#this is even disregarding her patron who she has left on read for the majority of her afterlife
spkyscry-a · 2 years
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Also never forget that I have two Outer Gods on my blog and Gabriola is still the scariest bitch here.
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buck-nialled · 3 years
Can’t Handle the Heat - N. Horan + S. Mendes Imagine
NOTE: it’s been a minute since i’ve written one of these, so sorry! but i hope you like this one. WARNING: this is very angsty, and goes alongside my social media au which i just added an update to. read this first, though, as it gives context for the social media au
TAGLIST: @fedorable-killjoys @particularnarry @swiftmendeshoran​​ @theshyspy @clarabsevero @rosetoronto @organicpurplepants @hoodhoran @umadirectioner @rueplumet @5-seconds-of-bucky @sinceweremutual @benito-mi-vida @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @niallerbbynialler @letmecarryu @niallers-potatoo @nerdypartytrashpsychic @golden-hoax @upallniall @ms-emily119 @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @wowitsel @rhymelynne​ @evanjh @fairyvex777 @percysaidnever @amelietpwk
SUMMARY: the hatred for shawn and niall’s roommate continues to fester on and offline...platonicroommate!au
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“Hey, T.” You try a smile down at the golden, but even Tarzan could discern it as something insincere. You stood back up and arched your back, the muscles in your spine aching from the countless hours on foot behind the counter. Part of you guessed what you looked like before you could approach the bathroom mirror, and the prediction was accurate—smeared mascara beneath your eyes, coating the forming bags and disguising the dark circles. The baby hairs forming at the base of your scalp were every which way and had more tendrils joining them by wantonly falling from your top-knot throughout the afternoon.
“Hey, T.” You try a smile down at the golden, but even Tarzan could discern it as something insincere. You stood back up and arched your back, the muscles in your spine aching from the countless hours on foot behind the counter. Part of you guessed what you looked like before you could approach the bathroom mirror, and the prediction was accurate—smeared mascara beneath your eyes, coating the forming bags and disguising the dark circles. The baby hairs forming at the base of your scalp were every which way and had more tendrils joining them by wantonly falling from your top-knot throughout the afternoon.
Just a glimpse at yourself made you feel increasingly tired, especially when the memories of your entire day culminated in one big montage of embarrassment for your brain to play. Waking up late and stumbling to get ready, only to lead to you almost tripping when sliding your sneakers on. Realizing you had run out of coffee—quite a common yet ironic happenstance for the everyday barista—when you desperately entered the kitchen for your morning pick-me-up only made it worse. But the most unfortunate occurrence happened midway through your shift:
The girl had her gaze transfixed on your figure the entire time you brewed, blended, and topped her coffee. It was nothing you were not used to, however, it put you slightly on edge during the afternoon rush the store was experiencing. After successfully capping the full cup and delivering it to the customer, you sent her a small farewell and twisted your body towards the line of waiting patrons.
“Excuse me, miss?” You internally groaned, praying she didn’t ask you to remake the drink. You faced her once again, lips curling at the sides to hold a pleasant smile
“If you don’t mind me asking, you’re Y/N right?” You sense more pairs of eyes on you, and your gaze darts behind the young girl to find a group of more teenagers staring at you with mischief blazing in their eyes. Your eyes flick back to the doe-eyed girl, holding the cup in her hand.
“Um, yeah last time I checked.” You chuckled and spared a glance down at your name tag.”
“The one who lives with Shawn Mendes, right? And Niall Horan?” Heat fills your face, and you are unsure as to why. Normally you weren’t one to grow shy of casual conversation, but being recognized in public as the girl who lives with two major celebrities made you begin to feel your heartbeat in your throat and tingling down to your toes.
Gulping, you maintain your composure and deliver the girl a firm nod. “That’s me.”
She merely hums, before removing the lid to the drink and tossing it carelessly onto your body. The action had you gasping at first, but when the boiling liquid settled onto your arms, you were hissing in pain.
“Slut.” The girl spits, before dropping the empty cup to the floor and turning to exit. Her friends followed in fits of giggles, one being brave enough to call back to you, “you should probably pick that up!”
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Your co-worker rushed to your side immediately, disregarding the order she was in the midst of taking to rub your back comfortingly. Your eyes shifted everywhere and froze when seeing every customer peering at you with sympathy or confusion.
“I--I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” That is all you could reply at that moment, before taking a less than climactic exit to the restroom door.
Your manager, upon hearing your co-worker’s pleas to let you clock out early, conceded and wished you well. On the way out of the shop, two people were generous enough to offer you personal tips. Neither of these things lifted your spirits much, however. The red burns on your arms remained, and the shame was still settled deep in the pit of your stomach. The most confusing part of the whole ordeal was why it was instigated. Did you suddenly become a supervillain overnight to every teenage girl in a fifty-mile radius?
After removing your makeup, you phoned your best friend to catch up. Prior to you explaining your day, she asks you with a hint of concern in her voice, “have you checked your socials lately?”
“Not in a couple of days, why?” You exited the restroom and brought the phone call to your bed.
“Oh, nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Y/B/F/N, you can’t say that and not expect me to check them now.” You chuckle. “Just tell me what’s the matter, it can’t be any worse than the day I’ve had.” You begin picking at a loose thread on your comforter.
“People are just...saying things.”
“About you?” You gave her no time to answer. “Who are they? I will gladly give them a piece of my mind if they--”
“Not about me.” She sighs. Your eyebrows furrow, before she solemnly adds, “just go check your recent posts.”
