rubbarband · 1 year
Silent Illusionist, Crafty Hero
closed rp with @tricoloredillusion
"What just happened!?" Desmond wondered, he was sent here with multiple heroes to put a stop to villains using their portal quirks for what? Power of course, seems their line caught something however and brought in some stranger from another world. Desmond wouldn't have believed it if he didn't see it with his own eyes, magic, weird black creatures with white mask, easy enough to take out, weird technology and a girl from a strangely colorful world.
Her hair was of two tones and M.T held her unconscious body in his massive hand. "Strange....I don't sense a quirk in this one but she's got something in her...a separate power? Interesting INTERESTING!" He slapped his massive knee laughing. "King would love to see this, she can give up some limbs and organs so we can get her powers, she wouldn't mind sharing." Desmond was right there, M.T made a portal, and threatened to drop her in, straight to his boss. Something he wouldn't do if he knew Des was there. Desmond could end this, kill king and get his brother back, yeah....yeah!
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But no, this person needed help and as M.T let go, Desmond's body reacted, grabbing the smaller woman. "DAMNIIIIIITTTT!" He second guessed himself, he could of had it all, but he couldn't abandon anyone who needed help, not another Danny, Not again!
"Wh-RUBBARBAND!? YOU LITTLE RAT I'LL KILL Y-" His had transformed into an axe, Desmond easily outpaced it, but Desmond relaxed feeling a familiar energy, M.T used his massive other arm to form a sword that threatened to hit him before he was stopped, by a fellow mutant hero, a man in a red cloak with a rat head and tail, stopped his sword with his own.
"Funny how you shall bring up rodents, miscreant, sorry you won't have your quarry, you deal with ME! now!" Sire Redwall protected him enough for Des to escape.
"Thanks Red!" And off he ran, it took a while for him to escape but he ended up fleeing to a safehouse where he sat the woman Down as he caught his own breath. "What just happened!?" He wheezed out trying to rationalize everything.
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kurokoma-saki · 5 months
//Starter for @tricoloredillusion
It's not often that Saki visits Gensokyo, but some rather urgent concerns have prompted her trip today. Recently, Saki had decided to expand her territory to Gensokyo a little. A few small business owners in Gensokyo have been given opportunity to expand with a sum of the Keiga family's money. Of course, she's expecting for them to return that payment in full.
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The promise of those debts being paid may not come to fruition though, due to the sudden violent attacks that have befallen her clients recently. At this point it's difficult to tell whether or not this is targeted towards Saki herself, so she's decided to come and investigate the matter.
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Saki's used her influence over one of her clients to have them open a small izakaya cart not too far from a nearby shop that's owned by one of her clients. She knows the store owner is a meek and timid youkai, one who could easily be picked off by any other. She plans to silently sip her beer while keeping her ears pointed for any potential distress.
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burnslikehunger · 1 year
@tricoloredillusion​ started following you
“Roman’s little pet, was it?”
The warehouse in question wasn’t the most ideal place to arrange this meeting, but convincing Roman to part with his dear, beloved shadow proved to be quite difficult. It had taken months of wearing the thief down, through flattery and threats alike.
But for the plan to go smoothly, this meeting was necessary. If Neopolitan was to join their infiltration team into Beacon, that meant Cinder needed to get a read on her without Torchwick being involved. It meant that Cinder had to be sure that the pint sized powerhouse wouldn’t stab her in the back or otherwise ruin anything.
The last thing Cinder wanted was to resort to Plan B. Adam would be awful at this kind of subterfuge.
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“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you stray far from him. Such loyalty is admirable.” If annoying. No matter how this meeting proceeded, Cinder knew that the girl in front of her would always be Torchwick’s. Tsk.
Was unquestioning loyalty like Emerald’s so much to ask for? Apparently.
“I have... a proposition for you. A potential job. One your boss is vaguely aware of, but I felt the need to run it past you... directly.”
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clock-corpse · 1 year
Starter for @tricoloredillusion​!
The unexpected is assured when traveling to a new country. Sights that may bring shock or wonder to the mind with its unfamiliarity. Especially one as drastic as the United States, a gargantuan country filled to the brim with diverse culture and people, so much so that it’s difficult to keep track of the entire spectrum.
