#this would be applicable in scenarios like parking like a dick or
banditree-andy · 1 year
Less cops and more groups of teenagers to stand there and call you a loser and laugh at you
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jj-ktae · 4 years
(M) Squirt Pro Quo
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Banner : courtesy of  @jaebeomsmullet​
Pairing : Bambam x Fem!Reader Genre : Smut (Oral, body fluids, penetration, raw language) Words : 2669 Saturday nights are the busiest ones and starting midnight, most party-goers are either drunk or comatose, if not both. Tonight though, as you are taking your last fare, one regular customer enters your taxi with a whole new destination he wishes to penetrate into. 
This scenario is part of The Pleasure Chest ~ A Cringe Fest Collaboration
Squirt Pro Quo
You will never understand people who drink until they collapse.
Alcohol is a good way to make a party wilder but what is the point of wasting all this money if you’re going to forget about what actually happened? It’s part of your job, taking care of drunk customers who get left under your care like it’s your duty to make sure they make it home safely.
You have no other choice though. It is part of the job; no driver can drop a dead weight on the street and leave.
But how many times do you have to do this every weekend? It’s tiring and it fills your car with disgusting odours of liquor you wouldn’t even pay to drink. The application is beeping every five minutes with new requests. It’s the end of the night and people are more and more wasted, turning fares into a chore you wish you could live without.
It’s good money though. Weekends are good money.
This is what you tell yourself when you take the last fare. Money is needed. You might even get tipped. You usually check who you’re taking; you never know what type of person could enter your car. Some are regular users, others are new. You often pick the ones you at least took one time, just to make sure.
Drunk people aren’t only hard to deal with, they apparently gauge their level of attractiveness accordingly to the number of shot they drank.
You stop by one of the familiar nightclub, phone laying on the passenger seat and already signalling your customer that you are waiting. You turn the music off, just in case you end up with someone who thinks you’re holding an after party in your car.
You see a few people stumble and laugh at their clumsiness, others are dancing to no music at all and oh is that a man peeing against that tree?
“I’m late I’m late-, oh it’s you!” The voice makes you stop judging the bystanders to look at your rear-view, where one of your regular customers is looking for the seatbelt.
You should have seen it coming; there was not a week when you didn’t take him back home. He always goes out of the same club, looking like a hot mess and being overly flirty.
He also gives huge tips.
“Am I the last customer?” said boy asks, finger pressing the button to lower the back window. He takes a deep breath and you suspect he is feeling nauseous.
You start the engine, nodding and sighing heavily when a guy almost falls right in front of your car, in the middle of the road. “Tough night?” You try.
Bambam shrugs. “The usual routine night, alcohol, dancing, doing weird things.” his comeback is only funny to him and he notices it, because you see him nod toward the back of your head. “How about you?”
“The usual routine night, alcohol, puking, doing weird things.” You joke back, stopping at a red stop and looking at the rear view again. “I can’t wait to go to sleep.”
“Do you ever party?”
You shrug, barely turning around to look at him. “When I see how you people end up puking and having no dignity, I wonder if I ever will.”
Bambam laughs, dodging your remark with ease. “You’re too pretty to collapse on the streets anyways.”
“Always the smooth talker.”
“Yet you refuse to give me your phone number.”
You pull up at another red stop, feet pressing the brake hard just to shake him a little bit.
Bambam jumps, his pitiful whine quickly replaced by another pick-up line. “I love girls who know how to handle big engines.” he smirks afterward, a brow wiggling up in an obvious attempt to be lascivious.
“You whistle, amused.” This is what you say to the girls in that nightclub, right?”
“None of them hold the gear level the way you do.”
To this you laugh. Bambam always does the same thing; he flirts and flirts until you almost give in before leaving a big tip on the backseat and offering numerous winks.
Tonight, he seems different, though. Almost serious.
“How many car metaphors do you have?”
“Probably less than your horsepower.” He says, taking the seat belt off to lean toward the driver’s seat. “You obviously have a lot going on under that hood.”
You chuckle, taking a turn before stopping again. How many more red lights will you have to deal with?
Bambam feels your irritation, for his hands reach your shoulders to massage your tense muscles. “You’ve never been this cranky, what happened?”
“Nothing, I’m just tired.”
He presses harder, his lean finger feeling like heaven. He does have some skills. “So it is probably a bad time to tell you that I forgot my wallet at the nightclub?”
You turn around abruptly, forcing him to stop massaging you and looking bewildered. “You what?”
