#tiva hope never dies
themoonlightbrigade · 3 months
If I can just sum up my last four years as as a shipper:
- Chenford becomes canon after 2 years of shipping and hoping
- GSR appears before my eyeballs after 7 years
- Japril reunion
- POLIN TIME one season earlier than expected
- Ziva returns from the “dead” (#NoBodyNoCrime), reunites with her family, which now heralds THE RETURN OF TIVA AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE
Now I feel like asking for some resolution for Ellick would be too much 😅
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wafflesetc · 1 year
I've been wondering a lot if there is a way out of here where Upstead would be okay. Gwen has been saying that it's important we keep loving them, that they are loves of each other's lives, how what they have is true and so on. She has spoken a lot about that even after Jay left. I'd also like to think that if they wanted them to be over, they would have done it already in 10x03 because who likes if it's being dragged on for the entire season.
I mean the ball is in Hailey's court right now. I wonder if her love for him will ultimately come out on top. She will obviously question everything at first. She will want to give up because seemingly Jay did so. She'll try to let go of him and be happy alone. But something happens where she hits a turning point. That she decides to wait for him. And after he comes home they would do the real work. It would be slow but they would do it together. (And Jay would grovel the shit out of him.) They could do that in a way where Jay is home but offscreen. Little mentions here and there. It's terrifying to expect her to carry their marriage but maybe she will. Maybe they will come on top. Maybe she will realise while she can live without him, she doesn't want to. Because Jay has been a big part of her life. He is a big reason she was able to move on and win her demons. I'd like to hope that in the end she can't just forget him.
On the other hand, Hailey's trust and heart has been shattered. She's got a difficult past and Jay was supposed to be the one person who would never break it. He promised so multiple times. So I don't know. Hailey fought tooth and nail to get to a happy place.
I guess we'll have to wait and see though I really don't want to sit through them dragging Upstead more through the mud.
The beautiful thing about television is there is always a way out of a scenario. Look at Tiva - how Ziva "died" and then suddenly she's alive and Tony has a child. That didn't happen until years after she had left the series.
I do find it odd, how much Gwen has gushed about them being the loves of each other's lives and then this is where they have taken them. I'm not arguing if I think they love each other or not, I firmly believe that Jay and Hailey are IT for each other. Which, since they are, I can see why the writers may feel the need to drag them through the mud like this. Even though it is painful to watch, in some capacity it may make it seem more "realistic" to them (the writers) to drag it out this long. However, I disagree, I'm just trying to find some kind of logic in the nonsense we've been given.
I agree with most of your second paragraph, mostly. The only slight thing I disagree on is the ball being Hailey's court - marriage is teamwork. I think they are both trying to make it work, figure things out, do what they can for the other while also trying to heal themselves. I have said this a couple of times BUT growth has to happen with each individual in order for the relationship to grow. It's painful, messy, and not always black and white, but it takes two to tango. Jay is just as culpable as Hailey is in all of this. I think the process for each of them is different, but I do believe they would fight to the ends of earth to preserve their marriage because that's the kind of people they are.
I think the thing I am trying to remember right now is that we are only on episode 12 of 22/24 episodes for the season. There is still a lot of time to watch, a lot of the story left to unfold, and I don't think we've seen the end of Upstead yet. Only time will tell, but I think by the end of the season we will have a more clear picture of where they are taking this.
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benditlikepress · 4 years
there’s ritual in the dance, my love
set directly after the events of 10x08 'Gone'
for @justkindaoverhereobsessing , soft tiva makes me think of you
 read in full on ao3
“You don’t have to do that.”
“You already paid for dinner.”
“I won’t hear anything else about it.”
Tony and Ziva both conceded as Shmeil paid the taxi driver outside of Ziva’s apartment.
It wasn’t often both of them drank enough to be over the limit, and though neither of them were drunk they’d definitely indulged a little at dinner. Ziva had pre-empted by driving them back to her apartment to drop her car off before dinner, and Tony had made a comment wondering how she could tell the difference driving under the influence to her normal driving which earned him a look so deadly he thought he might get left on the pavement.  
Unlike the old days, though, it died instantly, and he didn’t think it would be presumptuous of him to say all 3 of them had had a great time. Any trepidation Tony had had about spending so long intruding on their dinner had soon been dissipated when Shmeil almost immediately started to tell him stories about Ziva that he listened to with a rapture he hoped he managed to cover at least a little.
Tony walked with the old friends into Ziva’s building without hesitation, which earned no reaction from Ziva but a sly look from Shmeil in his direction.
