#too emotionally dense to actually ask each other. even though they sneak away from the venue and hang out the whole night anyway before go
isabelguerra · 1 year
im gonna be honest the only thing keeping me from uploading wizard au fics out of order is because itd fuck with the character development as they grow from 2nd year -> 6th year but like. would people even care. is there a preference. do you have any interest in seeing how they got there or do you just Want To See It.
#because i HAVE it… most of it. i just dont have the establishing fics worked out#like i have the fics where they get lost in the forbidden forest due to a dumb dare and izjo fights awkwardly for half an hour#while avoiding their feelings#and i HAVE the yule fics where max stresses over the second task and isabel tries to evade everyone asking her and stephmitri and go out#and johnny falls flat on his face every time he tries to ask isabel and night-of u see all the pairings except them bc they’re#too emotionally dense to actually ask each other. even though they sneak away from the venue and hang out the whole night anyway before go#ing back and semi getting caught#and i HAVE the fic where izjo fumbles emotions AGAIN when they have their moment in the gryff commonroom by the fire after boggarts#which is arguably the emotional climax of the whole thing. or at least the penultimate#but thats ALLLLLL YEAR SIX. there are MANY YEARS BEFORE THAT#second year isabel has to sneak eightfold out of the castle library and johnny blackmails her into letting him go with#which is where everything starts. it kicks off bc johnny catches feelings after spending time hanging out and getting to know and#semibefriending/ doing more than mutually antagonizing w isabel. and then living like that for the next 4 years.#isabel is worse w feelings and doesnt catch/realize shes caught them back until 5thish year. so there IS a whole leadup. but theres so much#SHRUG!!!! idk.#wizard au#the au itself is so worked out in my brain but the fics haunt me. its all abt structure and i have no idea how id want to structure it
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Knowing about much of their relationship, what was Sides/Strongarm's first date like? Did they have pictures at the time (was it just Sides being flirty?) and more importantly, who kissed who first?
They actually wouldn’t be able to tell you in all frankness. It would depend on if you mean a date they were cognizant of or one where it was “oh yeah we did that didn’t we?” in hindsight.
Basically they’ve been sporadically, unofficially ‘dating’ before they’d ever figured were dating. They’d spar with each other very often, he’d get flirty and she’d snark back, he’d sneak off after his gym sessions with Sunny to see her on pretext of making sure she’s seen Ratchet because Wreckers can be kinda reckless when asking for medical care, yaknow? She usually asks him to try out her kitchen experiments, and he always says yes even when he knows from experience he’s going to regret this hours later (She reasons that he knows how to be honest without being an ass about it, he reasons that hey, he just wants front row seats to the miracle as it happens!)
They’re initially unwilling to admit they like each other more than friends and that they know more about each other than anyone else on the team—Strongarm thinks it’s insane to even think about this in the middle of a war and she’s not ready to admit that she’s actually scared of the idea of losing him (she has lost friends on the force prior to this) because he’s on the frontlines so she keeps herself safe she thinks, by being professional/holding him at a distance, while Sideswipe—who’s been seen as second best his entire life—likes her but genuinely thinks she can and will do better/that he’s just here until someone better comes along.
Whatever it is they have kind of stumbles and gets supercharged after Sunny leaves the Autobots and Sideswipe is the worst he’s mentally ever been (in realizing that the only family member who he figured gave a shit about him has more or less ‘abandoned’ him too, and he’s taking the heat for letting Sunny go), and he and Strongarm get into a shouting match when she attempts to care for/run an intervention on him because she can’t bear to see him like this. Sideswipe’s emotionally dense at times, but not THAT dense, and when he sees the shattered expression on Strongarm’s face when he asks her “WHY DO YOU CARE?!”, it hits him like a brick even without a verbal response from her (..Oh. OH.) but he fumbles with his words and she just high-tails it outta there. And he’s left thinking fucking shit fucking hell he pushed someone else away AGAIN what the absolute hell you moron WHY WOULD YOU YELL AT HER LIKE THAT?!
