#this one was late because my tablet wasn't working right yesterday but I fixed it!
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Boy with all the powers of the six immortal elders uses magnificent abilities to hover over the city on a crisp autumn morning and watch all the little people going about their morning routines while the sun rises and honestly, can't blame him cause I'd be doing the same thing
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Marks on the Boss
A/N: I am super bad at naming this shit This was requested by
Warnings: implied smut, hickies/love bites
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Prentiss sees Hotch has some love bites on his neck....
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It was early in the morning. The BAU team was slowly walking in through the doors one by one. The only ones in the bullpen were Morgan, Reid, and JJ.
"I can't stand the smell of lavender." Morgan shook his head.
"Lavender? You don't like lavender?" JJ couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How could you not like lavender?"
"I just don't." Morgan shrugged his broad shoulders. "Never have."
"Lavender works as an anxiolytic to increase relaxation and helps you sleep." Reid pointed out. "It interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA to help the brain calm down and quiet nervous system activity."
"That why I use it for Henry." JJ nodded her head.
The three profilers watched as you and Prentiss walked into the bullpen and went to your desks.
"Good morning, guys!" You chirped, setting your bag down on your desk before you went to join their little group. "What're we talking about?"
"Uh, smells." JJ answered with a little laugh.
"Ones we like or don't like?" Prentiss leaned against Reid's desk while you leaned against Morgan's next to JJ.
"Take your pick." Morgan replied.
"Ooh!" Your eyes got really big for a second as you thought of what to say. "Garcia has this really nice plug in air-freshner in her cave that smells like fireball."
"I think us non-alcoholics call that cinnamon, Y/L/N." Rossi spoke as he passed the team.
"I'm not an alcoholic!" You mockingly gasped. He grinned.
"Is Hotch in yet?" He asked over his shoulder. You stayed silent, knowing very well he wasn't. But you'd just arrived. Answering his question would make you look suspicious.
"Haven't seen him." Morgan shook his head. "Which is a little weird. He's usually here first."
"Guys!" Garcia called from the doorway of the roundtable room. "We've got a nasty one."
"I don't like the smell of cinnamon." Reid scrunched his nose up as all of you started to move towards the roundtable room. "It's too.... spicy." You laugh softly at his choice of words.
Shortly after everyone got settled around the table, Hotch showed up.
"Sorry I'm late, everyone." He moved to take his seat at the end of the table towards the back of the room. You very briefly met his gaze but it didn't linger for long. You diverted your eyes down to the tablet in front of you. "Go ahead when you're ready, Garcia."
Prentiss was the first to see them. There was one dark mark just under his right ear, then another little further down on his neck. Hotch could feel her eyes on him. He glanced up and met her gaze. She quickly looked down at the notes in her hands.
"Is something wrong, Prentiss?"
"No, sir." She answered a little too quickly. You peeked up through your lashes to see what she was looking at. Your heart dropped at the sight of the markings you'd left on him. You both agreed no visible marks. However, last night you must've gotten carried away.
You stood up suddenly, catching everyone's attention.
"I-I need to use the, uh, the restroom." You hastily made your way towards the door. Smooth on, Y/N. As you walked to the bathrooms, you pulled your phone out to text him.
To: Aaron Hotchner <"She saw the bite marks on your neck.">
You gripped your phone tightly in hand. The door to the bathroom was pushed open. You slipped into the restroom and went to lean against the counter. A few moments later, your phone silently buzzed.
From: Aaron Hotchner <"What bite marks?">
You bit your bottom lip.
To: Aaron Hotchner <"The ones I gave you last night.">
A few more minutes pasted before you decided it would be wise to go back to the roundtable room. You didn't want to seem suspicious.
Just as you were walking out of the bathroom, someone grabbed your arm and pushed you against the wall just beside the door. You were ready to fight whoever it was until you saw that it was Hotch.
"Hi." You smiled innocently up at him.
"How the hell are we going to hide this from them?" He was stressing out about it. Of course he was. He always had something to stress out over.
"If they ask, just tell them you were with someone last night." You shrugged your shoulders. "You don't have to tell them who."
Hotch sighed through his nose and looked down the hall to ensure you two were still alone. You reached up to straighten his tie, even though it didn't need it.