"Tell me, are you staying the night?"
"Oh, no. No."
They'd spent a lot of the first portion of the evening fielding questions about their relationship, particularly after Shmeil finally made the connection between the Tony DiNozzo sat in front of him and the Tony that Ziva apparently talks 'ten to the dozen' about on the phone. He would've made fun of her for it, were he not certain that every story he told people about his life invariably led back to her in one way or another.
“Just a doorstep delivery service.”
“Ah, a real American gentleman, hey?”
“Do not say that, he will never forget it.”
“Old Hollywood.”
“Y’know, Shmeil, if you’re ever looking for a job I could always use a new partner.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I think I’m best leaving the excitement to the young ones.”
“Young? This just keeps getting better.”
The look Ziva threw him over her shoulder as they reached her door was the kind of eyes-glinting smile, teasing but amused, that had been known on occasion to send a flicker of something through his stomach. He felt the smile spread on his own face as she turned back around to unlock the door.
The apartment was dark and cool, Shmeil’s bags sat ceremoniously in the centre of the room where Tony had dropped them earlier. He made a beeline for them, removing his coat and placing it over the suitcase handle while Ziva turned on the lights.
“Do you want to stay for a drink?”
The question was innocent as it always was, but even so Tony’s eyes involuntarily flickered towards Shmeil. The man wasn’t listening, too busy organising his bags and moving them across the floor.
“I should probably get back, it’s pretty late. Here, let me do that.” Tony dropped his wallet from his hand onto the counter as he grabbed the bags and pushed them across the room towards the wall against the bathroom.
“You will soon learn that an hour with Shmeil turns into five.”
“I think I have reached my limit, regrettably - it is time for me to retire. Ziva, my dear, why don't you escort the gentleman home?"
"Oh, that's really not necessary." Tony began to object but Ziva was already kissing Shmeil on the cheek.
"I will be back soon."
“Really, there’s no rush. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"That list can't be long, huh?" Tony held out his hand to shake but was a little startled when the man pulled him in for a hug.
"We must see each other again before I leave. Ziva will arrange something. Goodnight to you both."
"Night, Shmeil."
"Lock the door after we leave, yes?"
"I can't believe I get by without you." Shmeil called as he walked towards the bathroom.
Alone in the entrance Ziva kicked off her heels, but before Tony could make assumptions that she wasn't leaving after all she was picking up some boots she had discarded by the door and pulling them onto her feet.
"You really don't have to walk me home, y'know. It's like a 40 minute round trip."
"You walk me home all the time."
"Do not be a chauvinist, Tony. I can walk you home."
"How often do I leave my own place to take you there? You're already at your apartment. Plus I'm a federal agent with a gun."
"And I am a trained assassin, but that does not stop you walking me home." When Tony didn't follow her towards the door, Ziva shrugged and stepped back. "OK, suit yourself. I will see you on Monday."
Tony tipped his head away, looking at the door with a smirk. "Alright, alright. Come on."
"Oh, so after all of that you actually want my company?"
“You’re being nice, figure I should make the most of it.”
“It is amazing how quickly you can make me regret it.”
continue reading on ao3
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romancemedia · 4 years
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NCIS S17E16 - Ephemera
In the 16th episode of the 17th season of NCIS, the team investigates the suicide of a retired navy sailor, while imaging themselves as they investigate his past into a possibly stolen rare and valuable coin.
This was one of the best episodes of the entire season and definitely one of my top favourite episodes. I loved everything about this episode where the team got to solve not only the mystery of the rare and valuable coin, but also solved a 50 year old murder case all while getting to learn about the love story between the victims, Art and Annie. In the beginning of the episode, the team are in the middle of the winter blues and apparently nothing can spark their interest or cheer them up, not even when Tony’s father instructs Jimmy to thank the team on his behalf for reuniting Tony, Tali and Ziva. Despite the team’s less than stellar response, I LOVED that we got a Tiva mention and they are finally living out the happily ever after they’ve so rightfully deserved after all these years. Anyway moving on to the case of the week.
