#this is also one of my favorite pmd2 teams
z-happyhour · 6 months
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mudkip + turtwig team request!
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driftingballoons · 7 months
(character ask game)
pmd hero? (can be any pmd game)
Oooh, that’s a good one! Probably gonna have to go with pmd2 hero. Now, with them being a fairly blank slate character so the player can fill in their own personality, it’s a little tough, but I’ll give it a go >:)
favorite thing about them
They find themself in what, in reality, is quite a horrific situation—you’ve been transformed into a Creature and lost all your memories—but are still kind and open to exploring. They don’t have much direction without Partner, but they always go all-in into whatever mission or trial they’re facing. 
least favorite thing about them
Probably how passive they can be. Whenever there’s a conflict, the other characters kind of drag them into fights, while they’re mostly along for the ride. It would have been nice for them to speak up and take a little initiative at times. (Explorers of Spirit spoiler alert: of course, aforementioned ROM hack can scratch that itch :P)
favorite line
They have…….so few lines :( But their farewell speech at Temporal Tower, with the whole “you have to keep living,” sentiment gets me every time ;0;
Grovyle, and Celebi pre-amnesia for sure!
Partner! They’re soulmates <3
Anyone other than Partner really. I said in a previous ask Partner/anyone from Team Skull would be vomit-inducing, so same applies here I think. 
random headcanon
Following everything, they’re not quite sure how they feel about Grovyle. They like him as a friend, but are also aware that they could never have the same friendship they did before the amnesia. I imagine there’s a lot of conflicting feelings, such as an unspoken obligation to feel more regard and friendship for him than they actually do, and then guilt for not genuinely feeling that way. Also bc of it (and my hero being a treecko) they feel nervous about evolving because they’re not sure if they can look at ‘him’ in the mirror until evolving a second time. 
unpopular opinion
Not unpopular per se, but a lot of interpretations I see have them as kind of cool and edgy, but in my opinion they’re kind of a little twerp (affectionate). They’re smart enough to navigate a strange world with no memories, but I imagine they’re also weird, funny, and perhaps a tad unsettling. (Also Grovyle is undeniably a weird guy imo, he’s gotta get it from somewhere). Basically this: 
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song i associate with them
We Stand in Silence by Twelve Titans Silence is a beautiful instrumental piece that always makes me think of them for some reason. When I first listened to it, I got the visuals of someone waking up, finding themselves kind of alone, lights coming into their life (Partner and the Guild), finding themselves alone and lost again (Dark Future arc) and then fighting for a goal they don’t fully remember or understand, but nonetheless now know is important (fighting to stop the Dark Future). I like making plots to instrumental music :P
favorite picture of them
There are so many good treecko artworks out there that I couldn’t possibly pick one! That being said, @snekkerdoodles did this most excellent drawing upon request, which I absolutely adore <3
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drainbangle · 2 years
1 and 5(ultimate monkeys paw scenario)
OC questions
1. Your first OC ever?
Uh... probably my PMD2 Protag OC from the old days of middle school... I suppose that OC eventually became Isko, because I remember they were also a Riolu. What a world
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
Not really? As in I like them all a lot. I just have those that take up a lot of my thoughts at a given time. Right now those are Makisig, Ione, and Team Frostbite!
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Not really. I have OC's that are very much taken from canon material that I'm unsatisfied with though LMAO
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Every walking spoiler OC I've ever made OTL Namely Marius and Ikue. If you know those two, namely Mars, uh wow.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
I eventually want to design and start writing for Phi and Null, so I guess those two.
But my joke answer would be Makisig because the argument on whether he's good gay representation would be really funny.
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forffax · 2 years
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TY FESS!!! :]
1. Favorite game(s) in the series?
definitely explorers of sky, but super is a close second! the rescue team remake and gates are also very close to my heart sgdhzgs (pmd.... good)
2. Do you prefer the 2D or 3D games (in terms of style or the games in general)?
2D for sure! The sprites were so good and had so much charm.... although I do love the watercolor texture they put over the 3D models in the rescue team remake! I hope they do smthn similar if they ever remake explorers vdhgds
3. Which final boss and/or final dungeon do you like the most (whether from a narrative or gameplay perspective)?
mmmm my gut response is to say either temporal tower and primal dialga or the tree of life and dark matter... both had such intense energies as u climbed to the top, knowing that it was just u and ur partner left to keep the world from falling into ruin (or being thrown into the sun, in super's case sgdhsgs)! The dungeon themes in both also having two sections was so so cool to me, with a driving powerful theme in the first half and a calmer, more subdued theme as u got closer and closer to the top..... man.
