#this can be seen as either platonically or romantically idc i just think theyre <3333
jettorii · 1 year
ninjago main four tk headcanons :]
this is my overly large collection of hcs that just either popped in my head or were taken from asks ive gotten so thank you to everyone that gave a little contribution!!!(and to rico MUAH thank you for letting me plagiarize some of your hcs >:]
- you cannot tell me they all dont get into tickle fights all the damn time
- as a welcome gift for kai becoming part of the team, the three ganged up and tickled him (all of them made sure he was fine with it first, asking what he thought about tickles and kai just turned bright red)
- theyve turned saturdays to their annual tickle fight competition, where they all gather in the room and see who can last the longest without tapping out
- (winner gets to skip out on chores for the entire week, but typically gets tickled the most throughout it because everyone is a sore loser LFMAO)
- casual cuddle nights where it always somehow turns into tickling. idfk at least one of them decides to start something, let it be accidental or not one of them tickles another then suddenly its a pile of lego men laughing
- like theyre so close to falling asleep but cole decides theyre not sleeping and slowly claws along jays tummy waking everyone up with a screech
- suddenly the two are in this mosh pit of a tickle fight while zane and kai are groaning about how they just want to sleep
- but eventually they do get dragged into it farewell zzs 😞😞
- extremely touch starved but scared to actually engage or ask for it himself
- which was before he met the ninja
- was flabbergasted when he saw how physically close everyone was with each other
- not just the constant tickle fights, but hugs, cuddles and occasional kisses theyd give
- which is basically how they found out he was ticklish
- like the three would be so touchy with kai like, hugging and inviting him over to cuddle with them but kai would get so flustered hed just. quickly spit out some things and run
- they all didnt want him to feel uncomfortable so they never pushed, so when kai did willingly join them at some point cole got wayy too hyper he went crazy peppering kais neck n ears with kisses just to hear kai shriek
- then things really turned forward
- is the biggest blusher omfg its so cute
- panicked, boisterous laughter while making multiple attempts to hide his face hes so blushy
- of course the ninja didnt let him hide his face, they once trapped kai in a cuddle hug with his arms trapped under two of them, while at the same time all were giving him tickly kisses
- with kai in this position he wias so fucking red lmdao they love him too much
- cant take tickle kisses, nibbles or gnaws for the life of him omfg
- which all the ninjas know and take complete advantage of
- they not only tickle really bad but get him super red at the same time bonus bonus
- has to be super careful when cuddling with cole because one time he trapped kai in this monster lock hug from the front and nuzzled his tummy with kisses and nibbles
- kai never recovered from this he was screaming so loud
- stubborn and cocky, so everyone likes taking him down a peg by melting him into a puddle of giggles
- hes super susceptible to slow teases + tickles
- aggressive tickles are ones to get him howling, but the gentle ones drive him crazy
- in reference to what i said earlier, monster lock hug from cole. then slow, wiggly fingers grazing along his hips was enough for kai that day
- he couldnt do anything but slap on coles shoulder, make several attempts to hide his face and made these funky unintelligible grumbles
- and to make it worse, cole was monstrous with the compliment + teasing combo
- never recovered from this
- didnt even know this but he has horribly sensitive feet as well
- bruggghh who let him decide it would be a good idea to provoke zane by poking him with his dogs
- kai did and hes stupid
- zane didnt even blink when he grabbed kais ankle and proceeded to tickle the daylights out if his sole until the others rushed in confused
- i dont think i talked about his hips but yeah. genuinely terrible spot for him. i dont even feel bad hes a little loser
- once again. screaming when jay decided it would be fun to pin kai down and squeeze his hips like no tomorrow
- the ninja just all love to tickle him to pieces okay
- i may have gone a little insane on the lee hcs but hes also one hell of a ler
- super big on teases + pretty competitive ler
- pretty sure hes made zane short circuit from teases solely at least once
- like his ultimate goal is to fluster the shit out of whoever hes tickling
- ((mainly because he wants revenge for all the times the other ninja had made him all blushy because hes a loser
- he will never feel satisfied unless he is able to be as mean as he can fr omg
- like he once picked on jay by locking him in this weird ass position where kai could freely claw at his tummy while having the freedom to say as many teases as he can WHILE noting down what got him more frantic
- like this man takes tickling so seriously its hilarious he will always have some sort of mental note on what teases work on the other the best
- everyone hates him for this. absolutely despises him
- would get into absolute competitive rounds of tickle fights with cole where the two would literally be at each others throats for first place
- kai found this little technique where he'll climb up behind cole, wrap his legs and arms around him and tickle him senseless until he gives up
- works majority of the time because cole cant shake him off unless hes able to grab kais knee
- kai is crazy stubborn so he wont give up until cole is at his death spots??? but either way kai is still going to try his damn hardest to flip things around again even if hes shrieking
- shrieker, screamer and snorter
- babbles when he notices the others about to tickle him he will freak out
- nearly bust kais eardrums when he snuck up and tickled jay for the first time
- yet kai still does it because he finds the whole situation fucking hilarious
- chasing or any sort of anticipation gets him SO bad
- jay despises it when cole decides to chase him because he is SO jumpy and frantic and literally cannot deal with the anticipation
- like he'll be dashing around but be much more giddy than usual because. adrenaline.