This was definitely one of my favourite cases in season 17 so far that I would give this episode a 10/10. I loved every moment as it was so intriguing not only learning about the coin, but the romantic history between the victims Art and Annie and wondering what kind of person Art really was. A devoted Navy man who lost the love of his life or just your average gold digger? Despite some concerns, Art was proven a kind, caring, thoughtful, devoted and just downright wonderful person who loved Annie and his country. I loved getting to see Annie and Art’s past and seeing the team as different people from their love story. Ellie as Annie, Nick as Art, Gibbs as Annie’s Dad, Sloane as Aunt Berthie etc. This was just so much fun to watch that I couldn’t look away. In the beginning, I hated Annie’s father after he disapproved/refused to give his blessing for the young couple who wished to be married and when he threw her ring into the fireplace was even worse. Thankfully, I am just happy he managed to make amends with his daughter before her death and retrieved the ring. Anyway as for the case of the week, the twists and turns were better than ever as originally it was long thought that Annie died from the same illness as her mother, but instead she was poisoned, turning this into a 50 year old murder case.
I loved seeing the team so invested in this case, even more so than any of their previous cases, especially Nick and Ellie. Anyone who is an Ellick shipper will fall for them even more after watching this episode and have high hopes for their future. I strongly believe they will get together at somepoint, it’s just been a slow process, but it will happen. Not to mention, it was great seeing Ducky again. It’s been a while since we last saw him and I miss having him around like back in the good old days. I wish he would make more appearances again. In the end it turns out that Annie was killed by her very own brother because he was upset that their father put her in charge of the business and as for the coin, Art never stole it... Annie did. When her father refused to accept or bless their relationship, she stole it so they could start a life together, but Art refused and sadly told her he had been given orders and by the time he returned, Annie was dead, leaving him heartbroken and the coin through Aunt Berthie, who I really like. In the end, both Annie and Art got justice as Annie’s case was solved and the museum exhibition that Art loved so much would be saved using the funds from the coin.
Overall, all’s well that ends well. This was such a great episode, getting to witness the love, heart, humour, mystery and so much more in this episode. Definitely one of the best season 17 episodes yet and the ending when the camera zoomed in on the photograph with Art and Annie was so sweet and so touching. Annie and Art are finally at peace and are together again at last.
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ranger-of-estel · 5 years
Tiva - Home at last
So this is entirely unbeta’d, and frankly I should have been in bed long before now. But I finally started catching up on this season of NCIS, and it gave me all the feels! Tiva was my first OTP, and I cannot explain how happy I am that after more than a decade my babies get to be happy together. May write more depending on what the writers give me to work with.
So yeah...spoilers for S17 (Canon compliant through 17x02...haven’t watched more than that yet...so unsure about more recent episodes)
Tiva....sorta established?
               When Ziva finally makes her way to Tony & Tali she finds she cannot quite muster the courage to step back into their lives. She tells herself it’s just surveillance, that she wants to find time to talk to Tony alone first. After all, what if things have changed? What if Tali doesn’t remember her? What if Tony doesn’t want her in his life?
               Two weeks of following in the shadows, and a series of encouraging texts from the team in DC and she finally bites the bullet. She walks up to the door; Tony is working from home today and Tali has just left for school. She takes one more slow breath, tries to push away the hope that Tony still cares for her the way she never stopped loving him. She gives three short knocks, and then waits.
               She knows it’s only a minute, maybe two before she hears footsteps…but it feels like an eternity. She hears the lock being undone, then the turning of the knob before the door begins to open. Tony freezes, staring as if he’s not quite sure she’s real.
               “Hello, Tony.” Her pulse is like thunder in her ears; watching as his body language shifts. Disbelief shifts to joy, then anger that lingers only a moment before he’s looking at her with something she can only label Hope.
               “Ziva…” he breathes her name, and her heart constricts at the warmth in the word.
               She fights the lump in her throat, “I’m sorry-“
               She’s cut off from saying more as he steps forward, pulling her into a crushing hug. His face is buried in the crook of her neck, lips brushing against her skin as he speaks. “I don’t care, just tell me this is real.”
               “I’m here,” is all she can manage; wrapping her arms around him, breathing him in. “I came home.”
               She feels his shuddering breath before he pulls back. There are tears in his eyes, one hand coming up to cradle her face. “I missed you, so much.” His voice waivers, and it kills her to think of hurting him.
               “I missed you too.” She offers a small smile, reaching up to brush a tear from his cheek. “But I want to fix this…if you’ll allow me?”
               He shakes his head, but there’s an almost smile on his lips. “Do you really need to ask?” And just like that a burden is lifted from her chest, and it takes everything in her not to start crying. “Come on Zee,” he reaches down to take her hand, tugging her into the apartment.
They settle on the couch, slightly angled so they face one another. “I’m guessing this is what Gibbs called me about?”
She nods, “I told him not to say anything. I wanted to be the one to explain things.” She looks down at her hands for a long moment. “I’m sure you have questions.”
