#thomas bordeleau x reader
ringanon · 1 year
My Girl | Thomas Bordeleau
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Pairing: Thomas Bordeleau x fem!reader
Warnings: jealousy, suggestive smut, couple swear words
Word Count: 943
Summary: Based on a concept/conversation with @lukeevangelista . you go to one of Thomas' games and catch the attention of some of the rookies
Read the conversation
He knew. He pretended like he didn't, but he knew. Thomas was more than well aware that bringing a girlfriend as attractive as his in front of a bunch of single rookies was a risk. It was a risk he was willing to take, though. Thomas didn't get a chance to show you off a lot, and by God, was he taking the opportunity tonight.
There was something about watching you cheer for him that made him perform better. Knowing that you were doing so with his last name across your shoulder blades drove him wild; knowing that all of his teammates saw you behind Reimer during the second period ignited a fire in his stomach and an eruption in his chest that led him to a hat trick that night. He knew his girl was watching, he could hear some of the rookies talking about it on the bench.
One of them, whose name he had yet to learn, yelled out, "it's a shame that girl over there is wearing Bordy's sweater, otherwise I'd think I had a chance."
Another one leaned over, "She with you Bordy?"
"Yeah she is, actually. That's my girl, Y/N." Thomas didn't look away from the game. He tried to keep his tone firm and even. He wanted to convince the kid sitting next to him that he hadn't been waiting to shout it from the rooftops since they saw him throw you a puck during warmups.
He had walked into the locker room after the game. By the time he had finished talking to you, most of his teammates had left. It left him and a group of three rookies. He tried to not evesdrop onto the conversation happening a few stalls down.
"...fine as fuck."
"Do I want to know?" Thomas didn't need to ask, he knew who they were talking about.
"No." The rookie was quick to brush him off, turning a deep shade of maroon, and clamping his hand over his knee until his knuckles turned a pale white.
Thomas paused, looking between the huddle of boys, "That's what I thought."
He tore off his clothes, thinking about the way your fingers would feel against his skin later tonight. He buttoned up his shirt. Thomas laughed when he did the last few buttons, knowing that it would be off too soon to really be worth buttoning it now.
"I'm surprised your girl didn't come in with you, Bordy." The same voice from the opposite end of the row of stalls caught him off guard.
"And why is that?" He sat down at his stall to put on his shoes, "Is this an excuse for you guys to gawk at her?"
"No-" they were quick to defend themselves, knowing they had been caught.
Thomas shot a text message to you, asking you to come into the locker room, they got to gawk at a sight to behold, and he got to dig his nails into the brains of those rookies. He wanted them to remember you were all his. A few minutes later, the door creaked open, you peeked your head in, frantically looking around the room to make sure that no one was changing and that, in fact, Thomas was still in there. You made eye contact with him and smiled. Thomas leaned back in his seat and opened his arms. The way you smiled made him forget that you were being oogled over a couple seats down. His hand met your thigh to pull you closer to him, giving his other hand a change to curl around your hip. He rested his other hand on your back, holding you there to press a kiss to your stomach through your jersey. He had to consciously hold his head together when your fingers found his hair, running them through his damp curls, "Hi pretty girl."
You whispered out your response, "I know they've been gawking at me the whole game, I know this is you marking your territory."
He pulled away to look up at you, "I'm not an idiot, Thomas."
You smiled, moving your hand to grab his cheek in your palm. You leaned down to kiss him and suddenly everything melted away. He pulled you down to straddle his lap, running his hands over your back, slipping a hand into one of the back pockets of your jeans to pull you closer to him. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his, "I'm glad you came today."
"And it totally isn't to brag to all of your teammates." You smiled, sitting up and wrapping your arms around him. You let him rest his head on your chest.
"Nope not at all, although I think it's working." You looked over your shoulder and the group of rookies all looked away to avoid eye contact with you, pretending they were deep in conversation.
"It's 100 percent working, Thom." There was a long pause, Thomas listened to your heartbeat while you just enjoyed the chance to have him this close to you, "Are you ready? I have plans I need to attend to."
Thomas snapped his head to look up to you, "What plans?"
You sighed, reaching behind you to grab his hand. You slid it up your jersey, letting him feel the lace that clad your skin. His eyes glittered when he looked up at you, "It's a new one, black, you haven't seen it yet."
He grabbed his backpack off the floor, and stood up. You yelped, wrapping your legs around his waist and clutching his shoulders to hold yourself up. The door slammed behind him, which made all the rookies jump. They sat and waited until you two were well down the hallway to continue their conversation.
This has been sitting in my drafts for FOREVER, yall can have it now.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
punishment - t. bordeleau
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requested: n
pairings: Thomas bordeleau x fem!athlete!reader
warnings: nsfw + mentions of Ohio state + swearing + shower sex + mentions of oral + mentions of nudity + not intended for minors
a/n: I can never write something soft or fluff about this man he just turns me on. this is my first time writing shower sex so beware!
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
he’s never seen you like this during a match. every game he’s ever been to of yours, you always kept your composure and played a good game. you were the good guy on the field, but not today.
he watched you run down the field practically chasing down the girl who nearly slashed your wrist in half with her lacrosse stick. there was words exchanges after the girls first warning, but Thomas couldn’t make out what was being said. he could tell whatever it was pushed the right buttons.
anxiously sitting on the edge of the bleachers, he was biting his nails just hoping you wouldn’t do anything to result in a suspension. he just wanted your team to beat ohio state and you wouldn’t have to play them any other time this season. but he knew how it went against rivaled schools, the tension and stakes were always high.
he watched your lacrosse stick tap hers, legally, the ball fell out of the pocket and you were right there to scoop it up. attempting to head down the field, you felt a foot catch yours and down you fell. the whistle immediately was blown and you looked up to see her hovering over you with a smirk.
“that’s what you get, bitch.” she spat at you before walking away and the refs ejected her immediately. the trainer came running over to your aide to test your ankle. you looked over into the stands to see Thomas just staring at you. you couldn’t make out a single emotion on his face.
“you going to be okay?” you were asked by one of your teammates before you decided to stand up and test out your ankle. deciding you were fine the trainer left and you continued playing. Thomas just shook his head before noticing the clock at five minutes left and Michigan was leading by one goal. anything could happen in lacrosse.
his eyes stayed on the clock unable to watch you. he couldn’t bare to see you limping across the field, but he could hear the Ohio state girl throwing a tantrum on the sideline. he just was praying that with each second that ticked you didn’t crack under pressure and start a brawl that you couldn’t handle.
three minutes remained and Thomas was trying to occupy himself with his phone, but he kept looking up to see you cradling the ball deciding to take the shot or make the pass. deciding to go for it, he watched you fake out the defense causing the perfect split and your shot to go right between them and past the goalies shoulder.
he could relax watching you drop your stick to celebrate. there was only two minutes left, but he knew you had the game under your belt. he wasn’t concerned. and by the final whistle michigan successfully beat Ohio state and you could go home peacefully.
after the game was finished, you met Thomas at the fence with your things, “I thought we talked about that I’m supposed to be the bad guy on the ice and you’re supposed to just be the pretty goal scorer?” he raised an eyebrow taking your things from you before planting a kiss on your lips.
“well sometimes girls can be rude and you have to put them in their place.” you handed him your lacrosse bag and he gladly took it following him to his car to go to his place.
“your ankle okay? could hardly watch you run those last five minutes.” he noticed the little limp in your step and you were couple paces behind him, but it wasn’t anything too serious. you had to finish the game was what ran through your mind. even if it was broken, you were going to play the cards.
you rolled your eyes, “my ankle is fine, don’t worry about me.” you got into the passenger seat, immediately, sighing in relief that you could take pressure off your ankle. so yes, it did hurt but you weren’t going to tell him.
“well I worry about you because I’ve never seen you that mad before unless it’s with me.” he gestured to the swollen part of your ankle, and you looked down to see the size difference of them both. you couldn’t say anything, but just watch him put the car and drive and you were off to his place.
it was silent for awhile in the car. just the music that was softly playing in the background and the hum of the car. neither one of you spoke until you pulled up to the house, and Thomas put the car in park. “So what did she say to you that pissed you off?”
getting out of the car, he grabbed your things and then made his way to help you, safely, get out without causing any sharp pain to your ankle. “just some fucking dumb shit you know how it is.”
he laughed at your choice of language. you hardly ever swore unless it was during sex. “since when did you start using such harsh language? you kiss me with that mouth?”
you smirked up at him, “you want me to kiss you with this mouth?” you watched him lick his lips shaking his head. he couldn’t stand you right now. it was all too funny to him. the words coming out of your mouth sounded like a joke.
“I want to wash your mouth with soap.”
rolling your eyes, you turned to make your way up to his bathroom to take a shower and hopefully blow of the steam of the game. it was brutal from the start and you were ready to leave it behind.
Thomas wasn’t too far behind you, he made sure you didn’t stumble up the stairs or do anything more to your ankle. but he also had every plan to join you in that shower. he couldn’t stand the pouty mouth and just wanted to wash all that away.
