#this all could also be like. turned grimmer if you think susie has a home but it just fucking sucks
the-acid-pear · 10 months
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These two lines really make me feel like Susie is only a bully for, let's say, survival reasons. But that's as coherent as i can get so i'm going to ramble the rest of my thoughts on the tags.
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perfectdagger · 7 years
Valentine’s day AU
So, surprise! 
We know we have been saying that we are going to post part 3 of the Mistletoes & Wrackspurts series soon but actually we have been working on a small thing for Valentine’s day, oops. Well, not exactly for Valentine’s day (as in today), but to celebrate it. It’s not finished nor beta’ed yet, but we wanted to give you guys another teaser of our writing so you don’t think we’re abandoning you! 
As for Part 3 of the HP AU, we’re still gonna post it, don’t worry, it will just take a little bit more time than we anticipated!
So here it is! We hope you enjoy it and expect this early next week! :D
Happy Valentine’s Day 💖
“And that was Ariana Grande with Into You, on the Breakfast Show on Radio 1. It’s 8:20 am on this fine 13th of February, Valentine’s day eve and here’s what most of our listeners have been waiting for! We’ve asked you earlier the number of Premier League titles Manchester United and Arsenal have combined to win a pair of tickets for you and your girlfriend or boyfriend to see the next classic match at the Emirates Stadium! If you texted MANAR A, which was the number 33, you got it right and we could be calling you right now. So, who’s gonna be the lucky person to answer the phone correctly with ‘GOAL!’ next? We’re doing this right now, let’s call our first number!”
There was the sound of a phone ringing and on the third ring, someone picked it up, screaming “GOOOOAL!”
“Yees!” Scott and Nick cheered.
“Oh, wow! On the first try! Congratulations!! Who is it?” Grimshaw’s voice sounded completely overjoyed.
“It’s Louis!” At that Harry had to stop, because he knew that voice and he knew that name and there were probably a lot of people called Louis in London, but that voice, he could recognize it anywhere.
“Well, hello there, Louis! You just won a pair of tickets to see Manchester United and Arsenal! Are you excited, mate?”
“Oh, absolutely! I’m a massive Manchester United fan! Oh man, I can’t believe I got called on the first try!”
“Lucky boy! And so, what’s the name of the person who you’re gonna take with you on this fun match date?”
Harry was possibly in shock. He had stopped in motion after hearing Louis speaking because one, what was Louis doing up so early? Two, Louis didn’t have a boyfriend. Harry would’ve known that, of course he would, they were best mates since they were 6 and 8 years old; and three, whose name would Louis say?
Harry’s heart was pounding so hard against his chest he thought he was about to have a heart attack. If Louis was dating someone again, Harry didn’t want to find out through the radio; he most likely wouldn’t want to know about it at all, because then he would have to suffer in silence one more time.
“It’s, erm… I…,” Louis was stuttering and Harry found that odd, and so did Nick Grimshaw.
“Uh, mate, you alright? You did know you’d need a date to win the tickets, right? You did put another name on your text,” Nick’s voice was concerned, “but if you don’t have one, then, well, we’ll have to call someone else and…”
“No!” Louis interrupted in a yell. “I do have someone, it’s just, we aren’t exactly dating.”
“Elaborate, Louis, please, because this is a Valentine’s day contest. You have to be dating the person! That wouldn’t be fair.”
“I haven’t asked yet, that’s the thing.” Harry could notice Louis’ voice was a bit nervous and Harry was starting to get nervous too. Who in the world would Louis be seeing to be at this level of relationship to try to win a Valentine’s day competition?
“Oooh, so you’re on that state that you want to make it official but you just don’t know how yet?” Nick teased.
“Kinda,” Louis was short.
“And you think you want to make it official through the radio? Is this person really worthy of these pair of tickets?”
“Yeah, yeah, I mean, totally.” Harry didn’t think Louis sounded confident enough, but he managed to say that without his voice shaking.
“So, who’s the lucky person that will not only get to see Manchester United and Arsenal facing each other, but will also possibly become your girlfriend… or boyfriend? I mean, that’s a good catch, to ask someone out like this. It will be hard to say no after this.”
“It’s, hm, his name is…” Oh boy, Harry was about to pass out, he couldn’t bear to hear what Louis would say. Susie was looking at him, worried eyes watching him from the cashier as she noticed that Harry had simply abandoned his cupcake duties. “Harry. Harry Styles.”
