#toji doesn’t wear button ups 😁
tohokuu · 1 year
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intense sex except you’re wearing his white button down and black socks with your legs over his shoulders while he pumps you full of cum.
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aphroditedahlias · 2 years
the big game
toji x reader
a bit of dub con kissing, neglectful husband but nothing super dark. ( whatt grave not posting dc?!?!)
rose divider from @firefly-graphics😁
honestly this was supposed to be finished and posted yesterday but oops
enjoy !⭐️💚
if you’re feeling nice, support my kofi💚💚
You’re not sure when it started, but for as long as you could remember sex with your husband has always felt the same.
he comes home from work leaving a trail of muddy footprints before kicking off his shoes to grab a beer and leaving his dirty clothes lying around. he doesn’t say hi to the kids, and he doesn’t acknowledge you. He cracks open the same glass bottle of Budweiser he’s downed a million times since the cycle began and grabs his plate of food gently wrapped in foil with a note from you detailing the love you put into the meal, hoping he enjoys it.
he sits on the couch with a loud groan cursing to himself as he squashes the remote and presses all sorts of buttons that change the tv to a Chanel he’s never seen before.
he switches it to wrestling, it’s loud. Before you hear the extra bass roaring from the crowd as muscular guys pound each other into oblivion you didn’t even know he was home. just like always he didn’t bother to come to check and see how your day was, he didn’t come to thank you for the meal.
You’re used to it by now, you no longer waste hours crying in bed wondering where things went wrong.
a week ago, your son's football coach asked to have a conference with you but what you didn’t expect was for him to tower over you the way he did. it wasn’t a scary kind of tower but the kind that made you feel safe and protected. the kind that Encompasses you in the softest of hugs. the kind that makes you feel loved the way you’ve been searching for all your life.
standing at 6’6 ft tall black hair shadowing over his eyes, flashes you his million-dollar smile as he waves you over to the spot where all the moms came to meet him.
“ hey ms. y/n “ glad you could make it, it’s nothing bad I just wanted to talk about a big game coming up and was hoping you all could support the team as a group?”
he goes on and on about charity funding, themes, outfits, food ideas, etc but you’re lost in your head watching the way his built arms pulse, and stretch as he maneuvers his hands to make gestures adding to his big ideas.
it’s no shock the way you’re looking at him, he can’t remember a time where women weren’t fawning over his existence but something about the way you dumbly nodded your head knowing you aren’t listening caught his attention. the other moms tried to get closer, placing their hands on his biceps while making comments about how hard he must work out but he only laughed off the compliments and turned to you.
“ you have anything to wear that matches our colors?” he asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes and lightly leaning his head to the side to show his peak in interest
your neck perks at the sudden attention and you silently nod your head.
his eyes are kind as he looks down at you, “ how’s h/n (husband name)” he asks in an effort to strike a conversation.
you think to yourself how to respond. what could you possibly say? your husband is terrible. he’s letting his health decline and neglecting his family, how do you explain that to a stranger?
you choke out the word “good” but your eyes dart around looking to focus on anything but him and he takes that as a sign to talk about something else.
“ have you- “
“ thank you for inviting me I have to go now my son has a doctor's appointment, “ you say, hurriedly swinging your purse that you’d been clutching to your side over your arm.
you’re snapped back to the reality of lying in your bed as your husband barges into the room, letting out a loud belch as his potbelly rumbles from overstuffing himself.
you sigh to yourself, knowing what’s coming next.
“ Hey, sweets c’mere,” he says, half-drunk sitting close to you on the bed.
you can smell the beer on his breath as he leans in to steal a kiss. your skin crawls and bile fills in your throat. this is what life has come to? to where you’re repaulsed by the very man you married?
it’s not like it’s your fault. him taking long shifts, not bothering to care for you. He thinks paying bills means he’s the perfect man but anyone with a stable job could do that. why is it that you couldn’t have been gifted with a man who cares and loves you, not loves that he can say he pays your bills?
you can’t do it.
you pull away faking a yawn and you watch as his face scrunches up in annoyance.
