#this was fun though. i literally don't think i've ever drawn a child before. even as a child my ocs were all mentally ill adult men
tricoufamily · 6 months
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some more sketchy fellows
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jelly1799 · 2 years
About Time
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I'd always enjoyed the finer things in life, from the finest clothes and the most decadent foods to even the most handsome men the ages have ever known.
It was never enough for me, I never stayed in one time long enough to be tied down. Always moving forward, always looking for the next best thing.
In the hundreds of years I've traveled through, my least favorite had to be the one where I met him. I mean, don't get me wrong, the Dark Ages weren't particularly great for anyone and I didn't spend much time there, but it did start something that I wouldn't be able to shake no matter how hard I tried.
The Wilton Diptych.
It's one of the most highly revered and mysterious works from medieval times. It was completed in 1399 and was painted for King Richard II of England, who is shown kneeling before the Holy Virgin and Child, surrounded by angels. The particular artist who painted the Wilton Diptych is unknown, although most art historians and critics believe it was an English or French painter.
But that's all utter bullshit, the annoying man who painted it was not English or French. The man who painted it was none other than Park Jimin, a Korean man who found himself in the continent, with a passion for painting and a sharp tongue that did nothing but grind my gears.
Those in the art community knew the king had commissioned a painting and for me, what finer thing could there be but what was meant for the king?
I had climbed the building under the cover of night, stealthily picking the doors lock to gain entry. My steps, light as a feather, made no noise as I crept into the house. Everything was going well until that insufferable man stubbled out of his bedroom catching me red-handed.
In my haste to hide, I managed to place my hand straight into his tray which still had wet red paint on it. Our eyes met and the man had the audacity to full-on laugh at my pitiful form.
"I don't know if I should be flattered or angry catching you here in my home," he said with a heavy accent.
"I suppose you should forget this incident happened at all," I calmly reply placing my red hand on the table next to the painting, trying to remove the offending liquid.
"Where would the fun be in that though?" his husky voice sounds from right beside me and I've failed at keeping an eye on him.
"Well, for you there would be none, but for me, I'm sure I could make it work," I say turning to face him and I can't stop the stupid gasp that leaves my lips.
He's but a hair's breadth away from me, this man clearly did not know personal space, but the closeness allowed me to gain a better look at his features in the moonlight.
He had dark hair that hung loosely just above his eyes, his eyes the color of a rich walnut tree that bore into me with amusement and a hint of lust. My eyes inadvertently are drawn to his plump pink lips as his tongue runs along his bottom lip.
"I think we could make it a fun time for the both of us," he says with a smirk noticing how my eyes drink in his frame like I haven't had water in 400 years.
"What are you suggesting, Mr...?" I draw out waiting for him to give me a name.
"Park, but you may call me Jimin, pretty lady," his hand reaches up to caress my face and I quickly come to my senses, side-stepping out of his reach.
"Well, Mr. Park, this has been nice and all but I'll have to leave you now," I've positioned myself close enough to the diptych that all I've got to do is grab it and run.
His gorgeous features scowl in confusion and, in the blink of an eye, I'm moving. I snatch up the art and push over the table causing all his supplies to go flying and make a mess.
He curses and scrambles for me only to trip over his own feet clumsily. His eyes meet mine just as I slip out of the door, they are filled with surprise and then rage as I blow him a kiss before disappearing into the night.
The king had issued a warrant out for me, well, he didn't know it was me, but he was looking for the woman whose handprint would match the red one I had left behind.
But like I always did, I stashed away my treasure and moved forward, jumping to the next time period I thought would interest me. Never once looking back, never trying to remember my past.
You see that's the thing about time travel, it sounds great in theory, but my gift came to me without any experience. I first leapt in time at the age of seven, I leapt 100 years into the future alone, scared and totally confused. I was never able to find my family again because, the thing was, I could only go forward. Despite all my effort and research through the different eras, I'd never been able to go backward.
When I arrived in China in 1765 all I wanted to do was heist the square imperial seal that was surmounted by a dragon, made of pale green carved jade and a silk tassel.
I had scouted and made all the preparations, but again was stopped by someone I was not expecting to see ever again.
"Mr. Park?" I exclaim, completely in shock to see him thousands of years after he should have died, looking exactly as he had that night I first met him.
