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“It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die.”
Are you prepared for The Scorpio Races? From November 1st to December 3rd, 2017 prove yourself on the beaches, make yourself at home on Thisby, and try to stay alive. This is the fourth year of The Scorpio Races Festival!
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evolvingwildthing · 7 years
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alternate title
One foot on land and one foot in the sea: a tapestry of repressed love stories that will clothe your heart in black and make it dance. 
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welcometothisby · 7 years
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Hey all! At the risk of looking a bit too much like Dory Maud and her catalogue, I thought I’d still let you know that I’ve added another design to my shop! Here is a sampling of the items that are 25% off today (11/20) until Midnight PT. Happy November!
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frogfacefinn · 7 years
Final thoughts on my November cakes:
For someone who hates honey I actually reallly liked them
We didn’t put the icing on because my mom kept walking into the kitchen and going ‘oh my god what a mess’ (sorry I’m not Authentic™)
PROTIP: put a cookie sheet under the cooling rack to catch all the glazy goodness then put it back into the pot and keep spooning so you don’t waste anything
I probably could’ve made way more because they got so big. That way they’ll last longer
I need to remember MORE CINNAMON
I used every. Single. Bowl. In my kitchen
10/10 would recommend.
Do not make them with people that you would be sad to lose because fighting will ensue
Nearly killed my damn sister
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(Creative challenge # 4)
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Race Day
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wanderingmercenary · 7 years
Scorpio Races Theme: Ocarina Cover
This is my contribution to the fandom
@welcometothisby @thescorpioracesfestival @maggie-stiefvater
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wispofwillow · 7 years
It is the first of November...(Scorpio Races fantrailer)
So, here is a thing that I began for last year’s Scorpio Races Festival, but didn’t get a chance to finish until this year!
Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll have the time to participate this year, but am looking forward to seeing all the amazing creativity in stories, art, music, edits, etc. that this fandom always puts forth!!
Anyway, this is my first attempt at making videos with actual video clips - perhaps later I’ll come back and do something better with this!
Happy Murder Water Horse Day, everyone!
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arthurian · 7 years
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Finally starting to catch up on challenges for @thescorpioracesfestival​! Another reminder that my previous challenges have all been under @colestclairs​, but moving forward all my challenges are taking place on @suriels.
My previous challenges can be found here: (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six)
And as always, @puckconnolly‘s matching challenges can be found here: (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine)
Challenge 7 under the cut!
Rider Challenge 7: Home & Family
Wind whips my hair against my face fiercely, but huddled on the rocks, Rowan cursing under her breath about the cold, and Elemental just a few feet away, standing guard in the waves, I can’t find it in myself to be bothered. I’ve made a makeshift home with them here, the only place where I’ve ever felt I belong. Lately, I think maybe home isn’t so much as place, but maybe the company you keep.
Without Rowan and Elemental, I am not sure I belong anywhere. But New York… Maybe I could belong there.
“Tell me about New York again,” I murmur, eyes locked on the sea. It’s the billionth time I’ve asked Rowan about the city, but I still hang on every word she offers.
Rowan scoffs, nudging me with her shoulder. “Don’t you want me to leave something to be desired? You’ll see it soon enough.” When I turn to her with curious eyes, she leans back a little. “I told you that you should come back with me.”
My heart does a small flop in my chest. “I didn’t think you were serious.”
“Of course I was serious. You’ll like it there. And besides, my parents owe me big time for sending me here.”
It takes a bit of effort not to look hurt. As much as Rowan has become my friend during her time here, sometimes I wonder if she would trade it to have spent these last weeks back in her apartment, with her friends and all her shenanigans. Despite my own desires to escape, I want her to like Thisby. Even if I’ve outgrown it, my footprints are embedded in the hills and pieces of my soul are ground in with the sand. I am made of this rocky island with too much wind and not enough life, but just enough magic to create something as strange as me.
“Do you miss it?” I ask her, not sure if I really want the answer.
“I do. I miss my friends, and my parents. Even though they basically banished me.” There’s a little tension in her voice, anger at her parents that she hasn’t told me about before. As subtly as I can, I press my shoulder a little closer to hers in comfort. “It’s weird, being here, where I can’t even really talk to them at all. I wrote them a postcard, telling them I wanted to come home,” as if she can sense my sadness, she turns to me with a small smile, “and that I’d be bringing back a friend.”
It is so easy to smile back at her. For a moment, I forget why I asked her to keep my company today. Rowan has that effect on me. When we are together, I can see the future I’ve laid out for myself, and remember why I wanted to fight so hard for it. Sometimes, I need her nearness just to remind me that I’m still fighting.