“ Hey I’m really tired and tomorrow s/n (son's name) has a game we’ve got an early start.”
you’re lucky he doesn’t fight, instead, he rolls his eyes and scoffs before murmuring to himself about needing a new bitch.
You don’t care if he’s trying to make you feel bad, besides you know good and well he’s been cheating on you. His coworker made it very clear she doesn’t like that you two are married and makes an attempt to threaten you. you ignore her, she can have him if she wants him.
You fall asleep to the thought of having the kind of love where you lay on blankets at picnics and try to make out shapes of clouds, laughing to yourself about how silly you sound.
you think about how life could’ve been if you hadn’t believed so hard in marrying your high school sweetheart. it’s too late to go back but the thought comforts you and lulls you into sleep.
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When you wake up the sheets have an all too familiar musk in the spot where your husband had slept. you’re grateful for the empty spot next to you as you stretch and sit up, glancing at the game colors of your outfit before heading off to the bathroom.
you brush your teeth, wash your face take down your hair, and pick a strawberry-scented edge control to do your edges before quickly throwing on your outfit and calling out to say good morning to your kids.
( uh the taking off the bonnet and styling the edges is for my bw reading if ur not a bw u can just ignore that part 😭💚)
The air outside your room is cold, causing a shiver down your arms and you hope the warmth of the stove heating up as you make breakfast will warm you up.
“ what are you making ma?” your son asks, sitting on the stools across the counter from you.
“ just some bacon eggs and pancakes. you’ll need some fruit too I want you to have lots of energy for today I know you’ll win” you say smiling at him.
he rolls his eyes and begins peeling an orange sitting in the glass bowl you'd set out and decorated with a combo of real and fake fruits.
Breakfast goes quick and before you know it you’re at the game carrying snacks, sandwiches, and drinks along with donation money for the event being held at his game.
Toji spots you after seeing your son run into the field to talk to his friends.
“ ms y/n glad you could make it let me give you a hand,” he says, easily lifting the pound's worth of things your carrying from your hands, only leaving the envelope full of money and bag of fruits in your hands.
“ you can just call me y/n” you smile following him to the spread table and setting your things down.
You both chat for a while and the stand starts to fill up as guests and parents fill the seats ready for the game to start. Soon enough toji is waving you goodbye telling you it’s time for him to get the boys ready.
you watch from your seat on the bench, legs crossed uncomfortably as the wetness from your panties sticks to your cunt.
Did he do that on purpose? the brushes against your sensitive body, leaning down all too close so you could hear him more, the way his eyes drifted from your face down your body? You couldn’t tell if you imagined it or if he was trying to send a sign?
It feels pathetic the way you’re fawning over a simple gesture like a teenage girl in high school having her first big crush but you couldn’t help it. Toji is a natural flirt and maybe you’ve fallen victim to it.
The crowd roars bringing you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip staring hard at toji, quickly snapping your eyes away from him and onto your son when you see him look back at you with a wink.
After the game your son quickly runs up to you asking to spend the night at a friend's house, telling you she’s making dinner and he has stuff at his house already.
you say yes knowing that he’s been there multiple times and if anything happens he can just call you.
“ Hey, you enjoy the game?” Toji asks as you turn around
The sound of his voice sends shivers down your back and your eyes scan his body until they inevitably land on his eyes.
“ yeah I’m just a bit tired, glad we won,” you say, laughing to soothe your discomfort
“I didn’t see your husband in the stans, did he leave early?”
“ oh uh, he couldn’t make it he has some business stuff to do.”
“ too busy for his son's big game?”
your husband didn’t even know there was a big game until last night when you turned down his sexual advances. even then, he didn’t make an effort to come or to wish his son good luck. You think about his lack of effort and the embarrassment of it all shows on your face.
Toji sees, and clicks his tongue in amusement murmuring to himself the word “ bastard” which was loud enough for you to hear.