“joining me?” you asked before closing the door. he slipped inside the bathroom locking it behind you both before going to run the water.
finally being warm enough he let the water fall closing the curtain before removing his shirt. you did the same. removing all of your sweaty clothes that stuck to your body, you finally felt free from the game. you stepped inside the shower letting the warm water touch your body allowing all of your muscles and joints to relax.
you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your naked body. it felt comforting to feel his skin against yours. “I love you, mon anour, but you’ve been a real bad girl today.”
smiling to yourself, you closed your eyes, “what are you going to do, thom? what’s my punishment?”
his hands traveled up your body until they got to your breasts. squeezing them gently you turned around opening your eyes to face him, “I think it’s safe to assume you know your punishment.” his lips connected with yours. his wet body was slippery against yours, it made it impossible to feel connected to him.
he pushed your body against the wall, your head hit the tile as his lips trailed down your body. he pushed your thighs open so you were practically doing a wall sit, and his tongue found his way into your folds. it didn’t take long for him to find your clit hearing a shaky gasp come for you tugging on his wet hair.
his tongue danced around in circles, every inch of you was covered in chills despite the warmth of the water around you. your legs shaking unsure how much longer you could handle the position and his tongue.
“thom, please.” you begged looking down at him, he pulled himself away finally and you tried to stand up right, but you were unable to, leaving you in a bent position, and it gave him all the right ideas.
his hands grabbed your hips, you felt him inserting himself into you. you couldn’t find a single thing to hold onto as he started going slow but quickly picked up the pace. your hands searched for anything, but the shampoo and conditioner bottles fell and the soap bar was useless. you had to deal with your body being thrown around. this was certainly your punishment.
Thomas let go of your body when he noticed you were starting to fall to the ground of the shower. he bent down caressing your cheek to turn your face to look at his cock, “this is what you get for those words.” next thing you knew your mouth was met with his cum leaving a satisfied look on his face.
finally finished he moved your body out from under the water and began to clean you up with soap bar that was on the ground.
he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “feeling okay?” he asked but you could barely move a muscle. that’s how he knew his job was done.
“just shut up and clean me up.”
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bordysbae · 11 months
12. “why do you hate me?” “you think i hate you?” with Bordy! Maybe it’s Brendan’s twin sister where she thinks all this time they have known each other that thomas hates her… but it’s the furthest from the truth :)
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thomas bordeleau x brisson!sister 
— ୨୧ —
when you first met thomas, your life flipped. your twin, brendan, has never let you hang out with his friends no matter how old you both were. but when brendan brought thomas home with him for the summer, you fell hard. and now that you’re both in college, brendan finally lets you talk to his friends more, and you weren’t gonna lose this chance with thomas. at first you thought he felt the same, seeing as he was so much nicer to you than all of brendan’s other friends, but you were wrong. he gradually began giving you more and more attitude, and acting as if he’s an older brother to you. him and brendan gang up on you a lot, unlike before when he used to defend you.
“hey thom, you want anything for lunch? i’m going to the store,” you say as you grab your keys.
“nope,” he says as he doesn’t even give you a glance up from his phone screen. you roll your eyes and shut the door, going outside to your car. as you’re walking down the driveway, you notice a boy around your age that you’ve never seen before walking through the neighborhood. you both look at each other with a smile, “hey! are you new here? i’ve never seen you around,” you say as you trot down to the end of the driveway.
he comes closer to you, “yeah i am! my parents moved while i was away at college. i’m assuming you live here?”
“yep! born n raised in this house. where do you go to college?”
“i go to university of connecticut, are you in college?” he asks
“yeah i am! i go to ut austin! and my twin brother goes to university of michigan,” you smile. you and the boy, who you’ve learned to be named connor, do a bit of quickly talking but not before thomas comes rushing out of the house. you immediately turn around to face him, “thomas?”
“um can you actually get me some food?” he asks you. you groan and nod your head before turning back to connor who looks confused.
“is this your twin brother?” he asks, making thomas laugh.
“no this is his best friend, thomas,”
“yeah and her boyfriend, so cya!” thomas says, and your mouth falls to the floor. he just called himself your what? you’re still in shock but connor gets on with his walk, and you quickly turn to thomas and hit his shoulder.
“what the actual fuck thomas! why do you hate me so much that you can’t even let me have one thing?!”
thomas then let’s out a little scoff, “you think i hate you? are you stupid? i like you y/n! i’m mean to you because brendan would literally kill me if he knew. so i thought ‘hey maybe if she hates me i can get over her!’ but guess who was wrong.”
“fuck i did not just tell you that,” he chuckles nervously meanwhile running a hand through his hair.
“i like you too dumbass, and who cares what brendan thinks? i’ve had enough of his stupid rules,” you roll your eyes, making thomas chuckle.
“oh yeah?” he says as he pushes a strand of hair out of your face.
“mhm,” you say as you connect your lips with his, melting into his touch.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 | ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ ʙᴏʀᴅᴇʟᴇᴀᴜ & ʙʀᴇɴᴅᴀɴ ʙʀɪꜱꜱᴏɴ
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting
warnings: nsfw, read at your own risk, the whole fic is pretty much just smut, swearing, not proofread
pairing: brendan brisson x reader x thomas bordeleau
wc: 3k 
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hey u free rn 
a smile creeped up on your face once you had noticed who the notification was from, brendan. the two of you had been messing around for about a month and a half now, the first being when you had woken up in his bed being the day after his 19th birthday. it was now late december, everyone would be heading home soon for the winter break, meaning you and briss were trying to see each as often as possible between your classes and his practices. 
you answered and he saw straight away, his gray typing bubble popped up, making your smile even bigger than before. 
home alone
come over 
he answered, making you bite your bottom lip a bit. your fingers flew over your keyboard to answer him. 
ill be there in 5 
him living right down the street from you was also a very big advantage to the two of you being able to see each whenever you wanted. he sent you a thumbs up back and a ‘be quick’ before you closed your phone and quickly changed into something a little more appropriate. changing your cotton underwear for a pair of lace one, and putting on a matching bra under your hoodie. you pulled out a pair of sweatpants you had stole from him a week ago, put socks and shoes out and quickly left your house. 
when you arrived at brendan’s house, no cars were in the driveway, and no lights were turned on beside the one in his room, meaning he was really home alone. you pushed open the door, which you were sure was gonna be unlocked because locking doors is something you quickly learned these boys don’t know how to do. you quickly took your shoes off and rushed up to his room, only to see him lying on his bed shirtless, phone in hand. his covers were on him, resting right below his waist, exposing all of his upper body, including his abs. 
you closed the door behind yourself and turned back around to face him, as he tossed his phone aside. you then made your way over to him, moving the blanket off of him and straddling him, you rubbed your hands up and down his chest, pulling on his chain a bit, before leaning down and connecting your lips. 
“fuck i missed you.” he whispered against your lips, his hands going up your thighs all the way to your ass, giving it a small squeeze. and that’s when he realized you were wearing his sweatpants, making him let out a groan as you felt his hard slowly grow under you. 
“you saw me like 3 hours ago.” you whispered back, pulling away a bit before connecting your lips again, your tongue slipping into his mouth. 
“yeah, but not like this.” he mumbled as his hands pressed your hips down hard on him, making him groan in your mouth. his hands then slipped in your hoodie, another groan leaving his mouth when he felt the lace bra you were wearing. 
“god, you drive me insane.” he spoke before pulling your hoodie off and throwing it on the ground. you pushed yourself back up a bit, resting your hands on his lower stomach, running them up and down his abs a bit first. he rubbed both of your nipples through the lace before undoing the clasp and throwing it in the same direction as your hoodie. 
“my little stress balls.” he whispered, making you let out gasp and slap his hand lightly. 
“don’t call them that, bren.” you said, as both of his hands cupped both of your boobs, making you let out a sigh of pleasure.
“don’t worry, babe. they’re not little.” he said with a smirk, and you decided to just drop the subject, watching him as he stared at your boobs like a middle school boy. after about a minute or so, you started grinding your hips against his, needing to feel something more. 
“so impatient.” he mumbled as you started undoing the string of his sweatpants. you then pulled them down, along with his boxer, making his cock fling upwards, landing on his pelvis. the tip was already leaking with pre cum, all red and tweaking. you placed yourself between his thighs, placing your hands right next to his dick as a support while you moved.
when you looked back up at him, his head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth opened as he tried to control his breathing, making you smile to yourself. you slowly moved your thumb so it was resting right against the head of his cock, making him gasp a bit. 
“y/n/n, fuck, babe, i need more. please.” he begged, making you smirk as you slowly started moving one of your hands up and down his length, a couple of moans leaving his mouth as you did so. you added a second hand after a couple of seconds, making his hips thrust in your grip.
“fucking hell. i’m so close, baby. don’t stop, god yes!” he mumbled, making you pull away. his eyes quickly flew open as a whine left his mouth and his hips stopped moving. he looked at you, clearly confused as you straddled him once again, his cock rubbing against the fabric of his sweatpants. you ran your hands up and down his chest a bit before moving one of them to his face. you pushed his hair back, your hand sliding down his face and playing with his lip a bit. 
“i want you to fuck me, bren.” you whispered, your eyes staring into his. you felt him twitch under you as you lowered yourself, pressing your boobs against his bare chest. 