"You?" he asks just as shocked as he goes to grasp me.
I quickly step away making sure to keep at least five feet apart.
"I have many questions but the most pressing one is...why? Why steal from me then and now?" he stops moving and patiently waits for me to answer, as his eyes take in my form slowly.
"Simple," I say as my fingers dance along the jade seal, "I like pretty and shiny things."
"I've been called pretty many times," he says with a smirk and a raise of his brow.
"I don't think you're something I want to collect, you're not... pretty enough," I pick up the seal and his eyes narrow. "But this, on the other hand, is exquisite."
"It's not meant for you," his voice is low as he inches closer.
We are still doing a dance around each other, neither getting close enough to touch, but not far enough to let me have a comfortable escape. I look to my left and see the open window. I calculated the jump down before I even entered the building and I know I'd definitely hurt myself that way, but if I went out I'd be able to get to the roof and climb along the joining building to get away.
I just have get to it...
"I thought I'd met all the immortals still walking the realms," my eyes snap to him curiously.
"Immortals? I'm no immortal."
"Then what else could you be besides one, beautiful?"
I inhale a sharp breath, the nerve of this man to continually flirt with me when I've clearly got the better hand in the situation. The teasing smile on his face and the humor in his eyes shows he doesn't think for a second that I'll be escaping tonight.
"Wouldn't you just love to know," I humor him and allow him to step closer without me moving back.
My hand teasingly traces along his chest and I see him bite his lower lip as he watches me closely. His hand reaches out and I allow him to wrap his strong arm around my waist and pull me flush against him.
"I do believe that's why I asked..." he pauses waiting.
"Grace," I say softly and his smile takes over his gorgeous face.
"Grace," he almost purrs my name. "What a name for a thief."
"I'm no thief!" I argue and he gives my hip a little squeeze.
"No? But you have already stolen my heart."
I can't stop the chortle that erupts from me, it catches him by surprise and I use all my strength to push him back as hard as I can. He falls over the table and I dash to the window, only turning around once I'm assured the seal is tucked safely in my bag.
"Nice to see you, Mr. Park. I hope we never meet again."
"Why?" he groans as he watches me from his prone position on the floor.
Why? He could mean anything. Why steal? Why leave?
"Because I can," I press my hand on the ink pad I carry with me and leave my signature red hand print on the wall beside the window, and disappear into the night.
When I first met Grace I was angry that I had not had the pleasure of spending the night with her. I could care less about the painting for the king, It was just an opportunity for me to practice my skills and make a good income.
However, when I met her again in China, I was angry that again she had duped me. That sly fox had shown me not to underestimate her.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. She shouldn't have had a chance to fool me again. I'd let my lust for her blind me that night, I was not expecting to see her beautiful figure standing in front of me.
It had been at least 800 years since I'd last seen another immortal. The thought of having someone else to discuss the changing world with and also a nice warm body next to me had me totally ignoring the fact that, once again, she was trying to rob me.
I'd let her draw me in that night and made a complete fool out of myself. It was so humiliating I've made it my only goal in life to stop and catch that bewitching beauty. I've met her countless times through the years, sometimes I'd been able to stop her from gaining the art she wanted and for others, I'd completely blown it.
Either way, our cat and mouse game continued. Sometimes I'd meet her a year later and others I'd see her after 20 or so years. Each and every time it ended with her getting away and me longing for her.
"We really should stop meeting like this," I hear her seductive voice caress my ear, and turn to face her quickly.
She doesn't flinch or move back as I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close enough for our lips to almost touch. I always give her the option but not once has she ever taken it. I inhale her scent as she wraps her arms around my neck.
Her powdery aroma surrounds and evades every breath I take and I would happily allow it to smother me.
"Why don't you be a dear and tell me what time I've arrived in?" she says in a soft breath, boops my nose and drops her arms to move past me to elegantly drape herself on the edge of a fountain.
That's one thing I have learned about this mysterious temptress, she was no immortal, instead, she was something I thought had long ago died out, a time traveler. We have made it a habit on planning where she would see me next and I always patiently waited for her to let her know about how things had changed and what to know.
This time was different, we were in America, in the middle of prohibition. The world has changed, and the people have changed. We were no longer in the great depression but that time had caused many to be angry and that anger made them dangerous.
"I know that, Mr. Park. I've been here for a few months," she says bored.
