#this looks kinda creepy sorry idk how to tale pictures
iknaenmal · 1 year
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iamjohnlocked4life · 7 years
Through A Different Lens
So it’s 1:30 a.m. where I live as I’m typing this, and there are currently less than 12 hours until TLD airs, and yes, I am furiously trying to finish up a meta for TST before exhaustion takes me. Yes, I am insane. And yes, again the things I am going to analyse may not be new to the fandom, but I know I literally will not be able to sleep tonight if I don’t get them out. So here we are.
People have been writing metas about the ocular devices in TST since the trailers. Heck, probably before then but I didn’t follow setl0ck so I can’t be sure. And there is The Theory That Shall Not Be Named *cough*blindlock*cough* that will probably keep me up tonight if writing this meta doesn’t do the trick. But rewatching TST for the ?th time made me notice something I hadn’t before: the order in which these ocular devices are shown on screen. From the beginning then:
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This is the first shot after the Tale of Samarra being told over the surreal footage of Sherlock walking through the aquarium. We’ve just seen the s3 recap and the D-Notice scene, setting us up for the altered footage we may be encountering, the “official” story. Already we’ve seen things through an altered lens: the Magnussen shooting, through the fabricated lens of a sniper. So after the credits sequence and the creepy fairytale, ending with the line “Because,” said Death, “I had an appointment with you tonight... in Samarra.” we transition with a shark swimming up the screen to Billy the skull wearing... this. I don’t really know what it’s supposed to be, but it seems to be some sort of antique magnification device, made up like spectacles. Sure, the death tale, the large external screws, and the fact that it’s on Billy the skull all feel a bit ominous, but it’s probably nothing, right guys? Moving right along.
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Next we have this lovely domestic shot of our crime fighting trio back at it again! sorry I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit On the desk there are two ocular devices: a large magnifying glass on a curved handle in the foreground, and a pair of spectacles of some sort on the far edge. Let’s take a closer look:
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Yep, right next to John’s laptop where he’s updating his jpg blog, we’ve got some pretty snazzy shades. They kinda look like bug-eye lenses or kaleidoscope glasses. IDK, trippy af. Any chance we can see them in action?
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Thanks, Sherlock! Okay, maybe they’re more like mini magnifying glass binoculars. Theoretically they’re helping Sherlock analyse that thumb? Or maybe he’s just spacing out. 
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When we cut to the wide shot as he lowers his specs, we see a new magnifying glass has appeared at his side. It’s even bigger than the curved dildo handheld one on his table! Hm, his magnifying devices seem to multiplying, and increasing in size and scope. Surely nothing to worry about though. He just likes having an extra-close look-see. True, we haven’t seen him use his microscope or his classic tiny slide-open magnifying glass, but that’s probably because he’s become a collector of odd, eccentric ocular devices in the hours? days? since he was released from his top secret suicide mission and he wants to try out all his new olde tyme toys. I mean it only makes sense!
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Well, that’s better. Sure, it’s a new pair of dual lens magnifying binocular thingies, but at least they’re not a giant oversized classic Holmes magnifying glass. That’d just be goofy. Odd that they’re so similar to the black ones we saw in the last scene but clearly different; wouldn’t it be easier to have fewer pairs of these things lying about? Easier to keep track of? Oh right, collector! Carry on.
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Pan to: The Duplicate Man. How could Dennis Parkinson be in two places at the same time? And murdered in one of them? Don’t be an idiot John, it’s never twins! Certainly not with visual cues like dual lens glasses lying on top of the photos of this “duplicate” man. That’d just be overkill.
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Phew! No new ocular devices! Maybe the flea market was all out? Though the giant magnifying glass has moved to the desk, showing us it’s in use, and making it bigger and more prominent. We’ll see it become even bigger in the scene where Lestrade tells Sherlock about the Welsborough case:
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Yeah, I watched this scene about a dozen times and this is meant to be the magnifying glass, reflecting John and Greg while he sits there with his eyes closed. The lens transitions to and from the scenes that Greg describes, but when we look at the wide shot, we can see how forced and superimposed the giant close up of the lens is. 
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Oh good, there’s another magnifying lens in the foreground, next to Sherlock’s microscope. Nice to see him really immerse himself in his newfound hobby! One thing we can say about this guy: he loves his magnification devices. But I wonder... with his ever increasing collection of every increasing magnification, might he become...myopic? A little too detail-oriented? 
Well, I don’t want to go too deep into the minutiae of what this all means, because I do need to sleep, dear lord, and there’s no way thinking about Sherlock’s beautiful eyes desperately trying to see what’s in front of his face and failing this lovely antique roadshow collection is going to help with that. But Sherlock’s got one more gem he’d like to share with you from his expansive collection, and he’s saved the best for last: 
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In fact, for one of the very last scenes of the episode. Ah, home sweet home. Back at the flat again with good old trusty giant magnifying glass at his side table, glasses of some sort on his desk, and oh? What’s this? Actual binoculars at the window. Not magnifying devices for examining things up close, but for looking out at things that are far away. Getting some perspective. Taking in the big picture. What scene is this again? Oh yeah, the one where Sherlock turns to Mrs Hudson and tells her “If you ever think I’m becoming a bit... full of myself, cocky or over-confident... would you just say the word ‘Norbury’ to me?” 
But you know, I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. 
Phew! It is SO past my bedtime. Tagging people who may be interested in my meta: @heimishtheidealhusband @may-shepard @roseinmyhand @monikakrasnorada @hopelesslybenaddicted @queenmab3 @hotdiggitydollie @inevitably-johnlocked @just-sort-of-happened @jenna221b @mollydobby @justacookieofacumberbatch @sherlock-overflow-error @alexxphoenix42 @delurkingdetective @the-7-percent-solution @deducingbbcsherlock @datmycroft @tendergingergirl @isitandwonder @keagan-ashleigh @totallymydivision @simpleanddestructivechemistry @waitingforgarridebs @marcespot @tjlcer @ordinaryangel @bcdthomp @thetripbacktoearth
Thank you to Ariane DeVere for always providing such detailed transcripts to the fandom! 
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