4. What were your hero characters like before being turned into Pokemon? What did they look like and how were their lives? Do they ever recover any of their memories?
dvdbxvzvzhs I will admit. most of my hero characters are self inserts,, there's also one thats just an older oc but he got sucked into the pmd world (so did his bf, unbeknownst to both of them) dvdjshs
my psmd hero though was a cyndaquil named Felix, (and iirc super's whole thing was that ur hero and parter both had been reborn to finish the job of defeating dark matter) so he was probably just a fairly normal human teen (who kept getting reincarnated w/o his knowledge, just at the wrong times) who very suddenly got yoinked back to the pmd world (finally the right time to save the world)!
5. Which Pokemon from Gen 7-8 would you consider potential hero/partner starter options, outside of the regular Starter Pokemon?
hm! definitely rockruff, alolan meowth, and alolan vulpix from Gen 7, and probably nickit and yamper or wooloo from Gen 8! Applin would be cool too I think sghdgs
9. Are there any soundtracks you think are underrated or overlooked, or are there unused tracks you wish were in the game?
Am I allowed to say the entire gates ost bc. The entire gates ost. I know ppl don't like gates much (and I have some complaints abt it as well) but the ost RULES.
Also really like Mt. Horn from pmd2, and Fire Mounain Volcano from super!
10. Which ending do you like the most?
SUPER'S GUT PUNCH SWITCH HURTS SO GOOD.... every previous game is like "oh your hero can't stay in this world/has to dissappear" and even in game your character is preparing for that eventuality when suddenly nope! There goes your partner, disappearing into a ball of light and floating off into the sky </3 made me bawl when I got to it the first time
11. Any headcanons that take place after the games that you want to share?
I always love the idea of ur hero and partner becoming veteran explorers and helping/teaching new adventurers, particularly if they form a guild!
Also I think that for pmd2, dialga allows (infrequent) visits between the future trio and your hero/partner :] it wasn't goodbye forever!
12. If you could change one thing about your favorite game(s), what would it be?
FASTER TEXT SPEED FOR GATES PLEASE.... that's like the number one reason I don't replay it more zgdjdhzs... also expanded post game/better pacing for super would've made it probably my fav pmd game ever ngl
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perenlop · 3 years
i should wait til ive replayed them all but if i had to rank my current favorite special episodes itd be like this
5. today’s oh my gosh. i like sunflora, and it feels appropriate to focus on another guild member and guild life, but feels like it’s only there to have five episodes instead of four, which is a more awkward number. the diary entries tell you everything you need to know about this story, so we don’t get much insight, and it’s not much fun to play through either. i mostly just play it for completion’s sake honestly. the only one i’d just call average at best.
4. bidoof’s wish. definitely a very strong way to kick off the special episodes! i find this one to be extremely charming and it makes bidoof so much more wholesome in the main game. like yes, this SHOULD be the one character that comforts partner at the end of the game. his wishes are both so cute and the one he goes with is just adorable and actually saves your life. you’re alive because of a bidoof and fuck the memes i think that’s the cutest shit ever. idk in general it’s just so sweet. it’s only low because it’s so tedious to play with snover’s hail and the boss battles. not terrible but not what i’d call fun.
3. here comes team charm. i love this episode i love lesbians. i love the lore on the second time gear and i love seeing team AWD in action since they were advertised as villains but then didn’t do anything bad in the game or anime special. and i love that the guardian is a ditto! thats so cute and charming compared to the lake guardians! it’s only number three because i happen to have more sentimental value for the others but its a fun time. also team charms theme song is a banger.
2. into the future of darkness. i hate to sound like an edgy contrarian but man i can never quite say this is my favorite, even though it is for so many people and is my second favorite. i love grovyle, dusknoir, and celebi, and playing as them, i love dusknoir’s character arc, i love small moments like grovyle being teased by the snorunt and dusknoir mulling over his personality, or the entire speech scene, the sableye running to attack primal dialga when they hurt dusknoir, its all SO good... but damnit dusknoir feels so OFF here. i know the stakes are higher and he’s panicking or he’s acting or something, but i don’t like how much of a brute he is here when he punches the sableye. it’s uncomfortable and it doesn’t feel right for his character? like... i dunno. it makes me feel less confident in his redemption arc even if it’s still neat overall. and yeah, the fandom jokes surrounding the “are you wary of me at your back grovyle?” line just make me a little more uncomfortable on recent replay. it’s still extremely good, one of the highlights of pmd2 and why i recommend sky over darkness and time, the morning sun scene still makes me cry, the art is beautiful, i love the final dungeon, it’s so good, but it’s just got little things holding it back from perfection for me.