- cole would be trying to make the air much more tense with teases while hunting him down, but jay literally yells throughout giggles for him to stop LMFAO
- "when i catch you, im going to-"
- most tickly tummy out of everyone
- its his immediate death spot, he'll be scream laughing right away
- cole decided it would be fun to nom on his belly and jay died
- goodbye boy you will be missed
- even zane joined in on the fun, making cole hold jays arms above his head to allow zane to slowly claw his cold hands along jays skin
- bro was SO loud and frantic shaking his head like crazy he basically shook the entire room
- he also remembers how kai walked in on this entire scene happening, took one look and immediately walked right out
- jay got him afterwards for leaving him in the dust
- big unintentional thrasher
- hes probably given wayy too many injuries to everyone unintentionally LFMAO
- kicked kai in the stomach once, smacked cole in the face and elbowed zane in the shoulder
- probably laughed harder at this happening than being tickled
- even gets sparks of lightning that shoot out his hands when hes laughing
- they can come in waves either being strong or weak, but either way when it hits his ler, it tickles
- jay loves when this happens and would purposely aim his hands towards the spots of whoevers tickling him
- which is why all the ninja have learned its best to pin at least a hand over jays head before wrecking him
- also has extremely high pitched panicked giggles that they all find extremely endearing muahmfuah
- like his voice will go so high pitched they all call him the squeaky toy
- used to be a little bit insecure about his laugh because he thought it was weird when hed squeak
- but all the compliments and sweet teases say otherwise so jay shuts up when hes about to say something negative about his laugh
- he said it once and got tickled with so much love from the three
- its just soso sweet im going to go cry he <3
- absolute mean ass gremlin ler
- was the one who introduced tickling as their daily thing to bug each other with
- and started a shit ton of tickle fights throughout their time together
- he was the one who introduces the idea of having a tickle tournament because hed thought it would be fun
- hes been tickled so many times so dont think he wont remember all the different techniques he picked up
- i feel like everyone actually underestimated his ability to tickle others at first because he was just a silly little guy but noo they were all so wrong
- uses his lightning to tickle others because hes a little shit that is able to use his powers to his advantage
- everyone hates him for this because 1. theyre salty they cant use their powers for this intent and 2. it tickles like crazy
- uses this specifically for poking/ tazing people with his powers or just grabbing at ribs
- jay tickled cole so bad with his tazes once and cole in return gave jay one of the most intense chases hes ever had in his life
- like full blown tickle monster chasing after a banshee
- also found out zane is the most susceptible to his tazes because they affect him much more than normal tickles
- and WILL take that to his advantage because when jay does use his powers, zane is scream thrashing which he almost never does
- hes also pretty big on anticipation because he knows how bad it gets him so he just has to do it to the others
- coos and laughs along with who hes tickling because he finds it super silly and sweet
- looves squeezing because he feeds on seeing the person hes tickling thrashing around while hes just having a good time
- literally always the first one to start any tickle fights
- unprovoked will sneak up behind one of them and squeeze their spots until they crumble
- kind of just. takes the tickles unless it gets to a very specific spot
- has a really soft, breathy laugh that the others swoon on
- when you get one of his bad spots, he'll glitch a bit along with a high pitched squeak, but it wont hurt him
- he'll also uncharacteristically thrash and squirm!!!! gets more frantic n giggly which everyone loves
- in a way his little glitch like a high pitched squeak/snort that makes zanes movements much more reactive, like he'll gently push at hands and slowly try to slink away
