#this takes place after the warehouse incident so Olly doesn't fit in Fox's tiny office anymore
mwolf0epsilon · 5 months
Maladjusted Motivation
Fox, arms crossed as he stares up at Olly with clear disappointment: I don't think I need to tell you why I've called you into my office.
Olly, looking miserable from both having to crouch because he's far too tall to stand straight inside Fox's office, and because he knows perfectly well why he's been summoned: No, sir.
Fox: Then you know why I'm currently not very pleased with you.
Olly: Yes, sir.
Fox, sighing: You should have deleted that cam footage Olly. We have procedures and contingencies in place specifically to avoid these kinds of situations.
Olly: It wouldn't have mattered sir. He would have found a way to recover the footage sooner or later. He's their brand of stubborn.
Fox: ... Why did you tell him about what happened that night?
Olly: ...I was hurt. And instead of addressing it properly, I buried my worries beneath my work. So when he confronted me about it, I lashed out...
Fox: ...
Olly: It shouldn't have happened. I should have been a better brother to him.
Fox: I think a lot of his vode before you, should have been better brothers to him. But my opinion on the matter matters little in the end. Just... Make sure you tell him you're sorry.
Olly: ...I will.
Olly, backs out of the office and goes back to work while trying not to think about how Dogma's been obsessively rewatching his cam footage of 79's from the night prior to the Guard rescuing him:
Fox, sighing and going back to signing flimsywork: There has to be a better way to deal with all of this heartache...
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