What comes to most transfer student’s minds when they think of America are towers that pierce the sky, and bustling cities that never falter. To Angela’s surprise however, the academy that she is transferring to is not located in a large urban space, but rather a solitary location deep in the thick of eerie woods off the path of a town that has hardly aged since its founding.
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Even more peculiar to Angela is the structure itself, which looms over her much like a desolate castle more than an academy, complete with gargoyles and other details that are iconic to gothic architecture. It even extends to the interior of the institution, something that Angela quickly takes notice as the wooden stairs creak underneath her with every step she takes.
Every student here is housed in a dorm alongside a roommate to keep them company. The house master had told Angela a little information about hers before sending her on her way. A certain ‘Neopolitan’ whom already strikes her as strange on account of the name alone. Still, she’s eager to see just what kind of girl she’s going to be spending the rest of her school year with.
Placing her hand on the doorknob, Angela notices that it’s already unlocked and pushes it inward with a creak. Once she steps inside, she’s greeted with the sight of one half of the room already made, complete with a bed, desk, and a ludicrous amount of cute stuffed toys. It is also very noticeably... pink.
Despite the fact that the door was open, the room itself is empty. Perhaps Neopolitan stepped out for a bit? Whatever the case, Angela wanted nothing more than to begin getting settled into her new home, and so she brings all her luggage into the room and begins to unpack.
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candledburns · 1 year
It’s not often that Roman Torchwick ever allows anyone to see him vulnerable. But right now, he’s almost childlike in the way he speaks - his eyes ever so slightly wide, and his hands, barely managing to hold on to Melodic Cudgel, starting to shake.
Then, all of a sudden, he glowers. Swallowing down every emotion that’s welling up within him, he speaks again, and his next words are coated with a bitter anger.
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“If this is some kind of trick, I’m not falling for it. You think you’re clever, do you?”
@tricoloredillusion​ ( starter! )
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Continued from HERE
Edward didn’t say anything after making himself known, rather, he’d carefully walk to be aside Neo and sit with her, indeed, his holster was empty, and it’d be quiet still for a while before the officer explained himself.
“We were aware that you were Roman’s accomplice, it’s just what information of you we had never matched your description until we got some intel on how you really looked, but why am I here?”
His question was to be followed up on, he’d just pull out a pack of opened cigarettes from his jacket, only to crush the pack and drop it.
“I want to move on, and you’re the closest I can get to letting things lie, I can’t arrest a dead man after all, but I know what it’s like to lose someone close to you.”
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valeanwerewolf · 5 months
// starter for @tricoloredillusion
Roxanne hated thursdays. They always came with that part of her job she dreaded most: paperwork. "Fuck knows why they need detailed reports on what kind of fucking Grimm I took out," she grumbled to herself, kicking the drawer of her little desk in the co-working space so hard the desk barely kept upright.
How she yearned for a smoke right now. Just the one, a taste of burnt wood on her tongue, as the fumes kill a little bit more of what's left of her.
But no, cigarettes weren't the answer. She'd had her last one four years ago, when Team ACCT graduated. Ozpin had been adamant that, if she couldn't give up destroying her body in nightly skirmishes, she give up at least that habit.
Thing is, you don't kick a habit like that without picking up another. At least this one was fun in its own right. Her friends teased her about it back when it started.
"The Wolf of Downtown sipping milkshakes? What has the world come to?" - "What's your favorite?" - "Oh I bet it's something really fruity, to match her personality."
They pissed her off, not just because of the insinuation, but because they were absolutely fucking right!
So here she was, walking across Downtown during the day to get a milkshake. Life likes to play jokes sometimes.
When she entered the soda shop, it was pretty empty. Not surprising, given that it was fucking 3pm on a thursday.
"The usual," she called out to the clerk and waited impatiently for her mango-lemon-yogurt shake while pointedly ignoring the ding of the bell when the door opened as another customer entered the building.
"Keep the change," Roxanne all but growled. She abruptly turned on the spot and proceeded to spill half the shake on herself as she narrowly avoids collision with a woman much smaller than her.
"Are you for real?" she asks.
