#did she think he was going to kill her? or just seriously kick the shit out of her
evilkitten3 · 10 months
was fucking around on google images and i ended up stumbling on a reddit post from three yrs ago with a picture of iroh grabbing azula during a fight scene...
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this is the only time i can think of when azula seems completely terrified.
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he grabs her and she's scared shitless
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but he just redirects her lightning and she's just bewildered.
i wonder what she was thinking there
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Fake It
Please comment and reblog! I’d appreciate it!
A/N: I apologize for my absence but life is roundhouse kicking my ass right now. But I’m super excited about this piece!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: smut! Dom!eddie, spitting, name calling (both sweet and dirty- slut), unprotected sex, daddy kink!, creampie, mentions of porn
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“Maybe it’s me; maybe I’m broken,” you sighed to Robin. She simply rolled her eyes as she continued to sort through the return stack.
“It’s not you- guys just suck,” she said.
“Hey!” Steve yelled from the back.
“Maybe you shouldn’t eavesdrop then!” You yelled back.
“Maybe you guys should just speak louder!”
“Oh my god, I’m gonna kill him,” you mumbled. “Seriously, Robin- is it to much to ask for a guy to make me feel good? He doesn’t even have to make me cum, just make me feel something!”
“Eh-hem.” The sudden clearing of a throat made you jump as you whipped around to see a flustered Eddie Munson standing awkwardly at the counter.
“Munson! What’s up, man?” Steve said with a smile, emerging from the back.
“N-not a whole lot. Looking to see if you got any new releases in,” he said, his eyes not leaving you the whole time.
“(Y/N) definitely hasn’t,” Robin mumbled. You threw an empty case at her which she easily dodged.
“Um, yeah, let me check the back. I think I did see some new titles.”
Steve wandered to the back, leaving you flustered in front of Eddie. He stared at his shoes and rocked back and forth, not really sure what to say to you.
“I think I’m gonna go help Steve,” Robin said before heading off. You tried to catch her attention and tell her no but she purposely didn’t look back at you.
She was the only one that knew about your crush on the metalhead, although she claimed it was obvious by the way you became a flustered mess any time he was around. Despite him being one of the kindest people you had ever met, you were always too scared to make a move. So that’s why you settled for less than mediocre dates with far less than mediocre guys.
“So, uh, any plans for the weekend?” You asked, trying to break the horrible tension.
“Just gonna hang out and watch some movies,” Eddie answered.
“Right, right. Of course,” you mumbled, mentally facepalming yourself.
“Why do you ask?” He asked.
“Just curious! I think I’m gonna go see what’s taking those two idiots so long.”
Before Eddie could say anything else, you booked it to the back. You crashed into Robin and Steve who were listening behind the curtain that closed off the back room from the counter.
“What the fuck is taking you guys so long?” You whispered.
“We we’re having too much fun listening to you crash and burn out there,” Steve snickered. “I’m sure if you asked him to hang out, he would say yes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You have Robin a death glare but she threw up her hands.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Yeah, it’s just really obvious,” Steve chuckled. “Here, bring him this.”
Steve shoved you back out there with the tape in your hands.
“Did they get lost or something?” Eddie asked with a small smile.
“Pretty hard to find things when they have their heads shoved up each other’s asses,” you said loud enough for them to hear.
Eddie let out a loud laugh and it made your heart jump up your throat. He looked down at the tape in your hand and reached for it.
“For me?”
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded. You rang him out and handed him the tape. “I’ll see you around.”
“I’m counting on it,” he smiled.
“Why are the guys around here so boring?” You asked to no one in particular.
“I’m not boring!” Steve scoffed.
“Yeah okay,” you laughed. “What’s the most adventurous things you’ve done in bed?”
“Well…I… I’ve used a scarf?”
“A scarf?” You repeated.
“Were you cold?” Robin asked.
“No, I wasn’t cold! We used it as a blindfold,” he said sheepishly.
“I highly doubt you’ve blindfolded a girl,” you challenged.
“I never said she was the one blindfolded,” he said with a smirk.
“Harrington!” Robin gasped. Steve wiggled his eyebrows as you fake gagged.
“I can be a…what’s the new term kids are using these days…oh right, I can be daddy.” Steve tried to purr but failed miserably.
“You give off more of a mommy vibe,” you said. “You and your scarf of mystery.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly kinky, Steve. Grandparents are using blindfolds these days,” Robin added.
“Yeah, why do you think they like knitting so much?” The three of you jumped when you heard the voice interrupt. Eddie stood there with a very amused expression on his devilishly handsome face.
“That’s gross,” Steve scowled.
“Thought it was kinky?” You laughed. Steve rolled his eyes before turning back to Eddie.
“(Y/N), here, was just saying how all the guys around here are boring in bed. Care to weigh in?”
“Steve!” You smacked his arm. “That’s not exactly appropriate to ask a customer.”
“A customer? Ouch. And here I was thinking we were friends,” Eddie said, holding his hand to his chest.
“We are friends,” you mumbled, rather embarrassed.
“Good,” Eddie beamed. He slid his return across the desk. “And I can promise you that not all the guys in this town are boring.”
Eddie sent you a wink before heading back out the door. Your jaw dropped as his words spun in your head. Robin ever so gently closed your mouth for you.
“Didn’t want you to catch any flies,” she chuckled.
“I bet he’s never used a scarf,” Steve grumbled angrily. “Maybe I should take up knitting.”
The next time you saw Eddie was at a small get together that Steve and Robin threw together last minute. You weren’t expecting him to be there but he was a part of the group now so you didn’t know why you didn’t think of it.
You sat in the kitchen with Nancy and Robin, lamenting about your recent and pitiful sexual conquests.
“Two dates, two duds- I literally have the worst luck!” You sighed. “I mean, is it too much to ask for a guy to eat me out and spit in my mouth?”
Nancy’s eyes widened as she looked behind you. You froze in your spot, not wanting to turn around.
“H-hey, Eddie,” Robin tried to smile awkwardly. You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath. Why was it always him?
“Hey, ladies,” he coughed. “Mind if I grab a drink?”
“Go for it,” Nancy said.
Eddie moved around you and reached across you to the drinks you were sat in front of. His eyes dropped down to your lips for a split second before moving back up to your eyes.
“Hi, (y/n),” he said loud enough for only you to hear. You swore you saw a smirk on his lips but your mind went into overdrive and you had to focus solely on breathing and not passing out.
“Earth to (y/n)? Can you move so we can grab a drink?” Dustin yelled from behind Eddie.
“I got it, man,” Eddie said, reaching across you again. His body was pressed to your side as he poured a couple drinks for his friends. His scent invaded your senses as you felt the heat from his body blanket your own. You didn’t realize your fluttered closed until he cleared his throat. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered.
“You sure? I could bring you home if you’re not feeling well,” he offered.
“No! I’m good, I swear.”
“If you say so,” he chuckled. He gave you one last look-over before he finally retreated to the other room and you thought Nancy and Robin were going to double over in laughter.
“You know…Eddie might just be the solution to your little problem. He’s probably a freak in more places than just the streets,” Robin said with a wink.
“You’re insane!”
“She’s right! He’s totally into you and everyone knows you’re head over heels for him-“
“What do you mean everyone knows?” You shrieked.
“I’m just saying, you don’t exactly hide it well,” Nancy said. You rolled your eyes at your ridiculous friends and went back to sipping your drink.
You couldn’t get the image of Eddie out of your head for the rest of the night. By the time you got home, you were a mess, and not the kind you wanted to be. You settled into your bed for a long night of frustrating attempts to seek a release, one that never came.
“It has to be me; I’m definitely broken. If I can’t even fuck myself how can I expect anyone else to?” You sighed to Robin on the other end of the phone.
“Sounds like there’s something blocking that part of your brain. It’s probably that fact that you’re lusting over a certain metalhead whom you refuse to make a move on,” she said. You groaned and threw yourself back on your bed.
“He doesn’t want me,” you told her.
“You never know until you ask.”
“Yeah well I’m never gonna ask so just drop it. Please?” You pleaded.
“…fine…I’m gonna bring a care package over to your place later and we can hang out and take your mind off of things, okay?” She said.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later.”
You hung up with your friend and stared at your ceiling. You needed to figure something out soon or you were going to combust.
Hours passed and you almost forgot Robin’s promise to stop over. You were in nothing but an oversized tshirt and your panties, not shy in front of your lifelong friend. When you heard the doorbell ring, you thought nothing of it as you bounded down the stairs toward the front door.
“Rob- oh my god!” You froze as you saw someone who was definitely not Robin Buckley standing outside your door. “Eddie?”
“Sorry…I thought Robin told you I was coming?”
You looked at the bag in his hands, filled with some of your favorite items, and everything started to click.
“I’m gonna kill her,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing! Thanks so much for bringing this for her, you really didn’t have to go through all the trouble.”
You tried to grab the bag from his hand and close the door but his grip was tight and his stance unwavering.
“She also told me I have to stay here and make sure you relax sooo do you mind if I come in, sweetheart?” He asked, already pushing past you and into your house.
“Folks aren’t home yet?” He asked, taking a look around. You stood dumbfounded in your doorway, his question snapping you back to reality.
“They’re out of town visiting friends for the week,” you answered. You closed the door behind you and went to grab the bag but he stopped you.
“Not so fast, beautiful. I need to quality check the items first.”
You didn’t think anything of it until Eddie started to pull out a wide array of items-
a box of your favorite candy, some lotion, a scarf. You were confused by the selection but nothing mortified you more than what Eddie pulled out next.
“Talk dirty to me, parts one and two,” Eddie said with a huge smile.
“Oh my god!” You snatched the pornos out of his hands and threw them back in the bag.
“Damn, when Robin said you needed to relax, I guess she wasn’t kidding,” he laughed.
“Okay, I’m thoroughly embarrassed and ready to crawl under a rock so you can go now,” you said, trying to pull him toward the door by his arm. He pulled you back flush against his chest.
“Not so fast, sweetheart. That’s no way to treat a house guest, now is it?” The deep rumble of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“N-no,” you whispered.
“No what?”
“Good girl,” he smiled. He backed you against the wall, your heart beating a mile a minute. “Do you want me to help you relax?”
“Yes, sir,” you said without even having to think.
“Do you trust me?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said with a faint smile on your lips. You trusted Eddie more than you trusted most people and you knew he would take care of you.
He grabbed the bag and led you to your bedroom. You were nervous, not because it was Eddie, but because part of you really did believe you were broken and you didn’t want to be a disappointment to Eddie.
Eddie must’ve sensed your nerves because he turned to you and grabbed both your hands, looking you in the eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything, you know? We can just hang out o-or I can just leave…”
“No! No, don’t go. I’m just in my head a little, that’s all,” you sighed. He brought the back of your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it.
“I’ve got you; please don’t worry,” he said. You simply nodded before letting him grab the hem of your shirt and lift it over your head. His eyes scanned your bare torso with nothing but adoration in his eyes. He left your panties on as he laid you down on your bed. You heard the bag rustle and the scent of lavender soon filled your nose.
“Just try and relax, baby,” he said softly. He rubbed the lotion together in his hands to warm it up before gentle squeezing your shoulders and running his hands down your back. He worked your tense muscles under his calloused hands, making you melt almost instantly.
The lower his hands went, the tighter the coil went in your stomach, just begging for release. He worked on your thighs, squeezing your ass in the process. His hands lingered on your ass for a minute before they slid back up to your shoulders.
You wriggled your hips uncomfortably, preferring he would’ve shown your aching pussy some much needed attention.
Eddie got impatient with your moving so he straddled your waist and pinned your hips down with his.
“Just try and enjoy this, sweetheart,” he said.
“I’d enjoy something else a lot more,” you groaned. He hit a particularly tense spot and you moaned as he massaged the knot. You felt him shift, pressing more into your ass. You let breathy whimpers fall from your lips as he started to grind his hips against you.
“Eddie, please,” you whined.
“Please, what, baby? Ask daddy nicely,” he said. The way he said that with no shame, completely confident and in control, made your mouth go dry. He stopped the movement of his hips- “I won’t ask again.”
“P-please touch me, daddy,” you begged.
“I am touching you, love,” he chuckled.
“No, I want you to fuck me!”
He moved back and slapped your ass, making you yelp.
“Watch the attitude before I fuck it out of you,” he warned.
“If you can,” you mumbled under your breath. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back.
“What was that?” He growled in your ear.
“I don’t think you can fuck me that hard, daddy,” you challenged. He let out a dark chuckle.
“Of course you’re a fucking brat,” he laughed. “I should’ve guessed. Maybe that’s why no other little boys in this town could satisfy you. You needed a man to know how to handle you, baby. Is that it?”
His other hand snaked it’s way into your panties; he was delighted to find out just how wet you already were for him.
“Yes, please. I need you!”
“There’s your manners; what a good girl.”
“Mm, yes. I’m a good girl, I’m your good girl,” you mumbled incoherently as he started to rub slow circles on your clit.
“That’s what I thought,” he said with a smug smirk.
You were trying to grind against his hand, trying to get more stimulation but he wasn’t having it. You were flipped onto your back and panties were ripped from your body, exposing your slick pussy to Eddie. He reached over to the bag and grabbed the scarf that you were suspecting Steve had something to do with.
“Since you have a problem with holding still-“ he grabbed your wrists and tied them with the scarf, putting them over your head. “Don’t. Move.”
“Yes, daddy,” you whispered.
Eddie crawled down so he was eye level with your pussy and it was hard not to move with anticipation. You needed him to touch you, to do anything, but you certainly weren’t expecting him to dive in and eat your pussy like a starving man.