He’s absolutely ready to do a whole apology tour the next day—flowers, chocolates, the whole deal—and crashes into her midway of finding her. She’s as surprised as he is, but informs him that she managed to introduce the concept of a “Mental Health Day” to Prowl, so he’s got the day off from his deskwork penance duty. She’s also got something new for him to try, no not here—he hasn’t been outside in ages and the day is too good to spend moping inside.
Cue the single beat as he blinks at her— flowers and chocolates in hand—and she blinks at him—dressed up and a picnic basket in arm.
A very confused “…Is this like. A date?” from Sides, followed a deep breath and a shaky but very determined “Yes” from Strongarm.
The entire thing is pretty on-the-spot and clumsy—they decide to head to the beach, Strongarm almost falls flat on her face because the cute shoes she chose for this outing are not made to walk on the shoreline so she’s tromping around barefooted cursing the seagulls who have definitely sensed incoming snacks (Sides has her shoes) as they find a nice patch in the shade somewhere because it’s warmer than expected.
Though whatever misgivings they might have sort of dissipate as they take in the situation; There is some sand in the food by the time Strongarm takes it out, but Sideswipe can see that it’s his favorite dish which she made, and while the flowers are slightly crumpled and the chocolates are semi-melted in the heat, Strongarm can see that they’re her favorites as well.
And it’s this understanding that they have always tried for each other, even if their efforts aren’t perfect, that leads to a very serious conversation about what happened, right after Sideswipe kicks it off the apology tour with an audience of one (and several very intrigued seagulls).
She admits that yes, she cares for him—he really is all she has left of a life she left behind—but admittedly hasn’t been the best at showing it, and has been afraid of taking that next step/potentially losing someone else close to her on the field.
He admits he cares for her—she’s all he has of his old life now that Sunny has left—but didn’t know if she felt the same way given how their ‘relationship’ started out (him the scoundrel, her the paragon) and he had been alright with it, and his insecurities about being second in everyone’s life—apparently even for his brother—just boiled over in that moment.
He gets a gentle-firm arm punch before he can apologise again, as Strongarm goes into full Rumiko Takahashi Tsundere baakaaa you think I’d do all this for some idiot Second Best on my list really REALLY (Sideswipe: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT AM SHUTTING UP AND EATING NOW)
The dish is, for the first time, perfect, and Sides lets her know that and thanks her, and her silly muppet goofball grin/little shimmy of triumph get a good-natured laugh out of him (which in turn makes her smile even bigger since it’s the first time she’s heard him laugh in months)
There’s companionable silence as they muster up the courage to cuddle up against one another and hold hands to watch the clouds go by, and Sideswipe notes how fleeting everything good like this feels in the middle of a war, that she isn’t wrong—she’s slated to leave for a Wrecker mission tomorrow, and after everything that has happened, this could the last time they see each other.
Strongarm talks about how some of her few friends in the force would hold little moments like this like a talisman to get them through bad days on the field, gives him a peck on the cheek (first chaste kiss!) and tells him that she will come home, as long as there’s someone to come home to. (the idea that she sees him as ‘home’ hits Sideswipe for 100pts of emotional damage)
It’s their first ‘official’ date and a bit of a bumpy start, but he starts to get his mojo back (unironically, he would have that Homer Simpson DO IT FOR HER style board except w/things related to Strongarm) and they make it a point to chat every day, and she can see him getting better/he can see her being more emotionally open.
She gets her first ‘intimate’ kiss from Sides the moment she comes back banged up but in one piece, bluescreens for a few seconds due to uh, ✨mental overheating✨, and promptly goes back to collect seconds.
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unknown-writing · 3 years
When you Proposed First...
Summary: You and your boyfriend have been together for a really long time. You couldn’t handle just being “Boyfriend and Girlfriend” anymore. So, you took matters into your own hands...And Proposed first!
Warning(s): Fluff, spoilers for Sanji’s past
A/N: Had a thought of how Sanji would react to me proposing to him and giggled lol.
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     Luffy isn’t one for getting the Hint for specific moods in the air. He’s pretty dense when it comes to stuff like that. So, despite being alone together on this very romantic outing on the Island your crew had been staying at for a small vacation after a recent battle. He missed a lot of subtle details you kept bringing up.
