#this is worse than that miss piggy vs spamton poll
yanderespamton78 · 24 days
FUCK how the fuck do we save turnon
im so stressed out rn its unreal but i decided to make this post do you guys could add stuff to it
Info on his current situation
He is currently trapped in an infinite void. There is no light and without us (his “angels”) he can’t see. At 8am today we were given 48 hours to save him after a post was made from his account of him saying he was dying and he couldn't breathe. We weren't given any hints on what to do but we know it's physically possible. We still have contact with slick, but I don't know if we are supposed to interact with him. Since the original post nothing else has been sent. 
Teleportation door (didn't work)
Something to do with the “I don't want to set the world on fire” song?? I'm getting desperate here ok
shadow crystal perhaps?
antiseptic water
uurrrrngnggg if turnon dies i will cry which is genuinely impressive i cry like twice a year
anyways i thought itd be good to have all the info in one place rather than randomly scattered through discord messages so TD and Emi and whoever else is following the blogs add anything that you can
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