#this is for the fic btw. ill just be doing polls for a lot of the choices
tootyfruities · 26 days
okay you guys. age-old question here:
reblog for larger sample?
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mechawolfie · 9 months
wait there was smth i wanted to say abt that "how did u get into/how do u imagine you'll get into a relationship" poll but i forgot but i remember now. under a read more bc I'm shy uwu
so like i said in the tags, big fan of the "be autistic @ each other until we realize we've fallen in love" approach. but in terms of my actual genuine expectation i've thought very much about id rather it be like. an aro autistic sort of commitment. u know like, we make the conscious decision to Try Something Out, discuss the type of relationship we want, & see where it goes.
but yeah feelings been messing me up. & i know i don't Need to listen to my feelings bc chemical reaction or w ever but i feel like i have to dissect every feeling i don't understand & get into the meat and organs of it so i fully understand it so it doesn't Scare Me Anymore. but that's like hard when u have a hard time Feeling your Feelings. bc of Alexithymia (GREAT song by anberlin. btw)
anyway im hungry but im waiting for my chicken patty to cook so I'm kinda oughhh rn. so.
now i am someone that, bc of my sheltered upbringing, likes to experience things that I'm curious abt. this includes relationships. i'd like to try them bc i like the thought. but also there's this idea in western society that relationships need to happen Naturally. which trips me up a bit as someone who 1) can't just Go Out And Meet People and 2) don't like the traditional ideas of relationships (meet > realize we're "in love" > all the gushy shit or w ever). like it's very incidental & i like to do things On Purpose. n maybe that's a little bit my need to have control over things. just a little bit.
theres also the fact that itd need to be, initially, a ldr bc the above mentioned Can't Just Go Out. which a lot of ppl don't like i've found !
oh yeah. there's also the thing where i am. let's see here. black, trans (in a "weird" way)(and pre-everything), so many types of neurodivergent & mentally ill, not very active bc of chronic pain, stuck w my family & cant drive, and pretty strictly t4t. all things that make Living Amongst Other People sort of Uncomfortable, specifically around ppl who don't like to acknowledge that they might have internalized some Bigoted Shit, and like to make it My Problem.
i cant. remember where i was going with that. like i think I'm trying to go somewhere but I'm too gosh dang hungry to remember. i think what I'm trying to say is that i want to try dating, it sounds fun (especially now that i've accepted that I Am A Guy. like woah.. you're telling me i can HAVE a gay relationship??? like in my fics????? no way) BUT. is scawwy. and finding someone who would be compatible with me, whatever that means exactly, sounds. hard.
WAIT my chicken patty just finished. i just heard the oven go Ding! swag
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
Okie! I’m going to try to think of a request! I once again do not know what this request shall be. I’m going to look through some of your notes for ideas.
Alright, maybe for the purposes of making characters filled with Sleep Deprivation, (because I’ve found that I really like how you write sleepiness, promise next time I’ll try to ask for something different!) there could be a sleepover. And there can be Miu with all her little inventions and one sec. Gonna look at that one poll thingy with the tables.
Found it! There could be Kokichi and Kiibo too. And they have a lot of those cool candles with really obscure names there for some reason? Maybe they just bought them or made them or maybe they’re just There and no one knows why. I dunno??
Also I think it should be noted that I went and googled stuff about the late 2000s and I found out cereal straws are a thing??? Like straws that you eat??? I did not know about this. It was very shocking. The cocoa krispies ones kinda look like those chocolatey stick things that have soft chocolate insides, can’t remember what they’re called, and it made me really crave those.
Anyway, I think that’s it! Sleepover ft. Candles. If it doesn’t seem fun, feel free not to write it. Not like there’s much of a point if there’s no enjoyment being gained! Also, are there like any things in particular that you’ve been interested in writing about? I’ve already asked about your favorite things but like I wanted to ask more questions about stuff you like.
