#thought up some good ideas for the fatal frame 5 crossover lately and it's really got me going on this too aksksk
aberooski · 1 year
Every thought I've had about OUAD 2 so far:
1. OUAD 2 will take place a few months after OUAD and will follow Chazz, Atticus, Alexis, and Jay, Sy, and Hassleberry as they take a trip to visit the Crystal Kingdom where Atticus and Alexis live (otherwise knows as the Northern Kingdom in OUAD as it's located to the north of the Golden Kingdom, the central kingdom of the lands)
2. Keeping with the Once Upon A .... theme for the title, it won't just be Once Upon A Duelist 2. My main thought is Once Upon A Winter OUAW or something along those lines because the story will take place during the wintertime and the Crystal Kingdom is in fact a snow kingdom.
3. Chazz and Atticus are officially a couple
4. I want to include more of the ensemble cast, my thought is that Bastion and Jesse are residents of the Crystal Kingdom and will have some kind of significance within the story
5. I don't like him but I also want a Zane cameo because the fact that he canonically exists in OUAD and because Syrus is a fairy, he has to be one too is hilarious to me and I need to see it.
6. Hassleberry is in trouble with fairy society for actually killing Jagger in OUAD, despite how evil he and Slade were when they were still alive. They also view him as more of an enigma than they already did due to his animalistic side that he was born with and how weak his magical abilities are because despite his weak magical powers, he was able to not only access extremely powerful ancient magicks on his own during the final battle of OUAD, he did it while in his berserked state and not even in control of himself. Just like Jaden thought, everyone underestimated the power of the gold fairy.
7. Jaden is intrigued by how Jesse, a regular human, can see and communicate with the spirits. Jaden can but even as a magical being it's uncommon, and Chazz can but only because Jaden blessed him with the power. So how is it that Jesse can see spirits too? Eventually as he's observing Jesse to try and figure that out, he starts to develop a crush on the kind human boy......
8. Not sure what the greater conflict of the story will be. Maybe some kind of conspiracy or some sort of other issue that is uncovered and runs deep within the Crystal Kingdom. I still have to figure that out and who the main antagonist will be. That will influence a lot of the story since it'll need to be built around that.
9. Loved a comment @chazz-is-a-zelda-fan made about OUAD 2 continuing the trend of killing off disliked characters, wouldn't mind finding a way to sneak and Adrian death in there somewhere 😌 thanks for putting that thought in my head friend 💜 I'm all kinds of down for killing off that bitch somehow lol
10. I had originally had a thought about Adrian wanting revenge for Slade and Jagger's destruction of the Kingdom of the East, but I'm not sure timeline wise if that would work I mean they destroyed it a little over 20 years ago and Adrian isn't much older than they are in canon so he couldn't have actually been there to see it but I suppose it could still work if that event more or less destroyed his family and set him up for a real crap life. Also Slade and Jagger are dead now and nobody still alive had anything to do with it except the trio was involved in the battle to stop them back then, which they did. So it wouldn't make sense still unless I got real creative I guess 🤨 or maybe it does and I'm just underthinking it. But Adrian I think would be more of a minor antagonist rather than the main antagonist of the whole fic.
11. Going back to conspiracy, and I did almost say cult.... potential SoL inclusion??? Or a Darkness cult???? Nightshroud???? Absolutely no thoughts about that just a potential concept but maybe something like that for the main conflict???? I really don't know yet 😭
It'll probably be a while before I get to start actually writing any of this but the thoughts are real y'all.
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