"Aaron, I'm sorry." You apologized quietly. "I'll be more careful next time."
"It's unprofessional." He muttered, bringing his eyes back down to you. There was a little something in those icy blue orbs you adored so much. He liked the marks. He wasn't upset like you thought.
"Yeah?" You raised your brows. "Well you know what else is unprofessional?"
"Me kissing my boss." Your fingers curled around the lapels of his suit jacket and pulled him down so you could steal a kiss from him. His hands found your waist, his long and slender fingers almost making you laugh. But he didn’t allow the moment to last long. He pulled away and stepped back, straightened his jacket-which you had messed up-and running his fingers through his hair. 
“Is it really that noticeable?” He turned his head a little and reached up to rub where he thought the marks were. You bit you bottom lip, secretly admiring the marks you made on him. 
“I can fix it. Go into the men’s bathroom. I’ll be in in a moment.” You turned to go back to the bullpen but he stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
“To get my makeup bag out of my go-bag.”
“Aaron, hold still.”
“Y/N, I don’t like this.”
“Then we can finally tell the team.” You perked up, only for him to shake his head and mutter a ‘no’ under his breath. “I’m almost done, Aaron.”
After mixing your foundation with moisturizer, you got the correct color to match his neck. Then you proceeded to add the foundation to the markings on his neck but this was easier said than done. Who knew Aaron Hotchner was such a baby?
“I don’t like the way it feels.”
“Oh please.” You rolled your eyes at him. “You can’t feel it.”
“Yes I can.” He countered. 
“There.” You wiped the remaining foundation off on a paper towel and admired your handy work. 
“And what about Prentiss?”
“She can keep a secret. I trust her.”
He let out a sigh and looked back to the mirror.
“Next time, keep the love bites off my neck.”
“Oh, I’ll try to remember that one, Agent Hotchner.” You rolled your eyes again, a smirk playing on your lips, and started to walk away.
“Agent Y/L/N?”
You turned on your heels to face your boss slash boyfriend. 
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
You grinned a little, feeling warmth stir in the pit of your stomach. You bit your lip for a moment and taking in the peace and quiet. It wasn’t often that you two got to be like this during the day, to be carefree and let loose. 
“Yes, sir, Agent Hotchner. I’ll see you on the jet, sir.”
"Hey, Emily.” You smiled to Prentiss as you sat down across from her. She was sitting by herself towards the back of the jet. Morgan had been with her but he left just a few moments before you took his seat. 
“Hey, Y/N.” She greeted you. You glanced over your shoulder to Hotch, who sat towards the front of the jet facing. He was with JJ and Rossi going over the case. 
“Um, I wanted to talk to you about-,”
“Shut. Up!” She cut you off, a big grin crossing her lips. “No way.”
“What?” The smile fell from your lips. “No way what?”
She deadpanned and raised her eyebrows.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, Y/N. Hotch has hickies on his neck-,”
“Shh!” You hushed her, reaching across to put your hand over her mouth. “Emily, I’m telling you this because I trust you.”
“How long?” Prentiss leaned forward in her seat, now completely captivated by the conversation. 
“A few months.” You smiled shyly. “But we aren’t just messing around, Em. We’re serious.”
“Ah, Ms. Y/N has a boyfriend?” Morgan nudged your arm with his hand, wanting you to scoot over a seat so he wouldn’t have to climb over you. You opened your mouth to speak but no sound came out. What the hell were you going to say?
“She was telling me about this guy that just moved in next door. Things are getting serious pretty quick.” Prentiss spoke quick, almost too quick. She looked to you, her eyes widening just slightly as if to signal you to say something. 
“Is that a bad thing?” You looked to Morgan.
“How long have you known him?”
“Couple weeks.” You blurted out with a shrug of your shoulders.
“I guess it depends on how you feel, kiddo.” He reached over to ruffle your hair but you took the chance to elbow him in the ribs. You hated when he did that. “Good one. Y/L/N.”
You settled back into your seat, stuck there for a while longer now that Morgan had taken the aisle seat. You looked out the window, watching the clouds below pass by. Your phone buzzed in your hand. 
From: Aaron Hotchner <”I’d love to meet his boyfriend of yours.”>
You peeked over your shoulder between your seat and Morgan’s to see Hotch looking at you, a little grin on his lips. 
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