#trying to design something completely foolproof ( code wrangling )
anderwhohn · 10 months
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It's still very rough around the edges, and it still needs some work to try to handle with how some people format their posts, but... I finally managed to wrangle together a userscript for myself to change multiple spaced text to single text. This is something I've been trying to do on and off for some time now, and now I've got a "quick and dirty" version working.
I say that because it seems to struggle with preserving line breaks if someone used Shift+Enter rather than creating a new paragraph block. I don't know how much of that is the code, or how much of it is just because of tumblr's weird post editing, since I can't risk going through and trying to find examples of the new editor vs the legacy editor in terms of the spacing aesthetic because, oddly enough, I don't want a bloody migraine.
Regardless, this means less risk to me in the event that someone forgets to tag it for the blacklist - or tumblr fails to filter it despite it being tagged. This does not replace the need to blacklist tag the aesthetic, however, because I do also check things on mobile, where this userscript isn't available to me, and even then, it's very much in its alpha stage and isn't going to be completely reliable.
But the risk is reduced, so that's good at least. But it also means I might occasionally reblog something with the spacing unknowingly. I do have the script set to be excluded on the drafts page at the moment, because it fucks up the post editor a bit when loaded from the drafts (which is where I always open the editor from - something to do with the way the url changes between the page you're on and then the post editor (whether starting a new post and/or editing an existing one) causes some issues with getting Tampermonkey to recognise it as a 'new page' since it opened a thing on top of the page you were currently on instead of actually navigating elsewhere; complicated stuff that I don't know all about to enough of an extent to explain it, but otherwise yeah), so hopefully it won't be an issue, but just in case something does slip by me, that's why.
Anyway, yay for hopefully fewer migraine days inadvertently caused by scrolling the dash?
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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If you've tried to visit Izzy's dossier any time in the last few minutes, you saw nothing.
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STAGE ONE: Trying to add AU background tabs.
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STAGE TWO: Now it's just mocking me.
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STAGE THREE: I have no idea what's even happening anymore.
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I'm going to strip out the tabs and try a fresh tab code from my template... Hopefully that will fix whatever the fuck this is...
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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Working on verse blurbs...
Blurbs Learn To Write Themselves Challenge 2023
I'm making Progress™, but it's been a combination of writing the things, and then saying "you know what would make this layout better?" and getting distracted by improving the code itself.
Which, at least, means better contrasting on the verse pages, as well as subheaders for the verse variants to help understand wtf they are at a glance (and changing the verse titles to match their respective tags).
But the whole point of this?
I hate writing summaries.
I'm currently (at the time of writing this) partway through Isabela's No Reaper AU variants. Everything above that is done (for now, at least - I need to proofread it again later, since I often find weird little things like where I leave out a word or two and whatnot), if you want to check it out. [verses: shepard]
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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CODE WRANGLING TIME! I just spent the last couple (few? I've lost nearly all ability to keep track of days at this point) days copying the muse dossiers to their own individual pages, in part so I can expand on some of them for those with extensive AUs (looking at you, Shepard...), as well as just to hopefully give my brain an easier time focusing on one singular muse at a time when I want/need to update their info (ADHD brain is a bitch sometimes).
So, I think I found all the links and updated them properly, but if I didn't, please let me know. Right now, the original pages are still up, so if you're tossed to the fandom page with multiple muse dossiers on it, that's not intended, and I would like to fix it, so I don't have completely broken links when I delete those pages. I'll be going through and testing navigation in a bit (in part to see if I need to add additional redundant navigation anywhere to make it easier to move through the blog; it's almost as if I was a web developer at some point... (hint: I was)).
The Muse Directory (technically both of them - the one specifically for this blog, and the one over lefae) have been updated to link directly to the new dossiers, at least, and the Tags & Navigation page, the individual muse verse pages, and the blog theme all have links to the dossiers. Hopefully that's everything, but I'll doublecheck other points of reference in time.
