#this was then followed by an unrelated dream about a plane crash where i spent the whole thing in a damp field
isaacathom · 1 year
had a dream about three sisters tracking down magical artifacts
the three of them were referred to as Brain, Minnie, and Books. They're in the range of 13-18, all attending a fancy local high school with velvet green blazers. It's a beautiful seaside city, full of gorgeous views of the bay and many little alleyways.
In the morning, they all get ready for school, with Brain and Books having some fun at Minnie's expense bc she can't get her hair to stop being a curly mess. None of them head upstairs, where their parents are.
On the way to school, they take a detour to a cafe downtown, navigating over rooftops and down scaffolding to shave off time. Brain prompts Books to offer the owner (a friend of theirs) a rare (and illegal) monster she found outside town. When the trio realise a family has overheard them, Brain distracts with some idle chatter before picking up a small statue of a hand doing a peace sign, which she uses to cast a spell. abruptly, like 9 of the family vanish, and the remaining two or so stumble off in confusion, evidently unaware what has just transpired.
The gals continue on, and it's established the spell Brain did was something she only had access to because of items called 'Vitalis', which are these stange statues with two gnarled points that, when pricked, irreversibly grant the individual power.
The trio have, over the course of some years, found 8 of these things, but have not distributed them evenly. Brain interacted with 4, Books with 3, and Minnie with just 1. Another fun thing about the Vitalis is that their powers are exponential. Vitalis 1 granted 2 power, Vitalis 2 granted 4, etc. This makes Brain and Books roughly evenly matched because of the alternating, while Minnie has a measly 4 power. This is by choice, i think.
Later, the group do find Vitalis 9, which Minnie interacts with in order to stop someone else getting to it (as its by this time that people have apparently Noticed that the trio are unreasonably strong and thus may actually be finding these ancient all-powerful artifacts, and some weird shits going on). This actually makes Minnie the strongest by default bc of how exponents work, which is cool.
There wasn't really a strong plot going on here beyond three sisters parkouring through a pretty city looking for magic artifacts and getting into some hijinks. Later on i vaguely developed the idea that the disparity between Minnie and her sisters was because she had left to study abroad, which was reflected in her accent being notably different to her siblings. who knows, man.
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