#thinking about julian gives me the same feeling as watching those extremely satisfying videos
comic-sans-chan · 1 year
I really enjoy Julian's close friendships because I feel like they all say something really succinct about Julian as a genetically engineered character. Everything about them makes perfect sense.
Jadzia is because she's adventurous - the show points this out - but it's also because she's lived long enough and seen enough shit, there might actually be a chance of her accepting him as an augment, which is why Julian becomes obsessed with the idea of a relationship with her. She’s rarely judgmental. And because she is uniquely intelligent, knowledgeable and wise thanks to the symbiont, speaking to her is uniquely fulfilling for someone as unnaturally brilliant as Julian. It doesn’t hurt that she has such a soft heart, just like him. Compassion is his center, the most human thing about him that he clings to like a lifeline.
Garak is because Julian has that whole thing about spies and lying and identity crises, so he understands Garak on a core level right from the start, but they also end up being highly compatible as two cerebral, annoying, passionate people who just love analyzing and picking things (and each other) apart. They both have daddy and mommy issues. They’re both insane. Julian can be dangerous and grumpy and real with Garak and it just comes across as hot because Garak’s Cardassian. He can handle the full brunt of Julian Bashir, so he doesn’t have to edit himself so much, and when he does have to, he doesn’t have to feel guilty because Garak’s doing it, too. As an agent, Garak was also barred from meaningful attachments, just like Julian, so their attachment to each other is extra exciting and illicit. Forbidden twofold. Oh my.
O'Brien is because he's the quintessential human, an average joe in a happy marriage with a kid, which are experiences Julian can never have as an augment, so hanging out with him makes Julian feel more connected to his humanity (which he is constantly questioning the existence of). They can drink and play games and be stupid and Julian can pretend he’s normal for a while. He can listen to O’Brien talk about Keiko and his kids and his simple uncomplicated views on the world and see what a normal human life is supposed to look like. O'Brien's acceptance of him as someone with enduring human characteristics in Dr. Bashir, I Presume? is especially meaningful because of all this, though Julian has trouble accepting it. There's no one more suited to accepting Julian as human than Miles O'Brien.
I just love how neatly everything fits together.
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