“fuck.” he whispered before flipping the two of you over so you were laying on your back. his hands quickly attacked the strings of his sweatpants before pulling them off your legs and throwing them in another corner than your bra and hoodie. he let out yet another groan seeing the small lace underwear you were wearing, before pulling them off of you and throwing them where the sweatpants were. he then waist no time connecting his mouth with your clit, making you moan out his name. 
“brendan, fuck!” you moaned out, as your hands landed on his head, pulling on his hair a bit. you let him have his fun for a couple of minutes, before pushing him away from you. 
“fuck me. now.” you said and he was quick to listen, getting up and grabbing a condom along with the lube bottle that were in his nightstand drawer. he tossed you the packet and you quickly ripped it open and rolled it down on him as he opened the lube bottle and let some fall directly on your pussy. he used the tip of his cock to spread it all over your slit, small moans leaving your mouth. 
“you ready?” he asked as his tip stopped right over your opening, making you whine a bit. 
“mm-hm.” you hummed and he was quick to push himself into, exactly the way he knew you liked. a moan slipped past both of your lips as he reached the deepest point he could go. he waited for your signal and then slowly started moving back and forth until he was fully thrusting into you.
“oh god, bren!” you moaned out as he hit that spot inside of you over and over again, small groans leaving his mouth every time. his left forearm landed right next to your hand as he let himself fall on top of you, his right hand grabbing your right thigh and bringing it up, changing the angle a bit. you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you as your eyes rolled back. 
“g-god! you feel so fucking good, baby.” he whispered before leaning down and connecting your lips together. you wrapped your legs around his lower back, keeping him as close to you as possible, when he realized what you were doing, his thrusts went from slow and long to fast and short. you were about to answer him, when his door flew open, making both of your heads look over at the door, but briss showed no signs of wanting to stop his movements.
“what the fuck!” bordy’s voice echoed in the room, making briss throw his blanket over both of your naked bodies. 
“dude, what the fuck!” briss yelled back, his hip still snapping into yours, something that clearly didn’t go unnoticed by thomas. you bit down into briss’ shoulder, trying to stop your moans from coming out of your mouth, but had no success. 
“bro, stay if you want or leave, i don’t give a shit but close that fucking door.” briss told thom, after he didn’t answer him or move. bordy blinked a couple of times before closing the door behind him, but he stood in the same place as before. you and briss had talked a bit about potentially having a threesome with bords, and the two boys had talked about it between themselves, after bordy had let it slip at a party that he’d down the fuck you if he ever had the chance to do so. 
“c’mon, baby, don’t go all shy on me just because he’s here.” brendan whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as you stopped biting down on his shoulder and let a couple of moans slip past your mouth. you saw from the corner of your eye bordy sitting down on briss’ desk chair, his eyes glued on the two of you, clearly a little excited by what he was seeing and hearing. 
“eyes on me, pretty girl.” briss whispered again once he realized your eyes were fully looking at thom instead of him. your eyes quickly moved back to him as his hips snapped into yours even faster than before. 
“g-gonna cum!” you struggled to say, making both boys smirk as briss looked over to bordy. 
“whatcha think bords, does she get to cum or not?” he asked, making you let out a whine, as bordy got up from the chair and walked over to the side of the bed. he smirked a bit at his best friend before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“i think we make her wait.” he whispered after pulling away from you, another whine leaving your mouth. the two boys smirked at one another before briss focused back on you, and bordy started undressing himself. brendan moans started getting louder and louder as he felt himself coming closer and closer to his high. meanwhile, thom had found himself sitting back on briss’ desk chair, slowly stroking his hard. 
“f-fuck! holy shi–” brendan started, but he cut himself off with a bunch of groans and moans leaving his mouth as his hips stopped moving, his dick buried deep inside your pussy as he came undone in the condom. you let out a whine as he stopped moving, before trying to move your own hips up to get some sort of pleasure, but brendan was quick to push them back down with his hips. 
“so fucking needy.” he mumbled before pushing himself up and slowly pulling out of you, making yet another whine slip past your lips. Brendan scoffed a bit before removing the condom and throwing it in his trash, before looking over at bordy. thom was still slowly stroking himself, the head of his cock red and throbbing as pre cum leaked from it. 
“she’s all yours, man.” brendan said before sitting down next to you, rubbing himself a bit. a smirk grew on bords’ face as he got up from the chair and walked over to the bed, grabbing a condom on the way.
“turn around for me, pretty girl.” the bordeleau boy whispered as he opened the packet and slipped the condom on himself. Once you were laying on your stomach, thom grabbed both of your hips and lifted your ass up the air, exposing your pussy for him. he let out a groan as he pushed your cheeks aside, fully displaying your holes. at the same time, briss moved over a bit, so he was sitting right on front of you, scoffing a bit when he saw the look on your face. 
“fuck.” bordy sighed as he slowly slid into you, making you let out a loud moan as your eyes grew big. thom was much thicker than brendan, meaning this whole a different experience, and he was a lot smaller than him, making the angle totally different as well. the two boys smirked at each other before brendan grabbed your chin and aligned your mouth with his cock. 
“think you can take me in that pretty little mouth of yours while he fucks you, baby?” he mumbled as he let go of your chin and took his dick into his hand, rubbing it against your lips. you nodded eagerly before opening your mouth and slowly taking him into your mouth. 
the two best friends both let out loud moans and groans as bordy pounded into you from behind, making your mouth move further down briss’ length every time. eventually, one of brendan’s hands found its way to the back of your head, pushing it down everytime thom hit that one spot inside of you, making your eyes roll backwards. 
“you’re doing so fucking good, baby. so fucking good for us.” thom whispered as he bent down, placing his hands right next to bren’s hips, changing the angle of his dick, making you let out a scream of pleasure. 
“don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” you moaned as you pulled your mouth off of brendan’s cock. 
“like the way he fucks you, huh? such a fucking slut for us.” brendan whispered as he grabbed your chin once again, this time only making you look into his. you nodded eagerly once more before a moan slipped past your lips. you felt your high building up inside of you, until thom pulled out of you, pulling the condom off and flipping you over so you your back was against briss’ chest. 
“where do you want me to cum, pretty girl?” he asked as brendan started rubbing your clit, making your breathing pick up. 
“m-mouth… cum inside my mouth!” you begged, and he was quick to listen. he moved himself forward so the tip of his cock was resting against your tongue that you had stuck out. he jerked himself off at a rapid past until he started leaking into your mouth, throwing his head back as loud moans slipped past his lips. 
“s-shit!” thom moaned as he slowly came down from his high. you were about to close your mouth, when brendan grabbed your chin once again and turned your face towards him with his free hand, connecting your lips together. thom’s cum getting mixed up with your saliva and his, meanwhile, brendan’s fingers slowly made its way inside of you, making you gasp in his mouth. one of your hands grabbed the back of his neck, keeping him close to you as you felt bordy’s lips attach to your neck. 
you let out a moan as brendan’s fingers moved faster and faster inside of you and bordy’s hands found both of your breast, messaging them and pinching your nipples a bit as his lips stayed connected with your neck. eventually, his lips moved down your body and connected with one of your nipple. 
“shit– ah!” you moaned as you pulled your lips away from briss’, grinding your hips onto his fingers, making him smirk at you. gasps left your mouth at a fast pace, feeling your high coming closer and closer, well that was until brendan’s finger slipped out of you, a whine slipped your lips, but it was quickly replaced with a moan from bordy’s lips and tongue connecting your clit. 
“fuck!” you yelled out, placing both of your hands in thom’s hair, keeping him close to your core. bren’s lips connected with the side of your neck as his hands slipped down to your breasts, repeating the same actions bordy’s hand had been doing barely seconds ago. you threw your head back on brendan’s shoulder as you let out a silent scream, your high taking over your body. 
thom’s fingers rubbed your clit rapidly as his tongue collected all of the cum coming out of your hole, groans of pleasure leaving his mouth when he swallowed all of it down his throat. 
“dude!” brendan whined, seeing as he wasn’t going to be able to taste you tonight. bordy let out a laugh as you rolled over brendan’s legs and placing the blanket over yourself and the boys. 
“my bad, bro.” thom said light heartedly as he settled down next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder as brendan rested his head on your chest. heavy breaths left your mouth as you were still coming down from your high. 
“you okay?” brendan asked when he heard the sound of your fast heart beat in his ear. you slowly nodded your head as bords pressed a small kiss to your forehead. 
“i’ve been dreaming about this for so long. fucking you.” bordy whispered in your ear, making you giggle a bit. 
“who knows, maybe this could become a weekly thing. you and i.” you shrugged, sending the bordeleau boy a small smile. he was about to say something when a loud snore coming from brendan could be heard, making you scoff a bit. 
“he’s a baby.” you stated as you playing with briss’ hair, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head. 
“he’s always like this?” thom asked with a laugh, making you shake your head slightly, before letting out a yawn. 