“What?!” Harry turned around, eyes almost popping out of his head, looking at Susie to see her with her mouth hanging open.
“Alright! So will Harry Styles be your boyfriend and go with you to the match? Wait wait, how will we know that he’s accepted it? Does he even know you entered this contest?”
“I think,” Louis cleared his throat, “he might be listening to the radio right now. He loves your show, listens to it every morning when he’s at work.”’
“He knew I was listening…” Harry said, voice barely leaving his mouth. That couldn’t be true. That couldn’t be happening.
“Oh, so did you just date-propose on live radio? And Harry, Harry Styles, are you listening? Are you accepting Louis to be your boyfriend? Oh my, this show just got a lot more interesting this morning!”
“I guess, I guess so…” Louis voice was trembling again.
“I need to know now if he accepted it or not! I have a mighty need and I think all of our listeners want to know too! And also you, of course! Oh my God, are you nervous, Louis?”
“Yes, I am. I really want the tickets!”
“And date Harry Styles!”
“Oh, yeah, hm, yeah, ‘course,” Louis cleared his voice again.
“Oh my…” Susie spoke, hand clutching at her apron, fond eyes looking at Harry. The customer at the cashier didn’t even mind about being ignored; she was looking eagerly at him too.
“So, how will it be? Because now we’re only giving away these tickets to you if we know that your boy accepted it. How about he tweets us? You both have twitter?”
“Yeah, we do, oh Christ…” Harry could picture Louis, possibly still in bed, nervously laughing.
“I know this doesn’t look romantic at all, but, I bet the whole internet must be freaking out right now already!”
“I... think… Yeah, maybe, that would work. I just don’t know if he’s gonna–”
“Oh lord, you’re so nervous!” Nick cut him off, laughing. “To be young and in love! Alright alright, so, Harry Styles, soon to be Louis’ boyfriend, will you tweet Louis and me @grimmers and the Breakfast Show @R1Breakfast saying if you will be Louis’ date and boyfriend? Oh my, I hope he’s not terrified as you seem to be, mate! I hope he say yes, though. Is this a bit too much? You brought this upon yourself, I must say. But what don’t we do for love and a footie match, right?”
Harry only heard Louis’ laughter and oh boy, that would be the death of him.
“Alright, hun, we’ve already spent too much time on the line with you, but we do need to know what he answers otherwise we’ll have to call someone else. So, Harry, if you’re listening, please tweet us. Louis, we’ll hold you on the line with our producers and we’ll see how it goes. Any last words? For Harry?”
“Oh, yes, I suppose. Hi, Harry, ma– dear, I– please, say yes! I’d love to go on this date with you!” Louis said and Harry felt his head spin. Louis just did not say that on the radio for possibly the whole city, maybe the whole country to hear.
“Aw, that’s cute! Ok, we’ll wait for Harry’s answer! Now, let’s listen to some good and old Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat and we’ll be right back.”
“Well, Harry, what are you going to do?” Susie’s voice caught his attention again.
Harry might’ve forgotten how to breathe and to make his brain work. What the hell just happened?
“Susie, he–  he asked me! On a date!” Harry shook his head multiple times. “On the radio!”
“Well, dear, are you going to say yes or no? I think we both know the answer, right?”
Harry gulped dryly. He knew what the answer was, he has always known. He just didn’t know that there would be a question to that answer. He and Louis were best friends, for more than 10 years now, but that was all that it was, at least for Louis. Harry never imagined that Louis would feel the same, that he has ever felt the same. And it seemed Louis thought they were in a place in their relationship/friendship that was worth asking Harry to be his date? His boyfriend? When did that happen? Sure, they lived together at their uni flat, they talked to each other almost 24/7, they always went back home together, would travel or spend the holidays with each other’s families, but, there was never more than that. Had he lost any signs? Was he so blind because of his own feelings that he missed when Louis started having some for him?
It didn’t matter. Louis was asking Harry out, was asking Harry to go to a Manchester United match with him, as his date, as his boyfriend. Of course he would say yes.
He fetched his phone from his pocket, ignoring the apparently wave of text messages he was receiving. He opened the Twitter app, quickly composing a message.
Harry Styles. @Harry_Styles @Grimmers @R1Breakfast @Louis_Tomlinson Yes! Of course yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He breathed heavily, holding his phone against his chest for a second, closing his eyes.
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