#though the Icelandic ones didn’t speak much at all compared to my dad’s parents who spoke some of theirs as kids
sammyhale · 7 years
J2 AHBL Sunday VIP Panel (revised)
*A few hours after the Sunday morning VIP panel, a fan tweeted some stuff after taking notes during the panel. After a few requests I decided to make another (longer) panel summary based off of her tweets. 
Jensen (referring to the previous night’s SNS concert he sang at): “I heard it was a good one.”
Jared re: Jensen singing: “How was this cat?” 
Does actors being asked questions by fans about their current work affect their approach to what they do with the characters? Jared: Abso-freaking-lutely. He talks about how he wrote about this in Fangasm’s new book, Family Don’t End With Blood, about his first experience with conventions and how rought they were, including being involved in one that had a huge scam (more details in the book). But that the through line of it all, through those early experiences, was discussing the character with others for the first time and he loved it. 
Jared loved school growing up, was excited about it, he loves spirited discussion and debate and learning from other people. This carries over to the show. “It’s really enriched my character and my enjoyment of the show.” He learns how other people interpret his work. Sometimes hears stuff that he never got from SPN but knows it’s sincere: “That’s cool, man - I didn’t realize people were seeing that as well!”
Jensen: “I’d say that it’s a sense of validation that we get, when we talk to you guys, these questions that can go pretty deep...for me it’s a sense of validation that inspires me to personally dig even deeper into my character.” 
Basically, what they get from these conversations is the inspiration to work even harder in return. 
Fan asks about Clif in the “Folsom Prison Blues” episode. He was not working for them at the time. Met him as an actor. They talk about how his role with J2 developed. Not just a bodyguard, he’s more like their on-set manager. 
Question: If Mary, John and Bobby were all back together, how would that affect the dynamic of the team. J2 immediately joke about them being a threesome: Jared: “Umm, did I miss an episode?” Jensen: “It might have emotionally scarring effects on the brothers...it would inspire Dean.” Jared: “I think it would confuse Sam. *as Sam* Mary, John...what?” Jensen: “Dean would go, ‘Oh, that’s where I get it.’” Fan says it was a really dirty joke about watching his parents in a threesome. 
The question was actually if Mary, John, and Bobby were all alive at the same time in raising the guys. J2 say having all those parents would make their jobs much easier, that they’d all be doing what they do best. Jensen: “Dad would be off ine one direction, Mom-” Jared: “ONE DIRECTION?? How did we go from Mary/John/Bobby threesome to One Direction? Is that a natural progression? All roads lead to One Direction?”
Jared: “Now, if Harry was there as well, I mean...” Jared is a Harry girl confirmed :P
Question about Jaread acting in s7 against Lucifer while having to ignore him. J2 say Mark P is a very exciting, unpredictable actor. 
Asked what it feels like to meet strangers who love them or are crying. Jared: “Difficult question to answer. It seems easy on the surface.” Says it’s exciting to be a part of something, and to keep in mind that the fans have touched their lives, too. They just finished filming the season, are away from “our fam,” and yet here they are. Jared compared the connectivity to spirituality. 
“We are grateful to you just like you’re grateful to us.”
Places they haven’t been yet: This is Jared’s first time in Melbourne. Wants to see big cities like Tokyo, Mumbai. Wants to see Moscow but not right now. Jensen would like Iceland, has not been to South America or Africa. Random banter ensued. After the fan says they want to go to Cuba, Jensen says he would like to go look at the old cars there.
Someone asked about becoming an extra on SPN, J2 gave some serious talk about that line of work, agencies, how hard that work is, etc. Told the fans how they have to blend so much and ignore so much in order to not ruin takes, also the silent talking factor aka mouthing dialogue. 
This is something lead actors also have to do when the scene isn’t on them. If they’re not visible but not audibly talking it’s mouthed. So, if Jensen is an “extra” in a Sam scene, for example, talkingn with someone else in the background, he won’t be talking and Jensen finds it hard. 
Did they approve of Demon!Dean ending so fast? Jared: “I didn’t like it. I wanted it to last a long time. I think the writers did, too. I think Jensen had a good time. Personally, Jared as a fan of the show and a friend to Sam Winchester, I wanted to see the chase.” Talks about wanting to see the cat and mouse chase, with Dean knowing Sam was after him, Dean and Crowley both in hell... “I wish it had lasted longer.” 
They said ultimately the show is about Sam and Dean and their relationship together, they can’t do 15 episodes of Sam and Dean never being in the same scene together. 
Jensen wanted an 8 to 10 episode arc, but they thought the fans would have gotten upset had the show been that different for that long. He compared it to Purgatory, saying he would have wanted it to go on for a few more eps but there’s that concern about separating Sam and Dean for that long. 
Jensen: “We know where our bread is buttered” which is “the brothers in the Impala driving down crazy street.” 
Next question was about which version of their characters has been hardest and what techniques were used. Jared says doing Lucifer and Sam next to each other. Approached Luci as a brand new character, like he’d never done SPN and was auditioning. With Soulless!Sam, he said “I’m gonna pretend I’m auditioning for a character who doesn’t have a soul. What is he thinking about, motivations, etc.” 
Jared remembers speaking to Gamble when she became the showrunner and hearing this plot. His jaw hit the floor, wasn’t sure how to approach a soulless!sam. So, he likened the soul to emotions, morality, ethics. Made it mathematical. Harsh reasoning. Compared to Javier Bardem’s “No Country for Old Men” character. “Deadness behind the eyes” and just thinking mathematically “Which is great ‘cause I love math!”
Soulless!Sam was fun for him once he figured out what to do with it. Lucifer was difficult. With Gadreel he changed the dialogue wherever possible to iambic pentamemter to give a timeless being who’s been around forever. Doing that became annoying though, because he was stuck with it like how Misha did with his Cas voice.
Boys talk about how Misha actually ripped his vocal chords in the past doing that voice. 
Jensen’s answer was on future Dean and present Dean, thinking about adjusting the same person rather than a possession, etc. He described the shooting cycle of acting against himself. “I had to perform future Dean in my head and remember how I’m going to do it later then react accordingly while actually filming the scenes for present Dean, while doing it with someone just reading lines.” So whenever shooting one side he was mentally performing the other. “So my head exploded.”
Info via: Natalie
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