“Eddie!” You shrieked. Your hands flew down to his hair and he immediately stopped.
“This is your one warning, babe,” he said as he threw your hands back up.
He turned his attention back to your clit, giving it kitten licks with his tongue. He would tease it at your entrance, only to return to your sensitive bundle of nerves. He was quickly bringing you to the brink of an orgasm, faster than you’ve ever gotten yourself there.
“Fuck, please. Please make me cum,” you whined. “Use your fingers.”
“You’re in no place to be making demands, princess,” he chuckled, his chin glistening. “The only thing going inside you tonight is my cock.”
His words alone were enough to build a fire in your stomach. He gripped your hips and pulled you flush with his face and you were certain he wasn’t even breathing. He ravaged his pussy with his tongue. Your head was swimming but you tried your best not to move, terrified he would stop and wouldn’t let you come. What a cruel punishment that would be- the only man to ever even bring you close to an orgasm only to take it away because you disobeyed.
The closer you came to the edge, the louder you chanted his name. He focused solely on your clit, providing enough pressure to finally push you over the edge. Your body convulsed as a powerful orgasm crashed over you. He didn’t let you go however, continuing to lap at your pussy as you came.
Once he was satisfied with his work, he crawled over your body and you expected him to kiss you but he didn’t. Instead, he tapped your jaw and said, “open.”
Your eyes widened more than your mouth when he spit directly onto your tongue. He didn’t even have to ask you to swallow, just smiled with pride as you did.
“Somebody listens,” you said with a smirk.
“Of course. How else am I gonna please my girl?” He asked. Your brain short circuited when he called you that but you played it cool.
“That was amazing, Eddie,” you sighed happily.
“Did you think I was done with you yet? I told you, the only thing inside you tonight is gonna be my cock. So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to feel just how well you take my cock,” he said with a devilish grin.
“Do I get to lose the scarf?” You asked.
“Only because you were such a good girl for daddy.”
He untied you and threw it to the side of the bed. He finally took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his underwear. You could see the outline of his cock straining against the fabric and it made your mouth water.
You reached toward the hem of his underwear and he let you take them off. You ran your fingers along his length, as if memorizing every detail.
You leaned forward and he stopped you. Your heart nearly stopped, thinking you did something wrong.
“I just can’t wait to feel your pussy, baby. That’s all,” he reassured you.
“Please, daddy? I just wanna taste you.”
“Are you questioning me? You take what daddy gives you and then you thank him.”
He lined up with your entrance, gathering your slick on his head.
“Daddy thinks quite highly of himself,” you teased.
“God, maybe I should fuck your mouth just to shut you up,” he growled.
“You won’t,” you challenged further.
Without warning, he slammed balls deep into you.
“You’re right. I won’t. Greedy little sluts don’t get what they want. You’re gonna get used however I want. I’m gonna fuck your pussy until you can’t even think of walking. You’re gonna milk my cock until I fill you with my cum.”
You were left breathless at his relentless thrusts but still managed to croak out a moan when he said that.
“Oh you like that, dirty girl? Of course you do. Letting me fuck you raw. You’re gonna let me cum so deep inside you, yeah?” His head fell into the crook of your neck as you raked his back with your nails.
“Daddy, I’m so close. Can I cum? Please, daddy, let me cum,” you cried. Literal tears formed in your eyes as you felt the coil tighten in your stomach once more.
“Shit, what a good girl. Fuck, didn’t even have to tell you to ask permission,” he grunted. “Cum, sweetheart. Cum all over my cock.”
The tears flowed freely as your vision went white and all you could hear was static for a second before returning to reality. Eddie fucked you through your orgasm- trying so hard to keep his rhythm while close to cumming himself.
“Ohh fuck!” A few more thrusts and he was emptying into you, spreading a warmth throughout your entire body.
He pulled out slowly, watching his cum leak out of you, down your shaking thighs, and onto your now ruined bed sheets.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked, wiping the tears from your face.
“Yeah, sorry. That was just…I’m speechless. Phenomenal doesn’t even begin to describe it,” you said.
“You mean it?” He asked. His overconfident facade melted away and it made your heart swell.
“Eddie, that was everything I could’ve asked for and more.” You placed a gentle hand on his face and he leaned into your touch.
“I haven’t even kissed you yet,” he chuckled.
“Did you want to?”
“I would like to kiss you every day if I got the chance,” he admitted.
“I think that could be arranged,” you said before pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss.
“You’re gonna have to learn to obey your daddy then,” he told you.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” you laughed.
“That’s okay, sweetheart. That just means I get to punish you and fuck you ten times harder.”
“That better be a promise, not a threat.”
“God, you’re perfect.” He kissed you again and pulled you on top of his chest. “Get plenty of rest, sweet girl. Tomorrow we’re having a whole date day to make up for this unceremonious rendezvous.”
“We can return the scarf to Steve,” you chuckled.
“And you can thank Robin for setting this up.”
“Yeah…I should thank her…right after I kill her for embarrassing me so much.”
“It worked out, didn’t it?” He retorted.
“I guess it did,” you said with a smile. “Now that I know you can make me cum, I’m never letting you go.”
“I’ll make you cum every goddamn day if it means I get to keep you.”
Taglist: @mellomadness @munsaniac @thebookbakery @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @rafecameronswhore @dootys @tiredwritersworld @lily-sinclair-2006 @dylanobriens-love @moonbeampillgoth @lady-hellfire-1985 @lagataprrr @whore-of-many-hot-men @crimsonsabbath @moldy-khunt @wheaty-melon
Sorry if I missed anyone! I was trying to rush!
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairing: lando norris x driver!reader (brief cameos of charles and russell george)
warnings: swearing. rumplestiltskin. mention of george being a war criminal. wetting pants.
author’s note: not my best work, but this has been sitting in my drafts for too long. anyway, enjoy 💖
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''Do I play with Y/N?'' Lando read the question out loud, seeing it in his comment section. ''Well, she always told me she was very good at like any kind of game and that she would kick my ass, but then I played with her and… let's say she's definitely not as good as me.'' The Brit bragged about his own skills, a smirk forming on his face.
He glanced at the incoming replies from the fans, enjoying their reactions. ''She asked to play together a few weeks ago and we did, but ever since then I haven't dared to play with her again,'' he grinned, ''whenever she asks me now, I just go offline.''
''Oh, she's gonna kill me when she sees this.'' He giggled like a schoolgirl.
She did in fact kill him when the clip of him talking shit was sent to her by fans and even other drivers. Not literally, that wouldn't be a good career move, but she took to Twitter to indirectly respond to Lando's ''claims''.
YourUsername: people, don't take the words of twinks seriously 😫
Y/N's clapbacks didn't stop there as she went live on Instagram not too long after Lando's Twitch stream. Fans obviously couldn't help but ask about the British driver.
''Do I still want to play with Lando? Nooo~ I don't want to stream with him anymore, I really don't.'' The grin on her face was a dead giveaway she was only teasing him. ''He's super bad, that Rumplestiltskin.''
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''She called me Rumplestiltskin?'' Lando read the comment out loud, his eyebrows furrowed. ''What does that even mean?'' He couldn't really remember where the name came from, so he decided to look it up and was met with the character from Shrek.
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He gave the camera an unimpressed look before moving on. ''You guys want to know a fun story about Y/N from our karting days?'' A smirk already appeared on his face.
''She was pushed off track by someone and she pissed her pants because of it.''
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''It was water! I didn't wet my pants, oh my god!'' The driver exclaimed on stream, not believing that Lando actually told that story. ''We were like 9 years-old.''
''You know, Y/N, I think I also remember that.'' George chimed in, he had been amused by their little Twitch war ever since they started it.
She rolled her eyes upon George's words. ''Hey! It was probably you who pushed me off the track in the first place, you war criminal!'' Y/N clapped back at him.
''Anyway, Lando shouldn't be speaking at all when he still looks and talks like a 9 year-old.''
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''Lando, should we invite Y/N to play with us?'' Charles asked the McLaren driver after seeing countless comments in his chat asking about the female driver.
The Brit loudly sighed, causing the Monégasque to burst out laughing. ''What's wrong, Lando?''
''Because of her, people keep asking me if I've hit puberty yet.'' He said, frustration audible in his voice, much to the entertainment of Charles and everyone else watching him.
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Their ''beef'' came to an end when the media had started to pick up on their back-and-forths and tried to make it seem like the two close friends hated each other and that they would become a danger to each other on track.
''Are you worried that the words you and Y/N have exchanged over social media will have an effect on how the two of you perform on track?'' One reporter asked Lando in a press conference.
He shook his head. ''We're just joking around, honestly. We've been friends for a long time and we've always joked around with each other like this, so, no, it won't have an effect on track.'' He politely answered, slightly ticked off by the seriousness of it all.
Y/N had been placed into a different group for the press conference, where she was asked about their ''war''. ''There have been some harsh word exchanges between yourself and Lando Norris, are you two on good terms or is there some sort of bad blood?''
''Yeah, we hate each other,'' her sarcastic tone sticking out, ''that's why we voluntarily spent all that time together when we're not racing.'' Her answer gathered laughs from her fellow drivers and even some reporters.
''Also, when we're on the topic,'' she stated, ''just because Lando hasn't hit puberty, doesn't mean that I haven't.''
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Inspired by that post about Thranduil being all defensive/protective over Gimli in Valinor:
We all know the head canon of Thorin being all "no nephew of mine even associates with an elf" BUT
Just imagine, in a world where all three Durins survived, and Tauriel saved Kili (again), and some other elf healed his and Fìli's wounds last minute.
Thorin saw both his nephews almost die before him, has LIVED through how the gold sickness twists the mind and perception of things, and after coming to terms with Bilbo's theft of the Arkenstone, he for a while questions EVERYTHING.
And yes, he totally has a dramatic phase of self pity, holing up in his rooms, drinking Elvish wine (cus thats all there is atm) and smoking Gandalf's pipeweed, and mourning how "everything i knew is a LIE" and "if elves can make such amazing wine there HAS to be some good in them" and "I almost got my boys killed I am such a failure boooohoooo", and after Bilbo kicks his ass out if depression (and a STRONG worded letter from his sister) he is like "okay FUCK y'all I have TRAUMA TM and will do WHATEVER I WANT!!"
So when Kili all shyly comes forward one day asking if Tauriel can please stay with them in the mountain because she's banished from the Woodland Realm he's all "OF COURSE she can stay, you do you my precious boy, if Thranduil is stupid enough to let such a great warrior go we'll stick it to him"
and BAM, Tauriel joins Dwalin in leading Erebor's guard, and Dwalin is torn between "excuse ME u want me to share my job with a pointy eared maiden?" And "holy hell that lass has fire can't show how impressed I am".
And Tauriel Takes No Shit even from her own boyfriend, so Kìli is forced to take his new responsibilities seriously because "I did NOT lose my home to live with a CHILD, Kili", and Fili gets dragged into the whole thing without really understanding what happened, but hey, his lil brother is happy so who cares really.
And whenever someone at council (like Dain) complains about an Elf in the mountain, Thorin goes absolutely FERAL like "are you saying I don't know what's best for this mountain I just won from A DRAGON?! are you suggesting that my perfect baby nephew has bad taste? Huh? Exactly, didn't think so!!!!" And is a protective Papa bear "listen Tauriel if someone gives you shit you SHOOT them. No, not killing them, but, you know, just maim them a little to make a point. Trust me I'm the king."
And once Kili and Tauriel have their first child Thorin constantly kidnaps the kid and has them in the forge before they can even talk because "need to keep up that good old dwarven influence".
Anyway I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
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kurosstuff · 2 months
could you do 🍯 3 with girl dick lute?
Of course~ decided to do it like the last one in a way? Demon x angel plot♡♡ but it's a different plot is- execution day still though(cause I don't think she'd go to hell for anything else)
Warning(s): demon x angel, unprotected sex, girl dick lute, tail and horns thing, wing stuff? Idk, mating season(both of yours) afab reader, mating. Heat/ruts(mating season) , Lute is MEAN(but also praising you♡)
Didn't say if you wanted fem reader so I did gn reade
Gp! Lute x GN!demon reader
There are a lot of things you hated about hell. One of the biggest things? Was mating season. All demons go through with it- it's a normal thing. Considering sinners now have animal tributes, it's just something you'll have to deal with. No matter what you are- for some it's easier to handle and deal with.
But the beginning of it is the worst. It's like you've never BEEN in one before.
Panting you hid in the abandoned building, looking around, tail curled, tucking nervously. Its like God himself hated you the most. As if waiting to laugh in your face considering its execution day.
And your being hunted.
The flapping of wings nearby made you duck to hide, but you were too late something hit your side, making you fly to the side looking back. You saw her. A executioner staring you down.
Just your fucking luck. It's the leaders second in command. Lute.
"He-hey-" waving backing up, ignoring how she snarled stalking towards you as she found her prey. Her victim. "Been a while, huh lute?' Swallowing the last time you ran into her. You somehow out ran her.
Ever since? Her sights have been on you.
"Yeah. After you humiliated me. A sinner outrunning me? You got lucky" she snarled out swiping her sword to the side the blood on it flhong around.
It was fresh.
And, of course, your big mouth had to just speak. "Yeah, six times, is it?" Cursing yourself for uttering that. How she stopped and stared snarling wings fluttering flapping. You really did it now.
You pissed her off more.
Yelping, you turned rushing off. "NO NO IM SORRY LUTE SHIT-" you screamed out, racing into the first room you could find stumbling into it. A dead end. Seriously? Who the fuck sleeps in a room with no windows? Sighing, you turned barley missed the swipe of the sword from lute as she attempted to kill you.