You hang up with the promise to chat later, before following her instruction to open Instagram and study your latest posts. A lot more likes than normal, but because of who you're rooming with, it is expected. The number of comments piqued your interest, and it did not take long for you to go through most of them.
There weren’t many things you found wrong in yourself until being faced with teenage girls’ social media accounts. Each word and sentence they formed commenting on your weight, your face, your popularity, your modesty, your “promiscuity”, your relationship to Niall and Shawn--which has been purely platonic since meeting them--among other things slowly unraveled you to nothing but a sobbing lump on bedsheets.
According to the internet, there was a lot wrong with you, the most prominent flaw being that you exist and shouldn’t anymore. Another thing the rumor mill is spitting out is that you are a homewrecker to your roommate’s current affairs with their partners. Even the nitpickers got a say in what they think you should change about your appearance and your personality. And right now part of you is glad your roommates are not here to be witness to your pathetic being.
As cruel as it was to continue reading through the tirade of pixelated words, your eyes stung as you eagerly scrolled and refreshed, and scrolled and refreshed again. Amidst your tears, you hear knuckles tapping against your bedroom door and perk your head up with a gasp.
“Hey, you in there?” Shawn’s peppy voice calls from the other side. “I brought more coffee home!”
Coffee. Just the thought of it sends you downward in your mental spiral once more, despite how much you were craving for it earlier in the day. SLUT! The voice from the young girl rings in your head, and the rough texture of the bedsheets against your singed arms provides no comfort as you bury your head against the nearest pillow.
“Y/N,” Shawn calls again after hearing no response from you. “I’ll just leave it in the kitchen…” he says at a lower volume, assuming you were sleeping or busy with something else. But you couldn’t occupy your racing mind with anything else right now. Maybe you should have left it alone. Maybe you should have chosen roommates who don’t fall under any A-list category of fame, let alone post about them.
Minutes after your breathing had come to a steady rhythm, it sped up rapidly at the feeling of endless buzzing coming from your phone. You barely picked your head up from your pillow, eyeing the small, rectangular screen lighting up with alert after alert and notification after notification. All of them no doubt traced back to your social media page, but you had no energy to review the latest gossip circulating your hate campaign. Instead, you chose to roll back over and tug your comforter over your head in an endeavor to drown out the noise.
Hours later, you awoke to your room, now dark with no Los Angeles sunset to illuminate the inside. You sit up and stretch your tired body, wondering when exactly sleep consumed you. You smacked your chapped lips and scrunched your face at the feeling of your dry mouth. Knowing retesting back under your covers would be near impossible without a drink first, you flung the bedsheets from your lap and tiredly strolled out of your room to the kitchen. As soon as you stepped foot out of your room, however, a snoozing lump on the floor sent you tumbling and rolling over with a grunt.
“What the hell?” You sat up and brought a hand to your head, eyeing the large body taking place in front of your bedroom door?”
“Shawn?” You whisper to yourself and bring a hand up to jostle his shoulder. Niall, who was leaning up against the wall beside your door lets out a gasp. You jump back as his eyelids fly open, eager to greet you and join you in waking Shawn up. After succeeding, you begin a sluggish interrogation.
“What are you two doing outside my room?” Shawn and Niall trade wary glances and hesitantly turn back towards you. “Well?”
“You should sit down for this…” Niall advises, picking himself up from the ground and stretching. Shawn follows before you lead the way to the kitchen with your thirst still itching for something to quench it. Both of the boys eye you carefully as you grasp a cup from one of the cabinets and bring it to the sink, filling it with water straight from the faucet. Feeling their gazes practically branding you, you lose your patience and spin around to face them.
“What?” You spit. Both of their faces look down to the floor, in fear of pushing your buttons. Finally, you connect the dots leading to their behavior, and inquire, “you saw what people were saying about me, didn’t you?” The sound of your fingernails meeting porcelain is all that fills the room for the next few seconds. It makes Shawn shudder, and Niall gazes down sorrowfully at the counter.
“Yeah...and the video. We’re so sorry—“ Shawn had barely begun his apology before you were cutting him off.
“What video?” Your frightened eyes met theirs, unmoving in fear of what video of you could have been published online.
“Nothing. It’s not important.” Niall shook his head. Your chest deflates with a huff before you take the mug of water to your lips and chug every drop. Afterwards, you lay the porcelain back onto the counter and march toward your room, to your bed, where you know your phone is lying. Niall and Shawn follow you in protest, insisting the video is not something you should be watching.
You do anyway. After following the tags people have left for you under a video from a fan account for the boys, your eyes perceived every second of the ordeal at the cafe from this afternoon. The hot cup of coffee being thrown at you and scalding your arms, the patronizing screams flung at you from the group of young girls. You saw the sympathetic stares of each patron aimed directly at your trembling figure before the video cut to black.
Your body began quaking again, this time with powerful sobs. Shawn and Niall spared no time in wrapping their arms around your crying figure. It’s not fun knowing your most embarrassing moment is immortalized on the internet forever, and for anybody to see. Niall and Shawn knew this.
But what made the boys’ blood boil is that those girls had the nerve to make a punchline out of you. Their best friend. Roommate. Closest confidante. As your body cowered, becoming sandwiched in between their chests, Shawn’s eyes flickered up to lock with Niall’s, no doubt exchanging the same expression of fury. And mentally, they were also exchanging the same burning thought...
Let's make these people pay.