There's probably posts that will end up with broken links, but I'm not going to go through and edit those. The ones most likely to be affected are the individual muse promos, and eventually I might just post new ones anyway (not that I'm in a hurry to do so right now anyway). So that's not a big deal for me in itself.
Anyway... Busy busy... Now to take a break and do something else for a bit before I end up with lines of code floating in my vision like how little peep sprites can end up doing that when playing theme park or city builders and the like.
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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Working on getting verse blurbs written and updated today. So I'm technically around, but I'm going to be focused more on coding and such than the dash for the next several hours.
As usual, I'll be on discord if you want to chat. 💕
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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Rules & Guidelines have been updated (and finally has some of the typos fixed because I’d spotted them but kept forgetting to correct them).
This and recent updates include important information regarding:
ooc communication.
memes and interactions.
follows and follow backs.
things that would prevent me from following.
accommodations needed for accessibility.
Please give the page a read, even if you’ve done so fairly recently. While yes, the page is long, I do my damnedest to ensure it is as organised and fully comprehensive as possible.
Also, my rules:
Are organised by filterable sections, with key points bolded.
Are accessible for many neurodivergents, with explanations for those who need further clarification on many points.
List things that may trigger me, leading to a PTSD attack.
Provide information to answer most questions that come up, so that I don’t have to constantly repeat myself, because that gets incredibly exhausting.
Are formatted and organised to make it easier to find vital info, including with working filters to find what you need even faster.
Provide a starting point for clear communication.
Exist to avoid awkward confrontations when my preferences, boundaries, and hard limits don’t match up with someone else's.
Are there to make both of our lives easier.
Are also there for my own comfort.
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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The Rules & Guidelines page has been updated. Please give it a look over if you haven’t yet already, or haven’t done so recently.
The rules themselves should be mirrored across all five blogs (since I’m leaving them up on lefaemun as well), so if you’ve read them for one blog, you’ve read them for all the blogs. Any additional muse-specific rules and guidelines can be found in the dossiers.
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anderwhohn · 4 years
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Achievement Unlocked: 3 Sideblogs Converted To Mains In Less Than 1 Week.
Dear gods... Yep. Coding is definitely going to be a thing I don’t do for a few days beyond minor fixes if I notice links being broken or redirecting to the wrong place. I still have one more blog to go, but that one can wait for a couple days.
So, yep, all the verses now have their proper tags. The Tags & Navigation page is now in place with the correct tagging system, though there are some I still haven’t filled out yet (mostly for DBH, which is a new fandom to be added, and the tags for fanart, moodboards, and a few other things. There’s placeholders for most of them, if you’re curious.
So now to watch the dash explode because of the Mass Effect and Dragon Age announcements. 
btw, my catch all spoilers tag is: if other people don't know them ( spoilers )
I also will be tagging dragon age spoilers and mass effect spoilers for the new games only. 
This blog is not to be considered spoiler free in the slightest for Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition + Trespasser, the original Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect: Andromeda, or Detroit: Become Human, considering it has muses, timelines, and/or AU verses for those games. 
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anderwhohn · 4 years
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I’m still a bit in the middle of construction at the moment, so don’t expect all the tag links to work. And I think some of the rules pages still redirect back to lefaemun (not that it really matters, since they’re all identical now anyway).
But yes, hi. I finally gave in and just made all of my rp sideblogs into mainblogs. It’s probably going to be a pain in the ass, because I have to juggle five different browser profiles now, since session box is broken af when tumblr’s involved.
This is the last of the sideblogs to move, at least. So once I finish getting links fixed, I’m going to take a few days off from coding because naturally I figure I might as well archive Tony Stark’s blog as well for 2021. 
But oof, so. much. code. I mean, I enjoy coding (I’m weird, I know), but that... is a lot of code, especially when you consider that there are so many subpages for verses and the like. All of which need tags updated on them.
At least I got the most extensive one done first, so things are easier for this blog, since I had code sniplets saved to make the process move quicker. Anyway... I need more coffee. I’ll be around. Best to hit me up on disco.rd if you want to chat - tumblr’s now open like... 3 or 4 times and each browser window has multiple tabs open in it. Notifications are going to go haywire at the moment.