"And you've only now come to see me?" I say offended.
"I got caught up," she answers with a smile and her eyes glaze over.
I know what she means, she wasn't caught up, she was stuck under someone. I could feel the jealousy start to build in my body. Never once did she give me more than a glance, but she had no problem making a move for one of the many strangers she's met.
"Now now, Mr. Park, don't be upset."
She pulls herself up, her long legs gliding over to me, and she wraps her arms around my waist with a playful pout on her full kissable lips.
"Jungkook was a means to an end. I needed him in several different ways."
"Like I care," I lie through my teeth not wanting her to have the upper hand yet again.
She gasps and drops her arms, a frown on her beautiful face, and I physically have to resist the urge to pull her back in.
"Well, I guess that's fine then. I know what I'm going to get and then I'll jump another 10 years," she says with a shrug of her shoulders.
She's leaving already? She's just gotten here, well, at least for me. These usually go on for months before she jumps again. I gotta play it cool, so I tuck my hands into my pockets and lean against the lamp post.
"Perfect, what do I have to stop you from getting now?"
The smile she shows me almost looks wicked and I unconsciously gulp.
"I'll be going after Menin Gate at Midnight."
"Jesus Christ, Grace! You can't be serious," I say heatedly as I stand up straight and stand toe to toe with her.
"I'm deadly serious, it's beautiful, and the danger surrounding it makes it even more appealing," she doesn't back down, she doesn't even blink as I try to intimidate her. But that's the thing about her, she's fearless, bold, and completely reckless.
"Grace, this isn't like the other times," I spit out.
"You're absolutely right, it's not like the other times, that's why little Jungkookie was so important. He was my in, I've seen the painting countless times, I know the house inside and out," she replies smugly.
That's when it clicks who Jungkook is. He's Jeon Jungkook, the son of one of the biggest mafia in New York right now. If something is going down, be it gun trafficking, alcohol sales, or the recent influx of murdered bodies piling up in the streets, you can bet Mr. Jeon has had a part in it.
"Grace, those men are dangerous. You don't know what you're getting yourself into," I'm torn between wanting to grab her to shake some damn sense into her and wanting to kiss her until all her thoughts are of me and not that damn painting.
She groans and rolls her eyes as she side-steps away from me and turns on her heel.
"Catch me if you can, Mr. Park," she calls over her shoulder and again disappears into the night leaving me worried instead of angry.
"You really thought we wouldn't catch on to you? A woman like you would never give my son a chance unless she was after something else," Mr. Jeon spits out as he circles the chair I'm tied to.
"You don't give your son enough credit. He's more of a man than you will ever be and if you're not careful, he will take everything from you in the blink of an eye," I snicker out despite the pain it causes my busted lip.
"You've got a real smart mouth for a woman in your position," he says crouching to be face to face with me.
"What are you going to do? Kill me? Please do it and put me out of my misery," I mean every word I've said. Traveling through time is lonely, I've grown bored, the only excitement I've had over the years has been Jimin.
I wouldn't even call it excitement, it's more like comfort. He's my comfort, always consistently there, waiting for me. But I could never stop and be with him, there's too much between us. He's an immortal and I'll grow old, ugly, and helpless. He'd never want someone like me, so why would I even subject myself to that? Better to just go out with a bang.
Mr. Jeon tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and leans in.
"Worse. I'll make you wish you were dead and then leave you for someone else to find you to do as they wish," he says as if he's whispering words of love.
"How about we leave your little red trademark here?" he motions to the wall, "but instead of ink, we use your blood."
I'm breaking into the house, sneaking through hallways, when I feel the cold barrel of a gun being pushed against my neck.
"What are you doing here?" the voice is threatening and steady.
"I'm just here to get a friend," I whisper as my hands go up showing I mean no harm.
"What friend? Friends usually come through the front door, not through the second-floor window in the middle of the night."
"She's friends with someone here."
"Grace?" the voice says shocked and I whirl around, knocking the gun and pressing the man against the wall.
"Where is she?!" I say angrily pressing him harder into the wall.
"How do you know her?" he asks narrowing his eyes, not even phased that I have him trapped.
"Like I said, she's a friend."
He snorts and I feel my blood boiling at the smug look on his face.
"Some friend you are, letting her come in here alone to do your dirty work."