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HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
 HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
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Week 2 assignment
Chapter 3:
1. Name the functions of the front office department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. How are housekeeping and front desk dependent upon each other for customer satisfaction and what types of communication are used to ensure that this occurs?
Chapter 4:
1. Name the functions of the housekeeping department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. Outline the ten areas that a guest room attendant needs to cover to properly clean each guestroom.
3. List and discuss 5 ways that might be used to control loss of linens.
Week 3 assignment
Chapter 5:
1.    Describe and discuss the importance of the duties of the Director of Sales in a full service hotel.
2.    Discuss why a one-stop contact is important for an association executive.
3.    Discuss what is entailed in the job of a convention manager.
4.    Discuss why communication is important between the sales department and other department and what type of communications occur.
Chapter 6:
1.    Describe some actions or activities that might be classified as sexual harassment. What are the essential elements of a sexual harassment allegation?
2.    List and discuss four state or federal laws that impact human resources in hotels today.
Week 4 assignment
Chapter 7:
1. Identify and discuss in detail three challenges and three opportunities from each of the five areas of the food and beverage departments. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
2. Choose three food and beverage management positions and discuss and describe three unique challenges and three managerial characteristics of each. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox,
Week 5 assignment
Chapter 8:
1.    Define and discuss the role of the director of security in maintaining hotel security.
2.    A guest has just slipped on wet tile in the lobby, and fallen and hit her head, surrounded by other patrons. She appears to be just shaken up, but she is bleeding slightly from a cut on her forehead. Describe in detail the steps you would take to handle this situation.
Chapter 9:
1.    Describe in detail the short, intermediate and long term demands on a general manager's time.
2.    Discuss the differences in the time demands of a general manager between a full service large hotel and a small limited-service hotel.
Week 6 assignment
Chapter 10:
1.    How are RevPar, ADR and Occupancy are calculated and describe in detail what each tells the general manager about the success of the sales and front office department in effectively managing inventory?
2.    What are allocation controls? What are availability controls? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each? (Note: disregard the side labels in the book, they are reversed. Use the actual written paragraphs for information) (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Chapter 11:
1.    Describe and discuss the difference in a management company and a franchise company. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Week 7 assignment
Chapter 12:
1.    Discuss the key demographics of potential buyers of timeshares as well as in detail what elements of timeshares would entice them to buy timeshare weeks over vacationing on their own in traditional lodging facilities.
2.    How is management of a timeshare different from management of traditional hotels? Be specific regarding operating procedures and guest characteristics.
Chapter 13:
1.    Compare and contrast in detail the lodging and facility characteristics of activity-based facilities vs. themed facilities. What geographic areas are most conducive to each?
Course Project: Own Your Own Hotel!
Objectives|Guidelines|Grading Rubrics|Best Practices
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This course project is designed for you to learn more about the lodging industry while having some fun at the same time. Your assignment is to design and to develop your own hotel. The following criteria needs to be followed:
1.    Will you select a hotel franchise (brand) yes or no / why or why not?
2.    How many rooms will your hotel have?
3.    What will your hotel’s ADR be?
4.    Select an actual geographic location / market.
5.    Decide what type of operating segment your hotel will operate under.
6.    Develop the hotel’s departments that will support the operations of the hotel.
7.    Select specific amenities that will help distinguish your hotel’s brand.
8.    What type of management organization will your hotel possess?
9.    What type of security features will your hotel have?
10.  Evaluate your actual competition (strengths and weaknesses).
11.  Establish a target market.
12.  Establish a marketing plan for how you will attract the target market.
13.  What are some of the current opportunities and issues that your geographic market possesses?
14.  How will you turn a profit after several years in business?
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Projects must 8 to 12 pages in length (this would be roughly 1 page per area included in the report), 12 point font, double-spaced, 1" margins, and include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion and works cited.
Even though     this is not a scientific-type writing assignment, and is mostly creative     in nature, references are still very important. At least 6 authoritative,     outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not     acceptable). These should be listed on the last page titled "Works     Cited".
APA format and     citations are required.
All DeVry     University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
Projects aredue in Week 6of this     course.
Any questions     about this project may be discussed in the weekly Q&A discussion     topic.
This project is     worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic,     quality of paper information, use of APA citations, grammar and sentence     structure.
No late papers     will be accepted.
Grading Rubrics
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Documentation  and Formatting
Completion  of entire paper to be focused on the review of the “best practices in  preparing this paper” included below and the instruction above
Organization  and Cohesiveness
A quality  paper will include an introduction based upon a well formed paper topic. The  logical order of the content will be derived from best practices in preparing  this paper listed below. The content will be properly subdivided into  sections derived from this document.
A quality  paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.  Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
A quality  paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any  statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality  project will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
A quality  paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Best Practices
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The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.
Cover Page- Include who     you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
Table of Content- List the main     ideas and section of you paper and the pages in which they are located.     The illustrations should be included separately.
Introduction- Use a header     on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.         The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1.    Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
2.    Previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
3.    Establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
Body of Your Report- Use a header     titled with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel X     - A World Class Resort”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State     the main ideas, state major points in each idea, provide evidence. Break     out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type     of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of     paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during     your research and investigation.
Summary and Conclusion- Summarizing     is similar to paraphrasing bur presents the gist of the material in fewer     words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas     and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are     left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how the effect the     tourism industry.         Additional hints on preparing the best possible project.
1.    Apply a three step process of writing… Plan, Write, and Complete.
2.    Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
3.    Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
4.    Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. Example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, Tables, and Gantt charts.
