#trope-wise azula is ''the dragon'' of the cast
evilkitten3 · 10 months
was fucking around on google images and i ended up stumbling on a reddit post from three yrs ago with a picture of iroh grabbing azula during a fight scene...
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this is the only time i can think of when azula seems completely terrified.
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he grabs her and she's scared shitless
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but he just redirects her lightning and she's just bewildered.
i wonder what she was thinking there
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laufire · 4 years
hellooo for fandom ask meme- atla?
Top 5 favourite characters: Sokka, Azula, Toph, Ty Lee, Mai.
Other characters you like: practically everyone. Aang, Zuko, Katara, Suki, Yue, Jet...
Least favourite characters: Ozai sucks, obviously xD. And frankly... though I love other parts of him, I have to say Iroh has not aged well in the rewatch. I hate how creepy he was with June, the bounty hunter. And I side-eye his attitude towards Azula vs. Zuko.
Otps: tbh nothing really makes it to OTP levels, BUT in this rewatch I’ve found myself appreciating Aang/Zuko and their dynamic and parallels all the more. I don’t ship them during show-time (I watched the show when I was 10-12 and it’s kind of hard to ship Aang at that time lol) but as adults I could tbh; their dynamic is just incredibly well-written. Other of my fave ships are Sokka/Suki/Zuko, Sokka/Yue, Azula/Sokka, Azula/Mai/Ty Lee, and Jet/Katara.
Notps: nothing gets to NOTP levels, though over the years I’ve decided to keep away from both Aang/Katara and Aang/Zuko discourse LOL.
Favourite friendships: Zuko & the Gaang, Toph & Aang.
Favourite family: Azula & Zuko. I love disfunction xD.
Favourite episodes: the Boiling Rock and Azula’s coup in Ba Sing Se.
Favourite season/book/movie: season 2 >>>>>>> (late s3 was... disappointing in some areas. AKA the Dangerous Ladies).
Favourite quotes: Aang talking to an asleep Zuko in the Blue Spirit episode vs. Zuko talking to an asleep Aang during the blizzard about Azula ( “She was born lucky. I was lucky to be born.” That whole speech is A Lot); “pride is not the opposite of shame, but rather its source”. And of course, “can your science explain why it rains?” “YES IT CAN”.
Best musical moment: the Avatar state theme always gets me.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: the Dragons episode (I looooove dragons).
When it really disappointed you: the Dangerous Ladies’ endings (Azula’s is utterly undignified, Mai’s is dull, and Ty Lee’s is kinda heartbreaking but presented as triumphant aka what I hate the most xD).
Saddest moment: Zuko going back to his father in s2.
Most well done character death: Jet’s.
Favourite guest star: Jet I guess? I never know how to take “guest star” in shows like this.
Favourite cast member: didn’t Serena Williams voice someone? The guard that was nice to Iroh so he spared her? There you have it xD.
Character you wish was still alive: Jet, if only for The Drama LMAO.
One thing you hope really happens: ........ I just hope the live-action reboot doesn’t make concessions and they write what THEY want to write.
Most shocking twist: hmm. Can’t really remember anything.
When did you start watching/reading?: I watched the show more or less as it aired, the first time.
Best animal/creature: Appa, DUH.
Favourite location: Ba Sing Se. So damn creepy, such good plots.
Trope you wish they would stop using: tbh the thing that annoyed me the most is when they tried to ~recreate the... effect some of ATLA’s characters had with LOK’s and utterly failed ¬¬ (Bolin annoys me in particular. It’s a good thing I’ve never seen anyone in fandom explicitly compare him to Sokka LMFAO). And I want to clarify I don’t say this as a way to hate on LOK, because I love LOK (and Korra is my favourite character in the whole ‘verse). But that part annoyed me xD
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: it falls on that category of “children show that NEVER talks down to children” and I’ll always love it for that.
Funniest moments: Sokka was sincerely funny and enjoyable. And the show was great at visual/physical humor, especially with bending.
Couple you would like to see: Sokka/Zuko or Azula/Sokka, Just Because LOL (and I really hope the reboot doesn’t erase Jet/Katara tbh).
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a. Well, actually, that’s wrong. I’d love to see Brandon Soo Hoo to join the cast as ANYONE, just because I want to see Brandon Soo Hoo on-screen again :P
Favourite outfit: Azula’s Ba Sing Se outfits. And the ones on the beach episode.
Favourite item: Sokka’s boomerang, OFC. And his meteorite sword.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope.
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: I’d love to be an airbender (I just want to flyyyy).
Most boring plotline: n/a.
Most laughably bad moment: Ty Lee’s ending. A character that valued individuality so much she left a family because there was nothing differentiating her from her sisters ends in a uniformed order where every girl looks the same. O-fucking-kay.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: Zuko’s banishment flashbacks *sniffs*
Most layered character: Aang and Zuko, IMO.
Most one dimensional character: cabbages man, but we love him so xD
Scariest moment: Zuko’s Agni Kai. Poor dear.
Grossest moment: that weird deformed panda spirit comes to mind.
Best looking male: I actually have some Issues(TM) about how they’re drawn as grown-ups LMAO. Hmm. Between Sokka and Zuko I guess.
Best looking female: 12-year-old me had a mini crush on the Dangerous Ladies LOL.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): see above.
Favourite cast moment: n/a.
Favourite transportation: Appa.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): there’s a lot of great ones but I’m going with the dragon dance.
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a. Though if we get into LOK I would have a few LOL.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I liked it from very early on, but I remember starting to Love It in Jet’s episode (Sokka and his ~instincts! Tragic ship with Betrayal(TM) and irreconcilable issues! My catnip).
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