With her being silent? You knew you really fucked up. Hearing her snarling and..panting? You turned, kicking her back roughly. "Sorry!" You couldn't help but call out as she luckily? Landed on the bed. Turning around she on her back she groaned taking a moment-
Taking the time with her on her back, you pounced on her, holding her down. "Stop! I- I don't wanna fight!" As she squirmed, trying to buck you off, making you whine unaware she's trying to stop you from feeling her shame. Her guilt for feeling like this in this situation.
Gasping finally feeling something poking your thigh smirking, you grind against her waist slowly, making her moan snarling up at you. "y-your mating season is here too?" Whining softly as she grabbed your waist roughly bucking up into your hips, panting heavily
"Yeah~" she whined softly, getting harder at the reveal. "fuck~ you fought me on your mating day? Did you want to get fucked?" She snarled out allowing you to reach up taking her mask off biting her lip kissing you deeply flipping you onto your back
Gasping ypu flushed looking up at her "i- I had to! Had no choice it comes when it wants!" You panted out on instinct, almost submitting to her looking away feeling guilty. By the smirk on her
You knew she saw-
"Guess there's only one thing to do, no?" She purred out, grinding against you, leaning to take her shirt off "we fuck of course. We're both on our mating season? Why not?" She hummed answering for you when you didn't reply "I'm gonna ask you once. Do you want this" She huffed out
Gently rubbing your waist wasn't what you expected from her, but here she was, waiting for you to think ignoring her instincts. "Yes. I... I want this" humming in approval she kissed you leaning back to strip you using her sword - "wha- I- my shirt!" You huffed flushed seeing her roll her eyes
"Take my jacket after. Ok?" Grunting leaning back, pulling her pants down- pulling her hard cock out already leaking pumping herself slowly groaning softly "fuck~" moving close testing rubbing her tip on your entrance smirking
"Wait, wait! You're too big!" You gasped moaning at the sheer length of her- making her hum rubbing herself on your entrance, grinding against you moaning against your neck leaning back "you- will you even fit-?"
"I'll go slow" at first- left unsaid not fully answering- grinding more on you covering her cock in your slick she hummed "it won't hurt slipping in. Your to deep in your heat you'd already pooling of yourself." She Grunting slowly pushing into you moaning loudly "fuck~ your tight~"
"Oh- oh god~" you sobbed out, spreading your legs more, feeling her push in more stretching you fully "too much~" moaning loudly under her tail thumping whining more when she reached gently taking your tail making you gasping loudly slipped under her
"You were just crying for my attention sweetheart~ now your begging me to stop? You sure that's what you want~?" She hummed, moaning, pounding into you, gasping."fuck~ getting even tighter for me~ fucking rutting against me before no~? Now you want me to stop" Leaning back rubbing your tail, watching you squirm more under her gently pinching it making you sob moaning drawing a loud whine
"No~" you begged out, sobbing under her kissing her deeply sobbing out her name, making her smirk pinching your tail, causing you to gasp whining lewdly
"That's my good pet~" she purred, shoving Into you fully moaning loudly eagerly fucking you into the bed panting heavily "thank God there was a bed here no?" Kissing along your neck hearing the purrs mixed with your moans "fuck you like this~? Being fucked by your greater?" She moaned out gasping leaning up pulling you by your horns to show your neck more- forcing you into submission for her "that's a good pet~" panting heavily pounding rougher into you flushed darkly
Whining loudly wrapping your legs around her waist, yanking her deeper into her, fully submitting to her "oh fuck please~ c-claim me~" you sobbed out holding her close watching her wings flap in approval. Puffing in a way to show off- like a dance of sorts "oh please~?"
Humming biting your neck roughly "claim you? You want to be my mate?' She growled out pounding rougher holding the bed- your sobs moaning for her, making her hum "your tail sensitive or something?" Rubbing it making you nod sobbing out
"It- its a courting thing ~ like like- sensitive makes them want to be mated-" You choked out arching your back into her at her unrelenting pace "horns and tails make- make demons horny at the touch If not careful~" flushed at her smirk as she tugged at your tail once more
"Guess I'll take you as mine then, huh? My pet?" Pounding roughly leaning close biting at your neck,"making you my mate~? Mine?" Purring out moaning heavily holding their waist roughly claiming you as hers.
She didn't care for the consequences(she does but she's so lost in her rut to acknowledge it) that she does do it. She bites down roughly "my mate ~ my sinner~" she snarled out her cock twitching deep inside you moaning heavily feeling you tighten around her moaning her name out smirking she hummed "yeah you like that? Like being claimed?" Groaning "fuck~ go ahead cum for me my pet~"
Sobbing our nodding, releasing around her clinging to her feeling her pound deeper shoving fully into you cumming deep inside with a loud moan snarling into your neck claiming you from the inside as well "fuck~" Sobbing out panting heavily rocking up into her feeling yourself gush onto the bed from them "n-need more~" you gasped out sobbing out for her
"Fuck~ yeah?" Pounding into you against groaning, twitching deep inside you,"want more? Fill you up more~?" Kissing you deeply relishing in the moans and cries you let out for her "fuck~ doing so fucking good what a good whore I have huh?" Snarling against your lips wings puffing up expanding fully flapping happily showing off smug
"Yes fuck yes~" you sobbed out moaning arching your back cumming around her cock again sobbing from the overestimating from the unrelenting pounding- the roughness from her "oh please~ please~" Sobbing out loudly
Groaning "this- is this the last time~ go-got to go-" hearing the alarm go off for her to come back snarling loudly pounding roughly into you- shoving fully into you so lost in her rut she couldn't hold back cumming deep inside you once more moaning loudly rocking into you slowly before slowly gently pulling out watching you gush of her. Feeling smug- possessive she properly mated you.
Made you hers.
Humming, she reached up, plucking a feather from her wing, putting it on your chest "wear it. Make it a necklace" putting a claim physically on you. "Accept my mateship by putting it on~?" Purring out kissing you gently moving to get dressed quickly putting her jacket on you rubbing your twitching legs
After a moment, she fled. Flying away without a goodbye(she hoped to see you again) humming, she smiled happily, hopping it all would end well for you both.
But all acts. Have consequences. Mating a demon as an angel? Would have a consequence
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marnerparty · 1 year
Trevor Zegras x Hughes!reader
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Liked by edwards.73, elblue6 and 27,888 others
ynhughes guess the song
View all 276 comments
user1 life is a highway
jackhughes we ignoring the elephant in the room?
ynhughes elephant?
jackhughes idk maybe like who’s arms are those?
ynhughes Luke’s?
lhughes_06 not mine, can confirm
ynhughes Luke wtf you’re my least favorite
jackhughes so an answer??
ynhughes no ❤️
nicohischier that’s a nice car I wonder whose it is
ynhughes thanks for letting me borrow it 🤠
ynhughes WHAT!? NO!
nicohischier besties use each other’s cars jack
jackhughes I’ll kill you both, don’t think I will
ynhughes you def won’t
nicohischier all bark no bite
jamie.drysdale is it one I can play on guitar?
ynhughes Jamie, honey, there’s like one song you play
trevorzegras hey he got it up to 3 and a half actually
jamie.drysdale it’s actually just 3. I forgot the half of the other one 😔
trevorzegras knowing you, something country
ynhughes damn right 🤠
_quinnhughes not sure whether to be like Jack or keep my mouth shut
ynhughes I vote second!
_quinnhughes 🤐
ynhughes and this my Quinn is why I love you most
lhughes_06 your other brothers are here yn 🙄
ynhughes then go away!
tysmith_6 anyone guess the song yet
ynhughes no, they’re all worked up about the mystery arms 🤷🏼‍♀️
tysmith_6 okay well was it Last Night by Morgan Wallen
tysmith_6 SHUT UP
ynhughes ty I swear on everything holy omg
ynhughes we just became best friends
user2 do we think it’s a hockey player?
user3 yes
jackhughes better not be
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Liked by jamie.drysdale, dostyy_2 and 67,552 others
trevorzegras a dub & a date
View all 418 comments
jackhughes Jamie how did you feel about this?
jamie.drysdale bad. I got kicked out of my house for this
trevorzegras don’t act like this wasn’t planned
user1 tell me it’s a joke
tterry19 the kid’s growing up
trevorzegras you’re my inspiration Troy
masonmctavish23 he’s off the market
ynhughes dubs for days
trevorzegras 🤘🏻
user2 I’m sad
jamie.drysdale she better not have used my blanket
trevorzegras def did. it’s her favorite
jamie.drysdale this is why we can’t have nice things
ynhughes t swift 😉
jamie.drysdale leave
simon_benoit11 kiddd
trevorzegras bennyyy
colecaufield you just crushed every teenage girl’s dreams
trevorzegras it’s what I do best
user2 hope she’s worth losing all of your fans
trevorzegras she’s the only fan I need!
Liked by ynhughes
tysmith_6 uh anyone see this liked comment here?
ynhughes no what’s it say?
trevorzegras where?
tysmith_6 kinda sus you two …
jackhughes WHERE WHAT’S SUS
ynhughes 🤷🏼‍♀️
lhughes_06 I think I know who this is
trevorzegras take a guess and text me
lhughes_06 okay I did
trevorzegras you got it right 😳
lhughes_06 STFU
ynhughes you’re lying. first try?
trevorzegras swear
jackhughes MOOSE SPILL
_quinnhughes SERIOUSLY TELL US
lhughes_06 guys I can’t
jackhughes Luke this is so fake what the fuck
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Liked by _quinnhughes, colecaufield and 29,006 others
ynhughes for those wondering, I hide him from my overprotective brothers :)
View all 268 comments
_quinnhughes we are NOT overprotective
ynhughes 🤨
user1 not surprising they’re like that tbh
nicohischier we can still hang out right
ynhughes ofc Nico. besties before whatever they say
jackhughes maybe if you just told us we’d be fine
ynhughes why do I have to tell you??
jackhughes common courtesy
ynhughes isn’t your best friend hiding a girlfriend from you?
jackhughes it’s different for Z
ynhughes that’s bogus
lhughes_06 fun fact, I know who it is
jackhughes so now you know Trevor’s AND our sister’s secret lovers??
ynhughes remember when you said you weren’t overprotective?
_quinnhughes fair
trevorzegras where to?
ynhughes just canada
_quinnhughes uh why are you going to Canada? I don’t play at home
ynhughes uh my boyfriend quinn
_quinnhughes lives there?
ynhughes playing there . . .
lhughes_06 WHAT
jackhughes DOUBLE WHAT
tysmith_6 are we going to ignore that I’ve been trying to say something all along???
user2 someone help me do some digging
jamie.drysdale thanks for leaving me behind
ynhughes you said, and I quote, “not gonna come with to see you guys constantly eye banging”
jamie.drysdale okay fair
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Liked by masonmctavish23, jackhughes and 71,340 others
trevorzegras I’ll never get used to this 🫶🏻
View all 561 comments
user1 I wish that was me 😭
jackhughes my eyes
jamie.drysdale this is really funny actually
jackhughes 🤨
jamie.drysdale oh you’ll get it eventually
masonmctavish23 Z man 😎
trevorzegras MM 🤘🏻
ynhughes I bet you didn’t even ask her abt posting this
trevorzegras def didn’t
jackhughes I think I know who this is
trevorzegras oh yeah?
jackhughes no I’m actually really lost, just hoping you’d tell me
trevorzegras sorry bud
colecaufield damn Trev this is scandalous
trevorzegras says you ya pimp
user2 imagine waking up to THE Trevor Zegras
jamie.drysdale not as great as you’d think tbh
ynhughes true
jackhughes TRUE!?
_quinnhughes how the fuck would you know miss?
lhughes_06 remember when I figured out yn and Trevor’s secrets? well how do you think I figured them both out at the same time
ynhughes ding ding ding, we have a winner
_quinnhughes I’m speechless
_quinnhughes OH MY GOD
jackhughes Trevor we need to freaking talk
_quinnhughes this is unacceptable
jackhughes we can’t be uncles yet
ynhughes GUYS GET OUT
_quinnhughes MOM WE NEED YOU
trevorzegras don’t get Ellen involved
jackhughes that’s Mrs. Hughes to you, bud
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Liked by lhughes_06, yourbestfriend and 35,655 others
ynhughes okay, no more hiding :)
tagged trevorzegras
Comments have been disabled
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Liked by tterry19, griffinzegras and 99,017 others
trevorzegras my favorite Hughes ❤️
tagged ynhughes
View all 507 comments
masonmctavish23 this broke the internet
anaheimducks now who will yn root for?🤔
ynhughes can’t I root for all 3 teams??
_quinnhughes nope
trevorzegras nope
lhughes_06 nope
jackhughes nope
tysmith_6 I KNEW IT
trevorzegras you really did
_quinnhughes ew
ynhughes you literally love Trevor
_quinnhughes yeah but I don’t need to see you guys being gross
trevorzegras you love me? 😏
_quinnhughes I take it back
trevorzegras too late
_quinnhughes shit
ynhughes I love you 🤍
trevorzegras love you more
jackhughes 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
ynhughes don’t be salty bc you’re not in love
jamie.drysdale I love yn. she can use my blanket whenever she wants
ynhughes do you really mean it 🥹
jamie.drysdale of course
user1 worst couple ever
jackhughes caption?🤨
trevorzegras legally I have to say that (you’ll always be #1) (bros over hoes)
ynhughes what’d you call me?
colecaufield well you are w/ Trevor
trevorzegras HEY NOW
elblue6 officially a part of the family ❤️
trevorzegras oh my gosh really 🥹
ynhughes this means when we get married you have to change your last name
trevorzegras done.
tterry19 Z’s the man
trevorzegras learned from the best
user2 this means Trevor and Jack can be brothers
jackhughes that’s actually amazing
nicohischier love seeing yn so happy 🫶🏻
ynhughes Nic 🥹
nicohischier do anything to her Zegras I’ll hurt you
trevorzegras you scare me so okay 🫡
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jackchampiongf13 · 6 months
“One hell of a Women.”
