#this is a pro jedi anti sith post to be clear. Idk how you could take it any other way but I am sure someone will misunderstand me
acewizardinspace · 1 year
Random concept that just came to me but, sith! jedi. Not sith the organization, but the species.
Things were going bad, their people were at war with themselves, so some loving parents hide their child in carbonite so she wouldn't recruited for sith/darksider/war training. Then like a thousand+ years later some jedi archeologists find the carbonite and are like "wow intact artifacts! Wait- oh shit- is she alive???" She is. (The logic on how carbonite let anyone live this long is irreverent, shhhh.)
Now the jedi accept everyone and don't discriminate, so of course they take the youngling in! But there are problems with this too. Like she is the last of her species, what vaccines does she need? What does she eat? They have to dig through old records on sith purebloods to find this information but past jedi apparently didn't see it fit to record stuff like 'is it normal for sith children to lose their teeth or is she dying?'
I imagine she is just old enough to kind of remember her parents, her friends, etc. and has to deal with the fact that they are all gone, and have been for a very long time. She has to deal with the fact that she is the last of her kind. But she has a new family that loves her and helps her mourn and make peace with the past.
The jedi always try to raise their children with pieces of their native culture, but that is kind of hard in her case. A lot of what they know of the original sith culture is uhh not great, and the rest was mostly lost to history. But they try! Historians pour through documents to find stuff they can hare with a small child. "Apparently this style of jacket was popular (we think) so we made one for you!"
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