“go to sleep, y/n/n.” thom whispered, pulling you closer into his chest. you snuggled your face in it before you eyes slowly started closing. 
taglist <3 @mack-samo @hugheshugs @studsccsnackavoybambi @blanksbae @doyouevenplayhockey @dracoswhore007 @bemybinarystar @ancient-remnants-of-love @power2myheart @emsully2002 @jamiedryssdale @jayda12 @marcoskasper @bowen-power @sidcrosbyspuck @arianabordeleau @bordeleau @alexturcs @dora-the-exploraah @sophia-bordeleau
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cobrakaisb · 9 months
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team baby
champs, baby
be my baby
the babysitter’s club
baby, meet my parents
baby’s first birthday
congrats baby
happy holidays
find more team baby blurbs using the tags below!!
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hughescluez · 1 year
hi!! can I request 21 & 24 from your prompt list with bordy? thank you!
hi there hun ! thank you for requesting <3
21. “we’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
24. “don’t you dare walk away from this.”
word count: 987
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you sigh softly, swirling the drink that is still in your solo cup. to put it lightly, the party was boring. normally, you can tolerate them because you always go along with thomas, but today was different.
thomas and you got into a small argument before heading over, so you both showed up to the party alone, which sparked a flood of questions and confusion from the other boys.
thomas was aware that you needed space after an argument, especially given the intensity of the one you two had just an hour prior to the party. he was aware that the least he could do was refrain from pissing you off further, but that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on you and watching your every move from a distance.
thomas rolls his eyes as brendan claps his back again, questioning him on why he hasn’t gone up to you yet.
“do you ever stop being annoying—or does it just run in your bloodstream?”
brendan scoffs at his best friends response, “i’ll stop being annoying once you learn how to be less adamant.”
thomas was well aware that brendan was right, but he would never give him the satisfaction of being right. as much as he wanted to reach out to you, he didn’t know if the moment was right. he wasn't sure if you wanted to speak with him at the moment so his feet stayed glued to the same spot.
“oh c’mon, just go talk to her instead of watching her like a hawk.”
he gives brendan a glare before nudging him off, returning his gaze back to you only to see that this time you were looking right back at him making his heart skip a beat. although, the moment was cut short as some frat cuts in to introduce himself.
you plaster on a fake smile as the boy introduces himself. you were not a fan of mingling around with strangers. as the conversation grows, you became more open and suddenly for a bit, you forgot that you were at a party.
thomas, on the other hand, was filled with rage, watching the interaction with hard eyes as he takes another swig out of his beer.
“who the fuck is y/n talking to?” matty asks as he joins the spot beside thomas as they both watch you laugh at another dumb joke he probably made.
“how the fuck am i supposed to know.”
“don’t you wanna— i don’t know maybe go talk to her now?”
“i think you shou— “i said no.”
matty shakes his head, rolling his eyes at thomas’ ego that sometimes seems to shine out brighter than other days.
“well, shes leaving now so i gue—”
before matty could finish his sentence, thomas is already rushing over to where you were now standing with the so-called frats’ jacket draped around your shoulder.
“hey thomas?” you say but it comes out more as a question.
“who’s the guy?”
he completely dodged what you said as he shoots daggers at the boy standing just a couple of steps away from him.
“this is chad, chad this is thomas.”
you can see thomas snort at his name, as chad reaches out to shake his hand. he keeps his arms wrapped around himself, still keeping his gaze fixed on the boy.
chad coughs awkwardly as he clears his throat, “anyways, i think me and y/n are heading out so we’ll catch you later man.”
“no the fuck she’s not, she’s coming with me right now. let’s go y/n i need to talk to you.” he grabs the jacket off your shoulder, throwing it back at chad.
before you could protest; thomas is already grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the scene. you were annoyed, to say the least. he ignored you the whole party but now decides to make an appearance.
“what the fuck was that thomas?” you seethe as he shuts the door behind him.
“you’re asking me that question! what the fuck were you doing?”
“talking to someone that actually acknowledged me throughout the night unlike you so tell me thomas, who’s the bad guy here?”
he watches, as you angrily tuck your hair behind your ear; watching him with a glare waiting for him to respond to your question.
“i don’t want you talking to that guy ever again.”
that’s it? that’s all he had to say to your question. thomas was a man of very few words. you figured that out when you first became friends with him and you loved that about him but at the moment it was infuriating you.
“you know what— i’m not doing this right now.”
you turn around reaching for the door but thomas is quick to grab your hand, spinning you around to face him.
“don’t you dare walk away from this.”
you watch his eyes; trying to read his emotions but they were clouded with a mixture of stuff. you had never seen him like this.
“what else do you want me to do? i need answers thomas. you can’t just be my frie— “we are not just friends and you fucking know it.”
you feel your heart beginning to race as all of the emotions began rushing through your mind. he wasn’t wrong, for the first time the feelings that you’ve been keeping buried deep down inside of you began to pile out.
“and i know you feel it too— whatever i’m feeling i just need you to tell me that you do.”
you didn’t know that to say, so all you could do is just throw yourself in his arms and he’s quick to react as he pulls you close to him placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
“i do feel it thom, just as much.”
his jaw unclenches as he continues to hold you tighter, as your words bring him a sense of relief.
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
hey! I hope whatever is stressing you out is over soon <3 can I ask for a blurb with thomas bordy? inspired by "All Of The Girls You Loved Before" as a friend to lovers?
The fine line - Thomas Bordeleau
All of the girls you loved before (Ooh) Made you the one I've fallen for. Every dead-end street led you straight to me. Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for all of the girls you loved before. But I love you more.
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In every romance book, show and movie you’ve ever seen in your life it’s always the girl showing up at her best friends doorstep. Sad and heartbroken because yet another relationship didn’t work out.
Red rimmed eyes, tear tracks on their cheeks and stuffy nose from crying.
But not this time. Now it’s Thomas is standing in the middle of your dorm room, hair tousled and a lost puppy look in his brown eyes.
‘C’mere.’ Lifting the blanket from your body you pat the empty space beside you. Thomas doesn’t hesitate to kick off his shoes and slide into your embrace. Nuzzling close to your body the blonde strands of hair tickles your nose and plump lips graze the skin of your neck.
‘They don’t deserve you ya know? Those girls.’ Thomas lifts his head from its spot on your shoulder, brows furrowed and clear confusion written over his face. ‘What do you mean Y/N?’
Biting your lip anxiously you think over what you’re gonna say. Because let’s face it. This is Thomas Bordeleau, one of your best friends and he’s here in your bed sad about some girl. Well they’ve went on two dates so no big deal but it feels like you’re dancing on a line. A very fine line.
‘I mean that I’m in love with you. Like really fucking in love with you. You’re so amazing and I know this isn’t the time but I just need you t-‘ The words die on your tongue as Thomas leans forward and his lips slot together with yours.
It feels like hours before you break the kiss. All panting breaths and flushed cheeks. Love sick eyes and a pink haze enveloping you both.
‘I’m happy nothing ever worked out with anyone else because it lead me here to you, all roads lead to Rome or whatever. This time it was just every road leading me to you.’
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snugglebug-92 · 1 year
Can I get the prompts “don’t leave any marks” and “seriously when are you never horny?” For thomas Bordeleau please 🙃
PG-13 (Some sexual situations and hinting)
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You were cuddled into Thomas' side while he watched a hockey game. You hadn't got a lot of alone time with him lately and you wanted nothing more than to jump his bones. You decided you were just going to do it and you went for it. You straddled his hips and started sucking on the skin below his jawline.
"Baby," he moans leaning to give you more access. You pull away before slipping your hand under his sweatshirt. You go back to attacking his neck before he pushes you away.
"Did I do something wrong?" you question confused at his sudden movement.
"Just don't leave any marks," he says. You quirk your eyebrow at him wondering why he doesn't want hickeys all of a sudden.
"Tomorrow is picture day. I don't think they'd be very happy if I showed up with a bunch of hickeys. But I promise as soon as I get home tomorrow you can give me as many as you want wherever you want," he cups your cheek before pressing a kiss to your lips.
Picture day comes and goes which allows you to cover your boyfriend in hickeys and other marks. You wake up the next morning and see the damage you did. You can't help but clench your thighs together at the mess on his back. He rolls over so he's on his side and wraps his arm around your waist.
"Good morning," he smiles. You kiss him hoping he gets the hint because his morning voice only turned you on more.
"Hi," you grin.
"Oh baby," he laughs.
"Please," you plead.
"Seriously when are you never horny?"
"I meant have you seen yourself? Can you blame me?" you question as he straddles you.
"Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you out then," he responds and you continue where you left off last night.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
the unknown remedy | t. bordeleau
au masterlist
part four. <- prev part
summary: thomas shuts himself off from everyone for a couple days, resulting in a surprise from you and his friends. you find out one of his secrets and he gets vulnerable, leading you to reassure him that everything'll be okay.
contains/tw: smoking, heightened feelings/anxiety, bren being kinda irritating, thom being a sad boy, vulnerable thom, light mentions of abuse.
pairing: dbf(dad's best friend)!thom x reader
word count: 2.8k
note: i know this took probably over a month so i'll be surprised if anyone's still invested. its bit different from the dbf!thom we know and love but he's got feelings too and i wanted to show them :) hope you guys like it <3 and remember to send me an ask or comment or message me if u wanna be added to the daddy issues taglist !!