Work Cited- Use APA     format.
Week 1
Hotels  vs. Motels (graded)
What is the difference between hotels and motels? Which one do you prefer to stay in and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Lodging  Segments (graded)
Out of all of the lodging segments described in chapter 1, as a guest, which type of segment do you prefer to stay in? What are the reasons that you chose that particular segment?
Week 2
Careers  in Lodging (graded)
What is the importance of the front desk or reception area and what is the relationship of this department with the rest of the lodging facility? (graded)
As a guest, did you ever encounter an issue in checking into a room or the cleanliness of a room? How did the hotel management handle it? How would you have handled it? If you never had an issue in a hotel, what good experiences did you have? (graded)
Week 3
Role  of the Marketing Manager (graded)
The role of a sales and marketing manager is an exciting field but is also critical for a hotel's success. What are some of the attributes needed to become a successful sales and marketing manager? What are some of the businesses that a marketing manager can bring into the hotel? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Role  of the Human Resource Manager (graded)
You are the new General Manager of a new 400 room full service hotel that is scheduled to open in 6 months. The first task you have is to hire a Human Resources Manager. What traits, skills, and knowledge should the candidates possess to be considered for the position? What would be the first steps you would take in the hiring process?
Week 4
 Role of Food and  Beverage in the Hotel (graded)
What are some of the Food and Beverage services commonly found in a hotel? When staying at a hotel do you use any of these Food and Beverage services? Why or why not? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Food  and Beverage & Profitability (graded)
Why do you think that most Food and Beverage departments in hotels are not profitable? What do you think hotels can do to turn a profit in Food and Beverage? (graded)
Week 5
Safety  & Security (graded)
Given the need for heighten security, how can hotels ensure their guests that they are safe in their hotels? Do you see any section of a hotel that is vulnerable to unsafe activity?
Total  Quality Management (graded)
As a hotel general manager how can you promote TQM within your hotel staff? Do you believe that TQM is a valuable management option to use in the hotel industry?
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Week 6
Why do most hotel owners look towards management companies to operate their properties? Would you rather work for a hotel management company or a corporate hotel company. Why?
What are some of the positives and negatives in being a franchise owner/operator? If given the opportunity would you own a franchise? Why or why not?
Week 7
Timeshares  (graded)
Have you or any members of your family own or participate in a timeshare property? What are the advantages or disadvantages to timeshare ownership? Would you purchase a timeshare in the future? Why or why not?
Resorts  and Theme Lodging (graded)
Have you ever stayed at or wanted to stay at a resort based property (i.e. Sandals) or a theme based hotel (i.e. Hard Rock Hotel)? What would attract you to stay at one of these properties? Do you see a continued need for this type of lodging?
0 notes
Tonight, at 9 pm Eastern, President Donald Trump will announce his pick to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Will it be Brett Kavanaugh, beloved by establishment Republicans for his rulings against the Affordable Care Act? Amy Coney Barrett, whose Catholic faith and uncompromising social conservatism have made her a favorite among Christian conservatives? Raymond Kethledge, an outdoorsman who managed to charm Trump in his interview?
Which judge Trump chooses is less meaningful than the fact that Trump is choosing a second justice at all. The first seat Trump filled opened under Barack Obama, but Senate Republicans refused to consider any replacements, hoping to win the 2016 election and see the seat filled by a Republican. Mitch McConnell’s bet paid off: Trump did win that election, though he lost the popular vote decisively, and Neil Gorsuch was named to the Court.
Such appointments are becoming the norm. With Kennedy’s replacement, four out of the Supreme Court’s nine justices — all of whom have lifetime tenure — will have been nominated by presidents who won the White House, at least initially, despite losing the popular vote.
There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that. America, for all its proud democratic rhetoric, is not actually a democracy. Until and unless the country chooses to abolish the Electoral College, it will remain not-quite-a-democracy, with all the strange outcomes that entails. Liberals may complain, but the rules are the rules, and both sides know what they are.
But the Supreme Court’s conservative bloc doesn’t just reflect the outcomes of America’s undemocratic electoral rules; it is writing and, in some cases, rewriting them, to favor the Republican Party — making it easier to suppress votes, simpler for corporations and billionaires to buy elections, and legal for incumbents to gerrymander districts to protect and enhance their majorities.
The Supreme Court has always been undemocratic. What it’s becoming is something more dangerous: anti-democratic.
Is it? Zach Gibson/Getty Images
Dahlia Lithwick, Slate’s legal analyst, has been covering the Supreme Court for 20 years. She’s the smartest and most humane Court-watcher I know. And she sounds depressed.
“This was the worst year I can remember for voting rights,” she told me. “Folks who are going to go to the polls in 2020 and 2022 and going forward will have even less political power than they had. This conservative, five-justice bloc is distorting electoral politics to make it even harder to be represented.” (You can hear our whole conversation here, or by subscribing to my podcast.)
What we’re seeing here is an alliance, not a coincidence. Republicans won the White House and the Senate, used that power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court, and the judges they vetted and elevated are making it easier for their patrons to retain power in the future.
Yes, that’s a grim, cynical analysis. But is it wrong? Consider some of the decisions the Court made just this term:
In a 5-4, party-line opinion, the Court upheld Ohio’s voter purge, which controversially strikes voters from the rolls if they don’t vote for two years and then fail to respond to a mailed questionnaire or vote in another election for four years.