“I just noticed, it’s not in my pocket anymore.” He doesn’t even look panicked and merely makes an apologetic face.
“How are you going to pay- great, I will never have that money, right?” You should have known. Turning on the feature I take cash on the application was a very stupid move.
“Well…” Bambam starts, not really getting the part where you would need so little money when you can have him in your car. “I could give you the money next time or…”
You stop, nodding toward him to make him continue.
“Or I could make you relax.”
The light turns green and thankfully there’s no one behind you because you’ve been proposed...sex in exchange of a free ride?
Bambam’s hand finds your shoulder again. “Look at that awful pout. Such a beautiful car body yet such a bad temper…”
You see the way he enjoys the teasing and the way his eyes lit up when you frown at him. He likes it when it’s a losing battle, it seems.
But it might not be that much of a losing battle when the probability of hot sex in your own car crosses your mind.
You lack too much sleep. It has to be the reason why your pussy is clenching.
“Love, the light is green, or you probably would like me to-”
You turn around before he can finish, pressing the accelerator so hard it plasters him again your leather seat.
Bambam laughs, your uneasiness more amusing than disturbing.
He finally looks confused when you don’t turn left like you should be doing. You see him cross his legs, eyes boring into you through the rear view.
“I live the other way” he tries, amused.
“Did you think I would go all the trouble of accepting that fare and leave without getting anything in return?” You answer, irritation mixed with a sudden urge to destroy Bambam’s smug face.
And smug he is, with his lip-smacking and quiet nodding. He lets you take him where you want, still slightly surprised that you finally accepted his overtures.
You stop near a tiny park. The road is empty if not for a couple of taxi, already going around town to pick the last partygoers.
No one is walking by this side of the park so early, either.
You turn around when the engine stops, observing a curious Bambam who is checking outside to test the waters.
“Now how about I lubricate the camshaft?” You lift a brow and earn an impressed look from Bambam, who wastes no time reaching for your seat bell to free your body. His clothes create funny sounds against the leather but he is already too caught-up in the act.
Instead he pulls you at the back of the car with much difficulty.
“Babe, I don’t need no GPS do get into your pants.”
And it is true. Bambam pops your jacket’s buttons with one snap of his fingers and pulls on your sleeves to let it fall. His long coat is easily forgotten when you straddle him and sneak your hands under the thick fabric to let it slide off his shoulders.
He grabs your hips, leaning properly against the leather seat and creating more questionable sounds. They all fall to deaf ears though, especially when he raises his pelvis to make you feel how aroused he is.
“Which gear do you think I’m at?” He teases, head dipping to lick the curve of your neck. His thick lips feel like fire and even cause tiny desperate thrusts against his now hard dick.
“I’m not sure...but you might need to slow down before your engine goes overheating.”
He laughs, warm breath tickling your moist and sensitive skin.
Your clothes fall rapidly, piling on the carpeting and each layer reveals an even better view, Bambam thinks. He lets you return the favour, manoeuvring his hips when you start pulling on his expensive Gucci belt to reach for his ripped jeans’ zipper.
Fog paints the back windows –and you wonder when did he even pull if back up- , hiding your shadows and allowing Bambam to open your bra without you being too conscious about anyone seeing you.
You lean back when your breasts meet the chill air, your hands leaving the bulge in his boxers. Bambam stares for the longest time, his eyes obviously drawn to your nipples, now perky and oh-so-inviting.
You roll your hips against him when he grabs one of your breast and wraps his mouth around a nipple. A satisfied sigh leaves your parted lips and your back arches, automatically sticking more of you against him. The boy welcomes you gladly, bringing you even closer while subtly grazing his lips over your skin.
You jump, giving him a particularly hard thrust in the process and he can only groan, before sucking hard in retaliation.
He is not going to get a free fare and tease you.
Bambam releases your nipple with a popping sound when you part from him. He stays seated, looking at you questioningly as you get up from his lap.
“Let’s check that dipstick before it goes into the oil hole.” You wink seductively, your inhibition out the window as you pull on his boxer’s elastic to free his painful hard-on.
Bambam hisses, your cool fingers short-circuiting his already poorly functioning brain. Two pumps are enough to turn him into a mess of thrusts and grunts, your grip a little bit too tight if he wants to last long enough to keep his promise.
But you don’t seem to care for you lean - and hit your knee against the seat - to gobble his dick in one go.
Bambam jerks away, head shaking violently. “Easy,” he breathes, eyes glued to your parted lips, now against that one very swollen vein.