1. igglybuff the prodigy. it’s wholesome, it’s emotional, it’s fun, it’s heartbreaking, it is the whole damn package. i love playing as baby wigglytuff and starting off his dream. i love the extra scenes on his freaky god powers being played both for laughs and for dramatic crutch. i love that ending, oh GOD that ENDING. i love how you trample everything as an igglybuff to show even further how powerful wigglytuff is for one, i love his mentor/student relationship with armaldo where it’s actually him knowing everything and teaching armaldo himself how to enjoy honest exploring again. i love how this is the origin of the “truly bad pokemon don’t exist anywhere” line. i don’t think i have a single problem with this episode besides nitpicks that don’t hold it down in any way. it’s just wonderful and an absolute joy to play through. it is my absolute favorite special episode.
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rival-ado · 4 years
owo I'm curious. But like could order like all the pmd and why you like/dislike each one?
AHHHHHH !!!!! okay hope ur ready for a lot of rambling this might be one of my favorite asks ever fjlsjfJTKFJ
1.) pmd2 !! this is my favorite by far and my first pmd game , specifically explorers of sky !!!!
the story is SO good , the characters are really good and interesting and memorable , theres a lot to do main game AND post game , not to mention special episodes [ theyre ALL so good but i give my life to special episode 5 . ive replayed it so many times ] !!! i could go on forever ahfjsjkfkg . the only negative things i can rlly think about rn are fixed in the later games [ moving in dungeons can be slow and depending on ur type a lot of dungeons can be hell + teammates can be a nuisance rather than helpful ] but !! a rlly big plus is you can make your own missions thru a generator online and get literally any item you want , its super helpful [ reviver seeds are super important to have ] !! i havent replayed it in a while so i might have more to say later but i really could write papers about this game i love it so much alfjskfk
2.) psmd !! the most recent pmd game , and my second favorite !!!
this game has every pokemon gen 1-7 and every single one has a different mission AND theyre all connected to each other . you can get missions from characters from previous games [ grovyle + celebi mission ; __ ; ] . i recommend playing this game last tho if you plan on playing them all !! the story is pretty good and has some rlly good twists , theres post game but not a ton [ unless u want to do every mission ] , you can befriend and play as any pkmn you want which is rlly cool !!! also theres a pushing mechanic which is not only super helpful but rlly funny to me [ shoves an entire line of teammates out of harms way ] . for the negatives ... the characters are interesting but i dont remember them as well , i wish there was more character development . i dont hate the final boss but ... its kinda a reused concept from pmd3 which i wasnt fully a fan of in the first place [ spoilers ? the final boss isnt a pkmn , its just negativity ] . they bring back apples which isnt rlly bad but i sure didnt miss them . leveling up is HELL . i rlly dislike the fact that you have to buy saves for dungeons though , no quicksaves if you have to do something all of a sudden , no saves at rest stops mid dungeon . you gotta buy em and bring em along , im pretty sure its only this game that does it but i hope they dont keep it . nevertheless its a solid pmd game !!!
3.) pmd3 !! gates to infinity !!! i gotta be honest im barely putting this above red/blue rescue team but i WILL bc despite its very big flaws it also has a lot of ups !!
okay this game along with everything gen 5 gets a lot of hate and i can sure see why with this one but i still think its rlly good !!! im actually gonna start with the negatives on this one to get em out of the way but . paradise building does not interest me . no stacking missions [ you cant do more than one at a time ] , the rewards are just supplies that go towards building paradise , the final boss doesnt rlly interest me [ again spoilers same as psmd: its not a pkmn ] , and it just has so many differences from the usual pmd formula and i cant promise that theyre all ..... positive . plus the VERY limited choices for hero and partner [ i wont complain much bc i wouldve chosen the given pkmn over other starters anyways but . no quiz , only 5 pkmn compared to other games 15+ ? oof ] A..... ANYWAYS now that thats over . POSITIVES ..... i rlly like the characters ! the main ones and even the villains have a little development !! [ dunsparse emolga hydreigon ILY ] the story itself is good ; im not a fan of concepts that appear for one game and are never even mentioned later but the entercards [ ? ] are interesting and the frozen chasm recorder thing may have made me want to cry . i dont want to specifically spoil anything but this game can be a little brutal at times too ? leaving friends behind , being chased down by the villains , being split up from your friends , not gonna say the exact scenes bc of spoils but when things get rlly bad and how desperate the hero and partner can get when theyre trying to protect each other ..... [ cries ] . while some mechanics of the game arent my favorite , the story is good and can make u damn emotional .......
