#tubbassador au
adhdemizel · 2 years
that tubbassador au is better and better every time tubbo hits a new server
lifesteal canonically has planes
and within ten minutes of being there he struck up a deal with an anonymous ally and got stacked with gear and contraband
love that for him <3
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mmaebee · 2 years
hello it's the main blog of the tubbassador au op and your tags on some of my posts were REALLY good. absolutely immaculate! would it be okay if i screenshotted them in a reblog (w credit) to perhaps add on to/reference at some point? i know some people prefer their tags to be private so it's not a big deal if you'd prefer not. either way they were excellent!! thank you for taking the time to write them and have a spectacular day :]
:O feel free to screenshot and use however u want! honestly my tags are very public domain so go wild, but thank u for asking first it’s really sweet of u
also im glad u like them and they weren’t a bother!! im never sure how much of my absolute rambling in the tags is interesting vs an inconvenience lmao so it’s nice to hear u thought they were cool!! ive gotta go through the rest of ur au soon, it’s just such a cool concept to me :D
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made-nondescript · 2 years
abt your tubassador au, how does hc handle the news of doomsday? bc surely if tubbo was meeting in hc while new l’manberg was going on then he would have to break the news?
Tubbo doesn't tell them. There's no reason to, in his mind. He had told them their alliance was with the Dream SMP, not specifically New L'Manburg. If he quit now he'd have no reasonable explanation as to why and besides, the Dream SMP still stands to gain significantly from a continued alliance with Hermitcraft. Lord knows they need the help more now than ever and frankly Tubbo is glad of having another project. He doesn't even miss his next meeting, the fourth so far.
The hermits notice that something happened, of course. For as much skin as the ill-fitting suit covers it's not enough to hide the new scars that decorate his face, his hands, his neck. Tubbo doesn't mention it, but they ask. He tells them that everything is fine. That they are the result of an unfortunate run-in with mobs when he was unprepared, and they carry on. They don't believe him, but they don't press. That's what counts.
So: the hermits don't know about the specifics of Doomsday. They won't until he starts to get more comfortable and let things slip until eventually it all comes out to Iskall after a quiet night spent resource grinding.
(Iskall is horrified. Angry on his behalf, too, but above all just sad. He is sad that this kid had to watch something he built be reduced to ash - the place he called home, the homes of all the people he loved, the people he governed. He is sad and angry and horrified Tubbo ever had to sit in that rubble, fearing for his life, helpless to make it stop.
But it's not about Iskall. It's about Tubbo and Tubbo doesn't need for him to be sad. So he just holds him and lets him talk about all the things he misses. The picture he paints is something so special; he wishes he could have seen it. Even if it were messy; just so he could fully understand what Tubbo loved so much.)
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made-nondescript · 2 years
vaguely tubbassador au. thinking about fabric scarcity and how on the dsmp they probably didnt have like a TON of fabric so they were pretty good about wearing things for a long time or reusing stuff so when tubbo sees scar’s closet full of four season worth of costume changes his brain breaks. hes like how do you even WEAR all of this. why would you own this many outfits. and scar is just like you never know what might happen! tubbo in turn like what might happen???? a sudden and dire moth infestation?????? what.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
Presenting to you, a new Tubbassador AU fic!:
let me give you a bandaid (it's your favorite color)
Gen | None | 1/1 | 3,030 words
"Is - how are you doing this evening, Ambassador?" Scar asked, smiling, doing what he could to keep the worry from his voice. He really wanted to ask about the scars - make sure everything was okay, that Tubbo was safe - but he knew better than most that scars, especially in great numbers, rarely came from anything fun. He could just be trudging up a traumatic week with that question.
"I'm alright, sir, how are you?" The response was practiced, which they'd come to expect: a small smile and an even tone which gave no hint of what was going on inside Tubbo's head. It seemed a bit more stiff than usual, maybe. Maybe that was in Scar's head.
Or: In which Tubbo won't accept Doomsday as a good enough reason to miss his appointment on Hermitcraft and Scar notices something is wrong.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
Keep thinking of the tubbassador AU mixed with a pre-dsmp hermit tommy au and like the hell that would bring.
Like if that hypothetically happened, I think it'd be hilarious tubbo bringing tommy with him to the hc server and hoping nothing goes wrong and witnessing the spectacle of tommy just casually catching up with all these cool people on hc like he's known them years (read: grew up around them)
The 1am thoughts really bring something
ok this is Obviously non-canon to the AU HOWEVER… this is a very fun idea
The very first stage is disbelief. Tubbo thinks Tommy must be doing some kind of bit, pretending he knows these people, until the Hermits talk right back with the same fondness. It doesn't seem very like Tommy at all to stand around and catch up, and there's a certain dissonance there watching it happen. He's still himself: loud and vibrant and cutting off his conversation partner a little more than is usually deemed appropriate, but he's somehow keeping pace with them. Nobody even looks disgruntled at his turn of phrase, which Tubbo had made his peace with happening.
It's clear they know each other. There's no other explanation for the familiarity, but when the absolute fuck did Tommy meet the Hermits?
His first and well, only guess was MCC. But that didn't line up, not just because Tubbo had never seen him teamed with any of these people but some of them weren't ever in MCC.
And why the fuck had this never come up? The Hermits aren't some secret. Not quite celebrities but definitely public figures and Tommy had never gloated about knowing them?
It's like he's wandered into a carnival attraction that turns the world all topsy turvy.
But hey! Nothing's on fire. That's…something.
To be honest it'd have been more comforting if Tommy had set fire to the barge.
