#this was totally not for valentines that I procrastinated and screwed up on
bibliosexxual · 2 years
Happy belated holidays, Sterek fandom! :) This week I moved 11 more of my Sterek tumblr fics over to AO3. I’ve been procrastinating about this for LITERAL YEARS, but a combination of quarantine stir-craziness and tumblr’s new blocked tags feature finally spurred me to work on it. (It just emphasizes to me how much safer AO3 probably is than Tumblr for saving your writing long-term, although we’ll see how things go?) 
Now that I’ve added them, I see my collection of tumblr fic totals almost 89k words, which is just... wow. I really had had no idea I’d written that much, but it’s a good feeling. 
So for anyone who subscribes to me on AO3, the fic spamming is over!  And for anyone who missed it, here are the fics:
the pool party - T - 2.2k words
“Do you think I’m ready for fatherhood?” Stiles asks, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He’s not freaking out about this. He’s not.
Boyd says flatly, “Stilinski, you’re twenty-one years old. You’re supposed to know how to use a condom by now.“
Stiles’ hand spasms and he accidentally squirts a huge glob of ketchup on his mound of curly fries. Fuck. He has the ideal ketchup-to-curly-fry ratio down to a science, and this is not it. “No, absolutely not what I meant. It’s just. Did you know Derek had a kid?”
the test - M - 1.2k words
Out of necessity, Derek has fine-tuned a few simple tests for anyone he goes on a first date with.
the cucumber - T - 600 words
Derek purchases a cucumber the night before Valentine’s Day. Stiles probably should have kept his mouth shut about it.
a first kiss - G - 400 words
(College AU) Derek has never had much luck with first kisses, until Stiles.
the roommate - G - 1.8k words
Stiles finds a new roommate on Craigslist. He's a little... unusual? Serial-killery?
at the museum - T - 2.3k words
Derek and Stiles run into each other for the first time since high school, while they’re both on dates with other people.
prince in training - T - 2.8k words
(Princess Diaries AU) Stiles thought the most annoying thing about suddenly being a royal heir to a small eastern European kingdom he’s never heard of would be the hyper-aggressive paparazzi, but he was dead wrong.
The most annoying thing is actually Derek Hale, the guy Stiles’ grandmother hired to teach Stiles how not to screw this up.
draw me like one of your french girls - M - 3.5k words
Derek is struck by a sudden inspiration. "All right,” he interrupts, gripped by a wild impulsiveness, “I’ll do it.” (Stiles’ mouth drops open.) “But, but only if you’re naked, too.”
Stiles swallows visibly. “Uh,” he rallies, “oh. Okay. That’s fair. Deal. You will be nude and I… will also be nude. Cool beans. Okay.”
and they were roommates - T - 1.7k words
Derek invites Stiles to crash on his couch until he can find a place of his own. Except Stiles doesn’t seem to be leaving.
on a flight to better things - T - 900 words
Stiles and Derek meet on a flight to Maui. 
(s)he - G - 1.7k words
(HS AU) Stiles is in the school play and Derek is a big fan.
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cacoethesfaciendi · 5 years
responding to lo’s 25* book-inspired asks, part 1
aka the series of posts where tai overthinks and overanalyzes and then rambles for the possible entertainment of at most five people
*25 in the interest of drama but also because @ahmortentia was genuinely intrigued by the questions and/or had read the book
stargirl, by jerry spinelli
do you value uniqueness?
yes, and i feel like i should explain why. see, as humans, we all share certain characteristics. a certain elemental composition, a specific bone structure, a variety of organs, opposable thumbs, a conspicious lack of a tail, the distinct ability to experience a wide range of emotions - the list goes on and on. but at the same time, each human is also a unique combination of factors in a sort of proportion specific to each individual. there are currently a lot of humans. like... a lot of them. there have also been a lot of humans ever since the first human walked out of the ocean after saying goodbye to the fish (because that’s how that went, obviously). and yet, somehow, nobody is or ever was exactly like anyone else (this is a statement that holds true unless it is applied to clones, skrulls, androids, or odysseus). so although it’s also important to remember that we have similarities, i feel that recognizing that we are all unique is what makes us who we are because it’s the differences between us that sort of define us. tl;dr: uniqueness gives each of us an identity, and that’s why i value it.
