#tlovm s2e7
psychicdamaged · 1 year
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[half-elven judgement]
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nobirdtennis · 1 year
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SHE'S so cute
HE'S so cute
THEY'RE so cute
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cleargreyskies · 1 year
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Personal favourite thing about the new episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina: mighty dragon Umbrasyl holding the mighty sword Mythcarver like that.
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sonicskullsalt · 1 year
Billy Boyd as Garmelie is a delight
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molly-knew-things · 1 year
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aspiringsophrosyne · 1 year
Episode 7: The Fey Realm.
If high fantasy's your thing, have we got a show for you today. Cursed swordsman, mysterious faerie realms, and grappling with destiny. Just make sure to get your seat before the lights go down.
The Good.
I appreciate Keyleth's freak-out after they realized they were separated from the gnomes and Grog. Too often, when characters don't get a moment to be distraught, it makes the stakes feel lower than they should. Or makes it feel like the cast doesn't care about each other all that much. So that was refreshing. 
Also, good call to split up the group. That makes it easier for the show CRew; no need to figure out how to write and animate seven characters at once. Plus, that divides the audience's attention, making the plot easier to follow. And in smaller groups, it gives individual characters more time to shine.
Serious kudos is deserved for the design of the Fey Wild itself. Young Heller, episode director, and guest for the watch along, nailed it on the head when he described the Realm of the Fey as a character unto itself. Honestly, it comes across as even more alien and other here than it can in the game. Unless the DM wants to change things up, the game mechanics don't vary that much when you hang out there. So it can feel like only another weird area among many, depending on the story you're trying to tell.
Watching Craven Edge soak up Pike's blood from a distance while she's trying to heal, without even a wielder, is disturbing. It gives the impression that if left unchecked, this thing could turn into something even more dangerous than it already is.
Getting rid of Craven Edge was more involved in the stream, so they knew they had to make its destruction here brutal enough that it felt like death for the sword. For my money, they managed it; Grog breaking the sword had the visceral impact of a bone breaking in half. And the small ocean of blood it expels is like all its power and evil being released back into the world.
Holy shit Billy Boyd as Garmelie. He is perfect; the design and Billy's performance are just spot on what I would imagine a native fey creature to act like. Whimsical, self-interested, sort of smart ass, charming as all hell....everything about it is fantastic. I only wish we could've seen more of him. No notes. 
Well, except for Garmelie's notes which....yeah, exactly right. Absolutely accurate to the stream. What a fabulously gross, cheeky little gremlin man.
My reactions to Pike and Scanlan's song, in order:
Oh, is this the song Sam hinted at during the pre-season interviews?
Wow, Ashley and Sam sound great together. They should do more duets.
...Wait, what are those lyrics?
These ridiculous little shits. (<-affectionate)
If you know, you know. But if you don't, it's just a good song.
Don't think we didn't pick up on those nine eyes Vex saw when she was sliding into a bad trip. It's weird and ominous to think that, in this universe, that's still around. And that the person who will trigger the confrontation with that whole thing....technically isn't even born yet.
I can't say enough about how pretty the Fey Realm is. Just....so gorgeous at every point.
And, of course, Cheech Marin is Trinket. Of course, he is.
The Bad. (Or at least not great.)
One thing that bothers me is that there are two angles they tried to hit in this episode that, due to poor execution, just...don't work. One is Percy being a more ineffective guide to the Fey Realm than he thinks he is, and the other is that the Realm Does Not Like the Matron's Champion in general on life vs. death principles.
When Percy warned the half-elves that the forest they were traveling through could pick up on a poor mood, we all knew what would happen. Vax has, understandably, been in a funk for days. So it wasn't hard for the audience to guess that the negativity-detecting plants would take one look at this boy and collectively go: get his ass.
Percy wasn't wrong about the vines; Vax was never going to be able to pass through them unscathed.
Likewise, when the rest of the group seems to think Percy doesn't know where he's leading them or is lost, that idea is undercut by the fact they've just reached the upside-down waterfall. The very same waterfall from Scanlan's vision of where Fenthras was. So the visual tells the audience Percy is actually on the right track, no matter how skeptical of him the group is in-universe.
As for Vax, the encounter with the mood forest muddles the idea that the Fey Realm is against him because it doesn't like death-aligned individuals in general. 
Because Vax was initially attacked due to his emotional state, the potential takeaway was that the Fey Realm doesn't like bad vibes. And Vax is nothing but bad vibes right now.
It's another case of the script and the dialogue telling us one thing while what's actually happening tells us something contradictory. It's frustrating.
More Grog nerfing....eh. Makes a little more sense than some of the Season 1 moments, and it makes the fight in Episode 10 go even harder, but it still feels a little cheap to me. If I'm going to be nitpicky.
And that's about it. Next is a good one folks. See you there.
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tiamat-zx · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series), The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keyleth/Vax'ildan (Critical Role) Characters: Keyleth (Critical Role), Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Garmelie (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Episode: s02e07 The Fey Realm (Legend of Vox Machina), Missing Scene, Campfires, Spooning, Not Beta Read Summary:
“I go back to bed. I spoon Keyleth and fall asleep.” “I'll allow it.” — Following their first full day in the Fey Realm, Team Double Date and Plus-One Garmelie set up camp for the night, or dusk, or what have you. — Title obviously comes from Laura Bailey’s version of “Makin’ My Way” from “The Fey Realm”.
Welp. Figured I’d do a “missing scene” fic that more or less calls back (or forward, depending?) to that moment in Campaign 1 where Vax spoons Kiki during an attempt at a long rest.
Only… it’s during Season 2, Episode 7 of LoVM.