Though the policy was tied up in legal battles during the 2016 election, in 2012, 1.5 million Ohioans were mailed the questionnaires that could lead to them being purged, and more than 1 million failed to respond. To put that in perspective, Trump’s 2016 margin in Ohio was 446,841 votes, and Obama’s 2012 margin was merely 166,214 votes.
(The Court’s endorsement of Ohio’s law is expected to reverberate far beyond the Buckeye State. “At least a dozen other politically conservative states said they would adopt a similar practice if Ohio prevailed,” NBC News reported.)
In another 5-4 case, the Court largely refused to strike down a series of racial gerrymanders in Texas that a San Antonio district court said denied Latinos “their opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent was blistering. “This disregard of both precedent and fact comes at serious costs to our democracy,” she wrote. “It means that, after years of litigation and undeniable proof of intentional discrimination, minority voters in Texas—despite constituting a majority of the population within the State—will continue to be underrepresented in the political process.”
If you read the majority opinions in the above cases, you’ll see the Court’s Republican Justices repeatedly suggesting they need to ignore a plethora of relevant facts, comments, and history in order to give due deference to federal and state legislators. That deference dissolved in the Janus case, where the Court’s five Republicans joined to overrule a 1977 Supreme Court opinion, as well as the laws on the books in 22 states, to gut a key funding source for public-sector unions. The decision weakens a powerful Democratic interest group, which is one reason Republicans have fought so hard, for so long, for a ruling like this. The Court, wrote Justice Elena Kagan in an angry dissent, has become “black-robed rulers overriding citizens’ choices.”
The Court refused to set limits on even extreme cases of partisan gerrymandering, sending multiple gerrymandering cases back down to lower courts, at least for now. These rulings were more technical, and less partisan, but they dashed the hopes of those who believed the Court might finally step in to set limits on how aggressively politicians could choose their voters and harden their majorities. Though the Court held open the possibility of revisiting this issue if brought to them in another way, since Kennedy was the key swing vote, the future of these challenges looks grim.
And, again, these are just cases from the last term. A fuller accounting of the Court’s electoral interventions would include the 2000 Bush v. Gore case (which Justice David Souter believed so “crudely partisan” a decision he considered resigning); the constellation of decisions emanating from Citizens United, which have allowed corporations and billionaires to dump literally unlimited amounts of money into elections; and the 2013 gutting of crucial provisions of the Voting Rights Act, which has already had disturbing consequences.
“Whatever mythology existed around the idea that the Court wasn’t pure power and pure winners and losers is gone,” says Lithwick.
All this is coming in the context of a political system that is becoming less and less representative of public opinion. Since 2000, 40 percent of presidential elections have been won by the loser of the popular vote; the Senate, due to its small-state bias, has a Republican majority despite the fact that more Americans voted for Senate Democrats in 2016 than Senate Republicans; and in the House, due to both gerrymandering and geography, Democrats are projected to need to win the popular vote by around 7 points (or as much as 11 points) to take back control of the chamber.
Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump cast their votes on Election Day. Trump lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million ballots, but won the White House anyway. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Demographers project American politics will become even less democratic in the coming years. By 2040, 70 percent of Americans are expected to be represented by a mere 30 senators, which means 30 percent of the population will control a 70-vote supermajority in the Senate, which could well lead to more bare-knuckle brawls over Supreme Court seats, like Mitch McConnell’s refusal to even consider Merrick Garland.
The Supreme Court is meant to be insulated from democracy. It’s not meant to be a partisan tool for undermining democracy. What’s emerging now is a dangerous loop, in which Republicans barely holding onto power manage to keep control of the Supreme Court by any means necessary, and in return, the Supreme Court’s Republican appointees issue rulings to help their party cling to political power.
In the long term, that’s bad for the country’s unity and the Court’s legitimacy. Already, frustrated liberals are beginning to discuss packing the Court — after McConnell’s refusal to give Merrick Garland a hearing, it’s hard to argue that there are any norms or limits left on the war for judicial power. And even those most invested in the Court’s grandeur are finding it hard to defend its reality.
“One of the paradoxes that I always noticed in the Supreme Court press corps,” says Lithwick, “was we do believe this fiction that the Court is completely apolitical — except that we don’t, because we are careful to say ‘appointed by a Republican.’ We live on the seam of the two realities. We really do believe in order to do our jobs that what the Court does is different from raw politics. And yet we’re not stupid. We were there for Bush v. Gore. We know how this shakes out.”
“At what point,” she continued, “do I throw up my hands and say, ‘Okay, let’s do away with lifetime tenure, because this whole thing is pointless?’ In which case, I should just be a White House correspondent, right?”
Further listening: Dahlia Lithwick discusses the future of the Supreme Court with Ezra Klein:
Listen here, or subscribe to the Ezra Klein Show wherever you get your podcasts.
Original Source -> The Supreme Court vs. democracy
via The Conservative Brief
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HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
 HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
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Week 2 assignment
Chapter 3:
1. Name the functions of the front office department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. How are housekeeping and front desk dependent upon each other for customer satisfaction and what types of communication are used to ensure that this occurs?
Chapter 4:
1. Name the functions of the housekeeping department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. Outline the ten areas that a guest room attendant needs to cover to properly clean each guestroom.
3. List and discuss 5 ways that might be used to control loss of linens.
Week 3 assignment
Chapter 5:
1.    Describe and discuss the importance of the duties of the Director of Sales in a full service hotel.
2.    Discuss why a one-stop contact is important for an association executive.
3.    Discuss what is entailed in the job of a convention manager.
4.    Discuss why communication is important between the sales department and other department and what type of communications occur.