"If you know Grace at all, you'd know no one can stop her from doing what she wants. Plus she's not alone, I'm here for her."
"You're too late," he says and I see his rugged features soften as he frowns.
"Let me take you to her," I release him and he straightens his shirt before motioning for me to quietly follow him.
He leads me out of the house and we make our way down a bunch of alleys before he stops at a side door of a decrepit building. I watch him put in JJK1 as his code and I realize who I've been following.
"You're Jungkook," he turns and gives me a grin before opening the door and holding it open for me.
"Took you a while to figure that out."
"Why help me?" I ask now suspecting that I've walked into a trap.
"Not helping you. I'm helping her," he motions to a small bed and the even smaller girl lying in the middle of it.
I rush over and I could cry, her beautiful brown locks look almost black with the blood that has dried and matted it. Her face is so swollen and cut up from the beating she received. I pull back the blanket and gasp seeing her clothes are shredded and there are cuts all down her arms and legs. A makeshift split has been placed on her wrist and leg and I'm furious.
I'm so angry. Angry at that disgusting son of a bitch who hurt her, angry at her for not listening and getting hurt, and, most importantly, angry at myself for not making it in time to stop her.
Grace is hardly recognizable, her chest is rising and falling too slowly and not nearly breathing deeply enough for me to feel like she's okay. Her skin is hot to the touch and a steady sheen of sweat coats her pale skin.
"I'll kill him," I say through my clenched teeth.
"I'll help," Jungkook says. His eyes are focused on Grace, filled with rage and something I recognize all too well.
Now's not the time to dwell on it. I nod and he clears his throat as we walk deeper into the warehouse where guns and other weapons are stored.
"Pick your poison and a lot of it. My dad is no novice, he'll be expecting me."
I grab two pistols just as a precaution but load up on as many knives as I can. With the way I'm feeling, I know it will be the up close and personal kill I'll go after. I want to watch the suffering and life go out of their eyes for what they did to my Grace.
"Jungkook?" I question as I see his worried face hovering over me while I feel something damp-wipe across my forehead.
"Yeah baby, it's me," he whispers gently with a soft smile.
"Why?" I croak out.
"I couldn't let you be the one that got away," I frown at his words and hear a snort from behind him that I know all too well.
He steps into my view and his face looks so sullen. He's acquired a few new cuts and bruises on his face but they don't seem to be bothering him. His jaw is clenched, lips pressed tightly together, but his eyes...they are filled with relief and something else I'm not quite sure of.
I struggle to sit up, every part of my body aching and protesting the movements. I cry out the second I put weight on my wrist, almost instantly crumbling back down knowing I've broken the damn thing.
Jungkook frantically helps me, effortlessly shifting me up into a sitting position.
"Relax, beautiful, they broke your leg and your wrist."
He gently rubs my thigh and I see Jimin's eyes dart to the action. I've never been embarrassed with displays of affection and would often thrive in the looks of jealousy others cast as they watched me. But with Jimin it was different, I didn't want him to see, I didn't want him to judge or be jealous.
"It hurts, Kook," I mumble and both men look at me with concern.
"I'll have to make a run to a different warehouse. This one was only meant to be temporary," he says to Jimin who nods.
"I'll be back in no time," Jungkook says and cups my face as he leans in to gently kiss my tender lips.
I watch as he quickly grabs his things and rushes out of the building. My heart is heavy with what I'm about to do. Jungkook was a wonderful man: sweet, kind-hearted, and dangerous when the time called for it. I wasn't lying when I said he would take everything from his father from right under him. I knew he would excel and make the changes New York needed without giving up one inch of the territory his dad had gained.
He couldn't do that with me here. I liked him well enough. He was a wonderful lover and never once treated me badly, but he was soft when it came to me. Gave into each and every one of my whims and I had grown bored rather quickly. I couldn't stay here and hurt him or use him.
"Get me out of here, please, Jimin," I plead and Jimin lets out a sigh.
"You never listen," he says sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Now is not the time," I argue and he holds his hand up to me.
"Now is a perfect time. What the fuck is wrong with you, Grace! Don't you know I could have lost you?! You could have died," he roars out angrily.
I've never heard him raise his voice, not once in the thousands of years I've known him. Not even when I'd left him stuck in a gay brothel, not when I had cut his long hair in the 1800s, and not even when I'd stolen from him and trashed his shop the first time I met him.