“---Luffy! Earth to Luffy! Hello!?” You shouted while hitting his head a few times, wondering why he was spacing out. You panicked a bit because you thought he was angry with you for your question.....You asked him to marry you.
Luffy never expected to find a girlfriend(or boyfriend) while traveling at Sea. Not that he’d ever planned on getting with somebody any time soon. His life was WAY too dangerous for anything romantic anyways. But even so...Meeting you, befriending you, and then falling for you...It all just.../Happened/. it wasn’t planned or expected, he never met somebody as strong as you were, even without devil fruit powers. You just kept surprising him with every day that you woke up.
You stood there while awkwardly holding the box with something /other/ than a ring in it. It was actually a small charm-like Pin that he could pin to his hat or shirt instead. You knew that he wouldn’t wear the ring because it’d easily break with his stretching abilities, he wouldn’t want to break such a valuable gift from his beloved s/o that he loved so much. “Is...Everything alright Luffy? Did I do something wrong?” You asked while tilting your head. Asking that question made him snap back to reality again.
    Before you could respond though, he had pounced you. Clinging to you for dear life with this big dopey grin going from ear to ear. His face was blushing a pink hue as well. Pausing to grab your face and give you a big smooch, he chuckled, “Do you have any idea how amazing you are y/n!?” He asked, making you blink, but then blush as well. “I don’t know how you managed to read my mind but, I wanted to marry you too!” (He didn’t fully know what he was talking about here). Your blush got redder, he paused and blinked, “Y/n....Your face is red....” he commented, making you flinch then glare up at him
“S-Shut up...I just didn’t expect you to know what was going on is all!” You lied...He chuckled as he started giving your face kisses as he still clung to you tightly. You watched him put the pin right in the front of his precious hat. The sun was hitting him perfectly, so you watched a gentle ray glow on the pin.
You kept staring until he pulled out a small box himself that he’d been hiding for the past three weeks, nervous to give it to you as he’d never done something so big before...You held the box in your hand. and he’d gotten you the typical ring as well but, it wasn’t gold or silver. It was oddly enough...Purple? Purple was your favorite color after all, so seeing that he got you a purple colored wedding ring of all things, you knew he was the one for you.
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       Zoro was actually pretty quick when he realized he wanted you as his Wife. Each day passed when you two were dating for more than a few years now, would be met with “Please be my wife” as a small joke despite being pretty serious about it.
Today was no exception. At first he woke up pretty angry because one of his swords had gone missing...His childhood sword wasn’t with him this morning. About to scold you for taking it, he noticed that you were with Franky and Usopp helping fix it after a recent battle, since you couldn’t go on the island due to being sick, you thought these two could help fix it.
“---Hopefully this does the trick. The metal on the handle has been worn out for a while...It may need to be completely replaced when we reach the next Island in a few days.” Franky comments, while pointing to the dents in the golden handle. You picked it up to get a closer look at it. “It doesn’t just look like the metal part is busted either....It’s the cloth too. Which is something that I can easily fix myself.” You comment out loud, unaware that Zoro was listening in on the conversation.
Eventually leaving to go grab some food and booze, now that he didn’t have to worry on who stole his sword, Zoro sighed as he sat down in his secret drinking spot (that he shares with you of course). “Damn...I want her to be my Wife” he mutters to himself before taking a sip of the drink he was holding.
Later that same day, you had brought back the sword that you had “borrowed to try and get it fixed” for Zoro. before heading back from putting it back, you felt an arm grab your leg. And before you knew it, you were sitting right on his lap again as he hugged you tightly. You giggled as he pressed his face against your neck, his grip getting tighter, “You trying to hug me, or strangle me?” You teased before planting a kiss on his hair. “I want you to be my Wife” He asked again, which just made you chuckle because he’s been doing this for the last week now.