Chapter 6:
1.    Describe some actions or activities that might be classified as sexual harassment. What are the essential elements of a sexual harassment allegation?
2.    List and discuss four state or federal laws that impact human resources in hotels today.
Week 4 assignment
Chapter 7:
1. Identify and discuss in detail three challenges and three opportunities from each of the five areas of the food and beverage departments. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
2. Choose three food and beverage management positions and discuss and describe three unique challenges and three managerial characteristics of each. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox,
Week 5 assignment
Chapter 8:
1.    Define and discuss the role of the director of security in maintaining hotel security.
2.    A guest has just slipped on wet tile in the lobby, and fallen and hit her head, surrounded by other patrons. She appears to be just shaken up, but she is bleeding slightly from a cut on her forehead. Describe in detail the steps you would take to handle this situation.
Chapter 9:
1.    Describe in detail the short, intermediate and long term demands on a general manager's time.
2.    Discuss the differences in the time demands of a general manager between a full service large hotel and a small limited-service hotel.
Week 6 assignment
Chapter 10:
1.    How are RevPar, ADR and Occupancy are calculated and describe in detail what each tells the general manager about the success of the sales and front office department in effectively managing inventory?
2.    What are allocation controls? What are availability controls? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each? (Note: disregard the side labels in the book, they are reversed. Use the actual written paragraphs for information) (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Chapter 11:
1.    Describe and discuss the difference in a management company and a franchise company. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Week 7 assignment
Chapter 12:
1.    Discuss the key demographics of potential buyers of timeshares as well as in detail what elements of timeshares would entice them to buy timeshare weeks over vacationing on their own in traditional lodging facilities.
2.    How is management of a timeshare different from management of traditional hotels? Be specific regarding operating procedures and guest characteristics.
Chapter 13:
1.    Compare and contrast in detail the lodging and facility characteristics of activity-based facilities vs. themed facilities. What geographic areas are most conducive to each?
Course Project: Own Your Own Hotel!
Objectives|Guidelines|Grading Rubrics|Best Practices
Back to Top
This course project is designed for you to learn more about the lodging industry while having some fun at the same time. Your assignment is to design and to develop your own hotel. The following criteria needs to be followed:
1.    Will you select a hotel franchise (brand) yes or no / why or why not?
2.    How many rooms will your hotel have?
3.    What will your hotel’s ADR be?
4.    Select an actual geographic location / market.
5.    Decide what type of operating segment your hotel will operate under.
6.    Develop the hotel’s departments that will support the operations of the hotel.
7.    Select specific amenities that will help distinguish your hotel’s brand.
8.    What type of management organization will your hotel possess?
9.    What type of security features will your hotel have?
10.  Evaluate your actual competition (strengths and weaknesses).
11.  Establish a target market.
12.  Establish a marketing plan for how you will attract the target market.
13.  What are some of the current opportunities and issues that your geographic market possesses?
14.  How will you turn a profit after several years in business?
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Projects must 8 to 12 pages in length (this would be roughly 1 page per area included in the report), 12 point font, double-spaced, 1" margins, and include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion and works cited.
Even though     this is not a scientific-type writing assignment, and is mostly creative     in nature, references are still very important. At least 6 authoritative,     outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not     acceptable). These should be listed on the last page titled "Works     Cited".
APA format and     citations are required.
All DeVry     University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
Projects aredue in Week 6of this     course.
Any questions     about this project may be discussed in the weekly Q&A discussion     topic.
This project is     worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic,     quality of paper information, use of APA citations, grammar and sentence     structure.
No late papers     will be accepted.
Grading Rubrics
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Documentation  and Formatting
Completion  of entire paper to be focused on the review of the “best practices in  preparing this paper” included below and the instruction above
Organization  and Cohesiveness
A quality  paper will include an introduction based upon a well formed paper topic. The  logical order of the content will be derived from best practices in preparing  this paper listed below. The content will be properly subdivided into  sections derived from this document.
A quality  paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.  Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
A quality  paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any  statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality  project will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
A quality  paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Best Practices
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The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.
Cover Page- Include who     you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
Table of Content- List the main     ideas and section of you paper and the pages in which they are located.     The illustrations should be included separately.
Introduction- Use a header     on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.         The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1.    Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
2.    Previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
3.    Establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
Body of Your Report- Use a header     titled with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel X     - A World Class Resort”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State     the main ideas, state major points in each idea, provide evidence. Break     out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type     of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of     paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during     your research and investigation.
Summary and Conclusion- Summarizing     is similar to paraphrasing bur presents the gist of the material in fewer     words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas     and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are     left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how the effect the     tourism industry.         Additional hints on preparing the best possible project.
1.    Apply a three step process of writing… Plan, Write, and Complete.
2.    Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
3.    Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
4.    Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. Example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, Tables, and Gantt charts.
Work Cited- Use APA     format.
Week 1
Hotels  vs. Motels (graded)
What is the difference between hotels and motels? Which one do you prefer to stay in and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Lodging  Segments (graded)
Out of all of the lodging segments described in chapter 1, as a guest, which type of segment do you prefer to stay in? What are the reasons that you chose that particular segment?