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Word Count: 1.0k
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x fem!reader
Summary: Y/n has gone through lots of trauma in one lifetime. She gets mad at her one and only true love for risking his life in battle even though they aren’t even together yet.
A/n: I am seriously sorry for not posting anything for like weeks but school has been kicking my ass. Thank you so much for the support on my last post I love you all sm!! Also ik I said I would only ever write for Jack but I feel back into my obsession rabbit hole with Neteyam so I thought why not write a series(maybe depending how I feel) on it. Love you all❤️❤️😝🦃
————————————————————————— From a young age you were very mature. You were always silly, but oh so wise. When you were 4 your mother was killed by your father. You had witnessed this gruesome attack but still held deep love for your father. This made you stronger and a mighty warrior. In the village many people knew this, including Jake Sully.
Your mother came from the same background as Jake Sully. Making you very close to his children. Your mother had come with Jake and Norm and ended up falling in love with a Navi. This man turned against you and your own mother after being bribed by Miles Quaritch to have everything he has ever wanted. But he had to kill his mate. And you, but you survived which he did not know of. Thinking he erased his entire past he moved on and helped Miles with his plan to kill Jake Sully.
Since you had no one anymore Jake gladly stood up to care for you and convinced his mate Neytiri, who also was happy to be there for you because of how close the two were.
“You fucking dumbass!” You shouted. No shouted is not good enough to describe how loud you were being. “What you thought that was ok to do? Lo’ak you are a stupid moron who does not take orders!” You flick his head making him jump back out from being surprised in pain.
“I- look I’m sorry I jus-“ he starts to get out but you flick his head again. “Listen to me. You don’t get to say sorry or say anything!” You start to go off on him but then his brother jumps in “Look Y/n this is my fault it’s ok let’s just go back ok?” Neteyam says in a tempting voice making you want to listen. “You too! You say no you don’t egg him on you idiot. I mean god I know he doesn’t listen but jesus drag him by his ear!” Lo’aks ears go down as he can’t even look you in the eyes, but Neteyam can. And he is. Making you almost stop. But you can’t.
“I’m older than the both of you! I get to yell at the both of you for being idiots. 1, Lo’ak are you kidding me? You get to have a role in the battle but you always need more! Fucking more? 2, your father, YOUR CLAN LEADER gave you a role to follow but what do you do instead? You don’t listen! I don’t care if he’s your father and you don’t care if you get in trouble by him but I do! I’m in charge of your asses out there and if either of you get hurt I get shit for months.” Neteyam starts to smirk while looking at the both of you. He’s thinking Lo’ak deserves this big ass lecture.
“AND YOU! Don’t even start to smirk. Say no! No Lo’ak! I will not let you mess up everything and HARM so many other people because you are selfish!” You yell pushing your finger into his beautifully chiseled chest. He stands there listening respectfully like the gentleman he is. “Guys I’m sorry but what were you thinking?! You could have hurt yourself Lo’ak! You could have killed your brother too! And I know I’m this moment it may not seem like it but I love you both so deeply and don’t want to see you get hurt.”
They both smile at you and you roll your eyes and walk off pissed. But god so heavily in love with Neteyam.
“I don’t understand what you see in that women Neteyam.” Lo’ak says while looking at his brother watch you walk away.
“She’s one hell of a women and it does stuff to me” Lo’ak frowns.
“Get a room freak.” Neteyam frowns at this comment but can’t help just rethink everything thay just happened and smile the slightest bit.
Hours later you are in your tent just laying on your cot. You start to feel sorry and want to go apologize realizing you were way to harsh. Especially on Neteyam. It’s not like he can control his crazy brother.
Before you even know it your legs are taking you to your crushes tent. You begin to walk slowly but your heart begins to beat faster so you pick up your pace just to get this over with.
“Nete are you here?” You know hoping he’s not. “Yes come in!” He shouts back. Oh shit.
Walk in and smile and he smiles back. He looks into your gorgeous eyes but you quickly look away to much of a coward to look at him.
“What’s up? You’re not one to apologize you are way to stubborn.” You giggle knowing this is very true. “I know but I can’t help but not say sorry. I was being very selfish back there. I know Lo’ak never listens you couldn’t do anything about him.” You start to fiddle with your fingers but he stops you and makes you look him in the eyes. “Look love it’s ok I thought it was funny you going off on him. He totally deserved that and now he’s scared of you.” you laugh again.
“I am sorry Nete it was so rude of me.” He takes your hand in his “Love stop apologizing.” Your cheeks betray you and start to blush hard for the second time at the nickname.
“Nete, I-“ suddenly a scream is heard and next thing you know your running towards the mysterious noise.
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guttednights · 23 days
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finally, you have done it. you had broken up with Simon. After months of torture, he sold as some forbidden paradise. the constant bickering, bossing you around, neglecting you, missing dates, and worst of all. not telling anyone he was even in a relationship. God it lit a fire so deep inside of you. you blocked his ass the second you broke up with him. sure it did no good cause he still had a key to your house but, that's a battle to deal with tomorrow. or at least you thought tomorrow. it was 2am and you had finally fell asleep
it wasn't long after you fell asleep you heard the door to your apartment being kicked down. you knew who it was immediately, I mean what other kind of physcopath just kicks down someone else's door?. you quickly get up wrapping a robe around you and walking out. there he is simon fucking Riley staring at you with pure anger.
as he gets closer, you back away.
"simon i explained everything in detail in that text." you spat with fiery. "I'm not doing this anymore" you look at you door, "and your buying me a new fucking door!"
He grabs you with anger and you panic, he would never hurt you. Right? he would never hurt you? shit I mean yeah he's a killing machine at work, but he's never been physically aggressive.
"thats what your fucking worried about right now? your stupid fucking door?" He practically shook you with his anger.
"Simon I'm not doing this, I already expressed that we're over. get out, Simon."
he towered over you, beginning to spit something at you, but held his mouth, sighing letting you go then turning around and walking out your broken door. attempting to shut it before disappearing.
you sighed as he walked away. it was really that easy all along? that's all it took? you questioned to yourself as you slammed your body into your broken door.
"fuck." you say to yourself as you realize the doors not gonna shut. you just hope for the best as you go back to bed. Simon is gone finally, you think to yourself as you finally fall asleep.
the next morning you wake up, and continue your usual routine. less than an hour later you walk out of your apartment, looking at the door trying to decide what to do. "we'll figure it out". you walk down your apartment complex before heading to work. it was a usual day at work. nothing too stressful.
it isn't 9:30 till you finally close up for the day. gripping your bag close to your side. your nail shop is down the street from a local bar, it's usually pretty busy during the weekdays. It is dark, and the lights from the bar light the walkway as you mindlessly walk. suddenly a drunken man from the bar grabs you.
"aye sweetheart why dont you sit down, and enjoy a drink eh?"
"no. thanks." you jerk away from him but he grabs your waist this time
"ah come on dont be unfriendly, lets have a chat sweetie. You too pretty to be sleeping on a beautiful night like this."
you chuckle trying to be nice "Yeah thanks but no" You attempt to jerk away again but this time the man pulls you hard
"Now dont be a bore," he says with anger as he drags you to the dark alleyway. this can't be how you die. for the first time in years, you're alone without Simon to call, everyone in the bar is too drunk to realize what's happening, and you're small compared to most men.
you panic as you try to break free, pushing him off at your most might. but he doesn't let go, his fingers practically dug into you. "please stop" you panic doing everything you can.
as soon as you start to scream, you hear a loud metal-sounding hit, you look back and see Simon standing over the man with a metal bat.
"she said leave her alone!" he boomed
the man held his head as he scurried off. you held your arm as you looked at him. you start to back up before Simon grabs you. "quit acting an idiot and go home." "before I actually have to kill someone."
you say nothing swallowing your pride and walking away but stopping. "are you fucking stalking me?"
"my stalking just saved your life sweetheart." "go home."
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side notes/ babbling: I imagined Simon as joe Golberg in a alternate universe and viola came up with this. I really want to do a part 2, so lmk how y'all feel about this!!!
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toastedjeans · 3 months
Siren Tower Maurice, Doise and Peddito!
The main cast is over here!
I just realized Doise's gloves should be more white but I'm too lazy to change that, just imagine they're white okay?
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Some info about them down here
Peppino's older brother and a piece of shit, who constantly belittles him and calls him a disappointment. His apartment has water damage or something similar, or maybe it got destroyed, so now he temporarily lives with Peppino until his flat is repaired. (Alternative: he didn't pay rent and got kicked out, continues not to pay rent to Peppino because "we're family, you can't charge your own brother.") He's either divorced or his girlfriend left him, is only allowed to see his son once a month. It's probably for the better.
Peppino is incredibly fed up with him but he tries to endure it, until he one day snaps and probably slaps him, they end up both kicking the shit out of each other (but Peppino is stronger because i said so).
Maurice invites himself to poker night and other activities Pep and the others do after work times, then complains that he's bored or something (M: "This sucks, why did you invite me?" P: "I didn't??"). He gets along a little with Mr. Stick, but only because they're both gamblers, he's somehow even more unlucky than Stick and keeps losing almost all his money. Doesn't get along with Hazel cause he doesn't take her seriously, thinks she's childish and stupid.
Goblin shark. He's basically Noise but blue. Noise hates him because he thinks Doise is imitating him, but they're just the same species of siren. He's a little more mellow and doesn't go feral as much or as easily as Noise. He throws rocks cause he doesn't know he's immune to sea urchin and puffer fish poison / venom. He can also go on land but needs water nearby.
He has heterochromia (one eye is blue, the other is purple-ish brown), and has the same "whiskers" as Noise, just turned down.
Absolutely terrified of Peddito, as he seems to always want to kill him, and has tried doing so a few times. Sometimes plays dead hoping that Peddito leaves him alone, it doesn't really work though.
A failed clone of Peppino, made before Fakey. Pizzahead didn't like him as much because he didn't get the eyes right so he threw him out (basically the Other Eye problem, but he ended up leaving his eye sockets empty out of frustration). He can't see because of this, but he can still navigate through the water effortlessly. There's way less sea creature DNA in him, so he looks almost completely human just with a fin on his back and webbed hands. It's unclear where his vibrant coloring comes from.
He's strangely obsessed with Doise for some reason and doesn't interact with anyone cause he's just not interested in anyone else. He actually wants to be friends with Doise, but since Pizzahead designed him to be a killing machine, he doesn't know his own strength and ends up almost killing Doise several times. His "killer side" comes out every time he's near Doise, and he can sense his presence because of this.
When not near Doise, Peddito seems almost dead, he moves very little, and is unresponsive. He can't talk, neither human nor siren language, but he understands both. He doesn't swim, just floats through the water like a dead fish, despite this he's incredibly agile and fast. Would follow Doise on land, and could survive with pretty much no problems. He just slides across the floor when on land, as if he was on rails. The bottoms of his feet are always slippy, making it easier for him to move. Might leave a trail wherever he goes.
And here's your reward for reading, some doodles of various age and messiness
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Also some shippy stuff hehe
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mhathotfic · 1 year
Can I request an heifer reader that has two newborn sons? (It can be fluff if you want!)
She was moved from her old farm because hers was abusive and with that she grew more aggressive, if anyone or any of the cows/bulls she will nip them hard or kicks them and with that bakugo starts to have a liking to them and is willing to wait for her to warm up to him and will father her two calf’s?
(If not you can ignore this plus I love your stories!!)
Only because I miss Bakubull, but fun fact! Only young cows who haven’t had a calf yet are called heifers. Just fluff for now but if anyone wants to give me a reason to make a smutty little sequel I wouldn’t be opposed
Warnings: swearing, mentions of past abuse, hybrid au, hybrids being kept as live stock, fem reader with she/her pronouns, written with plus size reader in mind, single mom! reader technically a cliffhanger ending
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“My boys aren’t going anywhere with you!” she had snorted and snuffed at some pushy bull her first day there. Nipping and snapping when he tried to push her anyways in some sort of asinine attempt to show her he was no threat, because obviously a frightened young mother with her background is gone accept some assholes ‘help’ with her calves when he’s stupidly grabbing for them with insistence that he could help.
Like something like that doesn’t potentially lead to something awful happening to those calves. Like she hasn’t been through traumatic shit at her last farm that made her apprehensive to trust anyone but herself and her newborns.
Not the other cows who cooed at the sight of the new babes and offered help with the feedings, and certainly not any bull who’s motivates where unclear and very well could be an attempt to gain a new cow to breed instead of genuine care.
Bakugou found himself watching in silent wonder and slight disgust as they all crowded it her like they weren’t told how they needed to be careful and patient with her. It was beyond him how he, a bull who was the picture perfect example of his title, had internalized this when the ‘non-problem’ cattle hadn’t.
He would have stopped it himself by intervening, but before he could even stand to move, she was kicking up dirt as a warning before charging the larger bull for not taking her seriously. Her horns just nubs in comparison to his and her stature much smaller, but she held her own and proved appoint.
And maybe that’s what sparked his interest? Maybe it was the gentle way she regarded her boys? The little hint of joy in her eyes which she goes a particularly enjoyable treat that hinted at what she was like before the trauma?