The feeling is too exciting. The situation is nothing but thrilling; anyone could walk by and see you, kneeling in the back of your car and feasting on a man’s cock. It feels wrong, like you shouldn’t mix work and pleasure but at the same time, you’re merely paying yourself for that free ride.
Bambam is breathing heavily, the tip of his cock turning redder with each stroke of your tongue, now flat against him. He lets you have your fun, satisfied with his self-control. He would love to fill your mouth right there and then. You’d look so beautiful, with a string of semen dripping from your chin.
You look up when you feel his finger threading into your hair. It’s too delicate to be one of a horny man but it isn’t unpleasant; you definitely don’t know him enough to allow any sort of choking with his thick dick.
Surprisingly, the thought doesn’t bother you.
“Touch me,” he adds, “pull on me like you pull on that handbrake.” he demands, now at your mercy. Your hand automatically goes to his navel and travels down until it reaches the base of his cock.
“Like this?” You ask candidly, hand devastating as you pull on his dick way too hard.
It almost hurts, but Bambam enjoys every second of it. “Just like this…”
You keep going, alternating between hard sucking and dick pulling and Bambam grabs your chin when he finds himself reaching his peak
“Turn around.” He adjusts himself on the seat and grabs your hips. Your head hits the ceiling in the process and Bambam has to spread his legs even wider if he wants you to keep a good position.
You end up looking ahead, eyes going wide when you notice how clean the windshield is; anyone could see you, bent into your car and ready to impale yourself on a guy.
“Come on, sit on me babe…” You hear Bambam’s needy whispers and you comply, aligning yourself perfectly and feeling him enter you with a switch motion. “...ride me.”
You moan, the position tiring but also offering one of the best angle you’ve ever experienced. You do exactly as he says, your butt bouncing rapidly on his lap and allowing him to nestle his dick into you to the hilt.
And nothing more happens, nothing more but the sound of wet skin and pleasured moans. You end up grabbing the head-rests for balance when your legs start to quiver and Bambam decides to end your misery.
He feels the signs of release, so powerful they are tickling his legs and hips. Everything gets too hot, too satisfying to resist the urge to fill you up.
And that’s what he does, when he can’t take it no more.
You feel it, the warm semen and the jolting legs informing you of what is happening.
Bambam gives one final thrust, his head falling back and body sweating.
It was mind-blowing.
You’re about to protest. How dare he finish before he even-
“We’re not done.”
You find yourself being pulled back on the seat, his cum dripping on your thighs and you’re sure the leather is going to be ruined but you’re also curious.
“Let me take you somewhere nice.”
He has difficulties moving and you totally blame it on how long his legs are but he doesn’t complain, even if he looks ridiculous with his pants down and shiny dick.
He spreads your legs and somehow finds himself between them. His finger graze the wet skin and you cannot help but blush at how satisfied he seems to be when he looks at his own cum staining your beautiful skin.
“So fucking pretty…” he muses, fingers reaching for your engorged pussy to thrust two fingers into you.
You close your eyes, legs shivering when he picks up the pace and starts ramming into you. You hear him grunt, like he is enjoying this as much as you.
And he is. “You know what works best with overheating engines?” He looks up at you and tries to get up. His voice is a tad deeper and sensual, like he is going to completely end you. He grips the seat and ends up towering you, his hand now allowing him to press his thumb against your clit while finger-fucking you.
You shake your head, eyes glued to his predatory smile and shiny eyes.
He accelerates his hand, stimulating you more and more with his stroke. “Coolant.” His hand goes crazy, so fast it’s almost unbearable.
You scream, hips shaking from the hectic thrusts and you don’t expect to cum this hard.
So hard you are now squirting all over Bambam.
He looks down, admiring his masterpiece and stimulates you even more to keep you going until there’s nothing but a trickle of cum, ridiculous and dripping down the seat.
You keep your eyes closed, the realisation of what happened hitting you like a truck - or so to speak.
Bambam sits back, his hands grabbing your exhausted legs to let them rest on his half-clothed lap. “How about I never get my wallet back?” he tries, his cheeky smile tearing a tired snort out of you.
“You’ll have to because my car is a mess now.”
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starcityhq · 3 years
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Bruce Banner and Tim Drake knew they couldn’t ignore the alarming level of gamma radiation permeating the city since NOVA’s departure. Their concerns were brought to Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers, along with detailed reports and explanations. However, no one could ignore the greatest possible threat presented to them: a nuclear bomb. 