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littleblackqrow · 1 year
@tricoloredillusion (🪶)
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"I find it easier to deal with difficult situations if you can find some way to laugh at it. Sometimes that's the only way to deal with the situation." All the same, he was glad that Neo took it in good humor. He was still getting to know the young woman, after all. While he could respect her ability to stick to the shadows, it also meant there was very little for him to go on when it came to things to talk about.
"At least the Lord sayeth the vibes were good?"
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cardinneverloses · 2 years
From an early age, Cardin knew the world he lived in was wholly unfair. Power was much more than just money and land, it wasn’t until his teen years when the truth was shown to him of the monsters that secretly lived among the populace in a bloody display of mangled appendages. So young to watch his parents be used as nothing more than food or common livestock.
It wasn’t always like this, there was a time when he lived thinking his life would have amounted to something. When he had a friend whom he played with on days where he could get away from the normal chores given to him by the family his parents were enslaved to. Those were the memories that had gotten him through the worst days. Days he expected not to wake the next morning, days he expected to be his last and days he was sure to be hunted down and slain.
Most of his past he had left behind, after being saved by a Vampire hunter and trained to defend himself he learned that the power scale that tipped to favor Vampires could be forced to even out. After his first kill, seeing the same fearful eyes in the monster that he’s seen in his own, he knew this was his calling.
Dawning light leather armor with metal padding to cover his vitals, a silver sword, crucifix and stake, he managed to conceal his identity with a hood and ragged scarf around the lower half of his face. It did little to ward off the blood of hunted Vamps, but the power he would gain was… Addictive. Being able to fight back against something so impossible for a normal human to fight, it was a drawback he learned to live with.
But no power could prepare him for what was to come, as confronting his next target, a very dangerous one due to her family name at that, was someone he thought lost so long ago. Standing before him, his sword drawn, facial features concealed, there was very little that could have held him back to state her name in his surprise
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atlasbred · 1 year
cont. / @tricoloredillusion​
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“They modeled the gun after an older popular standard issue Atlesian military rifle, but it fires like the ones those dumb robots walking around get, don’t even get me started...” her attention snapped back to the other once more.
"Doubt you came to a place like this to...” She knelt down, inserting some coins into the game. Go out, hit the town, I know a spot. This was the last time she listened to her friends. 
“Maybe its just not for me.” She finished, picking up the secondary toy firearm as the cartoonishly buff soldier on screen began yelling, warning of grimm, yada yada, it was just noise to her. 
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independentzaun · 2 years
Coffee, and murder perhaps.
Silco had ensured the “new girl” as some people had referred to Neopolitan got into a decent apartment. Decent by Zaun standards at least. There was still that near constant scent of something that was very likely toxic in nature that floated through the entire area, and the water tasted a touch off unless you got water from Uptown but it was clean enough to drink or bathe in. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and all the necessities. It even came with a mattress and a sofa albeit cheap ones. The building was decently maintained as well, and the neighbors might not have been friendly exactly but they weren’t rude either more stand offish and busy with their own affairs.
Perhaps a week later Silco had Neo meet him at a cafe that mostly was just known for decent coffee, and better muffins. The cafe sold other things as well, but people rarely bought them. If someone did buy an item with sausage on it however it was best not ask what the sausage came from originally. Across the street was what Silco was truly interested in. The house of a man who wasn’t that important himself, but who had access to some rather interesting information at the place he worked. Not world changing perhaps, but useful enough for Silco to want to see it. The fact it would make for a good test for Neopolitan to see if she’d really go as far as needed, and how well she’d preform in the field was a nice bonus. Besides he didn’t know her well, and a chat while waiting for the man to return home was as good a way as any for them both to learn more.
The cafe had a few tables with accompanying chairs, and Silco had ensured he got a table positioned so they could easily see the house. People drifted in and out, but none bothered him as he sat slowly sipping at a coffee and waited for Neo to show. There was a half eaten muffin to the side of his coffee that looked like it’d probably gotten forgotten about a good twenty minutes ago as he watched everything around him like some shark waiting for that splash of blood to tell it where to strike next.
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arcanescionmoved · 11 months
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⌜ @tricoloredillusion ⌟ ―― Caitlyn & Neopolitan ❝ Character Height = ❝ Neo is 4'10'' with heels! (4'7'' without them, so do with that info as you will for the meme) ❞
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"Perhaps its better if we talk while sitting?"