Or maybe it was the fact she was a touch like himself not too long ago, scared and confused and covering it up with aggression to create a sense of superiority and strength so no one touched her or those calves.
Whatever it was it had him in a vicious little vice grip.
“You know, those idiots are wrong for how they’ve gouged about it, but they have a point”.
“And how the hell do you know that huh? How do I even know if you’re any different?”
He shrugged at that, watching her boys playing with the ring toys their handlers gave them, she didn’t have any reaction to trust him like she said but he was determined to prove her wrong.
“It’s been what? Four? Five months? None of us have done anything wrong yet”.
“Doesn’t mean you won’t, last place was good until it wasn’t too”.
“Well you didn’t have me there did you? I’ll killed anyone before they lay a finger on those calves or you”.
She snorted at that. He’s hung around them and kept other’s from bothering her and the boys, an attempt to win her over to breed her then throw her aside to be picked on by the other buzzards that called themselves cattle. He was self serving like any other bull, she was sure.
“Stop thinking I’m like the rest, you have that written all over your face princess” he huffed cutting her off before a word passed her parted lips. “Don’t fuckin’ care how long it takes, I’ll prove I’m better than them. Promise I’ll take care of those boys if you let me, take good care of you too”.
And maybe it was that soft little gleam, more of a glimmering spark, in his carmine eyes, but she wanted him to. It didn’t seem so bad an idea to let him father her boys, maybe even give her some of his own if he were so lucky. A thought that flustered her greatly when it ran through her head.
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Bad Writing Can Make A Privileged Character Unintentionally Unlikable Or Likable
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Although my opinion won't be popular on this site, I don't think being privileged prevents you from being sympathetic or having a hard life (specifically when it comes to abuse). However, I do think it comes down to how the narrative executes and treats said privileged character. This can be shown in Velma's interpretation of Fred and Stolas from Helluva Boss. The former is an example of trying to make this guy a privileged, rich white boy who who are supposed to hate for getting everything in life handed to him just like Velma (blah). While with Stolas, who are supposed to sympathize with him despite being rich he has a bad home life with his wife, father was distant from him, and trapped in an arranged marriage.
However, it's funny enough I have seen more people feel sorry for Fred than Stolas as time goes on. The reason is despite his rich background his parents really are the worst compared to Paimon who was at worst a neglectful parent while his parents are control freaks who belittle him for being babyish and later his mother even planned to kill him to swap brains just because she believed he would ruin everything she built. The show also goes out of it's way to shit on him and make him the butt of many jokes as a way to do lame "white people" suck. Seriously, despite his supposed privilege he takes a lot of damage in the show: being falsely accused of murder, body shamed for having a tiny dong, being sent to prison (and people relishing that a white man was falsely imprisoned), having his own mother try to murder him so she can have someone more competent run the family business, and finally he witnesses said mother being murdered. Again an example of despite the narrative telling us he has it good everything that was shown shows that his so-called privilege doesn't protect him from the tons of shit thrown at him.
And again going back to Stolas he in contrast is constantly shown to have everything in the narrative try to treat him as a sympathetic kicked dog who just wants to find love despite the stigma of being with a lower class demon. However, everything in this seems forced because it's made to ignore how much power he has over Blitzo which has been the main source of problem which is he hovers the book over him in exchange for sexual favors. As a result Blitzo feels trapped in the relationship due to Stolas having the upperhand. However, the narrative refuses to fully embrace it and skirts around it to prevent Stolas from being problematic. Also despite being shown as a cheater the narrative again goes out of it's way to try to make it justified that he did it due to making his wife so one dimensionally abusive. And again it's been brought up his daughter is a prop made to make him seem like a good dad, when in reality he has put his love for Blitzo over his daughter to the point he seems to neglect her more but we are expected to her to just tolerate it because he's supposedly trying. As a result, we don't see him sympathetic despite his privilege we see how privilege he is and wish he'd get over himself.
I do think that makes the biggest difference between the two because of the fact that Fred was allowed to change and realize he was crappy while the narrative enables Stolas to always view himself as a victim and dismiss his actions as not hurting people. Again I do not believe being privilege dismisses you from sympathy because the point of equality is that sympathy can be given to anyone regardless of status. However, I can't be sympathetic to someone who tries to cry about something while abusing their privilege on someone which is what Stolas does often, but the narrative wants to think everything is good. It just winds up making me hate him more and realize what a pathetic pos he is, while someone like Fred is made to be pathetic actually tries to better himself and hopefully does grow even more in the second season. Again bad writing is what it takes to sympathize with or not with how a privileged character is presented.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
I Found Yea, Bunny
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Never did he think he’d find anyone to love him, then when someone did. The world ended • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Canon Violence / PTSD / Anxiety Attacks / Injuries
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“You still moping baby brother?” Merle kicked Daryl’s leg to get him to say anything. “What? Ain’t gonna talk when you’ve convinced me to stay at this pig’s camp? Come on Darylina, you’re killing me here”
“Fuck off Merle. Ain’t you going on that run?”
“Yeah, but the second I come back. No survivors” Merle jokes for the most part as he picks up his hunting rifle. “Seriously. If you’re still moping and being a lil bitch because of Y/N you just gotta get over it. She’s gone”
Hearing that last part for probably the millionth time, only started to trigger him. She can’t be gone kept him standing.
“See that chick over there? The short one”
“I don’t care about your next catch of the week, Merle.” Daryl scoffs taking another sip of his beer when a waiter walks by setting now another set of beers without either of them asking. “Hey wait I ain’t—“
“Curtesy of the two lovely ladies over there” They state before taking Merle’s empty one and heading back behind the bar.
Merle instantly wraps his arm around his brother staring at the two with him seeing obviously the more confident one wave at them as the other was more shy.
“I’ll take the taller one with the nice rack, and you take the shy one” Merle whispers patting his back making Daryl choke on his beer quickly wiping at his face as the two made their way over. “Heya ladies”
“Hey yourself, mind if we join you?” The one Merle was eyeing inches closer to his person making the smirk grow on his face.
“This is going to be a disaster” Daryl whispers to himself only for the other woman to giggle to his words.
“Wanna bet who’s going to ruin it? She’s not the steadiest drunk” She whispers back smiling when one started to crack out on his face.
“Bet it’s my brother and…?”
“I’ll bet on my friend Rachael. But I will most likely win”
“And why is tha—“ Daryl stops talking when Racheal suddenly jumped Merle’s bones right then and there. Knocking off her glass and his beer resulting in the broken glass. “Shit.”
“Nights still young I guess” the woman laughs watching the two roll on the dirty bar ground making one of the bar keeps come over to smack them with the broom to get up. “Didn’t catch your name by the way…didn’t get his either but he’s busy”
“Why did you…not give up? Like the others did…yeah me askin’ shouldn’t matter anymore because..” Carol still couldn’t believe the whole barn situation, let alone what happened to her daughter.
“I’ve lost enough.”
And with that Carol knew more about Daryl than anybody else. He didn’t go into the grand details about it, all that before he and Merle met the quarry group…Daryl was looking for his other half. Not giving a damn of what Merle had to say about it. They hunted, stayed alive, and searched. That was it until something secure came along.
But seeing Rick be with his family, after being separated for months…Daryl wanted that same feeling. That same joy of being reconnected with the one you love.
Now the second good thing after the CDC, the farm was up in flames as Daryl got him and Carol out of there on his bike.
“Hey stranger” Y/N smiles letting Daryl into her studio as he was already looking around the place.
“You took these?” Daryl points to the still of the wildlife on one of the many tables as Y/N walks up beside him smiling.
“Yeah, cool right?”
“How’d yea manage to get them to stay still?”
“You said you hunt right? With your brother?” Y/N tilts her head waiting for Daryl’s confirmation which was a nod and a grunt. “Imagine without your weapon and bright orange vests…a camera and a bit more camouflage”
“You…being careful right?”
“Oh I don’t do this in hunting grounds, or well. Forests that have been reported to have people hunt in them before.” Y/N reassures hun with her always shining smile, letting him continue to go through the photos. “I have been asked to document hunters for a catalog. Going to get a few new hunting rifles and a couple compound bows, if you and your brother are interested”
Daryl thought about it as he couldn’t help the joy bubbling in him to hang out with her again. That night at the bar lead to coffee in the morning while his brother and her best friend were still occupying Daryl’s shitty apartment, and another night for drinks but just the two of them to get to know one another without taking care of somebody other than themselves, which brought them to Y/N’s studio that she was also living in.
“Yeah, why not”
Y/N squeals happily and hugging on Daryl as he instantly wrapped his arm around her. “You’re going to look great”
“Maybe bring Racheal to occupy Merle”
“Oh totally, or nothing will get done”
Daryl lays uncomfortably on the rocks after rolling down it from when the horse bucked him off and from using what little energy he had to try and scale the steep mountain to get back to the farm. He was in and out of consciousness when he perked up hearing her laugh.
“You’ve got yourself in a pickle, baby” Y/N knelt down beside Daryl’s body gently caressing his face. “Did Merle do this?”
“Nah baby….H-Horse…”
“Now you never learn from that one time, and you weren’t even the one bucked off that horse” She laughs and he couldn’t help the painful smile he wore listening to her. He was willing to die just listening. But he couldn’t. “Stay awake D. Once you find that sweet girl, you gotta find me.”
And with that. He did his best. His best got him back to the farm, walker looking and all, next thing you know.
Pain. A whole lot of fucking pain.
Once they questioned Daryl about what he found and Hershel having his priorities confirmed, he was finally left alone to recover in the safety of the house. Letting him get some much needed sleep.
Daryl watches her sleep peacefully beside him listening to her cute little snores and watching her curl up inching closer to his person. He couldn’t help himself by closing the space and gently wrapping his arm around her sleep form feeling her do the same pulling herself into his chest. He smiles listening her satisfied sigh when she finally got comfortable in his embrace.
“Stop watching me and sleep…” Y/N mumbles in a sleepy daze, smiling feeling him shift to cage her in his embrace. “Goodnight baby”
“Sweet dreams bunny”
He couldn’t help the tears that spilled waking up the next morning.
The prison became their home after they lost so much and fought for their safety.
Daryl wishes that the bus of Woodbury folk held his other half in it. But as he came to disappointment once again, he went back to it. Taking daily runs just to search for her and would always come back empty handed on that front. At least he doesn’t have to watch his found family starve or freeze to death given he’s been bringing back everything he could find. Feeling a little bit of joy in their happy faces when his runs were never focused on that to begin with. But just as important.
“Hey Daryl, hold up a sec” Glenn calls out to him right as Carl and Rick were about to open the gates for him.
“Need somethin’?”
“Yes and no…” He sighs. “We need to save up on gas for the run to that mega store. Don’t get me wrong, what you’re doing is helpful. But we really need to be more careful with our limited supplies”
Daryl knew he was using the supply they’ve had to do these runs and it was going to be brought up eventually. Guess his spontaneous runs at any hour, every day, have come to an end.
“Hey pookie” Carol smiles, enjoying the fact that that nickname annoys Daryl, watching him sit down beside her at one of the tables outside. “Couldn’t go on the run?”
“Got told not to. It’s whatever”
“Mmm. Is it though?” Carol nudges Daryl for more of what’s on his mind. More of why he does these runs. “You’ve always been looking for something and every time you come back with much needed supplies…but the look of disappointment rest in your eyes. Daryl what are you looking for out there?”
Carol is one of the few that Daryl trusts with his life and part of him didn’t want to talk about it. Or it brings the thought of loss back in his mind. The same thought that has him laying wide awake at night or waking to the anxiety inducing nightmare that his other half was ripped apart from the undead and or tortured by the monsters of men that litter the new world. But he couldn’t keep it a secret for much longer…
“My girl”
“Hey! You made it” Y/N smiles removing herself from the small group surrounding one of her photos displayed so that Daryl could happily bring her into his embrace. “Surprised Merle released you from whatever devilish act he had planned”
“A six pack did it”
“Figures” Y/N smiles parting from Daryl just enough to take his hand and walk with him through the whole exhibit. It was more than her art on display but Daryl could care less about the rest. Only hers was the best.
Daryl waited for the showcase to be over and he hung back to help take down what wasn’t sold of Y/N’s work. But also for him to have a more intimate moment with her.
“I’ve got somethin’”
“And I don’t wanna scare yea off, or think I’m moving too quick” Daryl sets down the once hanging piece to lean up against the wall before reaching into his pocket to take out a ring. Y/N was about to drop the pieces she was holding if Daryl didn’t explain himself right away. “It ain’t engagement. Even if I’m sure yer it for me, more a promise. Until the real deal”
“D, this isnt like…the blood money from Merle—-“
“Nah I stopped doing his crazy shit a bit ago. Have been doing commission for bikes and got a gig at a garage…you’ve…made me better and just wanted to do somethin’. Showed me love without consequence or pain…I just. Gotta know—-“
“I love you” Y/N cuts him off, setting everything in her hand down so that she could let him put the ring on her finger before taking his face gently in her hands. “You don’t have to say it back immedieatly. Timing is different for everyone…but I love you, and I know I want you in my life for the rest of it. Even after”
Daryl instantly pulled her flush against him feeling her arms find their spot around his neck as his around her waist. Taking in everything about her in that moment.
She was his other half
And he was hers
“Aaron, I don’t think these people will take our offering like it’s nothing. It just randomly appears”
“What do you suggest then?”
“We’re talking suggestions now?”
“Yeah, cuz Deanna saw potential with you in recruitment so thought I’d ask” Aaron whispers to Y/N beside him as the two were tracking a group for some time now.