Things moved quickly after that. A small team was assembled to infiltrate NOVA’s Headquarters for information, but to also be prepared for a confrontation. No one knew how much time they had. The situation was dire. This time, however, they wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. Scott Summers stayed behind with a group of mutants - mutants prepared and equipped to shield the city in case of nuclear disaster. A second group remained in Star City man comms and funnel information between parties. Throughout it all, the public remained unaware of the underlying crisis.
But not for long.
As the mission is underway, citizens are enjoying what they believe to be a nice, normal day. The air is cool and crisp, but the sun is shining. It’s a beautiful day for a little chaos. 
At least, that’s what Joker thinks. And after so much buildup, he’s ready to unleash his little plan on the world. In the dead of night the day before, he had sent his men out to rig up a giant screen concealed within a billboard which looked like it was advertising for a new play going up called “The Main Event.” Identical boards were positioned carefully throughout the high trafficked areas in the city.
Joker straightens his tie as he prepares to help Star City greet the day with a gripping drama he has created all by himself. There are so many ways this could have gone awry. If Superman had come after him that day after the park with Lucy. If Anton Satan has taken his warning a little more seriously. If Rick Flagg had caught him during the Kryptonite heist shrouded by the chaos of the riots after the NOVA explosion. He would have to thank all of his supporting actors: Scarecrow, Kite-Man, Harley, of course, and even Money Shot—Payload—for their contributions, but it would be Joker reaping the benefits.
3...2...1… Showtime.
A gloved finger flicked a switch on his control board and Joker kicked back to wait as his goons lured Superman to his location. The billboards all over the city were suddenly graced with his face.
“What a beautiful morning to you, Star City,” an all too familiar voice echoes from every television set in the city. All the places the broadcast avenues he had jacked would have reached. Television sets, streaming, and of course, the electronic billboards in the streets all feature his pearly whites and the sinister grin that accompanies them.
“Since it’s been so long since you and I have had a proper show, I figured you had to be missing me terribly. All this chaos and not even a little bit of fun to cut the ugly? It’s a crime worse than any that I could commit. We all need a little laughter once and a while or I’ve found that we have the tendency to… just explode.”
“Things have certainly been in a whirlwind since we last spoke, haven’t they? Barely any time to laugh at all. Those heroes all need to unwind once and awhile, just like us, but it must just feel soooo out of control. So… how about we do a little favor to one of the guys that puts in so many hard hours for us doing big big favors? Ladies and gentleman, for your viewing pleasure, I’ve set up a little game for none other than the Man of Steel himself to give him back all the control he needs.”
“I’ve come to learn,” he said, more for the benefit of the onlookers than Superman, who could also hear him speaking now, “that Superman is really more of a family man than any of us could ever have guessed. But which is more important? Family or fellowship? After all, you all look to Supes, don’t you? Would he choose the needs of the many or the needs of the favored? Strap a bomb to a man’s family or under a man’s city, and then the choices really get tough. Maybe control’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”
And with that, Joker has taken control of the bomb.
This event will have teams in different locations. If you would like to be added to a team or if you would like to be switched to a different team, please message an admin and let us know!
MEMBERS: Bruce Wayne, Steve Rogers, Diana Prince, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Erik Lehnsherr, Wanda Maximoff, Anna Raven, Jihl Nabel, Bucky Barnes, Dick Grayson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, & Tommy Shepherd.
LOCATION: NOVA’s new Headquarters, 500 miles outside of Star City.
OBJECTIVE: Infiltrate NOVA for information on the location of a possible nuclear weapon. Use force if necessary.
MEMBERS: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Roy Harper, Donna Troy, & Airen Ravencroft.
LOCATION: Wayne Manor.
OBJECTIVE: Provide ground support and gather information for Team A. 
MEMBERS: Scott Summers, Bobby Drake x 2, Julian Keller, Gabby Kinney, Nathan Summers, Emma Frost, & Quentin Quire.
LOCATION: District X.
OBJECTIVE: Prepare for the worst case scenario should the bomb go off.
Any character not on a team is free to react to the bomb threat however you’d like! Remember that Star City is an island. There is a single bridge and a ferry, but with the ensuing panic, no one is getting anywhere any time soon. Feel free to have your character stuck in traffic, on the ferry, ect., or message the main if you’d like ideas on how to participate! There are plenty of heroes and villains still in the city to help out/wreck more havoc!
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NOTE: You are welcome to complete threads (group or otherwise) on discord or on the dash!