“Honestly, right now I could care less.” She looks back up; and despite the years he looks just like she remembers when he smiles like that. “I’m just glad your back.” He frowns, “I didn’t believe it, when they said you’d died.” He looks at her, almost pleading. “I wanted to come looking for you, to find the people responsible…But,”
               “I know.” And she does. If there was one thing she was sure of, even more than Gibbs, it was that Tony would always come for her. She reaches out to lay her hand over his, “but Tali needed you.”
               He nods, offering a breathy laugh. “Yeah, turns out I needed her too.” His gaze shifts to a shelf of pictures, Ziva following his gaze until he speaks again. “I wish you’d told me.”
               She sighs, returning her attention to him. “I didn’t want you giving up your life for us.” She shakes her head, “I sent you home, I couldn’t turn around and ask you to move to Israel for me.”
               He looks like he’s about to retort but shakes his head, “what’s past is past.” He looks down where her hand rests over his, the other hand coming up to brush along the same scar Gibbs had traced not so long ago. “Is it over? Whatever was keeping you from us?”
               “Yes,” she frowns, “we are safe, at least from that threat.”
               “Good,” he nods, “and when you are ready, you can tell me…but for now.” He rises, grinning as he offers her his hand. “May I take you out for lunch?”
               She feels herself smile, reaching out to accept his hand. “I suppose I could set aside some time.”
               Lunch is a simple affair; and yet it’s as if the whole world has shifted. They fall back into place so easily, bantering and teasing. He tells he about Tali, about his father, about settling in a new city. She tells him about the places she’s seen, about the team when she visited and a little about the mission that has kept her away.
               By the time they go to pick up Tali she feels more content than she has in years. She hangs back as they approach the school, Tony pausing to look back at her. “Hey,” he gives her hand a gentle squeeze, “it’s alright.”
               “But,” she takes an uneven breath. “What if she doesn’t know me?”
               He softens, stepping closer to her. “She knows exactly who you are.” He offers a little shrug, “you aren’t the only one who can tell stories.”
               The bell rings and the children begin to filter out. Ziva sees her bouncing down the steps, blond curls framing her face and a huge grin as she sees Tony. As she gets closer Tony simply steps aside; Tali’s eyes widening as she freezes. “Eema?”
               “Tali…” The knot is back in her throat, tears blurring her vision.
               “Eema!!” Tali runs to her mother’s waiting arms, wrapping her arms around Ziva’s neck in a tight embrace.
               Ziva can’t help the sob that escapes her, clinging tightly to her baby. “I missed you.” She lifts her up, peppering her hair and crown with kisses.
               Tony gives them space, before eventually stepping closer to wrap both of them in his arms. Laughter bubbles past Ziva’s lips for the first time in longer than she can remember. It may have taken years in darkness and pain…but her family is safe, and finally she is home.
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daisugababy · 4 years
The decade is ending, what has changed for you in these past ten years? I was tagged by @thisisandysblog and @glassesandkim so i guess i gotta do it now lol. thanks for tagging me tho!!
1. Have you moved? 
Yep. First to the city of my uni, then to Dublin for a 5-month internship. back again to my uni city and then back to my parents last year. Although I hope that I can move out very soon again cause damn i need my solitude.
2. Have you graduated? 
High school, yes. Uni.. err not yet lmao.  3. Has your marital status changed?
Nope. 4. Has your parental status changed?
No and hopefully that never will, lol. 5. Has your hair color changed?
HAHA. I basically went throught the whole rainbow. I had blue year for 4 full years and after that I’ve been switching hair colors constantly. But it always was color x, blue, color y, blue. Then I let my hair grow out cause it was dead from bleaching it myself and rn I’m blondish after going to a salon for the first time to get my hair bleached professionally. 6. Has your job changed?
Yep. I worked at McDonalds (where i learned to despise people even more lmao) when I was 18 til i started studying. Then I got my internship in translation and rn I’m working in logistics. 7. Has your OTP changed? 
Oh yes. My first and biggest OTP ever was Tiva aka Tony and Ziva from NCIS. After Cote left the show I had many OTP until I discovered Marvey (Mike and Harvey from Suits). And then Malec came along. Then Patrick left Suits and Shadowhunters enden, but thankfully Schmico got me. And also Lucy and Tim from The Rookie. (check out my sideblog about them if you want @lucybradford) 8. Has your pet status changed? 
Yes :( I went from two budgies to zero. :( Charly got 11 years old. And Berta just recently died at age 14. I still miss both of them :(
9. What new places did you visit?
Oof many. I went to Dublin, Paris, the UK, Barcelona. And many cities in Germany that I got to explore. 10. What is an accomplishment you are proud of?