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fctedriven · 1 year
(continued from here)
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At this point it was almost safe to assume that the vampire has taken the fallen angel as her new toy. Not only when it came to request taking blood from her, but also as an easy option to go to when it came to her needs. The more time she spent with Lux, the more that Neo wondered if it was possible to corrupt a fallen angel further. Weren’t demons just angels that decided to leave heaven? Or so stories told at times. It didn’t help that technically, the illusionist herself was a kind of devil, or at least derivative of what demons started once. Neo was hardly subtle, as well. What she wanted, she took, so it wasn’t exactly surprising when the shorter woman walked up to the other, sitting down on her lap without a prompted warning and with both hands resting on the other woman’s shoulders. ‘Hey.’ She whispered in Lux’s mind with her telepathy, before she started to slowly grind her hips against her. At the very least, she was clothed, but it was obvious what she was trying; dry humping her crotch against the fallen angel’s leg without any kind of care. She wasn’t exactly desperate- gentle in her gestures and biting her bottom lip to tease the previously-holy creature. Getting someone worked up, or even better, drinking from someone in the middle of sex has always tasted better, the same way torturing gained a similar effect from those humans with pumping hearts. So she was having some mercy in going this way rather than trying to torture Lux for her own amusement. With the other frozen or not, Neo would pick up one of Lux’s hands before letting it rest on her corset-covered breasts, inciting her to touch what she had in front of her. ‘Try not to faint.’
With a number moments they had with each other, the fallen angel expected for her blood to be sucked like before, so she wouldn't even bother to resist and simply let it happen. At that point, she was used to it, plus she would recover much faster than any human.
However instead the vampire fangs sinking into her neck, Neo suddenly straddled on her lap, immediately starting to rub her crotch against it. Her eye slightly widened towards the illusionist, looking rather confused what she was doing now.
Taking a step further, Neo took her hand and placed it directly at her chest, albeit her corset was between them. Once the fallen angel finally snapped from her partial trance, at impulse, she unintentionally gave one of the other's breasts a light squeeze before withdrawing her hand a bit.
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"W-what are you doing?!" A light blush appeared on her features, still bewildered by all of this.
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aestasrosis · 1 year
🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
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🍦: favorite ice cream flavors ?
okay this is very specific but there’s this one ice cream place near me (there’s only like 2 of them in existence so i won’t be naming bc i don’t want to be doxxed lmao) that has this chocolate ice cream with chocolate chunks in it and it is just so fucking good oh my god
🍰 : favorite sweet(s) / dessert(s) ?
i don’t have much of a sweet tooth anymore but god do i love macarons… once in a blue moon my mom will surprise me with them <3
🧶 : any non-writing hobbies / interests ?
yes !! i’ve been editing since 2017 and still do ( on tiktok and instagram lmao ) and on top of that i’m a cosplayer and have been cosplaying since 2018. i actually just got my first sewing machine so i’m very excited to use that !! i’m actually going to a convention this weekend as neo bc she’s my fav <33 i also am an avid reader and write a shit ton of original stuff ( that i could ramble about for hours but i’ll spare you ) !!
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clock-corpse · 10 months
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For those of you wondering, yes I do have permission from @cruentusscarlet's mun to play around with her Remilia a bit. Some of you old people might remember her, other newer people might not. She's been inactive for some years now. That being said...
This doesn't mean that she's coming back. Or at least, I can't say that she is. That's something that would be completely up to her.
I'm not taking over for her. Me picking up Remilia like this is meant to be a minor thing for my own amusement because I loved the portrayal my bestie did. This prideful vampire is just so fun to both write and read.
If you're interested in checking out her current work, then please head over to @tricoloredillusion and send her some love. And thank you, Dev. <3
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candledburns · 11 months
“...What happened to you?”
With her arms folded across her chest, Melanie gives Neo a distinctly unimpressed look - though hidden behind that facade of disinterest is a hint of curiosity. It’s not like Melanie’s ever liked Neo, but she’s certainly not boring - especially considering what Melanie had heard, albeit second-hand...
“I thought you’d like, died, or whatever.”
@tricoloredillusion ( starter for neo! )
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