- the first time this happened everyone freaked out and zane had to reassure that he was okay and just another way of laughing when things get a bit hysterical
- now they all think its the cutest thing ever and tickle him just so they can hear his laughter and his little squeaks
- all the ninja are SO soft about it too, always checking in to see if anything may be too overwhelming for zane as its a completely new sensation
- he is fine, he likes having this little bonding moment w them
- jay bullies him a lot solely because his electricity has been by far one of the most effective ways of getting zane to crumple to the ground
- zane is known to kind of just let out his little breathy laughs and squirm a bit, which is why it was incredibly surprising to both parties when jay snuck up behind him, tased his ribs and the next second zane barked out a laugh and fell down LMFAO
- they both looked at each other for a second before cackling because it was funny, then the next it was a whole different type of laughter because jay did it again but with full on tickles
- also has very sensitive ears and hands!!!! jumped a mile high when cole decided it would be a good idea to breathe down his neck and the story ends there LDMAO
- actually used to be. pretty neutral about tickling until it became a daily bonding activity hed do with the others
- tickling makes him feel more human as well and acts as a comfort to him that he knows he can be tickled just like the ninja can
- was actually worried at first he wouldnt be ticklish but cole was not taking that and did his silly little experiment and now :]]]]
- AND didnt know he could be this panicked and flustered while being tickled, because his system never really had to experience this type of emotion before but he liked it a lot
- although it did make him even more blushy because it was a good realization he had
- cold and calculated movements when tickling otners
- tickles the others the least, but when he does or is about to, everyone sprints
- found this function where he can jitter his fingers really fast along any spot which drives all of them insane
- zane gathered everyone so he could demonstrate and used jay as his guinea pig only for him to scream and jump a mile high
- they all ran afterwards
- AND along with this he also uses it on his lips when hes giving raspberries
- when i say jay dies this man dies on spot when this happens
- zane had him pinned and jay saw him prepping to turn the feature on and he was SCREAMING before it even started LMFAOO
- he picks on everyone when they least expect it because when his attacks happen, theyre brutal
- like once jay wrecked the absolute living shit out of zane
- and in casual zane style he let jay be on his toes for a week expecting revenge
- buut forgot about it afterwards and let his guard down
- which is when zane casually just walked up behind jay when he was talking to nya, scoops him up and takes him away for sweet sweet revenge
- jay didnt even know it was revenge until zane pinned him down and pulled his shirt up to reveal his tummy then immediately began to screech
- likes 'chasing' kai and shoving his hands under his shirt with his reasoning being "my system needs a warmup"
- they both know its bullshit so it just turns into this overdramatic chase around the room where kai is SPRINTING while zane is casually walking towards him because he knows he'll catch him
- in the end zane always catches him one way or another and wiggles his fingers where its nice and cozy
- gets kai the worst because of this sole reason,, the icy hands just make him much more sensitive to zanes tickles
- super brutally honest with his teases
- its not even teases its literally just him pointing out the obvious yet everyone seems to??? hate it more when its the truth?????
- never really understood it when each time hed do this theyd tell him to shut up but at the same time he found it really amusing
- solely because it would make their reactions even more sillier and he found it v endearing
- WILL ALSO reveal anyones spots without any warning like hes stating a fun fact
- and just. knows. he knows.