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six days.
it's been six days since you and thomas last saw each other. you thought he was avoiding you, partly because the morning after you slammed the door in his face you were greeted by a tide pen sitting on the floor right outside your bedroom.
his intentions weren't to make it seem like he was ignoring you but clearly your brain had other plans. you spent the next couple days with heightened anxiety whenever any of your dad's friends came over out of fear of facing him.
you got to know a lot of them pretty well, actually, and you'd even noticed a slight change in your dad's behaviour. he was.. happier. it was a good look on him. spending time with his friends really seemed to change him for the better and you wondered why they hadn't been around throughout your childhood. why did he only find it important for them to come around when thomas moved back?
you tried not to think too much about it, it wasn't very important anyway. you wondered where he's been but kept those thoughts to yourself knowing you'd see him eventually and you'd get the chance to apologize.. if you gained the courage to do do.
and thomas, well, he wasn't having the best time of his life per se. things had been great the first couple of weeks but with a hectic schedule and a busy mind, he found himself crumbling. he felt like he was the base of a mountain carrying the weight of the world on his back.
"i haven't seen bordy in a long time."
your head peaked up at ethan's words, carefully eyeing the bunch who began to share questioning glances.
"... i haven't seen him since like, last week. i don't even think i've heard from him since then," nick realized and you held back a frown. how had you been the one to notice his disappearance before they had? it was the one thought that ached to leave your mind.
"i've been texting him," your dad spoke up and you smiled. of course he'd been.
"he's really stressed. he's got lots going on right now and he doesn't know how to handle it by himself but he refuses to ask for help," he explained with a small scoff at the end. "stubborn son of a bi— uhh, bickle."
you rolled your eyes at his pathetic save, as if you didn't cuss when he wasn't around. the group began pondering upon all the reasons why thomas had been distant, seemingly forgetting the fact that your dad directly told them he was stressed.
it seemed as though this was unlike him no matter how heavy his heart felt. you felt guilty listening to their conversation, obviously his business was probably something he didn't want you knowing.
"why don't we go check on him later?" mackie suggested as he took a sip of his water. "bring some food and have dinner, maybe. who knows if he's been taking care of himself.."
you felt a nauseous pit in your stomach at the thought of how poorly he may have been doing. had he even been able to get out of bed? brush his teeth, remember to drink water? you were frozen in your seat as your mind ran in circles.
"yeah, that sounds like a good idea," your dad agreed. "i guess we'll leave when hunter gets home. he should be back in a bit."
the hood on thomas' head softly brushed against his cheek as he turned towards the sound, tickling his skin. he lightly chuckled to himself when he spotted an innocent squirrel running across the street.
with every inhale of the poison between his fingers, remedy filled his lungs. he sat under the tree outside his house, looking upon the empty road scattered with cars and potholes that the city never seemed to fix—he remembered them from when he was young.
with a rapid heartbeat, smoke fell from his lips and found haven in the cold air of the night, a sight so sore for even his eyes. he hated when he did this, when he resorted to the one thing he told himself he'd never fall victim to.
he watched along as rain began to fall from the clouds above, painful memories causing him to take another puff to ease his mind. it was hard. it was hard to live in michigan without the girl he'd planned a life with.
it was stupid, he knew that. he was never one to be hung up on a girl, especially one he'd left nearly a year ago but the bruises were still fresh in his heart. they were raw, a burning red, and they ached like their motive was to torture him.
he still had the scars scattered upon his body, the words ingrained in his head, the sights tattooed on his eyes. sometimes they became too much.
he was a man with a broken heart, one he didn't think deserved to be fixed. but that couldn't be further from the truth, yet he failed to see it. all he saw were the dark blue days he blindly mistook for a loving red.
his fingers planted on the grass beside him as he lifted himself up, crushing the cigarette beneath his feet before he bent down to pick it up. a few specs of dirt got caught in the grooves of his fingertips, even under his nails a bit. he cringed, flexing his joints at the irking feeling. it was an unhealthy habit and he felt guilty as he disposed of the evidence before walking back into his house.
his first order of business was to get rid of the smell tainting his nose. a shower was due.
the towel hung loosely around his hips as he stepped out of his bathroom, steam following behind him and into his bedroom. he shook his head a bit, droplets of water flying around before he ran a hand through his hair.
a knock on his front door caused him to stop as he pulled his pants up. he thought he was hearing things, giving it a moment before a louder sound filled his ears. he furrowed his eyebrows, unbothered to cover his upper half as he was now distracted by the persistent knocking.
"give me a fucking second," he mumbled to himself, a hand on the railing as he jogged down the stairs.
he twisted the knob and a bittersweet feeling flooded his gut as the breeze clung to his warmth. familiar faces holding bags in each of their hands, all with smiles on their faces is what he was greeted by—and somehow he mustered one after days of feeling numb.
"w-what are you guys doing here?" he asked, feeling a sense of relief.
"we missed you," brendan shrugged as though he should have known. "now, are you gonna let us in orrr.."
"yeah— yeah, c'mon in," he was speechless, really. as he stepped to the side to let all his friends in, an overwhelming amount of emotions flooded his body.
it felt like a stream of minions walking into a room as they kept piling in. finally looking out the door to see if anyone was left, he was face to face with a much smaller figure. you looked at him with your doe eyes, fiddling with your necklace as you felt your heart beating in your head.
you were trying to hide the ice in your veins as his gaze didn't leave you. he saw the goosebumps on your skin and bit the inside of his cheek, encased with worry.
he was quite surprised to see you. if he was being truthful, he barely thought about you since the day he dropped off the tide pen. he'd been so preoccupied that he didn't have even a minute to think about anything that didn't cause him stress.
he noticed the pen in your hand as you remained stuck in your place, like your feet were glued to the ground. the bruise on your face had faded, which he was glad to see as he cleared his throat.
"you can come in," he told you softly. "i'm not gonna eat you."
you bit your lip and gave him a breathy little smile as you looked the other way in nervousness. he didn't know how you were feeling but he could tell it wasn't good.
you were flustered. beads of water rolled down from his hair and onto the exposed skin of his chest. his skin was still a bit red from the hot shower he'd just taken, but the place your mind took you was far from that innocent act.
"are you alright?" he asked, concern laced in his voice.
"mhm," you nodded, rolling on the balls of your feet. you stood under the covered part of his porch, a little wet yourself as you'd been pelted by the rain when you were standing behind the large group of boys.
"you're dripping, c'mon, come inside," he finally demanded with a light hold on your arm, pulling you into the house. he closed the door behind him and sighed.
he realized as soon as he saw you that you weren't in any mood to speak. hell, he didn't even think you wanted to be here. but as your dad's best friend it was his responsibility to get you to warm up seeing as you'd come to visit him.
"do you want something new to wear? who let you go out like that? it's raining and you're dressed in a t-shirt," he wondered, your teeth beginning to chatter as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
you were standing out there pretending not to be cold and he knew it.
"well i-i didn't know it was raining," your voice shook. "my dad told me i should be fine."
now he remembered why he'd been so worried about you before. he sighed once more, grabbing your hand and leading you into the kitchen where everyone else was. you felt bile rising in your throat, swallowing it down as thomas approached your dad.
"is it okay if i give her something warm to wear? she's shivering, bren, look at her," he asked almost tiredly, something in his mind resembling alarms beginning to blare.
"yeah, go ahead. y/n, you should have worn something warmer," brendan scolded after replying to thomas.
you frowned. "but you told me i'd be fine."
"you know yourself better than i do, you should have known. now you're going to have to wear something of thom's, don't you—"
"okay, bren chill out," thomas grabbed his shoulder with his free hand, the other still attached to you. "take a breath, now's not the time to get riled up, alright?"
brendan looked at him then you before going back to setting up dinner. "just be quick, we're almost done here."
without another word, thomas led you up to his bedroom. his touch was gentle, so careful that it made you feel fuzzy. your stomach fluttered as you looked down at your clasped hands.
his bedroom was simple, unlike you would have imagined. well, you hadn't really ever imagined it but if you had, this wasn't what it would have looked like. there was almost zero essence of personality within the four walls claiming to be his, but you assumed it was because he was still getting settled in his new home.
"do you wanna sit?" he asked, letting go of you to hand you the hoodie that was on his bed. hesitantly, you grabbed it between your fingers.
"aren't we just going back down?" you asked quietly, looking down at the item in your hands.
"well i thought," he let out a breath. "i thought maybe we could just chill up here for a minute. i need a breath, you know? and i thought maybe you would too."
"oh," was all you were able to say. your eyes met his, emotionless as you felt dazed for a couple moments.
you didn't make a sound as you walked past him and to the foot of his bed, taking a seat on the soft mattress. you held back a gasp at how bouncy and fluffy it was, simply smiling to yourself instead before placing the tide pen down.
thomas, relieved you made yourself comfortable, used the moment to grab a shirt. you turned at the worst second, watching as the muscles of his back flexed while he pulled the shirt onto his body. your eyes widened, heart skipping a beat as you quickly looked away and decided to pull his hoodie over your head to distract you. it was too late. the image of the grooves on his back would be fixed in your mind for god knows how long.
the marks on his body intrigued you more than anything else. somehow you hadn't noticed them the last time you saw him, but they weren't fresh. you didn't remember hearing anyone talk about them either. they were probably just from hockey so that might have been why no one was concerned—that was what you told yourself so you wouldn't get in over your head with all the endless possibilities.
you shoved your arms into the hoodie as your head got trapped in the fabric and a pungent scent hit your nose, causing you to make a sound. you quickly brought your head up and took a deep breath while wiping your hair away from your face. you nearly gagged.
