#to be able to saddle the sniffer and ride it
powdermelonkeg ยท 2 years
So. Which buddy you voting for?
I think Sniffer wins for me; I can't think of any use for the golems, and unless the picks the rascal gives you have a unique enchant, they're basically redundant
But also taking "more moving parts for builds" in the golem, "more life in mineshafts" for the rascal and "new flowers to make things pretty" for sniffers, the sniffer wins over my love of decorating lol
Personally, I like the Sniffer most. Plants aren't really my thing, but the idea of finding and hatching extinct eggs is such a rich thing to add to worldbuilding.
If it wins, I'm getting one and naming it Perry.
The Rascal might be redundant functionally, but I wouldn't mind if it won, because it looks like a person and I can absolutely roll with that on the lore side. Can you imagine the theories that would spring up about where they live and how they get their stuff? Making a little village underground for them? I want more peoples of Minecraft.
The Tuff Golem is...not my thing. Small helper yes, but carrying things around feels a little more like it'd be a nuisance than a help (where's my stuff?). I'm ambivalent; if they win, I won't be particularly upset, but I don't think I'd get any use out of it. I want my golem mobs to be big lol, if the Tuff Golem were huge I'd name one Lurch
All in all, though, I'd say this is all gearing up for the archaeology update that was meant to be part of Caves and Cliffs. The Sniffer is an archaeological find, the Rascal would be something you see during excavations, and the Tuff Golem sounds like you'd put it in an art museum to show off your discoveries.
The haunted mansion thing in the first vid does make me wonder if there are other elements they're adding in, maybe something for the Woodland Mansions. But, it also could just be October.
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