#this is what someone who gave up on biology would do for like 30 mins of the exams time
aofikofi · 1 year
also i drew this on my exam paper earlier today and uh. grian looks nice here ig
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Zach Dempsey x Reader | Paradise
A/N: As requested by Anon. Hope you all enjoy it ! One more imagine request to go. I’m currently not taking any requests until I finish write mid term finals. Be sure to like and follow for more. Feedback is always appreciated. Much love .xx
Warning: minor sexual content
Here I was, living life in paradise with my boyfriend Zach Dempsey. We were currently spending spring break together in Malé, Maldives. It was quite the dream to be on a beautiful island with a hot boyfriend. You must be wondering how it all started off, well, here goes the story.
It all started about 2 years ago, I was an average student, I did well in all my subjects except for Biology. Science wasn’t my favourite subject then again, that was until my Biology teacher had assigned Zach to tutor me. It felt weird at first that a jock was coming over to my place or I was going over to his for our 2 hour tuition session.
I wasn’t used to this kind of thing, that is being around someone who is known to be popular. I’m a quiet person until you get to know me then only do I reveal my bubbly side. I never spoke to guys in a hurry at school other than Clay since he was the first one who wasn’t a pervert. My thoughts about Zach changed after seeing him for 5 sessions. He was really helpful, he knew his stuff and well, in a way I’m sure you would all agree that when you have a hot person around you it’s good motivation.
That 5th session of seeing him changed everything. We had just finished and as I was packing away my stuff I could feel his stare on me but chose to ignore it. “Thanks again Zach” I said. I stood up throwing my bag on my shoulder and walked to his door. He followed close behind me “Anytime” he said and walked me out. I was just leaving “Bye” I waved him off. “Wait” he stopped me. “What’s wrong ?” I asked. He placed his lips on mine which I hadn’t seen coming, after taking in what was going on, it didn’t take me long to kiss back. It felt good. “I’ve always wanted to do that” he said when we stopped to take a breath. That was the start to Zach and I’s relationship.
I thought for a change that Zach and I should go some place different this year for spring break. We’re always at home or doing the usual movie dates but this time our 2 year anniversary was around the corner. I thought we might as well do something exciting and different for a change. I told Zach about my idea which he was perfectly fine with just the 2 of us going, we had agreed on going to Maldives.
My parents were fine with me going since they trust Zach and they like him too. Zach’s mom didn’t have a problem either since she knew he was going with me and not with bad company.
I’m glad packing for me wasn’t that hard because all I needed was a few t-shirts, shorts, a dress, bikinis and swimsuits with just 3 pairs of shoes. I had packed at least 2 days before so over time I remember what last minute items to put into my bag.
We waved off our parents one last time then went through security and passport control. Zach and I weren’t in the mood to eat so we just decided to wait at the gate. It only started boarding an hour later. The line to board wasn’t that bad since it moved fast, Zach had a window seat as I sat in the middle. When they had announced that the flight would take off shortly, the joy had come to me because their was a vacant seat next to me which means more sleep. After we had taken off I picked up both armrests and laid my head on Zach’s lap - growing up, I could never sleep the night before a flight I guess because of the adrenaline rush - the flight was 20 hrs and 30 mins anyway so I should get more than enough rest.
Finally landing in Maldives, we took a boat to our resort, then after reaching we had checked in and might I say this place was absolutely breathtaking. I don’t feel like leaving here. Zach and I left our luggage as it was, we took a walk to the beach which was literally less than 10m away from our room. We just stood where the singers were and admired the view and surroundings. Clear water and white sand, can this get any better ?
“Okay we can’t afford to waste anymore time, I’m going to change” I blurted and started walking back to our room. “I’ll meet up with you in a few” he said. I tossed my suitcase on our bed and pulled out the first bikini I could find. It was a classic black bikini with a few cut outs on either side of the underwear. I discarded my clothes and had on my bikini bottom and top. Just tying off my bikini top, I couldn’t get the back straps to tie. “Woah baby girl. Are we celebrating our honeymoon later ?” He whistled and walked up behind me, he moved my hair onto my shoulder and tied off my back. “You wish” I turned to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. “Ready ?” I asked looking him up and down. All he had to do was take off his shirt. So simple.
We walked back hand in hand, I took a few steps onto the wet sand to see how cold it is and to my luck the temperature wasn’t bad at all. I then jogged until the water had reached my hips, “Are you getting in or what ?” I asked him. He grinned and took slow steps, when he was at arms length away from me I started splashing the water at him. I knew then I had to run for my life. He literally caught me just when I could turn to run “Theirs no running away from me now” he said and threw me over his shoulder. “Zach put me down” I whined and started kicking my legs and hitting his back with my fists. “Nah I rather have you dangling like this” he laughed “Of course you do, you’re enjoying the view aren’t you ?” I rolled my eyes.
The next thing I was in contact with the water, Zach had thrown me in. I ran my fingers through my hair to move it away from my face “How dare you ?” I murmured, I was freezing. “What was that ?” He cupped his hand around his ear pretending he didn’t hear me. Haha really funny. The boy thought its going down tonight, well it would’ve if he hadn’t done this. Payback time is on. I was hoping to just relax but thanks to Zach my plans are now all ruined. “You think this is funny ?” I raised an eyebrow and walked passed him to our room. He followed close behind me “Yeah I do actually” he said and started laughing again.
