g1ngersp1ce · 7 years
Dance With Me, My Darling
Veronica x Reader
Reader is Archie’s twin sister, and gets insecure about whether she’s good enough for her love. A/N- Sorry if this isn’t great, it’s my first published fic! Let me know if you would like any more of this pairing or my writing in general <3
“Y/N/N! Ronnie and Betty are here!” My brother, Archie, called through my door. I could feel his nervousness through his uneven knocking, and I wasn’t feeling more confident. I stood at my mirror in my little bedroom, desperately smoothing the non-existent wrinkles in the skirt of my black, velvet, halter-neck dress. The cut was beautiful; the hem reached just longer than my mid-thigh, the skirt was made of floaty tulle that curved gently out from my waist, and the neck stretched to almost my collarbone. It was sleeveless, soft, and just my style, and paired with white flowers tucked into the wrap-around half-up braid in my ginger hair and the matching black velvet heels that Veronica had pointed out for me last week in town, I could actually admit that I looked beautiful, despite all my issues with my body in the past.
“Y/N/N, come on!” Archie’s voice sounded more on edge by the minute.
“Okay, just give me a sec!” My voice sounded just as tense as my twin brother’s did. As I checked my dress for any crinkles for the thousandth time, I heard my bedroom door slowly creak open. Archie could tell that I sounded nervous- we’d always been close, and we’d grown to feel each other’s pain like it was our own.
“Wow,” Archie’s voice was gentler as he closed my door, “You look… wow.”
“Shut up.” I smile, turning away from the mirror to see my brother dressed to the nines in a flawless black tuxedo with a matching bow tie, undone and splayed over his collar, “You look okay too, I guess. What happened with your tie?”
Archie made a face. “Ha, ha. Dad’s busy in the garage, so he wouldn’t tie it for me. Help me?”
I walked over to Archie and began to weave his tie into the correct shape. “So, you’re going with Betty, huh?”
“Yeah. Jug didn’t want to go, so I said I’d keep her company. You know Jughead; dances aren’t really his thing.”
It was true- it was no secret between the five of us that our best friend, Jughead Jones, would much rather sit in Pop’s with a milkshake and his laptop and brood than be seen at a school dance. He loves Betty so much, but Betty understands not to push him out of his comfort zone, as we all do.
“What a hero.” I smiled, tugging the fabric of Archie’s tie through a loop, but I could tell that he could see right through my weak façade. Archie frowned.
“What’s wrong, Y/N/N? Tell me. Is it Veronica? What-”
“Nothing’s wrong with Veronica,” I said, frowning a little myself as I try to remember the next step of tying the bow tie, “She’s perfect.”
“Then what’s got you so nervous? You’re my best friend and twin sister, Mia, I know when something’s wrong.”
Finishing the tie, I smoothed the bow and turned away, sitting on my bed with a sigh. “It’s just… I’ve never been to a dance with a girl before. What if everyone judges us? I know I shouldn’t worry about this, and I know I’ll be safe with Ronnie, but… you know what I mean, right?”
Archie smiled and came to sit beside me. “I do. If people judge you, Y/N/N, then that’s their problem, not yours. You’ve been with Veronica for six months, and people have been fine with it so far, right? People can see how much you love Veronica, and how much she loves you, just by looking at the two of you together. You know I love you both, and so does Betty and Jug and Kevin, so if anyone tries to get in the way of you two, they’ll have us to answer to.”
I looked up from my floorboards to Archie’s earnest eyes. I thanked God for my brother in that moment. “So you’ll be all big-brotherly and fight off anyone who hurts me?” I said, smiling.
“You bet I will. That’s if Veronica doesn’t get there first.” Archie grinned. I laughed a little at the thought, already feeling more relaxed- if it came down to it, Ronnie would probably be the first person to skewer the person who hurt me with her icy dagger.
“Thanks, Arch.”
“No problem. Now, let’s not keep our dates waiting. You ready?”
“Yeah, I think so.” I took a deep breath, and Archie extended his hand to help me stand up. Just before we left my room, Archie squeezed my hand and smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes.
“You really do look beautiful, Y/N/N.”
“Thank you, Archie.” I said, smiling and nudging his broad shoulder. Feeling completely relaxed, I nodded at my brother, who took my arm through his and led me out of my room, letting me stop to grab my black bag with my phone and keys in it on the way out. Downstairs, we could hear the mumble of chatter between Betty and Veronica. I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend, clad in a stunning dress, probably, waiting for me, and I felt a lot surer of myself. Archie slowly led us down the creaky wooden staircase, and once we reached the bottom, I looked into the kitchen and locked eyes with Veronica, and I suddenly felt at home. Her chocolate-brown eyes were wide as she took in my outfit, and I could feel a blush in my cheeks already. She looked gorgeous, as always, in a black sleeveless dress with a lace back, which had a long cut-out that stretched from her neck to the small of her back. Betty looked adorable in a pale blue dress that complimented her pale skin perfectly.
Betty whistled as Archie let go of my arm and followed me down the hallway towards the kitchen. I let my hips sway a little, mainly for Veronica’s benefit, and I watched as she flickered her eyebrows, knowing the game I was playing.
“Betty, you look amazing!” I greeted my best friend, leaning in to squeeze her tightly. She squeezed me back and grinned as we pulled away.
“So do you, that dress is incredible!” Betty opined, softly touching the tulle of my skirt.
“Thanks, Bets.” I smiled, before turning to Veronica. We were pretty much the same height on a regular, converse-wearing day; I stood at 5’ 3” (almost 4), with her an inch shorter, but with the help of both of us wearing heels (mine were three inches, hers must have been around the same) she stood at exactly my height, which I loved.
“Hey, Ronnie.”