"what the heck?!" you exclaimed, every ounce of anxiety or nerves from before completely washing away. "what's that smell?"
you sniffed as thomas walked up to you, his face turning pale. his heart sunk to his stomach while you missed the expression in his eyes, trying to identify the scent. it was then that he realized that he'd given you his hoodie from earlier, when he'd been smoking outside.
"is that.. smoke?" you finally looked at him and noticed his agony. "you smoke?"
"look, i-i know it's gross and i know it's bad but," he fumbled with his words. "please don't tell anyone. i only do it sometimes, when i'm stressed or anxious or, i don't know. sometimes i just need it and i can't stop myself, i—"
"thomas, it's okay," you cut him off, standing up as he ran his hands over his face with a bitter chuckle.
"no, it's not. it's really not," he shook his head. "and don't tell me it is because you're going to go down there and tell them, and i've been trying my best to hide this from everyone for so long—"
"you're rambling, stop," you stopped him again, boldly placing your hands on his neck.
he was forced to look at you as you tilted his head, your thumbs running soft circles along his jawline to calm him down. his eyes softened and he found himself at a loss for words for the second time that night.
how he left himself go like that, he didn't know, and quite frankly he was embarrassed. guilty, even, for speaking like that to you. and your delicate touch only made him feel worse.
"i'm sorry," he whispered, unable to say anything else.
"hey, it's okay. i didn't say anything bad, did i?"
he shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. he looked down at his feet and closed his eyes, wondering how he got himself in this mess. how he was here, with you, and you were the one trying to console him when he knew it should be the other way around.
"i won't tell anyone if you don't want them to know, okay? it's not my place or my business to tell them. i'm sorry that i scared you but i promise your secret's safe with me," you spoke slowly, trying to make him understand.
"i just," he glanced up at the ceiling, foot tapping with anxiety. "it's embarrassing, you know?"
"it's not. i mean, yeah, it isn't the most healthy habit but it's nothing to be so ashamed of. you're okay, i promise."
his glossy eyes met yours and he nodded again, holding back a frown when your hands fell from his skin.
"and um, i'm sorry about.. about slamming my door in your face," you apologized sheepishly, thinking he might find it humorous. he did, which was a good sign as he smiled, a real chuckle leaving his lips this time.
"didn't take it to heart," he told you. "and thank you for.. for dealing with whatever just happened to me. i— i don't know how i let that happen but.."
"you don't need to explain yourself," you shook your head. "and you don't need to thank me, either. i'll always be here for anything you need."
"thanks," he replied in thought. how brendan raised such a sweet daughter, he'd never know. "and i'll always be here for you, that's a promise."
daddy issues taglist <3 @hockey-lover86 @cuttergauthierr @bbbbruins @makenzie3s @kenzie3165 @jayrami3 @hailcale @hockey-lover86 @bordelhoe @bordeleau @emsully2002 @ana-maa @rainingsunlight @fialalover @power2myheart @equallyshaw
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astars-things · 1 year
Hi! Could you write "I-I just felt a kick, quick!“ with Bords please?
Thank you 🤍
Pairing Dad!thomas Bordeleau x Mom!reader
When Bords and i found out we were having a baby we were over the moon in joy, we were young yes but we have been dating since senior year of highschool
i was stood in the kitchen wearing bords USA hockey hoodie and some of his sweat pants
While i was making toast i felt a flutter feeling in my lower stomach i placed my hand gently on my small baby bump
I felt a slightly more powerful feeling "Babe" i yelled, i was stood in place not knowing what to do "bub what's wrong" bords said concerned as i had tears well in my eyes
"I-I just felt a kick, quick!" I said grabbing bords hand and placed it on the bump
"Oh my-" he let out soon dropping to his knees and lifting up the hoodie to place light kisses on my stomach
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huggybug · 2 years
For dilf day can you write something about Thomas dropping your daughter off at school and all the moms asking if he’s single
happy dilf day!
“I’ll be back to pick you up okay? Have a good day mon chou” Thomas bends down to kiss your daughter on the head before she runs off. You smile, watching from the car as he turns back towards you before suddenly being swarmed by a couple moms you think you’ve seen around a couple times.
“You’re Kaylee’s dad?” Thomas looks at the blonde lady who’s smiling widely at him.
“Uh yeah, Thomas” He extends a hand, not sure if he should even be introducing himself to this lady but it seems like she knows Kaylee so…
“So lovely to meet you! I’m Jackson’s mom, I’ve never seen you here, do you usually drop her off?”
“No.. I uh, I’m away for work a lot so it’s usually Kaylee’s nanny” You we’re busy at home with your younger daughter so when Thomas was away, your nanny was the one who took Kaylee to and from school.
The blonde lady, Jackson’s mom, nodded and the other three smiled at Thomas.
“I guess it must be hard, we couldn’t blame you for needing help” One of the other ladies said, a tinge of judgement in her voice. That was one thing Thomas hated about where you lived, everyone was insanely conceited.
“Uh… okay yeah” Thomas coughed awkwardly, “I should get going”
“If you ever need some help with Kayla, feel free to ask, I’d love to help you out” Jackson’s mom grins and was that a wink?
“Oh- thank you that’s very nice of you” Thomas smiled, maybe she wasn’t that weird.
“And maybe we could get a drink sometime” Okay- nope! Definitely weird! The internal alarms are going off in Thomas’ head as a hand comes in contact with his arm.
“Thom?” A wave of relief washes over him when he feels you walk up behind him.
“Hey” He says quietly as he lets out a breath. His arm snakes around your waist and you can feel the four ladies looking at you.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, Thomas’ wife” You grin at the girls.
“We really should be going” The ladies scurry away and Thomas turns to you with wide eyes.
“Thank you”
“Mhm c’mon baby, let’s go home”
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lvrhughes · 1 year
You Reek of Jealousy | T. Bordeleau
word count: 0.6k
pairing: Thomas Bordeleau x f!reader
summary: Out on bad date, Thomas is there to whisk you away, taking place of your date.
warnings: none:)
requested: no
not my gif!
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“You reek of jealousy.” 
“I do not.”
A subtle laugh fell past his friends lips, everyone in the room could see the jealousy clouded Thomas, yet you didn’t seem to notice or if you did, you didn’t show. 
“Go talk to her! She’s your best friend, just tell her that Jake's not right for her.”
Sighing, Thomas weighed his options, telling you to get away from your date or suffer in silence. Slowly he got up, sauntering his way towards you and Jake. 
You saw him walking over, his slow walk almost mocking you. To say you were having a good time would be the lie of the century, Jake was an egotistical asshole, in simple terms. All he talked about was his trip to Cabo, his car, and how he’d love to go to bed with you. 
You silently thanked the gods when Thomas began walking over, saving you from the horrible date. 
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind, I'm just going to steal her.”
Jake had no time to reply before you took Thomas’ hand and ran away. Once you deemed you were far enough away, you pulled him into a hug, resting your head against his chest. Of course the two of you now were in the middle of the dance floor of the trashy club Jake had insisted on, so Thomas deemed fitting to slightly sway with you. 
“Thank you.” you murmured into his chest.
“Your welcome.” he answered back, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head. 
Thomas was always affectionate, and you loved that about him. The gentle kisses, the tight hugs, everything. His touch sent fire across your skin, leaving you craving more every time, but you’d never tell him that. 
“You know, I saw you glaring at Jake the entire night.” you teased when you pulled your head from off his chest. 
A pink flush covered thomas’ cheeks, but that could easily be played off as the lighting in the club. 
“He wasn't right for you.”
“Oh I know, he was so bad. He wouldn't shut up about his trip to cabo and how we should go to his hotel for the night.” you laughed, seeing the growing look of jealousy on Thomas’ face. 
“I’d never get in bed with him, don’t worry.” Those words seemed to calm him a bit, loosening the grip on your waist that had gotten tighter over the complaints about your date. 
“You know, he was right. You reek of jealousy.” 
“I do not, don’t you start this.” he rolled his eyes, making you laugh. 
Your head fell to his chest again, swaying gently with him. The music was soft, fitting the mood entirely. His arms were wrapped around your waist, your arms around his neck. 
“Y/n/n?” His voice was quiet, soft.
“Hmm?” you hummed back, still leaning against him.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
His words took you by surprise, making you pull away from his chest, staring into his eyes. When you didn’t say anything dread filled him. 
“Fuck I’m sorry, pretend i didn’t say anything.”
His confused look made you want to burst out laughing, and it took a lot for you not to, not being able to hide the smile on your face. 
“I think,” you started, seeing the wheels turning in his head lifting a smile onto his face, “I’m in love with you too.”
He wasted no time, picking you up and spinning, loving the sound of the giggles that escaped your lips. The second he put you down, he was pushing his lips against yours. Melting into him, you two fit like puzzle pieces. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for years.” he mumbled against your lips when you pulled away to breathe, right before pulling you in for another kiss. 