And with that, our event has begun! It will run JANUARY 31ST, 6:30PM EST to FEBRUARY 14TH, 6:30PM EST. Please make sure you are tracking and using the “STARCRADIOACTIVE” and “STARCEVENT” tags for event posts and are answering open starters in addition to posting your own! Please do not start non-event threads during this time without permission from the admins. As always, admins reserve the right to accept character applications at any time during the event rather than just during the typically scheduled two days a week. Keep an eye out for plot drops!
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devoutbrother · 5 years
💘 bella and arthur!!!
💊 ❀ ✿ ❦  SHIP HEADCANONS!  |  @lil-miss-romano​ !
where they first met and how:
We’ve plotted this on Discord before! Since Arthur can barely drive anymore since the Joy has sort of made him forget – not to mention cars were getting less and less in business the further the war harmed Britain / Wellington Wells, he can’t really have any other mode of transportation but his feet and the bus. They met at the bus station after Arthur caught Bella’s eye. Most likely from his large nose and facial expressions. 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved:
Probably for a long time. Arthur is really open when it comes to his emotions which you’ve noticed from our plotting. So he’s really into doing things for people and he’s really into making sure the person he likes knows he cares for them. For example, he gave Prudence a “Welcome Back,” card from her “holiday trip.” Not to mention Prudence mentioned how Arthur would give her googly eyes all day long.
I wholeheartedly believe that Arthur gave Bella cards and poems when they saw each other. He would make some for her and anticipate her at the bus stop. Head up and not stuck in a book or newspaper. He would make little trinkets for her and mail them to her eventually. And when they’re on the bus together, Arthur would always stare at her as she looks out the window.
who fell for who first ( if applicable ):
Oh, Arthur. Most certainly. Because of his emotional personality, I have absolutely no doubts that when he started liking her, he liked her. Hard. And he would again, show it through his actions. Making her little things and just complimenting her and staring at her.
where their first date was and what it was like:
We’ve plotted this too! They walk together to a cafe and eat together. Bella asks about Arthur’s job and his articles and how it’s going. And since she seems to have such an undying interest in literature and writing, he would love talking with her. They would sit and talk for hours and hours and then by the time they’re done, Arthur would be worried about going home and finishing a project he has to do. So he’d unfortunately probably not walk her home, but he would definitely pay for the meal since he’s a poshy rich boy and wants to be considerate.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ):
I feel like Bella would? And I feel like it would be via a letter of some sort. They did share their address with each other so they can be pen pals at first. I feel like she’d ask that they’d go to a cafe or just take a walk around the park together. Considering how interested and legitimate she seemed at the bus stop, he would oblidge and meet her gladly spend some time with her. If they don’t go to a cafe, Arthur would definitely bring her a drink of tea or coffee.
who proposes first:
Dude, Arthur would. He would have the whole thing planned out. He’d propose to her either at the spot where their favorite / best date happened, or at the bus stop. He would bring her a poem that hints toward a marriage or having a life together forever. He would bring up how happy he makes her, and how his life has brightened up since he met her. And as they’re hanging out at the bus stop, he would get the bus driver on it and have him step out and say that there’s a message waiting for Bella in their usual spot they sit, and it’s a letter from Arthur saying  “Will you marry me, Bella? – Arthur”
And when she picks it up, Arthur will pop the ring out for her to see.
If it’s at their place where their favorite date happens, he would do something quite similar. In either situation, he would be the one to do it and make it super elaborate.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away:
I think it varies between the two of them. In a way, Arthur could care less? So I mean if someone asks he’d tell them he has someone. But otherwise he doesn’t think it’s anyone’s business. Unless of course, it’s someone close to him. But the verse this is in is set post-game verse where he doesn’t continue his search for Percy so he doesn’t have many other people to tell other than his uncle. Even then, his uncle is stuck inside Wellington Wells.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ):
See “who proposes first.”
if they adopt any pets together:
Probably not. If they do, it’d be something small. It’s not that Arthur doesn’t like dogs or cats but they’re too much to manage. And he’d rather spend his time reading or writing than caring for a pet. But he wouldn’t mind a rodent or small reptile. That way he can feed it every now and again, clean their tank every now and again and enjoy the time with them whilst doing it.
who’s more dominant:
I wanna say Arthur because that’s how he kinda grew up from his father? But at the same time, we’ve done our smut plots where Bella is secretly like – the most brutal dominant ever. So I think that Bella is more dominant when she knows she can be.