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anderwhohn · 2 years
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We've been having severe weather for the last few days, with wind advisories out for all day today last time I checked, and snow in the forecast for tomorrow - after two days of bloody severe thunderstorms and tornadoes (no damage here, at least, but I have ptsd regarding tornadoes, so to say my nerves are shot after two days of that mess back to back would be an understatement).
On the bright side, I've managed to update the base code for the dossier page from where the theme coder had updated it. Only muse tab I haven't done is the retired muse, since y'know, not a priority anyway, and I'm a bit over halfway done over on vortexparadox as well (went with the heavier workloads for the multimuses first, since they'd share more of a similar template than the single muse blogs - not to mention the sheer number of muses involved).
I'm going to go try to take a nap, since I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep earlier. After I've at least laid down a while, I'll caffeinate and try to get some more writing done in addition to the code pushes. I still need to redo the tags pages across the board, and make sure all of the interactions and ships/dynamics pages are as up to date as I can make them (I really need to figure out a better way of making note of new interactions that need to be added).
Anyway, sleep now, hopefully. Ta. 💙
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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The Verses FAQ (& Navigation) page has been completely overhauled, and the individual muse verses pages have all received a bit of a facelift to make it easier to see at a glance what’s a mainverse, altverse, or shipverse, and what the primary fandom(s) are for each verse, as well as the timelines (though most of the timelines are simply listed as “varies” here, since I don’t break it up by game so long as its within the canon timeline).
I’ll be doing the same across the board on the other blogs as well, but dammit, it’s time consuming, especially fixing the individual verse cards, so I’m calling it quits for at least a few hours so I can grab food and such.
As always: the verses listed on my blogs are not definitive. I’m always willing to add more verses, and usually simply hold off on making some of them blatantly obvious that they already exist in the background simply because I haven’t figured out a bloody tag for them yet. That’s literally the only reason a lot more verses don’t exist, even if I leave the summaries as “to be announced”. So if you have any ideas for a verse/au/etc, absolutely pitch it at me. Bonus points if you also have suggestions for a title/tag for it.
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anderwhohn · 3 years
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Why on earth Notepad++ (which is the software I use to do all my coding in) holds onto the bloody text formatting that’s invisible and thus doesn’t give any indication that anything’s wrong is beyond me, but: if you ever notice that the links for your muses’ interactions aren’t being found when opening them from the Interactions and/or Ships pages, PLEASE let me know ASAP!
I’m usually pretty good about doublechecking them all whenever I publish an update, but if I’m adding several new entries to a page, it’s more likely that I’ll run out of energy to do the full check and then I’ll forget to go back and finish fixing it later.
At least the search box on the theme doubles as a backup, and the tags themselves (usually) work - unless something went weird with those too, which has been known to happen. I’m trying to get into the habit of pasting all of the tag clusters into FocusWriter as plain text before putting it into both the code and breevy, but with my memory the way it is, who knows from one day to the next if I’ll actually manage to remember when I’m in the middle of updates.
Anyway, the code is now correct... on this blog, anyway... I only checked by looking at the URLs, and not checking every URL tag to make sure those are functioning correctly. 
So if you notice anything’s off, please tell me so I can fix it! Otherwise, if I go through the page to check to see if I missed a thread, and it shows nothing’s found, I’m likely to assume that anything we had was on the old blog and hasn’t been carried over yet, so it may be on my turn and I don’t even have it drafted.
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anderwhohn · 4 years
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Ooh, lookit. New banners for myself for ooc stuff!
I’m technically here tonight, but I’m going to be working on getting the tag links fixed and updated on the pages for the most part. If you wanna chat, loosely plot things, squee about muses, etc., hmu on disco.rd. 
I don’t do public drops because of past issues, but IM me if we’re mutuals, or leave a reply on this post for me to IM you instead, for my disco.rd. If you drop your own in my IMs, I’ll probably just add you directly.
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