"But I didn't, I'm okay," I squeak out more than a little intimidated.
"That's not the point, Grace! This needs to stop!"
I shuffle in the bed, ripping the blanket off of me as I swing my legs over the opposite side of the bed. I go to make my way to try and stand up and he firmly but gently grabs my arm to stop me.
"What are you doing?"
"I need to get out of here. So either you help me or let the fuck go," I hiss out and his shoulders drop in defeat.
He gets up and walks to my side of the bed to effortlessly scoop me into his arms.
"Are you not even going to give the man a proper goodbye?"
"It's better this way," I whisper and rest my head on his chest.
"Where are you going?" I ask as I catch Grace hurriedly packing a bag.
"I've got to go, Jimin, I've been here too long."
"You don't have to go. Jungkook has stopped looking for you, it's been nine months," I argue.
"That's already too long. Too long here and too long with you," she says and I flinch at her words.
Grace was in no state to jump when we left Kook's warehouse and the first few months of her healing were hard on both of us. I wanted to help and she'd rather eat a live rat than accept it. She'd rebroken her wrist when she stubbornly tried to shower on her own and even ended up getting a bout of sepsis from not dressing her wounds properly.
But when she was on death's door, she finally let me in and the last few months had been peaceful and probably the happiest moments in my whole life. We still got on like fire and oil, we both enjoyed riling the other up but, in between our childish bickering, there were long talks about the places we've been, the people we knew and I found her laughing a lot more freely than I ever had before.
We had even talked about going back to England and seeing if we could find the exact place my original shop was, the future was looking good for the two of us.
"Grace, you don't have to go," I reach out for her, and like the dance we both know oh so well, she side steps away from me.
"I can't stay here, I can't stay with you," she snaps and I can see the hurt in her eyes.
"You don't have to run from me, Grace," I say gently and she huffs out a laugh.
"Who's running, Mr. Park? I'm just doing what I've always done. You know I can't stay in one place for very long," she throws her bag over her shoulder and pulls on her boots.
"We can move, we can go to another country, you don't have to jump," I say and step in front of the door trying to stop her.
"Don't look for me, Mr. Park," I reach out grabbing her hands and she quickly closes her eyes, a lone tear manages to escape and rolls down her cheek.
"Grace, please don't do this," I plead, my body shaking and heart racing so fast it might just beat out of my chest.
And, in the in the second it takes for my eyes to blink, she's gone, poofed right out of my existence.
The year is 5398 and I never saw Jimin again.
Granted I did stop thieving altogether, I didn't want him to have the chance to find me again. I'd made the best choice possible at the time, I was lost, bitter, and angry and the only thing that made me feel somewhat sane and stable was him.
But I couldn't be reliant on him, I could only rely on myself, and staying and becoming attached to him would only hurt me. I could already feel myself falling for him in those months it took me to heal. I had shared too much of myself, let him in too deep. I actively found myself waiting for him to come home, to tell me about his day and eat the dinner I had prepared for us.
I was making a home with him, he was becoming my home. The only memory I'd ever had of home was that it wouldn't last, it could be ripped away from you as fast as you closed your eyes. So I did the smart thing, the best thing, I left and learned to rely only on myself again.
There was a time in the 2000s when I'd let a man in named Taehyung. There was something in the way he cared and teased me that reminded me of Jimin. I had stayed with him the longest out of all the lovers I ever had, but nothing and no one could ever make me forget Jimin.
As time has passed, I've grown bored of jumping. I've let time pass as it should and it's been four actual years. I've learned to appreciate life for the moments it gives me, but they are lonely.
I've found my thoughts circling back to the annoying man I once knew. The man who always had a witty comment to throw back at me, the man who never once took himself or me too seriously. The man who had cared and, damn, the man who loved me despite seeing and knowing of all my flaws and faults.
Jimin loved me, I knew it for sure the day I was leaving. I knew when he was fighting for me to stay, fighting to make things work how I needed, and I was scared. Scared of what that love meant, so I jumped and I've regretted it ever since.
I was too stupid and stubborn to admit it back then, so I never looked or went to familiar places. Now that all I can think about is him, I find myself back in England, wandering down some less than ideal streets looking for a building I know has long been destroyed.