It's Scar who thoughtlessly fills Tubbo in on Tommy's relationship with the Hermits. Grew up there, apparently. Known him since he was just a little kid. Which…sounds fake as fuck. Honestly. But Scar has no incentive to lie and it makes enough sense and hoenstly Tubbo is just kind of exhausted by this turn of events so sure, yeah. Okay.
Did this mean Wilbur knew the Hermits as well? Did Phil? Techno?
Tommy's a little insulted that Tubbo didn't tell him he had a way out of the server earlier. Which, to be fair, Tubbo didn't even know he'd have had somewhere he wanted to go!
It's also an unexpected relief, in a way. That these two worlds of his meld together so nicely, even if Tubbo wishes he'd been clued in a bit earlier.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
The last post in the tubbassador au was scar and bdubs wondering how micheal can hold a pen and now I’m wondering too. Does he have little gloves that have a slot for the pen? Does he hold it in his mouth?
Michael uses a lot of methods, the most common of which is holding the pen with two hands. He's also tried out his mouth, his feet, holding the pen in the crook of his elbow, and tape. None work quite as well as just using both hands so that's what he does most of the time.
Sometimes, though, he'll forgo a pen or pencil entirely and just dip his little hooves in paint. This works incredibly well except for the fact that he forgets that paint is on his hooves and touches things. (A few times, he's forgottten where the open pot was and gotten himself covered, too.)
In related news, Tubbo is brainstorming some kind of glove or prosthetic Michael could use to make utensils easier.
Despite this obstacle, Michael still really loves to make art and practices a lot. He can only get so good, though, due to a combination of a) being a child, b) the lingering effects of the rot, and c) Not Having Thumbs. Due to these challenges anything Michael tries to write is illegible, so Tubbo will write messages down for him when it needs to be read by someone else. It just so happens that Tubbo's handwriting is so bad most people don't clock on to this.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
Hello again! Some more questions, Does tubbo talk about xisuma to the rest of the dsmp? Did Tommy meet him when they visited? Must be a culture(?) shock. Thank you!
Tubbo is forthcoming, initially, with information about Hermitcraft to his cabinet members, but he never goes into much detail about it. They know that the DSMP scored one hell of a deal, and that’s mostly it.
He talks to Ranboo about it, a bit. Just because Xisuma as a concept is so hard for him to wrap his head around - an admin being good, when they hold so much power and have absolutely no reason to be good. It’s a bit crazy to think about and just makes Tubbo kind of mad, madder at Dream than before. Xisuma being good means that Dream didn’t need to be bad. It was a choice. Not that Tubbo was unaware of this; it’s just another nail in the coffin of Dream’s character.
Tommy runs into Xisuma very briefly and instantly recognizes him from how Tubbo had described him in his little “don’t fuck this up please” debrief. He kinda doesn’t buy the whole Xisuma-Is-Nice-Actually thing initially because his mask is awful off putting and he’s a pretty broad dude too. Like, could definitely kick ass if he wanted to and Tommy fancies himself pretty strong but the odds aren’t good. His body armor probably makes him even stronger! Tommy’s concerns melt away pretty quick after Xisuma opens his mouth and he sounds like the most polite mfer you’ve ever heard.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
hello, just binged the entirety of your tubbassador au in one go, and first and foremost i would like to give you my sincerest of thanks for conceiving this beautiful idea in the first place! second of all, I'd like to ask if Vault Hunters (Iskall's brain child) is canon to this universe, considering that MCC and 3rd/Last Life are. It's already known that players can travel back and forth between worlds after all (think Etho's solo world, Philza's hardcore world, etc)
Thank you!! I'm glad you've enjoyed it :] It depends on whether you're talking about the multiplayer Vault Hunters server, or Iskall's private series. The single player world is very canon - I like to think of it like a vacation home, kind of. The multiplayer server I think would be canon but would only begin after the events of the server to avoid going against what's been pre-established.
Tubbo's never known much other than the Dream SMP and MCC so the concept of more intense mods are really exciting to him. Takes no convincing to get him on Vault Hunters especially with how much he already likes Iskall. New game mechanics and time with one of his favorite Hermits? No brainer!
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made-nondescript · 9 months
opening my ask box and seeing asks i meant to answer 9 months ago and then forgot. orz. i am so sorry.
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made-nondescript · 2 years
literally so fucked up you cant end dialogue w emoticons. i think scar ends so many sentences w :) i cannot advisably tag all dialogue w "he smiled". misery
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made-nondescript · 2 years
ok. i think my goal tomorrow is to be productive again. either tubbassador au stuff or reviving the ask blog. not sure yet! if you sent a really old tubbassador au ask sorry if you get the notif for me finally answering it rest assured i've been living in shame
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made-nondescript · 2 years
crazy idea....what if emerald duo ask blog reboot but text based this time
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made-nondescript · 2 years
coming up w a way to incorporate emerald duo in the tubbassador au >>> working on the fic
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made-nondescript · 1 year
Hi! Are we getting anything else with the Tubbassador AU? I just found it again because I couldn't remember the name so I had to search for a while and re-read everything there and it's so good.
I hope 2023 is having a good start for you! Have a Great Day/Night!
i'm absolutely thrilled it was worth re-reading omg?!
sadly i don't have any plans for it right now just because my interest in the dsmp has severely waned. that doesn't mean there will never be anything ever again - i do still have a lot of asks for it. but for right now i'm focusing on other things :]
i'm really, really glad so many people have enjoyed it :D
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made-nondescript · 2 years
tubbassador au fun fact the idea first occurred to me when someone on the dash was joke shipping c!scar and c!schlatt
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