“Hey.” She smirked, standing up straight and taking my hand. She pulled me close and pressed a sweet kiss on my cheek, which made a thousand butterflies all flap their wings at once in my stomach. “Shall we get going, my loves? The music will not wait!”
“Okay, Ronnie,” Archie laughed, tucking his keys inside his tux pocket, “Who’s driving?”
A little while later, Ronnie and I were sitting in a couple of chairs at the side of the room, faces flushed after dancing and jumping around with Arch and Betty for a fair amount of time. My feet were aching, and my head was pounding, but I was with Ronnie, so everything was okay. I’d stopped caring what our classmates were thinking of us a long time ago.
Veronica was sitting with her head on my shoulder, my arm around her waist, just catching her breath back. My legs were crossed, and every so often, I would kiss the top of her head or stroke her hair away from her eyes, while my hand traced patterns into her side. She smelled of chocolate and expensive Miss Dior perfume, and to me, the smell was more intoxicating than any alcohol, and it comforted me. We were content this way, but then, the DJ spoke up to announce a new song, a slower, more romantic melody that Veronica and I knew very well- ‘All Through the Night’ by Sleeping at Last. It was our song. Veronica had had it playing in her room the night of our first kiss- we had just got back from the closing night of the Twilight Drive-In, and Veronica had invited me in for coffee, and… well, you can guess the rest.
I smiled into Veronica’s hair as I heard the familiar melody, and Ronnie lifted her head from my shoulder as she heard it too. Her eyes were alight, and I knew she was about to ask me something that I wouldn’t be able to say to no to.
“Dance with me?”
“I’m tired, Ronnie…” I pretended to be aloof, as if I had a choice, but my heart was burning with the urge to have her hold me in her arms. Veronica stood up and took my hands, dragging me with her, and gave me her most adorable puppy-dog eyes. Her dark eyelashes fluttered a little, a pout on her lips, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist her eyes for much longer.
Veronica pulled me close, taking my other hand and linking our fingers. Her voice was soft and alluring as she whispered to me, “Dance with me, my darling.”
Despite the music, I could hear her loud and clear, as though she had spoken the words right in my ear. My heart ached for her, but I was too drawn into her trap to speak, so I just nodded and smiled. Veronica squeezed my hands, a blinding smile illuminating her face in the dimness of the gym, and turned to lead me into the crowd of swaying couples. Being Veronica, she guided us into the centre of the room, before she spun back around and faced me, her smile as bright as ever. I lifted her hands and placed them around my neck, and her touch sent a tidal wave of sparks through my skin. She exhaled, and I knew that she felt more at ease too. She wrapped her arms further around my neck until she could touch her elbows, which drew us closer together. As I slipped my arms around her waist, I could feel her body relaxing into my touch, and I smiled at how easy, how natural this all felt. I held her against me, squeezing her so I could touch my elbows too. Veronica started to sway us gently to the beat of the song, her eyes still locked with mine. She leaned closer still to me and rested her chin on my bare shoulder.
“This is our song…” Veronica murmured into my ear, “Do you remember that night?“
“Of course, I’ll never forget it,” I answered in a heartbeat, “It was the best night of my life.”
“Mine too,” Ronnie lightly her brushed her lips over my shoulder, before pulling away a little and looking back in my eyes, “You looked… so beautiful.”
“I’m pretty sure I was in your pyjamas, wearing my glasses, and had coffee stains on my shirt.” I laughed, remember the image of us sitting on Veronica’s bed as though it was happening right in front of me. When we had finished our coffee, Veronica offered to let me stay the night, and she had lent me a pair of blue plaid shorts and an oversized grey sweater that had the words, my heart lies in New York city printed on it in curling cursive.
Veronica seemed to remember too; she smiled and let her eyes smile too. “I know. I said you looked beautiful.”
I blushed, and Veronica let one of her hands slide down to cup my cheek, her thumb grazing over my cheekbone. “You still can’t take a compliment, can you?”
“Not while I’m in love with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my life. She overpowers every compliment I could ever receive.”
Veronica raised an eyebrow, testing my reaction. “In love with, you say? Do I know her?”
“Maybe,” I smirked, as I twirled us around to the music, making her squeal at the sudden change in speed and cling to my neck, locking her other hand back with the first, “She moved here from New York. She has the most incredible dress sense, and she’s trying her damn best to be kind and caring and the most amazing friend in the world. She’s funny and talented and can do pretty much everything. Oh, and she’s beautiful. Like, insanely, unbelievably, irresistibly beautiful. She’s pretty much stolen my heart, and it doesn’t look like she’s giving it back any time soon.”
Veronica’s eyes were wide and watering, and her face was flushed once more. She laughed breathily, and reached up to touch her forehead to mine. “I love you, so much, Y/N Andrews.”
“Not as much as I love you, Veronica Lodge.” Just as the words left my mouth, I heard the part of the song that I remembered her kissing me for the first time at, like a wave of déjà vu, and I looked down into her bright, fluttering eyes. She blinked to keep the tears away, but they fell regardless, and I caught them with my thumbs as I reached up and held her face in my hands.
“I think I remember that night a little better… I think it went a little something like this…” I whispered, leaning in and pressing my lips to hers, bringing her face up to mine, and the whole world just fell away. She responded immediately, kissing me back with as much as love and feeling as she could pour into it, and I smiled and giggled into the kiss. Veronica’s arms held us close together, and the force of our kiss caused Veronica to bend backwards and pop her foot, just like the kisses in the movies. I broke the kiss and laughed at how tightly she’s clinging to me, and I let her arch her back and roll her body back up to a standing position. By the time she faced me again, she was laughing too, and I took her hand, spinning her out and back into me. We spent the rest of the song laughing and smiling and crying happy tears in the whirlwind of our song, and in that moment, I realised that I’d never loved Veronica Lodge more.
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