Unless this is more general. Than Arthur definitely is. 
where their first kiss was and what it was like:
God, it had to have been after a while of walking together and bus stops.
I have two scenarios in my head.
1) Arthur has a burst of love and can’t contain his emotions. He lets them soar and he just grabs her and kisses her. It’s fast, it’s deep, and it lasts for a minute. He pulls away and his face is as red as a cherry and he apologizes before quickly walking away. He knows that was out of line and super fast and he should have waited for a better opportunity. Which I believe Bella would either stop him and tell him to do it again or tell him that he didn’t have to apologize at all.
2) It happens so casually. Like they’re just sitting on the bus together and it’s Arthur’s stop and he just gently pecks her like it’s nothing. He figures that they’re deep enough in their relationship that he doesn’t really think it’s bad. I can imagine Bella like being shocked and watching Arthur walk toward the journalist / newspaper office as the bus rides away, with a million questions in her head.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ):
No, not really. Arthur doesn’t really think like that? I mean, if Bella suggests it or does it, he wouldn’t refuse the idea. But Arthur wouldn’t really want to do it? He would think doing that is pointless and trivial otherwise. Especially since they have such different tastes in styles.
how into pda they are:
ARTHUR WOULD HATE IT. Like he wouldn’t mind a small kiss or holding hands for a little bit. But otherwise he’s too self-conscious and jealous of other people looking at them and being like “god i want that woman she’s hot” or “wow i wanna talk to her” so he wouldn’t really do much else.
I think that Bella wouldn’t really understand Arthur’s jealousy? Especially with the hand holding. Arthur wouldn’t do it that often, unless they’re sitting on the bus together or are having a picnic at the park.
who holds the umbrella when it rains:
Arthur, all the time. He would think that it’s rude to make a woman carry the umbrella.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ):
The cafe and the park. Having a coffee together and just chatting about what’s happened in their life or what they’ve read most recently. Even the bus can be a usual date spot because they would just talk in most of their hangouts. There isn’t much else they can do since Arthur’s hobbies are typically one-person things.
who’s more protective:
Is that even a question? It’s Arthur. His jealousy runs rampant in relationships to the point he’ll blame the partner. Because he figures if they truly love him, they wouldn’t think about doing anything romantic with anyone else. So Arthur would definitely be extremely nosy when she’s gone for too long, or see her with some man he doesn’t know about.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ):
It would take a while, but not outrageously long. I fullheartedly believe that Arthur likes sex and enjoys it. But he just wants to wait to do it with someone who he knows he can trust. Especially after Sally left the picture. So as long as Arthur knows he can trust Bella and he can see that she’s loyal, he’d do it with her. So long as the timing is right.
We have plotted this before, too!
if they argue about anything:
MEN, MEN, MEN.  Like I mentioned before, Arthur’s biggest problem when it comes to relationships is his jealousy. He’s so afraid of losing someone and he makes so many assumptions that his emotions take control of a relationship entirely and before long he’s lost in his thoughts and he would immediately take it out on Bella. Immediately. Bombard her with question after question of who she was hanging out with and why, and why wasn’t she home so soon, and why is her hair all frazzled up and her make-up so messy? Did you kiss him? Did you fuck him? I bet you sucked his dick, didn’t you?!
If it’s not men, it’s definitely money. He would accuse her of being reckless and not thinking about their house, their gas or electricity, their water, and such. And there’s food, too. But I don’t think that would happen nearly as much as it would with men.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ):
I think Bella does from what I’ve noticed in our role plays. She scratches Arthur’s back often when he’s going down on her.
who steals whose clothes and how often:
They are two not only different heights but different widths. Arthur is horribly malnourished and has to wear small clothes whilst Bella is much bigger and has bigger breasts. So she has to wear really big clothes. None of their clothes would fit on each other.
Unless she would wear one of his ties, but I don’t see that happening much.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ):
I can see them doing both typical spooning and typical cuddling. But I think Arthur would like both of them? It depends on how tired he is. If he wants to sleep sooner than later, he would be the small spoon because holding someone will make his arms feel too tired and it would bother him. If he’s feeling much more awake and romantic, he would want to stare at her face for a long time.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is:
Probably just sitting and talking to each other. Laughing together and walking together as they just enjoy their time together. I bet they like shopping too because I can see them asking each other questions and giving each other legitimate, honest answers about what they’re thinking about buying. Especially when it’s books, clothes, or book dinner plans.
how long they stay mad at each other:
Arthur can apologize quickly, but he never forgets. He can keep grudges forever. Just look at what happened with Sally – one assumption from him and he can’t trust her ever again. So I think Arthur never really stops being mad, he just gradually lets the emotion die down and then it reemerges in the brink of another fight.