Probably reaching the point where I don’t let people tell me anymore how to live my life or how to think. Which resulted in my dad not talking to me for 6 weeks now lol, but oh well. (Well, technically we’re on week 7 now)
I’m an adult and don’t let anyone disrespect me, just cause I don’t want to cause a scene/argument. Arguments suck and the silent treatment wasn’t the goal either, but tbh I’d rather have this than make myself small to be the good lil girl.
Oh and also improving my language skills. I’d call myself fluent in English and I’m also working on my French, Spanish and Korean. :)
I tag: everyone who wants to do it :)
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lasselantanariel · 7 years
Steam and Shadow: Birds Of A Feather Book 1: Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Algoma, Chapawee Territories.
(14, Fearn. Afternoon)
The breeze blew softly across the wheat fields, its gentle caress tickling the grass around the village and the nearby river. A horse whinnied in the distance, barely discernable over the sounds of the nearby mills. The smells of wheat, corn, and cedar wafted peacefully through the air. Except that is, around one of the stone cottages at the edge of town where thick black smoke had begun to choke the air, billowing out the open windows. A figure lay sprawled in the grass outside it, staring at the sky. Her clothing was lightly singed, and there were hints of ash on her sun-bronzed skin. Suleeta drummed her fingers against the grass and wondered what had gone wrong this time. The explosion part had worked as it was supposed to, but it shouldn't have gone off so easily. She'd have to adjust the measurements again. Less saltpeter, perhaps.
A familiar head suddenly obscured her vision, its long dark hair tickling her nose. "Hello, big sister. Did you blow up your house again?"
"Hello, Tiva." Suleeta rolled onto her side and glanced back at the smoke rolling out of her doorway. "Not all of it."
"Well, that's progress for you." Tiva quipped, her impish smile peeping out as she straightened.
"Always so supportive, little sister. Did you come to help me, or to laugh?"
"Neither. Mother wants you."
"What for?" Suleeta asked distractedly. She glanced at the grass around her. There were her belt pouches, and vials and there was her satchel with most of her reagents, her crossbow, but where...her eyes lit on a flask a few feet away. Thank goodness, she'd grabbed the aqua fortis too. She'd gotten all the explosive materials out before-
The glass blew out of the windows with a loud BOOM that sent both girls to the ground. More smoke billowed through the air as they tentatively sat up again.
"Blast," Suleeta groaned, watching as the hinges gave up their tenuous grip, and her door landed on the grass a few feet away. "I forgot to grab the flour."
Tiva made a face as she rolled to her feet. "Maybe she wants to ask you to live further away from the village."
Suleeta smiled brightly. "Or maybe I can live with you!"
"No thank you. I like houses that aren't on fire."
"Technically, it isn't on fire. Or only a little bit anyway. I can probably still use it" She glanced back speculatively. "When the smoke clears out."
There was a rushing, gurgling sound nearby, and a spray of water gushed out of a series of pipes running underneath the gutters of Suleeta's cottage. The girls glanced towards the neighboring water mill and spotted a tall tanned figure calmly watching them, his hand on the valve connecting the pipes to his family's mill.
Suleeta waved at him "Thank you Otetiani!"
The man nodded gravely, entirely unfazed by the morning's events.
"How your neighbors can sleep, I don't know." Tiva grumbled. "Come on Suleeta, I have practice to get to and I'm supposed to take you to mother first." She hauled her adopted sister to her feet again. "Try not to blow anything up on the way please. Especially me."
The smells of sage, rosemary, and honeysuckle infused the air inside the quiet home, mixing with the smells of cedar, and old leather. The stone house was spacious and well kept. Bookcases filled the room with various jars and trinkets stacked around them. Drying herbs hung from shelves and framed the windows. A soft light filled the room, giving it a tranquil air. A woman in a deep green tunic and matching slacks sat in the middle of the room, papers spread out before her on the table. She looked up as they entered, her long dark hair braided with woodpecker and wren feathers, she showed faint signs of gray, but her brown eyes were strong and vibrant.
Both girls bowed slightly. "I’ve brought Suleeta, mother, as you requested." Tiva said solemnly. "Hopefully she doesn't burn your house down today too." Her mouth quirked, as she turned away,  instinctively dodging Suleeta's arm on her way out.
"Again dear one?" Eyota smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling slightly.
"It's not that bad...probably." Suleeta hedged. "The walls and roof are still intact."