I went to our outdoor shower and ran the water, standing underneath it with my back facing Zach. I slowly loosened the strings of my bikini, I started with my top by loosening my neck and then mid back. My hands trailed down to my bottoms and pulling both strings at the same time leaving the bikini to fall off. Now stood in front of Zach was a naked (Y/N). I felt his stare on my ass “Oh I see where this is going” he smirked. With the water still running over me, I cupped my breasts and turned to face Zach. His jaw dropped. “Look all you want baby because you can see but you can’t touch” I said, then squeezed my breasts and leaving them free. My hands trailed down to my core and slowly back up to my breasts.
I closed the tap and ran my hands through my hair, grabbing the near by towel to cover my self, I stood in front of a horny Zach “Happy Early Anniversary babe ” I said and gave him a peck on the cheek.
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delos-mio · 7 years
Partners- Pt 7- College Logan AU
A/N: I borrowed from one of my previous drabbles because I simply couldn’t resist using it between these two. So sue me!
Tuesday night, before your morning biology class where you knew you’d see Logan again, your stomach was a mess. All you could think about was how excited you were to see him, and that excitement kept turning into anxiety about what to do with Evan. For almost a year, you’d been sleeping with him at his convenience. Sometimes, he’d randomly get a girlfriend, and he wouldn’t talk to you for weeks. But then as soon as he was inevitably done with them, he was right back to you. In the last year, you couldn’t ever remember meeting one of his friends, or even coming over during daylight hours. It was an agreement you both understood, but one that still made you feel shitty on occasion.
But now you had begun to feel like you didn’t want him anymore, like you didn’t need him to validate that you were still fuckable. You were sure he didn’t actually know one thing about your personality, and you didn’t care for any of the parts of his that you knew of. After talking it over with Sam and with an endless amount of moral support, you knew it was time to put your hook-up to rest. You laid back on the couch, your feet on Sam’s lap as she looked over her notes for Economics and pulled out your phone.
Y: Hey E: Hey, what’s up Y: Not a lot- you busy? E: Nm, you wanna meet up? You can come over in like 30 mins Y: No. I actually wanted to talk to you about that E: Ok…what’s up? Y: We can’t keep doing what we’re doing E: Whatever Y: You don’t have to be a dick about it E: I’m not Y: Sure ok E: Well you know I have to ask why Y: I met someone. And I like him. I want to be fair to him. E: And he feels the same way? Y: I think so E: Lol ok. See you around Y: Fuck you too
You locked your screen and slammed your phone down on the coffee table, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. Sam didn’t look up from her notes, but you saw her shake her head.
“Just a sign you did the right thing,” she stated, flipping the page over. “I love you, Y/N.”
“Love you too. I’m gonna go to bed.” You got up and walked to your room, loudly shutting the door behind you and dramatically flopped onto your bed.
Wednesday was finally here and you could hardly wait to get to biology- something you never thought you’d ever feel. Only one final critique before your show stood in the way of you and that dark haired boy sitting together once again. All through your meeting with your art professor, you started at the clock, the minute hand seemingly speeding up after every revolution. You started to get nervous that you’d be late to your next class. But she quickly wrapped up her thoughts and wished you luck on your show. After thanking her profusely, you booked it across the quad to the science building.
It was two minutes before class began when you ran up to the lecture hall. Logan was already sitting in the back row, casually leaning back in his chair. He always looked so effortlessly handsome- his thick, black hair perfectly placed, his toned arms confined to the olive tee he was in. You tried to quietly close the door behind you, but the clicking made Logan’s eyes dart up to where you stood, a smirk painted on his face.
“Sorry I’m late.” You quickly took your seat and began to unpack your book and notepad. “My critique ran long and…”
“You look so hot today babe,” he interrupted, placing his arm around the back of your chair.
“Well, thank you. But anyway…” you began.
“No I mean I don’t think I can go all class without having you.” There he went, interrupting you again.
“Logan! Knock it off! You’ll be fine,” you scolded, turning your attention to the professor who started talking about today being a powerpoint or presentation. Truthfully, you didn’t know because Logan was moving your hair behind your shoulder, letting his fingers trail down to your waist before he whispered to you. Sure, all you could think about for the last three days was how bad you wanted him too, but you weren’t sure the classroom was the best place to jump each other’s bones. 
“Powerpoint? You know that means the lights will be off…” he smoldered. You shot him a warning look, which he continued to ignore. Why had you missed him so much again? Right now, all you could remember was how annoying he could be. Soon, the rows of halogen lights had been switched off and an absolutely riveting presentation on the endocrine system had begun. It took all of your concentration to focus on the notebook in front of you instead of Logan’s hand, which was running up your thigh. Oh yeah, that spark he sent across your skin. That’s what you had missed.
“Y/N, please? I just want you so bad,” he pleaded, his fingers pulling at the hem of your sun dress. Every time he touched you, it sent an electric current through your body. It was impossible for you to resist him and those damn dark eyes. You scooted your chair closer to him by half an inch and that was all the invitation he needed. 