     A brief silence filled the room, you squirmed a bit while you tried reaching in your pockets to grab something. A small box. You held it out awkwardly while blushing a deep crimson red from ear to ear. “....W-Why not...You become my husband?” You asked. That caught his attention real quick. He blinked as he started at the small box in front of his face, he reached out to open it and see two rings in it (one for each of you of course)
A big sheepish grin started to form as he ignored the pink hue on his own cheeks. “...I love you y/n...” He simply says while putting the ring on his finger, and then puts your ring on your finger. You giggled before reaching up again to give him a proper smooch that started turning to a passionate kiss. “I’m happy that your finally my wife now~” He jokes as he nuzzles into again and the two of you just cuddled together before dinner time.
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     You knew about the Political marriage between him and Pudding from Big Mom’s family. You figured out that something had happened when you saw that Pudding and Sanji had “broken up” when you two had started getting more serious in the relationship. You were Pissed Off knowing that he might have been cheating on his Fiance with you, but the crew later explained the full context of what happened (Usopp had to tell you the details that Pudding erased from Sanji’s memory so it didn’t traumatize him again).
After a rocky start to your steady relationship. Sanji has been nothing but honest with you for anything that you may have wanted to know about. He even offered to tell you his childhood at some point but you declined, saying “Sanji-kun...Tell me when you feel emotionally ready ok? Don’t force yourself if your not ready.” And after he heard that, he /knew/ the girl he had to be with was with you. No ands ifs or buts about it. You were the one he was going to Marry for Real one day.
Today was a special day for the two of you, and thankfully, you were on an Island to be able to celebrate it. This was your third year Anniversary together after the time skip of being apart. Sanji had surprised you with a /very/ romantic date to the local festival that was happening nearby since he knew that fancy restaurants weren’t your thing as you were too used to /his cooking/. You two had spent the majority of the festival with the crew, but after a while, you two had gone off to have your own little private date on your own. Sneaking off to the nearby forest for some privacy.
You knew that he was a Romantic Sap when it came to dates. You were the type to just stay home and chill there but, this was a special day so, you thought that you’d amuse him this time. By the time you two had managed to sit down and start eating the delicious meal he had prepared for the two of you (which included some of your favorites). Sanji was telling a big story that happened when you weren’t part of his life, doing silly poses whenever he’d quote his other crewmates, making you have a hearty giggle fit throughout his story.
Before he turned around, you got on one knee and held the Ring box in your hands and stayed quiet. You grinned when he turned around to see you but, completely /froze/ at the sight of you on one knee with the Ring box in your hands. A pink hue started to form as you started to get flustered, “Sanji-kun.....” You started, which made him gulp, anxious of what’s gonna happen despite knowing what it may be. “...Even though we’ve only been together for a few years without the Time skip included...” You paused again so you could pull out the ring, which was a nice silver ring with a very small diamond in the middle. he recognized this ring as you used to wear it on your chain. “Y-Y/n...You can’t...” he starts off, making you nervous, “That ring is yours...” he finishes while avoiding eye contact due to being nervous himself
You giggled, “Sanji-kun....I love you....I want you to have this. I’m willing to gift you something precious...Because your more precious than a silly ring.”
     That did him in. That tiny speech of you claiming he’s more precious than one of your rings was what got him to cry. He cursed, flustered with himself, “D-Dammit....I-I should be proposing t-to you...Not the other way a-around” He complains with a dopey grin that showed his true feelings towards this. “...Will you Marry Me?” You finally asked, holding out a hand so that way you can put the ring on his finger if he said yes.
He didn’t technically say /yes/. But he did nod his head as the awkward crying turned into sobs. After putting the ring on his finger, he fell down to tightly hug you. He’d never been given something so precious in his life without it being taken away from him right after. You knew this though, and just allowed him to cry as you pat his head gently and giggled every now and again
“I love you y/n-san! I love you so fucking much!” He’d repeat, making /you/ get flustered with his chanting declaration of love to you. You hugged him tighter, “I know. I love you too Sanji...After all that you’ve been through...I knew that you were perfect for me, as both a boyfriend, and a Husband.”
Hearing those words just made him sob even longer. He’s never had somebody love him /like this/ in a very long time. And he can’t wait to continue to be loved by y/n for the rest of his life.
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