Eyota laughed, her soft voice as pleasant and warm as her home. "Spoken like your birth mother. Keezheekoni never met a fire she didn't like. Or one she didn't start for that matter." She patted the chair next to her. "Please, sit. We have much to discuss."
Suleeta plopped into the chair as though the bag she carried weren't filled with dozens of tiny explosive reminders to move carefully.
"What is it, mother? You haven't spoken of my birth parents in some time."
"I speak of them now because this matter concerns them. Your parents were fire-tamers, warriors who guard our lands. And also our secrets."
"I know this." Suleeta frowned impatiently. "I learned it years ago when Yutu and I were training."
"A training which you failed, largely due to impatience, as I recall." Eyota returned mildly.
Suleeta blushed. "It wasn't that bad of a fire." She muttered.
"It does not matter. I've not called you here to speak of your mistakes." She took Suleeta's hand in both of her own. "But there are pieces you do not know and it will be easier if I tell you in order."
Suleeta nodded, sighing and Eyota continued. "Our ancestors pledged to protect these lands, and those of our allies, from any who would harm them, or use their resources for destruction. Ours is an old people, and there are few now left who remember exactly why we must do this. Many of the secrets we guard could start another war, but there are others which have the potential to do far worse." Her expression turned bitter, and she glanced away, as though pained by her own thoughts. "It was one of these your parents died defending. A secret we keep for a people long gone. And now I must see others sent to defend it again."
"What was so significant about it?"
"It is a location. I know little more, other than warnings passed down through generations of our elders, saying that it must be protected at all costs. Our ancestors tried to destroy all information regarding this place long ago, but some old texts must have survived. Most people wrote it off as legend over the years, so we weren't too worried. Until this accursed map business came up. About twenty seven years ago some cartographer found a scrap of it. We've no idea how she found it, our elders thought the map was destroyed with everything else. She couldn't even read the thing, but she wouldn't let it go! She even got other people involved, a translator and a bookbinder. We've tried to steal it back several times, but we keep failing." She looked exasperated. "While we must keep to the accords, our opposition is not so constrained. They killed the translator and his family. We arrived too late either to save them or to retrieve his work. We believe they killed the bookbinder too, but we were able to give chase. Your parents were among that party...they followed these people from Qeloura into the forests to the north. Only Hiamovi and Akecheta returned, days late and badly injured, to report what had happened. Five warriors and only two returned. We do not know who these people are, but they are extremely dangerous."
"Why tell me now?."
"Because it is happening again. Someone is stirring up coals, asking questions that must not be answered. The elders are sending the Fire-tamers to protect the site itself this time, we cannot keep wasting our resources chasing after shadows." She smiled sadly. "These people are the reason your parents were killed, and it is your right to know. I should have told you before, but I foolishly hoped this was finally over. I am sorry Suleeta."
Suleeta stared quietly at the table for a moment, her fingers picking idly at her leather apron. When she looked up her expression was determined. "Where did this cartographer live?"
"Okutari, a fishing town near the river Nakahi. I do not wish you to go, but I will not stop you. Please, do not engage these people Suleeta, only follow them, follow and watch from the shadows." Her eyes twinkled slightly with pride. "Although if they get too close to you I trust it is they who will regret it. For once Suleeta I give you my full permission to blow things up."
Suleeta smiled grimly. "That I can do, Mother."
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themoonlightbrigade · 4 months
The Tiva fandom is alive again!
If there’s anything Tiva fans will do, it’s hold out hope for a repeat of Family First or season 17’s Ziva arc.
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salty-af-ace · 7 years
NAME A TIVA SCENE THAT ISNT AS APPRECIATED AS YOU'D LIKE IT TO BE! So that means no iconic scenes that we all like to scream about.
Probably just about every Tiva scene.
A few major ones that come to mind is when Tony Played opera with the surround speaking in the bullpen for Ziva. Like why was that never mentioned again. Excuse fucking me fandom, but Tony listened to emotional Ziva talking proudly about her sister, and memorized what Kind of Opera she sung, and went to go and find a CD of this one thing, which he probably had no clue what disc it would be. Probably spent hours trying to find it coz he wouldn’t ask for help, and then learnt how the hell to use the surround speakers. All for Ziva. And boom. Nothing after it.
And also nobody really talks about the time when Tony found out Ziva slept with Adam. People just say that Tony shouldn’t of been angry at her because they where not in a relationship so she could do anything she wanted, but it’s how they both reacted. You could see it even hurt Ziva doing that because she was so madly in love with Tony that it felt like cheating to the both of them.