Week 2
Careers  in Lodging (graded)
What is the importance of the front desk or reception area and what is the relationship of this department with the rest of the lodging facility? (graded)
As a guest, did you ever encounter an issue in checking into a room or the cleanliness of a room? How did the hotel management handle it? How would you have handled it? If you never had an issue in a hotel, what good experiences did you have? (graded)
Week 3
Role  of the Marketing Manager (graded)
The role of a sales and marketing manager is an exciting field but is also critical for a hotel's success. What are some of the attributes needed to become a successful sales and marketing manager? What are some of the businesses that a marketing manager can bring into the hotel? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Role  of the Human Resource Manager (graded)
You are the new General Manager of a new 400 room full service hotel that is scheduled to open in 6 months. The first task you have is to hire a Human Resources Manager. What traits, skills, and knowledge should the candidates possess to be considered for the position? What would be the first steps you would take in the hiring process?
Week 4
 Role of Food and  Beverage in the Hotel (graded)
What are some of the Food and Beverage services commonly found in a hotel? When staying at a hotel do you use any of these Food and Beverage services? Why or why not? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Food  and Beverage & Profitability (graded)
Why do you think that most Food and Beverage departments in hotels are not profitable? What do you think hotels can do to turn a profit in Food and Beverage? (graded)
Week 5
Safety  & Security (graded)
Given the need for heighten security, how can hotels ensure their guests that they are safe in their hotels? Do you see any section of a hotel that is vulnerable to unsafe activity?
Total  Quality Management (graded)
As a hotel general manager how can you promote TQM within your hotel staff? Do you believe that TQM is a valuable management option to use in the hotel industry?
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Week 6
Why do most hotel owners look towards management companies to operate their properties? Would you rather work for a hotel management company or a corporate hotel company. Why?
What are some of the positives and negatives in being a franchise owner/operator? If given the opportunity would you own a franchise? Why or why not?
Week 7
Timeshares  (graded)
Have you or any members of your family own or participate in a timeshare property? What are the advantages or disadvantages to timeshare ownership? Would you purchase a timeshare in the future? Why or why not?
Resorts  and Theme Lodging (graded)
Have you ever stayed at or wanted to stay at a resort based property (i.e. Sandals) or a theme based hotel (i.e. Hard Rock Hotel)? What would attract you to stay at one of these properties? Do you see a continued need for this type of lodging?
0 notes
HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
 HSOP320 full course (all discussion , midterm ,final ,course project, week 2-7 assignment)
Click Link Below To Buy:
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Week 2 assignment
Chapter 3:
1. Name the functions of the front office department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. How are housekeeping and front desk dependent upon each other for customer satisfaction and what types of communication are used to ensure that this occurs?
Chapter 4:
1. Name the functions of the housekeeping department along with job titles and specific responsibilities of each.
2. Outline the ten areas that a guest room attendant needs to cover to properly clean each guestroom.
3. List and discuss 5 ways that might be used to control loss of linens.
Week 3 assignment
Chapter 5:
1.    Describe and discuss the importance of the duties of the Director of Sales in a full service hotel.
2.    Discuss why a one-stop contact is important for an association executive.
3.    Discuss what is entailed in the job of a convention manager.
4.    Discuss why communication is important between the sales department and other department and what type of communications occur.
Chapter 6:
1.    Describe some actions or activities that might be classified as sexual harassment. What are the essential elements of a sexual harassment allegation?
2.    List and discuss four state or federal laws that impact human resources in hotels today.
Week 4 assignment
Chapter 7:
1. Identify and discuss in detail three challenges and three opportunities from each of the five areas of the food and beverage departments. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
2. Choose three food and beverage management positions and discuss and describe three unique challenges and three managerial characteristics of each. (hint: the easiest format is in a chart)
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox,
Week 5 assignment
Chapter 8:
1.    Define and discuss the role of the director of security in maintaining hotel security.
2.    A guest has just slipped on wet tile in the lobby, and fallen and hit her head, surrounded by other patrons. She appears to be just shaken up, but she is bleeding slightly from a cut on her forehead. Describe in detail the steps you would take to handle this situation.
Chapter 9:
1.    Describe in detail the short, intermediate and long term demands on a general manager's time.
2.    Discuss the differences in the time demands of a general manager between a full service large hotel and a small limited-service hotel.
Week 6 assignment
Chapter 10:
1.    How are RevPar, ADR and Occupancy are calculated and describe in detail what each tells the general manager about the success of the sales and front office department in effectively managing inventory?
2.    What are allocation controls? What are availability controls? What are the benefits and disadvantages of each? (Note: disregard the side labels in the book, they are reversed. Use the actual written paragraphs for information) (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Chapter 11:
1.    Describe and discuss the difference in a management company and a franchise company. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. (hint: chart format may be easier to use)
Week 7 assignment
Chapter 12:
1.    Discuss the key demographics of potential buyers of timeshares as well as in detail what elements of timeshares would entice them to buy timeshare weeks over vacationing on their own in traditional lodging facilities.
2.    How is management of a timeshare different from management of traditional hotels? Be specific regarding operating procedures and guest characteristics.
Chapter 13:
1.    Compare and contrast in detail the lodging and facility characteristics of activity-based facilities vs. themed facilities. What geographic areas are most conducive to each?
Course Project: Own Your Own Hotel!