A few, many, more kisses later you’d gotten him away enough to get him to agree to head home. 
Needless to say, it was a goodnight, and you’d gotten a boyfriend out of a shitty date.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
ice and spice - t.bordeleau
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requested: y
pairing: thomas bordeleau x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw + mentions of oral +not intended for minors!
a/n: this has absolutely zero correlation to my last thomas imagine! I tried to leave out major engrossing details! I also somewhat did not follow the prompt given to me… that’s on me y’all! I don’t really like how this ends and this truly challenged my writing because I’m typically not into smut. my apologies are given if this is not in perfect detail.
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
the tweet lit up on your phone that afternoon when you saw Thomas’ name in the congratulatory AHL all star post from the San Jose barracuda’s. without even a thought in your mind you immediately texted Thomas, my place 8pm ;). the adrenaline hit through your body and you immediately started getting ready.
there was no doubt in your mind Thomas would be early. he was always one to take an appetizer before the main meal, which meant the finale had to be much more filling and you had to impress your boyfriend—although all it took was for you to moan his name and dig your nails into his hair and he was pretty much already coming.
thomas entered your apartment early to see candles lit, the blinds drawn, and you eagerly waiting for him sitting on the kitchen table. he’d been impatiently waiting all day for this.
“you hungry?” you smirked crossing your legs at the sight of him taking off his sweatshirt and his shirt lifted up revealing his skin. you couldn’t believe how horny you were already for him.
he came over to you and your legs naturally fell apart and wrapped around his waist locking him in. you felt his hands grab ahold of your ass pulling you closer to him trying to break the space.
“so I made a cake for you, and maybe we could eat it tonight?” you giggled, feeling his cold hands slip down the back of your sweatpants, you could feel his finger tips rubbing circles around your skin. you smirked at his subtle surprise reaction to find you had nothing on underneath.
“there’s a piece of cake I’m dying much more to eat right now.” he growled, eagerly his hands came out from behind and pushed you on to the table causing you to hit your back hard on the wooden table.
you gripped both the sides of the table waiting for Thomas to pull down your pants. you were practically already wet with the amount of agonizing time it was taking him.
“I don’t have all day, thom.” you scoffed, when you suddenly felt his hand grab your thighs pulling you closer to the edge of the table where he was already kneeling. his fingers carefully pulled at the seam of your sweatpants and you could feel his warm lips against your thigh. sighing in relief, you grabbed a chunk of his hair playing with it, you felt his tongue move across your thigh making himself comfortable going in to find what he was looking for. he heard you gasp and felt you tug on his hair.
you let out a small moan feeling his fingers inside of you, he was practically toying you right now and you didn’t like it. you just wanted him to go full force and fuck you raw. but this was a night to celebrate thomas, so you had to put your wants and desires aside for him.
“you wanna move this to the bedroom?” he asked, standing up now he carefully picked you up from the table, your legs still wrapped around his waist having never let go.
thomas was gentle this time setting you down on the bed, he removed his clothes leaving you breathless at the sight of him, “fuck me like no tomorrow, pretty girl. I deserve it.” he lay there waiting for you. and you did exactly what was asked.
you moved yourself on top of him, your fingertips just grazing his cock and he let out a small moan. he was itching for just more, he was beyond hard, he felt like he was going to break at any moment.
“you’re gonna kill me with the teasing, aren’t you?” he groaned shifting uncomfortably underneath your small frame that straddled his torso. when he adjusted himself you could feel the bulging of his cock growing underneath you. you were pretty sure he was close.
“you always wanna play fast never slow.” his hands gripped your hips, guiding you to ride him and you followed. hearing the soft whimpers grow louder as you moves with ease allowing him to enter you, watching his eyes close and his head tilt backwards.
“feel good?” you asked, he could barely handle himself, his nails were digging into your the skin at your hips. moving your body down on him your lips touch the tip of his cock and you could feel all the muscles in his body stiffen underneath you. he’s never felt your lips down there and it was a surprise to him when the contact came.
before you could go anywhere your mouth was met with cum. if you could smile you would because you knew he couldn’t take it any longer. the minute your fingertips touched his cock you were sure it was only a matter of time.
he let out a sigh of relief opening his eyes to see you taking every last drop of him, and he could finally relax, “now I want a taste of that cake.”
you chuckled getting on all fours, “anything for you, all star.”
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bordysbae · 1 year
22 & 36 for bordy please p.s I love your writing
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“is this a game to you?”
thomas bordeleau x fem reader
22. “we’re just hooking up, it’s nothing serious”
36. “yeah, i am jealous”
word count: 1k
warning; cursing
thomas has always been cocky, you could tell from the day you met him. he knows the power he holds over girls, but you’re the only one who never truly fell under his charm. yes, you think he’s attractive, but you don’t just sit there and fawn over him. that’s how you won him over, you know your worth, and he finds that to be the most attractive thing a girl can do. he hates how much girls just throw themselves at him, he loves a chase. eventually his charm got to you, and you began seeing each other casually, with no strings attached of course.
“i’ll see you sometime this week yeah?” he asks you, running a hand through his bedhead. “yeah, i’ll text you. or you text me, doesn’t matter” you say, slipping your shoes back on. he walks you out of his apartment, leading you to the door. he gives you a kiss on the cheek, as you do your walk of shame down the hallway of his apartment complex. the walk of shame you seem to be doing more and more often.
you’re sure that you’ll see thomas at this party one of your guys’ mutual friends is hosting at the club, so you don’t bother texting him at all during the week. you guys really only hookup if it’s after a party, or after one of his games. you both have to work during the week, so weekends are your guys’ best friend, despite some of his hockey games being out of state.
you sloppily throw an outfit together and touch up your makeup before leaving for the party. you uber to the club, since you have every intention of getting shit-faced tonight. once you arrive you can already smell the sweat and alcohol in the air. you look around for anyone you know, and see a few people having a joint conversation with one another. you decide to get a drink first to loosen up your system slightly.
as you’re standing waiting for the bartender you notice a tall man sit down at the barstool next to you. you glance over at him, and see him smiling at you. “hi, i’m jackson.” he beams. “i’m y/n, nice to meet you!” you exclaim, returning the favor and giving him a cheerful smile. “let me pay for your drink yeah?” “oh no, you don’t need to do that!” “i insist, a pretty girl like you doesn’t need to be buying her own drinks” he says, making you blush.
he pays for your drink, and you both begin chatting. one strong drink in your system is already loosening you up, and before you know it, your hand is on jackson’s bicep as you’re laughing at his stupid commentary. you feel a gaze burning into your cheek, and as jackson orders you both a round of shots, you take it as an opportunity to look around. you’re met with thomas’ gaze from across the entire room, as he grips the neck of his beer bottle tightly. you smirk, knowing exactly what you’re doing to him. you turn around to face jackson as you both lift the shot glasses full of tito’s to your lips. your head falls back as the liquid goes down your throat, leaving a burning sensation. just like thomas’ gaze.
the buzz in your system tells you to take jackson to the dance floor, and he follows as you take his wrist in your hand. you loosely dance against him, your body’s clashing together as the multi-colored lights shine above you. thomas is still watching you, his jaw clenched, and this doesn’t go unnoticed by you. you pull yourself closer to jackson, taking in the strong smell of his cologne.
suddenly you’re pulled away from jackson by your wrist, and taken into a random bathroom. you already know who it is, and a smirk appears on your face as thomas locks the door. “hey pretty boy, long time no see” you say cooly. “oh piss off with that shit. the fuck are you doing y/n? is this a game to you?” he asks, all seriousness in his tone.
“a game? what are you talking about?” you ask, obviously playing dumb. “will you quit playing dumb for one god damn second?!” he groans, making you chuckle a little. “why were you all over that douche?!” “first of all, he’s not a douche, he bought me drinks. second, why does it matter? me and you, we’re just hooking up, it’s nothing serious” you say, mimicking the words you both had once agreed on.
“i don’t usually call girls back after a one night stand, but you’re different. you don’t fall at my feet and just throw yourself at me, i’m interested. if you wanna keep seeing each other i’m more than down, but i don’t really do the dating scene, just so you know.” he stated.
“no yeah, we’re just hooking up, it’s nothing serious.” you agreed with him.
“yeah exactly, no strings attached?”
“yup, no strings attached”
you’re snapped from the memory when thomas speaks up again, “yeah we’re just hooking up but jeez are you that oblivious?” “oblivious to what? are you jealous, bordeleau?” you smirk, knowing the cocky boy in front of you would never admit defeat. he remains silent, his eyes still piercing into yours.
“cmon tell me, cause if not i’d much rather go back out there to the guy who’s actually giving me attention” “yeah, i’m jealous. you drive me fucking crazy, y/n. i never wanted to develop feelings for you, but i did. i doubt you feel the same way since we agreed no strings attached, but jesus you drive me crazy. you’re the only person who intrigues me, and you’re just so gentle with me. i crave your touch every night i spend alone.” he admits, finally breaking.