His long fingers moved under your dress and around your thigh. He gently pushed your panties to the side, letting two fingers trail down your already slick folds. A small moan left your lips at the contact, which you quickly tried to cover as a cough. Who knows if you were actually successful? He moved down to your center, pushing his index and middle finger slowly into you. You drummed your pen on your notebook, needing to find a way to release some of this tension without screaming out his name.
“So tight baby,” he whispered as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you. “Just how I remembered you.” You were already close, but you wanted more of him. Thinking about him deep inside you was making you crazy. He swiped his thumb across your clit, making you jolt forward, a loud scrape coming from your chair as it scooted on the tile floor. A couple guys from the row in front of you turned around looking for the source of the disturbance. Logan was quick to remove his fingers and shot them a warning look.
“What the fuck do you want?” he hissed quietly. They looked down and turned back to the screen, not interested in fighting with the most popular man on campus. Logan sat back up in his seat and looked at you intently. “We can finish this later,” he winked.
You let out a long sigh and did your best to take good notes off the presentation. Logan, once again, had not bothered to take any or to even put a notebook on his desk. “What did I tell you about me not doing all the work?”
“You won’t!”
“Well I already did the lab and I’ve taken all the fucking notes,” you whispered angrily. Logan gave you big, puppy dog eyes and jutted out his bottom lip. “No! No trying to make me just forgive you because you’re handsome or whatever!”
“I’m handsome?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Or whatever. But c’mon, help me out here,” you pleaded. He smiled a small smile and put his hand back on your thigh.
“How about I do the next lab all by myself?” he proposed. You narrowed your eyes and looked him over to see if this was a joke or not. But he kept an even expression, so you nodded your head and accepted his offer. Soon after, the lights came on and Dr. Williams was assigning new chapters as students began to file out of the hall. Logan grabbed his bag and waited for you to pack up your things and walked down the steps with you. There were still a few girls left in the second row who were shooting daggers at you as you made your exit side by side with the lacrosse captain. Logan noticed them as well and gave them a small wave, always the social butterfly.
“Do you know them?” you asked as you walked out of the science building and sat on a nearby bench.
“Those freshmen? No,” he laughed. “But they know me, so I’m friendly to them.”
“Listen, I wanted to ask you something,” you said, rummaging around in your bag. Logan cocked his head to the side, wondering what you could possibly have in there for them. You pulled out a small blue flyer and handed it to him. “My show is this Friday night. If you’re not busy, it’d be cool if you came. You don’t have to stay the whole time or…”
“I’ll be there,” he cut you off, a dopey smile on his face.
“What? Why do you have that look?” you questioned, unsure what was going on in that pretty little head of his.
“You like me.”
“I don’t.” You crossed your arms.
“You do. You think I’m handsome and funny and you love my cock,” he smirked, leaning in closer with every allegation.
“Only one of those things are true.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself, babes,” he said, raising his eyebrows and settling back into his seat. “But I’d love to see more of your work.”
“Cool,” you smiled down at your shoes. As you brought your head back up, someone walking by caught your attention from the corner of your eye. Evan. He was walking by with a group of who you could only assume were his friends. He looked at you with narrowed eyes, trying to make sense of the scene before him.
“Hey, Logan!” he called, giving him a small chin nod, his eyes quickly darting to you.
“Hey man.” Logan nodded back. The group continued on their way without a second look, but you knew Evan did what he did for a reason. It was all a big ‘fuck you’ pointed right at you. You pushed your hair away from your face, Logan picking up on the growing worry on your face. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…How do you know those guys?” you asked a little too quickly.
“Oh Evan? He parties with Travis a lot, so they’re at the house quite a bit. He’s ok I guess,” he shrugged, not thinking a lot of your question much to your relief. Of course they’re at his house a lot. Why would you have anything other than dumb luck. “Do you know them?”
“Not really, I’ve just seen them around and was curious,” you lied.
“I’ve wanted to ask you something too,” Logan stated. He shuffled in his seat before adjusting his jacket. “Will you go to dinner with me? I feel like I should take you on a date if I’m going to keep fucking you senseless. And I really want to keep doing that.”
“You don’t have to take me out, Logan,” you laughed. “It’s ok if…it’s ok if you don’t want to take me out.” You gave him a small smile, hoping you were doing a good job of masking the twinge of pain you felt while making your offer.
“Of course I want to! Why wouldn’t I want to take you on a date?” he beamed, clearly missing the insecurity laced in your offer of an ‘out’ for him. “I’ll pick you up tonight at 7. Wear something slutty,” he winked. You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“I will not.”
“Ah, well, it was worth a shot, wasn’t it?” he grinned. “Practice calls, I’ll see you tonight.” He stood up, swinging his backpack behind him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead before walking off in the direction of the field. You smiled to yourself when you felt your phone vibrate in your bag.
E: Logan? Really? Lol good luck with that
You deleted Evan’s text angrily. What the fuck did he know about you or Logan? You shook your head and stomped off to take out a few hours of aggression in the studio before you had to get ready for your date.
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