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Page 93: I've been intentionally trying to dial back the unicorn hornness of the twins' hair, because it was getting a bit out of control, and. I kinda liked it better the other way.
Anne-Marie: You may return to your post. After we are underway, I want a full systems diagnostic report. Snapdragon: Yes, ma’am. Kat: Hey, be nice to the kid, Annie. He’s come a long way. Anne-Marie: Shut up. Full explanation, now. Kat: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta hang on a minute, though- there’s one thing we have to take care of first. Anne-Marie: Don’t try to change the subject, Katherine. Tell me how we got…here…
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An oc, Ryker
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Page 92: What a mess you've made here, Kat!
Anne-Marie: Sigh. Pilots, take us back to Earth on the fastest possible course. Comm stats, notify General Pieviere that I will be in contact soon with a full report. Understood? Chance: ...Yes, ma'am. Anne-Marie: I'm going to have a talk with my sister. Snapdragon: -but you can't just leave it like that, without even an explanation! Kat: Sure I can! Watch me! Anne-Marie: That'll do, officer.
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Been a while, but I have returned this year with a new mermaid Kat!
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"Or the demon of earthquake, by whose leave we build our cities, may shrug his shoulders and consume us indifferently" -The Conditions of Civilization, Will Durant
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Page 91: fingers, I heard of em
Snapdragon: But… but… Kat: C’mon, Mr. Tsunoda, you heard the captain! Snapdragon: Wait, but… Hey, wait for me! Chance: Hang on, you can’t just- Anne-Marie: You heard what she said. And she was right. If we don’t handle this properly, we could all be in serious trouble. Iska: Even so…! It’s not fair to her to just, just… It’s not like she- Alphonso: Enough, Iska. Awaiting orders, Captain.
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I wanna share with you guys some traditional art I've been making recently- since November I've been doing this album-of-the-week thing, and a few weeks into the year I started picking out my favorite line from the album of the week and doing a little illustration for it. If you can call it that- they're just quick, rough little pictures, more experimental than polished. Some are better than others. But I have some watercolors and acrylic paints that I never used before this project, and a hell of a lot of markers and gel pens and colored pencils that need to be used, too. I've been learning a lot and getting some use out of what I have at the same time, so that's good enough for me! Here's the first quarter of 2024 done:
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Albums/artists/lyrics under the cut, plus some additional commentary because why not.
Week 1 was bury me at makeout creek, by mitski. The line is "I wanna be what my body wants me to be" from the song Townie. I have a red marker that does that blotting thing sometimes, but I made another one to match on the other side, so the first I is like that half on purpose. I should have done the exclamation point facing the other way, I realize.
Week 2- album was In League With Dragons, by the Mountain Goats. "It never hurts to give thanks to the local gods, you never know who might be hungry" is from the song Younger. In digital art I sometimes just put a mostly transparent blue layer over everything when I want it to look like night. Turns out you can't do that with watercolor so easily.
Week 3- My Head Is An Animal by Of Monsters And Men, it says "that we won't run, and we won't run, and we won't run" from King and Lionheart, but you can't tell very well. I used a metallic sharpie. But I like how the painted parts came out on that one!
Week 4- Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park. "Make it a dirt dance floor again" from Bleed It Out. It looks just like poop but I swear the paint came out of the tube like that, I didn't mix it with anything or anything!
Week 5- 52nd Street, by Billy Joel, "gotta be more to life than just try, try, try" from the song Half A Mile Away. This was actually the first one I made, I went back and did the first 4 a little later.
Week 6- The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess, by Chappell Roan, "I'm gonna keep on Dancing" from the song Pink Pony Club. The words are metallic on this one too.
Week 7- Built To Last, by Arrows in Action, "maybe they'll love me when I finally get out of this town" from the song Mad For This. I like this one.
Week 8- Born To Run, by Bruce Springsteen, I know you can't read it but it says "together, Wendy, we can live with the sadness, I love you with all the madness in my soul". It was really hard to get a picture of this one for some reason. Metallic gel pen might have something to do with it.
Week 9- No Angel, by Dido, "Inside, everybody's hiding something" from the song Slide. I meant to add more masks, ok. I got lazy. I should have just made the other ones bigger...
Week 10- How Will You Know If You Never Try by the band COIN, "tomorrow's just another day" from the opening song Don't Cry 2020 (which was released in 2017). It's my room, but I didn't get up and walk 10 steps to get a reference, just did it from memory. The window is too small and not in the right place, and I just changed up the patterns on the blanket because I didn't feel like checking.
Week 11- Pure Fiction by Eric Hutchinson. The lyric is "if it's ever gonna happen, it's gotta happen here I am", which seems like it should be missing a comma, but it's like that on purpose.
Week 12- New Beginning, by Tracy Chapman, "make new symbols, make new signs" from the title track. I'm so mad that I messed this one up. I should have left blank space for the words, I think.
Week 13- Good Charlotte, self-titled debut album, "I don't look important, so they're telling me to wait" from WaldorfWorldwide. It's me. I'm really short and carry my stuff in a backpack and get mistaken for a student so much, it's absolutely infuriating. It's Thursday when I'm posting this but I just knew that was going to be the line for the week, so there you go.
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Hanging on by a thread
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When the guy you've got this homoerotic rivalry thing going on with actually kills you
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I have never been arrested, but I do believe there is probably something wrong with me
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Page 90: Who the hell is that blond woman and that guy with the mustache
Peter: ...What? Kat: I was faking! I'm an imposter! This one's the real Anne-Marie. I owe you guys big time for helping me get her back. Anne-Marie: Katherine, impersonating an officer is- Kat: Yeah, yeah, an offense under Article 5, section A. I know. Punishable by court martial. That's why I couldn't tell anyone else, or they'd be in trouble, too. But, as you see, it was just me! And I'll accept responsibility for my actions, now that I know you're safe. Anne-Marie: Whichever of you is junior monitoring officer here, take her to her quarters and lock her in.
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Early to the rendezvous
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Peter Parkour!
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Iris, rainbow messenger of the gods 🌈
(...the execution went better in my head but it gets the point across I suppose?)
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Page 89: Thank god that's over indeed. I'm never drawing that car ever again.
Kat: Take us up, Ms. Janachak! Iska: On it, Captain! Kat: Haa... Thank god that's over, right? Peter: Are we allowed to ask questions now, Captain? Kat: I'm not your captain.
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It can be a fine line between a blessing and a curse
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