Without thinking, I let the words slip. “I miss my parents too.”
Rowan twists from her position, so she can look at my face. “What do you mean? You live with your parents.”
Bile rises in my throat, but I swallow it back. “They haven’t spoken to me since I brought Elemental home.”
It all comes tumbling out of me. The way my mother has stopped asking me for help in the gardens over breakfast, and instead leaves a written note of chores on the counter. How my father spends twice as much time in the paddock with our sheep, so he doesn’t have to tell me what still needs to be done when I return from practicing on the beach. How, for the first time in my life, my bedroom store is always closed, and no one ever knocks to see if I’m in it.
“Thisby loved me before I was a rider,” I tell her, though the vanity in that statement makes me blush. “I was this weird little thing that everyone laughed at, but I was a great student and a also ever so well behaved. I was friendly and helpful and everyone knew my blonde pigtails when I came running into town to fetch things for my parents.
“And my Mom and Da’, they loved that so much about me. They thought I was Thisby all the way to my bones.” Rowan wrinkles her nose at my comment, and I would laugh if it weren’t for my melancholy. “But now… I think they know how badly I want to leave it, and they don’t approve. I overheard my mom crying the other night, about how whether I survived the races or not, she was losing her only daughter anyway. Does it make me selfish to want to leave? Am I a bad daughter for wanting more than a sheep farm and the Dalton name?”
Rowan considers this for a moment. “If you won the races, do you think you could still stay on Thisby and be happy?”
It is such a simple answer. I shake my head. “I love my parents, and this island will always be a part of me, but the only things that could keep me happy here are you and Elemental. But you’re leaving, and I made Elemental a promise.”
She doesn’t ask what the promise is. I think she remembers that day on the beach when we first spoke, and rumors were flying about how Finnigan Kendrick had tried to buy my capall out from under me. I’m sure everyone on this island knows that whatever happens during the race, Elemental will return to the sea.
We sit together in silence for a long time, before Rowan finally speaks again. “Maybe, you make them a promise.” I listen intently, my pulse a dull roar in my ears, hope so strong in my veins I think it might burn right through them. “Promise them you’ll come back, every year. You were always going to have to leave the nest, every kid does, but that doesn’t mean they have to lose you altogether.”
“Besides, as much as you want to get away, I don’t think you can leave Thisby behind forever. Not when Elemental might come back next year.”
It shocks me in that moment, that Rowan has come to understand so much about me in our short time together. I don’t bother with a reply. She already knows she’s said the words to ease my mind. Instead, I offer her a beaming grin, the one so few people see and I know she thinks makes me look a little crazed. We’re both laughing in an instant, and I’m left wondering if home could be a person instead of a place.
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aeijm · 6 years
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Sorry I've disappeared for the majority of the festival! :( It was a combination of finals, tough weeks and other things. Lindsay will return someday, I don't know when exactly, but he will return! Let's just say he got lost among the cobblestone streets~ 
 As an apology, please take these barracuda/deep-sea fish-like capaill uisce that I found in my school's library a few years ago. Unfortunately I don't know the artist since I did not take a pic of the artist's name at the time :(
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chatcolat · 7 years
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Puck Connolly in one of them Aran sweaters. @thescorpioracesfestival
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lightningflash55 · 7 years
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Finished November Cakes anyone? Happy Thanksgiving!! 🦃🍁🍽
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Reblog this post! Make sure you’re following​ @thescorpioracesfestival​ and @welcometothisby​.
If you’re participating in the Character Challenges, sign up by reblogging either the Rider Post or the Tourist Post.
Refer to the Character Challenge Posts for prompts and schedule.
Include the challenge number and title in your post.
Tag each post with the official tags (#TSRF2017 and #thescorpioracesfestival) and mention @thescorpioracesfestival.
You can plan ahead or catch up later, but try to post during the specified week (and not before) so we can all enjoy things together!
Claim your entries in the giveaway widget on the Rules Page.
Complete Rules
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evolvingwildthing · 7 years
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a long time ago @skatzaa wrote a thing so I made a thing? Also it’s almost the scorpio races festival yo 
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puckconnolly · 7 years
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@thescorpioracesfestival Tourist Challenge 8: Send a Postcard
shoutout to @colestclairs the greatest partner in crime a girl could ask for
links to challenges one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven
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frogfacefinn · 6 years
@thescorpioracesfestival Creative Challenge #6: Make a Fan Trailer Idk if this is any good because I’ve never done video editing and this was done on my phone sooo...
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swissarmysonic · 7 years
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puck connolly
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