#truth 2: diluc ragnvindr is getting married in the morning
the-angels-share · 3 years
Three Truths and a Lie
Summary: He's getting married in the morning and it's not to you. Pairing: Diluc x Reader Part 1
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“Just tell him.”
You turn to look at your companion. Under the soft glow of the moon, Kaeya Alberich looked like the perfect prince—tall, dark, and handsome, surrounded by an air of mystery that only serves to amplify his charm.
You weren’t the best of friends, but the past couple of nights have found the two of you sharing a bottle of cheap wine by the cliff overlooking the Dawn Winery. Neither of you really talk, so for him to break the silence to say that of all things is unexpected.
You humor him anyway. “He’s getting married tomorrow.”
Kaeya hums, reaches for the long neck in your hand, and takes a generous swig of the bitter alcohol. You wonder how he can drink it so easily, so smoothly, like it’s sweet spring water in the bottle instead of the poison his brother brews. Your eyes travel down to the knob on his throat, and for a brief second, you wish that you had fallen for him instead.
“Well, he’s not married yet,” he retorts, setting the bottle down. “You still have time.”
You look down at your knees. This is the first time you two have broached the subject, and yet, you can’t help but feel tired of the conversation already. “I’m not going to ruin someone’s relationship, Kaeya.”
Your voice is weak, exhausted. Like you’ve had this conversation a hundred times before. Like the whirlwind event that is the last two months have finally taken its toll on you.
“What is there to ruin?” He asks. “Everyone knows this is a business arrangement.”
You smile bitterly. “Not everyone.”
Kaeya gives you a look and you tell him about the visit you received from his brother’s fiancée two days ago. Your heart sinks every second that you spend recounting your story—how she showed off her ring, how she looked so happy... and how she thanked you, because even if Diluc doesn’t know, she does and what you did couldn’t have been easy.
“She loves him, Kaeya,” you say. “She told me so.”
The cavalry captain’s face morphs into an expression that you are all too familiar with—pity. The two of you may not be close, but he knows you well enough to know that the brave face you have on is merely a façade. You shift your gaze away, choosing instead to look at the big red building at the distance.
“But you love him too.” It isn’t a question.
“I do.”
And it’s true. You have never met anyone else who made you feel like Diluc Ragnvindr did. Every look he sends your way has your heart racing a hundred miles per hour. In the two months that you have spent in his home, you have gotten to know the young master far more intimately than you ever thought you would. Every minute spent in his presence is a minute spent developing a feeling much deeper and fuller than simple admiration for him.
And yet, love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person’s ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.
When you chose to love Diluc, you had made a commitment to seek his highest good. But the thing is, you know in your heart that you, yourself, are not good for him.
You love Diluc, and it is precisely because of that love that you are giving him up.
As a child, you were told that love often requires sacrifice. The two are directly related, and the greater you love the greater you sacrifice. With how much you love Diluc, it only follows that your sacrifice will be great too.
And so you will step back and you will love him quietly from a distance. Even if it kills you to do so.
“I see the way he looks at you, you know?” Kaeya says after some time. The bottle of wine sits empty on the space between you.
A fissure forms in your already fragile heart, and in the quiet of the night, you swear you hear it break.
“Stop,” you whisper. “Don’t make this harder on me.”
Kaeya frowns. He doesn't understand what you're doing at all. If you truly love Diluc, and it's obvious that Diluc feels something for you too, then why won't you fight for him? Why do you insist on keeping your feelings to yourself when it's painfully clear that doing so hurts you? Call him brutal, but he's not making anything harder for you. You're the one who's making everything hard for yourself.
“So you’re just gonna give up?” He asks.
His question makes your throat close up, makes your chest feel tight. You try for a smile. “That has always been the plan.”
“Look,” you cut him off. “I know what you’re going to say. I’ve heard it all before. It’s all that I tell myself every single day since I heard of his engagement. And-”
Your voice hitches and you feel your eyes well with tears. This is what you were hoping to avoid. You had wanted for this conversation to end before it got to the point where you could no longer hold it in anymore, but nothing ever really goes your way. It’s your own fault too for humoring Kaeya in the first place.
You rub at your eyes in an attempt to keep your tears from falling. It doesn’t work.
“And I love him,” you finally continue. “I love him and I want him, and I want to be the one who gets to meet him at the altar instead of her, and—and, it hurts. It hurts so bad, Kaeya. But I can’t- I can’t ruin this for him.”
The mask that you had tried your best to keep on finally breaks with your confession. For the first time in weeks, you let yourself cry.
Kaeya pulls you close.
“It hurts,” you sob.
“I know,” he murmurs. “I know.”
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Part 2
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