“ well what are you doing after this?” he asks
“I was going to take s/n out but he’s going with his friends to spend the night I think I’ll just order take out and head to sleep,” you say, fake yawning hoping that you can make him think you’re tired and not thinking about how it would feel to have him cum all over your stomach after fucking you in the car your husband bought for you.
“I was going to order take out too…” he says trying to catch your eye.
You don’t have a response instead you nod your head and look around as if the air has suddenly become something of interest.
Toji knows what he wants, he won’t hide or deny it and he knows you want it too but he’ll play along for the time being.
“ Well did you wanna come over ?” he asks
“I can’t I have animals, “ you say, hoping thats enough for him.
you don’t want to scare him off but you can’t take the pressure of being around him not knowing if you could control yourself in a private environment with him.
“I mean, you could come over?” you say meekly and embarrassed.
he smiles and nods his head
“ lead the way”
Your feet are heavy as you drag your way in front of him to walk to your car. Is this a mistake? should you just tell him you actually have plans and should leave alone?
it’s too late now that you’ve started the engine but the anticipation and fear of regret doesn’t stop even when you pull up in front of your house.
you silently unlock your door and stand by inviting him inside by holding out your arm and letting a deep sigh escape you after holding your breath the entire walk to your door.
you sit on the couch and talk while watching movies with snacks from your kitchen for at least 4 hours, the sun has set before you realize it started to get dark.
“ Soooo what were you gunna order?” you ask, pulling out your phone
“ just some pho? you?”
“ i could go for pho “
he pulls out his phone and orders faster then you can get to the website, knowing its late and might take a while you invite him up to your room.
he looks around seeing pictures of you and husband from your wedding, candles, and small souvenirs.
you excuse yourself to the bathroom to chnage into more comfortable clothes while telling him he can get more comfortable.
he turns to sit on your bed after throwing his jacket on a near by chair, kicking his shoes in front of it.
“ fuck “ he breathes
a lacy pair of panties you’d probably worn the night before were left lying on the bed and he can barley hold himself back.
he resists the urge to hold them up to his nose and take a deep inhale but you quickly return from the bathroom and his face burns red as he’s caught staring.
“ oh my gosh i’m so sorry i was in a hurry this morning i left my laundry everywhere”
you throw the panties along with an old shirt into the basket in the corner of the room and sit near him.
“ so how long have you been a coach “ you ask, trying to get rid of the gut wrenching silence.
“ maybe about 15 years? I’ve got a boy myself who’s into sports I used to coach him too before he got into other things “ he says.
you try to focus on his words as he goes on about how he got interested in coaching but your eyes drift to his lips and you unconsciously lick your own, imagining what it would feel like to have his against yours.
“ y/n?”
he says, waving his hand infront of your face.
your eyes widen and you internally cringe knowing you were caught staring
“ i’m so sorry like i said i’m really tired “ you lie, once again.
“ is that why you’re staring at my lips and rubbing your legs together.”
your face drops and you immediately break eye contact, opening and closing your mouth as you search every corner of your brain trying to come up with an excuse.
“ no! i wasn’t i promise i wasn’t “ you lie through your teeth.
your voice cracks mid sentence and you twirl your finger hoping he buys your act.
he doesn’t.
Instead he places a hand on your exposed thigh and leans in making you hold your breath. his breath is warm against your face and his eyes are fixated on the small gap between your lips.
Before you know it he’s pressing his mouth to yours swiping his tongue across your lips asking for permission to go inside before slipping his tongue into your mouth to fight for dominance against yours.
his hands move to cup your tits playing with the weight in his hands.
Soon after the kiss gets more intense as he pushes you down desperate to rip off your shirt and night shorts.
once you’re left completely bare for him he starts to kiss down your body stops to pay special attention to your nipples.
he undressed himself as he sucks one of them into his mouth while fondling the other, extorting a moan from you that makes him thob in his pants
he continues kissing down your body until he reaches between your legs sucking and leaving marks to show he was there, you didn’t know it but this was his way of claiming you regardless of your marriage
he placed a singular kiss on the outside of your cunt before prying your legs further apart, gently placing them over his shoulders.
