way?
(***): Different from a deadend, a deadlock is when someone is stuck going in circles. Ibara and his fancy terminology is making my life a bit difficult is it obvious that I've never tried translating much Eden content yet help me
(****): Word play of sorts? “琥珀” is “kohaku”, meaning “amber” (a type of gemstone), which obviously has a connection to Kohaku’s name
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sugar-omi · 8 months
aww I'm gonna miss the Cove icon but who's the lady? 030
help i got so confused for a sec i totally forgot i changed my pfp but then I realized n pls I've never closed genshin faster...
the cove icon is such a staple tho!!! I hope yall recognize me without it but I trust my regular horny posts will be all you need anyway LOL
altho it may or may not come back some time after October yk, I was just tryna get in the spooky mood n stuff hehe but we'll see bc I am Crazy over this lovely lady here
well.. ngl she's nameless right now. but she is my 3rd baxter child, yes I'm still on that bc yall ruined me w baxters kids being colorful n shit n now I like to laugh abt his child's fashion choices becoming progressively more colorful n crazier than his....
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BUT TO INTRODUCE MY GIRL A BITTTT (also I'm literally drawing smth else for her n I didn't expect to reveal her like this but... she's everything to me n I cranked this out in like 3-4 hours bc I'm crazy)
anyway, she's Very into gyaru fashion, specifically n mostly kogal and kuro
she's looks like a cinnamon roll, will beat your ass!!!, I'm thinking she does competitive ballroom dancing like baxter or she can at least dance well enough to wear you out n tell you you suck
she's sarcastic, has the worst RBF of the whole family. at least baxter n theo look like they're just smug flirty assholes n aurelia looks more approachable in comparison to this lovely lady here.
also she has a heart shaped freckle. it's faint n you can't even rlly tell here but it's under her eye (I realize all my baxters children have one under their eye but idc. I am ONTO SOMETHING)
anyway.. her n theo are besties and baxter has to check in at night bc they'll be in her room painting each others nails n doing nail extensions or dying her hair (its 2 toned if you havent guessed, ive seen it sm n im obsessed n so she had it okay) like go to SLEEP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TMRW!!!
just thought abt it. she's obsessed w true crime, food, makeup, and stationary videos, and the stardew valley/the sims
also just decided she is soon for the ladies. I'm thinking lesbian n demisexual, mmm
don't ask how, just know that it's true.
hates pickles. she is me. she is my child... omg Aurelia likes pickles. I was gonna say theo but he's a ramble for another time omfg I am thinking SO MUCH
anyway... ik you didn't ask for a ramble abt my oc but I will take this and run w it okay
she is very introverted but when she picks friends you are now 4lifers okay you cannot get rid of her n why would you want to? you life was a mess before her. trust. /j /lh
she's like baxter so much in the way she worries n has insecurities n stuff, honestly I think she inherited the identity crisis thing baxter got going on over there
also is the youngest and very much an accident (just like aurelia, dw they're FINE everyone laughs abt baxters reaction now which I will make a bit of later bc I'm thinking many thoughts abt the boys finding out mc is preg) so she's a bit spoiled bc her siblings were at least 9 n loved her sm when she was born
(imagining theo passing her to you or baxter n running away when she had a dirty diaper... pls thats so funny)
now ik what it's like to jump at any chance to talk abt your ocs n how fucking crazy it makes you.... I am unstoppable now
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