“Our community isn’t the only one. That’s the feeling I get. These people, we don’t know if they got screwed over or not. They will be hostile and we can’t take that like it’s nothing”
“So…give up or what”
“I didn’t say that. Just if we get caught. Or Eric. Stand your ground but not with your weapon.” She frowns not liking the sound of the commotion coming from this group she couldn’t get a clear look of. “We need these people to trust us. And the element of surprise, is awful in this hell” she takes the binoculars from Aaron to get a look but were caught off guard by a walker approaching that he took care of. “Never was much a fan of surprises in the old world…”
“Didn’t you say your husband surprised you with that ring you’re wearing?”
“Yeah but that’s different”
“How so?”
“He was my other half” Y/N stored the binoculars in her back when the rain started. “We should head back to Eric, and discuss our next course of action”
“I agree with that notion” Aaron covered her back as they made their way to the cars they brought out from their community.
“One of my buyers, thought I got married because of my ring” Y/N fiddles with one of Daryl’s many wrenches from his work station in her garage as he was working on her car.
“What’d yea say?”
“Played along. I like the thought of you as my husband. My big strong protective sweetheart husband” She smiles watching the tips of Daryl’s ears turn a bright red when he said such as he tried to cover them for a moment.
“Told the guys at the garage yer my wife anyway”
“Yeah, so they know if they fuck with yea. I’m knocking their teeth in” Daryl held his hand out for her to place the wrench she was messing with in such.
“But they can get the hint just from girlfriend”
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the idea”
“Is that you asking me Daryl Dixon?”
“Yea want it to be?” He stops working to look at his girl who became a blushing mess at the thought, especially when he smirked at her knowing damn well she’d like that.
“I’d like some display. Nothing too public. Just us still” Y/N smiles spreading her legs from her seat on his bench for him to slot himself perfectly between them. Leaning into her, resting his hands on the table. “What?”
“I’ve got somethin’ but for now, yer my wife to everybody who asks”
“Unless it’s Merle and Racheal”
“Motherfuckers would be like “took yea long enough” let’s be real”
“Very true Dixon” She smiles pressing her lips against his shortly after as he quickly picks her up holding her up by the thighs. “Baby!”
“Think I need a break with my bunny” He smirks kissing her once more before carrying her inside.
“I’m not alone”
“Really now?” Rick glares into Aaron’s soul as he quickly drops everything in his person to avoid getting hurt even further if that was bound to happening. “Who else is with you?”
“My partner and my best friend. Except my friend is closer to this location”
“And y’all didn’t find her?” Rick questions Maggie and Sasha as the two looked at each other confused before watching the retired sheriff take Aaron by the collar. “Where the fuck is she?”
“Her husband was a t-tracker. Hunter—-she knows how to hide. Says it’s what saved her from outbreak day to now” Aaron was close to shaking but what he said perked the attention of the archer who stopped aiming his crossbow at him. “I can call her but you have to let go of me…”
“Rick” Daryl interrupts whatever thought he was having about such as Rick gave him a confused look. “Trust it. Let him. Now.”
The confused look stuck as he lets go of Aaron for him to reach into his bag keeping eye contact with Rick as he took his radio out.
“Dixon, come out.”
The name caused the group to look at Daryl confused but then suddenly ready their weapons to the ceiling of the barn when they heard a loud thud, then a roll, and finally footsteps outside the building. Daryl brought himself past Aaron to the door when they opened to reveal exactly who he’s been looking for.
“I told him he was only going to trigger y’all too—-“ Y/N stops speaking when she locked eyes with Daryl who hesitantly inched closer to her.
Daryl couldn’t help the overwhelming urge to grab her and pull her into his embrace as he brought himself right up to her.
“So, Dixon huh?”
“Like you’d want my last name…” Y/N tried, and failed to keep the tears from falling as she drops everything on her latching onto Daryl feeling his arms tighten firmly around her. “Hey baby”
“I found yea, bunny. I knew I would”
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ellieluvr420 · 4 months
We meet again, darling pt.18 (detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader x detective Ellie Williams)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
Violence (shit is kind of heavy ibr) and mentions of abuse btw!
“YOU FUCKING BITCH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING AT?” Your brother screeched as he storms into your penthouse, you can’t see him yet but you imagine the beetroot colour of his face that he always suffered from growing up.
“What’s got you so riled up?” You’re standing at your island drinking a coffee and going over some last minute details for your travel plans. He storms over and immediately grabs you by the throat, slamming you back into your fridge behind you.
“Don’t give me that shit you little cunt. What the fuck are you doing?” You move carefully to remove your knife from its holster that’s hidden by your blazer, once it’s firmly in your grip you rapidly bring it up and slash the outside of your brother’s wrist. He growls at the pain and back hands you once hard with his other hand, it sends you stumbling to the corner of the counter where you grip on to steady yourself.
“I can’t even tell you how much you look like Dad right now.”
“Oh you are so fucking predictable.”
“Same to you.”
“The fuck do you mean by that?”
“God if mum was here she’d wash your mouth out with soap.” He comes at you with a psychotic look on his face but you’re prepared so you wait for him to get closer and knee him directly in the crotch and then elbow him hard in the nose. He goes down onto his knees and you kick so he falls on his back as he coughs and groans. “You look pathetic right now. That’s what you’ve always been, pathetic. That’s why I had to run shit, because you’re a pathetic, incompetent pussy that can’t do what’s necessary. If you wanted me out of the way, you should’ve just killed me. I would’ve respected you more for that than this bullshit.”
Your voice is raised but you aren’t yelling, he looks at you as you speak and you notice his difficulty focusing but you just stand and stare at the last bit of family you had left, the thought of killing him saddened you for a second but as you watched him writhing around on the floor before he struggles to stand again the sadness morphs into something more energising.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh now who’s feigning ignorance? Ricky Matthews, Johnny. Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out? How stupid are you?”
“I was hoping that they’d catch you before you could, figured your little girlfriend would lead them right to you.”
“I guess you underestimated their loyalty.”
“Their? You sick freak, you're with both of them? I should've fucking known, never could resist what you couldn't have could you?"
"Think I've proved I can have them actually, I've proved over and over again that I can have them, I've had them a lot." A sinister grin grows on your face and his twists into a face of disgust, he honestly looked like he was seconds away from heaving.
"You know I could get over you being a dyke but this, you're not fucking normal! I never believed anyone when they would tell me you're unholy, I always defended you when people said you were Satan's gift to Earth. I've gone along with your story of our parents since you killed them. I was wrong and you were born wrong, there are bad people and then there's you. You trapped me in this shit and I'm done, I need to be rid of you."
You weren't hurt at his words, you didn't feel anything, but your body felt lighter as everything inside you felt like it darkened. You had always had a soft spot for your brother and it always weighed on you, kept you grounded but as you feel its weight dissipating you feel a new sense of warmth as your hatred of him burns a fire deep inside you.
"My story of our parents? What the story of our parents? Are you actually trying to tell me I'm lying about them?"
"We didn't kill them, YOU DID."
"Fine fine, yes okay I killed them but I've protected their AND your honour all these years, I've never told anyone what went on in our white picket fence house. Typical suburban family right? I'm lying when I say we weren't that Johnny, am I?" He huffs and looks down at the floor avoiding your crazed eyes. "You gutless weasel, look at me when I'm speaking to you. Am I lying Johnny?"
He looks up and there are tears in his eyes and it only makes the fire of your hatred for him burn hotter, everything in you was ready to boil over as you held back your rage with every ounce of strength you had.
"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry for how they treated you. It never even seemed like it affected you, you were the most popular girl in school, I was known as your brother even before you went there, every boy wanted you, every girl wanted to be your friend, you did well in school, you did clubs, you seemed happy so I thought you were okay."
"Oh I was fine. That's the point Johnny, I don't feel anything right? I'm psychotic, sociopathic, narcissistic, what else is there? Let's go through the list hm, bet I fit the criteria for more disorders than I don't. That's why I was numb to it, but do you not think maybe you could've tried to intervene when our dad tried to strangle me with his fucking belt? Yeah I don't feel things but I fucking felt that. But I looked happy so it was okay to just let him continue breaking my ribs when he had had a bad day right?"
"I'm sorry, I was scared."
"Exactly, you were a fucking coward, never once had he ever even raised his voice at you or his fucking wife but you're scared that he's gonna give you the same licks I was getting daily if you step in. Better me than you, you were a fucking coward then and you're a fucking coward now."
"God if you despised me so much why didn't you kill me with them?"
"Because I needed you, do you think I could've got this far if I hadn't had you as my posterboy?"
"So you've put me through hell so you could use me?"
"See! This is what I fucking mean, can't you see it?"
"What? That I'm a bad person? Of course I fucking see it. But I kill and I hurt and I abuse when it serves a purpose to me, not because my ego is so fragile I need to pick on someone I know can't fight back."
"And that makes it okay?"
"No obviously not but that's the point, I don't care. I don't care that it isn't okay to kill your parents and I don't care that it isn't okay to kill your brother. I don't concern myself with justifying my actions I just do it." You spit your words at him as you pull your gun from its holster and aim it directly at his heart.
"Why couldn't you have been normal?" He pleads and your hand with the gun waivers as you actually feel a pain in your chest, its a foreign feeling and you clutch at it with your free hand as you focus on your brothers hunched form.
"Do you know what? I wouldn't have been able to blackmail you into all of this if you hadn't killed that fucking girl? Remember who you called to come help you? Remember who was the reason you didn't get thrown in jail? You act like I was born all dark but you aren't sunshine and rainbows either. Why'd you kill her again Johnny?"
"Shut. Up."
"Oh yeah, because you got her pregnant and you were too much of a coward to tell our fucking parents because god forbid they see that you aren't their perfect little angel boy. You killed a pregnant girl John, I think it's time you face the fact that we are just a fucked up family, Dad, me, you, Mum was a poor victim in it all but her ability to brush everything under the rug to keep up appearances is what got her six feet under."
"I killed someone and now you make any new employee kill someone to prove themselves. You don't see how we're different?"
"You killed an innocent pregnant 18 year old and I kill bad people with bad intentions. You don't see how that's different?"
He goes silent as you both just stand there, there's blood splatters on the floor and countertops from the various wounds you had inflicted on him. The atmosphere was heavy and you realise you're glad you sent Ellie and Abby home before he came over because the thought of them hearing some of the things that have been said causes a shiver to run down your spine.
"You ruined me. I was going to be an engineer, I had potential and now I can never live a normal life again."
"You ruined yourself, I just capitalised on it. Don't see you crying about losing your normal life when you're lounging about in your massive fucking mansion. Or your collection of supercars, or what about that summer house in Aspen. Never had a problem with all the things I've given you because of the shit I do."
"I let myself be bought."
"You did. I hope you enjoyed it because you've stopped being of use to me now. Sorry your funeral isn't going to be as good as your last one, do you remember how many more flowers my grave got than yours? I knew it was a good idea to wait and watch the aftermath."
"I don't even care anymore. Just kill me." His acceptance of his fate pissed you off and you find yourself smashing his face down into the countertop with every bit of your strength, his nose makes a distinctive cracking sound and he cries out although it comes out strangled. As he falls down to the floor once again struggling to breathe, you pin him down to stop his wriggling, you looked at your gun in your hand and it didn't feel right so you swapped it for your knife and dragged it down his bloody face as you took in his features one last time.
This was it, the last thing grounding you to your humanity, the last weight you had to shed and the moment had come, the world could burn and you'd just lay in the fire, the darkness that had enveloped you in its embrace all your life was no longer externally guiding you, it infected every cell in your body, the darkness became you and directed the knife straight into John's heart, again and again. By the time you were done you were kneeling in a pool of his blood and there was a cavity in his chest, you look at his dull, lifeless eyes and you stand to look over him before crouching again diving your knife into his face until he is unrecognisable, you sit back and admire your work as you recount all the things he said to you.
As you walked away to go get cleaned up you pulled out your phone to message on the group chat you have with Ellie and Abby. Ellie had made it saying it would be easier but you still felt silly using a group chat.
'How's packing going?' You message once you've showered and redressed. Ellie begins typing almost immediately.
'yeah it's okay, I don't actually have that much stuff so it's a breeze' You notice yourself smiling at her message which only grows as Abby starts typing, you couldn't describe what it is you feel for them, because like Richter said, you don't feel anything.
'Yeah I'm realising half of my wardrobe is stuff you've bought me.' You chuckle a little and send the kiss mark emoji that you had taken to using as it reminds you of all the lipstick stains you've left in the shape of a pout on them. You put your phone away and prepare yourself to leave your penthouse for one of the last times. You walk past what is left of Richter and message Jeremy that he's ready for collection and call the elevator to your floor.
"I was wondering when you would show."
"Happy to hear you've been expecting me." You were stood in front of the boss of the Met, he was a heavy set man with dark hair that had streaks of grey running through it as its all gelled backwards to sit smoothly against his head and a large moustache with the same grey speckles on the dark background covering most of his top lip. He sat in a nice suit smoking a cigar, you roll your eyes at the cliché and he chuckles a little.
"Well I wasn't expecting you. You're telling me a little girl took down my empire?"
"Empire is generous don't you think? I thought we should have a chat."