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
TLOVM S2E7 Thoughts
WOW, I was like “i wonder if they’re going to keep in the ‘vex calls scanlan useless’ bits” a day ago and they literally. just started it I’m insane my intuition
I hadn’t even considered grog and the gnomes might not be in the episode but now I’m thinking that e7 might be team half elf plus Percy and e8 will be grog and gnomes
Lmao nerd boy is nerding
You couldn’t just pretend to be happy Vax
Nope totally wrong grog and the gnomes are here
literally this whole scene he’s holding her how am I supposed to focus
why do i have three peni.
how could you say that about his books vax
I’m really of two minds about the Pikelan direction they’re going in: I think it aids Scanlan in that it emphasizes his need to deflect sincerity with comedy. However, I think it really detracts from Pike in that campaign-Pike thinks Scanlan is funny. She likes his jokes. A lot of pike’s s1 arc in TLOVM feels inconsistent with her dislike of Scanlan’s crass side- like it’s very in her nature to find this stuff funny. Not that she can’t also like the sincere side, which she does, but just that I think her side of this narrative is making her character seem flatter than it should, especially when you group it with the fact she’s been given a lot of Kiki’s campaign personality traits
the drug trip scene is funny but was it necessary. there’s 8 minutes left where is saundor. or syldor. Where is the Vex focus. Maybe,, they’ll stay in the feywild for e8 while grog and gnomes head to Westruun?
Garmelie was merely the TRAVELER
okay so syngorn next episode.
Best Characterization: Percy. Love u nerd boy
TLOVM S2E8 Thoughts
ohhhh this episode is the Echo Tree, I had the order in my mind wrong no wonder I was so confused about the pacing
Syldor your bitchass can die
ngl I think the titling hit less animated but fun nonetheless (it’s about the reactions, the live audience, the Matt’s face)
I love saundors voice literally slay sendhil
I adore this Vex in the Echo tree scene, I’ll touch more on it at the end
“My heart is someone else’s” NOW THERES A PUNCH THAT HITS
arty my boyyyy
Best Characterization: Vex
TLOVM S2E9 Thoughts
Boulder parchment shears!!
OKAY THERES THE PIKELAN I WANTED. she flirts back! it’s stupid!! he takes it too seriously!! they joke!!
I don’t have much comment I just love the grog backstory
black hair pike 🥹💚
wait so scanlan wasn’t part of dranzel’s troupe :( that’s such a weird detail to remove
zanror does have a cutie nose
“What if I need you” mirroring s1 buddies ahhhh
Best Characterization: Grog/Pike
Overall Best Characterization: I’ll say Grog.
Okay so I liked this batch a lot, but I’ve got to come back to the question: Split the party- yay or nay?
And I’m still wavering between yay and nay.
Yay: I think the character beats particularly that came from the Grog + Gnomes side of the story hit harder with them sequestered on their own. This new “Grog finds his strength” taken literally storyline is a huge boon to Grog’s character even though I found it a bit superfluous at first. They were able to emphasize the Pikelan and to a lesser extent Scanlan/Grog dynamic that they haven’t been able to touch on as much before.
Nay: I felt like the episodes had some wasted time. Episode 7 I felt like we didn’t need the Feywild side of the story (the most important part is meeting Garmelie- the fight in that episode is essentially to drive further home that Vax is on a diverging path, something I think 4-6 already firmly established). Episode 8 I felt we didn’t need the Grog/Gnomes side of the story (meeting Wilhand was great, but the B plot of “giving grog an enema” was weak)
Ultimately, I think I come down on the side that I would’ve preferred the party to stick together. The weaker plot lines I outlined above I think could’ve been axed and the whole party could’ve gone to the Feywild, we’re still given significant Grog + Gnomes content, and then we’re given just a bit more time to stew in the concept of Syngorn. The punches, specifically with Perc’ahlia in Syngorn, fell flat to me because I don’t think they were given enough time. Had they cut the original E7 fight to make more context for Syngorn, I think it would’ve gone well in expanding context. Then, E9 could’ve remained totally the same just with the rest of VM along for the ride.
That said, maybe the split was worth it just for the country traveling Pikelan bop.
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popsicletheduck · 1 year
reasons tlovm s2e7 is valid:
- casting Billy Boyd as Garmelie
- Percy pluralizing "penis" to "peni"
- the amalgam getting electrocuted was p cool
reasons it's not valid:
- skinny grog >:(
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nobirdtennis · 1 year
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famous last words
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sonicskullsalt · 1 year
If I'm not mistaken, drug trip trinket got the German voice actor who does Spongebob, he's just talking in a deeper register than usual
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sonicskullsalt · 1 year
Favourite things about TLOVM s2e7
(possible spoilers for any of the campaigns because I watched them and might reference them)
the green fluffy dragons in the fey realm, remind me of Fuchur from The Never-ending Story
Pikelan standing next to each other, hair flowing in the wind, watching their son Grog destroy an evil sword
the disintegrating 'mountain range'
Fearne has got a pretty similar staff
Billy Boyd as Garmelie! Billy Boyd as Garmelie! Billy Boyd as Garmelie!
Swiss Army Knive Grog (and his lil squeaks, and his puppy dog eyes)
Damn, Keyleth, you really gotta learn your spells. - flashback to the dark days
Come on, man, at least let us help out a little - NO!
🎶 Makin' my way 🎵 YEEHAW
What, did I say something wrong again? Nah, you're making fun of me. SCANLAN!
Percy struggling with Diplomacy and only making it work by hitting it.
The drug trip! A+ content! Really hope Sandkeg makes it into Season 3
I can taste the colours 🌈
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