(Btw, thank you for the reassurances that you wouldn’t yell at me, it did actually make me feel better!)
nothing is really hitting me right now regarding how to go with this idea but maybe it'll hit me later. for right now i dont think ill go with it BUT im glad you asked anyway! its always good to ask ^_^ plus i might return to it and make a version of it
and stuff ive been interested in writing...well as always sleep deprivation and eventual sleep (which is basically hurt/comfort which is WHYYY hurt/comfort is my favourite trope. this threw my friends for a loop when we did like a friend quiz for funsies but to be so fair to them i did include sleepy boys as an option which i threw in as a trick answer) but also i just love horror. i like writing unsettling shit yo which is why in recent years all ive been writing is horror. but even in my early days as a fic writer i was writing horror like propaganda is a drama and a horror fic but its not really psychological and its not as overbearing as some of my newer work (some of which is also. not published yet...)
other stuff . other stuff i like to write. trying desperately to remember all the things i like to write. uh. illness. sick fics are good. its why i had like multiple chapters in nameless have either kokichi or shuichi be sick
okay heres the thing is im obsessed with a few concepts and im going to just ramble under the cut about those things and these are things that like form everything i write and create and think about and how i see the world OKAY? okay
so the first thing has to do with tlou1 and it kind of goes hand in hand with the illness but only KIND OF. so you know that joel gets hurt and then goes into a bit of a Coma while he recovers but i dont give a shit about that i care about ONE THING. joel gets hurt right. ellie pulls him up. and hes STILL fighting. hes STILL pushing himself for HER. and she is this little kid and she can barely hold her own but shes gonna fucking try so you have joel stumbling through while hes losing blood and. theres this one part. if you remember this. where joel stumbles and almost falls over and ellie goes, "here, lean on me." and he goes "No." and she goes "well can you walk?" and he goes "Yes!" and shes like "then fucking walk!" and she lets him walk even though he can barely walk in a straight line let alone stand up because they respect and trust each other but she is still obviously scared that shes about to lose him and hes scared that hes about to lose her and i love that bit of the game so much. the way joel is barely able to move and do anything and therefore you as the player are barely able to do anything to help ellie and you feel so helpless and she can STILL hold her own and you are STILL a team and you are FIGHTING so FUCKING HARD and youre NEARLY THERE!!! and joel ONLY lets go when they are safe. he only falls over when he knows they are safe. he physically cannot go on any longer even though he wants to. THAT is a scene and concept ive written privately for like my own characters and even for nameless though that scene was never popped into the story. i like seeing gravely injured characters fight so hard for the people they care about, and then i love being able to see the people they fought hard for scared that they might not make it. theres so much care and devotion and LOYALTY in that and i love using it for like parent-child duos or even ships like. the Versatility. this is everything to me. and like. who WOULDNT do that for someone they care about? who WOULDNT risk their life to save someone they love? who WOULDNT hold on for a little longer for them?
okay next thing. this is something that comes from tlou2 which i dont believe youve actually seen because penny hasnt played it completely . ..? i think ? ? i havent caught up with the streams...but anyway im gonna talk in vague terms about this but basically. ive talked about this in a note before i know i have. but theres this whole long conversation between joel and ellie that ends with ellie being like "i shouldve died in that hospital. my life wouldve fucking MATTERED." and joel tells her, "if god gave me a second chance in that moment...i would do it ALL again." and when you go through tlou2 you know just what that means. its all the pain. and despite everything, he would do it again and he says this to her face when she is at her angriest, her most bitter, and she says. and this has ALWAYS made me cry and im like tearing up thinking about it she says "i dont know if i can forgive you for that. but...i would like to try." and ever since i saw that scene i can say for certain that has like changed me fundamentally like this has shaped me and tlou1 has shaped me. its just. god. GOD!!! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT. BUT...I WOULD LIKE TO TRY. DO YOU GET IT??? im loinsg it im losing my MIND its the love its the capacity for forgiveness for something that to you is only unforgivable and THATS what tlou2 is about as well people may tell you its the revenge is bad game but its ALWAYS about forgiveness and they dont get it like i do and its tragic and at the same time provides closure and its bittersweet and its that bittersweetness that i love and i love writing scenes and stories that are essentially just i dont know if i could ever forgive you for that, but i would like to try. we hurt each other so much and so often we hurt the people we love unintentionally and its so hard to forgive and sometimes it takes a long time to get to the point where we can. and sometimes we cant forgive. sometimes we never get to that point. but i think its beautiful to try for someone you love too much to lose. i think its really beautiful.
and finally. this goes kind of hand in hand with everything ive written here. im just fixated on the idea of fighting through people or something destructive right like this person is fighting so hard through something covered in blood or muck and the dust settles and theyre shaky and they see the person they were fighting so hard for and they just relax and gather them up in their arms and its the knowledge that theyre okay, its okay............not having to fight anymore is what its all about at the end of the day. and that also leads to eepies
but at the end of the day its all about love really. everything adds up to effort and love
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