4.) pmd !! red/blue rescue team !!! i cant even call this my least favorite bc i have no real least favorites when it comes to this series but i just like the others a little better ahkfjsjfkc
im a little more biased bc this is the last game of the series i played even tho its the original . BUT i still have so many good things to say about it and i would probably recommend this first ? i dont remember there being a lot of characters compared to the other games but they sure leave an impression on you . i also like how the partner is kinda sassy and like , they just met you but would literally do anything for you and believe in you even when you dont believe in yourself . every pmd game has good twists but i RLLY like the one they pulled here . also you spend a good amount of the game being on the run from people you trusted literally trying to kill you which is fucked up but i really like how they played the story . i didnt even play it that long ago but writing this makes me want to play it again smfjkskfj ... the main negatives i can think about are all stuff fixed in future games again [ and you can also do the same make your own mission generator and get items to make the game easier ] . a lot of the bosses are the same type / resistant to the same type so depending on your hero / partner it could go rlly smoothly or rlly badly [ to anyone choosing grass type pkmn . godspeed ] . i think this might be the shortest pmd game and it might be hard bc its the first , but if youre looking to rlly get into the series id go with this one first . if you just want to test the waters id go with pmd2 !!
T.... TYSM FOR THE ASK and these are all opinions of course and its just my thoughts but if you got all the way down here . ily
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aquosevolved · 7 years
Tag Thing
I didn’t get tagged in this by name specifically, but I saw it and was like “eh, one way to open up would be to tell my followers a bit more about myself” and here we are!
Nicknames: Hoo boy, I’ve got a lot of these and most of them are usernames from gaming platforms. Just to name a few, in both usernames and nicknames, we’ve got AquosEvolved (formerly AquosDevolved for tumblr until I decided to take the content I post here more seriously) and PhasePrime for usernames and for nicknames, my most commonly used one is General Topher (occasionally General Topher the Drunken Gopher in some circles) but mostly I just go by Chris.
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 5′2. Quite small but whatever, man.
Time right now: 3:38 pm
Last thing you googled: ‘compatriot definition’ to double check that I was using it correctly. (I was)
Fave music artist: Coldplay
Song stuck in my head: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Last TV show I watched: Adventure Time
What I’m wearing right now: A shirt that says “Hiking Guidelines; Surviving a Bear Attack. Make sure you’re faster than one person in your group.” and a pair of jeans
When I created this blog: Last July
The kind of stuff I post: Wide variety of fandom stuff, which is mostly Fire Emblem and Zelda with Metroid and Halo content showing up occasionally. Also my writing, which is comprised of 100% fanfiction at the time of posting this. (Original content may come eventually)
Do I get asks regularly: Nope! Not even close!
Why did I choose my url: Initially, when I was AquosDevolved, it was a corruption of my regular handle of AquosEvolved but then I swapped Devolved out for Evolved when I decided to take this shit more seriously.
Gender: Male
Hogwarts House: I don’t know, nor do I care enough to find out. Harry Potter was a good read but it was never really my cup of tea. If you asked me which Pokemon Syndicate, then we’d have something to talk about.
Pokemon team: If it’s not Mystic, you missed it.
Favorite color: Green.
Average hours of sleep: 8-10, sometimes more. Prone to sleeping until someone/something wakes me up on weekends. I’ve slept for 14 hours on at least 3 occasions within the last half year.
Lucky number: No clue. 8?
Favorite characters: Samus Aran, Link, Corrin (Someone’s probably going to try to start shit over this, bring on the discourse!), Azura, Finn Mertins, Giratina, Grovyle (the one from PMD2, of course!) and Princess Zelda (WW!Zelda/Tetra and SS!Zelda being my favorites) just to name a few. (If you’re curious as to why any of these are my favorites, send me an ask or PM me and I’ll be happy to discuss them more in depth)
Dream job: My biggest dream job would probably be full-time writer but that’s almost guaranteed to be a pipe dream, so, uhh, in terms of being realistic....Something to do with Cybersecurity? I don’t know, man!
Number of blankets I sleep with: Usually either nothing or just a sheet. One or two blankets plus a sweatshirt if it’s cold. “Cold” being 35 fahrenheit or lower.
Following: 40
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