#translation one but i also like. did not remember bc i recognize the kanji now. which is a plus to all this i think. but it is so infinitel
volfoss · 7 months
the nature of volfoss is they will make translating proper nouns actually the most hellish thing int eh world.
#twist rambles#like. theres one location that has about 5 diff translations. the machine translation has it as lily june or liliegen. then i get the#physical map. ok. its lelie june. thats fine. and its the same when its shown in the in game map when ur travelling. and THEN i get a title#card in game. which happens w locations often. and it shows up as lelie jene. i nearly started crying. and there was one more machine#translation one but i also like. did not remember bc i recognize the kanji now. which is a plus to all this i think. but it is so infinitel#frustrating. i didnt have all the resources i did when i started it and shalvas' name translated to charbas/charbus OFTEN. so in my brain#that is his name. it is not. the only name i havent had issues w is uchidas and thats bc its like. actually japanese and not the scariest#spelling that they can inflict on man. some of the other things that are definitely SOMETHING translation wise is that like. a lot of the#official english on the map is misspelled. and im staying accurate to the map. so theres typos. not even to get into characters that im lik#sure appear once. and thats it. and i NEVER know what their name is. bc its not important enought o be in the gallery. rip to whatever the#official spelling of riggin/rigging is. i will never know.#♟#the amt of time chris has had to wake up to me having the WORST time bc the translation stuff is so inconsistent w proper nouns. the MANY#creature names spelled weird. iron meiden and like. 5 million others. the amt of times i have (sic) in my doc by their names is far too man#sorry i love to complain. it IS a labor of love. but i am also so like. worried abt some of the names. can you imagine having to write a#serious paragraph when a guys name is ax fart. because thats one of the guys names.
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coolstoneguy · 5 years
Tsukuyomi Theory Summary
Sooo.. I'm sure that pretty much everyone here knows about the Tsukuyomi theory so I don’t need to explain it. But bc there are is so much speculation about it I decided to summarize it. And I also tried to find a convincing counterargument to each point. These arguments aren't specifically detailed since I just wanted to give you an overview for the theory. If you are interested to know more about something just click on the links in the brackets (I basically put the links of the post I got most of the information from in there).
I'm gonna rate each point from 1 to 10 (10 very convincing and 1 not rly convincing) and I’ll put a + în if it’s for the theory and - against it (->The rating is my personal opinion and I'm rating it extra critical).
Everything against the theory is in cursive.
Alright then! Let’s start xd
1. Heaven doesn't remember (-10)
- None of the people in heaven remember hmmmm?? Why???
- Maybe its bc Father put some kind of spell on Yato? But why did Amaterasu help him to get out of the Underworld then? Why would she know about his 'true name'?                   (Link to 1, 2, 12, 14)
2. Amaterasu wondering 'bout Yatos name (-7)
- Amaterasu asked if his name was Yato (/doesnt recognize him)
-> could be explained as her either not actually recognizing him bc of reincarnation (If she ever even had to reincarnate) or she just wanted to keep it a secret for some reason
-> She might've been astonished bc of his new name/ Pseudo name
3. Moon symbolic (+Flower) (+3,5)            
- Yato often gets drawn with the moon and stuff (might just be an artistic choice)
-> On one of the covers he was drawn with a flower called Gekka Bijin which can be translated as ''the beautiful one under the moon''   (Link)
-> And the fact that in ch.37 Amaterasu has been drawn with a sun just supports those reoccurring moon symbolistics with Yato
4. Yukines memory (+2)
- Chapter 80.2: Yukine: ''I saw this person before, who is he?''