Once your lips are parted he licks a singular strip starting at your hole which is twitching in need, going up to your buzzing clit.
“ fuck you taste so good “
he sucks on your clit , reaching his arm up to caress your sides as he slowly fucks his tongue inside of you, taking his time tasting you wanting you to feel everything he’s doing.
he brings his free hand to push one finger inside, feeling how easy it is he pushes another, setting a slow and steady pace looking up to catch your eye.
“ that feel good pretty girl? ” he asks, sucking your clit and letting go with a lewd pop making you bite your lip at the sensation.
you try to respond but he curls his fingers, going faster then before and starts a new pattern licking up down, side ways and going over and over before feeling you clench.
your back arches, he slows down but sucks your clit back into his mouth trying to push you as close to the edge as possible.
“ come on fuck you look so good i know you can do it, i know you can be good for me “ he says, sucking and letting go of your clit over and over.
he feels your insides pulse once, twice then again before abruptly pulling his fingers out and letting go, gently blowing on your cunt to soothe aching feeling of your orgasm being torn from you.
you cry out bucking your hips trying to get him to help you reach your high before you fall back down but he only kisses around your dripping pussy letting out a low laugh.
“ i know i know it hurts i’m sorry “ he says, standing to his feet.
He begins to remove the rest of his clothes before settling between your legs once again but this time letting his hardened dick lay on your stomach, leaking pre cum before he reaches down and strokes himself.
he shifts his hips to lightly bump your entrance, sliding from your hole to your clit collecting your wetness to help lubricate himself.
“ please “ you whine sucking in air as you feel yourself get more sensitive from the heat radiating off his body
“ shh shh “ he responds, leaning down to capture your lips once more.
without warning he begins to slide himself inside of you with little to no resistance from how wet you are.
you gasp into his mouth but he continues going deeper before leaning down to kiss your neck.
“ fuck you feel so good how could your husband let you go like this ?” he whispers, gently rocking his hips and pushing your legs so that they’re closer to touching your shoulders.
You almost feel guilty being reminded of your husband but the way Toji pulls out and begins stroking you, using one hand to hold your side while the other keeps your legs pinned down leaves you gasping for air, focusing on your breathing as he hits deeper and deeper.
His head is spinning as he feels you clench around him, leaving your wetness at his base and dripping down your ass onto the sheets.
Your tight and warm. Your soft moans as you try to catch your breath makes him look up at you.
“ Look at me baby “ he says, taking his hand from your leg and placing your arm there instead.
he uses his now free hand to gently rub circles into your clit getting you used to the combination of sensations before changing the speed of his hips.
before you know it, he’s snapping his hips into yours and alternating between fixing your head to keep your eyes on him, rubbing your sides and up your stomach to soothe the overwhelming feeling of him pounding into you.
“ i told you to look at me, look at me or i’ll stop” he says, slowing down his motions but quickly starting at a fast pace again once he sees your eyes snap back to his.
He grabs a pillow from beside your head placing it under your hips to get a better angle before sliding himself back in feeling welcomed by your warmth.
“ you like that? you like me fucking you in the bed your husband sleeps in?” he says rubbing at your clit faster and faster, leaning down to press kisses all over your body in between words.
You can’t respond but using your free hand you grip the sheets trying to ground yourself.
your mouth shoots open, your eye brows scrunch and your throat burns from the scream youre holding in
“ let go baby it’s ok let go “ toji says, placing a final kiss on your head.
He feels you tighten, he feels your walls pulse with need before your legs try to straighten from the overwhelming pleasure as you reach your end.
He follows close behind, going hard and fast trying to reach his high before his eyes roll back
“. ugh- nghh fuck fuck fuck “ he moans, pulling out fast and spilling his hot seed all over your stomach.
You both sit there for a momment unmoving, basking in the moment while trying to catch your breath.
You’re startled by the front door slamming shut closely followed by the sound of your husband grumbling about dinner not being made.
Toji freezes on top of you.
“ come with me?” he asks, looking between you and the window.
your heart pounds in your chest as you nod your head at him.
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