"I'd love to." He gestures at the chair in front of his desk and you sit slowly while fixed on his dark eyes. as they examine your every move.
psa: I know she's a bad girl but my heart broke a little for reader while writing this. She's just different okay :') Goodness the end is getting closer, sorry there wasnt much of abby or ellie in this chapter but i really wanted to focus on reader and richter
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bradshawswife · 2 years
Teasin’ Pictures. NSFW
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a/n: AHHHH FIRST ONE SHOT, HOPE YOU LOVE IT (i’m so nervous besties seriously i hate my writing)
description: One morning while Bradley was working, you decided to be the absolute brat you are.
warnings: smut, obviously. filth, absolute filth. minors dni, please. rooster being hot as usual, reader being a brat. edging. oral sex (f! receiving), penetration (fingers and PIV).
check out my masterlist for more!
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It all started in the morning before he went to work. You were making pancakes and you were wearing his academy t shirt with nothing else on, instantly turning him on before work. He walks in to see this masterpiece of a lady wearing his favourite shirt.
“Jesus christ darlin’, are you trying to make me late?” he jokes, making you smirk in a way that makes his eyes widen. He proceeds to lean against the doorway and continue staring at you, in awe.
“No, i would never want you to be late, lieutenant” you mutter in a flirty way as you walk closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck
“Woman, you are trying to kill me.” He states as he begins making out with you, he wraps his arms around your hips and lifts you onto the counter. You’re rudely taken out of this daydream like make-out session when you smell the pancakes burning.
“Oh fucking shit” you scream as you turn off the stove. “Bradley Bradshaw you’re gonna make me burn this house down someday i swear” you whined, thinking back to the numerous times this has happened. “Sorry darlin’” he smirks, placing a sloppy kiss on your neck.
“You’re gonna be late for work, i’ll bring you lunch since you distracted me before i could make it” you whisper, in between kisses.
“Ok sweetheart, be on your best behaviour today, or else you’re going to be in for one hell of a night” he demands, smirking and grabbing your ass.
“Of course, baby” you assured, grinning ear to ear.
2 hours later.
While in class, Maverick was discussing why each of his flight-mates died during the training session they had. All of a sudden, Bradley heard a *ding* come from his phone. He quietly pulls his phone out and opens a text message from you, his eyes widening and quickly puts it away. “Holy shit” he mumbles. “She really just sent me pictures of herself, naked, in the mirror” he thought to himself.
Once class was over, he quickly rushed to the bathroom to stare at the pictures once again. You put your arm over your boobs and squeezed your leg shut in the one photo. And in the second, you were sort of bent over, with your tongue out. Stunned, Bradley quickly clicks your name and calls you. You were naturally having your afternoon nap, totally unfazed by the constant ringing.
“Fuck” he grunts, quickly hurrying out of the bathroom. He gets to his car when he heard another *ding*. He pulled his phone out to another picture of you, halfway under the covers with your breasts out. “Sweet Jesus”, he yelled, stuffing his phone back into his pocket and quickly (but safely!!!) drove home, barely putting his truck in park before he was rushing inside.
Once he got in, he quickly kicked his shoes off and ran upstairs to see you still under the covers, you looked so peaceful sleeping again. He debated what he was going to do next, not wanting to disturb you from your sleep, but he thought, “she’s been tormenting me all day, her turn”.
He speedily pulled the covers away from you, resulting in you gasping. “Good afternoon, brat.” he says, smirking. You could see his tent in his uniform knowing your pictures did the trick (as they always do). “Well hello baby, how was class” you laughed, with an added wink, driving him crazy.
“Oh sweetheart, it was great. I even enjoyed the mid class semi hard on you gave me, despite me telling you to be on your best behaviour..” he stated in a deeper voice.
“Oops” you say, smirking. He looks at you like you’re a 5 course meal (of course, you are). In an instant he’s undressing and goes to jump on you, making out with you vigorously. Grabbing you all over with his hands, which he knows drives you mad. His love language is physical touch, so he always has to have his hands on you, especially during sex.
“You are way too clothed lieutenant”, you confessed in between your breaths of air. “can I help you with that?”
“God yes baby” he mumbles, panting as he gets up from the bed to stand on the edge while you undress him. He loves when you do this, even when you’re being a brat.
“You’re in for one hell of a night, darlin’” he states, grinning as you give pouty eyes. “Don’t you look at me like that sweetheart, you started this”. Once he’s fully undressed, he sits back against headboard as he moves you onto his lap, straddling him.
You can feel his bulge as you’re grinding against him, trying to get some fiction to get yourself off, when he pushes you off and gets on top, “baby, you’re not allowed to finish until I say so.”
He sticks his two fingers in, and you spill out those pretty little sounds he loves, and he almost forgets you’ve been such a brat today. Just as he feels you getting close, he pulls his fingers out as you let out a soft moan, in a sad way. “Sorry baby, you’ve been really bad today.” He then proceeds to spread your legs open with his arms, and goes ever so close to your soaked area. He starts licking you, then when he comes up for air he knocks his nose against your clit, expelling one of the best sounds he’s ever heard.
He can feel you tensing up a second time, and despite eating you out being his favourite activity, he doesn’t let you finish just yet. Once he pulls away from you again, he licks his lips, you see a bit of your juices on his mustache, glistening in the light. As if he’s just eaten the best pie of his life. He stares at your sad little face, wondering if maybe this is just a bit too much. He proceeds to get you bend over the bed, as you’re hoping maybe you’ll finally get railed and you’ll be able to finish, but just as he bends you over, he slaps your ass really hard, leaving a big red mark.
“Thats one baby, now how many pictures did you send me?” he grins. “I think 2 baby” you whined, wincing in pain from another hard slap. “Nope, wrong”. He corrects, “You sent 3 baby, the one in bed counts…”
“Oh” you say. Smirking even though he can’t see you. He tugs your hair so he can get a better look at your face, and sure as hell you’re smirking. “You naughty little girl” He slaps you a few more times, making you count out loud each time.
After about 6 hits, he lines himself up with your entrance, and rams into you. You scream out in pleasure, hoping this is finally your chance. “Fuck sake darlin’, you’re taking me so well” he groans out, in a deeper voice. “Have you learned.. shit baby fuck… your lesson today, baby?” he grunts, tugging your hair back so he can see your true reaction.
“Yes baby… fuck… bradley, yes i have learned my lesson and i’m sorry for distracting you during class” you spill out, barely breathing from how hard he’s ramming into you.
“Ok, you have permission to finish, darlin’” he groans, causing you to squeal out in excitement because this orgasm has been building inside for at least 15 minutes, and you weren’t sure how long you could hold out.
Finally, you get that feeling in your stomach and you finally finish, clenching your walls around his dick, causing him to reach his climax just a few seconds after you.
You both collapse in bed, controlling your breathing after that. “Sweetheart, I loved those pictures” Bradley exclaims, placing a kiss to your temple, “But not in class, please. My face went all red and I swore Phoenix was about to call me out”
“Fine honey, I won’t” you laugh, winking, knowing damn well you’ll pull another stunt to get him flustered. “You are going to be the death of me.” he says, as you fall asleep in eachothers arms.
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
Halloween Masquerade (Part of Pushing the Barrier AU) (Eddie X You)
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A/N: And now that song from that scene will be in my head for days lol Enjoy <3.
Full Series Here!
Warnings: Stripper Eddie X Fem Reader, SMUT, quickie passionate bathroom smut :), FLUFF, They love each other <3, ANGST, readers mom isn't a fun of Mr. Munson here and feels like he broke up readers marriage, Eddie confronts her and meets the parents, he also has a run with her ex who I finally gave a name to!
Word Count: 3531
“So how are things with your new man going?”
You grin sassily towards your coworker as you take a bite of your food. It had been six months since you kicked out your husband and filed for divorce. You and Eddie both moved out of your old apartments into one together that you absolutely loved. The place you were at with your ex was so big and always felt so empty. With the metalhead’s things mingled with yours, it actually felt like you were home. 
Three months ago, your ex showed up to your classroom trying to win you back so after telling security to make sure to never let him in the building again, of course, the gossip quickly spread. When you casually mentioned Eddie everyone wanted to know more and after bringing him to a work function, they fell in love with him. 
“Y/N, he’s so sweet, oh my god! You were married for how long to that other guy and I don’t think I met him once. He’s really cute to. Look at that smile! You’re so lucky!”
When they asked what he did for work, you told them he was a musician which wasn’t an entire lie. Eddie still played with his band on the weekends and they did what they could to get noticed. You just left out the part about the cube and him taking off his clothes for money. To be fair, you two had many, MANY conversations about it and it was his idea that you keep it a secret.
“I don’t want it to cause trouble for you at work or anything.”
“I don’t think it will but I’m honestly not sure.”
“Baby, I come from a small town remember? Parents used to flip shit about teacher’s personal lives all the time. We had one teacher in middle school who ‘resigned’ because the parents found out she had a girlfriend. It was bullshit.” Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulders as your lean closer against him on the sofa. “I know this city is a bit more liberal but…it would kill me if you lost your job. You love those kids and you’re an amazing teacher.”
“It’s going pretty well. Now the divorce on the other hand…”, you roll your eyes.
“Nick causing problems?”
“With a capital P. I don’t get it. He was never home and asshole cheats on me but he doesn’t want to sign the divorce papers because he thinks we ‘still have a chance’.” 
You sighed as you entered your apartment and placed your things down on the floor by the front door.
“Hey baby. Long day?” You smile when you find Eddie sitting on the counter with a beer in his hand. It takes you moment to realize his eyes were clouded over with worry. “Yeah, it’s about to get longer.” Reaching over with his finger, he pushes a button on the voicemail box and you roll your eyes as your ex’s voices floats through. 
“Y/N, honey, please. I know we can fix this! Call me back so we can talk. That’s all I want to do is talk.”
“Seriously, babe, he’s not what you deserve. You deserve so much better! I can be the man you need.”
“Fuck! Y/N, you are smarter this. What kind of future can you expect to have with trash like him.”
You cross your arms as you growl at his insult of the man you love. 
“Oh, wait. It gets better.”, Eddie says with sarcasm. 
“Y/N, it’s your mother. Look, you can’t keep ignoring people that care about you. Nicholas is still your husband and you owe it to him to at least hear him out. Don’t be selfish! A marriage is about two people not just one.”
“Sweetheart, you made a commitment when you said I do. Whoever this boy is that you think is worth destroying your marriage over… I can’t. I’m so upset.”
You roll your eyes as the message closes out with her pretending to cry. Shuffling towards him, you place yourself between Eddie’s legs as you wrap your arms around him, pleasantly sighing when you feel his hand pet your head. 
“I’m sorry you had to listen to that. You’re not trash, baby, and you definitely didn’t destroy whatever I was in before because I know it wasn’t a marriage.”
“I know, sweetheart. I just hate feeling helpless.” Leaning back, you look at him with confusion. “I’d like to talk to your family.”
Shaking you head, you completely pull away from him as you head towards your bedroom with him hot on your heels. 
“Y/N, come on. I can handle them and I’m sick of you having to listen to them berate you because of me.”
“It’s NOT because of you. It’s because of Nick. He convinced them he’s a good guy and he convinced my mother that he’s the victim. Eddie…”, you exhale heavily. “Just ignore them. Please…so we can be happy.”
“Please, sweetheart, at least let me try.”
He softly smiles as he watches your head tilt to the side in thought.
“In our neighborhood where I grew up, for Halloween, they have this cheesy masquerade dance thing they do every year. Usually, Nick and I would go but this year I had planned to skip it… Eddie, are you sure about this?”
“Yes. I promise if I can’t sway them then I won’t bring it up again.”
A heavy exhale leaves your lips as he parks his van outside of the building the party was being held at. 
“Hey.”, he coos to get your attention. “You look really beautiful tonight.”
Eddie’s mouth had fallen open when he saw you step out of the bedroom in your purple masquerade dress that you had bought quickly one day after work. It was short in the front but the lacy material flowed down behind your legs just above your ankles with sleeves that came down to your elbows. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail with the loose strands curled as they hung behind you. The purple mask rested on your face and brought out the color in your eyes that made the metalhead swoon. 
Tonight, he took your breath away in his sleek black tux and utterly sexy smelling cologne that almost had you jumping him before you even left your apartment. What he didn’t tell you was he had asked Mira to help him pick something out. 
“Eddie, everything’s going to be fine. I thought you didn’t care what people thought about you two.”
“I don’t but this is her family. I don’t actively want to make her life complicated. If I can smooth things over then I want to try.”
Smiling you lean over to give him a kiss before he jumps down and runs around to open your car door.
“After this, when we get home, we’ll celebrate Halloween right; spooky movies and greasy pizza till one of us throws up.” He beams down at you as you genuinely laugh and agree. “I’m right here with you, princess, ok? No matter what happens, you’re mine and I love you.”
As soon as you both entered the building, the stuffy air and aristocrat vibe hit you instantly. Keeping his hand tightly intertwined with yours, you yanked him towards the bar and hand him a glass of whatever was handed to you that you hastily knocked back. 
“How long has this dance thing been around?”
“God, um, for as long as I can remember. My parents were always going and then dragging us along when we became adults.”
“Is it an adult only thing?”
“Not technically but you have a room full of people who are probably already drunk and think they’re above it all so…” Eddie can’t help but chuckle at your disgusted tone. “Did they have things like this in Hawkins?”
“Not that I’m aware of. One of my closest friends, his family comes from money and they had parties but I don’t think they went all out like this. This reminds me of that scene in The Labyrinth.”
“But I'll be there for you-ou-ou As the world falls down…”
His grin grows as you sing and look up at him with wide, glistening eyes filled with nothing but love for him. 
“Care to dance with me, Ms. Y/L/N?”, he inquires as he playfully bows and extends his hand out for you to take. 
“I’d love to, Mr. Munson.”
Guiding you to the dance floor, he tries to mimic the people around him, placing his palm on your back and clasping the other to you own while holding it in the air to the side. You smile as your free hand rests on his shoulder and you two begin to sway.
