#tldr i need a knew supernatural case of the week show
you-me-we-04 · 1 year
Might be a hot take but I think a Peter Hale/Chris Argent spin off could be the best possible Teen Wolf spin off. IF they write it as a case of the week/x files type show. Here’s how I would do it, the overarching story is that Peter is trying to bring Derek back to life since that is his nephew (The greater good of the family) and he trying to be a better person (Keyword trying) so he’s decided to guilt trip Chris into this around the world trip to raise his dear nephew from the dead (and since his sister did kinda kill pretty much all of Peter’s family Chris feels likes raising one of Peter’s family members from the dead is the least he can do). So now that our odd couple has their end goal each episode would have it own case of the week with the pair helping people with their supernatural problems. Their doing this because Peter trying to be a better person and Chris is trying to atone for the sins of his family. Plus this format would be a good way of bring back some fan favourite characters without the show feel overcrowd since they could just pop in for an episode and then dip since Chris and Peter are traveling around the world. Add in some flashback to pre-fire Hale pack (even as fair back as Peter’s childhood) and Chris and Kate training to be hunters, meeting his wife.  With major themes of either coming to teams with grief/childhood trauma  and/or Chris and Peter writing a new hunters code that protects humans and the supernatural beings alike. You could have a really fun yet meaningful supernatural show, if it written well....       
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