And also even though it was a deleted scene, after Eli died, and Tony was going to take Ziva camping. EVEN THOUGH HE HATES BUGS AND ALL THAT. But he knew it would be up Ziva’s alley. So he would do anything to make her happy. And just their shared look when Tony said “why not” like they just looked at each other like “it’s because we will end up sleeping together if we where left to it, that’s why and I’m too afraid of commitment.”
Brittany, I hope you drown in Tiva feels, coz I sure as hell did.
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tivanasia · 7 years
Chapter Three: Magic
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Previously, Tiva confronted the Being, ‘reunited’ with Trish, and severely confused a fellow coworker of Trish. Now at a mansion, she walks inside to find the last thing she expected.
Who would have ever expected a forest inside a mansion?
       It was a whole new experience. Honestly, I swore that it was not a huge mansion but an elven civilization hidden away neatly from the world. No one could be seen in the seemingly endless woodland.  Then, from the distance, I could see a slightly older woman with long, darkened white hair with a hint of blue and faint ocean eyes approaching us in her Celtic-like white dress.
       Trish whispered in my ear, “This is Darya. She’ll give you the answers you’re looking for.” She turned around and left me alone in the enchanted room. As the door closed, Darya gently spoke, “Young Tiva, all grown up. I assume you still have the crystal with you?”
      I had not mentioned a crystal once since Trish appeared at the abandoned temple. While I was reluctant to show her the clear stone, I felt as if I could trust Darya. There was no way she could have known about it unless she send it herself. Slowly pulling out the mysterious stone from my pocket, I gave her the crystal. Examining it in her hand, Darya continued to speak, “This is an invitation to Crystal River Academy of Magic, where you will learn about magic. You are required to go when you get one, but don’t worry, you’ll fit right in.” Magic?
      “Magic? What’s going on?”
      She exhaled a deep sigh. “Trish did warn me that your memory was wiped. Thirteen years ago, The Being kidnapped you after your parents died. Magic found you for us when everyone gave up years ago.”
      “Okay, but that doesn’t tell me what’s going on.”
      “We live in a world full of magic. Everyone has magic, even if it’s just inherited. Unfortunately, modern magic have been growing weaker by the decade. The power of Chaos is growing slowly by the day. The Being is an agent of Chaos who seeks to destroy the world as we know it.”
      “What?” At this point, I was positive that this was a dream. She was making no sense whatsoever. Darya could see that I was extremely confused. “Oh dear. It’s going to be difficult to get you adjusted. Follow me,” Darya said as she began to walk deeper into the magical mansion. Out of curiosity, I followed her and eventually reached a separate room with five banners, each with a different symbol.
      I noticed that two of the banners, one with a rose and especially the one that was basic, was hidden away almost completely from sight. In the center of the room was an ancient, yet new book on a carved, wooden stand. Darya walked over to the stand and opened the book to the first page. “Go ahead.”
      Placing a finger to guide my reading, it read the following:
            At the beginning of Magic, there was only Time and Chaos.
            As the universe slowly constructed itself, Time and Chaos fought, destroying stars and planets in the process of creation. Time remained relentless as Chaos grew more exhausted, for Time could predict its every ‘unpredictable’ move, and Chaos was using all of its energy. Eventually, Chaos gave up on destroying Time and surrendered. As a consequence of its failed attempt to destroy the balance of Magic, Time banished Chaos into a realm of nothingness.
            Time’s next action was to complete the balance of Magic. Hence, Life and Death was created for the purpose of managing the creatures that wandered the worlds of our universe. Next, Light and Darkness was created to balance the energies used by the creatures of the universe. Finally, Dreams was made with the purpose to give the creatures a freedom of choice, thoughts, imagination, anything that makes us who we are today.
            Then, Time finally rested, for it too was exhausted from the eons of fighting with Chaos. The five entities performed a ceremony for their creator, Time, so that it may sleep without disturbance. They stayed closely tied together, although the creatures of the worlds tended to separate them in their viewpoint. Chaos, on the other hand, saw Time’s sleep as an opportunity to take control. It would take it an eons to escape its prison without outside help. Aware of this, the five entities took the time to ensure that Chaos would never see the outside of his prison. They knew, however, that all prisons eventually releases their prisoners.
            As the centuries went by, many worlds of Magic died away due to Chaos’s meddling. The worlds that faded away ended up transferring its energy to the main magical world, Statera. There, beings of magic understood that Magic was about balance, so they created the Moon Council and the Dark Council in order to fight against Chaos. Each council consisted of only thirteen people total, but they were not only very powerful, they also had many followers. While the Moon and Dark Council rarely met together, they kept the balance.