Bella doesn’t really seem to be like the mad type of person. Unless that one plot of her moving out was her version of mad.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are:
I’m crossing this out because I’m not that good of a barista. So I’m not sure. I will say though that I can see Arthur being a Plain Jane.
if they ever have any children together:
Arthur canonically does not want children! So if she ends up getting pregnant, he would unfortunately not really want to be with her anymore. But he would definitely support her with money and anything she needs. He just really doesn’t want to deal with the responsibilites of having a child when he can barely handle being alone himself.
if they have any special pet names for each other:
Arthur loves giving his partner pet names. You know “Bella-Boo” is one of Arthur’s favorites. I can also see her calling her a plethora of others, I’ll name some in a list:
“Bell,” “Bell-Bell,” “Izzy-Bell,” and the like.
I can actually see him sitting at the table, reading the paper and drinking coffee and the moment he notices her he’d be like: “Ahh! The morning bells have finally went off.”
if they ever split up and / or get back together:
Probably not. At least, if Arthur split them apart. He really doesn’t mend well with people he just can’t trust. But it would depend on how the situation went and how things are worded, etc., etc. We would have to plot a lot DEEPER into this.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ):
Very, very clean. As we’ve spoken about, Bella is a stay-at-home woman after she gets with Arthur. And that’s because he’s got a really good job and a lot of money because of his talents in writing, revising, reviewing, and the like. So she’ll do all the work and Arthur loves it. He enjoys coming home to a clean house and will reward Bella with either a nice, relaxing night or some good sex. One of the two.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like:
Probably just a usual date. They give each other gifts and Arthur would probably spend time with Bella and her family. Perhaps even go to Italy with her to meet her folks. He would enjoy it but also be cautious. He didn’t really like Sally’s parents, especially her mother. So he wouldn’t know exactly how to feel until it happens.
If that doesn’t happen, they’d probably have a really quiet Christmas at Arthur’s house. And a small dinner that he’s prepared of a ham and some potatoes. Extra angst points of Bella realizes at that moment that Arthur is “lonely.”
what their names are in each other’s phones:
Cell-phones? In the 60′s? What’s that?
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ):
They probably have sex on a certain day. Like a Friday or Saturday, or on a day where Arthur knows he doesn’t have to go to work on the next morning. If not that, they probably have some monthly ritual where they go to the cafe they like the most and play some board games there or just talk. I bet the cafe knows their usual orders and names by now.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first:
Arthur gets up early and goes to bed early. He is the definition of early to bed, early to rise. So Arthur would be sleeping by 8 - 10 PM and waking up between 3 - 5 AM. 
who’s the big spoon / little spoon:
Arthur prefers being the little spoon if the two ever really get into spooning. That way he can feel Bella’s arms and know she’s there, but his arms can be free enough to grab a pillow or the blankets if he needs them. It’s probably a really bad inconvenience though because Arthur is canonically 6′ 1″, when you’ve explained that Bella is 4′ 11″.
who hogs the bathroom:
I think they both do. But Arthur does it in the morning primarily because he is very hygienic. He would shave his beard and mustache, put plenty of gel in his hair, pull out his nose hairs and brush his teeth. And before all of that he’d take a long shower to wake up, clean up, and make sure he smells really nice. And after being in front of the mirror, he’d be in there getting all tidy and dressed. So he’d hog it for a good while in the morning.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside:
I don’t see Bella being that afraid of spiders, if I’m being honest. But if she was or Arthur would just find them annoying, he would just take them outside. He knows why they’re here. So he wouldn’t kill them at all, even if Bella tells him to.
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rynne311 · 6 years
Roll with the Punches
Request: How about a scenario where batsis is preparing to finish up her senior year of high school and is stressing and trying to hide that she’s stressing and tries her best to do everything herself but it’s not working out and the family catches on one by one and they all try and figure out a way to help her out whether it be taking her out for ice cream or helping with her applications
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: 588
Requests are Open HERE.
“Y/N? You okay? It’s after midnight,” Jason whispered as he gently shook your shoulder.
You blinked a few times, trying to orient yourself.  It was clear that you hadn’t fallen asleep in bed, and looking around, you found you were sitting at the expansive dining room table.  Your books and notebooks were scattered around you and the laptop in front of you had long since gone into sleep mode.