- he’ll take one look at someone and make his silly calculated guess and itll always somehow be a spot that makes the person rush into a panic
- none of the ninja know how he does it but they all collectively agree that it is both amazing and terrible at the same time
- loves doing it because he says “i like learning about anatomy”
- which is bullshit he just likes being mean
- like he’ll pay extra attention to each and every rib when tickling the life out of either of the ninja
- found a very specific rib on the higher end with cole that has him howling and has kept this information to himself for the longest time
- mainly because no one has asked yet because he exposes everyones spots when asked LFMAO
- at some point all the ninjas thought this hoe wasnt ticklish because he was so good at hiding it
- and absolutely loved keeping his reputation as the high and mighty tickle monster out of all of them
- like hed dodge the question by tickling the person asking to pieces so they forget or would just drop the question
- or the ninja would poke him, but since cole was expecting it, he could control his reactions pretty well
- buut no secrets are hidden in this household
- and if you live with a few other curious ninja i dont think anything will be left unsettled
- zane literally unprovoked and out of nowhere sneaks up behind him and claws at coles ribs making him let out one of the loudest shrieks everyones heard
- mind you this was when they were all casually chatting in their rooms
- theres like a moment of silence for everyone to process this until its absolute chaos
- jay is screaming "YOU LIAR" while kai wrestles cole to the ground with zane whos smirking at the situation unfold
- has ridiculously ticklish thighs that no one knew about until jay was being a little silly and ran his fingers along coles inner thigh
- the two were lounging on the couch with cole who had one of his legs on jay just for that to happen and nearly kneed him in the face
- jay immediately gasped in shock and started laughing, gave a few more squeezes up on his thigh until cole pounced
- cole literally had to tickle the shit out of jay to keep him from telling the others (theyll find out eventually)
- not too much of a thrasher or one to get away, but he'll say things that mean the opposite yet the ninja can clearly tell hes enjoying it
- which gets him horrendously flustered that they all noticed it
- "get AWAY!!"
- "then why arent you running??"
- or one time zane had cole all propped up in his lap and was slowly circling his finger along his ribs driving him into a giggling frenzy
- but zane being zane noticed immediately that cole was leaning more towards him than away
- "if you say you hate this, then why are you leaning into my fingers?"
- cole just buried his face hes not dealing with that question
- then zane asked why this question got to cole so bad in front of EVERYONE and suddenly jay and kai are also mildly flustered but now know what gets to cole
- was and still is extremely embarassed over how ticklish he is in his little specific spots
- like. hes so used to people perceiving him as the tough big guy so he tries to live up to those expectations only to crumble under a few wiggly fingers
- which everyone except for cole LOVED because they thought it was so sweet n cute
- they all dont really make fun of him for this but they just. yeah they love tickling him n hearing him giggle
- self proclaimed tickle monster out of the bunch which pisses everyone off because hes right
- absolutely no mercy when hes getting any of the three fr they all know when his mind is set on tickling someone they are going to get tickled
- which always leads into this gigantic tickle fight which begins with cat and mouse, or if its kai this man wont even run he'll try to fight back which just results in even more chaos
- has this little signature smile or look that everyone knows they have to prepare for
- like they could literally just be watching a movie and cole will dramatically look to one of them and they KNOW shits going down
- big on tickle kisses, bites and nibbles nom nom nom
- he likes pretending whoever hes tickling is his food and does these little playful growls when nomming on them
- done this way too many times to jay because it gets him the best
- or just casually grabbing someone, picking them up and wrecking the absolute life out of them
- likes manhandling his lees because all they can do is just kick their legs and hope he'll go easy on them
- like hes literally thrown kai over his shoulder and scribbled his knees
- mf couldnt do anything except lightly pound on his back
- once tickled all three ninja at once it was wild
- beat them all at a video game and as "losers punishment", he made them lie down next to each other back against the floor
- then proceeded to give left hand to kai, right hand to zane and raspberries to jay who was dubbed the shitty shitty loser
- he was so good at it too???? sir how and why would you do this to them
- it got so loud to the point where lloyd ran in and started shouting at them to shut the fuck up
- man needs to play his roblox in peace without them screeching in the back
- he scared off lloyd when cole yelled he was going to get him next
- cole and jay would be having tickle fights in some of the worst situations possible it was both ridiculous and entertaining for kai and zane
- like theyd be having a lecture from sensei wu and cole would sneak jabs at jays ribs making him shriek
- sensei wu was not amused
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