But tucked between two massive warehouses is a two-story shop I recognize. It looks almost identical to the one that stood there thousands of years ago. It's the middle of the night and, well, old habits die hard.
I find myself scaling the side of the building and stealthily picking the lock on the door. The moonlight casts shadows of the furniture that sits in the house. My breath catches as I see a painting sitting on an easel in the middle of the room.
Menin Gate at Midnight
"I don't know if I should be flattered or angry catching you here in my home," a voice says from behind me.
"I suppose you should forget this incident happened at all," I calmly reply despite my heart racing faster than that of the Usain Bolt guy.
"Where would the fun be in that though?" his husky voice sounds from right beside me and I clutch my chest trying to steady my heart.
"Well, for you there would be none but, for me, I'm sure I could make it work," I say turning to face him a small smile on my face as I remember having this exact conversation the first time I ever met him.
"Grace," he says softly reaching out to hold me in his arms.
"Mr. Park," I whisper back allowing him to pull me in close.
"I've missed you so much, you have no idea how long I've been here waiting for you."
"I'm sure it couldn't have been that long. I've only just arrived in this time period...umm, like four years ago," I say sheepishly.
"And you're only just finding me now?" he says with a fake gasp and I can't help the laugh that escapes me.
"I stole it for you the day you left me," he says motioning with his chin to the painting.
"I thought if I got you the thing you wanted most in the world, you'd come back to me. But you never did..." he says sadly and I shake my head.
"That's not what I've wanted most in the world."
"What is it? Name it and I'll get it for you," he answers quickly as his arms tighten around me.
"I wanted a home," I say wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tight as I bury my face in his neck.
"Grace," he starts and I hush him taking his face between my hands as I stare him right in the eyes.
"I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry for running. I've wanted a home, someone to love me and care for me, and the second I got a glimpse of it, I got scared and bolted. But I'm here and...um, well, Jimin it's jus...you're it. You're my home and, if you'll have me, I'd like to stay," I rush out and try to gauge the blank look on his face.
"Hmm, I'm not too sure. I mean, now that I think about all you have put me through...remember that time you left me in the gladiator pits?" he says dropping his arms and backing away from me.
My face drops and I feel the tears start to build in my eyes. Damn, I knew better than this. I shake my head turning my back to him because I'll be damned if I let this stupid, arrogant, kind, son of a bitch see me cry.
I feel his arms snake around me as his chin rests on my shoulders.
"I'm only kidding, Grace. I've wanted you since we met here all those years ago. Now that you're here, I'll never let you go."
"What about when I grow old and ugly?" I stutter out no longer able to stop my tears.
"I don't think you'll ever be ugly, but even when you're old, I'll never want someone else."
I turn around in his embrace and he gently wipes the tears from my eyes. Our gazes hold each other's and he leans in like always, giving me the opportunity to make the final move and, this time, I don't buckle.
I lean in connecting our lips and kissing him with all the love and passion I have for him. We are both breathless when we pull apart and he's smiling before he moves to kiss me again.
"It's about time," he says between kisses and I giggle as we make our way to his room knowing he's absolutely right.
Grace was everything I could ever want and more. She never jumped again in her life despite the times she really wanted to because of fights or things happening in the world. She stayed, every single day with me and eventually our children.
We built a life, a home, together. Our children gaining gifts from both of us, immortal life from me, and time jumping from her. We were always open and honest with them about them and neither child jumped until long after their mother passed.
Grace aged with beauty, even when her body became frail and her hair had turned grey, she was breathtaking. I never loved her any less and stayed with her 'til the very end. It's been a couple of thousand years since she's gone but I still remember the feeling of her lips pressed against mine and the smell of irises.
I have traveled with our children and seen them grow. I've met them in times I'd never thought I'd see, but nothing compares to my time with her. I think now it's time though. Our children no longer need me, having created families of their own. I think it's time to go home now, to my Grace.
Our family home has passed through the generations always remaining a safe haven, a place to rest and come home for when I need it or when our children jump. I've said my goodbyes and explained what should happen next now that I will go. I lay in our bed, with your favorite painting hanging above it, all of Grace's other collectibles having been donated to different museums after digging them out of her hidey holes she had scattered all over the world. I sip on the drink allowing the poison to do its job, it will finally end it all and take me home.
Home to her...
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