“i like you too, idiot. why else would i be trying to get your attention all night?” you chuckle, rolling your eyes jokingly at his stupidity. “i don’t know, cause you’re mean” he shrugs. “if i’m mean then what are you?” you laugh, making thomas roll his shes. “oh shut up and kiss me already, no need to be rude” he says, leaning in, you doing the same. you guys meet in the middle, and instantly place your hands all over each other. your hands play gently with the curls at the back of his neck, while his wrap around your waist loosely.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐁𝐄 𝐀 𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌 | ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ ʙᴏʀᴅᴇʟᴇᴀᴜ
pairing: thomas bordeleau x fem!reader
warnings: not proofread
wc: will update late
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the sun was barely peaking through the blinds when you felt thom move in front you, bringing you closer into his chest, waking up a bit. you tried to ignore and just fall back asleep, shoving your face deeper into his chest.
you were slowly starting to fall back asleep, when he let out a pretty loud cough, mumbling a small "shit" afterwards. one of his hand left your waist and went up to your head, rubbing it a bit hoping you wouldn't be wake up. you smiled to yourself as he pressed small kisses to the top of your head, until he let out another cough.
"are you okay?" you whispered, your eyes still closed, rubbing his back a bit.
"yeah, im sorry for waking you up. go back to sleep, love." he whispered back, and in within 15 seconds you were back to sleep.
the next time you woke up, it was from bordy pressing kisses all over the side of your face, making you let out a groan. the sun was full on shining in the room at this point, and your back was now against his chest, your head being sandwiched between his biceps.
"morning, mon amour." he whispered against the shell of your ear, as you slowly opened your eyes.
"hi." you answered, clearing your throat before because of how dry it was.
"you sleep okay?"
"mm hm."
"im sorry i woke up you earlier." he apologized making you chuckle a bit.
"tommy, it's okay. i was barely awake anyways." you told him, not wanting him to feel too bad about it.
"you're comfy." you then said, snuggling your face into his bicep that was separating your head from the pillow. you feot his chest vibrate against your back as he let out a small laugh.
"thank you?"
"you're my new pillow."
"just lay there and look pretty, babe. you're doing amazing." you said, before pressing a small kiss to all of his tattoos you could reach.
"that tickles." he giggled when you pressed a kiss to the inside of his elbows, making you chuckle a bit. your hand then flew up and traced his 'bordeleau' tattoo, sending shivers down his spine.
"mm, that feels nice." he whispered, rubbing your waist a bit with his free hands. your hands then moved higher, and squeezed his bicep.
"rawr." you said, admiring his muscles, making him look at the back of your head questionably.
"did you just rawr at my bicep?"
"you're hot. you have big myscles. why shouldn't i?"
"oh my--"
"be a pillow, thom." you cut him off, pressing kisses all over his arm. you felt him scoff a bit, but no words left his mouth after that.
taglist <3 @mack-samo @hugheshugs @nickblankenburgg @studsccsnackavoybambi @blanksbae @bemybinarystar @ancient-remnants-of-love @power2myheart @emsully2002 @cuttergauth @jayda12 @marcoskasper @mackieraymonds @bowen-power @cuttergauthierr @sidcrosbyspuck @arianabordeleau @bordeleau @sslafkovsky @dora-the-exploraah
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cobrakaisb · 1 year
happy holidays
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summary: it’s the holiday season and the boys just had to make sure it was special for you and charlotte
word count: 1.2k  
notes: happy holidays!! i felt like bringing back team baby, so here it is :)
“move it a little bit to the left,” brendan instructed, gesturing for thomas to adjust the star on top of the tree sitting in their living room. “are you serious?” thomas asked, looking at his friend. “yes! it’s crooked! right char?” the brisson boy asked the toddler who was perched on his hip. “yeah it’s not very straight bubba,”  the young girl agreed, tilting her head to get a better look at the tree. “see! even she agrees!” brendan continued, gesturing for thomas to fix the star. 
“what’s going on?” luke asked as he walked into the room with mackie and mark. the other two boys immediately flocked to brendan’s side, poking at charlotte. she laughed at all the attention before ultimately reaching for mackie. the younger boy complied, taking the young girl into his arms. “you better not be high mack, or else y/n will kill us,” thomas said, climbing down from the ladder he was standing on. “i’m not,” the younger boy answered, but that didn’t stop thomas’s eyes from narrowing in his direction. 
just as mackie was about to defend himself, your voice resonated throughout the house. “we’re back,” you said, walking into the living room, arms filled with bags. owen and kent followed behind you, their arms also full with various bags adorning different logos. “mummy!” charlotte shouted, wiggling out of mackie’s arms so that she could run into your open ones. “hi baby. we’re you good for your uncles?” you asked, pulling her into you as you kissed all over her face. “yes,” she answered, laughing at your actions. 
“she was fine. aside from agreeing with uncle bren” thomas teased, tickling her tummy. charlotte giggled loudly at his actions, desperately trying to escape his fingers. once the two were done goofing off, thomas turned his attention to you. he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek before gathering the bags you dropped. “thank you,” you whispered, puckering your lips as he held the bags in one hand. 
“ew!” charlotte whined, hiding her face in her hands. her outburst caused everyone to laugh, but put an immediate end to the pda between you and thomas. “should we start with the festivities?” brendan asked, looking around the room at the small group. charlotte frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as she shook her head no. “not everyone is here. like nicky, and johnny, and uncle matty. we have to wait,” she answered, looking at brendan. the guys all snickered at her words, watching as charlotte completely parented him. “fine, but once everyone gets here we can start,” brendan said, and charlotte nodded in agreement before running off to do something. 
even though everyone was off playing hockey at different places, they all managed to come back to campus for the holiday. you were still going to make it to your childhood home for the actual holidays, but the boys all wanted to do something with charlotte. hence, they all decided to have this small get together at your off campus house. “we all have gifts to give her. can we do it tonight? please?” brendan begged, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. “i told you no gifts,” you mumbled, giving them all a pointed look. “well those of us on nhl salaries wanted to spoil her, so too bad,” owen said, looking at you with a challenging look. you grumbled something under your breath, but it quickly ceased when charlotte skipped back into the room, a stack of cards in her hands. 
“mummy, can you help me?” she whispered, pulling on your shirt. “course baby,” you answered, kneeling down to her level. charlotte handed you the stack of cards, sorting through them. “are they all here?” you asked, waiting for her to answer. “i think. but i need to count,” she answered, and that’s how you all ended up circling around charlotte while she counted out how many cards were in her pile. by the time she was finished, everyone was at the house. 
“okay! let’s begin with the exchange!” brendan announced, getting up to grab his gift. “no! i go first!” charlotte screamed, stopping brendan before he could even grab the pink gift bag. “charlotte rose we do not yell,” you reprimanded looking at her. “sorry mummy. i go first please,” she replied, looking sheepish. the boys all agreed, waiting patiently as charlotte grabbed the first card from your hands. 
she went around the room, handing each boy a different homemade card. each of the cards was unique, but they were all decked out with glitter, toddler scribbles, and charlotte’s messy handwriting. once all the boys had a card, she stood next to you with a satisfied look on her face. “thank you fleur,” thomas mumbled, scooping her into his arms. “i’m gonna put this on my locker,” he promised, causing charlotte’s eyes to widen as she nodded excitedly. 
“okay charlotte. we have some presents for you,” brendan said, holding out the giant gift bag. you watched as charlotte’s eyes grew to the size of saucers, an excited smile on her face. brendan handed her the gift bag and immediately she was tearing the wrapping paper out of it. a loud gasp echoed around the room as she pulled out a disney princess cash register. “mummy look!” she said, jumping up and down. “wow!” you answered, looking at the toy with amazement. you watched as charlotte began to push different buttons and listen to the different sounds. “char, keep looking in the bag,” brendan urged, causing the girl to turn her attention back to the bag in front if her. 
another loud gasp resonated through the room as she pulled out a pack of barbies. they weren;t just any barbies, however, it was the entire collection of disney princess barbies ranging from cinderella to moana. “dollies!” she shouted, naming all the different princesses to ethan, who was sitting right next to her. 
that’s exactly how the rest of the night went. each of the boys providing her with different toys that she loved. by the end of the night she had a ton of new barbies, a collection of bluey and peppa pig toys, a handful of new books, and a couple new outfits that the girlfriends picked out. 
“okay so this last present isn’t for charlotte, it’s for you,” thomas said, handing you a box wrapped in the barbie wrapping paper they used for all her gifts. “you guys,” you mumbled, taking the box from thomas’s hands. “stop! we wanted to get you something,” kent said, holding up his hand. you nodded, carefully unwrapping the paper. you opened the box inside to find a navy blue book. “what is this?” you asked cautiously, pulling it out. your fingers ran over the spine and front cover as you opened the book. 
immediately you were met with the picture you all took after the boys won the big ten championship. “oh you guys,” you whispered, fingers tracing over the photo. “there’s more,” luke said, gesturing for you to flip through the album. inside you found countless pictures. some featured just you and the boys, others were the boys with charlotte, and some were just you with charlotte. it was a reminder that they would always be there for you. you guys were family. “i love it. thank you so much,” you said, voice clogged with emotion. “we love you,” thomas whispered, wrapping his arms around you. “this doesn’t change the fact, however, that you spoil her way too much,” you said, wiping at your face. that elicited a laugh from everyone.
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