- Chapter 73: ''But if I looked harder, you were there'' -> moon in background                          -> could just be too much interpretation      
Still kinda weird that she even put the moon there, she could've also hid it behind yukines dads head or just anywhere else; well maybe she just likes to draw the moon? xD                    (Link)
5. Trashdad named Yato (+3)
- Questionable: Every other god gets born knowing their name but Yato was named by trashdad HMmmMmMmmmMMMmmmm??? (verryyy suspicious if u ask me)
- But we don't know yet how gods get named. Maybe that's just how it works. Or maybe Trashdad put some kind of spell on Yato (this one actually sounds pretty convincing even despite the possibility of Yato probably being Tsukuyomi)
6. Killing isn't his true nature (+4)
- Although he's a war god he was born with the desire to make people happy
-> you could assume that it’s bc trashdads true wish actually was something else but to destroy the heavens and stuff but honestly, why would Yato even still exist until now since his dads wish obviously is different from the other one? We don't know his true intentions yet which is why we can't evaluate this point
- But I think it's pretty sure to say that Yato isn't actually what father tells him he is
7. Trashdad is worried (-4)
- Father was worried that Yato would disappear if he died
-> he might be lying and manipulating Nora cuz he's a psychopath   (Link)
-> maybe he's also worried that if Yato dies he'd reincarnate at Tsukuyomis shrine? (Although I don't think it would be very difficult to get Yato back)
8. Amaterasus help (Underworld Arc) (+6,5)
- Why did Amaterasu even help him to get out of the underworld? If Yato actually is Tsukuyomi that would make a lotta sense since he's her brother._ On the other hand though she trapped Yukine in a box and stuff._ But maybe she just did it bc she couldn't risk getting into trouble with the heavens?? Or maybe she doesn't rlly like her bro, but why would she even safe him from the underworld? xdd     (Link)
9. Birthday (+10000)
- HIYORIS RULING PLANET IS THE MOON!!!1!!!11! (alright I'm just kidding)
10. Yato name meaning (+1)
- Yato can be written differently and then be translated as ''rabbit of the night'' (in asia the hare is often associated with the moon)                     (Link)
->could just be some kind of coincidence
11. Character design (+3)
- Basically his character design: pale, dark hair, blue eyes (artistic choices again)
12. Tsukuyomis disappearance (-9)
- Why does no one care about Tsykuyomis 1000 yr long disappearance? I mean he's the f ing moon god he can't just disappear? What about his shrines and stuff??
-> or maybe the heavens just hated him so much for killing Uke Mochi that they didn't care lolz (But they did give Ebisu a second chance so why not Tsukuyomi?)
13. Noragami title real meaning (+1)
- Noragami -> he might actually be like a Nora just as a god. 2 different kinds of god (Tsukuyomi the moon god and Yaboku the calamity god) with 2 different 'powers' just like a Nora.                     (Link)
Or the title simply hints to him being homeless haha
14. Moral (this is just a opinion thing so no rating)
- might 'destroy' the actual moral of the story  (honestly I don't think it would destroy the moral of the story he still managed to become a better person without that status. And him being Tsukuyomi also wouldn't solve all the problems, it would just create even more problems. But I can see why people would be upset about this)                   (Link ->6)
15. Hiiros water abilities (+7,5)
- Hiiro only had water abilities when she was being used by Yato (and NO Rabo doesn't count he doesn't exist in the manga). That's especially interesting cuz in religions and horoscopes and stuff the moon often gets connected to water
- ALSO: Tsukuyomi himself was known for having water abilities (according to ancient japanese poetry)
(Link to 15, 16, 17)
16. Yatos character song (+0)
- His theme song is called ''Boat in the MoonLight'' (And can be read as Tsukuyomi by making up the first two Kanji) (but honestly that's kinda a stoopid reason since the title was given by the people who worked on the Anime not by Adachitoka)
17. Tsukuyomi Shrine (+3,5)
- The first ever Tsukuyomi Shrine was built by the iki Clan and OH WHAT A COINCIDENCE the first one to actually have built a shrine for Yato was Hiyori IKI. I'm pretty sure that's the reason Hiyoris family can see ghosts and stuff although it doesn't exactly proof that Yato is Tsukuyomi
(-> AND another kind of important thing is that the shrine was built before Tsukuyomis 'Reincarnation' which means he actually could've known the Iki Clan members personally so it would make more sense that they built a shrine for him)
18. The source of the calamity (+4)
- He thinks that he brings calamity to everyone around him but all the calamity that was ever brought to anyone around him was caused by trashdad
 -> Although this doesn't proof that he is Tsukuyomi it definitely is another proof for Yato not being a god of calamity _
19. Real mythology (+2)
- Tsukuyomi disappears from the japanese Mythology at some point (there isn't that much information 'bout him anyways) -> might have been a good opportunity for Adachitoka to create her own story about him
20. Cutting ties (+1)
- Why would a minor god like Yato have the ability to cut ties? Especially if he is a 'war god' according to trash dad. But u know it still is a possibility so eh not really a reason
In conclusion:
Total points: +12
[-] -> 30/40=75%  [+] -> 42/140=30%
Overall: Although the points against the theory are more convincing it seems to be more likely that it’s true.
So it kinda just stays an opinion thing? xd Well anyways it doesn’t matter whether the Tsukuyomi theory is true or not Noragami is and always will be great.
What are your thoughts about it? Any opinion is welcome :))
Also: If I missed something or if I made any mistakes please correct me! (like that tortoise divination thing; I didn't really understand that one so I didn't even mention it)
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