“You really do look handsome in this.”, you compliment him.
“Me? I pale in comparison to you, princess.” Eddie’s hand slides a bit lower as he brings you closer to him. “I’m not going to lie. I feel like I’m in a storybook right now. Like I’m a commoner who just snuck into the king and queen’s palace to dance with their beautiful daughter.”
“Eddie, you aren’t a commoner.”
“After we dance, I’d climb up to your balcony Romeo and Juliet style, professing my love to you.” He smiles when you giggle and blush, dipping you dramatically before bringing you back to his chest as he softly sings.
“A love that will last Within your heart I'll place the moon Within your heart.”
Feeling eyes on you, you glance around the room till your gaze lands on your mother who is staring daggers at the man holding you. 
“I love you, Eddie.”
Hearing the shift in your tone, he takes a deep breath and wraps both arms around you. 
“I love you to, Y/N. We got this.”
“Mom. Dad. You guys look amazing.”
Your dad grins as he yanks you in for a hug. “We look amazing? Look at you! You look beautiful. Who’s your friend?”
Eddie lifts up his mask and offers his hand to your father who shakes it. 
“Hello, sir. I’m Edward Munson but you can call me Eddie.” As he moves to greet your mother, she glares at his palm as if it was dirty and he hesitantly pulls it back. “Ma’am.”
“This is my boyfriend.”
“Hm. Can’t have a boyfriend if you already have a husband.”, your mom spits.
“Hm. Someone should tell Nick that since he had a girlfriend through most of our marriage.”, you retort angrily. 
“How about we go somewhere quiet and get to know Eddie here?”, your father suggests trying to break the tension. 
Both of you follow them into an empty area where you and Eddie sit side by side on a couch while your parents take a seat in separate chairs across from each other. 
“So, how did you two meet?”
“She was out for a walk and it started to rain so she ran into the bar I work at. We got to talking and…” He gently smiled as you looped your arm through his and leaned on his shoulder. 
This was the story he came up with when you introduced him to people you knew. It always made you feel bad because you weren’t ashamed of what he did. You knew he only did it to survive and was working hard to become a musician. But Eddie insisted, trying to protect you from any more unwarranted stress. 
“You’re a bartender?”
“I’m a guitarist actually.”
“He and his band are fantastic.”, you boast making him blush as his fingers lightly squeeze your knee.
“I imagine that doesn’t pay all the bills. Not here in New York.”, your mother sasses. 
“Not yet, ma’am, but I do what I can to make ends meet.”
“Like seducing my daughter and breaking up a marriage?”
“He didn’t ‘break up’ my marriage. Nick did. You know what, that really pisses me off that you continue to defend him after what he did. I did everything to make my marriage work! You constantly make me feel like l didn’t try hard enough.”
“Obviously you didn’t because you and your husband aren’t together. Do you think your father and I get along all the time?”
“It was way more than ‘not getting along’!”
“Please. Look I’m just going to cut to the end of this conversation so we don’t waste any more time. I think you need to give Nicholas another chance and leave this negative distraction behind.” 
You huff as she gestures towards Eddie. 
“She did that already and he failed.”, the metalhead interjects. “We spent time away from each other and I respected her choice even though I didn’t agree with it. Y/N gave him a chance and he still went off to be with that girl.” He turns his head and meets your father’s eyes. “I love your daughter with every fiber of my being. Since the first time I heard her speak, I knew she was special. Nick had her for years and tossed her aside making her feel worthless. I know what that’s like and I would never do that to her or make her feel that way.”
“A marriage is sacred.”, your mother scoffs as she folds her arms. 
“I agree. That’s why I want to marry her as soon as I possibly can.” His eyes find your own. “If you’ll have me of course.”
“Of course, you idiot.” Your palms cup his cheeks as you bring his lips to your own. 
“You know, when we first met Nick, all he did was talk about himself.”, you dad smirked before extending his hand out to Eddie. “You’ve got my blessing, kid.”
As he enthusiastically shakes it, your mom starts scolding you three in the background. Ignoring her, you tug on his arm, and power walk down the hallway till you find an empty bathroom, pushing him in as you lock the door. 
His arms open wide and you practically fly into them as your lips feverishly dance with his. Eddie’s palms roam your body, searching for a zipper, button, or any kind of access underneath your dress. Helping him, you lift the front hem exposing your panties and he hastily pulls them down before grabbing your ass to lift you onto the counter by the sink. 
Heavy pants escape you as he sucks that sweet spot on your neck, grinding his groin between your legs as you fumble with his belt. His palm snakes to the back of your neck, placing his forehead on your own, and groans when he feels you free his cock from its confinement. Licking his lips, Eddie watches you with pure lust and anticipation as your tongue runs along your hand before stroking it along his length. 
You guided his tip to your entrance till his hips took over and he thrust himself into your cunt. Gripping his waist, you allowed him to take what was his as his lips tenderly kissed parts of your face till he found your lips again. 
“I love you, Eddie. I’m yours, baby.” The man’s jaw went slack as he pumped his hips at a faster pace as he listened to you murmur to him. “Look at me, baby, please.”
You subtly nodded as he did what you asked, flashing him a small smile. 
“I can’t wait to marry you. I’ll—mmm—I’ll do whatever I can to get my divorce through. I’m not going to make you wait again. I promise. I promise, Eddie. Fuck.”
Bringing your head to his shoulder, the metalhead circle his arms around you, and held you to him as he pounded into you till your eyes rolled. 
You trembled against him as the coil in your belly snapped and while your pussy clenched around him, he grunted in your ear before releasing his seed deep inside your body. 
No one moved as you continued to hold each other. 
When Eddie finally did pull back, he smirked and leaned forward to kiss your lips. 
“I’m still going to purpose to you at the perfect moment but at least I got your dad’s blessing.”
As he adjusts his pants, he grabs some tissue to clean you with and helps you on to your feet, kissing the skin along your legs as he pulls your panties back to their proper place. 
“No matter what, Eddie Munson, I’ll say yes.”
“I hope you know, baby, I’m not worried about you when it comes to your divorce. I know it’s him dragging his ass on everything.”
“Sometimes, I think about that fight we had in the cube…when you said I was the only girl in the world that you were ok with being my second choice.” Your fingers reach out to fix his jacket as you speak. “That killed me… I never want you to ever feel that way again, Eddie.”
Ringed fingers lift your chin to meet his eyes. 
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to keep punishing yourself for that and your marriage. You’re here with me now and I’m going to give you the life you deserve.”
After one final kiss, you both leave the bathroom hand in hand as you tug him towards the parking lot with the intention of leaving. Of course, things can never just be that easy for you two. 
“Fucking hell.”, you growl in annoyance as you turn around. “Unless it’s about our divorce, Nick, I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Y/N, you haven’t returned any of my calls! The least you could do is hear what I have to say!”
“You had 5 years to say what you needed to say! You chose to cheat on me instead!”
“Look, I—” As your ex stepped towards you, Eddie stepped between you. 
“Right there is good. You have no reason to be that close to her.”
“She’s my wife.”, Nick seethed as he eyed the metalhead with disgust.
“Not anymore. You had your chance, many of them, and you blew it. She doesn’t want to talk to you and with that being the case I’m not letting you near her.”
Your ex took a confident step forward and to his surprise Eddie did the same towering over him. 
“Go ahead, Nick. Give me a reason. Y/N wouldn’t let me confront you when you harassed her at work so this will make up for that.”
“Eddie. Come on, honey. Let it go.”, you coax him in a calm voice.
“I broke up with Sarah.”, he says as his eyes flick from Eddie’s to yours. “I haven’t seen her since you left.”
“Too bad you couldn’t do that when we were together. Come on, Ed.”
“Jesus Christ, Y/N! Are you fucking kidding me?! I’m way better for you then this trailer trash asshole! How long are you going to keep punishing me?!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Nick. I forgot everything was about you! It’s always been about you! He’s way more of man than you ever were in every fucking way. Now, fuck off!”
“HEY! You don’t get to talk to me like that—”
As Nick stepped forward to scream at you, Eddie’s fist flew hitting him square in the nose as he fell to the floor. 
“I warned you to stay back. Sign the divorce papers, Nick, and let her go. Let her be happy for once.”
“What do you mean ‘ow’?! Your rings took the brunt of the impact, you badass.”, you tease as hold the ice pack on his hand. 
When you got home, you both had changed and were now comfortably lounging on the couch with you curled up by his side as you took care of him. 
“Geez. You’re so mean.” Eddie smiles as his eyes scan your face. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, baby, I’m ok. I’m sorry about my mom.”
Shaking his head, he tugs you into his lap and you lean your head onto his shoulder. 
“Don’t be, sweetheart. I don’t care what either of them says about me but I do care that it hurts you. I remember how lonely you were, Y/N. That sad sound of your voice when you first came in. The way you cried when you stumbled into my apartment telling me what Nick had done. I know you tried everything and I know you deserve better then that dick because I was there. I saw and heard everything. If she wants to keep belittling you, at least now she knows I’m not going to allow that and your dad knows I’m a good guy for you.”
“You are a good guy for me. My knight in shining armor or blood-stained rings I guess.”, you giggle. 
“Hey, I warned him—”
“I know. I know.”, you smile as you turn his head to kiss your lips. “Now I believe I was promised pizza and celebrating the holiday correctly.”
Eddie laughs as he places a final peck on your lips and playfully pushes you off his lap. As he gets up to call the pizza place, he lightly continues to sing David Bowie, and gives you a wink.
“Falling, falling, falling, falling in love…”
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@other-world-s @kiyastrf94 @alottanothing
@blue-eyed-lion @zeroxbendylove-blog @munsonology
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(I pulled this from an old list so im sorry if any of these names are no longer what you go by. Just let me know and I can update it!)
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cairavende · 7 months
Worm Arc 12 thoughts:
Brian needs to watch the Barbie movie holy shit! (I understand the story takes place in 2011 and the movie doesn't exist there)
Just like, fuck get off Taylor's back. She is playing it too safe but also being too aggressive. Moving too fast but also not being aggressive enough! AHHHHHHHH!
Seriously, nearly every time Brian showed up in this arc I was yelling at him. Dude. Just back off.
Skitter fucking just, killing thousands of rats in a few minutes is absolutely terrifying. God I love her.
Hookwolf is a dick. I can't believe everyone else went along with him and gave the Travelers and the Undersiders shitty choices like that. I mean that's not true, I can believe it I'm just mad.
I legit forgot Imp existed until Tattletale mentioned leaving her at the meeting as a spy. I love how the way her power works combined with the writing style means she just disappears for the readers as well.
Loved seeing more of the Travelers and more Noelle. Excited to learn more about her (I don't have great feelings about her long term situation though).
Jack is such a fucking POSER oh my god!
He just. He thinks he's so cool. But he's not. Fucking "this is not an exit" reference and shit.
He is Tobey Maguire Spider-Man from Spider-Man 3. Just thinks he is the coolest shit. Everyone just has to accept it cause he got fancy knife powers.
Tattletale just fucking full confidence fucking with the Nine while standing right in front of them. She clearly knew it was high risk but she took it and she got results, spoiling Jacks plan with Cheri and shit.
That said, AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY BABY SOMEBODY HELP MY BABY! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (Ok she's not like, my baby, that's Taylor. But she's still my baby.)
She fucking needs therapy though. Saves more people than anyone else could have and is mad because she didn't do enough. God damn Taylor love yourself!
Danny is fine. Besides, he had warning so any injures are basically his fault. Git gud Danny. (Ok look that's a little unfair, but he messed up pretty bad with raising my daughter so I'm allowed to be a little unfair to him I think.)
And look at my daughter again! She goes and organizes people to help the wounded. Takes charge. Gets a cool butch lady that might never show up again to help. I hope she does show up again though.
After he showed up I said "I don't know how the fuck she's gonna do it, but my daughter is gonna kick your ass". And then like a few paragraphs later I read "I have no idea how the fuck I’m going to do it but I’m going to make you regret that." This made me both happy - fun to say something and have Taylor say almost the same thing - and worried - cause when I said I didn't know how she was going to do it I kinda hoped she had a plan.
But then she fucking does it! She kicks his ass. She steals his arm. SHE RIPS HIS HEAD OFF! GOD DAMN! THAT'S MY FUCKING KID!
I do think she should hire the buff burly guy who helped her rip Mannequin's head off. He clearly has motivation and would be loyal. And maybe I want to see him more. For reasons.
But anyway she fucking wrecks Mannequin, makes him look like he lost a fight with a paint store. Just fucking clowned on him. She is so good.
Then the next day Brian comes in and fully focuses on how stupid it was to fight Mannequin, not really praising that she won or asking if she needs medical help. God damn bud!
But I loved how a fuck ton of people were like "Oh shit she beat Mannequin! I want to work for her." She's going to be so fucking famous soon.
Interlude 1 - Jack is a poser again. Sucks to be the Merchants, can't say I'll miss them. Jack trying to sound all clever with his carrot and sticks thing, but most of what he lists for the other Nine is really obvious. And he misses some stuff as well. Poser. I could lead the Nine better than him (not that I would lead the Nine, just that if I did I would be better than Jack).
Interlude 2 - God damn this is a doozy. Shit ton of Cauldron lore. Battery backstory. Assault backstory. I made a "now kith" joke when they fought for the very first time cause I didn't realize who they were yet. It was supposed to be a joke. I did not want them to end up together. They should not be together. Legend should not have allowed Assault to be on Battery's team. He was a bit of a dick for that. So much Cauldron lore though. I can't put it all here.
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