            The Moon Council relied on the magic of Life, Light, and Dreams, whereas the Dark Council relied on Darkness’s magic. Death was left alone, for all creatures feared it. Time, being an ancient force of magic, was considered uncontrollable. Chaotic magic is still considered forbidden. Then, there was modern magic as we know it today. From inherited magic to learned spells, magic can be found everywhere in Statera, including talismans.
            As of this most recent century, Statera is the last magical world of the universe. Magic is becoming scarcer as Chaos continue to convert magicians for the purpose of creating chaos. Now, it’s even more crucial for magicians to prepare to fight against Chaos. It is true that we might as well be powerless against it, but until it escapes, the Councils will continue to postpone the event. Will Time awaken in time to fight Chaos back into the depths, or will Chaos finally consume everything? That remains to be seen.
      The book continued talking about the history of magic that it held and labeled each entity with a symbol that I could see in the room. The Moon Council’s symbol, identical to my wrist birthmark, was distinctively symbolized by Light as the sun, Life as a single star, and Dreams as a moon crescent. Metallic daggers arranged as sun flames symbolized the Dark Council and Darkness. Symbolic roses were considered to be a symbol of Death.
      Three basic, intertwined triangles was Chaos’s dreaded sign, and the detailed hourglass-style symbol represented Time, the ever-sleeping entity. I looked around the room and studied the banners with close attention, especially the one resembling my birthmark. Darya finally spoke, “Chaos is the only true evil in our world. He seeks to destroy the balance of our world, slowly dissolving the basis of magic itself.”
      We stood in silence. I wanted to ask her about the lights I had seen, about what happened with Zach, and about how my birthmark was identical to the Moon Council’s symbol. Then, a familiar voice in my head echoed, Don’t ask her. She does not have those answers. What? Why? Darya cannot know what happened at the ancient temple. I decided to trust the voice in my head and held back my questions.
      Darya then said, “Don’t fret about any of that, though. The only thing that matters is that you readjust to magic. We only have until day after tomorrow to get you adjusted.”
      “Why only two days?” The deadline made no sense to me. Darya explained that the day after tomorrow would be my first day at the magical academy. She led me out into the enchanted space, just as bright as before. Once I made it out the front doors, I quickly discovered that it was in fact nighttime already. This time, only Trish awaited me outside without her dirt bike. Darya then told me, “Get some food and rest. We got work to do in the morning.”
      Ten minutes later, Trish took me to one of the cabins hiding just inside the woods surrounding the mansion’s grounds. Inside the cabin, there was a bed against one wall, and a table on the opposite wall with a bottle of water and a plate of food. Now left to myself, I ate the food, downed the water, and laid down on the bed in thoughts. Could this possibly be another strange dream?
      A familiar voice injects, No. This is the world you’ve always belonged in.
      “Who are you?” I asked aloud.
      For now, I am simply your guide, although you may figure out my identity in the future. And for future situations, you can talk to me through thoughts.
      “What is going on?”
      The Being, an agent of Chaos, should have killed you long ago, but instead kept you out of misled love. Today, she could no longer hide you away for herself. Next time you meet her, the Being will be your enemy.
      “Why did you tell me not to ask about my birthmark?”
      They cannot know about the birthmarks, nor can they ever know what you saw at the ancient temple.
      “What did I see that was so bad?”
      The dancing lights is the true form of Magic itself. You should have never seen the lights. If someone found out, you’d be the target of every powerful magician.
      “What should I do?”
      Ditch the new anklet and keep your birthmarks hidden no matter what. Meanwhile, listen to what Trish tells you and don’t tell anyone at the academy your past or your last name. You will understand soon.
      “What are you talking about?” I received no answer from the mysterious voice. Assuming that the voice was no longer here, I took off the anklet and stashed it under the mattress. Curling up on the unusual bed, I soon fell asleep with hopes of peace.
      Instead of peace, a dark nightmare haunted me once more.
Don’t you want to know what she dreams about? Don’t you want to know what happens to Tiva next? Stay tuned.
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themoonlightbrigade · 4 months
I watched both 13x24 and 16x24 live. Some of the best fandom nights ever. Ziva’s surprise reappearance literally raised me from my sick bed, I kid you not
I will not miss out on such an experience this time. I absolutely refuse. I can’t believe I’ve signed myself up for this show yet again.
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themoonlightbrigade · 4 months
Stopped watching NCIS after Ellie left
But every once in a while I peek over the fence to see what’s going on
This is one of those times
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