Objectives|Guidelines|Grading Rubrics|Best Practices
Back to Top
This course project is designed for you to learn more about the lodging industry while having some fun at the same time. Your assignment is to design and to develop your own hotel. The following criteria needs to be followed:
1.    Will you select a hotel franchise (brand) yes or no / why or why not?
2.    How many rooms will your hotel have?
3.    What will your hotel’s ADR be?
4.    Select an actual geographic location / market.
5.    Decide what type of operating segment your hotel will operate under.
6.    Develop the hotel’s departments that will support the operations of the hotel.
7.    Select specific amenities that will help distinguish your hotel’s brand.
8.    What type of management organization will your hotel possess?
9.    What type of security features will your hotel have?
10.  Evaluate your actual competition (strengths and weaknesses).
11.  Establish a target market.
12.  Establish a marketing plan for how you will attract the target market.
13.  What are some of the current opportunities and issues that your geographic market possesses?
14.  How will you turn a profit after several years in business?
Back to Top
Projects must 8 to 12 pages in length (this would be roughly 1 page per area included in the report), 12 point font, double-spaced, 1" margins, and include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, body of the report, summary or conclusion and works cited.
Even though     this is not a scientific-type writing assignment, and is mostly creative     in nature, references are still very important. At least 6 authoritative,     outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not     acceptable). These should be listed on the last page titled "Works     Cited".
APA format and     citations are required.
All DeVry     University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
Projects aredue in Week 6of this     course.
Any questions     about this project may be discussed in the weekly Q&A discussion     topic.
This project is     worth 200 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic,     quality of paper information, use of APA citations, grammar and sentence     structure.
No late papers     will be accepted.
Grading Rubrics
Back to Top
Documentation  and Formatting
Completion  of entire paper to be focused on the review of the “best practices in  preparing this paper” included below and the instruction above
Organization  and Cohesiveness
A quality  paper will include an introduction based upon a well formed paper topic. The  logical order of the content will be derived from best practices in preparing  this paper listed below. The content will be properly subdivided into  sections derived from this document.
A quality  paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.  Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
A quality  paper will have significant scope and depth of research to support any  statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality  project will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
A quality  paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Best Practices
Back to Top
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.
Cover Page- Include who     you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
Table of Content- List the main     ideas and section of you paper and the pages in which they are located.     The illustrations should be included separately.
Introduction- Use a header     on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.         The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1.    Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
2.    Previews the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
3.    Establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
Body of Your Report- Use a header     titled with the name of your project. Example: “The Development of Hotel X     - A World Class Resort”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State     the main ideas, state major points in each idea, provide evidence. Break     out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type     of division like separate sections that are labeled; separate group of     paragraphs; or headers. You would include the information you found during     your research and investigation.
Summary and Conclusion- Summarizing     is similar to paraphrasing bur presents the gist of the material in fewer     words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas     and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are     left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how the effect the     tourism industry.         Additional hints on preparing the best possible project.
1.    Apply a three step process of writing… Plan, Write, and Complete.
2.    Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
3.    Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
4.    Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. Example graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, Tables, and Gantt charts.
Work Cited- Use APA     format.
Week 1
Hotels  vs. Motels (graded)
What is the difference between hotels and motels? Which one do you prefer to stay in and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
Lodging  Segments (graded)
Out of all of the lodging segments described in chapter 1, as a guest, which type of segment do you prefer to stay in? What are the reasons that you chose that particular segment?
Week 2
Careers  in Lodging (graded)
What is the importance of the front desk or reception area and what is the relationship of this department with the rest of the lodging facility? (graded)
As a guest, did you ever encounter an issue in checking into a room or the cleanliness of a room? How did the hotel management handle it? How would you have handled it? If you never had an issue in a hotel, what good experiences did you have? (graded)
Week 3
Role  of the Marketing Manager (graded)
The role of a sales and marketing manager is an exciting field but is also critical for a hotel's success. What are some of the attributes needed to become a successful sales and marketing manager? What are some of the businesses that a marketing manager can bring into the hotel? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Role  of the Human Resource Manager (graded)
You are the new General Manager of a new 400 room full service hotel that is scheduled to open in 6 months. The first task you have is to hire a Human Resources Manager. What traits, skills, and knowledge should the candidates possess to be considered for the position? What would be the first steps you would take in the hiring process?
Week 4
 Role of Food and  Beverage in the Hotel (graded)
What are some of the Food and Beverage services commonly found in a hotel? When staying at a hotel do you use any of these Food and Beverage services? Why or why not? (graded)
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Food  and Beverage & Profitability (graded)
Why do you think that most Food and Beverage departments in hotels are not profitable? What do you think hotels can do to turn a profit in Food and Beverage? (graded)
Week 5
Safety  & Security (graded)
Given the need for heighten security, how can hotels ensure their guests that they are safe in their hotels? Do you see any section of a hotel that is vulnerable to unsafe activity?
Total  Quality Management (graded)
As a hotel general manager how can you promote TQM within your hotel staff? Do you believe that TQM is a valuable management option to use in the hotel industry?
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Week 6
Why do most hotel owners look towards management companies to operate their properties? Would you rather work for a hotel management company or a corporate hotel company. Why?
What are some of the positives and negatives in being a franchise owner/operator? If given the opportunity would you own a franchise? Why or why not?
Week 7
Timeshares  (graded)
Have you or any members of your family own or participate in a timeshare property? What are the advantages or disadvantages to timeshare ownership? Would you purchase a timeshare in the future? Why or why not?
Resorts  and Theme Lodging (graded)
Have you ever stayed at or wanted to stay at a resort based property (i.e. Sandals) or a theme based hotel (i.e. Hard Rock Hotel)? What would attract you to stay at one of these properties? Do you see a continued need for this type of lodging?
0 notes