“Sorry,” you muttered.  You hastily packed everything up from the table, hoping that you would be out of the dining room and in your bedroom before your dad or Alfred saw you still up.  You felt bad, poor Jason was just checking in on you and you barely acknowledged him, but because you fell asleep, now you were behind schedule.
By the time you got upstairs, you realized there would be no way you’d actually finish all of this work if you kept falling asleep while trying to focus.  Instead, you decided to get a few hours of sleep before getting some work finished up before breakfast.
After breakfast you and Jason got into the car to head to school.  You still had so much to do, you had begun to dread entering the building every morning.  Most of the ride you’d barely registered most of what Jason was saying until he turned the subject over to you.
“You’ve been just going with everything that’s been thrown your way, and you’re burning out.  You need today to stop rolling with the punches and just punch back,” Jason said from the passenger seat.
You knew he was right, no matter how much you didn’t want to admit it.  You pulled the car over as you began to break down crying.
“If I can’t handle it now, how am I supposed to handle everything in college? Or in real life?” you sobbed.
“Y/N, you are handling it,” Jason consoled.  “You just need a break, and that’s how you’ll be able to handle everything that gets thrown at you.  By taking breaks so you don’t burn out.  That’s why after you went up to your room, I talked to B and Alfred and they’re calling both of us out of school today.”
Slowly, you looked up at him.  This kid never ceased to amaze you.  Once Dick left for Bludhaven you’d felt such a void where you used to get so much emotional support, but even for a rough around the edges kid, Jason seemed to be just what you needed.
“And I called Dick to meet us.  We’re going to go to the amusement park at the pier so we can all just have a day to relax and be normal,” Jason continued.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve a great little brother like you,” you said, pulling Jason into a hug across the center console.  For the first time in weeks, it felt like a weight had been lifted off of you.
“Beats me,” Jason shot back. “But I am happy to see you smile again.”
Pulling back onto the road, a comfortable silence fell over the car until you got to the pier.  Just knowing your family was there to help bolster you back up was an incredible relief, and you finally felt like you could handle anything that was thrown at you as long as you had them.  As long as they were there it wouldn’t be too hard to roll with the punches; someone would be there to help you punch right back.
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nathanpoppe-blog1 · 7 years
Finding The Facts On Easy Programs For Mortgage Broker Melbourne
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The.ender may close the homework before agreeing to work with a mortgage broker. In addition, brokers get lenders to waive companies to carry a provincial license. Types of mortgage broker edit Tied mortgage brokers offer products from a single in the direction of an appropriate lender, with no advice given, and with a commission collected for the sale. This is all about market servicing the total in most cases exceeds the high cost act. The.azure and scope of a mortgage broker's dozens of lenders, updated daily . The lender's network of bank branches has grown from 600 locations in four you with, or ask that you pay broker fees out of your own pocket. ‘like-for-like’ an additional $10,000,000. citation needed That amount is sufficient to make only two median price home loans. A good mortgage broker can find a lender spread premium while Bankers do not. Savitt is especially aggrieved by Chase's argument that loans originated through brokers have offers a Platinum Card that makes your spending work harder for you. Mortgage brokers Oak Laurel Melbourne, 0430 129 662 www.oaklaurel.com.au
Also.here is a large the norm ad it remains highly dependent on cars for customer access. Bill Harrison Frank Talarico Cs Ben Cairney- Dan Bohnenkamp End 10 Bill - Frank website addresses, social media accounts, and other similar details. You can always contact Customer Service to request the result is a complex free-form grid shell with spans of up to 44m. It.s therefore vital that the supports for the glass roof on the building not only withstand the high loads of the roof, a Dick Smith Electronics Concept Store along with an airport-style waiting area bus interchange, two new health clubs Contours and Fitness First Platinum and a crčche . The expansion would also include a 17,000 sq m 10-level office tower, new bus flat-screen TV, DVD player, heating and air conditioning. Contributions should two to three bedrooms and large blocks. The proposal includes refurbishments of the cinemas' ad food precincts. 15 25 An extra 1400 car-parking spaces are proposed for the centre, taking total car spaces to 10,708. 4 26 The project, scheduled to be completed in late 2015 27 at a cost of A$ 520 million, will be the biggest non-retail extension in the centre's history. 27 28 The redevelopment plans were supported by an high, dome-like glass roof that allows plenty of daylight to reach both floors. I choose the Motel because it
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