pride and prejudice, by jane austen
are you romantic?
this is a question that’s interesting for me to talk about because i first have to define what romantic means to me. i could, for example, interpret this as asking whether i have an idealized perception of reality, which- i do not. i could also think briefly on whether i characterize myself as part of a late 18th century artistic movement. my conclusion is no. however, all of this consideration of other interpretations of this question is in truth me trying to ignore that this is very obviously a question about me being romantic in a relationship way, evidenced by the fact that it’s a pride and prejudice themed question. if i were to answer without thinking, i suppose i would say no, because why would someone who has no interest in romance be romantic? however, a pacifist may also be rather skilled at fighting so it’s apparently not quite that simple. so let’s see... being romantic as i understand it is about the expression of love, right? having established that, and giving it a bit more thought, i have thus far concluded that i am at the very least maybe a valentine’s day type of romantic in that i would totally go all out with the love languages to show my appreciation for those that i care about and celebrate my strong relationships with and emotions toward people? also i do artistic things for people after being inspired by them... does that make me romantic? i’m not sure. i think the takeaway here is: romance? i don’t know her
the lightning thief, by rick riordan
what would you be the god/goddess of?
this is not an easy question to answer - not that any of these are. but for this in particular, there are just so many things. i could be the goddess of everything from a specific personality trait to emus. i could name myself the patron of the specific group of people who procrastinate too much or the protector of the poor souls who get lost in costco. i could be the deity that deals with that inarticulate emotion of aaaaaaasocutesquishplease that wells up in your chest until you sort of want to emit a high pitched noise but also makes you want to go and hug and protect whatever it is you’ve seen with your life. i could also just be the goddess of long convoluted rambles because... yikes. really though, i’m not quite sure. i guess in terms of things that are really important to me, i would want to sort of be responsible for platonic love because philotes is a goddess that exists and she’s all friendship and affection and good things and all but also she is possibly the spirit of the act of copulation so.. yeah
lord of the flies, by william golding
what motivates you best?
i think it’s the prospect of having or being able to have a positive impact on people’s lives that motivates me most, and while i hope to one day feel that making myself happy is a priority, for the time being i will continue to do everything i can so that i can keep making those that i love smile. i recognize that it’s not perhaps the best thing to sort of always place myself in service to people, to value myself in terms of how much i can do for others, but i think that’s what i was taught, and as long as i have people like my friends in my life to keep that pure, i’ll be okay. because at least with my friends, doing things that benefit me is a way to make them happy as well - others in my life say that they’d be happy if i sacrificed my health and personality so... yikes
flowers for algernon, by daniel keyes
how much potential do you think you have?
i don’t know. i suppose that i’ve been told i have a lot, but some would also say that it’s unfortunate that i was the person to receive so much potential, which really makes me feel as though i don’t have any considering that i’m being told that i’m incapable of using it. others who say i have a lot of potential have a lot of belief in me, which i’m so very grateful for. and yet that thought terrifies me. i feel like i’m letting people down a lot in that respect, because i want to prove them right and achieve all the big things that they say i’m capable of, but i’m also scared that i’m actually a screw up and things. and then sometimes i find myself wasting the opportunities i’m given? which is just a source of a lot of regret. in truth, i think everybody has a lot of potential, because everybody is technically capable of so much. and looking at myself and considering my base traits, my circumstances, my resources, and my support system, i want so badly to say that that’s true for me too. i want to confidently say that i have a lot of potential, because it seems to make sense that i would. but do i truly believe that? unfortunately, i don’t think i do. so i guess i just don’t know
so that’s the first set of five questions - only four more to go lmao
hoping everyone’s having a good day! (and lo, i’m hoping that the frozen food has been helping with everything) (also without caps, your name looks like the name of a moon/the name of a certain love interest of zeus that got turned into a cow)
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